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A few exercises for young voices

Jenevora Williams
Singing cant be learnt from reading a book: however, some of these exercises
may be useful if you know how to apply them and what to look out for. If you
like these, there are plenty more with full explanations, in my book Teaching
singing to children and young adults. Or you can see the exercises in action on
the DVD, also available through this website.

Posture development
The faulty postural habits and suggested guidelines for children are no different
from those for adults. The aim is to find efficiency and balance; to achieve
stability as alert stillness. This can be achieved through overall awareness; one
favoured method is to ask the child to lie on the floor or to ask a friend to
guide the posture with their hands. It is generally considered to be
inappropriate for the teacher to use physical contact as a postural guide, unless
the childs parent or other children are in the teaching room.

Breath management

Breathing exercise 1:
Place your hands flat on the lower part of the belly, just below the navel.
Make a long hissing sound and as you do so, feel your belly moving in towards

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your back, as if you are trying to get into some trousers which are a size too
small. When you have no more air left inside you, release all the tension in
your tummy muscles (under your hands) and feel it spring outwards as the air
drops into your lungs. The release is the most important part; the harder you
work, the less likely you are to remember to release for the in-breath.

Breathing exercise 2:
Once you have got used to the muscles of the belly as the main moving part
for getting air in and out of your body, you can extend this hissing to
rhythmical patterns. These can be on ss or ff or sh. You can then do the
same rhythmical buzzing on voiced sounds like zz, vv and jj. Make sure
that the rhythms are from your belly, not from your chest or throat. It will
work best if your muscles are quite soft and flexible; coordination is more
important than strength.

Managing breath efficiently for singing is generally a learned skill. This involves
release of the abdominal muscles to enable inspiration without unnecessary
displacement of the ribs. Expiration is led by contraction of the lower
abdominal muscles (primarily the transversus abdominis), a slow ascent of the
relaxing diaphragm, and a gradual narrowing of the lower ribcage towards the
end of the exhalation. Children (and adults) will often raise the upper ribs and

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even the shoulders in an attempt to take in a large amount of air. This gives the
sensation of working hard but is generally considered to be counter-productive
to efficient vocalization. It is helpful to encourage the lower abdomen to
extend during inspiration and pull in gently during expiration; any over-working
in the upper body will probably result in the reverse of this action (pulling the
abdomen in during inspiration). Abdominal flexibility can be encouraged with
the use of rhythmical hissing and buzzing exercises. These exercises and much
singing can be done with the childs hands on their lower abdomen; this will
give an ongoing awareness of this movement.

Appropriate tone production

Tone production is a subjective and stylistically specific matter. There are,
however, some issues of vocal tract tension which are counter to healthy
singing in any style. Tension in the jaw can be observed as immobility or a
forward alignment. Movement of the jaw forward (for example, as will occur
when the jaw is fully opened) can be felt by placing the fingertips on the jaw
hinge just in front of the ears. This movement will pull on the pharyngeal wall
as well as limiting tongue mobility. Choral conductors often ask their singers to
open their mouths wide this is probably because they like to see their singers
being involved, not because it has any positive effect on the sound! Ideally the
jaw should be hanging loose, with the actual mouth opening varying according
to the vowel, pitch and dynamic being sung.
Jaw and tongue root exercise 1:

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Sing a descending scale (or another familiar exercise) with yaya on each
note. Firstly do this while gently biting your thumb this will keep your jaw
still and make your tongue work harder. Next place your thumb under your
chin, feeling the soft part just behind the jaw-bone and sing the scale again
feel your tongue moving but not pressing down. Keep your jaw loose and not
moving forward.

Tongue tension can be felt by placing the thumb under the chin, behind the
jaw-bone. Any consistent downward pressure on the thumb indicates tongue
tension which will be pressing directly onto the top of the larynx. Again, choral
conductors may ask their singers to sing with a yawning sensation; although
this may help as a pre-singing stretch, if it is employed during vocalization this
is most likely to engender unhelpful degrees of tongue root tension.

Tongue root exercise 2:

Sing a descending scale (or another familiar exercise) with your tongue stuck
out of your mouth as far as it will go this looks very silly, dont worry! Now
at the start of each note, with your tongue sticking right out, bite onto your
tongue to make a th onset. As you release the teeth/tongue for the vowel,
allow your tongue to spring back to a place just behind your lower teeth. Do

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this for each note, its not easy but it will really get your tongue root
stretched and loose.

Another area of potentially harmful tension can be laryngeal constriction. This

can be heard as a harshness in the sound, eventually leading to cracking.
Physically it is part-way to a swallowing reflex, leading to the false vocal folds
being pressed in and down onto the true vocal folds. This results in a chaotic
vocal fold vibration, audible as harshness. General physical release will help
this, as will vocalizing with buzzing, puffy cheeks (see below) or singing
through a narrow drinking straw.

De-constriction exercise:
This exercise is known by many names, puffy cheeks and floppy trumpet are
two of them. You need to sing with your lips together, the air coming through
a small opening between them (not out of your nose), and with your cheeks
puffed out. The muscles of the face and lips are soft, the sound is gentle. A
de-constricted larynx will feel loose and a bit giggly. Any feeling of stretch
is probably counter-productive.

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Other issues of tone production are stylistic choices. The onset of the sound
can be glottal, aspirate or simultaneous. A glottal onset is created by the vocal
folds coming together before the air passes through; as it bursts through the
glottis an audible click can be heard. This onset is used as emphasis for words
beginning with a vowel. An aspirate onset results from the air flow preceding
the vocal fold contact, as in words beginning with an h. Simultaneous onset
requires greater coordination between the laryngeal muscles and the airflow.
Onset exercise:
This is to practice the difference between the three types of onset, it will
also help to reduce breathiness. Sing on a short open vowel (probably ee)
and repeat it three or four times. Firstly sing hee hee hee. This is the
breathy onset. Then sing an ee vowel with a glottal click this requires a
feeling of closing the throat before allowing the sound to burst through.
Now try and make the click as light as you can on the repeated vowel. Lastly,
sing the ee vowel as if you were starting it with a silent h. The onset will be
clean, not breathy and not clicked. This exercise is best done quietly and

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Breathiness in the sound is caused by air escaping through the glottis. It can be
used for effect if the singer wishes to sound intimate or vulnerable but the
sound cannot be projected.
See onset exercise and resonance exercise

Some breathiness in the sound is normal for young voices. Taking this into
account, it is generally possible to reduce levels of breathiness and often to
eliminate it. Although adductory coordination is not as developed in young
voices, developing the posterior adduction of the vocal folds will assist in
smoothing register changes and in the development of a more efficient sound.

Projected resonance is not just making the sound louder, it is enhancing certain
frequencies in the sound in order to create a ringing quality in the sound.
Resonance exercise:
Sing any exercise or tune you like with a very nasal nyaa or miaow sound on
each note. Make sure that you are not constricting the larynx as you do so.
You may feel vibrations in the front of your face or the roof of your mouth.
Then repeat this on a na sound, keeping the intensity of the vibrations but
with a less nasal sound. You can also do this using a ducks quack or a witches
cackle, they will all find and enhance the ringing resonance.
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The soft palate can be raised or lowered during singing; a lowered soft palate
will result in a nasal sound. It is important to distinguish between this and the
sensation of sympathetic vibration across the bridge of the nose. This sensation
is caused by vibrations of sound energy against the hard palate and into the
skull; these are a result of enhanced resonance created in the vocal tract, not in
the nasal cavity, the head or the front of the face.

Soft palate exercise 1

Sing an open vowel and half-way through, hold your nose and then let go
again. Does the sound quality alter? If so, some of the sound was going into
your nose and your open vowel is nasal. Do this again and feel when the sound
is vibrating only in your mouth, if this is the case, your soft palate is lifted.

Soft palate exercise 2

Sing an exercise with ngee on each note. As you do so, feel the back of the
mouth spring upwards way from the tongue. Now try this to ga, gee and ka,
kee and feel the same lift at the back. Singing a hum followed by a strong b
will lift the soft palate, as will the puffy cheeks exercise in De-constriction

Jenevora Williams 2010

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