Silver Jubilee Fleet Review 1977 (Official Programme)

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Foreword by His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales KG

This review of the Fleet by Her Majesty
The Queen represents the continuation of
a great tradition of naval reviews carried
out by previous British Sovereigns, their
purpose invariably being to display the
composition of the fleet (or fleets) in
existence at the time.
A review also offers a chance to the
Royal Navy to parade, as it were, in front
of its Lord High Admiral, something
which tends to happen rather rarelyby
the very nature of its operational
requirements and the element in which it
My family have always had a long,
close and proud association with the
Royal Navy : a service which, for my

forbears, my more immediate relations

and latterly myself, has proved to be a
rich source of human experience, of
education, and the development of a
sense of duty. My own personal association has been particularly closeafter
all, there cannot be many who can claim
the distinction of both parents as
I am, therefore, extremely proud to
have been asked to write the foreword to
this Programme, although I cannot help
admitting that following the precedent of
my great-grandfather King George V, who
commanded Torpedo Boat 79 at a Naval
Review in 1889 (as a young Lieutenant),
I would have preferred to take

part in this review myself in command of a

certain minehunter.
When The Queen reviews her ships
today she will be reviewing, in human
terms, the continuation of that great
maritime spirit which has proved to be
the strength and saving grace of this
island on so many previous occasions
and which is still the envy of so many
navies throughout the world.

Introduction by Admiral Sir Henry Leach KCB

Commander-in- Chief Fleet
Welcome to Her Majesty's Review of the
Royal Navy. Like her Father and Grandfather before her, The Queen has always
maintained the closest touch with her
Fleet. We are proud that Her Majesty is
Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom and that she is so ably supported by
Their Royal Highnesses The Duke of
Edinburgh and The Prince of Wales,
both of whom have held operational
command at sea.
The last quarter of a century has seen
much change in the Navy. The ships are
differenttoday's Battleships are the
nuclear-powered Fleet submarines; Frigates now pack a more powerful punch than
pre-war Light Cruisers ; the capability of
the Fleet Air Arm's front-line Aircraft and
the skills required to operate them bear no
comparison with those of 25 years ago;
every ship larger than a Coastal
Minesweeper carries its own Helicopter;
and all our essential replenishment of
food, fuel, ammunition and stores is
carried out underway at sea from the
Royal Fleet Auxiliaries.
The equipment is differentSteam is
giving way to Gas-Turbine Propulsion;
Action Information from a ship's many

sensors is processed increasingly by

Computers (still controlled and maintained by men); Guns are being replaced
by Guided Missiles.
The whole pattern of operating the Navy
is differentthere is a single, large Fleet
which is mainly concentrated in the
Channel and Eastern Atlantic areas in
support of NATO, although world -wide
deployments of groups of ships continue to
be made; the importance of offshore
waters with their rich holdings of gas, oil
and fish has grown immensely as has that
of the ships and aircraft which patrol them;
the amount of sea time for all ships is
much greater; exercises are more realistic,
more frequent and more exacting.
The Officers and Men are as cheerful
and dedicated as their predecessors of 25
years ago, but today they have to be
masters of the tremendous advances in
technology and to have impressive skills
ranging over a wide field in which
leadership and professionalism continue
to predominate.
With its Polaris Submarines the Navy
operates the national strategic nuclear
deterrent. You will not see one at the
Review: they are at sea on patrol, making

their vital contribution to the task of

preventing war.
Present, too, are ships from other
countries in the Commonwealth, the
North Atlantic Alliance, the European
Economic Community and the Central
Treaty Organisation.
Nearly three-quarters of the earth's
surface is covered by water. On, over and
under these seas pass most of our country's vital interests : food, fuel, trade. We
are an island nation dependent on the sea
and the historic words 'It is on the Navy
under the good providence of God that
our wealth, prosperity and peace chiefly
depend' apply with as much force today
as when Sir Walter Raleigh spoke them in
the reign of Queen Elizabeth I.
I wish you and your families a happy
time amongst your Fleet and your Sailors
helping to celebrate Her Majesty's Silver


Programme of The Silver Jubilee Fleet Review

Friday 24 June
HM Ships assemble at Spithead
0800 The flag of the Commander-inChief Fleet (Admiral Sir Henry
Leach, KCB) is hoisted in HMS
Ark Royal

Saturday 25 June
Commonwealth and Foreign ships
1100 Fly Past rehearsal by aircraft of the
Fleet Air Arm
2200 Fleet illuminated

Sunday 26 June
1030 Silver Jubilee Thanksgiving Service in HMS Ark Royal
1830 Reception given by Commander-inChief Fleet for Commonwealth
and Foreign Officers in HMS Ark
2200 Fleet illuminated

Monday 27 June
0800 Ships in the Review Lines dress
1000 Rehearsal Column proceeds to
Spithead. Column consists of Royal
representing HMY Britannia)
preceded by Trinity House Vessel
Winston Churchill and followed by
HMS Birmingham
1019 Rehearsal of gun salute (first and last
guns only)
1030 Rehearsal Column anchors
1300 Review area closed. Warning guns
fired by HMS Tiger and HMS
1325 Rehearsal Column weighs anchor
1330 Rehearsal Column enters Review
Lines with RFA Engadine preceded by THV Winston Churchill
and followed by HMS Birmingham
Early RMS Queen Elizabeth 2 will pass
pm through the Main Shipping Channel outward bound
1530 Rehearsal Column anchors
1600 Review area open. Guns fired by
HMS Tiger and HMS Apollo
1700 Rehearsal Column weighs anchor
and enters harbour

1740 Her Majesty The Queen arrives at

Portsmouth Harbour Station and is
received by the Lord Lieutenant of
Hampshire (The Right Honourable The Earl of Malmesbury,
TD), the Lord Mayor of Portsmouth (Councillor George Austin)
and the Commander-in-Chief
Naval Home Command (Admiral
Sir David Williams, KCB, ADC)
1755 Her Majesty The Queen arrives at
South Railway Jetty and is
received by the Commander-inChief Fleet and the Flag Officer
Portsmouth (Rear Admiral W. J.
Royal Standard broken in HMY
Britannia. Royal salute fired by
Naval Saluting Battery
2200 Fleet illuminated

Tuesday 28 June
0800 Ships in the Review Lines dress
1100 HMY Britannia with Her Majesty
The Queen and members of the
preceded by THV Patricia (Elder
Brethren of Trinity House
embarked) and followed by HMS
Birmingham (Admiralty Board
embarked) and RFA Engadine (
Press embarked), leaves South
Railway Jetty for Spithead
1107 Royal Salute by Guards and Bands
paraded in HMS Vernon and
HMS Dolphin as HMY Britannia
1115 RFA's Lyness, Sir Geraint and Sir
Tristram sail from Southampton with
Official Guests
1119 Royal Salute fired by HM Ships Ark
Royal, Hermes, Fearless, Tiger,
Glamorgan, Fife, Kent and selected Commonwealth and Foreign
ships as HMY Britannia passes
Spit Refuge buoy
1130 HMY Britannia anchors at the
head of the Review Lines
1230 The Admiralty Board and Flag
Officers of the Fleet attend luncheon with Her Majesty The Queen
in HMY Britannia
1330 Review area closed. Warning guns
fired by HMS Tiger and HMS
1425 HMY Britannia weighs anchor

1430 Her Majesty The Queen reviews

the Fleet. HMY Britannia, preceded by THV Patricia and followed by HMS Birmingham and
RFA's Lyness, Sir Geraint, Sir
Tristram and Engadine, enters the
Review Lines
1630 HMY Britannia, HMS Birmingham and THV Patricia anchor at
the head of the Review Lines
1645 Fly Past by aircraft of the Fleet
Air Arm led by the Flag Officer
Naval Air Command (Rear Admiral J. 0. Roberts, CB)
1700 Review area open. Guns fired by
HMS Tiger and HMS Apollo
1700 RFA's Lyness, Sir Geraint and Sir
Tristram return to Southampton
1745 Reception in HMY Britannia for
Naval Ratings of the Fleet
1840 RFA's Lyness, Sir Geraint and Sir
Tristram berth at Ocean Terminal
1845 Displays by Royal Navy personnel in
Southsea Common arena
2015 Her Majesty The Queen, accompanied by His Royal Highness
The Duke of Edinburgh and other
members of the Royal Family,
dines on board HMS Ark Royal
2100 Beat Retreat by Royal Marines on
Southsea Common
2205 Firework display on Southsea
Common by City of Portsmouth
sponsored by Schroder Life Group
2230 Fleet illuminated

Wednesday 29 June
0230 Switch off Fleet Illumination 0800
Ships in the Review Lines dress
0915 HMY Britannia weighs and returns to Portsmouth Harbour
0935 Royal Salute fired by the Fleet as
HMY Britannia passes Outer Spit
0947 Royal Salute by Guards and Bands
paraded in HMS Dolphin and HMS
Vernon as HMY Britannia enters
1000 HM Ships weigh and proceed 1005
HMY Britannia berths at South
Railway Jetty
1045 Her Majesty The Queen starts her
visit to the City of Portsmouth.
Royal Standard struck in HMY
pm Commonwealth and Foreign ships

Ships and Naval Aircraft Taking Part

Third Frigate Squadron




HMY Britannia A00 Rear-Admiral

H. P. Janion


HMS Ark Royal R09 Capt E. R. Anson (
Flagship of Admiral Sir Henry Leach KCB,
Commander-in-Chief Fleet)
HMS Hermes
R12 Capt R. G. A. Fitch
(Flagship of Rear-Admiral W. D. M. Staveley,
Flag Officer, Carriers and Amphibious Ships)
HMS Fearless
L10 Capt L. A. Bird

HMS London

D16 Capt P. D. Nichol

(Flagship of Rear-Admiral R. R. Squires, Flag

Officer, First Flotilla)
HMS Antrim
D18 Capt R. M.
HMS Blake
C99 Capt H. B. Parker
HMS Devonshire D02 Capt C. A. F.

First Frigate Squadron

HMS Galatea
F18 Capt D. B. Nolan
(Captain First Frigate Squadron)
HMS Phoebe
F42 Capt H. M. Balfour
HMS Alacrity
F174 Cdr R. B. Mort lock
HMS Tartar
F133 CdrM.A.C.Moore
HMS Gurkha
F122 Cdr D. H.
HMS Salisbury
F32 Cdr J. T. Sanders

Second Frigate Squadron

HMS Apollo

F70 Capt G. M. F.
(Captain Second Frigate Squadron)
HMS Hardy
F54 Lt Cdr M. J.
HMS Torquay
F43 Lt Cdr M. H.
HMS Dundas
F48 Lt Cdr W. J.

Fifth Frigate Squadron

HMS Hermione F58 Capt J. A. B.
(Captain Fifth Frigate Squadron) HMS
Birmingham D86 Capt P. J. Symons
HMS Nubian
F131 Cdr J. R. Griffiths

Sixth Frigate Squadron

HMS Andromeda F57 Capt K. A. Low
(Captain Sixth Frigate Squadron)
HMS Naiad
F39 Capt R. C.
HMS Brighton F106 Cdr P. Bell
HMS Charybdis F75 Cdr P. J. King

C20 Capt S. A. C.
Cassels CBE
(Flagship of Rear-Admiral M. La T.
Wemyss, Flag Officer Second Flotilla)
HMS Glamorgan D19 Capt B. K.
Shattock ADC
HMS Fife
D20 Capt G. C. Lloyd
HMS Kent
D12 Capt J. C. K.
Slater MVO
HMS Tiger




HMS Diomede F16 Capt A. F. C.

Wemyss OBE
(Captain Third Frigate Squadron)
HMS Sheffield D80 Capt J. F. Woodward
HMS Arrow
F173 Cdr N. J. Barker
HMS Arethusa F38 Cdr J. K. Conder

Fourth Frigate Squadron

HMS Cleopatra F28 Capt J. M. Webster (
Captain Fourth Frigate Squadron)
HMS Zulu
F124 Cdr M. J. M.
Wilkin MBE
HMS Amazon F169 Cdr A. B.

Fishery Protection Squadron



HMS Cuxton M1125 Lt Cdr J. J. M.

(Captain P. G. V. Dingemans, Captain Fishery
HMS Brinton M1114 Lt A. B. Ross HMS
Alfriston M1103 Lt J. N. Martin HMS
Shavington M1180 Lt R. J. Lippiett

Second MCM Squadron

HMS Jupiter

HMS Bossington M1133 Lt Cdr L. K.

(Captain D. F. Watts, Captain Mine
HMS Wilton
M1116 Lt Cdr J. E. S.
(Commander R. S. Stenlake, Senior Officer
Second Mine Countermeasures Squadron)
HMS Iveston
M1151 Lt D. P. C. Russel'
HMS Nurton M1166 Lt M. O.

Eighth Frigate Squadron

First MCM Squadron

Seventh Frigate Squadron

F60 Capt D. G.
(Captain Seventh Frigate Squadron)
HMS Ariadne
F72 Capt T. M. Bevan
HMS Antelope F170 Cdr B. W. Turner
HMS Danae
F47 Cdr J. S. Ainger
HMS Euryalus F15 Cdr J. C. W. Lock

HMS Scylla

F71 Capt G. W.
(Captain P. Cobb, Captain Eighth Frigate
HMS Berwick
F115 Cdr W. W. F.
HMS Plymouth F126 Cdr K. H. Day
HMS Rothesay F107 Cdr N. C. H.

HMS Superb
S109 Cdr D. I. Ramsay
(Flagship of Rear-Admiral J. D. E. Field-house,
Flag Officer Submarines)
HMS Valiant
S102 Cdr E. S. J.
(Captain R. G. Heaslip, Captain S/M Second
Submarine Squadron)
HMS Churchill S104 Cdr R. F. Channon
(Captain P. F. Grenier, Captain S/M
Third Submarine Squadron) HMS
Dreadnought S101 Cdr H. K. P.
HMS Oracle
S16 Lt Cdr R. F.
(Captain C. E. T. Baker MBE, Captain S/M
First Submarine Squadron)
HMS Cachalot S06 Lt Cdr N. J. K.
HMS Walrus
S08 Lt Cdr M. G.
HMS Sealion
S07 Lt Cdr J. K. Boyle
HMS Osiris
S13 Lt Cdr P. Higgins
HMS Orpheus
S11 Lt Cdr J. B. Taylor
HMS Opossum S19 Lt Cdr C. L.
HMS Ocelot
S17 Lt Cdr P.
HMS Opportune S20 Lt J. F. Perowne
HMS Otus
S18 Lt N. D. V.

HMS Gavinton M1140 Lt Cdr R. H. Kerr (

Commander R. A. Smith, Senior Officer
First Mine Countermeasures Squadron)
HMS Maxton M1165 Lt J. A. Rimington
HMS Bildeston M1110 Lt P. L. Cornish

Third MCM Squadron

HMS Shoulton M1182 Lt Cdr M.
(Senior Officer, Third Mine Countermeasures
HMS Glasserton M1141 Lt Cdr E. W.

Fast Training Boats

HMS Cutlass P274 Lt Cdr J. R.
(Senior Officer First' Fast Training Boat
Squadron (FTBI) )
HMS Scimitar P271 Lt A. M. Willmett
HMS Sabre
P275 Lt D. A. Lewis

Tenth MCM Squadron (

Royal Naval Reserve)
HMS Kellington M1154 Lt J. G. F. Stoy,
(Commodore B. K. Perrin, VRD, RNR
Commodore List 3 RNR)
HMS Crofton M1216 Cdr G. R. Hill,
(Senior Officer, Tenth Mine
Countermeasures Squadron)
HMS Kedleston M1153 Lt Cdr J. D.
Picton, RD, RNR
HMS Hodgeston M1146 Lt Cdr R. B. M.
Fawcett, RD, RNR
HMS Wiston M1205 Lt Cdr D.
Grierson, RNR
HMS Peterel
P262 Lt Cdr T. R. J.
Shanks, RD, RNR
HMS Upton
M1187 Lt P. W. James,




HMS Herald A138 Cdr C. E. K.

(Flagship of Rear-Admiral D. W. Haslam
OBE, Hydrographer of the Navy)
HMS Hecla A133 Cdr R. 0. Morris
HMS Hecate A137 Cdr G. L. Hope
HMS Beagle
A319 Cdr R. E. Hearsey
HMS Fawn
A335 Cdr J. F.
HMS Echo
A70 Lt Cdr P. J. L.
(Senior Officer Inshore Survey Squadron)
HMS Enterprise A71 Lt Cdr D. F.
HMS Bulldog A317 Lt Cdr C. S.
A320 Lt Cdr R. L.
HMS Egeria A72 Lt Cdr C. F.
HMS Woodlark M2780 Lt Cdr W. A.

Naval Hovercraft Trials Unit
Cdr N. T. Bennett AFC
HMS Lynx
F27 Lt Cdr G. A.
Cole MBE
HMS Isis
M2010 Lt Cdr A. Pearson
HMS Eastbourne F73 Lt Cdr C. K. D.
HMS Reclaim A231 Lt Cdr K. D.
Kempsell GM
HMS Flintham M2628 Lt Cdr R. J. Pike
HMS Dittisham M2621 Lt M. Bennett
HMS Laleston M1158 Lt Cdr D. A.


Royal Fleet Auxiliaries
RFA Gold RoverCommodore S. C. Dunlop
RFA LynessCapt S. E. Clench RFA
TidespringCapt P. J. McCarthy RFA
OlwenCapt A. Proudlock RFA Engadine
Capt C. G. Butterworth RFA StromnessCapt
A. W. Stanley RFA Sir GeraintCapt D. A.
Reynolds RFA Sir TristramCapt M. W. Salt
RFA PearleafCapt C. A. P.- Wydenbruck

Royal Maritime Auxiliary Service

RMAS NewtonCapt A. E. Greiner
RMAS RMAS RoystererCapt R. F.
Dunkley RMAS
RMAS GoosanderCapt A. McGregor
RMAS WaterwitchLieut Cdr J. T. K. Paisley
RN (Rtd)

Royal Naval Auxiliary Service

XSV PortishamSNXO P. Newell . XSV
ShiphamSNXO K. J. Snowdon XSV
Loyal ProctorSNXO I. Macdonald XSV
PuttenhamCNX D. Thomas XSV
TonghamPNXO R. Paterson XSV Loyal
ModeratorSNXO H. R. Moyle XSV
PaghamCNX D. F. Edminson XSV
ThakehamCNX J Spall XSV Loyal
ChancellorCNX D. W. Bulloch

Royal Corps of Transport

HMAV AudemerCapt P. J. Robyns RCT

Corporation of Trinity House

THV PatriciaCdr P. Inman THS (
Flagship of The Elder Brethren of
Trinity House, Deputy Master Captain
M. B. Wingate THS)
THV Winston ChurchillCdr G. Roberts

Commissioners of Northern Lighthouse

MV PharosCapt S. K. Davidson

Commissioners of Irish Lights

ILT Granuaile Capt G. Kinsella


HMAS Melbourne 21 Commodore R. C.
HMRC Venturous R. G. Bayly
(Flagship of Rear-Admiral G. V. Gladstone AO
HM Coastguard
MV MirandaCdr D. Y. Roberts RN (Retd)
HMAS Brisbane 41 Capt R. W. Burnett
Royal National Life-boat Institution
RNLB City of BristolClovellyT. Nutman
BNS Westdiep
F911 Capitaine de FreRNLB Joy and John WadeYarmouth IOW
gate M. Verboven BN
Capt R. Harding
RNLB Charles HenrySelseyLieut Cdr A. (Flagship of Vice-Admiral J. P. L. Van
M. Woodruffe RNR
Dyck BNChief of Naval Staff)
General Council of British Shipping
KDB Pahlawan P01 Major C. B. York
SS British Respect (BP)Commodore A.
SS Opalia (Shell Tankers (UK) Ltd)Capt S.
281 Cdr L. J. Cavan
F. Darroch RD RNR (Commodore, Shell HMCS Huron
(Commodore W. A. Hughes CD CF)
MS Manapouri (P & 0 Steam Navigation
Company)Captain R. E. Lowther
N82 Cdr G. Mathiesen
MS Ferring (Stephenson Clarke Shipping Ltd) HDMS Moen
Capt J. M. Johnson
MS Singularity (F. T. Everard and Sons
Ltd) MV Viking Valiant (European Ferries) FS Duquesne
D603 Capitaine de VaisCapt A. Shopland
seau A. Duthoit
Min. of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (Flagship of Vice-Admiral Wacrenier FN
FRV CirolanaCapt T. H. Finn
Prefect Maritime, Premier Region)
Department of Agriculture and
FGS Hamburg D181 Fregatten Kapitan
Fisheries, Scotland
H. Boettcher FGN
FPV Norna Capt G. M. Coull
(Flagship of Rear-Admiral K.
Fishing Vessels
FGN Commander, Destroyer
Princess AnneP. Craven Boston Deep Sea
Flotilla) GREECE
Fisheries Ltd
HS Lieutenant
P52 Lt Cdr G. I. ZoSt PatrickD. W. Besford Colne Fishing
graphos HN
Company Ltd
Glen ClovaJ. Marr and Sons Ltd
INS Udaygiri
F35 Capt K.N.Dubash
MacandiL. Hojbjerg Delga Fish Co Ltd
Jannie MarieJ. Perkes Brixham and TorIRAN
bay Trawlers Ltd
IINS Kaman P221 Lt Cdr Saeed
Zanganeh IIN
Natural Environment Research Council
IINS Zubin
P222 Lt Farid AsgharRRS BransfieldCapt R. Lawrence
zadeh IIN
The Post Office
CS Iris Capt I. J. L. Lang RD RNR (Rtd)
ITNS Ardito
D550 Capitano di Vascello S. Majoli ITN
British Rail
MV Sarnia (Channel Island Ferry)Capt C. THE NETHERLANDS
HNLMS Tromp F801 Capt J. H. Scheuer
British Tug Owners Association
(Flagship of Rear-Admiral J. H. B. Hulshof
Lady Vera P. Grimble
RNLNCommander, Netherlands Task
Sail Training Association
STS Sir Winston ChurchillCapt R. W. Rowe NEW ZEALAND
STS Malcolm MillerCapt J. B. Swindells
F421 Capt L. J. Tempero
Sea Cadet Corps
TS RoyalistLieut Cdr F. Drake MVO RNR
HNoMS Narvik F304 Cdr E. H. Hellgren
Gordonstoun School
Yacht Sea SpiritCdr D. Edleston RN
PoNS Almirante F474 Cdr R. F. Corte
HM Sail Training Yachts
Magalhaes Correa
Real Negreo PoN
Royal NavyAdventure, Chaser, Dasher,
Racer, Crusader, Explorer
TNS Berk
D358 Staff Lieut Cdr
ArmyBritish Soldier, Kukri, Trumpeter,
Onder Utzan TN (Flagship of RearBugler, Piper, Drummer, Fiddler, Fluter,
Admiral Emin Goksan TN) UNITED
Cannonade, Rampart, .Skirmisher, Lancer,
Patroller, Galloper, Raider, Attacker
USS California
36 Capt W. 0. Rentz
RAFLord Trenchard, Lord Portal
Seamanship Training Craft
(Flagship of Rear-Admiral John C. Dixon Jnr
Wyvern, Pegasus, Gryphis, Leopard, Martlet,
USNCommander Sixth Carrier Group)
Thunderfiash, Flashlight, Blue Eye, Trade
USS Billfish
676 Cdr D. Volgenau
Wind, East Wind, West Wind, Hindostan

HM Customs and Excise


The Fly Past will consist of 150 aircraft
representing all the types at present in
service with the Fleet Air Arm and
including some which are not yet in
squadron service. The Fly Past will be
led by the Flag Officer Naval Air Command, Rear-Admiral J. 0. Roberts, CB,
flying a Wessex aircraft.
The Flag Officer Naval Air Command
is responsible for the organisation of the
Fly Past. Aircraft will be drawn from the
carriers, cruisers and anti-submarine
frigates taking part in the Review, the
Royal Marines and from all the Naval
Air Stations of the Naval Air Command.
The Squadrons taking part are:
A single WessexRear-Admiral J. 0. Roberts
CB, Flag Officer Naval Air Command;
Officer in Command of Fly Past.

Port Wing
700L Squadron (Lynx)Intensive Trials
705 Squadron (Gazelle)Pilot Training
3rd Commando Brigade Air Squadron, Royal
Marines (Gazelle)Aerial Command,
Recce and Communication Squadron

737 Squadron (Wessex Mk 3)AntiSubmarine Advanced Operational Training Squadron
Flights from Guided Missile Destroyers in
the Review (Wessex Mk 3) Anti-

Submarine Flights
771 Squadron (Wessex Mk 1)Search and
Rescue and Aircrewman Training Squadron

Starboard Wing
703 Squadron (Wasp)Anti-Submarine Advanced Operational Training Squadron
829 Squadron (Wasp)Anti-Submarine
Headquarters Squadron
Flights from Frigates in the Review (Wasp)
Anti-Submarine Flights

Port and Starboard Wings
845 Squadron (Wessex Mk 5), 846 Squadron
(Wessex Mk 5), 707 Squadron (Wessex
Mk 5)Squadrons supporting the Royal
Marine Commando Forces

814 Squadron (Sea King), 819 Squadron (Sea
King), 820 Squadron (Sea King), 824
Squadron (Sea King), 826 Squadron (Sea
King)Anti-Submarine Squadrons from
Carriers and Cruisers
706 Squadron (Sea King)Anti-Submarine
Training Squadron
817 Squadron (Sea King) (RAN)AntiSubmarine Squadron from HMAS

(Fixed Wing Aircraft)
849 Squadron (Gannet Mk 3)Airborne
Early Warning and Radar Reconnaisance
Squadron (HMS Ark Royal)
FRADU (Canberra)Fleet Requirements and
Aircraft Direction Unit
809 Squadron (starboard) (Buccaneer)Strike/Reconnaissance/Group Attack
Squadron (HMS Ark Royal)

892 Squadron (port) (Phantom)All weather

Fighter Squadron (HMS Ark Royal)
FRADU (Hunter)Fleet Requirements and
Aircraft Direction Unit

The largest and oldest visiting warship is

the Australian aircraft carrierHMAS
Melbourne of 19,960 tons which was
built at Barrow-in-Furness in 1945. The
newest ship is the Greek Navy's missile




completed this year. The only nuclearpowered surface warship at the Review
is the United States 10,000-ton cruiser
fornia. This has a speed of more than 30
knots. Another very fast ship present is
the 57-knot missile attack craft of the
Royal Brunei Malay Regiment which was
built at Portsmouth by Vosper
Thornycroft Ltd.
ABOVE: HMS Hermes, an anti-submarine

warfare ship. (see next page)

Warships of the Royal Navy

Polaris Submarines

Fleet Submarines

The Royal Navy has four nuclearpowered Polaris submarines, each of

which can carry 16 missiles: a fire-power
greater than all the bombs dropped by
both sides during World War II. Once at
sea, the Polaris submarine is lost to the
enemy, its almost unlimited endurance
allowing it to range the oceans freely
with little fear of detection. It is independent of shore bases and because of
airpurification system it does not surface
for air. Its massive bulk displaces 8,400
tons dived. The three decks offer
accommodation which is unusually
spacious for a submarine and good
domestic facilities are provided for the
crews. Each submarine has two crews,
known as Port and Starboard, to provide
optimum use of these costly vessels.
Polaris is a two-stage ballistic missile
powered by solid-fuel rocket motors. It is
31 feet long, 4 feet 6 inches in diameter
and weighs 28,000 pounds. Fired from
the ocean depths by a nuclear-powered
submarine, it can devastate a target 2,500
nautical miles away. It should be noted
that there are no Polaris submarines at
the Review emphasising the fact that
Britain's deterrent is deployed 24 hours a
day throughout the whole year.
Britain's four Polaris submarines are
named Resolution, Revenge, Renown and

Nuclear-powered but conventionally

armed fleet submarines (SSNs) provide the
main striking power of the Fleet and are
the most effective anti-submarine warfare
weapons available to the maritime
commander. They are capable of patrols at
continuous high underwater speed,
independent of base support, and can
circumnavigate the globe without surfacing. Their endurance and sophisticated
weapon systems make them formidable
adversaries. Space is naturally restricted,
but living conditions are unusually
comfortable. Fleet submarines have three
decks and displace 4,500 tons dived. The
first, Dreadnought, became operational in
1963. Built in Britain but powered by an
American nuclear plant, she has been
followed by the all-British Valiant class:
Valiant, Warspite, Churchill, Conqueror
and Courageous. Now, a further modified
class, the Swiftsures, are in service:
Swiftsure, Sovereign and Superb have
been completed ; Sceptre, Spartan and one
other are being built. Four SSNs are in the
Fleet gathered here.

Patrol Submarines
Submarines with conventional dieselelectric power continue to be very
important. Their underwater endurance
is not as great as that of nuclear submarines, but they are fast, silent and

difficult to detect. A total of 18 ships of

the Oberon and Porpoise classes are in the
Submarine Flotilla and 10 are at this

Aircraft Carrier
The aircraft carrier Ark Royal (the
Flagship of the Commander-in-Chief
Fleet) is a mobile airfield of great
strategic importance. She can, if necessary, launch strike aircraft to attack an
enemy with nuclear or conventional
weapons, jet fighters armed with guided
weapons to deal with air attacks, and
helicopters to detect and destroy submarines. Although completed in 1955,
she has been fully modernised. The
standard displacement is 43,000 tons,
she is 846 feet long, has a beam of 168
feet and a ship's company of 2,570. She
carries Phantom, Buccaneer, Gannet,
Wessex and Sea King aircraft.

An impressive display of sea

power; HMS Ark Royal at speed in a lively
sea. Her Phantom, Buccaneer and Gannet
aircraft are seen on the flight deck; the
steam catapult from which an 18-ton
aircraft can be launched at 160 mph is on
the port side of the ship (right side of
NOTE: HMS Hermes is illustrated on the
preceding page; photographs of the Polaris
and Fleet submarines are reproduced on
pages 15 and 16.

Helicopter Cruisers
Two Tiger class cruisers, Blake and Tiger,
have been reconstructed as helicopter
cruisers with facilities for directing naval
forces. Each cruiser has four Sea King
anti-submarine helicopters. The forward
part of the ship retains the traditional
cruiser lines, but the after part has been
rebuilt to provide the hangar and flightdeck. The successor to these ships will be
the Invincible class. HM Ships Blake and
Tiger are present at the Review, the latter
as Flagship of the Flag Officer Second

Anti- Submarine
Warfare Ship
HMS Hermes was converted to an antisubmarine warfare (ASW) carrier in
1976. She is equipped with Sea King and
Wessex 5 helicopters. At this review,
HMS Hermes is flying the flag of Flag
Officer Carriers and Amphibious Ships (

Guided-Missile Destroyers
County class guided-missile destroyers
were built armed with Seacat and Seaslug
missile systems, two modern twin 4.5inch gun turrets and equipped with a
Wessex anti-submarine helicopter. Later
ships were fitted with Action Data
Automation and four ships have been
fitted with Exocet missile mountings in
place of the second gun turret. HMS
Norfolk was converted in 1973, followed
by HMS Glamorgan, Antrim and Fife. The
main propulsion systems of the ships are
backed up by gas-turbine boost
machinery which provides extra speed
when under way or when leaving port.
Six County class ships are present for the
Review, with Flag Officer First Flotilla
flying his flag in HMS London.
HMS Bristol, the only Type 82
destroyer, has joined the fleet as proving
ship for the Sea Dart missile system and
the Ikara anti-submarine weapon. HMS
Bristol is not at the review.

Assault Ships
HMS Fearless and HMS Intrepid are the
most versatile vessels yet built by the
Royal Navy for amphibious warfare. Each
is fitted out as a naval assault group/
brigade headquarters, from which naval
and military personnel, working in close
co-operation, can mount and control an
amphibious operation. They can transport
a military force complete with full

(top to bottom): A conventional

diesel-electric powered patrol submarine;
HMS Blake, a Tiger class helicopter
cruiser, with one of her Wessex helicopters.
Aft of the second funnel is the hangar and
flight deck for her four helicopters; HMS
Glamorgan, a County class destroyer.
Between the forward gun and the bridge her
Exocet missile system can be seen; HMS
Fearless, an amphibious assault ship.
Beneath the flight deck tank-carrying
landing craft are housed.

supporting armour. Landing craft,

capable of carrying heavy tanks, are
housed in the ship's dock and launched
from the open stern. The ships can
operate a flight of assault helicopters and
are armed with the Seacat guided-missile
system and two 40-mm Bofors guns. One
assault ship is also used as the
Dartmouth Training Ship, providing
young officers with their first sea experience. HMS Fearless is at the review.

Sheffield Class Destroyers

HMS Sheffield and HMS Birmingham of
this class have already entered service
and six more are under construction. Four
of them, HM Ships Cardiff, Coventry,
Glasgow and Newcastle, have already
been launched. A further ship of this
class has been ordered. They displace 3,
500 tons, have a length of 410 feet, a
beam of 47 feet and are powered by
Rolls-Royce Olympus and Tyne gas
turbines. The armament includes a new
automatic rapid fire 4.5-inch gun, antisubmarine torpedo tubes and the new Sea
Dart missile system. They will operate a
Lynx helicopter. HMS Birmingham has
been chosen as the Admiralty Board
yacht for this review and HMS Sheffield
is in the lines.

Amazon Class Frigates

HMS Amazon, the first of a new class of
commercially designed frigates (Type 21)
, was accepted into service in 1974 and
was followed by HMS Antelope,
Ambuscade, Arrow, Active and Alacrity.
Two other ships are under construction:
Ardent and Avenger. They displace 2,500
tons, have a length of 384 feet, a beam of
42 feet, and are powered by Olympus and
Tyne gas turbines. They are armed with a
new automatic rapid fire 4.5-inch gun,
the Seacat missile system, and operate a
Wasp antisubmarine helicopter (to be
replaced by the Lynx). The Exocet
missile system is being fitted in HMS
Active, Alacrity, Arrow, Ardent and
Avenger, and other ships of the class will
be fitted at a future date. Four of this
class are here today.

Rothesay Class Frigates

The nine Rothesay class anti-submarine
frigates have been modernised to operate
Wasp helicopters and the Seacat missile
system. Other improvements include full
air-conditioning, modernised operations
room, better communications facilities
and an improved gunnery control system.
Four ships of this class are present.

Leander Class Frigates

The Royal Navy's most numerous
frigates are those of the Leander class,
totalling 26 ships. Equipped to perform
a general-purpose role, they are capable
of engaging ships, aircraft and shore
targets in addition to their primary role
of submarine detection and destruction.
Their original armament consisted of a
triple-barrelled anti-submarine mortar,

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