Phone: 080-25057842/25057835/25.: Government of India, Ministry of Defence

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Phone: 080-25057842/25057835/25.

Government of India, Ministry of Defence

Defence R&D Organisation
Aeronautical Development Establishment
New Thippasandra, Bangalore - 560 075.

TENDER NOTICE NO- 26/2010-2011

Global Tender.
Single Bid System.


The Director, Aeronautical Development Establishment, New Thippasandra, Bangalore- 560 075, on behalf
of the President of India, invites sealed tender for the following: Tend
Due Date and time
Ref. No.
for Opening of
Description of item
SPECIAL MICROAVE/ RF substrate with the following specifications:
1) DK= 2.33 +/- 0.05 at 10 GHz, Dielectric thickness= 0.51 mm ( 20 mils)
Df = 0.0009 at 10GHz, 1 oz. copper cladding on both sides, 18 x 24 size.
Qty 04 Nos.
2) DK= 2.33+/- 0.05 at 10 GHz, Dielectric thickness = 0.13 mm (5 mil
thickness), Df = 0.0009 at 10 GHz, copper cladding on both sides, 18 x
24 size. Qty- 4 Nos.
4,000/- 100/REV
3) DK= 2.33 +/- 0.05 at 10 GHz, Dielectric thickness = 0.76mm (31 mil),
@ 14.00 Hrs.
Df = 0.0009 at 10 GHz, copper cladding on both sides, 18 x 24 size.
Qty- 4 Nos.
4) DK= 2.33 +/- 0.05 at 10 GHz, Dielectric thickness= 0.25 mm, Df
=0.0009 at 10 GHz, copper cladding on both sides, 18 x 24 size. Qty- 4
2. Detailed Tender documents with specifications for the above can be obtained from Director, ADE against a
written request quoting tender reference number accompanied by a crossed a/c payee demand draft for the value
mentioned above in favour of Director, ADE payable in Bangalore towards tender fee. Other than tender fee, an
amount of Rs. 50/- extra has to be paid, if required by post, separately towards non-refundable tender fee. Tender
fee is not applicable for vendors registered with any DRDO Lab/ DGS&D/ any other Govt. Dept. Such vendors
must enclose a copy of valid registration certificate with request for tender documents. The Tender documents are
not transferable.
3. Offers by fax / E-mail will be summarily ignored.

Tender forms will be issued from

: 05-04-2011.


Last date for Issue of Tender forms

: 10-05-2011.

Last Date for Submission of Tenders

: 12-05-2011 @ 13.30 Hrs.


Due date and time of opening the tender : 12-05-2011 @ 14.00 Hrs.


Request for extension of due date will not be entertained under any circumstances.

This Advertisement & Tender documents are also available in DRDO website ( / [Click Tender Notices, Select Aeronautical Development Establishment] If you are
downloading the tender documents from the website, please enclose the cost of Tender Documents in the form of a
DD in favour of Director ADE, Payable at Bangalore along with your quotation.
The Director, ADE reserves the right to accept/reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason and
also will not be responsible for postal delays.
Note: Indian firms should quote only in Indian Currency. Foreign firms are advised to quote in their
respective Currency.
Yours faithfully



(Global Tender Single Bid - Non-Transferable)
Email :
: 91 80 25283188
Tele No.: 91 80 25057825/42

Government of India
Ministry of Defence, R&D Organisation
Aeronautical Development Establishment
New Thippasandra, Bangalore 560 075.

Tender Reference No: 10833//BUP/REV

Date: 06-04-2011

Dear Sir,
Please refer to this Establishment Global Tender Publication No. 26/10-11 inviting tenders for supply of
following items published in leading newspapers. The Director, Aeronautical Development Establishment, Bangalore, on
behalf of the President of India, solicit your lowest offer for the following items. Please send your offer (price bid) in sealed cover
to reach us on or before 12-05-2010 @ 13.30 Hrs.

The detailed list of items for the following item is enclosed along with terms and conditions, which you may go
through carefully before submitting the offer.

SPECIAL MICROAVE/ RF substrate with the following specifications:
01) DK= 2.33 +/- 0.05 at 10 GHz, Dielectric thickness= 0.51 mm ( 20 mils)
Df = 0.0009 at 10GHz, 1 oz. copper cladding on both sides, 18 x 24 size.
2) DK= 2.33+/- 0.05 at 10 GHz, Dielectric thickness = 0.13 mm (5 mil thickness), Df =
0.0009 at 10 GHz, copper cladding on both sides, 18 x 24 size. Qty- 4 Nos.
3) DK= 2.33 +/- 0.05 at 10 GHz, Dielectric thickness = 0.76mm (31 mil),
Df = 0.0009 at 10 GHz, copper cladding on both sides, 18 x 24 size.
Qty- 4 Nos.
4) DK= 2.33 +/- 0.05 at 10 GHz, Dielectric thickness= 0.25 mm, Df =0.0009 at 10 GHz,
copper cladding on both sides, 18 x 24 size. Qty- 4 Nos.

04 Nos.

04 Nos.

04 Nos.
04 Nos.

You are requested to submit your price bid as prescribed in the terms and conditions. The quotation to be
addressed to Director, Aeronautical Development Establishment, Bangalore and marked with our tender reference no,
Due Date and Due Time on the envelope with your stamp as sender. The sealed envelope may be put in tender box
placed at security office, Raman Gate, ADE, Bangalore or ensure that the same reaches this office before due date and
time. Quotations received after the due date and time will not be considered. Director, ADE will not be responsible for
delayed receipt of offer. Request for extension of due date for submission of offer will not be entertained under any
4. You are requested to complete Appendix A duly signed with company seal to be enclosed along with your
5. Indian firms should quote only in Indian Currency. Foreign firms are advised to quote in their


6. Non-compliance of the above may disqualify your offer for consideration.

7. Request for extension of due date for submission of offer will not be entertained under any circumstances.
8. For any technical clarification, you may contact Smt. Chandrika Sudhendra, Sc F/Dr. ACR. Pillai ScGon
Telephone No. ( 080- 2505 7170 / 080- 2505 7176)
Thanking You,

Yours faithfully
For & on behalf of the President of India

Note: In case the Tender documents are down loaded from the DRDO Website, a Demand Draft for Rs.100/- drawn in
favor of Director, ADE, Bangalore towards the Tender fee should be enclosed with the quotation. (For Indian vendors


Foreign Vendors should quote prices on FCA Gateway Airport basis inclusive of all taxes, levies duties
arising in the tenderers Country. Non US vendors should quote prices preferably in Euro or in their own
currency. Quotations from non-US vendors in US dollars will be summarily rejected. Shipment will have to be
made by airfreight through our authorised Air consolidation agent viz. M/s. Balmer Lawrie & Co. on freight
collect basis at destination in Indian rupees.
Indian vendors should quote prices for Free Delivery at ADE basis, exclusive of customs duty, taxes
and other levies if any. Other charges if any must be indicated separately. Quotations from Indian vendors in
foreign currency will be summarily rejected.
Indian Liaison offices of foreign vendors desirous of submitting offers on behalf of their principals
should submit a written authorization from their principals. The quotation should also be accompanied by a
certificate issued by the foreign vendor that no agency commission is involved. Offers without these
documents will be summarily rejected.

Participation by Indian Agents is summarily prohibited.


Customs Duty Exemption (CDE) Certificate: ADE will provide CDE certificate to Indian Vendors.

Export Licence: Foreign Vendors will have to make their own arrangements for export licence where
ever required and ADE will not be in a position to assist you in this regard except for providing end use
statement. End use statement will not be provided to Indian Vendors.
Earnest money deposit (EMD): Earnest Money Deposit of Rs.4000/- by Indian Vendors must be
provided in the form of Bank Draft / Pay order, payable in Bangalore in favour of Director, ADE, Bangalore
and valid for a period of six months is required to be enclosed in the price bid. EMD will be forfeited in case of
withdrawal of offer or alterations in the offer once submitted. EMD is not applicable to vendors registered
with any DRDO Lab/ DGS&D and Govt. Organisation. However, registered vendors should enclose a
copy of the vendor registration certificate / letter.
Security Deposit: Successful vendors will have to provide a security deposit for 10% of the order
value in the form of a Bank Guarantee from a Nationalised Bank valid for the period specified in the tender
acceptance letter. The security deposit should be encashable in Bangalore through any Nationalised Bank. The
security deposit will be forfeited in case; the vendor fails to execute the order as per agreed terms and
Delivery Schedule: Delivery of the items At the Earliest. Delivery schedule is the essence of the
purchase order and vendors are advised to indicate earliest assured delivery schedule. Delayed deliveries if
accepted, are subject to recovery of liquidated damages @ 0.5 % of the cost of undelivered items for every
completed week of delay subject to a maximum of 5% at the sole discretion of Director, ADE.
Payment terms: Payments against all rupee orders will be made within 30 to 45 days after receipt and
acceptance of the items in ADE. Payments against orders directly on foreign vendors can be made through
sight draft or letter of credit only. However, letter of credit will be established on receipt of an authenticated
copy of a valid export license for shipping the item to ADE wherever such license is required / applicable. All
banking charges out side India will be to the vendors account. Charges towards L/C amendments arising out of
suppliers request will be to suppliers account. No other terms of payment are acceptable.

Right of Acceptance: This office does not pledge itself and reserves to itself the right of accepting the
whole or any part of the tender or portion of the quantity offered and the firm shall supply the same at the rate
quoted. The firm shall be at liberty to tender for the whole or any portion or to state in the tender that the rate
quoted shall apply only if the entire quantity is taken from the firm.

Items supplied are subject to inspection and acceptance and the supplier should collect/ replace the
rejected items at his cost and risk. MOQ/MOV/MPD/SLAB Prices etc. must be clearly stated, where
applicable in the quotation.
Terms of Payment as indicated in the document and other conditions like Security Deposit of 10% of the
order value may be asked before release of order etc. Pre-Conditioned and incomplete offers will be summarily
Unsolicited quotations / quotations received late or improperly sealed or with incomplete marking or
with unattested overwriting/corrections in the quotation documents are liable to be rejected.
15. Delayed supplies: In case of delayed supplies, liquidated damages at the rate of 0.5 percent per week of
delay with a maximum of 5 percent will be levied.
16. Registration: Registration number allotted by this laboratory or any other DRDO Lab/Estt or proof of
registration with another Govt. Dept., if any to be enclosed (only for Indian firms). If the tendering firm is not
registered with this Lab / Estt or any other DRDO Lab/Estt, DGS&D/NSIC, they are required to seek
registration. For details please write to Director, ADE. Vendors must initiate registration formalities to
become eligible for placing supply orders and future enquiries.

Validity of Offer: Offers must be valid for acceptance upto 120 days from the date of quotation.

Submission of Offer: Offers, along with EMD Demand Draft and duly signed Appendix A, super
scribed as Quotation for Supply of _____ ADE Ref No.: 10833/BUP/REV/2010-11 due on 12-05-2010 @
13.30 Hrs.
Closing date for submission of bids: Quotations as above must be received in ADE on or before
12-052010 @ 13.30 Hrs or can be dropped in the quotation box placed in the security office, ADE. Quotations
received after the due date will not be considered.
Quotation by Fax: Please note that quotation by fax under any pretext will be summarily rejected even if hard
copies of the same are separately received in sealed covers.
All pages must be signed in ink with date, name, designation and company seal. Any correction on the printed
matter must be endorsed by the authorized signatory with company seal.
The Director ADE reserves the right to accept/reject any or all the offers in full or in part without assigning any
reasons and also not responsible for postal delays.


Appendix A
Firms are requested to indicate their acceptance for under mentioned
Standard Commercial Terms & Conditions of ADE.
Our Quotation No._______________________________________ & Date _____________

Sales Tax/Service


Customs Duty


Excise Duty


Terms of Delivery


Packing & Forwarding

Freight Charges
Insurance Charges


Validity of Quotation


Security Deposit


Delivery Period


Payment Terms


Installation &


Standard ADE Terms

Indian Firms
Indian Currency Only

Standard ADE Terms

Foreign Firms
Respective Currency / Euro Currency

Please indicate _____% against Form

C/D (If applicable)
If Customs Duty is applicable for
import content of Tender Enquiry,
Customs Duty Exemption Certificate
(CDEC) will be provided by ADE.
If Excise Duty is applicable for
indigenous content of tender enquiry,
Excise Duty Exemption Certificate
(EDEC) will be provided by ADE.

NOT APPLICABLE, since the items

are of foreign origin.
ADE to make necessary arrangement
for airlift through their air
consolidation contractor.
NOT APPLICABLE, since the items
are of foreign origin.

The prices quoted are FOR ADE,

Bangalore basis. The prices are in
Indian rupee.

The prices quoted are all inclusive in

________________ Currency
FOB/FCA Gateway Airport (for air
shipment) duly customs cleared for
export to ADE. The prices are firm
and fixed.



120 days from the date of tender

120 days from the date of tender
Security deposit @ 10% of the order
Security deposit @ 10% of the order value value in the form of a Bank
in the form of a Bank Guarantee from a
Guarantee from a scheduled Bank in
scheduled Bank in favour of CDA(R&D),
favour of CDA (R&D), Bangalore
Bangalore will be provided within 15 days
will be provided within 15 days of
of acceptance of the offer, before release
acceptance of the offer, before
of supply order.
release of supply order.
As per scope of work.
As per scope of work.
Payment to be made by Sight Draft /
Letter of Credit (L/C) with all
banking charges outside India to our
100% payment to be made within 30 to 45 account. It is also noted that L/C will
days after receipt and acceptance of the
be established by ADE only upon our
items at ADE.
written confirmation to ADE to the
effect that all formalities for export
of the component to ADE have been




Inspection stages &


On receipt, Installation & commissioning

at ADE, Bangalore.

On receipt, Installation &

commissioning at ADE, Bangalore.


Liquidated damages: 0.5% of the order

value for every completed week of delayed
supply, subject to a maximum of 5% will
be applicable

Liquidated damages: 0.5% of the

order value for every completed
week of delayed supply, subject to a
maximum of 5% will be applicable

By Firm as per scope of work.

By firm as per scope of work.

To be provided by the firm along with the


To be provided by the firm along

with the supply

After sales
Supply of documents
& conformity


Earnest Money Deposit



Export licence.


Agency Commission


Special Terms.

Date :
Place :

EMD of in the form of a crossed a/c payee

demand draft drawn in favour of Director
ADE, payable in Bangalore and valid for a
period of six months is enclosed / EMD is
not applicable as we are registered with
DRDO Lab/ DGS&D/ Govt. Organisation. (a
copy of the vendor registration certificate/
letter is enclosed).
ADE need not provide end use statement or
any other documentation for obtaining
export licence.

EMD is not applicable as the offer is

in foreign currency.

ADE to provide end use statement, if

required for obtaining export licence.
We certify that this quotation is a
direct transaction between ADE and
Not Applicable.
us and no agent/agency commission
is involved.
It is noted that the Director, ADE
It is noted that the Director, ADE reserves reserves the right to accept/reject our
the right to accept/reject our offer in part /
full without assigning any reasons and also offer in part / full without assigning
any reasons and also not be
not be responsible for postal delays.
responsible for postal delays.
We accept all the above terms & Conditions

We accept all the above terms & Conditions

Signature with name and designation

in block letters and company seal

Signature with name and designation

in block letters and company seal

Important Note for Information

- This Form to be completed and sent along with your Offer.
-A categorical confirmation of acceptance of all our terms and conditions in toto will
enable speedy processing of the offer.

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