George Bush The Christian Ministry Longmans London 1867

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CO!llIDI....D IIf u,u.nOH TO

"1'1 .. U .. CUolI:K 01111....710" I .. aOTIoL 'J.n:mtooo."

1 Pet. it. 9.


THE following is an abridgment of a work published

about ten years &gO, in Amerioa, under a somewhat
different title. Various alterations have been made in
the original text, which, without affecting the general
oharacter of the work, will, it is believed, tend to re-
move oooasional obsourities in the style, and to bring
the subjects treated on-subjects especially important
at the present day-still more olearly before the mind
of the reader.

§ 1. Definition .. 1
§ 2. Prerogative of Priesthood common to all Chris-
tians ... .•. .., ... ... ... ... ..• ..• 7
§ 8. Why so little said of Chmch Government in the
Scriptures ... ... .. . .. . ... .. . •.. 12
§ 4. The Churoh Fruits of the Holy Spirit.. . ... 18
§ 6. What kind of Government recognized in the Acts
an~ the Epistles ... ... ... ... ... ... 15
§ 6. Where we are to look for the Law of Chmch
Government ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 16
§ 7. The Doctrine of a Christian Priesthood apart
from the general body of Believers reoeives
no oountena.noe from the earliest History of
Christianity ... .., ... 18

§ 1. Position 8Bsumed 24
§ 2. Position denied 26
vi. C01f~E1fTS.

§ 1. Prevailing Notions ... ... ... so
§ 2. The true Idea of :Ministry as set forth in the
Scriptures ... ... ... '" ... ... ... ... SI
§ 8. Examination of Scripture Terms relative to
Ministry 4t5
§ 4.~... 46
§ 6. DiakoMo ... 61
§ 6. Diakono,... 54
§ 7. The Office of Deacon 67
§ 8. lfinistry as implied in the term ~eer.u 66
§ 9. Imposition of Hands ... ... 67
§ 10. Administering the Sacraments 68
§ 11. Preaching the Gospel 70
§ 12. Ordination ... ... 78
§ 13. General Remarks on Ministry 87
§ 14. Tendency of Clerical Rule ... 99
§ 15. The Clerical system espeaially out of place
among the C~gationaJists 103
§ 16. The Evil Effects of the Distinction in Question 104

GBNEBAL RESULTS ••• ••• .•. . •• ...... 106

"Alwe bave muymemben In ODe body, and all members have Dot the
same oftlce; 10 we belng many, U'e ODe body In 0brIIt, and e,ery ODe mem-
ben one of another. HavlDI then gifta dlft'erJDI accordtDI to the grace that
11 given to as, whether prophecy, let UI propheey aecordinl to the propor-
tion of falth; or min1ltry, let UI walt on our mlDJ8terlng; or he that teaebeth
OD teaching; or he that ahortetb, OD ubortatlon. He that glveth, let
bim do it with simplicity; h. that ruletb, with d1UIence; he that Ihoweth
mercy, with cheerfalD_."-BoK£1fS sUe " 6, 6, 7, 8.


§ 1. Definition.
IT will be important to settle in limine the meaning
that is ordinarily attached to the word cc Priest." A.
priest is a person consecrated to the priestly office,
by &11 order of priests already existing, and sup-
posed, in virtue of this consecration, to be endowed
with a character, giving him privileges in divine
'things above those of his fellow-worshippers who
are not consecrated as he is.
In the Levitical institutions, we find the priest
greatly exalted in the service of God above the
people, because the Levitical order was, till the
coming of Christ, a type of the company of the faith-
ful under the High Priest, who was eminently a
type of Ohrist Himself; the whole of the worship,
the burning of the offerings on the altar, the pre-
senting of every zeback and mmc'ka, of every korbcm
and olGk-in the temple, and the performance ofevery
religious ceremony, were the exclusive privilege and
. duty of " the priests, the sons of Aaron." The most
• Zebach, .the slaughtered-offering; Mincha, the meat-
offering of inanimate things offered by fire j Korbcm, an
offering generally; Olah, a burnt-offering.

important of the Levite's sacerdotal functions was

to make an atonement for the sins of those that
came t<;> him to have their sins removed through
his mediation. "And the prie,t ,hall make an atonfJ-
ment for llim concerning kill nn, ana it ,kall he for-
given, kim." (Lev. iv. 20.) ".And it shall be, when
he shall be guilty in one or these things, that he
shall confess that he hath sinned in that thing; and
he shall bring hi~ trespass offering unto the Lord
for his sin which he has sinned." (Lev. v. 5,6.) .
In the above definition of "a priest," we have
stated that such an one "is & pe1'8on consecrated to
the sacerdotal office by an order of priests already
existing." This is deemed absolutely indispensable
to constitute & human priesthood; whereas every
true member of the church of Christ, who has re-
ceived the seal of the Spirit, is a priest in the'
gospel sense; and if, with that seal, he has re-
ceived also the gift of preaching, and the church
accept his gift, he is a "prophet," and may deliver
that knowledge which he has received. Paul de-
clares he was an apostle, "not of men, neither by
-man;" that is, he was no priest according to the
received ideas and ancient custom; nobody had
ordained him; no son of Aaron had anointed him
with oil, and arrayed him in the consecrated ~phod ;
the corporation of priests were not at all concerned
or consulted in his ordination. If he had thought
the apostolical succession indispensable in establish. .
ing the validity of his' office, he might most easily
have sought out the" archbishops " (ss the apostles .
are deemed by some to have'been) and have received
consecration from 'their hands. But he had other
views, and what those views were he has stated very
plainly: "When it pleased God, who separated
me from my mother's womb, and called me by his
grace, to reveal his son in me, that I might preach
Him among the heathen, immediately I conferred
not with flesh and blood, neit~er went I up to J ern-
salem to them which were apostles before me, but
I went into Arabia." So he began preaching and
teaching without human ordination; and so little did
he think it requisite to be ordained by the apostles
that he purposely avoided it, as is clearly intimated
in the epistle to the Gslatians.
This, then, .is to be " an apostle not of men, neither
by man," and is the true apostolicaJ succession, for
the honour of which the church of Christ has good
reason to be jealous.
To distinguish, by a broad line of demarcation,
between Cl the clergy" and "laity;" to act as if
we supposed that a certain order of men had the
power of admitting candidates into their body
corporate, or that their interference, 'or even assis-
· . tance, was indispensable in opening the door of
the ministry to those whom the grace of God
had previously selected to teach the truth, is, in
fact, to take away from the glory of Him who sends
the rod of his strength out of ZioD, and who, by
the gift of repentance and remission of sins, rules
8S a Prince in his Israel, and anoints all his true
servants to be kings and priests to God and his
As one great aim of the Bon of perdition has been

to destroy: the priesthood of grace, and exalt the

priesthood of man, and as this his work has too suc-
cessfully transformed the oneness of the believing
body into "clergy and laity, tt so should it now be the
unremitting labour of the servants of the Lord to
undo his work; to go back again to tbe fountain of
original purity, and there, in a thorough cleansing
of holiness, to recover the fair image of primeval
simplicity. And for this purpose it behoves us
not to tolerate any ancient custom, any received
formulary of words, by which it is possible that the
understanding of believers may be led, unawares,
into a train of thought bordering on the old delu-
sion. We have all an inherent tendency to that
delusion: without this tendency, the papacy never
could have achieved that mighty dominion which it
formerly secured for itself: for, what is the papacy
but an accommodation, in all things, to the un-
hallowed desires of the natural man? How careful,
then, should we be to avoid the paths wherein
it is even p08sible to lapse into old errors! How
cautious to shun the stumbling-blocks which are
thickly set by Satan in every high-road and by-path
of the journey! cc If any man be in Christ, he is a
new creature: old things are passed away; behold,
all tiling' are become new!" He comes to see the
many privileges of the church; a spiritual temple, a
spiritual altar, a spiritual High-priest, a spiritual
company of priests anointed by God the Holy Ghost,
and by Him appointed, and sent forth to exercise
their gifts in any office He chooses for them; a frater-
nity of spiritual kings, who shall reign with their

God for ever; enjoying spiritual union with the ex-

alted Head of the church,-perfect God and perfect
man,-who has taught his servants this unspeakable
mystery, that they" are members of his body, of
his :flesh, and of his bones."
Now, in order to recover these privileges, our
duty is to place the gospel ministry in a clear
light; to bring it forth in open day; and to de-
prive it of the false effect produced by shadowy •
back-grounds, and the picturesque accompaniments
of antiquity. If the churches of Rome, of England,
or other countries, have their orders-if they, in
perfect consistency with their system, make their
priests first breathe the sacerdota1life through the
laying on of prelatical hands-we" cannot be at a
los8 for the line of conduct which we ought to
pursue, in ceasing to imitate or tolerate their
It is but justice to remark in this. connection,
that one sect, if sect it may be called, has ap-
proached perhaps nearer the truth concei-ning the
priesthood than any other, and, entirely levelling
every remnant of distinction between clergy and
laity, has at last produced a system framed on the
fundamental doctrine, that "the old covenant"
having " decayed and w:axed old," ought "to vanish
away." This sect is the Quake1'8; a body of men
who seemed determined to investigate this ques-
tion, without the least regard to the trammels of
preconceived opinions and settled customs; and
though, by such a method of investigation, they may
have been in danger of running into Bome extra-

v&gances, they were also sure to discover some

truths unknown, denied, or detested by their con-
temporaries: for 80 great are the delusioDs of every
generation, that he who systematically opposes the
opinions of the age in which he lives, can h&1'dly
fail to liber~te Bome truths from the 'captivity of
error. The Quakers, then, are entitled to the whole
credit of having placed the sacerdotal controversy
in its true light; and they not only stated the
truth, 'but acted on it, guarding their opinions with
such a watchful discipline, that it became impos-
sible for their successors to misunderstand or mis-
interpret their meaning. To acknowledge a priest
in any way, directly or indirectly, is, in fact, to cease
to be a Quaker. And herein is their wisdom deserv-
ing the highest admiration; for they acknowledge
and act upon this great maxim, that our Lord and
Saviour J eallS Christ is the only Priest that has
any pre-eminence, and that the whole body of
believers are priests in perfect equality one with
another, in and through Him, their Head and Lord.
One of'the early Quakers was, therefore, right
when he 8aid, "we are not persons that have shot
up out of the old root into another appearance, as
one sect hath done out of another, till many are
come up one after another, the ground still re-
maining out of which they all grow; but that very
ground hath been shaking, destroyed and is destroy-
ing, removed and is removing in us."·
• Life of William Dewsbury t. London, 1836, p. 5.

§ 2. Prie,thood the prerogative common to all

Ohristianity can never be fully developed, nor
can the points of difference between Christ and
Anti-Christ ever be fully settled, till the liberty of
the ministry to all believers, and the ordination by
the Holy Spirit of all the members of the mystical
body be fully understood, and admitted 88 entirely
valid and sufficient. This is the axe that strikes at
tbe root of the tree of Popery, indestructible by any
other instrument, but, by this, ultimately to be
uprooted. To deny all distinction between clergy
and laity, prohibits, in limiAuJ, the advance of any
other papal heresy; neither Pope nor Prelate can
pla.nt his feet where this is held forth and acted on ;
it meets him with confutation and expulsion at the
door of the sanctuary; and, by referring to the
sole priesthood of the divine Head of the Church-
who brings into union with Himself all bis people,
and invites them "with boldness and confidence"
to enter "the holiest of all," as "priests to God
and their Father"-renders it impossible for any
" clergyman" to usurp functiOn! which his brethren,
anointed with the Holy Ghost, may not perform
with an authority and validity fully equal to any
that he can claim.
But it is marvellous to see h~w this important
truth of the Gospel has been neglected, and how
Christians have, in almost all Protestant denomi.
nations, set themselves to the work of consolidating
such a form of church government 88 should reduce

the priesthood of the whole body of believers to a

naked theory, and make that a mere idea, abstracted
from anything practical or tangible, which was in-
tended to be a governing principle of the church
upon earth.
, Protestant Dissenters are of all others the most
deeply interested in this question; both because
they profess to have seceded to the utmost distance
from Rome on purely Scriptural grounds, and also
to have secured to themselves an ecclesiastical
polity free from the evils incident to the systems
which elsewhere prevail. Still their practice and
their principles seem not to be consistent with each
other. Their principles would lead to a plurality
of ministers in each church; and we know not that
such a plurality has ever been denied, in theory
at least, by any respectable writer· of their class.
Nevertheless, the great body of Dissenters have,
in practice, rejected the plurality of ministers, and
have settled down into the one-man system, without
the semblance of an argument in favour of such an
But we take still higher ground. We plead
not merely for the plurality of ministers, but for the
full and free acknowledgment of the liberty of minis.
try to the whole Ohurch of God; by which all may
be placed in such a position " as that all may pro-
phecy, that all may learn, and all may be com-
forted." (1 Oor. xiv. 31.) We plead for the abro-
gation of that law, or, which amounts to the same
thing, of that jl:&sd cuatom which commits to a
clerical order, the whole duty of teaching and

ministering to the spiritual necessities of a con-

gregation, and substitutes for tb~ mutual exhor-
tations of the church, the studied orations of pro-
fessional theologians. We plead for the plenary
recognition of the church-privileges of all the people
of God; that they may, if called to the work and
gifted for it, preach the word (Acts viii. 4); that
a saving faith in Christ may be admitted 88 proof
of that anointing, which institutes into the evnn-
geli~ priesthood-for no one can say that Jesus
is his Lord but by the Holy Spirit-and that the
rule of the Apostle may be revived and acted on,
cc We, having the same spirit of faith, according
88 it is written, I have believed and therefore have
I spoken, tDlJ alBo beZitme Mid tltJrttfors apelik." If
the New Testament is to give us any light in these
matters, this is plain, that the whole body of be-
lievers are, by it, regarded as exercising di1Ferent
ministrations: cc The manifestation of the Spirit is
given to every man to profit withal; for to one,
is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to
another, the word of knowledge by the same
Spirit; to another, faith by the same Spirit; to'
another, the gift of healing by the same Spirit;
to another, the working of miracles; to another,
prophecy; to another, discerning of spirits; to
another, divers kinds of tongues; but all these
worketh that one and the self-same Spirit, dividing
to every man severally u he will: for as the body
is one, and hath many mem bers, Bnd all the mem-
bers or that body, being many, are one body, 80
also is Christ: for by one Spirit are we all baptized

into one body." (1 Cor. xii.) This important

passage proves the whole argument,-that the Holy
Spirit does baptize all believers into the body of
Christ; making them priests in the sanctuary, by
virtue of their union with Him; and that the
Holy Spirit imparts to each the gifts of ministra-
tion, according to the will of God.
Again, it is written, cc Every one of you hath a
psalm, hath a doctrine, bath a tongue, hath a revela-
tion, bath an interpretation: let all things be done
unto edifying,1 Cor. xiv. 26." Now, whatever may
be said of the miraculous gifts to which there is here
an allusion, this is certain, that these passages con-
template the whole church in action, in miniltr.
tion ; and it would be presumptuous indeed to
assert that the modem practice of restricting the
ministry to one individual, however pious, learned,
and respectable that individual may be, was known,
or even thought of, in the mra when the New ·
Testament was composed under divine in1luence.
Incidental directions are continually occurring in
the Scriptures, indicating th~t the work of the
·ministry (i. 8. the edification of the church by
exhortation, experience, doctrine, warning, counsel,
faith, &c.) was with all believers: cc As every man
hath received the gift, even so minister the same
one to another, 88 good stewards of the manifold
grace of God" (1 Pet. iv. 10); "not forsaking the
assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of
some is, but 6$lwrting one MWtker." (Heb. x. 25.)
But whilst passages like these are of frequen~
occurrence, there is no record of a fact, nor of any .

thing like an incidental passing allusion, which can

authorize even the most resolute partizan to assert
that the order existing in these days existed also in
the days of the apostles.
But here we encounter the usual arguments
advanced for the power, authority, and pre-
eminence of the clergyman, whether he be cailed
Bishop, Priest, or Deacon, Minister, Pastor, or
Superintendent. Now, as nearly all denominations
have substantially, 88 it relates to the laity, the
same ~use to defend, it is no matter of surprise
to find them all supporting their common theory
by precisely the salne arguments. There is indeed
a wide difference in the eztent of power which they
claim for their clergy; and Rome and Oxford
8uperinduce the aid of tradition to make their
case still stronger; but all agree in quoting
the same texts for the establishment of the clerical
order. "Remember them which have the rule
over you, who have spoken unto you the word
of God; whose faith follow, considering the end of
their conversation. (Heb. xiii. 7)" "Obey them that
have the rule over you, and submit yourselves; for
they watch for your souls as they that m.ust give
account; that they may do it with joy, and not
~th grief." (Heb. nii. 17.) "We beseech you,
brethren, to know them which labour among you,
and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you;
and to esteem them very highly in love for their
works' sake" (1 Thess. v. 12, 18) ; and others of a
similar import.

§ 8. WAy'o Zittle 'aid of OkurCh Government

in the Scripture8.
In contemplating this question of early church
government, we are too apt to bring to it our own
ideas and practices 88. a medium through which to
view the subject. The object of most persons
who engage in this inquiry, is to discover the
exact degree of authority which the Elders, or
Deacons, or Bishops of the church respectively
possessed; to know and define, with precision, all
the laws and customs of church polity; to restore
the discipline and recover the canons ofecclesiastical
regimen. Some writers will tell us that there was
only one Bishop, and that he ruled the Priests ;
others, that there were no Priests, but many Elders,
who were the same as Bishops; others, that there
was one Bishop, above the rest, in every church;
others, that the brethren might elect, or might not
elect, to clerical offices; that the Deacons had this
or that office, or this or that duty; and divers
other points of that sort, which have been investi-
gated with laborious research, and sustained with
no little animosity in ecclesiastical controversies.
But how comes it, if this indeed were the real
matter of inquiry, that it is left undefined, un-
certain, intangible, in Scripture; that church
government is nowhere clearly described; that we
are constrained to make our discoveries as well as
we can, by the very unsatisfactory help of passing
allusions or incidental remarks; and that that
which seems to be the very soul of modern division,
and the life of controversy, and the strength of all
Beets, should have no definite shape in the canon of
the New Testament P
The church government of the Mosaic Law is
clear beyond dispute. There are, in the Law, not
merelya few detached and questionable allusions,but
whole chapters and books expressly on the subject :
but in the Gosp~l, which is a more glorious minis- .
tr&tion, which is a better, a clearer, a more life-
giving system, the whole question of church govern-
ment is Dever once directly handled! How
ahall we account for this P Simply by this ex-
planation; that our Lord Jesus Christ is Himself
the Head of the church, and that He raises up
whom lIe will by the giit of the ij:oly Spirit, to
edify the church according to bis own purpose;
that He' never designed that it should be governed
by a code of human laws and a book of canons, but
thst He did intend, and will effect that which He
intended, to rule by his Spirit the church which He
purchased with his own blood.
§ 4. The Church Fruit, of tke Holy Spirit.
Where the Holy Spirit is imparted, there will
be seen' the fruits of it, "love, joy, peace, long-
suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness,
temperance;" and, with such fruits 88 these, there
will be no lack of church order. There will be
Elders and Teachers; yea, there will be Epucopoi
or Overseers of the Hock; but their power will be
that of love; they will, with the mitre of meekness,
and the P8ltoral staff of humbleness of mind, with

the knowledge of the deep things of God, and, with

the strength of prayer, seek to lead the flock to still
waters and green pastures, and to keep them close
under the eye of the great Shepherd and Bishop of
souls. They will sit enthroned in the affections of
their faithful brethren: and, amidst the royal priest-
hood, the holy nation, the peculiar people, they will
rule with priestly sway. Who can doubt it P Who
does not wish that so it should be P Dare we not
trust the promise of the exalted Head of the church P
Are we unable to believe that He will magnify his
word above all his name, and that He will, according
to his word, be with his people to the end of the
world P And are we at all doubtful that, if we
come together with one mind and with one spirit,
having no other desire than to live and die for the
glory of Him who died for us, that He will not only
raise up Pastors to take care of us from amongst our
number; but will supply all other gifts needed for
the different branches of edification and ministra-
tion P
That is very simple in itself which to many per-
sons is a problem of inextricable difficulty. The
Head of the Church will, by the agency of the
Holy Spirit, raise up spiritual men into those offices
which are for edification. Wherever there are gifts
of preaching or teaching in the brethren, there they
will, by that IBme grace by which faith was first
imparted, be ultimately made manifest. Every
man will stand in his proper position: each will
fall into the ranks of the church according to the
station for which he is adapted. The grave, the pru-
dent, the watchful, perceptive character will take
his natural place for government; the brother, who
has a gift of utterance, and who is well instructed
in the Scriptures, will become a preacher or teacher;
some, by general superiority of understanding, will
precede others; and some, by faith and patience, and
others by the gift; of prayer, will be in that place of
trust in the church which is evidently theirs, with-
out any ceremony of election, or imposition of
hands. The true authority is that of the message
delivered and the character of him who delivers
it. There is one Spirit which anoints them all for
the priesthood, and sanctifies their faculties and
calls them forth according to their adaptation,
for the edification of the church. CaiuB may have
many qualifications for government or for teaching,
either conjointly or distinctly, which Lucius has
not; whilst Lucius, a very dear brother, will take
some other station, and be exceedingly valued by
the church in his proper capacity. And thus it
will come to pus, that, in the kingdom of love,
eaius will be an overseer (epiBCOP08), and he will
take the oversight of the brethren· by ruling in
their affections.

§ 5. Wnat kind of Government is recognized in tke

.Acta and tke EpiBtle8.
To us, it is obvious that both the Acts and the
Epistles were written with a view to churrh govern-
ment such as this ;-a church government, not with
my fixed laws or defined polity, but avowedly under
the direction of the Holy Spirit, ruling by the

principle of love; which, if it were understood and

felt, would effectually Bettle all disputes about
ecplesiastical regime, and show the utter emptiness
of all those interminable questions concerning the
ministerial office, which have indeed filled many
books, but have not advanced the settlement of the
question one degree further than it was in the days
of Luther and Calvin.
§ 6. Where we Me to look for tke Law of Ckwrci
The law of church-government is to be found in
the general principles prescribed for the regulation
of Ohristian conducta and not in any canons or enact-
menta of discipline. In texts like these we are to
discover it: "If we live in the Spirit, let us also
walk.' in the Spirit; let us not be desirous of vain
glory, provoking one another, envying one another."
(Gal. v. 25.) "Bear ye one another's burdens,
and 80 fulfil the law of Christ: for if a man think
himself to be something, when he is nothing, he
deceiveth himself; but let every man prove his own
work, and . then shall he have rejoicing in himself
alone, and not in another; for every man shall bear
his own burden. Let him that is taught in the
word, communicate unto him that teacheth in all
good things." (Gal. vi. 2-6.) "Walk in love, as
Christ also hath loved us, and bath given himself
for UB, an offering and a sacrifice to God, for a
sweet-smelling savor." (Eph. v. 2.) "Speaking
to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual
songs, singing and making melody in your heart to

the Lord; giving thanks always for all things unto

God and the Father, in the name of the Lord
J eSllS Christ; submitting !louraclveB one to anotlatJ'r
in t1u) fear of God." (Eph. v. 19-21.) "The
Elders which are among you I exhort, who am
also an Elder." cc Feed the flock of God which is
among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by
constraint but willingly; not. for filthy lucre, but of
a ready mind; neither as being Lords over God's
heritage, but being ensamples to the flock; and
,vhen the chief Shephera shall appear, ye shall
receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away.
Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the
elder; !lea, all l!f !loo be BUbJect one to OIIWtker, and
be clothed with humility." (1 Pet. v. 1-5.) "Put
-OD, therefore, 88 the elect of God, holy and beloved,
bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind,
meekness, long-suffering; forbearing one another,
and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel
against any; even as Christ forgave you, so also do
ye; and, above all these things, put on charity,
which is the bond of perfectness: and let the peace
of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye
are called in one body; and be ye thankfuI." (Col.
iii. 12..15.) " I am persuaded of' you, my brethren,
that ye also are full of goodness, filled with all
knowledge, able also to admonish one another."
(Rom. xv.14.) "Now the God of patience and
consolation grant you to be like-minded one towards
another according to Christ Jesus: that ye may
with one mind and one mouth glorify God, even
the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Wherefore

receive ye one another, as Christ also received 118 _to

the glory of God." (Rom. xv. 5-7.)

§ 7. The doctrine of a Okriatian Priesthood apart

jrorn, tke gfJ'fl,eral boily of Believer8 receives fU)
countenance from tke earZie,t HiBtO'r!J of 01lriB-
On this head we make no pretensions to dive
deep into the depths of patristic lore. Indeed, we
place very little stress on the historical argument
as compared with the Scriptural. It is of small
.lnoment to us what the most ancient Fathers
hal"e taug~t on a question that is finally to
be settled solely on the authority of Holy Writ•
. If they are to be summoned into court, it is
simply that they may give testimony to matters of
. fact, and not to take the judges' seat and lay down
the la,v for the church. That we have to seek
in the archives of Inspiration, and nowhere else.
At the same time, if the collateral records· of
the purest ages of Christianity go to confirm the
rel!ults of previous enquiry conducted wholly on
other grounds, nothing forbids our availing our-
selves of this fact. Happily there is ample evidence
that, though the apostolic polity was very early
. departed from, and the foundations of the hierarchy
. thoroughly laid, yet in the really prima-primitive
. days of the church the order for which we plead
was the one that actually prevailed. The profound
and clear-sighted N eander, the honest Mosheim, the
exact Gjeseler, are accounted reliable authorities in
this department, and they all concur in substan-
tially the same vi~w of 'the non-distinction of the
clerical and the laical classes in the commencement
of the church's career. The following extracts,
samples ofverymanyothers which might be adduced,
will convince the reader that, in the averment now
made, we do not "speak withoJlt book."
., What MOBes expressed as a wish, that the Spirit of God
might l'est upon all, and all might be prophets, is a prediction
of that which was to be realized thl"Ough Christ. By Him was
instituted an economy distinguished from the constitution of
aU previously existing religious societies. There could be no
longer a priestly or prophetio office, constituted to serve 88 a
medium for the propagation and development of the Kingdom
of God, on which office the religious consciousness of the com-
munity was to be dependent. Such a class of priests as exis~d
in the previous systems of religion, emp.owered to guide other
men, who l'emained, as it werf, in a state of religious pupilage,
having the e:cclurive oare of providing for theh' l'eligious wants,
and serving 8S mediators, by whom all other men must be
pla~ed in conneotion with God and divine things,-such a
priestly caste could :find no place withiJl Christianity. • • • •
When the apostles applied the Old Testament idea of the .
priesthood, this was done invariably for the simple purpose of
showing that no such visible partioular priestllood could find
place in the new oommunity; that since free access to God
. and to heaven had been, once for all, open to believers by one
High Priest, even ChI"jst, they had, by virtue of their union to
Him, become themselves a eph·itual!)eople, consecrated to God j
. their calling being DODe other than to dedicate their entire
life to God 8S a thank-o:ffering for the grace of redemption, to
publish abroad the power aud gt"ace of Ifim who had called
them out of the kingdom of darkness into his ma.rvellous light,
. to make their life one continual priesthood. • • • " Eaeh
society was a whole composed of equal melnbers, all the mem-
bers being but organs of the community, as this was the body

quickened by the Spirit of Christ. All those m~mbera, organs

of the whole and of the one Spirit that gavt' it life, were to co-
operate each in his appropriate place, for the oommon eDd:
and some of the members acted in this organization of parts as
the pre-eminently guiding ones. But it could hardly work
itself out in a natural way from the eS8p.noe of the ChriatiaD
life and of Chl"isuan fellowship, that tllu (JUidantJ6 8houltJ be
placed in tke ha1uU elf 011.111 one individual. 1'1I.e monarchicaZ
form o.f gov8r'll,'1Il61lt 1VU 'Itot mitet/, to the Oh'rUtian com,nunitll
of Spirit. The preponderance of one individual at the head oC
the whole might too easily operate 8S. cheque on the free
development of the life of the church, and the free co-operation
of the different organs, in whom the oonsciousnesl of
mutual independence must ever be kept alive. The individual
on whom every thing depended, might acquire too great an
importance for the whole, and 80 beoom.e a oentre round which
all would gather, so 88 to obscure the sense of their common
relation to that only One, who should be the centre for all."-
.!VtJander'8 Cl". Hut., p. 179-183. TOPr8g'8 T".an8.

".All CltriBtWlIU, originally, had the right of pouring out

their hearts before the brethren, and of speaking for their
edification in the public 88sembliea."-Id. Vol. I., p. 186.

" The duty of teaching, as an office, was by no means incum-

bent on the elders, although the apostle wishes that they
should be apt to teacl". The capacity for instructing and
edifying in the auemblfes was rather considered 88 a free gift
.of the Spirit, which manifested itself in many Chriati&lls,
though in different modes. Stalk. ",111 tI di8tinDt pritJltZy
order kntJ'TDn at tAia time; fm' tluJ 'RJko~ ,oci8tV qf Okri8titM'
flW'aea a r01/al prie8thood, Gotl, petnJ,lial' PtKJP~." GiUlUr,
.EM. Kut., ch. ii. § 30. p. 90. Edin. Ed.

"The authority of the church constituted the dUFereuce

between the (olerical) order and tbe people. (Di1Ferentiam
inter ordinem et plebem cODltituit ecole8be auotoritaa!')
Ambl"Osiaster (Hilary the Deacon), about A.D. 800, thus
apeab in his Comment all Bpke, :-" At first all taught and
all baptized on whatever days or whatever times it might be
convenient. • . • . As then the people grew and were
multiplied it was a privilege conceded to Iill at the outset to
evangelize, to baptize, and to expound the Scriptures in the
church. But 88 plac'es became :filled with churches, conven-
tieles were established and directors appointed, and othel·
011088 were created in the churches,80 that no one of tile
number who was not ordained dared to take upon him an office
wJrlch YOB not thus entrusted or conceded to hinl. The con-
sequence was, that the church begun to be governed by
entirely a difterent ordelo and providence, because if all were to
be vie\ved as competent to the same function, it would of course
be esteemed i.orational, vulgar, and vile. Hence it bas happened
that now neither do deacons pl·each among the people~ nor do
olerics or lais baptize, nor aloe believers baptized on any and
evel·Y duy, unless it be the sick."-Gieaeler, Vol. I. p. 91.

The grand question is the true sense of the Word

of God, and yet we are not indifferent to the suffrages
of great and good men. Bro,Yn, the earliest of tbe
English Independents (from whom they were origi-
nally called BrowniBt8) held the liberty of ministry,
the equality of Christian brethren, the Spirit's teach-
ing and competency (and not man's appointment
or ordination), as the proper and only warrant for
ministry in the present dispensation. Milton also
maintains entirely the spiritual priesthood of all trne
believers, and utterly repudiates the idea of any
olraer of men whatever be tlieir name, being aJlowed
to come in as prie8t8, between God and his peo-
ple, as the medium of intercourse, and the link of
their connection with hen:ven; maintaining, wbat
the Ne\v Testament so enlpbatically enforces, tlie

personal responsibility of every individual believer

to God, and the impossibility of transacting, by r
proxy, those matters which relate to God and the
soul, and can only be carried on by the aid of
the Spirit, through the mediation of J esU8 at the
right hand of God. So far Milton's principles
accord with the principles of the New Testament:
and many of his pungent remarks in the tractate
entitled· u The Likeliest Means to remove Hirelings
out of the Church," deserve the grave and practical
attention of the pastors and people of all sections
of the professing church. We quote 8 brief pas-
sage from the close of it, commending the perusal
of the whole to those who would see a clear and
forcible exposition of the mischief which h88 been
wrought in the church, by the exhibition of lures of
any kind for inducing men to take upon themselves
a work which they should undertake "not by con-
straint, but willingly, not for filthy lucre but of a
ready mind:"

" Heretofore, in the first evangelio times (and it were happy

fOI- Christendom were it 80 again), ministers of the gospel weloe
by nothing else distinguished from other Christians but by
their spiritual knowledge and sanctity or life, for whicn the
ChUl-ch elected them to be her teachers and overseers, though
not thereby to separate them from '1IJhatever calling she then
found them following besides; 8S the example of St_ Paul de-
clares, and the .first times of Christianity. When once they
affected to be called a clergy, and became, as it were, a distinct
order in the commonwealth, bred up for divines in babbling
schools, and fed at the public cost, good for nothing else but
\Vhatw88 good for nothing, they aoon grew idle; tllat idleneu,
witb fuhw8S of brend, begat pride &nd perpetual contention
with their feeders, the despised laity, through all ages ever
since, to the penerting of religion and the disturbanoe of all
Christendom j"-of which" Christendom might soon rid her-
self and be happy, if Christians would but know their own
dignity, their liberty, their adoption, and, let it not be won-
dered if I say, their apiritual prie8tkooa; whereby they have
all equally access to any ministerial function, whenever called
by their own abilities and the ChUl'ch, though they never
came near commencement 01" university. But while Protes-
tants, to avoid the' due labor of understanding their own
religion, are content to lodge it in the breast, or rather in the
books of a clergyman, and to take it thence by scraps and
mammocks, as he dispensE's it in his Sunday's dole, they will
be ~ways learning, and never knowing; always infants;
always his vassals,88 lay Papists are to their priests; or at
odds with him, 88 reformed principles give them some light to
be not-wholly conformable."



§ ,I. Position a88Umetl.

"CHURCH Government," says Prof. Schaaff, in his
History of the Apostolic Church, "has its founda-
tion in the Christian Ministry, which is originally
identical with the Apostolate and contains the
germs of all other church offices." Such, briefly
stated, is the theory which constitutes the strong- .
hold of the advocates of a priestly and clerical caste.
It supposes that our Lord, in giving his last com-
mandment to the disciples to go forth and proselyte
all nations, gave it to them as 8 kind of corporation,
or apostolic college, set apart under 8 special eccle-
siastical organization, instead of giving it to them
merely as individuals. Nearly all theologians have
interpreted our Saviour's words in the former sense,
implying a special commission to the apostles 88 an
ecclesiastical corporatioa...and authorising them, as
8uch, henceforth to preside over the whole body of'
believers; having power, in virtue of that position, t·o
expound the doctrines of the Christian faith, tO I

administer the sacraments, and especially to ordain

other persons to the performance of the sanle func-
tions; thus perpetuating the clerical order as long
as the church should endure on earth.

§ 2. Positio1~ denied.
The above statement brings the great question
before us. Is it an undoubted fact that Christ did
constitute the apostles an ecclesiastical corpora-
tion P The determination of this question involves
the most serious consequences, since the clergy·rest
their claims, as a body of men consecrated by divine-
appointment to perform certain flIDctions, on the
8ssumption that the apostles themselves were 8
corporation; for unless they were so constituted
they could not confer corporate powers upon those-
who succeeded them in point of time. Every
important passage that is quoted from the New
Testament, as implying commission, authority, or
power to the clergy or ministers of the gospel,
consists of words addressed expressly to the
apostles. But no one- has 8 right to apply to tae
clergy at large words 8pok~n by Christ specially to
his apostles, unless he can also show that the apostles
were a corporation, and that as such they com·-
municated the powers or authority which they
themselves had received. Were they such a body P
Did they communicate such a power P That twelve
apostles were, in a special manner, individually
commissioned to COMMENCE the work of proselyting-
mankind, is evident from tIle New Testament his-

tory; but that they were appointed to this work as

an apostolic corporation, with powers to perpetuate
this corporate authority by ordination, is a doctrine
for which we :find no adequate evidence in the
In the first place, we have sought in vain for any
passage in the New Testament that either speaks of,
or implies, any ~uch corporate action of the apostles
as a distinct body. There is no plan for the
organizations of such a collegiate body laid down in
the apostolic writings~ nor rules given by which it
-should be regulated. In warning the disciples
against false prophets who would in time appear
among them, our Lord gave them no other instruc-
tion bywhich to determine the cbaracterofthesefalse
teachers than that of judging them "according to
,theirfruits." The theory of the appointment of such
.an apostolic college empowered to teach or govern"
with a special authority is also at variance with what
-t~e Lord says to his disciples, Matt. niii. 7-10, cc Be
ye not called Rabbi, for one is !lour Master, even
Ohrist, and all !If) are brethren. And call no man!lOfllr
.father upon tho earth, for one is your father which
is in heaven. Neither be ye called masters, for one
i" your master even Christ." Is it possible for
words to bear 8 more direct testimony against a
body of teachers so constituted than the circum-
-stance, that the very words which imply the neces-
:SarY superiority of such teachers are positively
forbidden to be used P
. Secondly. That there could have been no organ i-

zation of the apostles, as a corporation, is evident .

from the statement made by Paul, who expressly
tells us (Gal. i. 15, &c.) that, after his miraculous
call to the apost1eship, he held no conference what-
ever with those who were apostles before him, but
went into Arabia in the work of the ministry; and
Dot until three years after did he go up to Jeru-
salem, where he conferred only with Peter, and
merely mentions having seen James of aU the other
.Thirdly. Neither did the other apostles know,
during these three years, that Christ had appointed
Paul to be an apostle with them; for when he first
went up to J ernsalem (Acts n. 26, 27) and " assayed
to join himself with the disciples," they were all
afraid of him, not believing him to be even a convert
to Christianity, till Barnabas cleared up the matter.
It BeemB incredible, then, that the apostles should
have been a corporation when, for three years, they
did not even know so eminent a member of their own
. bod,..
Fourthly. It is to be observed that Paul, in the
.gzeater number of his epistles, associates with him.
self in the address, Timothy, Bylv&nus, or- Sos-
thenes, who were. his ordinary attendants on his
missionary excursions. In other epistles he writes
in his own name, and never uses any expression
implying the concurrent authority of an apostolic
body. It is the same with Peter, James, and John;
they each write as individuals only. These facts
are ineoDBistent with the hypothesis that the
28 ~JDC UOSroLA.TE. [CHAP. ll.

apostles constituted 8 corporation, which WBB to be

the fountain-head of ministerial authority.
The popular theory, therefore, that the minis--
terial function centered in, and originated with~
what is termed the" apostolic college," viewed as a
divine corporation, is, we think, totally irrecon-·
cilable with the statements made above. Nor does
the filling up of the vacancy occasioned by the-
defection of Judas in the election of Matthias, a&
related Acts i. 15-26, invalidate in our minds this
conclusion. The election does not appear to have
been made by the apostles exclusively, but by the
whole body of the disciples; and moreover it must
be borne in mind that Christ Himself selected Paul
for the vacant apostleship by a direct and super-
natural appointment: The description (in Rev. xxi.
14) of the city of the celestial Jerusalem states that
its foundations bore the names of cc the twelve'
apostles of the Lamb." If Paul was included in
this enumeration, then certainly Mattmas was not,
for then there would have been thirteen apo8tles~
and if Matthias was included, then by the same
re880n Paul was not. The same remark is appli-
cable to what is said by our Lord respecting the
twelve apostles sitting upon twelve thrones, judging
the twelve tribes of Israel. .
From the various considerations now adduced we
deem the conclusion justified, that Christ called
the apostles as individuals, and commissioned them
to act in this capacity, and in this only. As such·
they went forth into the world, as it were upon 'so


many diiferent missionary enterprizes, wherein each

acted in accordance with his own views of religious
duty, and not according to any enactments of an
.spostolical conclave. Consequently the theory of a
permanent or perpetuated body of clergy originating
from this source has, in our. opinion, no founda-



§ 1. Prevailing Notion8.

THE setting aside of any other prie8tlwoiJ in the-

ChristiaI;l church than that of our Lord Himself still
leaves the institution of a mini8try untouched, and
our inquiry now concerns that subject. What then.
is the general and popular idea of "ministry," and
what is the divine teaching concerning it P With
the multitude it is a wide undefined term, meaning
an office equally undefined, held by one who is·
termed a priest, clergyman, minister, or preacher.
With the uninstructed, "priesthood" and "min-·
istry" are the same thing. Whoever will take the·
trouble to institute the inquiry, will find that the
popular idea of "ministry" is like the popular idea
of" church"-all dimness and confusion. A notion.
prevails that whatever is said about priests and
levites in the Old Testament, and about bishops.
and ministers in the New, is to be applied to the·
Christian ministry,-that a minister is a priest, and.
8 priest 1\ minister; that. the person holding this.
office is, in some way, to be ordained to it by other'
priests or ministers; that by virtue of his office he-
is to preach and pray for the people, to visit the
poor and the sick, to look after the salvation of
men's souls, and more or less to secure it; that he
is to be more pious than "the laity;" to wear
official apparel; to be called" Reverend;" and
generally to take the management of everything
that belongs to "religion."
This is, with very little variation, the popular
idea of " ministry," among all bodies of Christians ;
and it obviously is not the interest of the clerical
·department, in any sect, to clear up the popular
mistakes on a subject which, if rightly understood,
·might tend to subvert all established arrangements,
and to restore God's order over the ruins of the
order of man.
§ 2. PIle true Idea of Minist171 a~ set forth in tAe
8criptu1~e8 .

The first and most obvious duty attached to a

ministry by all parties is, of course, official teaching;
except, indeed, in the Roman Catholic persuasion,
where performing the sacrifice of the mass, and
administering "the sacraments," take precedence of
preaching and teaching; but now we are writing of
· Protestants, and amongst them-in all their deno-
minations-teaching and preaching constitute, of
necessity, a large portion ofthe ministerial functions.
Let us now see what the N ew Testa~ent says of
these functions, their origin, and the persons to
whom they are assigned. We find all this stated
in 1 Cor. xii. " Now concerning spiritual gifts,
brethren, I would not have you ignorant .•.• Now
32 llINISTBY. [ CHAP. Ill.

there are diversities ofgifts, but the same Spirit; and

there are differences of administrations (or services),
but the same Lord; and there are divenities ofopera-
tions, but it is the same God which worketh all in
all. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to
every man to profit withal; for to one is given by
the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word
of knowledge by the same Spirit; to another faith
by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing
by the sanle Spirit; to another the working of
miracles; to another prophecy; to another dis-
cerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of
tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues :
but all these worketh that one and the self-same
Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will."
This statement is very clear: we are here very
plainly informed that the Holy Spirit bestows
various gifts on the members of the church; that the
donation is not to a privileged class, separated from
their brethren, nor according to man's appointment
or election, but that the selection is made out of the
whole body, according to the unrestrained will of
the sovereign Distributor. " The manifestation of
the Spirit is given to every man, to profit withal"
(v. 7), and in consequence of this divine regula-
tion, one man receives wisdom, another knowledge,
another faith (v. 8,9). There are, indeed, other gifts
mentioned, but with them we are not now con-
cerned, as the church confessedly does not now
possess them; but wisdom, knowledge, and faith
must, in degree at least, exist, otherwise there
\vould be no ministry or teaching a.t all. IC Now all

these worketh that one and the self-same Spirit,

diDiding to elJery man severaJIy as he will." (v. 11.)
If this be a true description of the church as it
was at the first, then it clearly bears no resem-
blance to the arrangements p~vailing at the present
time, when the division of ministry is not by the
. will and' appointment of the Spirit, but by the
direction and choice of man. This is indeed 80
plain, that almost all commentators seem quietly to
yield the point,-that the ministry in the Corinthian
church was of an order now lost, and that all
existing churches have adopted another system.
They speak of the Corinthian order as a pattern
known only in the Scriptures; it is, in fact, terra in-
cognita 'to them, and so accustomed are they to the
arrangements introduced by tradition, that the dis-
tribution of gifts by the Spirit to eve..ry man in the
church, they regard as some strange phenomenon of
the days of miracles. Amongst the yarious deno-
minations we do indeed see quite another system.
In the churches of Rome and EngI8nd, the bishops
appoint to the ministry; in the kirk of Scotland,
the Presbytery is the fountain of clerical functions;
amongst dissenters generaJIy, the people, or the
church as it is called, elect the minister, and otb~l'
ministers ordain him after he has been elected;
whilst amongst the Wesleyans, the Confere~ce, or
some power deputed by the Conference, selects and
governs all the ministers and preachers.. Now, it
must be clear to everyone, that neither bishops)
popular elections, presbytery, nor conference, can
supersede the functions of the Holy Spirit; . and '
.34 lIINISTRY. [CHAP. I n.

beyond this one need not push the inquiry, in order

to be satisfied that nearly all secta, from the stately
church of England, down to the lowest denomina-
tion of dissent, are gone far astray from the order
recorded in the New Testament. If the Scriptures,
then, are to be our guide: we have already advanced
far in the ~olution of the problem before us; and.
we have only to apply the statements in the New
Testament to facts before our eyes, to assure us or
the accuracy of our deductions. For instance, let U8
try the existmg church of Rome, by Paul's descrip-
tion of what that church was in his day. Paul, in
writing to the Romans, (chap. xii.) says, "We, being
many, are one body in Christ, and every one mem-
bers one of another," having different gifts-some
being evangelists, others pastors, teachers, rulers,
or helps. But now all that can be said ofthe church
of Rome is, that it is entire}y clerical; that the
Holy Spirit does not appoint to the ministry, and
that every thing there is under the supreme control
of the Pope. The church of Rome, therefore, has
lost the order set forth in the Scriptures; and so it
is with others also; for we do not find it written,
"He gave some bishops to rulfl dioceses; or He
gave rectors and curates for the care of parishes ;
or He gave ordained ministers," &c., but some-
thing very dissimilar in every respect. Protes-
tants, therefore, as well as the church of Rome,
have departed from the authority of Scripture in
their arrangements in regard to ministry.
Aiain: supposing, for argument's sake, that
such tt. form of the church did exist as has beeR
described. in the twelfth chapter of the first epistle
to the CorinihiaDa-that there was no " ordained ~
ministry, no clerical or official appointments, no
clergymen or "ministers" consecrated or chosen to
act 8S functionaries for the people, but that all the
people, without any recognition of ojJitMZ distinc-
tion, met as a gathering of believers, to receive any
cc diversity of gifts" which the Holy Spirit might
dispense amongst them; that "wisdom" "know-
ledge," "faith," were exhibited here and there,
without man's direction, and wholly independent
of it; and that those so gathered had no idea of
any other order; would not such a church resemble
a body in active and vigorous life; every limb, every
member, contributing, in proper proportion, to the
life and activity of the whole body? Now this is
exactly the similitude selected by the apostle Paul,
to describe the church of the Corinthians. cc. The
body is not one member, but many. If the foot
shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am Dot of
the body; is it therefore not of the body P And if
the ear shall say, Because.I am not the eye, I am
not of the body; is it therefore not of the body P
If the whole body were an eye, where were ·the
hearing P If the whole were hearing, where were
the smelling P But now bath God set the members
everyone of them in the body, as it hath pleased
him. .And if tkey fDM6 all 008 member, where were
the body P But now are they many members, yet
but one body. And the eye cannot Bay unto the
hand, I have no need of thee: nor again, the head

36 m.1STHY. [CHAP. nx.
to the feet, I have no need of you. . • • . Now ye
are the body of Christ, and members in particular. tJ
(1 Oor. xii.)
But let us uk,' how can this portion of Scripture
apply to the generality ofProteatantdenomiDatioDS P
ID them there is no body at aJ.l, if ~e are to follow
the apostle's illustration of the life and visibility
of the church as manifested in the vitality of
all the members, for the· apostle plainly tells us,
that" if they were all one member there would be
no body;t' and who is there that does not see in
these words a condemnation of the clerical system,
which presents tbe body in the form of one member
only-THE MINISTER,-the ordained, official,
and salaried minister, who, whetber he be appointed
to his office by a prelate or popular election,
supersedes all other spiritual gifts in the church?
In such a system as this, the body is dead, all
the members are inanimate, the "honorablo" or
"feeble" are alike useless, and one individual is
eye, mouth, ear, hand, and foot. " The eye cannot
say unto the hand, I have no need of thee; nor again
the head to the feet, I have no need of you." This
is the illustration of the apostle; whereaa, applying
this illU8~ation to the arrangements of the present
day, we see that one member .ys, "I will be eye,
hand, head, and foot: entrust all your funetioDs to
me, ye separate members, for I will be the life of
the whole body." This is a figurative description
of tke fact presented to us by the ministry of tke
. one man '!I,tem, and in ,such & sY8tem the supre-
macyof the Holy Spirit cannot be owned, nor can
His distribution of gifts "to every man according
to his own will " have any place.
Paul says, "The body is not one member, but
many" (ver. 14). Now, the various sects prac-
tically, though unintentionally, deny this; and
they ought, in keeping with their practices, to read
the text thus: "The body is one member, and Me
many." The apostle afterwards proceeds thus:
cc Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in
particular. And God hath set some in the church,
first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers,
after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps,
governments, diversities of tongues. Are all apos-
tles P are all prophets P are all teachers P" &c.
This is a full explanation of all he had previously
urged. Every member has not 'all these gifts, but
everyone is in a condition to receive any w~ch the
Spirit may impart; some may have one gift, others
more than one. Teaching, helping, governing, may
be separated or united, just as the Lord chooses;
but not one word of this could be understood, if we
were to suppose that one or two individuals acted
officially and permanently in lieu of the whole body·
of believers. Suppose, only for argument's sake,
that there was a ministry in the apostle's days,
luch &8 we see in these times, then would it be im-
po88ible to comprehend Paul's meaning; but if on
the other hand we dismiss the idea of a clerical
order, and admit the fact that the whole body of
believers waited for such ministry as the Holy
Spirit migbt please to apportion to them, dividing

to every man severally aB He chose, then we can

understand all the argument of the apostle.
In the fourteenth chapter of the same epistle, Paul
incidentally lets us know the result of the churcb-
oMer 8S it eDsted in those days. (Ver. 28-31~ ..
"If therefore the whole church be come together
into one place, and all speak with tongues, and
there come in those that are unlearned; or unbe-
lievers, will they not say that ye are mad P But if
all prophesy, and there come in one that believeth
not, or one unlearned, he is convinced of all,
he is judged of all. How is it then, brethren P
when ye come together, tJfJety 0'ntJ of !lOll bath
a psalm, hath a doctrine, bath a tongue, bath a
revelation, hath an interpretation. Let all things
be done unto edifying. If any man speak in an
unknown tongue, let it be by two, or at the
moat by three and that by course; and let one
interpret. • • • . Let the prophets speak two or
three, and let the other judge. If anything be
revealed to another that sitteth by, let the first
hold his peace. .llw!lB may all propAelg one by OftB,
that all may learn and all may be comforted."
The meaning of this passage is evident: Paul sup-
poses it to be p08sible that in the meetings of the
churches all the believers might be 80 injudicious ..
to use the one gift which would be intelligible only
to themselves, but wholly unintelligible to cc th~
unlearned ot unbelievers" (ver.28). This possible
mistake he corrects by recommending that only two
or three should speak in an unknown tongue; but
at the same time be mentions, with manifest appro-
bation, the possible fact of all prophesying, nay,
he plainly S&ys, that" all might prophesy one by
one, that all might learn, and all be comforted;"
and whilst he says this, he never alludes to the
existence, in the Corinthian church, of official pas-
tors, ordained ministers, or clergymen; his thoughts
never go that way at all; be does not, as is the
custom now, addre88 his remarks 88 a matter of
course to "the minister," meaning thereby either
the parish priest or the popularly-elected preacher,
but he directs his precepts to the whole Corinthisn
church, as the ministering body. He takes it for
granted that gifts would be visible in tke body-the
gifts of kno\vledge, wisdom, faith, teaching, help,
government, evangelizing, and the rest; and
that the appointment to those gifts must be by
the Holy Spirit, that same Spirit by which, as be
tells us, in introducing the subject, every believer
has been enabled to say that J eaus is the Lord.
(1 Cor. xii. 8). And indeed it is well worthy of
observation that Paul, in writing to the Romans,
Corinthians, Ephesians, GaIatians, Thessalonians,
Philippians, and ColossiaDs, never directs his letters
to "the minister;" he never even names luch an
individual; and this fact alone, if duly weighed,
would go far to settle the question of an " ordained
ministry," wherever there is a disposition implicitly
to believe and obey the word of God.
Are we then to follow the Scriptures in these
matters P Are we to test "churches" as they are
called, by the precepts and arrangements which we
find in the Scriptures P If 80" let us see how, with
40 lIDfIBTBY. [ CHA.P. Ill.

any intel1j~ble meaning, the following words could

now be addressed to the congregations assembled for
worship whetber in church or chapel :-" Brethren,
when ye come together,evSfY O1Ie of!lfJ1l hath a psalm,
hath a doctrine," 1 Cor. xiv. 26: "To one is given by
the Spirit the word of wisdom, to another the word
of knowledge by the same Spirit, to anotber faith by
the same Spirit..•.. But all these worketh that one
and the self-same Spirit, dividing to e1JB'r!l man Beve-
rally aB he will." 1 Cor. xii. "AB 6fJety man bath
received tbe gift, even 80 minister the same one to
Itnotbel', as good stewards of the manifold grace of
God; if an.,! 'lnan speak, let him ~pt'ak as the oraeles
of God: if an.,! man minister, let him do it as of the
ability which God giveth." 1 Pet. iv. 10, 11.
There are two other chapters in the New Testa-
ment in 'which the subject is fully set forth. To the
Romans Paul writes, "For I say through the pee
gi\"en unto me, to every man that is among you,
not to think of himself more highly tban he ought
to think; but to think soberly, according as God
hath dealt to every man the measure 'of faith. For
as we have many members in one body, and all
memhers have not the same office; so we, being
many, are one body in Christ, and everyone mem-
bers one of another. Having then gifts differing
according to the grace that is given to us, whether
prophesy, let us prophesy accordin~ to the propor-
tion of faith; or ministry, let us wait on our minis-
tering; or he that teachetb, on teaching; or he
that exhortetb, on exbortati~; he that giveth, let
him do it with simplicity; be that ruleth, with
diligence; he that showeth mercy, with cheerful-
ness" (xii). Here Paul enumerates some of the
gifts :-prophesy, mini~try, teaching, exhorting,
giving, ruling, showing mercy; now whatever
may be our opinion about the precise character
. of some of these gifts, this is certain, that ministry,
exhortation, teaching and ruling-four offices, which
in these days are always assigned to one person,
and which are always deemed to be the peculiar
prerogatives or duties of "the minister "-are de-
clared by Paul to be gifts" differing according to tho
• grace that is given." Now his precepts and admo-
nitions cannot, in. the least, be understood, unless it
be admitted that these offices are distributed among
the members of the church, instead of being con-
ferred on one individual only. His remarks are to
this effect: "Do not. any ofyon, in the church which
is sojourning in Rome, be elated with your gifts; for
if you have any gift, whether that of ministry, teach-
ing, exhortation, prophesy, or power of government;
understand that it is a donation of grace, a manifes-
tation of the Spirit dividing to every man severally
88 He will. You are but members of one body; the
members have each their proper office assigned to
them, and when each member performs its func-
tiODs, the whole body is in a state of harmonious
and healthy vitality."
This being the same Bubject as that which Paul
handles in his epistle to the Corintbians, it is in-
teresting to notice that on both occasions he enforces
his thoughts by similar illustrations,-the subject
leading him, as jt were of necessity, to refer to the
42 lIINI8TBY. [CHAP. nI.
body and its members for an intelligible and con-
vincing similitude. Again, in his epistle to the
Ephesians, we :find the same statements: "There is
one body, and one Spirit ..••. But unto every
one of us is given grace according to the measure of
the gift of Christ. Wherefore he saith, when he
ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and
gave gifts unto men . • • . . . And he gave some
apostles, and some prophets, and some evangelists,
and some pastors and teacbe~ ; for the perfecting of
the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edify-
ing of the body of Christ: till we all come in the
unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son
of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the
stature ofthe fulneu of Cbrist • . . • and may grow
up into him in all things, which is the head, even
Christ j from whom the whole body fit1y joined
together and compacted by that which every joint
supplieth, according to the effectual working in the
measure of every part, maketh increase of the body
unto the edifying of itself in love." (iv. 4-16.)
In 'this portion then of the Scriptures we have
again the same subject with the same illustrations-
the Holy Spirit divides to all as He chooses-the
ehureh is in a capacity to receive any gifts-every
believer may help in the service of the church.
Moreover, it deserves particular attention that "the
growing up into the perfect man," and "the in-
crease of the body," is presumed by Paul to be both
possible and probable wken God'. order prevails.
He brings forward these things to show the end and
object of such an .arrangement; if, therefore, we

find professing Christians deliberately rejecting

God's order, and letting up a ministry ordained of
man instead, can we be surprised if there is not
amongst them any visible" growing up into a perfect
man," and that "the increase of the body unto the
edifying of itself in love," is a mystery with which
they are practically unaequainted r
And now, let us compare this teaching of Scrip-
ture with the practices everywhere prevalent. In
these days we hear clergymen asserting that they
bold an office which makes them a class distinct
from the body of believers; that to them, by their
ordination, belongs the exclusive prerogative of evan-
gelist, pastor, teacher, and ruler amongst "their
people;" and that "the laity" cannot, without
great irregularity, nay, not without sin, interfere
in functions belonging exclusively to the clerical
order. In church and chapel we hear this either
openly asserted or tacitly implied, according to the
degree of clerical feeling which prevails with those
who hold ecclesiastical offices; but wherever we see a
clerical order, do we not at the same time see a
practical contradiction of the scriptural constitution
of ministry P How can a ministry appointed by
man, barmonize with a ministry distributed by the
Spirit P How can an ordained clerical ctIBte com-
port with the free exercise of gifts on the part of the
whole body of believers P. We can, therefore, come
to no other conclusion than that "the churches" of
our days do Dot represent the ditJine order in their
ministerial arrangements. The origin and history
of this great perversion ,,·e need not now examine;

of the fact of 3 perversion-of an apostacy-there

can be no doubt at all in the minds of those who
are guided in this inquiry by the Scriptures rather
than by tradition.
A formidable array of Scripture authority has
,been produced to establish the truths fer which we
plead: but what is the UBUoJ. reply to 80 much and to
such clear evidence P Generally, an exclamation .of
amazement that we could have propounded anything
so strange &8 that, in the New Testament, there il
no such thing as human ordination to the ministry.
It behoves us, therefore, to be still more explicit,
that we may show both what Scripture does and does
not teach on the subject-that we may prove our
point both negatively and positively. Here, then,
let it be remenlbered that we are not to be deceived
by the use of words diverted from their proper
meaning; for there is "ministry" in the New
Testament, and abundantly set forth too there, far
more abundantly than we are, for the most part,
prepared to receive; but it has no reference to that
kind of ministry which is handed down to us by
tradition: it is therefore important again to describe
the traditional, before we further exhibit the scrip-
turaJ. The ministry of professing Ohristendom, at
the present day implies a body of men set apart
by a sacerdotal ceremony, and ordained into an office
in which they have the exclusive right to preach,
teach, feed, and tend the Hock, as well as to "ad-
minister the 800rBlnents." We now proceed to
inquire, if the ministry of scripture answers to this
representation of it.

§ 3. Ezamination of Scripture Ter111B relative to

In the New Testament the Greek words trans-
lated cc ministry," except when predicated of Christ
himself, Rom. xv. 8, Matt. xx. 28, Heb. viii. 6, are
used to denote 1I'1&!I .erviC8 of beZitmw. to God aflll
to liB Church, though in our English translation
their meaning is occasionally weakened or perverted.
The word "ministry" occurs in our New Testament
e~hteen times, in all which instances, except two, it
is a translation of the Greek word dia1coftill. In the
following pusuges m;""utry is given as the trans-
lation of Zeitourgia, otherwise rendered 8BrDice:-
cc But now bath he obtained a more excellent mini.-
try (leitourgia) , by how much also he is the
mediator of a better covenant." (Reb. viii. 6.)
'Moreover, he sprinkled likewise with blood both
the tabernacle and all the vessels of the minilltrg
(l.eitourgia). (ix.21.) These two instances are the
only exceptions. There are, however, several in-
stances in which tli.alconia is translated by some
other word than "ministry j" and this fact may at
once enable us to understand how much confusion
of thought may be introduced by a capricious trans-
lation, made under the iD1iuence of preconceived
opinions. But in order to present the whole sub-
ject in its clearest light, it will doubtless be expe-
dient to bring before the reader the entire list of
passages where the original terms for to minilltfYr,
miniBtr!l, &c., occur in the New Te8tament~ The
actual usage will evince that nearly all the ndvan-
46 llINISTBY. . [CHAP. 3.
tage gained by the clerical theory is due to a subtle
process of tec1vnicaZizing terms which were intended
to bear no other than their ordinary import. Thia
process ha been somewhat largely applied by
ecclesiastical and other dignitaries in the interpreta-
tion of holy writ, but in no case perhaps more
glaringly than in regard to the words which we are
now about to consider.

§ 4. dialtonitl.
The word dialconia is found in the New Testa-
ment thirty four times. In sixteen cases it is
translated cc plinistry"-in six, "ministration"-
in four, "service"-in three, cc ministering"-in
two, "administratioDs"-in one, "oflice"-in one,
" relief"-and in one, "to minister."
Luke x. 4:0. .c But Martha wu cumbered about much ,tJ'I"Oiftg
Acts i. 17. "IIad obtained part of this miniltt71 (tlialumia)."
Acts i. 25. cc That he may take p\rt of this mini8trll (tlttJ-

Ministry here is .errJice, service to God and his

church; not a clerical or episcopal office, BB it is to
be feared the translators wished the readers to
understand it, if we may judge by their unwarrant-
able use of the word "bishoprick" in the 20th verse
of that chapter.
Acts vi. 1. cc Were neglected in the daily .in.tltration
Acta vi. 4. .' Will·give ourseh"es continuaIlf to prayer and to
the fI~i"i8t'l'V (dia7wnia) of the Word."
In the general BertJice to be rendered by ail the
members to the church, that of expounding and
applying the Scriptures doubtless devolved more
especially upon the apostles. So at the present
day, those whose gifts qualify them for it would, in
true gospel order, be called to the discharge of the
same functions.
Aota xi. 29. "Then the disciples • • • • • determined to send
,.,zUj' (dioJlonia) unto the brethren whioh dwelt in Judea."
Acta xii. 25. " And Barnabas and Saul returned from J era-
.lem when they had fulfilled their .'nUt,.,(diako"'''j,'·
i.".,had admini8tINd tAs ,."ug spoken of in the preceding
Aots ZX. 24. "So that I might finish my course with joy, and
the fAift"trV (ditJlumia) "hicb I have received of the Lord
Jesus, to testify the g08pel of the grace of God."
This was the special aervice to which Paul was
called; and every man who has an experimental
knowledge of the gospel, and it! gifted for the work,
is called also to "testify" of that gospel to his
fellow-men; though the character of his miniBtty or
.tWtJ1ce may not be the same with that of Paul.
Aots xxi. 19. cC And when he had saluted them, he declared
particularly what things God had wrougbt among the
Gentiles by his alnilt"!I (dioAonia)," i.,., by hia iutrN-
m"",tal ",.,,1ctJ.
Hom. xi. 13. cc Inasmuch as I am the apostle of the Gentiles,
1 magnify mine q/fitJ, (difJionia)," i.,.,
my aervioe.
Rom. xii. 7. "Or miniltr, (ditUt.ollia), l~t us wait on our
".inWerillg (diaJumia); or he that teacheth, on teaching.

Whatever is bere implied by miniBtrg or millister-

ing, it is evidently some~~ing not precisely identical

with teaching, as tbe two are clearly distinguished.

With the popular ideas of the ministry, 88 now
existing, this distinction would not have been made.
Rom. xv. 81. "That my 6'''''ic.
(ditlkonia) which I have for
Jerusalem may be accepted of the saints;" i.B., the cont1-i-
butlon ofwhioh I am made the bearer.
1 Cor...U. 6. "And there are dUferenoea of tulmiaUtt-atItnu
(tlitlJumio7J), but the aame Lord."
1 Cor. xvi. 15. "And that they have addicted themaelv8I to
the minUt,., (tliakonia) of the wnts;" i .•., to the ,WfJics
of the sain ta.
I Cor. iii. 1. cc It the miniltratioJi (dilJJumia) or death,
written," &0.
2 Cor. ill. 8. "HoW' shall not the .inim-tItioft (dill1umls) or
the Spirit be rather glorioua!"
2 Cor. Hi. 9. "For if the minWrtltio,,. (diaAoltia) or con-
demnation be glory, much more doth the minutration (dia-
llonitl) of righteousness exceed in gIol"."

Ministration or miniBtry as used in this connec-

tion seems to be equivalent to eCOMfllI·· or tlU.
2 Cor. iv. 1. cc Therefore seeing we have this miftiltr!l (Ills-
1umia), 88 we have received mercy, we faint DOt;" i.B.,
seeing we are called to act in connection with the O",w.z
8tJrrice befof"tl spoken of.
2 Cor. v. 1. 8. .c, And hath given to us the miniIJtry (diaAonia)
of reconoiliation."
I Cor. vi. S. "Giving no offence in anything, that the
. flllniltrg (dlnkonla) be not blamed."
2 Cor. viii. 4. "Praying U8 with much entreaty, that we would
receive the gift; and take upon U8 the· fellowship of the
miniltring (if,iaAonia) to the saints;" 4•••, dording them
2 Cor. ix. 1. "Touohing the mlni8terillO (dioAonia) to the
, laints ;" i.e., Bd obo'·c, ministering to thtair tempol·il1 wants.

2 Cor. Ix. 11. cc For the t.atltIIi.iltNtiofl of tAi, ,,,.,,,. (ditJ-

_ita t. lfttDurgia, tauta) not oD1y aupp1ieth tile want of
the aainta," &0.
2 Cor. ix. 13. " While by the experiment of this minutratiofa
(tlU&1unaia) they glorify God."
SI Cor. xi. 8. cc I robbed other churohes, taking wagee of them
to do WOU 1tJrfM, (tlia1tonitJ). n
Bph. iv. 11, 12. "And he gave some apostles, and some
prophets, and some evangelisUJ, and 80me pastors and
teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of
the ministry (tlioJumia), for the edifying of the body of
Christe" .

Prior to a close inspection of this passage in the

original we were not aware how far short the
present rendering comes of exhibiting the true
sense of the sacred writer. That rendering, it will
be observed, presents three distinct clauses, divided
by commas, embracing what the English reader'
would take to be three separate, but closely related
objects to be accomplished by the divine appointment
of "apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and
teachers" in the church-the first, "the perfecting of
the saints,"-the second, "thework oftheministry,u
-the third, "the edifying of the body of Christ."
It may, however, be fairly doubted whether this
truly expresses the meaning of the original. There
is, as is well known. no apostolic authority for the
Pfl1l,DtuatioA ot the text. Moreover, the preposition
" for n before cc perfecting ., is not the same word as
that before "work of the ministry," or that before
"edifYing ofthe body." In the one case it is pro8, and
in the other tU. In view then of the phrasing of
the original, no other rendering appears to be

legitimate than the following, or one equivalent

to it: cc for the perfecting of the saints unto the
work of ministry, unto the edifying of the body
of Christ." The original is simply tlia1&oniaB, of
ministry, without the article, and not of tl,:8 mill-
utry, with the article. What more obvious than
that the ministry here spoken of is a ministry per-
taining to all the saints, and not the technical or
clerical ministry which has been so generally under-
stood by it P Christ gave these various offices to
the church for the express purpose of better quali-
fying all his people to perform that ,,,",ice or
mm;"try which should help to build up the whole
body into the fulness and completeness of the divine
Col. iv. 17. U Say to Archippus, Take heed to the mini8try
(tliaionia) whioh thou hut received in the Lord, that thou
fulDI it."
Had tlialconia been here translated " service" it
would have far more faithfully expressed the mean-
ing of the original. Archippus bad been known
as one in 'enJice to the Lord and to his people;
what that service was, we cannot now say, but it
does not at all appear that it was preaching the
Gospel, or the exercise of the pastoral office.
Archippus might have had no gift for teaching or
preaching; he might bave had no gift for govern-
ment. What bis gift was it is impossible for us
now to determine; only this is apparent, that the
service for which he was known, he had "received
in the Lord;" but such is the force of the cus-
tomary notions, that his "ministry" is generally
8:£C. 5.] DUKono. 51
supposed to have been an ofticial pastorate; so that
ministers of the establishment claim Arcbippus as
one of their clergy, while others, with equal confi-
dence, tell us that he was a minister of a congre-·
gational church.
1 Tim. i. 12. cc For that he counted me faithful, putting me
into the minutf'y (eU tlioAonian);n lit. appointing tn8 to
,Wt1ice, the article being wanting in the original.
2 Tim. iv. 5. "Make full proof of thy min_,., (tlWumia);
lit. fulfil tAy lervice.

By "ministry" here is to be understood not the

clerical function, but the whole of Timothy's service.
What sort of service that is, we may learn by re-
ference to the words of Paul respecting himself:
cc I have fought a good fight, I have finished my
course, I have kept the faith." This is the ilialconia
which is so often in his thoughts and so much upon
his pen. Any service and all service is "ministry"
in the New Testament diction.
2 Tim. iv. 11. "Take Mark and bring him with thee; for he
is profitable to me for the mini8try (Bildiakonian);" lit. he
is profitable to me tmto ,BrtJice, i.e., to serving or minister-
ing to my neoe88itiea.
Heb. i. 14. "Are they not all ministering (leitourgico,) spirits
sent forth to minuter (ei8 ditJlumian) for them who shall be
heirs of salvation?" lit. sent forthfor ,ertJice.
Rev. ii. 19. "I know thy works, and charity, and ,ert1ios (tlia-
§ 5. tlialconeo.
The verb tliakoneo, to '8rV6, ~o miniater, occurs
thirty-six times, in twenty-two of which it is
rendered by. mmilter, in ten by '6",8, in two by

administer, and in two by uftrIg tu ~ of la


Matt. iv. 11. "Allacrels came and mi,.Ww.tltllo (tliMOtIn.)

Matt. viii. 15. "She arose and minwwetl unto (tliektmea")
Matt. xx. 28. c, Even D8 the Son of Man came not to be minia-
tered unto (diakonetkenai) but to ministtw (dia1unU'8QI1and
to give hialife," &0. So also Mark x. 45.
Matt. xxv. 44. cc When saw we thee ••••• iD prison and did
not miniate-r unto (diekonuQmen) thee?"
Matt. xxvii. 55. "And many women were there ••••• which
followed Jesus from Galilee, miniltering unto (diakonouBai)
:Mark i. 13. "And the angels miniBtered unto (tlieko-noun)
Mark. i. 31. "The fever l~ft her and she minut".ed unto
(diekonei) them." Luke iv. 30.
Mark xv. 41. cc Who also ••••• followed him and mi"I,i8teretl
unto (diekonoun) him."
Luke viii. 8. "And mauy others whioh minutered unto
(diekonoun) him of their substance."
Luke x.40. "My sister hath left me to 88r'tJe (diakonein)
Luke xii. 37. "And will come forth and 8erve (diakone8ei)
Luke xvii. 8. ":Make ready wherewith I may sup, and gird
thyself, and serve (diakonei) me."
Luke xxii. 26. "He that is chief, as he that dot'" 'Brt:8 (dia-
Luke xxii. 27. cc Whether is greater, he that sitteth at meat,
or he that 8tlr'1Jet'" (tliakonon)."
Luke xxii. 27. "I am among you 8S he that 8e'rfJeth
(diaJumon)." .
John xii. 2. cc There they made him 8 IU pper, and lIartbs
,ervetl (tliekonn).u
John xii. 26. Cl If any man ,rtJs (tlialone) me, let him follow
John xii. 28. "If any man ,.,6(tli4Jums) me, him will my
Father honor.ft
Acta vi. 2. "It is Dot reason that we Ihould leave the word of
God and ''"'6 (diakonein) tables."
Aots six. 22. h Two of th~m that m',,,inered unto (tlWumoun)
Rom. sv. 25. "But now I go unto J eru8alem to minUter
(diakonon) unto the eaintB."
2 Cor. iii. 30 "Forasmuch 88 ye are manifestly declared to be
the epistle of ChrilJt, mini8tsred (dioJum.stkei8a) by U8."
2 Cor. viii. 19. "To travel with U8 with thi8 gloace, ",kick it
Q,f/,mitti.uWBd (diakonoumma) by us to the glory of the
same Lord."
2 Cor.- viii. 20. " Which u admini8teretl (tlia1umOfMAena) by
1 Tim. iii. 10. Cl Let these also first be proved; then let tksm
ms tks ojJios of tI tleUOft, (tlioJumelt08o,n), being found
1 Tim. iii. 13 cc For they that have Ulell tM qfftce qf tJ dsacon
(tlia1untuantu), well," &0.

In the two preceding texts a new phase is given

to the rendering of the original word; our trans-
lators having turned the term into the "exercise of
the deacons' office," which they could readily do
where it would especially suit tlleir purpose. But
upon the deaconship we shall dwell more at length
in a ~ub8equent page.
2 Tim. i. 18. "And in how many things he mlnut",sd unto
(die1w1W6fl,) me at EphesU8."
Pbil. 13. " That in thy 8tead he might M/VB miniatwed utato
fn8 (tlia/unl,tJ) in the bonds of the Gospel."
Beb. vi. 10. "In that ye lIave minutsred to (dioJuJuaMtea)
the IlLinta and do minUttr (dialumotlntu). tt'

1 Pet. i. 12. cc But unto us they did, .ini8tw (tliekotaoun) the

things which are D:OW reported." &c.
1 Pet. iv. 10. "Even 10 minUtBr (d,ioJumountu) the same ODe
to another;" i.e. be mutually 8mJiceabk one to another.
1 Pet. iv. 11. "If any DUUl minl8tlf' (tlitJJumsl,) let him do it.'''
§ 6. tlia1con08.
This word occurs in the New Testament thirty
times. In twenty it is translated "ministers," iD
seven, "servants," and in three, "deacons."
Matt. XL 26. "Whosoever will be great among you" let him
be your miniMer {dioAonoa}."
Matt. xxii. 13. "Then said the king to the 'srt1a.u (ilia-
Jumou), Bind him hand and foot."
Matt. xxiii. 11. "He that is greatest among you sIian be your
a,rvant (di0JuJn08)."
:Mark ix. 86. "If any man dflire to be first, the same shall be
last of all, and 8ervant (tli41umoa), of all."
:Mark x. 43. "Shall be your minister (dlaJumo8.)"
John ii. 5. "His mother saith unto the l8r1'am, (tlill1umoU)."
John li. 9. "But the a,",ant, (tlia1umoi) whioh drew the.
water knew."
John xii. 26. "Where I am, there shall 8180 my ,,,,,,ani
(ditJ,1r.onoa) be."
Rom. xiii.4. "For he is the minWIf' (dia1ttmn8) of God to thee
for good." This is spoken of the oivil magistrate.
Rom. xiii. 4. "For he is the mini8ter (dlaJumo8) of God, a
revenger," &0.
Rom. xv. 8. "Noy I lay that J eSU8 Christ was a minUt".
(diakonol) of the circumcision for the truth of God."
Rom. xvi. 1. "I commend unto you Phebe our sister which,
is a atJMJfMt {tliokonoa} of the ohuroh whioh is at Cenchrea.,.
1 Cor. ill. 5. "Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but
mini8tBr8 (dialumoi) by whom ye believed !"
2 Cor. ill. 6. "Who bath·also made us able min_er, (tlitJ-
'IuJnotu) of the New Testament."
SI Cor. vi. 4. "But in all things approving ourselves the
minister' (tlioJunwi) of God ;" i.s., as ,srt:aM8.
2 Cor. xi. Ui. "It is no great thing tfbis minut61" (diakonoi)
also be transformed as the "dnUter, of righteousness i" l.s.,
his 'WtJtmt8.
2 Cor. xi. 28. "Are they tniniBter, (tlialumol) of Christ!
. . . . . I am more." ,
Gal. ii. 10;-. "Is therefore Ohrist the minUttlf' (dia/umo,)
of 8in?"
Eph. iii. 7. "Whereof I was made a tni,.ilter {dioJumol}
according to the gift," &to.
Eph. vi. 21. e' But that ye al80 may know my aft'aira, and
how I do, Tychicus, a beloved brother and faithful miniattlf'
(tliaAon08) in the Lord shall make known. tt
Phil. i. 1. "To all the saints in Chris' Jesus whioh are at
Philippi, with the bishops and deuom {dilJktJfWi8).tt
Col. i. 7. "As ye al80 learned of Epaphras, our dear fellow
servant who w for you. faithful minilt",. (ditJ1uwlM) of
Christ." Com. ch. iv. 7.
Col. i.23. "Whereof I Paul am made a .'nUt". (tlitiJumol)."
80 al80 v. 20.
1 Thes. iii. 2. cc And sent Timotbeus, our brother and minllter
(dialumo,) of God."
I Tim. iii. 8... Likewile must the deaconl (dioAonotJ,I) be
grave." &0.
I Tim. iii. 12. "Let the tUtJCOfI,8 (tlialumoi) be the husbands
of ODe wife.,t
1 Tim. iv. 6. cc If thou put the brethren in remembrance of
these things, thou shalt be a good minilttlf' (tJiaJumoI) of
J eaU8 Christ.JJ

These are very important instances of the usage

of a word which in fact is descriptive of all Christ's
deacons, ministe18, or servants. Anyone that serves
Ohrist is his tlitJ1cOflO'. "I commend unto you Phebe,
our sister, which is a MtJ1cOft08 of the church at Cen-
chrea, (Rom. ni.I)." Even Bloom1ield, who seldom
66 KmlSTBY. [ CH.u'. III.

fails, wherever an opportunity oceDn, to give a high

church interpretation, says upon Rom. xii. 6,
"The words tlialcOft08, tlitJlconein, and tlialconia,
though general terms and used of the apostles
*hemselvt'l, are often, in the N ew TestameD~,
used of some certain rpecific office undertaken
in the cause of the Christian church and exer-
cised by those Christians who did not BO much
employ themselves in ezplaining tke doctrine, or
the Gospel, as in 'fII,Q'NJgi'Ilg tke eztemal and t,m-
po,.a~ affairB of the church and of individualB." This
is a creditable conceuion for a member of that
church which so emphatically teaches that tlellCOfl
(tlialcono,) is the title of one of the orders of the
teaching priesthood. It is one of the accumulated
and irresistible testimonies to the fact, that the
general import of the term, in all its branches, is
,enJictJ-,ermce of whatever kind-which is brought
into requisition in building up the Lord's church OD
earth. But upon the usage of this term and on the
office of deacon we shall have more to say shortly.
In view of the ample array of passages nOlf
adduced, is not the conclusion fair and unimpeach-
able, that "miniBtef." 'MVW, in 0118 Bingle ~'MlC6 i1l
tke New Te,tament, means a clerical functiont1llY ;
tkat "mini..try" has tM meaning of ,enJiclJ in every
i1l8taMe w1wrtJ it iB u:pre.w6 of tkB tlCtiDAI ofOA.,v-
titmB; Mid ,,",, it freqtI8AtZg re/Br' t~ ,BnJica of
tllZ beZiltJ6r' OIIe '0 MWtMr 1 This is our firm con..
viction, and consequently we hold that the entire
clerical system which has so long obtained in the
Christian church has been, aB we have before ~
marked, the result of a process of t6cAnictlliang the
import of certain terms which were designed to
be taken in their more natural and ordinary
sense. It is eMy to see how the operation of
certain principles ot our fallen nature should
have led to the conversion, for instance, of the
original word for HnJtlnt into that of miflvtw 88
implying ecclesiastical rule, and of the simple
word ovtw,eer into that of bUMp; and so of a multi-
"tude of others, that have been made the ground-
work of a pernicious system of hierarchy.
§ 7. Phe Office of Deacon.
But in order to make the general subject yet
plainer we must clear up some mistakes that have
accumulated ar~und the word tlialcOfl08, which,
in the English Bible, appears as "minister," "ser...
vant," or "deacon," as it suited the object of the
translators to render it. Let it then be remem-
bered that the translators had a double task to
. perform, not only to give an English version of
the Scriptures, but BO to accomplish their task as
not to disturb the ecclesi~tical order of their own
communion. That this was the case we know by
historical record; for King J ames expressly com-
manded them not to change "the old ecclesias-
tical words;" and in their preface attached to the
larger Bibles, they thus express themselves: " We
have avoided the scrupulosity of the Purit&1l8, who
leave the old ecclesiastical words and betake them-
selves to others." The effect of this caution. is
most conspicuous in relation to the words "bishop,"

" overseer," " deacon," "minister," cc church," &e.,

&c.; but at present we have only to investigate
their mode of dealing with the words, ministry,
minister, service, servant, deacon; a mode of deal-
ing which, with them, was almost a necessity, since
in the preface " to the form and manner of making,
ordaining, and consecrating bishops, priests and
deacons," published in the larger prayer-books, we
find this to be the first sentence, "It is evident
-unto all men, diligent.", reading Holy Script'UlrlJ MUl
ancient autluw" that, from the apostles' time, there
have been these ortltJr, of miftiBttJrB, in Christ's
church; bishops, priests, and deacons." Here is an
appeal to Scripture, together with "ancient authors,"
in support of the three orders of. the Established
Church: we may, therefore, conjecture how the
clerical translators would handle the text, when it
presented difficulties in the way of their system.
Dialcono8, a word employed thirty times in the
the New Testament, has not, in a single instance
in the original, the technical and official meaning of
either a deacon or a minister. The dialc0ft08 of the
New Testament, when used in reference to the
Church of God, is a person who, in any way, is
serving God. In two instances it is applied to
express an ordinary domeltic seryant. "His mother
said unto the ,BnJcmt, ••••• tle ,enJcmtB which
drew the water." (John n. 5, 9.) And in Rom.
xiii. 4, the ruler or magistrate is called "tI ,tJrf'tMI
(diakonos) of God."
The passages adduced will be sufficient to show
that the dialcono8 of the Greek text is a word gene-
rally expressive of lIenJice, and that to translate it
deacon or miAuter in one passage, whilst in another
it is rendered IIBrVtJAt, is not to represent the true
meaning of the original, but rather the ecclesiastical
prejudices of the translators. And ~ fact, the word
, deacon," &8 descriptive of a special office, though,
making a conspicuous figure in the English Bible, has
no existence in the original, as will clearly appear
from what follows. The origin of the deacon's office
is generally traced to the transaction recorded in
the sixth chapter of the Acts of the Apostles, where
the whole church at Jerusalem, by the advice of
the apostles, selected seven men "full of the Holy
Ghost and wisdom " to superintend the service of
the tables, and to silence the murmurings of some,
who thought that " their widows were neglected in
the daily ministration." The church chose seven
holy men for this duty; and when they were
chosen, the apostles prayed and laid their hands on
them. But no mention is here made that these
persons were called deacons; nor in any other
place of the New Testament is this implied. It
bad reference to local and temporary circumstances,
namely, the common table of the saints at J ern-
salem; and as we read of no such peculiar circum-
stances in any of the other churches, so must it
have ceased when the necessity ceased to which it
owed its existence. This is discoverable by a close
attention to the text, which, from the original, is to
be thus read-" Look out among you seven men of
honest report, whom we will appoint for this '/Nee,-
lit,." In the English Bible we read it "this busi-
60 lIINI8TBY. [OHAP. fir.
ness;" but the word is cArBUJ, which, though it
occurs upwards of forty times in the New Testa-
ment, is, in every instance but this, uniformly
rendered "need" or "necesaity." Now the dif-
ference in the translation is important; as it
8tands, "over this business," it leaves a general
impression that c, the deacons" were appointed to
take care of the poor in the church; but translate it
correctly" for this necessity," and ,then it will ap-
pear that it was a peculiar exigency-that the service
of the common table at Jerusalem at that time re-
quired special attention and care; and that, for
that necessity, and in order to prevent a spirit of
iliscontent arising amongst the multitude of be-
lievers, they thought it expedient to choose. seven
approved brethren, to whose wisdom and grace they
might leave all the arrangement and ordering of a
very onerous duty.
There are indeed, some who, perceiving that the
seven were appointed for a special purpose, and that
consequently their special duties must have ceased
with the circumstances which called them forth,
nevertheless contend that the general duty of
distribution may have devolved on the Seven, and
that we may .conjecttwfJ that an office similiar to
that of the Seven would be created elsewhere.
But to this we reply, that "the general duty
of distribution" W88 not considered the special
province of the Seven, for in Acts xi. 29, 30, we are
told that the disciples at Antioch, "every man
according to his ability, determined to send relief
(or service, ditJlconitm) unto the brethren which
dwelt in J udea'~ which al~o they did, and sent it to
eM EldtJr, by the hands of Barnabas and Saw."
• • • • cc And Barnabas and Saw returned from
Jerusalem when they had fulfilled their ,ennu
(tlialconian)." (xii. 25.) Now the collection here
'made (and doubtless that also referrred to in Rom.
xv. 26), was not aent to the Seven, 88 the general
distributors or bursars-general of the church, but to
tluJ tJldw.; and it is moreover apparent from
Acts xv. 2, 22, 28, that the elders were distinct from
the apostles; hence we conclude, ,that the general
ministry of distribution fell rather within the pro-
vince of the elders.
In what other place then in the New Testament
shall we find "the deacon" and his "office P" In
Paul's Epistle to Timothy, our translators have
given it a being: "likewise must the deacons be
grave;" "let the deacons be the husbands of one
wife" (1 Tim. iii.); and still more conspicuously,
" let these al80 first be proved; then let tkem Ul8
tie ojJice of(J tleQ,C()'fl" being found blameless." (v. 10.)
But, as in the first instances, "the deacon" should
be "the servant," or, if you will, "the minister,"
taking care that no clmcal meaning is attached to
the word; 80 in this instance " the office of a
deacon" is wholly ideal: in the original it is, "let
,them 8tJ'NJe, or be in .ervics." Again, verse 18,
instead of "They that have used tns ojJic8 of (J
Macon well purchase to themselves a good degree,"
it should read thus, "~ey that have 8fWverJ well
secure to themselves a good step." So that the only
passages in the New Testament where, in the autho-
62 . KmISTBY. [CHAP. fil.

rized version, we find "the office of a deacon,"

wholly fail to support it; and the term itself, when
examined by the original, tums out to be the in.
vention of the tranalators, introduced into the text
to take the place of a word expressing quite another
But this may be put still clearer, for a, few verses
furtber on the translators have again found the word
tlialcDnOl j but there they give it another meaning.
" If thou put the brethren in remembrance of these
things, thou shalt be a good miniBter of Jesus Christ."
(iv. 6.) Why then is the worq in this verse not
translated " deacon," when it had twice before been
so presented to us P Apparently for this reason,
that as Timothy is, by the Episcopalians, pro-
nounced to be "Bishop of Epheslls" (yea, by some
declared to be "Primate of all Asia ")-his prelatic
titles would have disappeared if he had been called
a "deacon" by the apostle Paul. We see ~hen
that deacon is an arbitrary word; that the original
word means simply any servant of the Lord in
the church; and that the translators introduce or
keep back the official "deacon" as it happens to
suit their purpose. If" they who serve well"
(1 Tim. iii. 18), are " deacons," then 88suredly was
Timothy himself a deacon (iv. 16); but if he was
not a, deMon, but only a servant of the Lord in the
church, then "they who se:JVed well" were not
official deacons, but servants of the Lord in the
church as was also Timothy. In 1 Thess. iii. 2,
Timothy is again mentioned as dialconoB.
After this, need we hesitate to pass judgment
SEc.7.J OFFICE 0:1' DEA.CON. 68

on the mistakes that exist on this subject? In

the ordination of deacons in the Church of Eng-
land, the bishop is made to say, that cc it apper-
taineth to the office of a deacon to assist the priest
in divine service, specially when he ministereth
the holy communion; to read the Scriptures and
homilies in the church, to teach children the church
catechism, to baptise infants, in tkB tih8tmCe of tAB
-priest, to preach, if licensed 80 to do by the bi,shop,
and to point out the poor and sick of the parish to
the curate, in order that the curate may exhort his
parishioners to relieve them I" And all this we are
gravely told is the office of the deacon, as appointed
by the apostles, and recorded in the sixth chapter
of Acts!
The Non-Conformists too have gone astray in
their endeavours to realize" the deacon's office."
They are not indeed agreed amongst themselves
whether" the deacon's office" is to be traced to the
sixth chapter of Acts; but they pretty generally
affirm that the care of the poor is the proper duty
of this officer. cc I affirm," says the author of the
OAurck Memher'8 Guide, "that the table of the
poor is the deacon's appropriate and exclusive duty.
Whatever is conjoined with this is e~tra-dialc()'fl,al
service, and vested in the individual mere}y for the
sake of utility."-The same writer further sa1s-
"the deacons, from their being officers in the
church, . . • • will be considered by every wise
and prudent minister as his privy council in his
spiritual government, and should always be ready

to afford him, in a modest, respectful, and unobtru-

sive manner, their advice."
'This last sentence could scarcely be put into
Scripture language; for in making the attempt we
should thus read it: "The tlialconoi, from their
being officers in the church, . • . • will be con-
sidered by every wise and prudent tlialcOfto" &c. It
Tradition has separated the deacon and the minister,
but in the New Testament they are one and the
same word; and indeed so fully does tlialconia mean
any service in the church, that, a8 used in the
Scripture, it is a synonyme also for" the office of a
bishop," as the English translators have fallaciol1s1y
rendered. Compare Acts i. 17 with verse 20 of
the sam~ chapter.
By this examination of Scripture we are now
coming to daylight where much darkness had been
allowed to settle, and we are beginning to ascertain
that "ministry" is all manner of service in the
spiritual government of the church of God: that
" ministers" and "deacons" are simply servants:
and that any believer, man or woman, who 8erve~
the Lord and his people, is a deacon or a
Paul was, in this sense, a deacon, minister, or
servant (2 Cor. xi. 23; Eph. iii. 7; Col. i. 23);
and so also were Timothy, (1 Thess. iii. 2; 1 Tim.
iv. 6); and Phebe (Rom. xvi. 1); and ApolloB
(1 Cor. ill. 5); and Tyehieus (Eph. vi. 21); and
all those who were in the service of the Lord in .
the church at Philippi (Phil. i. 1.) And indeed,

if we may imitate the translators of the English

Bible, and coin the term "deacon's office" out of
the verb diakO'lleo, then all believers that have re-
ceived the gift are to exercise the deacon's office
one to another, 1 Pet. iv. 10; and then also there
are diversities of deacon's offices (1 Cor. xii. 5.)
There is in the Greek one word for "deacon,"
"minister," "servant," &c.; that word is dialctm08:
let, then, anyone word that the enquirer may be
pleased to select be taken as a translation of that
word,-and let it be uniformly adhered to in every
instance where the word dialcono8 appears in the

§ 8. Ministry a.a inplied in the terln kupeeretee8.

" lIinistry," however, makes its appearance in
the English Bible through the medium of another
word, which Inust not be overlooked. That word
is kupeerctecs, and in four instances .it is so trans-
lated as to carry with it a clerical meaning.
Hupeeretees, is, in its primary meaning, an under-
ro\\:-er, one who sat in the rower's bench of the
ancient trireme-vessels, under the command of a
~uperior officer; but in its secondary sense it is
any inferior officer, chiefly of the civil court:s, the
apparitor, sergeant, or constable; also any servant,
official or domestic, state-servant or house-servant;
and lastly, anyone who renders ser~ice in any
matter or duty.
In the Gospels the word is frequently translated
'" officer" or "servant." Thus:
}[att. v. 25. Lest "the judge delh"er thee to the # "
)lark xiv. 54. "Peter followed )Jim ••••• e,"en into the
palace of the high pri~st, and he sat 'lVill" the ae'l-Vo,11t8
(flleta ton It'uple,.eton).''

In the following instances, however, we find it

rendered minister :
Luke i. 2. ., Which from the beginning were eye-witnesses and,
minilter, of t1,,8 '1l7O'1-d (l1,upeeretai tOfl, logou);" equivalent,
according to Kuinoel, to aOl1it, of the affair, recorded.
Acta xiii. 6. "And they had also John to their mini8ter (ku-
pesr8teen);" i.e. assistant in service.
Acts xxvi. 16. "I have appeared unto thee ••••• to make
thee a minilter, (ll1/'peereteen, aervant) and 8 witness." .
1 Cor. iv. 1. "Let a mon 80 uccount of us as of the minuim·,
(kupeeretfU,8ervant,) of Christ, and stewards of the mys-
:teries of God. U

This latter text is probably often read, though

unconsciously, aB one of the clerical passages of the
New Testament; yet when closely examined and
compared with others, it appears to be of rather an
opposite tendency. We do indeed often hear the
clergy tell us that they are "stewards of mysteries'"
and "ministers of Christ;" but here the minister
is simply the servant, and we must not forget that
Peter gives the stewardship to all believers; "as
every man hath received the gift, so minister the
same one to another, as good stewards of the mani.
fold grace of God." (1 Pet. iv. 10.) Dr. Arnold, in
his "Miscellanies," p. 22, 23, has shown that
" mysteries" here are the mysteries or profound
truths of the kingdom, and not the sacraluents Of
Baptism and the Lord's Supper as frequently
§ 9. Imponti01l of HaMs.
We have now only to examine the last strong-
hold of the cleriealsystem-tbe imposition of hands,
a subject which affects the whole order of the
clergy and all its accompaniments. So great indeed
is the influence of this ceremony on the minds of
many, that they consider the whole question of the
sacerdotal order clearly established by the instances
of imposition of hands recorded in the New Testa-
ment; and it must· be confessed that the Papists,
the Episcopalians, the Presbyterians, the Indepen-
dents,- and the Wesleyans, are in accord on this
subject. Imposition of hands creating (J clerical
order, they all discover in the Scriptures; only
they cannot agree amongst themselves who are the
true clergy, and by which of them the ceremony
is most accurately performed.
But granting that there is any truth in that
which has been already argued, then it must be
obvious that the "ministry" of the New Testament
differs so widely from any existing ministerial
order that we need not be very solicitous to inquire
• In formal words the Dissenters do Dot allow that they
create a clerical ol·der; but all their practices and their
habitual language cltJarly show that they think they have a
clergy; their ministers are called clergymen, and always
claim the title of Reverend. They distinguish also very
accurately between "the secular" and " the sphitual" offioers
of their churches-the deacon'. office they tell us is lecula,·,
and the minister's apiritual.
68 llI:NISTBY. [CHAP. Ill.

about" a regular ministry, ordained by imposition

of hands;" for unless the advocates of the clerical
order can succeed in setting aside these statements
from the New Testament, then is their system
virtually undermined. But let us, nevertheless,
for argument's 8~e, waive any preceding proofs,
and very briefly examine the popular theory of
"an ordained ministry." Now, according to this
theory, the regular minister has been ordained
"to preach the Gospel, and administer the S8cra..
mente," by virtue of the imposition of hands of a
clerical body already existing. Let us advert to
-both these points in detail.
§ 10. AilminilltBring tAB Sacrame·ni,.
As to "administering the sacraments" the term
is wholly unknown in scripture. There are no
" sacraments" in the New Testament. The churches
. of Rome and England talk much of "the sacra-
ments;" and the dissenters, cOPJing those churches,
or rather retaining the practices which they received
originallyfrom Rome through the church ofEngland,
enlarge on the mysterious theme; but the Chris-
tian who is guided by the Scriptures need not trouble
himself about any theological language which he
cannot find in them. As for baptism, which they call
one of the sacraments, there is no scripture proof
that it was performed by any "minister," taking this
word even in the wide sense of diakon08. The bap..
tiem of the converts in the house of Cornelius
was not performed by any" minister," for, as far as
,ve are informed, the only" minister" present was
Peter, and he "commantkiJ them to be baptized"
(Acts x. 48); that is, he did not baptize them him-
self: and though doubtless the traditional school
would assure us that cc the certain brethren from
~oppa" who accompanied Peter (verse 23) were
clergymen, and "administered the sacrament of
baptism" on that occasion, yet no such statement
appears in Scripture; and therefore it may be
dismissed with other kindred errors. Neither
is there any evidence that the presence of a
minister, or an elder, or a bishop, was cODsidered
indispensable in those meetings of the believers,
,vhen, on the first day of the week, they assembled
to break bread. Paul gives many directions to the
Corinthians concerning those meetings j" but he
never once names or even alludes to any elder,
bishop, or ordained minister, as likely to be present
on those occasions. Ifthere were elders in the church
of Corinth, they would of course break bread with
the rest; but 80 little did Paul know about" ordained
ministers administering the sacrament" that he
neither names the minister nor the sacrament; and
how this omission can be accounted for, if in those
days there were either" ordained ministers" or
"sacraments," we see Dot. Let those who can, ex-
plain this difficulty.
. The ecclesiastical phraseology of "administering
the sacrament of the Lord's Supper" is in vain
squght for in the New Testament. The Lord's
Supper is thus described there, " Upon the first day
of the week when the disciples came together to
break bread." (A.cts xx. 7.) And this simple state-
70 KINI8TBY. [ClU.P. lIT.

~ent, made if possible still more simple by Paul's

allusions to the mode of meeting in the Oorintbian
church (see 1 Oor. xi. 20-84), ought to be sufficient
to dissipate all our ideas about ceremonies and
clergymen in the observance of the Lord's Supper~
The truth is this: on the :first day of the week
the brethren met together to break bread; and
if in those meetings ministers, that is dialconi,
were present, or if elders were of the number,
they would take the bread and wine amongst the
rest; but neither the sacrament nor the clergy
had then been invented. In the second century
of church-history, they begin to make their ap-
§ 11. p,.eacnmg tu Go8pel.
Then, as to "preaching the Gospel," no such
faculty was conveyed by any imposition of hands
or any ordination; for if that bad been the case,
then of course no other door to preaching the
Gospel could have been opened. Now to the
existence of unordaiiled preachers we have a direct
testimony: "Saul made havoc of the church,
entering into every house, and haling men and
women, committed them to prison. Therefore they .
t~t were scattered abroad went everywhere preach-
ing the word." (Acts viii. 3,4.) Was this an irre-
gular antI uncanonical proceeding P Of course all
clergymen are bound to declare that it was, because
these preachers had not received "holy orders ;t~
but. the Scriptures here, as in many other ecclesias-
tical questions, disagree with the clergy, for it is
written further, "Now they which were scattered
abroad upon the persecution that arose about
Stephen, travelled 88 far as • . . . . Antioch, preach-
ing the word ..••. 4nd the hand of tne Lord wu
tDitA them: and a great number believed, and tumetl
tmto t},e Lord." (xi. 19-21.)
Now if this had been irregular, not only would
the in~pired writer have ~arked it with disapproba-
tion, but the then existing church would assuredly
have corrected the practice, and laid down some
~on ag~inst "lay preaching." But not so; for
the "tidings of these things came unto the ears
-of the church: . • . • . and they sent forth Bar-
nabas, that he should go as far as Antioch: who,.
when he came, and nail ,een t'ke grace of God.
tofU glad, and exhorted them all, that with purpose
.of heart they would cleave unto the Lord-" (verses
This narrative, if duly weighed, destroys the
whole fabric of a "regular ministry ordained to
preach the gospel;" and it brings us to this point,
that" the churches of these days will not tolera~
practices in which the believers of the apostolical
-era greatly rejoiced, and which drew forth the com-
mendation and thankfulness of "good men who
were full of the Holy Ghost and of faith." Woul~
·the Church orEngland, under similar circumstances,
;Send forth its cc lay members" to preach the Gospel?
Did it do 80 in the time or the Commonwealth, when
rthe hand or power bore heavily on the episcopal
,party P Has the Church of Rome ever authorized
j>reaching by any but clergymen? or would it, o~
72 MINISTRY. [CHAP. I l l .

could it, under any circumstances, tolerate such an

irregularity P Do the Dissenters generoJIy en-
courage "lay-men" to preach in their chapels P If
lay-men were allowed to assume this ministerial pre-
rogative, it would supersede the clergy, disenthrone
the oligarchy of the pulpit, and bring to nought
that" official distinction and authority," which we
are assured is not always sufficiently valued in their
ordained ministers, =I though" they are appointed as
living oracles to announce, and as ministers of the
temple to interpret, the utterances and will 01
God." (Discourse8 of Robt. M'A-lI, LL.D., i. 421.)
In the Pontifical of the" Church of Rome we find
that the bishop, in the ordination of a clergyman,
confers the power of preaching when he grants
deacon's orders; and that in the previous grades
of .doorkeeper, reader, exorcist, acolythe and sub-
deacon, this privilege is withheld. In conferring
deacon's orders, the bishop says, "Dearly beloved
SOll, as thou art now to be promoted to the Levitical
order, deeply ponder to what a degree in the ch\lrch
"thou art approaching, for a deacon ought to be a
minister at the altar, to baptize and to preach.'"
And in the Church of England, the bishop says to
the deacon, "Take thou authority to read the •
Gospel in the church of God, and to preach the
same, if thou 'he thereto licen8ea by tAe bishop.'"
." It is mr decided conviction, that in some of our churches-
the pastor is depressed far below his j nst level. He is con-
sidered merely in the light of a speaking brother. He bus no·
official distinction and autbority." Ckwck Members G"ide~
This is man's system, but' it is otherwise in the in-
spired volume.
§ 12. 01·dination.
The case of Apollos (Acts xviii. 24), is exactly
to the point. He was cc an eloquent man, and
mighty in the Scriptures . . . . . instructed in the-
way of the Lord; and being fervent in the spirit,.
he spake and taught diligently the things of the-
Lord." This was his ordination, "I have believed,
and therefore have I spoken;" and this is the
ordina~ion that a Christian, instructed by the wordlJ:.
of Scripture, is..called upon to own-the ordination
of faith through the Holy Spirit. " We having the
same spirit Df faith, according as it is written, I
believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also
believe, and therefore speak." (2 Cor. iv. 13.)
This also was the ordination of others whom Paul
mentions, "I beseech you, brethren (ye know the
house of Stephanas, that it is the first fruits of'
Achaia, and that they have addicted tkemselveB tu'
t1le'lniniBtr!l [dia7conia] of the saints), that ye submit
yourselves unto such, and to every one that helpeth
with us, and laboreth." (1 Cor. xvi. 15, 16.) This
is remarkable; "the house of Stephanas" is a very
wide expression; the whole family had addicted
th~mselves to the ministry; they had not been
ordained to this ministry by canonical sanctions,
but had, without the help of a bishopJ or of the
presbytery,. taken upon themselves "the sacred
functions." Besides this, they had not only addicted
• See page 84.
themselves, but ordained themselves; for so the
translators were bound to render the word eta:ean,
if they had had any regard to consistency. In
Romans xiii. 1, they 80 give it, "The powers that
be are ordained of God; It but here the trans1&-
"tion is changed, and a meaning is given which the
original will scarcely bear. To these irregular
ministers Paul requires that the Corinthians should
:submit themselves, and not only to them, but to all
who, like them, had helped in the service of the
-Gospel. Such is the ordination of the Scriptures,
which the translators keep back where it might
properly appear, or bring forward where there
is no authority for it, as in Acts i. 22, "Must one be
.ordained to be a witness with us of his resurrec-
tion." The ecclesiastical phrase, ~'ordained to be,"
is wholly wanting in the ~riginal. The word is
-simply gene8tkai, and we should read the passage
thus, "Wherefore of these men which have com-
panied with us all the time that the Lord Jesus went
in and out amongst us • • . . . must one be a
witness with us of his resurrection."
Remembering, then, that the words "ordinati~n"
.and "ordain," when used in matters of sacred ]m.
port, are "liable to be misunderstood, and though
they will carry the signification of "appointment,U
yet that, by juxta-positionwith certain circumstances
recorded, they may convey the idea of clerical COft;-
-8ecration, we shall easily perceive how these ambi-
guous words in the English translation of the Scrip--
tures are calculated to mislead the unsuspecting
reader. In Titu8 i. 5, we read thus, "I left
1S:lC. 12.J OBDINATION. 75
thee in Crete that thou shouldest . . • . . ordain
elders in every city as I had appointed thee."
This certain!y looks not a little like canonical
.consecration or ordination, and we know that the
text is continually quoted by its supporters in
order to establish the clerical theory; but 'the
words of the original will by no means bear such
an interpretation, as we shall presently see. The
word "ordain" is the rendering of the verb katkia-
teemi, meaning "to appoint, U "to make," "to con-
stitute." In the following instances it is so trans-
Matt. xxv. 21. "I will make (kattuttuo) thee ruler over many
Luke xii. 14. "Who mad8(katmeel6) me a judge or a divider
over you."
Rom. v. 19. "As by one man's disobedience many ",et-6 made
(kat,lIatkuan) ainDers, 10 by the obedience of one ,IUUJ
many be mad8 (kataatatkuomia) righteous."
Acts vi. S. "Look out •••• seven men • _ • • whom ye may
.Qppoint (katute'80men) over this business." .

Such being the usage of the word and its true

meaning, we can at once perceive how the render-
ing it by .the word ordain, in TitU8 i. 5, i8 calculated
to make U8 suppose that Titue did, by clerical
consecration, ordain certain elders; whereas he only
IIppointed them, where churches already existed,
selecting those individuals who were 8piritually
gifted for superintendence-in fact recognizing th8
gift; for it was "the gift," and not Titus, whioh-
determined what the men were to be; and accord-
ing to that gift, whatever it might be, must they
76 KL--nSTBY. [ CHA.P. Ill..

exercise their ministry; hence Paul enjoins Timothy

not to neglect "the gift It which he had recei ved~
and which was given him by prophecy and the·
laying on of the hands of the presbytery. Timothy
received a gift; but what that particular gift might
have been, we are not informed.
The persons whom Titus appointed ,,·ere the
elders or overseers, or, to use an ecclesiastical
word, bishopB, for this is the name given to them
in the next verse; and it is worthy of remark,
that this very passage, which is much quoted
by the Episcopalians as one particularly fortify-
ing the views of their party, does in fact sadly
damage the diocesan theory; for ,,·e find that
Titus is appointing overseers or bishops in every
city or town in Crete: not one bishop for the
whole island to rule " the diocese of Crete,'"
but bishops, that is, more than one, perhaps
many, in BlJe19 city, and that by Paul's express
desire! Crete is an island about two hundred and
seventy miles long and fifty miles broa.d, and in the
days of Paul contained a hundred cities;· as,
therefore, the direction given to Titus was to
appoint bishops in every city, there must have been
a very large number of them in the island-far too
large to allow the diocesan system elbow-room.
Indeed, it is manifest that "the bishop" of the
Scriptures could have had a diocese only 88 large
88 the city or town in which he dwelt; though
even there his diocese must have been divided, for
Paul speaks of these elde1'8 or bishops in the plural
• PUn. iv. 12. Mela ii. 14. Solin, xvi.
number, "Elders in every city," more than one-
in fact, us many as baeI received gifts for the
office! Neither is this a solitary confutation of the
diocesan theorJ1, for we read elsewhere that Paul
-and Barnabas chose elders in every church in
Lycaonia (Acts xiv. 28.)
To return, however, to the passage in question,
we conclude that it ought to be translated-CC For
this cause I left thee in Crete, that thon shouldest
• • . • .. appoint elders in every city, as I had
·directed thee."
The original is translated "ordain n in other
passages where clerical consecration might thereby
seem to be implied. cc Every high priest taken
ttom among men iB ordained for men in things
pertaining to God." (Heb. v. 1.) "Every high
priest is ordained to oft"er gifts and sacrifices"
(Heb. viii. 3); and yet, in another text, relating
to the same subject, in the same Epistle, this
"Word is truly translated, "The law maketl men
high priests which have infirmity" (vii. 28).
•CC Ordination" was not here wanted, as it speaks

not of priests ordaining priests. N either is this

to be considered a small and unimportant matter;
for when we find in one place of Scripture that
·TitUB Cl ordained n elders or bishops in the cities of
Crete, and in another that the high priest was
~( ordained" to make offerings and sacrifices, is it
surprising that the unsuspecting reader should
connect the two ordinations together, and find
in the ordination of the high priest something
-very like the ordination of the bishop P A careful
78 KIlUSTBY. [ OHAP. Ill.

examination or the text does, however, immediately

dissipate the fallacy, and brings before us quite
another meaning.
But the clerical consecration, through the instru-
mentality of the word" ordain, n appeBl's also in the
translation given of the word ckeirotoneo. " And
,vhen they (Paul and Barnabas) had ordained them
elders in every church, and had prayed with fasting,
they commended them to the Lord on whom they
believed." (A.cts xiv. 23.) Here, doubtless" i~
is generally understood that Paul and Barnabas
consecrated elders into the clerical office; but let
us see how "ordination," thus ingeniously intro-
duced through this word, is, in the only other
passages where it occurs, evaded. "Him God raised
up the third day and showed him openly, not to
all the people, but unto witnesses chosen before
(ckeirotonemenois) of God." (A.cts x. 41.) Why
not "ordained before of God;" or if " chosen" were
the right word here, why was it the wrong one in
the other passages? .
But again; we have Bent "Titus who was ch08en.
(ckeirotonetkeis) of the churches to travel with us. n
(2 Cor. viii. 19.) This is truly remarkable; the
translators will allow Paul and Barnabas to
C4 ordain" elders, but they will not permit the

churches to ordain Titus-h the bishop of Crete;"

in fine, on this subject, by bringing forward or
keeping back the word "ordain" they make the
Scriptures say whatever harmonizes with their own
It is worthy of observatioD, in passing, that
though our translators have not' recognized the
ordination of TitU8 by the churches, they: have not
been able to suppress the unmanageable fact, that
Matthias was chosen or " ordained" into the
apostolical office by the one hundred and twenty
disciples at Jerusalem, some of whom were women
(Acts i. 14, 15, 26),- a fact which, if duly
considered, must for ever vitiate the origin of the
apostolical office, as it is represented to us by the
Episcopalians. The apostolical office, they tell us, is
perpetuated in their bishops, and the translators
have done their utmost to support this theory by
ma.king Judas 8 bishop (Acts i. 20); but even
granting all this to be true, then it follows that
the first bishop, after our Lord;s departure, was
" ordained" by tke disciples at Jerusalem: from
which we draw the conclusion, that if the fountain-
beacl is of this nature, the whole stream that flows
from it ought to partake of the same elements.
One more instance may suffice: "And he or-
dained (epoiese) twelve, that they should be with
him, and that he might send them forth to preach. n
(Mark ill. 14.) This was obviously an important
place in which to introduce "ordination": it is the
record of our Lord's choosing the twelve apostles;
and the fact is here described as if our Lord had,
in some )vay, conferred ordination as a neces-
sary preliminary to preaching the Gospel. But
" ordain" is here the unwarranted translation of a
word which simply means to make or do: it occurs
some hundred times in the New Testament, but
has no where else been thus rendered. If a
.so 1IINISTRY. [ CHAP. Ill•

secondary and figurative meaning were required

for the word, " appoint" was obviously that which
ought to have been selected, according to the sense
in Rev. i. 6, "luJB 1nade (epoieBen, appointed) us
kings and priests." Calvin has, however, thus ex-
pressed the meaning_CC Et fecit ut duodecim essent
.secum, et ut emitteret eos ad prredicandum."
Having thus unravelled some of the intricacies
. .of this qut'stion, it may be instructive to observe
how the Scriptures have been perverted in order
to perpetuate a delusion. "'Vhen our Lord,"
.says Bishop Beveridge, "had died and risen from
the grave, and when he was about to ascend into
heaven, he promoted his apostles into the episco-
~acy, that he might leave behind him the c01l8ervatO'i~8
ofni8 own place. The first form ofthis episcopal con-
secration is recorded in John xx. 21, 22: where J esU8
.says to his apostles who ,vore all collected together-
, P~acc be unto you: as my Father has sent me, even
so send I you; and when he had said this, he breathed
on them, and saith unto them Receive )'re the
Holy Ghost.' I confess that our Lord bnd before
this ordained his apostles, but only to preach the
Gospel, .and to confirm it ,vith miracles. (Mark
iii. 18, 14; Matt. x. 1.) But now for the first
time after his resurrection, He says, 'As the
Father has sent me, so send I you.' From which it
most clearly appears, that by this 8econ~ and last
or&ation, celebrated as it were by many cere-
monies, the apostles were advanced to a higher
.grade than they enjoyed before, or rather (as far as
.relates to the faculty of ordaining and exerci~iDg
ecclesiastical discipline) to that very grade into
which Christ himself had been consecrated by the
Father. By the virtue of their first ordination,
therefore, the apostles preached the Gospel; but
by this last consecration they were made bishops,
and so, supplying upon earth the place of their
absent Lord, they did themselves create other
Mark the fatal error of this passage! For the
prelate, in bis anxiety to establish ceremonies of
consecration and worldly mitres, has forgotten or
concealed the fact that, on the occasion recorded
in J.ohn xx. 21, 22, and on which he builds his
whole theory, TkO'llUa, one of tns -pOBtla, fDIU
tib,tmt; for it follow8 immediately-CC but Thornu,
one of the twelve, was not with them when Jesus
came." So, that according to this interpretation of
the prelate, Thomas, a favourite apostle with the
Episcopalians, would receive no cc faculty of ordain.
ing and exercising discipline," and consequently
must have lost his station "as a conservator of the
place of Ohrist," to the no small demment of cc the
ap08tolical succession," and all its assumed benefits
and p~rogative8.
A word furtber 88 to imposition of hands; take
the following instance, which is much urged by
clergymen: "Now there were in tbe church that
was at Antioch certain prophets and teachers . . 81
they ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy
Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saw for the
work whereunto I have called them; and when
they had fasted and prayed, and laid eMir ~ 011
82 MINISTRY. [CHAP. fil.

' 'em, they s~nt them away." (Acta xiii.) Here

then, if this instance is of any avail, it ought to be
shown that Paul and Barnabas had never preached
the Gospel before; that they never had been sent
forth before on the ministry or service of the Lord ;
and that on this occasion they, for the :first time,
'received a license "to preach the Gospel, and ad-
minister the sacraments." We find, however, in
Acts ix, an account of Paul's having preached a long
time, not less than seven years, before this event:
nay, both Paul and Barnabas had been preaching
in .A.ntiock a whole year, and had been sent by the
disciples of that city to J eruss,lem, with a collection
made for the brethren in Judes (xi. 80); so that
their ministry, not only elsewhere, but remarkably
in ihis very Antioch, had been for a long time tole-
rated without the" imposition of hands." Again, if
this was indeed an " ordination " of Paul, we find the
teachers and prophets ordaining an apostle!- a
fact that would sadly derange the theory of the
apostolical succession, which assumes that ·our Lord
alone ordained the apostles, and the apostles or-
dained the clergy. Moreover, it would reverse
the order of precedence as set forth in Scripture,
"God hath set some in the chtn'Ch, first apostles,
secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers" (1 Cor.
xii. 28), whereas, in this narrative, supposing Paul
and Barnabas to have been ordained by imposition
oC hands for the ministry, the order would have
been "fir" prophets and teachers,' a8condtwily
apostles.", this seDding forth of Paul and Barnabas
was by the Holy Ghost (Acts xiii. 4); and where
is that power of ordination now P The bishops in
the Romish and English communions do indeed
profess to convey the Holy Gho8t in their cere-
monies of ordination; but we know that this is an
assumption without any foundation. The Presby-
terians and Dissenters do not now pro/us to convey
any spiritual gift, ordinary or extraordinary, by
their imposition of hands; and therefore they
practice 8 ceremony without power or meaning.;
but in the days of the apostles empty ceremonies
were not performed.
Again, the apostle Paul, in his Epistle to the
Galatians, takes pains to make them understand
that he did not owe his ministry to .any ordination
or appointment of man, "I neither received it (the
Gospel) of man, neither was I taught it, .....
but when it pleased God . • . . • to reveal his Bon
in me, that I might preach him among the heathen;
immediately I conferred not with Hesh and blood
[that is, I consulted not with any man, nor did I
follow any man's advice, order, or direction]:
neither went I up to Jeruwem to them which
were apostles before me; but I w~nt into Arabia.
• . . . . Then after three years I went up to J ern-
salem to see Peter, and abode 'With him fifteen
days. But other of the apostles. saw I none, save
James the Lord's brother." This is indeed a
plain statement; and it clearly shows that Paul
thought nothing of any appointment of man,
though that man might be an apostle. Accord-
ing to the Bucce.lion theory, the apostles were th~
G 2
84 llINI8TRY. [CHAP. Ill.

fountain of all lawful authority for ministry; but

Paul. Bought not that fountain; nay, he takes pains
to inform us that he kept clear of it: therefore,
8S he was not ordained by the apostles, we may be
quite sure he waa not ordained, several years after-
wards, when he had been previously long engaged
in the ministry, by the prophets and teachers of
Another pusage in the Scripture is frequently
wrested from its true meaning to prove ordination
by imposition of hands. It is in Paul's Epistle to
Timothy, cc Neglect not the gift that is in thee,
which was given thee by prophecy, with tls ltJging
on oftA8 hOlfl,u of the presbytery" (1 Tim. iv. 14);
and again, 11 Wherefore I put thee in remembrance
that thou stir up the gift of God which is in thee by
.tllB puttmg on of'mg1uMuJ8." (2 Tim. i. 6). What
then was this gift ? A license to preach the Gospel
and to administer the sacraments P Oertainly not:
it was the gift-ckariMna--of the Holy Ghost,
which was conveyed to Timothy, 8S it would appear,
by the laying on of the hands of Paul and the
elders: and we know that this power did exist in
those days; for we find that Peter and John, after
praying that the Samaritan converts mi~ht receive
the gift, laid cc their karulB on them, and they re-
ceived the Holy Ghost; and when Bimon saw that
through 'laying on of the apostles' hands the Holy
Ghost was given, he offered them money, saying, GiVB
me al80 thiB pOWfW, that on whomsoever I lay hands
he may receive the Holy Ghost." (Acts viii. 18.)
And again, at Ephesus, :Paul found certain disciples
who knew only of John's baptism: on these Chris-
tians, after they had been baptized in the name of
;1esus, Paul laid his hands, and then "the Holy.
Ghost came upon them, and they spake with ton~
gues and prophesied." (Acts xix. 6.) It was
doubtless some such gift 8S this which Timothy had
received; perhaps the gift of tongues or of pro-
phecy, or the power of working miracles, "signs
and wonders," any or all of these, or some other.
gift, of which perhap9 there is no record left: and
this word charisma, which Paul uses in allusion to
tbis gift imparted to Timothy, is the specific term
for the gifts which the Holy Ghost then conferred
on the church. (See Rom. i. 11; xii. 6; 1 Cor. i. 7 ;
xii. 4, 9, 28, 80.)
If then Timothy was ordained into the clerical
order by imposition' of hands, 80 also were the
Samaritan converts and the" certain disciples" at
Ephesus; for they likewise received a gift by impo.
sition of hands: and indeed the advocates of the
clerical system, if they would build anything on the
case of. Timothy, ought boldly to assert that the
Samaritan and Ephesian disciples were ordained
either priests or deacons.
But in relation to this question we do not find
Paul's first " ordination" is ever brought forward;
which, after all, but for one inconvenient circum-
stance, might be more plausibly referred to than
any other. Thus it is recorded :-" Ananias .....
entered into the house; and putting kiB kands on
kim [Paul] said, Brother Saul, the Lord, even
Jesus, that appeared unto thee in the way as thou
camest, bath sent me, that thou mightest receive
thy sight, and be filled with the Holy Ghost. And
immediately there fell from his eyes as it had been
acales; and he arose and received sight forthwith,
and was baptized." (Acts ix. 17, 18.)
This instance is clear on the point that Paul re-
ceived the Holy Ghost by the imposition of hands,
and that it was at the very beginning of his service
.in the church. This therefore looks much like
"ordination by imposition of hands;" but then,
unfortunately, if this be allowed, it would follow
that Paul was ordained before he was baptized, an
uncanonical irregularity wholly opposed to the
clerical system; and moreover, the person who
then "ordained him by imposition of hands" was
not an apostle, bishop, or elder, but simply a "certain
disciple at Damascus named Ananias" (ver.l0) ; in
fact, according to the Papal ideas of these days, a
mere lay-man: and yet this cc lay-man," without the
assistance of any of the clergy, without the pre-
sence of any bishop, lays his hands on Paul, and 80
confers on him the Holy Ghost 1 We can there-
fore well understand how the advocates or a
"regular ordained ministry" are disposed to p88B
over this remarkable occurrence, and prefer rather
to quote the imposition of hands by the church
at Antioch (Acts xiii.), which has been already
Having then seen that imposition of hands does
not, according to the Scripture record, confer the
power of " preaching the Gospel and administering
the sacraments," and having seen also that in many

cases the imposition of bands took place, where

confessedly no clerical designation or privilege was
conferred, we Deed not feel the least perplexity in
regard to this question. We conclude by stating : -
1. That imposition of hands sometimes means
simple benediction; "Then were there brought.
unto him little children, that he should put bis
hands on them and pray: .•... and he laid his
hands on them." (Matt. m. 18, 15.)
2. Sometimes recognition of service in the church,
88 in the case of the seven brethren choeen "to
serve tables;" which certainly was not ordination
to the "ministry," as the serving of tables on
that occasion was avowedly kept distinct from
the" ministry of the word." (Acts vi. 4-6.)
8. Sometimes separation to a particular work,
and that by express command of the Holy Ghost.
(ActS xiii.)
4. Sometimes an act whereby the gift of the
Holy Ghost was imparted, as when Ananias, " a
certain disciple," laid his hands on the apostle
Paul. (Acts ix. 27.)
6. Sometimes also & visible sign of performing a
miracle, as when the disciples were empowered
to lay hands OD the sick, and they recovered.
. (Mark xvi. 18.)

§ 18. General remarks on MiniBtry.

The train of remark thus far pursued should be
considered but 88 introductory to a still more im-
portant view of the subject-a view almost lost
sight of in these days -viz., that "ministry,"
88 JllliISTBY. [CRU. Ill.

when rightly understood, is not merely for govern-

ment, or securing discipline, or keeping the people
in subjection, but for preserving in 'rigorous health-
. fulne&8 the spiritual body to which it appertains.
One evidence of its accomplishing this end is to be
BOught and recognized in the degree in which it is
promotive of the love of tkB lJretkrt1n. Yea, Chris-
tian Reader, understand this truth, that God'.
ministry is not· appointed by his most wile ordi-
nance, to maintain a well ordered congregation under
effectual clerical management; which is the utmost
extent of excellence that some people, when argu-
ing for an "ordained ministry," ever seem to look to.
The mind of the Spirit concerning the ministry
which He raises up, is that it should promote that
love without which a visible church is an inoperative
and lifeless thing, a machine out of order, and there-
fore U8eless. And hence it is that when Paul wishes .
to urge the love of the brethren, he connects it with
"ministry;" and when he speaks of ministry, he
concludes naturally, pursuing only an obvious COD-
catenation of thought, with the kindred subject of
love. In the Epistle to the Ephesians, he says, "I
beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation
wherewith ye are called, with all lowliness and
meekness, with long-suffering, forheari"'1l 0116 a.other
in lor:e; endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit
in the bond of peace-t~erBill one IJoa!!." (iv.l--4r.)
And having thus mentioned "the one body," he pro-
ceeds to describe it, and the various gifts imparted
to it "for the perfecting of the saints, for the work
of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of
BEC.13.] GENEJU..L 9lU.BXS. 89
Christ." This is the body which possesses the
power of growth-not a mere comely block chiselled
by man's art into a dead image of the Church, but
a living Ohurch, growing'" unto 8 holy temple in the
Lord ;" not a body with a clerical head and lifeless
lay members, but a body" compacted by that which
every joint supplieth." For every part is to be
cc effectually"· working, and then, and not .till then,

can it grow " in newness of life," unto the "edify.

ing of itself in love. n
In the Epistle to the Romans, he closes the sub-
ject of gifts in the church with these remarkable
words, "Let love be without dissimulation" (xii. 9),
evidently implying, that tne undiasembled love of
the saints would find a congenial atmosphere where-
ever all the members of the body were IIllotDeil to
receive and exercise gifts of the Holy Spirit. But no
such atmosphere as this exists, or can exist, where
"a regular ordained ministry" has inflicted minis-
terial death on the whole body,-wbere the clergy-
man has been appointed by man to be the 80le
pastor, teacher, evangelist, ruler, and prophet; just
as if the human body, in a fit of lunacy, had elected
the band or the foot to perform the functions of all
the other members; which, as a consequence of
this infatuated procedure, had been compelled to re-
main in a state of reverential inactivity. That flow
of life is cut off which was meant to feed all the
members, and the monopoly of vitality is given to
one favoured limb, which, consequently, is wholly
inefficacious in imparting life to the rest of the
90 :MTNISTBY. [CHA.P. Ill.

In the Epistle to the Corinthians Paul says,

"Follow after charity (love), and desire spiritual
gifts (1 Cor. xiv.); and the precept is in many ways
remarkable. In the 12th chapter he had discoursed
at large on the gifts and ministries of the Spirit;
in the 13th, by a connection which is not often
noticed, he introduces the subject of'love, or a.fJD.fJe;
and then in the 14th chapter he adds, "Follow
after love, and desire spiritual gifts," as a pre-
face to that which follows concerning the order
of the church; 80 that, in fact, the 13th chapter,
though apparently a parenthesis betwee~ the 12th
and 14th, is most intimately connected with, them
both. It is part of the 8Mne BUb}ect, because
that love, agape, or charity, which has been com-
mended to all g~nerations by Paul's magnificent
eulogy, is not merely the charity of isolated Chris-
tians, but of the children of God living harmo-
niously together as one redeemed family, under the
gUidance and ministrations of the Holy Spirit, and
exhibiting the life of the body according to God's
design, and not according to the wisdom of man.
" Let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to thB
which al80 !le Me called in o·ne botly, and be ye
thankful." (Col. iii. 15.)
But it is not in general principles only that we
discover true ministry and love united, for we find
precepts addressed to the believers, directing them
to act 88 pastors one to another, and, in so doing, to
show forth this very love, which betokens the living
and growing body of Christ. In the Epistle to
the Hebrews, it is written, "Take heed, brethren,
lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief.
. . . . . But exhort one another daily while it is
called to-day, lest any of you be hardened through
the deceitfulness of sin." (H-eb. iii. 12.) They are
to warn, to admonish one another daily; every day
they are to be guarding the sheepfold; every day
they are to be looking warily, lest the evil heart of
unbelief open a breach for the enemy in the visible
household of faith. But whilst they are called upon .
to be thus watchful for one another's souls, not 8r
syllable is dropped whereby we might understand
that this was to be the exclusive duty of "an or-
dained minister." Indeed, the very fact that such a
precept is addressed to "the brethren, n renders it
impossible that the cc Hebrews" should have been
acquainted with" an ordained ministry," invested
,with those exclusive powers and prerogatives which,
in these days, are habitually considered to be inse-
parable from the cc ministry." The clergy of all
parties often assure UB in their sermons that the
guarding and feeding of the fold is their peculiar
province, in which no one may interfere; but quite
otherwise do we find it in Holy Scripture.
Paul thus addresses the Thessalonians :_cc Now
we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are un-
ruly, comfort the feeble-minded support the weak,
be patient toward all men." (1 Thess. v. 14). Other
passages are entirely to the same effect. " Let us
consider one another, to provoke unto love and
to good works; not forsaking the aBsembling of our-
selves together •.... but exhorting one another."
(Heb. x. 24, 25.) "As every man hath received
92 :MJ NISTllY. [CHAP. Ill..

the gift, even so minister the same one to ano-

ther, as good stewards of the manifold grace of
God. If any man speak, let him speak 8S the
oracles of God: if any man minister, let him do
it as of the ability which God giveth, that God
in all things may be glorified through J eSU8 Christ."
(1 Pet. iv.l0, 11.)
Now not only are such passages of high value, 88
incidentally confirming the truth, that the duties
always assigned exclusively to the clergy under the
clerical system, are, in the ,criptfWaZ economy,
apportioned to all believers, but as showing that they
were shared amongst the apostles, and all the dis-
ciples of that day. For instance, when Paul 88YS
to the Thessalonians, "warn them that are unruly,
comfort the feeble-minded, support the weak," he
clearly assigns these duties to the whole body of
believers. In like manner we find the Hebrew
church reminded of their duty to "exhort one
another daily. . . . . lest any of you be hardened
through the deceitfulness of sin." That Paul and
Barnabas should exhort the saints, the clerical
school would think quite proper, because they
were apostles, and had been" ordained by impo-
Bition of hands;" but the same school would see
nothing but irregularity in lay-men daily imitating
the apostles in so doing.
Moreover, it is to be observed, that. though in
the Epistles to the Hebrews and Thessalonians
thel'e is distinct reference made to those who were
"over them in the Lord" (Heb. xiii. 17; 1 Thes8.
v. 12), yet it is not on those overseers especially
s~c. 18.] GENERAL BEKAJ1XS. 98
that the duty of exhortation is pressed by the
apostle. The epistles are not directed to the over-
seers; the building-up of the saints is not referred
to them; admonition, exhortation, comfort, and
warning are Dot spoken of as their exclusive pro-
vince (though doubtle8B exhortation and comfort
were also within their province); but the whole
church is addressed, as if all the believers were
mutually to edify one another, yea and mutually
to teach and minister to one another, &8 when Paul,
having explained to the Thessalonians the second
coming of the Lord, concludes thus: " Wherefore
comfort one another with these words." The
Epistle to the Philippians furnishes similar evi-
dence, and in abundance. Indeed, the whole tenor
of that epistle is to this point; for tho:ugh the
oyerseers and servants of the church are mentioned
in the opening of the epistle, after the saints (i. 1),
yet the epistle is addressed to the brethren gene-
rally; and it is not of "the clergy," but of all the
brethren that Paul speaks, when he prays that
It their "love may abound yet more and more in
knowledge, and in all judgment," and that they
"may approve things that are excellent" [or try
the things that differ] (i. 9),-a prayer which by
many would be thought applicable only to clergy-
men. I t is "the brethren" (i. 12), that he " would
have understand" how through his imprison-
ment at Rome many of the brethren had waxed
confident to preach Christ, and that he rejoiced
they had done so, though these "many" preachers
were unquestionably not cc ordained clergymen."

I t is " the brethren" whom he desires to " stand fast

in one spirit, with one mind striving for the faith
of the Gospel." (i. 27.) Them also he admonishes
to hold "forth the word of life." (ii. 16); to
"beware of evil workers" (iii. 2); to "walk by
the same rule, to mind the same thing," as he him-
self did (iii. 16); to "stand fast in the Lord" (iv.
1.), &c. &c.; and all this he confirms by commen-
cing his letter "to all the saints," and by finishing
it "to all the saints." (iv. 21). And this is the
more remarkable, because be does not omit the
overBeers and servants of the church (" bishops
·and deacons," Eng. TraDs.) He mentions them,
indeed, but never as if he thought the overseers
and servants had any official prerogative which
should entitle them, 88 being distinct from "lay-
men," to receive his instructions and execute his
- Again, in writing to the Colossians, be addresses
"the saints and faithful brethren in Christ," and
none others: it is the brethren whom he wishes to
increase "in the knowledge of God" (L 10), "ancL
unto all riches of the full assurance of the un-
derstanding." (ii.2). He tells the brethren that
"they are complete in" Christ (ii. 10), and that,
no man therefore, " should judge them in meat and
drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the'
sabbath." He bids them beware, lest any man
spoil them "through philosophy and vain deceit,"
or beguile them of their reward, by "intruding
into those things which he bath not seen;" he
W81'D.8 them not to be Bubject to ordinances, "the

commandments and doctrines of men;" he reminds

them that their "speech should be alway with
grace, seasoned. with salt, that they may know
how they ought to answer every man;" and that
they should "stand perfect and complete in all
the will of God;" and then, after particularly
addressing " wives, husbands, children, servants,
and masters," he adds nothing about priests or
other official ministers. The message to Archippus
(iv. 17), has been already under review, and,
therefore, need not here be again discussed; but
supposing, for argument's sake, that Archippus
was an ordained minister-say, bishop of the Co-
lossians-we then find Paul, in a sort of postscript,
desiring the church to remind that dignitary to
fulfil his ministry, whilst the dignitary himself is
wholly passed over in all the rest of the epistle.
Now, let these things be applied to modern
churchetl. Suppose that a Christian from some
distant region, acquainted with Christianity only
as it is presented in the New Testament, and fol-
lowing the language and ideas of the Scriptures
alone, were to write a letter to Christians in a
certain parish in our country, what would be the
style of his letter P He would address it to the
church or to the believers in such a town or village,
and whatever might be the importance of his com-
munications, he would not, as in these days, direct
the whole subject-matter to the priest or the cler-
gyman. "Reverend Sir," would be to him an un-
known formulary; and if he were informed that the
minister w9uld consider it an insult if the letters ·
96 llniI8TBY. [CHAP. Itl:

were not specially addressed to him, and that" the

saints" were in these days all "laymen," except-
ing the" minister," who was ordained to be their
801e ruler and teacher; and that "the saints"
would deem it strange and indecorous if a letter
about religion was addressed to them, and not to
their minister -would not this foreigner from a
distant region naturally conclude that we had
changed our religion, and that we had ceased, in
fact, to be Christians P How coul.d he come to any
other conclusion P And who, that examines ministry
in the New Testament, and compares it with minis-
try in these days, can doubt but that there has
been effected a fundamental revolution in the order
which God appointed for the edification of His
Church P
But then it will be said that Paul doe' allude to
those who" are over them in the Lord." True,
he does; but his allusions are in perfect keeping
with the order then existing, and only tend to
establish all that has been advanced in this argu-
ment. There tDaB " rule" in th~ church; the Spirit
unquestionably raised up government; government
was a gift, n, ckariBma, and it was sometimes
united to, and sometimes separated from, teaching.
" Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy
of double honour, especially they who labor. in
the word and doctrine" (1 Tim. v. 17), is an ex-
pression by which we ascertain that some of "the
leaders" (proe8tote8) did not labor in word and
doctrine, for if it were not 80, Paul's distinction
would be unintelligible, or rather would have no
"BEc.13.] GENERAL llBlLlBKS. 97
meaning at all. " We beseech you, brethren, to
know them which labor among you, and are over
you in the Lord, and admonish you, and to esteem
them very highly in love for their work's sake."
(1 The!s. v. 12.) What is the foundation of the
government here alluded to P-Iove. For where
there is not love there cannot be esteem in the
eburch of God, though in the churches of men,
esteem for the clerical rulers is too often obtained
en other grounds. Station in society, wealth, poli-
tical power, oratorical talent, official prerogative,
too frequently command the reverential respect of
the people for their clergy: and sectprian' zeal
usually adds force to these considerations-to say
nothing of that superStitiou8~ignorancewhich power--
fully prevails, and' \vhich' 1eaas the Protestant ~ to"
esteem" the minister" \vith much of the same feeling·
with which a Papist reveres his priest. There are,
indeed, instances where the ministers are deservedly
beloved by their" people"; but, too often, love will
be found to have but a small share in the esteem
which they enjoy; for as the theory of official
power, and the idea of prerogative, influence all
the arrangements of human ministry, the ruling
party usually expects as a right, and the ruled
yields as a custom, that portjon of reverence which
is decorously conceded to official distinction. Human
authority has, it may be, its mitres, its acts of
synods, and all the weight of ecclesiastical ~OD8,
together with an usurpation of all ministerial life,
and the monopoly by one man of that which should
be open to all: and those things have their attrac-
98 KINI81'RY. [CHAP. m.
tions; but heavenly authority in the church, that
which comes down with the gifts distributed to the
believers, is the evidence of superintending care on
the part of those whose hearts the Lord directs;
enabling them to watch over the footsteps of the
Hock, and, by counsel and example, by prayer and
precept, by patience and forbearance, by gentle
firmness and by spiritual wisdom, to keep alooi
from the enclosure those things which would dis-
turb the harmony, or prevent the Beloved One
from coming into "his garde~, and eating his
pleasant fruits." Government is a distinct gift of
the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. xii. 28.)-and it is not in
the power of man, by election or by any other
known process, to confer it. It is, indeed, very easy
to establish eccleaiaaticaZ rule, either by royal man-
date, or patronal nomination, or popular suffrage;
but wide is the difference between ecclefttl8tical and
Bpiritual rule. Human laws can create the outline
and the shadow of spiritual rule, but the substance,
the living and the powerful reality, can be imparted
only by Him who is the giver of every good and
perfect gift, and with whom there "is no variable-
ness neither shadow of turning." Spiritual rule is
neither for lucre nor for lordship (1 Pet. v. 2, 8),
but it is a branch of service, of ministry, of tliacoMtl;
a branch springing out of the true Vine. The office
of government is the lowest and at the sa'me tim6
the highest service in the Church: it is the lowest,
because he" that is "over the flock," and has been
called unto this service by the Lord, must ever
be washing the disciples' feet. And how low are
those who are exercised in it called upon to stoop
down; how deep is the humiliation, how trying to
faith and patience, how wearisome to the body, how
closely surrounded with anxieties and solicitudes,
how conversant with tears and prayers and sighs,
none can tell or imagine who have looked at these
things only through the medium of ecclesiastical
custom, but have not known them in their own ex-
perience. " And who is sufficient for these things P"
Truly, we. can reply only in the words of Scripture,
" Our sufficiency is of God, who hath made us able
ministers (fitted us to be servants) of the New
Testament." But in this service there is also a
recompense, which hereafter is to be nothing less
than a crown of glory (1 Pet. v. 4) i and in the
mean time the Chief Shepherd knows how to
reward his servants, even during the heat and
burden of the day.

§ 14. SO'IM of the Tendencies of Olerical Rule.

Wide then is the difference between ecclesiastical
and spiritual rule; for not only is every known
form of clerical rule the result of a false principle,
and a standing evidence of universal apostacy, but
its whole tendency is to disturb the communion of
believers. Many precious volumes have been pub-
lished to establish the fundamental doctrines of
Christianity; but when established the applica-
tion of them is exclusively to individuals, and
not to 'churches. The glory of the living temple,
which, in Scripture, refers to the collective body of
nll the believers, is thus passed over, and one-half
100 MINISTRY• [CRAP. ut.
. of the New Testament becomes 0, sealed book,
which theologians are unable to open, and which
remains in consequence shut up to themselves
and their unsuspecting disciples. Those portions
which treat of justification by faith, or any of
the cardinal points of theology, are often well
argued ·80 long 8S the writem confine themselves
to these points; but when they proceed to treat
on the ministry and the communion of belie-
vers, their chariot-wheels drag heavily, often ter-
minating in confusion and error. "If we walk in
the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship
one with another," is a doctrine almost unknown
in professing Christendom; for it refers not to
philanthropy, nor to courtesy, nor to alms-giving
charity, nor to sympathetic beneficence. We bave
seen what the Scriptures teach concerning ministry ;
and whilst ministry lasted in accordance with the
·Scriptures, so also, beyond all question, did the
communion of saints last; but when men had re-
nounced the ministry of the Spirit, and had set up
human government instead, then the new com-
mandment ( J ohn xiii. 34) speedily diAappeared;
and, in lieu of it, was substituted that whica we
now see all around us,-the imposing solemnities of
clerical authority. A regular ministry exists, with
all its necessary appendages, and everything that
'~1Ul make it respectable in the view of the' world;
and many able preachers and excellent men there
are; but the communion of believers is almost
forgotten; the heavenly calling of the saints passed
over; and Christianity stands before the world an
SBo.14.] CLEBIC.A.L RULE. 101
unsightly phenomenon of sects and parties; whilst
the living temple, the one body in Christ, has
well nigh disappeared, like those splendid but illu..
':live cities which, pictured on the vapors of a Syrian
atmosphere, fill the spectator with admiration and
astonishment, and then anon dissolve into nothing..
ness, leaving the wilderness more desolate than
"But is there no such thing then as a distinct
function of teaching or preaching in the church P
And it' there is to be teaching and preaching,
must there not be teachers and preachers? To this
we reply, that diversity of gifts in the Lord's spiri-
tual body does not necessarily create diversity of
grades in those who possess such gifts. We acknow-
ledge at once the necessity of teaching and of preach-
ing in the church; but we deny that this fact lays a
foundation for that distinction of cler!lY and laity
,vhich has obtained currency throughout Christen:.
dom, and which has opened a Pandora's box of
evils and mischiefs to the church. Those func-
tions which the Levitical priesthood represented
are to be diffused throughout the general body of
Christians, and cannot b~ appropriated or monopo-
lized by anyone class. Yet a variety of spiritual
gifts is requisite for the· building up of the body,
and they are conferred on its members. By the
congregation to which they belong, their gifts an~
endowments are perceived to be adapted to their
exigences, and they ackno~ledge them accordingly.
By so doing they do not confer any power upon
them; they do not, strictly speaking, appoint them;
102 mNISTBY. [CHAP. Ill.

they simply acknowledge them 88 qualified for the

work, and called by the Lord Himself to officiate
in this capacity. But we see nothing in all this
that necessarily constitutes them a distinct class.
They are to the whole church what a particular
organ is to the whole human body. To the eye,
for instance, pertains the functions of seeing, but it
cannot see apart from the body to which it belongs.
So with the ear, the hand, the foot. They all have
their several uses in the bodily economy, but they
are not on this account in any manner diBtiMt
from the body. So in 'like manner the use or
function of tesching or preaching does not consti-
tute a distinct grade or order in Christian churches.
. We are well aware how difticult it will be for
'many of our readers to rest in our conclusion, that
there may be a distinction in office which does not
amount to a distinction in official order or cas~.
By the distinct order or office of the clergy in
the church we mean an order which perp~tfllll"
itBelfby some special form of ordination or inaugu-
ration, wherein the body of the church or the laity,
as they are termed, have little or no share. That
such an order of men, whether called priests,
clergymen or ministers, )Vas designed to exist in
the Christian church is what we venture to call in
question; while at the same time we freely admit
and strenuously maintain that there is a functional
ministry which is to be discharged by those who, by
the Holy Spirit, are called to and qualified for it.
DC. 15.] TO eLEBleAL SY8TElI:. 108

§ 15. fie Clmcal Ba,tem 6apeciaZly out of pZaM

among ProtutafIJ Non-Conform"".
It may be deduced from all that has been said,
that if any ecclesiastical institution or arrangement
separates, or has a tendency to separate, the body
,of believers into two distinct classes, and to assign
to one claes a privilege or character which the other
may not claim, theD is the design of the gospel not
·answered, nor are some of its moat important
truths practically recognized. To point out the
many particulars in which this separation is effected
in the Episcopal church, would be super1luous; for
that church is avowedly governed by a priesthood ;
·and cc the clergy" and "the laity n are distinguished
by a broad line of demarcation. The prayer-book,
in all its ritual, acknowledges the priest by its
·rubricks. Amongst Dissenters this is modified;
·and indeed, as to any official canon of church
government, the priest has altogether disappeared
from their churches; but that the clergy and the
laity are perfectly distinct amongst Dissenters
·also is Dotonoua; and it is quite evident that
·the laborious education for the ministry, the call,
·the ordination, the imposition of hands, the garb,
t the sole office of instructor, and divers other parti-
·cu1arities, constitute their ministers Cltfr!WmtJ'II,;
and that cc the people," as all non-clerical believers
· are called, are entirely separate in character
· and action from the clergy. The minister, on
the Sabbath-that day on which all the brethren
~ meet together - is the sole person that visibly
104 KINISTBY. [ CHAP. nr.

conducts the worship of God: no one but he

$peaks; no one but he prays; and this is usually
the case all the year round. If therefore the
brethren have indeed entered into the holiest of
all, they none of them may open their mouths
there; but have chosen one individual to do for
the whole church, that which they cannot, or will'
not, do for themselves. If the Dissenters sincerely
wished to establish such 8, mode of proceeding in
their churches as, we may gather from the Scrip_..
tures, was the practice in the first rera, and of which
the general bearing is evident enough, though some
of the particulars may still be uncertain, th~y would:
allow at least a plurality of ministers, and indeed
concedo a liberty of ministry to all those who are- .
gifted for the service. But such is not the case; one
man alone is charged with ministering to the spiri-.
tual necessities of each congregation; whilst, how-"
ever called and gifted for it by the blessed head of
the Church Himself, no other member of the con-
gregation is usually permitted to take any part in
it. Thus many who may be divinely called to the
work, and might become able ministers of the-
Gospel, are prevented by the false systems of men
from exercising their gifts in the service of the
Lord, and for the edification of the Church.

§ 16. Some oftke Evil Effects oftlle DiBtinction i~

.' The undoubted tendency of the existing arrange-
ment is to beget inactivity amongst the people ;",
b~cause they feel th~t ·they have·a spiritual delegate-
in whose hands are placed those large and respon-
sible duties which are supposed to attach to the
ministerial office. Many there are who can thus
:find a ready excuse for their own lack of zeal: the)'"
think their pastor carries the keys of the church,
and to him, therefore, they consign their spiritual
energies, as if he were a general proxy for them and
for all others in their works of faith and labours of
love. What multitudes of church members might
be numbered who take little or no personal interest
in the well-being of the church, to say nothing of
their own souls! How many are there who content
themselves with the external acts of warship and a
formal attendance on ordinances, leaving all the rest
to the minister. But with these evils are con-
nected others also; for to this source may 'be traced
frequent discontent amongst the members, and
bitter sorrow to many a worthy and laborious
·The study and preparation expected for the
pulpit, the pastoral visits, the attention to the par-
ticular spiritual cases of individuals, the schools, the·
prayer-meetings, the churcb-meetings, the public..
meetings, ~d all the rest of the complicated duties
attached to the office, impose a weight and multi.
plicity of cares on the shoulders of some pastors,
which none but Atlantean shoulders could sustain;
and yet if they neglect any part of these enormous
duties, which a mistaken theory has apportioned to
them, they are in jeopardy of forfeiting the esteem
of some of their flock, as they too often discover to
their no small discomfort and sorrow.



WE have, in the foregoing pages, exhibited the most

important passages usually cited as affording a war-
rant for the institution of a priesthood or clergy,
..comprising an order of men distinct from the so-
·ailled laity. But to our own minds the proofs, from
the inspired volume, of the intended existence of any
.such class of men in the Christian church are utterly
wanting, and we do not, therefore, hesitate to con-
sider the whole sacerdotal order, as at present
-established in Christendom, a stupendous fallacy,
replete with tendencies of a most pernicious ch&-
Tacter to the interests of the Lord's kingdom. We
.are constrained, by what we consider the strictest
'logical necessity, to deny the validity of the claims
.set up in behalf of a separate clerical caste. There
is a true ministry-not clergy-in the Lo~d'8 church
·on the earth, consisting of those who, in accord.
anee with the representative character ofthe ancient
Levites, are poBBessed of the requisite endowments
for exercising the pastoral office towards the lock.
Every other f()rm of priesthood we are forced to
regard not only as an anti-christian usurpation, but
aa having the effect of an owmic hypertrophy in
the Lord's mystical body. By attracting to itself
an over-measure of vital power, it robs the other
portions of the system of their due share of spiritual
Vitality, and a paralysis of the members will be very
~rtain to ensue. :But little discernment, indeed,
is requisite in order to perceive that the broad line
-of distinction held to exist between clergy and laity,
acts disastrously upon the interior life ofthe church,
by discharging the great mass of its members from
that responsibility which properly pertains to every
one without exception. What is more evident than
that the fact of an individual being salaried and
set apart to preside over the spiritual interests of 8
congregation, operates as a release to the bulk of
the members from almost any duty but that of
punctually paying their contributions and sitting
devoutly in their seats from Sabbath to Sabbath,
receiving with quiet assent whatever is dealt out
to them. The practical working of the system is
precisely such as to con·firm the drift of our theo-
retical objections. It goes all along on the 88Sump-
tion that the actual work essential to the building
up of the church is to be performed, not by the
body collectively, but by a particular class acting as
proxies for the rest. If we make' the analogy of
the human body the criterion in this matter, it
would be as if all its organs and viscera should
unite in teeing the brain to perform. all, their func-
tions for them, while they should enjoy an exemp-
tion from their appropriate work. .Is it possible for
anyone who is accessiBle to truth to avoid seeing
that this cannot be consistent with the true Divine
order P-that order which is 80 well expressed by

the apostle of the Gentiles,-Ufrom whom the whole

body fitly joined together and compacted by that
which every joint supplieth, according to the effec-
tual working in the measure of every part, maketh
increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in
love." . This is the true model for a Christian.
The precepts and intimations of the apostolic-
epistles may serve at least as documentary evidence,.
of a historical kind, as to the light in which this.
matter was viewed in the primitive church. " God
bath tempered the body together having given more
abundant honour to that part which lacked; that
there should be no schism in the body; but tllat tiB
fJJembers should ltav(J tlte 'ame care one for anotlter.'.'
(1 Cor. xii. 24, 25.) "Brethren, if a man be over-
taken in a fault, ge, coltick are apiritUfJZ, restore Buck
tin one in the spirit of meekne8s, considering thyself,
lest thou also be tempted." (Gal. vi. 1, 2.) Who-
ever was Rpiritual might feel this to have been a
command to exercise the kindly office of restoring
one who had unfortunately la{)sed from his upright.
ness. Each was to bear the other's burdens. Again..
.c Now, we exhort you, lwetltren, warn them that
are unruly, comfort the feeble-minded, support the
weak, be patient toward all men.." (1 Thess. v.14.)
Brethren are here exhorted to warn, comfort, and
support each other-a very principal feature of
what is now considered aa the pastor's peculiar
:work. "Wherefore comfort yourselves together,
and edify one anotlltJr, even as also ye do." (v. 11.)
Passages of this nature might be largely multipli~
but it is unnecessary. The gifts and services of
the brethren are not to be superseded. The
feeblest brother has as deep an interest' in the
general spiritual life of the congregation as the
strongest. It is in fact the duty of every Christian
to edify, warn, support, and comfort his brethren,
as opportunities offer, and that on the ground of
-a common concern in the spiritual well.being of
the body.
The early Christians, or those of the first century,
never for a moment supposed that there was any
priest remaining in the true service and worship of
God, excepting Him only who had "entered in
once into the holy place having obtained eternal
redemption for us." They never thought that
. the preachers and teachers pf the gospel were
priests; that they had taken the place of the Sons
of Aaron; that some of them were "lords" over
others, some cc Right Reverend," others " Very
Reverend," and all, from the greatest to the least,
Reverend: they never imagined that the body of
believers were to be divided into two classes, one
called" the clergy," and the others" the laity;"
that the clergy were to be paid by the laity; were
to be men of education and leisure; un order of
Ecclesiastics, dressed in sable garments, administer-
ing to the "laity" grace and pardon.
But the church very soon fell into oblivion of its
'privileges, and returned with avidity to those
things which had been destroyed. In the second
century, the teachers began to utter strange doc-
trines as to the priestly functions of the Gospel
110 GENEllAL llEBULT8. [CHAP. IV.]
mini8try, and in the third century, the pontificab .
heresy had made rapid advances to maturity.
It would be no difficult matter to suggest a
variety of causes that were operative in bringing-
about this departure from the standard of primitive-
simplicity and purity; but let it suffice to advert
to one; to wit-that tendency to objectw6fUJ8B, which
is inherent in the human mind; in other words,
a craving for some visible object for the senses
to rest on. The glory of Christ, in his priestly
office, can be contemplated by faith alone. Hence
our Lord pronounced a memorable blessing on
those who should not be able to see, and yet should
believe. This invisible glory is great beyond de-
scription, in its clearness, beauty, and consolation
to those who have been instructed by the Spirit of"
Truth; but, to carnal minds, it is an abstract in-
tangible doctrine without any semblanc~ of reality;.
it affords no sort of satisfaction, comfort, or strength
to the soul of a mere nominal Christian, and can be
88 little appreciated by him as any of the dry pro--
positions of Euclid. But a visible priesthood, with
power and parade, officiating within holy rails, at
altars of gold or marble, and professing to represent
the office of mediator by means of diven well-con-
trived ceremonies, is food for the natural man, such
88 bis palate does exceedingly relish. Hence priest-
craft is congenial to men, so long as its arts of rapa-
city and oppression do not render it an intolerable
burden. Nothing but the Gospel, therefore, can save"
mankind from this wide-spread and deadly evil.
It is doubtless much more congenial to the in-
clination of the natural man to purchase exemption
from self-denying duties at the price of an annual
subscription for the support of a substitute, than to-
go forward and discharge them in person, especially
when their discharge implies the maintenance of a
spiritual state of mind. Accordingly, nothing is
more obvious than the air of easy unconcern with
which, on the Sabbath, far too many occupy their
seats in the sanctuary, and pass on through the
week, devolving all care of the interests of the
church on the spiritual stipendary who undertakes
the trust. This is undoubtedly a natural result of
the system, and therefore, in speaking of it, we do
not mean to reproach any to whom our remarka
may apply. They have been educated and have
grown up under the system; and a thousand in-
fluences have been operating to prevent any SUB-
picion of its being wrong. They accordingly act
as is natural under the circumstances. While a
human priesthood is recognized in the church, it
will not do for the office to remain a sinecure. The
people pay the priests for taking charge of their
souls, and why should they do that work themselves
which they bargain with another to do in their
stead P The fact is, the evil can never be reached
but by striking at the fundamental error on which
the whole rests,-to wit, a distinct priestly or clerical
order. This is an institution which, in its present
form, is to be traced back proximately to the cor-
ruptions of the Roman Catholic church, that church,
of which the spirit of hierarchy is the animating
soul. That the great reformer, Luther, had a very

clear perception of tbis is evident from the follow-

ing passage in his "Letter addressed to the Bohe-
mian Brethren :"-

•••• "Let that rock 8tand to you unshaken-that, in the

New Testament, of priest externally anointed there is none,
neither can be: but if there be any, they are maaka and idols,
because they ha\"e neither example nor prescription of this
their vanity, nor any word in G08pel8 or Epistles of the
Apostles; but they bave been erected and introduced by the
mere invention of men, 88 Jeroboam did in Israel. }"or a
priest, in the New Testament, is not made, but bom; Dot
..()rdained, but raised up; and he is born, not by the nativity of
the :flesh, but of the Spirit, that i8, of water and the Spirit in
the laver of regeneration. . And all Christians are altogether
priests, and all priests are Christians: and let it be anathema
to aMert that there is any other priest than he who is 0.
.Christian ; for it will be 88serted without the word of God, on
no authority but the sayings of mtn, or the antiquity of
-custom, or the multitude of those who think 80 • • • • Chrilt
was neither shaven nor anointed with oil to be made a priest;
wherefore neither is it enough for any follower of Christ to be
.anointed to become a priest, but he must have something far; which when he shall have, he wiD have no need ot·
·oil and shaving. So that you may see that the bishops erred whilst they make their ordinations 80 neces881-Y
that, without these, they deny that anyone can become a priest,
although he i8 most holy, aa Christ himselC; and again, that a
priest may be made by them, although he be more wicked than
Nero or 8ardanapalus. By which what elae do they tbarr
-deny that Christ is a priest with his Chriatiaua1 (or whilat
they discharge their abominable office, they make no one
a pri~st unleu he first deny that he is a priest, and 80 by
that very circumstance, whiYe they make a prie8t, they in
truth remove him from the priesthood. • • • •• The min-
.i8try of the word fa common to all ChriatiaDa; that ODe
,auage (I Pet. ii.) establishes it: 'Ye are 8 royal priesthood
that ,e ma'8how lorth the praile8 of him who bath ceDed you
out of darkneas into his marvellous light.' I beeeeoh you, who
are they that are oalled out of darkness into hia marvellous .
light? Are they only anointed and ordained priests! or are
they not all Christians? But Peter not only gi Vel them the
liberty, but oommands them to declare the praises of God,
which certaioly is nothing else than to preach the word of
God • • • • • Aa there is no other showing forth of the praises
of God in the ministry of the Word than that common to all,
80 there is no other priesthood than a spiritual one, al80 com-
mon to all, which Peter hath here desoribed•••••• There-
fore it bath now been suftloiently confirmed most strongly and
clearly, that the ministry of the Word is the ohief office in the
ohurch, altogether unique, and yet common to all (JA.riitw,,,,,.
Dot only by the right but also of co~mand; wherefore the
priesthood also must needs be both excellent and common; 80
that against these divine lightenings of God's word, of what
avail are infinite fathers, innumerable councils, everlasting
usage8, and the multitude of the whole world?"

This is bravely said, though it has seldom found

an echo in later days, nor are we by any means con-
fident that the heroic Wirtemberger always wrote
on this subject in the same strain. But that is
immaterial. He saw then what we see now, that
the priesthood of th~ Romish Church is the grand
element of its power. And though the institution
exists in all Protestant Churches in a modified and
mitigated form, yet it is to that source that its
origin is to be traced; and it is next to impossible
to divest it of its inherent tendencies towards the
evils of hierarchy and the other forms of abuse to
which we have adverted.
. While frankly avowing these sentiments we
are perfectly aware of the light in which they will

be viewed by the majority of ohurchmen. They

will look upon it as requiring nearly as much hardi-
hood to deny a visible clergy in the church, as to
deny the existence of the church itself. They will
feel that a sad havoc is made of all their traditionary
. and cherished associations in connection with the
church, the ministry, the Sabbath, the worship. of
God, and, indeed, everything sacred; and they will
be prompted to put the question, whether we really
mean fJ.uite so much as our words would Beem to
import. Assuredly we do; and we will thank any
man to designate the point at which, if our pre-
mises are sound, we can consistently stop short
of our present position. If there is no human
priesthood to be recognized in the Lord's church,
what authority is there for a clergy? We find it
not, and therefore state our conclusion~ without
reserve. No hesitation have we in saying that in
8 true and pure state of the church on earth,
no other than the spiritual priesthood and the
ministry or service of believers will be known, and
what that is has been sufficiently unfolded in our
previous remarks.
That a multitude' of questions should be started
as to the sequences of such a theory 8S we have now
announced we can readily anticipate. Who shall
propagate the doctrines of Christianity? Who
shall copduct worship, and how shall it be done P
What will be the use of a pulpit if there be no
regularly inducted clergymen to fill it P That, in all
these respects, the adoption of our views would work
great changes in the existing order of things there
is no shadow of doubt. But we do not feel ourselves
OD this account precluded from advocating important
principles. We hold that it is never too early to
give utterance to reformatory truths. Though not
at once acted upon, they are still working as a secret
leaven in the minds of men, and in due time they
will bring fortb. their legitimate fruits.
The trained and professional preacher, being
supported for this very work, has' time to devote
himself to the careful preparation of his discourses,
to elaborate them in 8 finished style, and by
degrees to conform them to the most admired
models of composition, and thus to serve up
to his audience an intellectual treat set off in
all the graces of eloquence. The cODsequence is,
that the mind of the heare~, being accustomed
to this kind of pulpit entertainment, comes at
length to nauseate the more plain and homely
style of extemporaneous di8cou~e among brethren.
And yet who is not conscious that this kind of
communication takes n deeper hold of the thoughts
and affections, and exercises more efficient con-
trol over the inner man, than the most studied
oratorical displays. It is not the highly finished
and elaborate discourses which usually do the
most good. They excite admiration, it is true,
but they seldom move the inner springs of action.
They play round the head, but they reach not the
heart. The plain and even homely utterances of
a good man will commend themselves, by 8 certain
unction, to every kindred mind, and the absence
of literary or rhetorical qualities will not be felt.

Whatever goes to make the worship on earth

most akin to the worship in heaven, ought to be the
object aimed at by the Lord's people, in conducting
their sabbath service. The more nearly it answers
to our Lord's definition of worship, the grE'~ter will
be that resemblance. "God is a Spirit and they
that worship him must worship Him in spirit and
in truth."
Ano,ther very important inferen('.e from our pre-
mises here forces itself upon us. How many
congregations are kept back, and drag along a feeble
existence, from an impre88ion of the almost indis-
pensable' necessity of a minister not only to their
well-being but to their being at all. We need
not indeed be surprised at this; for a clergy will
be sure to teach the absolute .necessity of its own
order to the welfare of the church, and in this way
to lay the spell of inertia upon the mass of the laity.
But it is easy to perceive what the result has been,
and continues to be. Dependence upon an order of
teachers and leaders professing to be divinely com-
missioned, and the fear of ttenching upon the sanc-
tity of their prerogatives, have tended to paralyze
exertion on the part of the members, and to inure
and reconcile them to a low state and a slow pro-
gress, in spiritual things. It is a positive disad-
vantage that men should have a hired functionary
to do their thinking for them. The people
actually need, for their own spiritual health, that
intellectual and spiritual exercise from which their
ministers now relieve them. Adult Bible classes
are to a great extent conducted on this plan,
and nothing is more evident than their tendency to
develop, among the members generally, the various
qualificatioDs necessary to sustain the system. So
would it be in the services of the Sabbath; and we
think it unquestionable that each congregation has
a claim upon the energies and gifts of all its
We see no other method by which the little
bands of believers, scattered over the country, can
ever be prompted to arouse themselves from that
torpid condition into which they are so prone to
fall, than by being weaned from reliance on a pro-
fessional ministry, and thrown upon their own re-
sources; and how can this be done without dis-
carding in toto the prevailing system of a clergy
or a prie8thood existing fIB (J tliatitnct oraw of mtm ,
The noiseless and unobtrusive insemination of
Christian doctrine and practice within the range of
~h one's personal influence, potent as it is, is Dot
the sole ground of reliance in the propagation of
religion. The press is a powerful executive instru-
ment of the present age, by means of which the
furtherance of the Lord's kingdom on the earth is
largely to be effected. Here, then, is a channel
through which united efforts can be made to tell
. upon the progress of truth and righteousness. And
let us observe that, while the employment of lay
missionaries and colporteurs in great numbers and
on a large scale is not without its good results,
this system of operation is, by too many, allowed
to serve as a virtual discharge from the duty of
direct personal efforts. The proper state of things

will not be reached till everyone who is alive

to his own responsibilities as a christian, shall
feel himself constrained to become a missionary
to his neighbou~, instead of the work being done
to his hands by proxy. The apathy which has
heretofore 80 widely prevailed, is no doubt refer-
able to the same general cause to which we have
traced 80 many of the evHso that have aiBicted
the church. The obligations of personal "duty
have been commuted on the principle of clerical
But we are reminded that we cannot inde-
finitely.extend our thoughts even upon the momen-
tous theme before us. We have given utterance
to our sentiments with all frankness and freedom,
and in full view of the consequences. We have
been all along aware of the enstrangement of con-
fidence, of the alienated sympathy, which the de-
claration of such sentiments will not fail to en-
counter in the minds of many of our brethren.
That they will at first strike them as the very ex-
treme of destructive radicalism, is more than pro-
bable. Nevertheless, we have spoken advisedly;
and however we may deprecate the unfavourable
judgment of those whose good opinion we covet,
we are prepared to encounter it, if fidelity to truth
makes it inevitable. We have no denunciations to
utter against the general body of those who now
fill the sacred office; many of whom, it cannot be
doubted, entered it with the most upright inten-
tions, and continue to administer it conscientiously
with faithfulness and diligence.
But this does not destroy the force of our reason-
ing. In respect to our maiD. position-the utter
antagonism of a priestly or clerical caste to both
the spirit and letter of the Christian dispensation-
we are firm and immovable. Would that every
member of the Lord's church fully appreciated his
birthright, and acted under the consciousness of the
high privileges involved in it. Regarding it no
longer as an exclusive prerogative confined to 8
certain order, and fixing his thoughts, not upon
the shadow but upon the substance, let every
Christian realize that, whatever is embraced within
the functions of the priestly and the royal office,
pertains truly to him under Christ. Every one
without exception is a king and a priest, so far as
he is truly a Christian. It is not alone in conse-
crated ranks that we are to look for the priests of
the Lord's heritage. Wherever we find a person
that is meek, gentle, guileless, truthful and wise-
whose spirit is deeply leavened with faith and
charity-whose conduct in fact is that of a disciple
of Christ-such an one, although never ordained
by human hands, we may truly acknowledge as a
" priest" unto God.

PrJnted by E. Couchman & Co., 10, Throgmorton Street, London.

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