ACO-GA Based Routing Algorithm For MANET
ACO-GA Based Routing Algorithm For MANET
ACO-GA Based Routing Algorithm For MANET
Volume: 4 Issue: 3
ISSN: 2321-8169
408 - 414
AbstractMANET is made up of a collection of mobile wireless nodes, each node act as router as there is no central coordinator present in
this network to ensure in network routing.In MANETmultiple paths are available for data transmission, but itis required to choosemost efficient
path between multiple pathsby providing better Quality of Service(QoS).Routing in MANET network is a challenging task, because the topology
of the network is frequently changes. This issue is addressed in this paper.Here we introduce new routing mechanism by using ACO and GA
approach to satisfy quality matrix.By using ant algorithm to explore the network using intelligent ANT packets based on pheromone
concentration. Multiple paths are generated by ant algorithm and best path is chosen for data transmission, if link failure is occurs while data
transmission then genetic algorithm is used for handling link failure by selecting another backup path based on fitness value.
KeywordsACO,GA,pheromone, fitness
MANET is made up of collection of mobile wireless
nodes. Each node act as router as there is no central
coordinator present in this network to assist in network
routing. Now a days MANETs are used in many applications
like, personal area networkmilitary battlefields,crisis
management services classrooms, etc.In wireless networks, it
is necessary to create paths from one host to another to
exchange information. Routing is the process of finding an
efficient path to transfer data from source to destination while
maintaining Quality.
Routing is a process of finding the paths between nodes.
There are mainly two types of routing mechanisms static
routing and dynamic routing. In static routing, the routes
between the nodes are precomputed and stored in routing
table. If a topology of network changes, then the path between
nodes may also change, and hence in dynamic routing is used.
In dynamic routing routes are not stored previously, routes are
generated when required.All packets between any two nodes
are sent in the same path. The new routes are generated based
on the factors like link utilization, traffic etc formaximum
performance. Some traditional routing protocols are RIP
(Routing Information Protocol), OSPF(open shortest path
first),BGP(border gatway protocol).this protocols are not
supported for MANET.
MANETs uses protocols which are classified into three
categories are: 1) table driven or proactive protocol (DSDV)
which maintains all information of nodes for fixed interval of
time. 2) On demand or reactive routing protocols (ad hoc on
demand vector routing protocol) which establish routes as per
requirement. 3) Hybrid protocols (ZRP) are the combination of
reactive andproactive routing protocol. Following figure
shows protocol list used by mobile ad-hoc network.
Establisha routetoadestination
whenthereisademandfor it
Thereareno periodic updates
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optimal pathsare identified from the initial population for the
network for any source-destination pair. The GA cycle is
continued until there are failure in network. Bellow flow
diagram describe whole concept of ACO-GA in short.
Genetic algorithm
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technique. GA works on the search space which called
aspopulation. Each element in the population is called as
chromosome. GA first starts with randomly selecting set of
feasible solution from population. Each chromosome is a
solution by itself. Each chromosome is estimated for fitness
and this fitness describe the quality of solution. GA uses
adaptive heuristic searching technique through which finds the
set of best outcome from the existing population. New
offsprings means childs are generated from the selected
chromosomes using operators like selection, crossover and
mutation. A Most fit chromosomes are moved for next
generation. The weaker chromosomes get less chance for
moving to next the generation. A population with average
fitness are increases at each iteration, so by repeating the
process of GA for many iterations, better results are revealed.
GA has been widely studied and inspected on manyfields
of engineering. GA offersanother methods forresolving
problems which cant possible to solve using traditional
methods. GA can be applied for nonlinear programming like
minimum spanning tree, traveling salesman problem,
scheduling problem and etc.
eqn (1)
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multiple paths are available, in case of link failures the genetic
approach is used and new path is chosen for uninterrupted
C. Data transmission
Figure 4: route discovery phase of forward ant
.. eqn
IJRITCC | March 2016, Available @
ISSN: 2321-8169
408 - 414
Initial population
Fitness function
Figure 6: crossover
The backup paths are intersect with the primary paths to establish
a newpath. The primary path and backup path are recognised during
the route discovery phase itself when we discover optimal path by
using aco. The backup paths are geographically closer to the primary
Path maintenance
The data packets are transported via the primary path till the
primary path is gets failed. When a node notices a link failure, it uses
the backup path instead of primary path. This is done with the help of
Route_error message where, when a node detects the link or node
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number of node. the topology is examined for 20,50 and 80
node and it shows that ACO-GA works best in 80
nodes.Results are generated in the form of graph.
The results given below are examined by Miss Nikita
Barve which shows ACO-GA protocol performs better than
ACO protocol.
Table 2: performance table
Simulation time
Simulation area
MAC layers protocol
Routing protocol
Traffic pattern
No. of nodes
Max speed
Omini directional
IEEE 802.11
20,50,80 nodes
IJRITCC | March 2016, Available @
ISSN: 2321-8169
408 - 414