Resume 6 5
Resume 6 5
Resume 6 5
Cambridge, MA
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering with a concentration in Robotics, GPA: 4.4/5.0
June 2018
Relevant Coursework: Elements of Structures, Dynamics, Systems & Controls, Electronics for Mechanical Engineers,
Measurement & Instrumentation, Thermodynamics, Engineering Materials
Cambridge, MA
June 2016-Present
Orchestrated the Solidworks redesign & assembly of the 6th iteration of a social robot created to relieve anxiety in
hospitalized children. Efforts were in collaboration with 3 consulting engineers & 1 colleague
Fabricated electronics testing tool to evaluate function of new power distribution boards
Coordinated $50,000 worth of purchasing & fabrication taking cost & lead time into consideration
Developed documentation on common lab practices to increase sustainability of project
Cambridge, MA
September 2015-December 2015
Designed & fabricated a 3D printed communication kit that allowed user customization
Kit was equipped with audio & recording capabilities, 4 attachment methods,
Obtained a final estimated cost of $150 compared to ~$560 cost of similar, less-equipped items
Cambridge, MA
January 2015-Present
Created effective marketing material such as club brochures, event flyers & community outreach t-shirts
Managed Facebook account to maintain interest in club activities; redesigned & launched new website
Received 5/5 star Facebook page rating & increased page traffic by 200%
Cambridge, MA
August 2015-May 2016
Corresponded with & delegated event responsibilities to 5 partner organizations; managed 60+ volunteer teams;
Increased attendance in our biggest event with over 260 participants
Organized 10 years of documentation & developed template documents to maintain consistency & organization
Founded & lead a restructuring sub-committee focused on the development of a proposal for the improvement
of the overall structure & policies
Santiago, Chile
June 2015-August 2015
Developed & presented a weeks worth of lessons to provide 20 students with the knowledge of group dynamics,
the scientific method, & basic physics necessary to begin experimentation
Supervised a group of 6 students in their research to solve 2 open-ended physics problems
Resulted in a first place certificate out of 6 teams in the inaugural National Chilean Young Physicist Tournament
SOFTWARE: Proficient in Autodesk Inventor, Solidworks, Photoshop, NI Multisim, Matlab, Arduino
LANGUAGE: Bilingual in English & Spanish, Python (Proficient), C++ (Basic), HTML+CSS (Basic)
MACHINING: Trained in Lathe, CNC Mill, Band saw, Water jet, Laser Cutter, 3D printing & manual drafting