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Article Decentralized Autonomous Organizations

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Decentralized Autonomous

The toughest job on Wall St this morning is the guy who has
to explain #TheDAO to Lloyd Blankfein.

Allen & Overy LLP 2016

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations | July 2016

A Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) is a
computer program, running on a peer-to-peer network,
incorporating governance and decision-making rules.
DAOs can be programmed to operate autonomously,
without human involvement, or the code can provide for
direct, real-time control of the DAO and funds
controlled by it.1 The earliest DAOs are software
controlled community organization experiments which
seek to re-implement certain aspects of traditional
corporate governance, replacing voluntary compliance
with a corporations charter with actual compliance with
pre-agreed computer code.
The DAO (https://daohub.org/) is the most prominent
example of a DAO. It gained significant media attention
after it raised the equivalent of USD168 million from
individual investors in its initial creation phase, making
it the worlds biggest crowdfunding project to date.
However, on 17 June 2016, a weakness in The DAOs
code was maliciously exploited and it became materially
compromised. It is unlikely to recover.

The DAO was the first significant experiment of this

structure. It will serve as a case study for the industry but
the design and structural decisions made by the creators
of The DAO will not necessarily apply to all future
DAOs were made possible by the development of
Ethereum, a public blockchain which provides a
decentralized virtual machine to execute peer-to-peer
contracts using its native cryptocurrency, Ether. The
Ethereum network uses Ether as the currency for
transaction fees on its blockchain for the purpose of
recompensing the computers of the network for
providing computing power to validate actions taken on
the Ethereum blockchain. Ether is therefore the
underlying fuel for all Ethereum transactions.

While the term DAO is the most widely used term to describe the
subject of this paper, some commentators distinguish DAOs
(Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) from DOs
(Decentralized Organizations), the distinction being that all functions
in the former are automated and self-executing, whereas the latter
is a decentralized model which incorporates human decisionmaking through member consultation. For the purposes of this
paper and for consistency with general media commentary we use
the term DAO throughout.

Allen & Overy LLP 2016

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations | July 2016


Ethereum is a distributed network formed by

thousands of nodes (computers running the
Ethereum software) around the world. Whereas
Bitcoin records the creation and transfer of bitcoins
in its global ledger, Ethereum, in addition to
recording the creation and transfer of Ether, stores
computer scripts (so-called smart contracts and
decentralized applications (dapps)) and
records their state.

Anyone can create an Ethereum contract. Once

deployed, that script will exist, permanently and
publically, in the Ethereum blockchain (with a copy
stored on every node in the Ethereum network). The
distributed nature of Ethereum makes it very
difficult, if not impossible, to prevent or otherwise
interfere with (a) people creating Ethereum
contracts, (b) people interacting with Ethereum
contracts and (c) the automatic execution of each
Ethereum contract exactly in accordance with its

Ethereum contracts can be implemented in various

Turing complete scripting languages. To prevent
contracts that loop infinitely, which would waste the
resources of the Ethereum network, the Ethereum
platform charges a small amount of Ether per
computation. Smart contracts can interact with other
smart contracts and they can accept input from
external sources known as oracles (e.g. a
Bloomberg reference price for a financial
transaction). A DAO is a complex smart contract or
set of smart contracts.

A DAO is effectively a community, with its

resources organized according to rules agreed in
advance and set out in its code. DAOs are open
source software, capable of modification through
member consensus. Befitting its experimental, open
source nature, there is no defined governance
structure for DAOs, but The DAO introduced the
concept of a Curator, a participant who is tasked
with maintaining the code of The DAO, proposing
changes to The DAO and whitelisting proposals. A
Curator is also a failsafe against a Tyranny of the
Majority, i.e. an individual or group buying or
otherwise gaining control of 51% of the DAO
tokens, abusing their voting power and sending all
funds to themselves.

A DAO will hold and deal with Ether according to

the rules set out in its code. Anything beyond its
programmed function (e.g. hiring a developer to
write or audit code, developing a product or
investing) requires input from DAO token holders.
Contractors (i.e. actors in the physical world who
can carry out tasks) can make proposals to a DAO
to utilize some or all of its funds for the
development of a product or service. The DAOs
token holders then debate and vote on any given
proposal, usually during a set period of time.


The DAO was created as a crowd-sourced

investment fund and was the first of its type. Its
creators, Simon and Christoph Jentzsch, are
involved with another prominent company in this
space, Slock.it, which was itself expected to be a
recipient of investment by The DAO. The initial
investment in The DAO stood at USD168m, but this
has been significantly depleted by the June 17
attack, further defensive depletions by members of
The DAO and the concomitant impact on the price
of Ether.

The DAO was a for-profit entity which took in funds

from investors (in the form of Ether) in exchange
for divisible and freely transferable tokens
allocating ownership and voting rights. There are
approximately 23,000 voting addresses of The DAO,
although it is thought that approximately half of the
invested funds came from 70 Ethereum addresses.
The DAO existed to invest in companies, projects


DAOs are a new innovation. There are several early

implementations of the DAO concept, the most
prominent of which is the framework (described
here) developed by the creators of The DAO (and
upon which The DAO itself is based).

DAOs are funded by members using Ether and will

usually provide its members with tokens,
proportional to their investment, representing voting
and ownership rights. DAO tokens are freely
transferable and their price may vary over time, in a
manner not dissimilar to company shares.

Allen & Overy LLP 2016

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations | July 2016

and ideas, with the aim of providing a positive

return (in the form of dividends or other benefits) to
its participants. Token holders could vote on each
proposal put to The DAO; The DAO thus relied on a
participatory wisdom of the crowd for its
investment decision-making. Positive votes from
20% of all tokens issued were required for passing a
proposal, although no proposal ever put forward
came near this threshold. A list of proposals put to
The DAO can be viewed here. The DAO included a
Curator, which was, in The DAOs case, a team of
well-respected individuals in the Ethereum

Various issues were raised relating to the

complexity of The DAO, code security and game
theoretic resilience, structural biases and
concentration of token ownership. Indeed, some of
the early proposals put to The DAO concerned The
DAO itself, including a proposal for a moratorium
on proposals and voting until the code was fully
audited and any fixes applied. Prior to the June 17
attack, the creators of The DAO proposed an
upgrade to their DAO Framework 1.1, fixing
(among other things) a recursive call vulnerability
found in Framework 1.0, upon which The DAO is
based. Like all other proposals put to The DAO, it
required approval from its token holders.

On 17 June 2016, before any proposals were

accepted by The DAO, a hacker was able to exploit
an unintended operation of The DAOs computer
code and its underlying programming language to
drain funds from The DAO. Those funds are
currently sitting in a child DAO (part of the preagreed process by which investors withdraw funds
from The DAO) waiting to be withdrawn by the
hacker (which cannot happen before 27 July).

In the meantime, there has been heated debate about

whether and how to attempt to return the stolen
Ether to investors. The majority of the remaining
Ether was similarly drained from The DAO, this
time by so-called white hat hackers (presumed
good actors whose intent is to return the funds,
proportionally, to investors). If these funds alone are
successfully returned, it would represent a ~30%
loss for investors. However, further complicating
this scenario is that the original hacker was able to
infiltrate the new child DAO, leaving those funds

Allen & Overy LLP 2016

vulnerable to a further attack. In total, between 3%

and 15% of all Ether is estimated to be at risk.

Leaders of the Ethereum community (many of

whom are investors in The DAO) have proposed to
amend the Ethereum blockchain itself (a hard
fork) to undo The DAO completely and return all
funds to investors. This proposal follows an earlier
failed attempt to freeze the stolen Ether (by way of a
soft fork software update, which would have
effectively blacklisted the hackers Ethereum
address). The hard fork is being proposed as a
remedial block to be added to Ethereums
blockchain. This block is yet to be determined but is
due to occur in the near future and will incorporate
an additional state transition function beyond the
ordinary elements of transaction processing and
miner reward. This block would (a) return the
identified stolen Ether back to The DAO fund and
(b) alter the broken DAO contract to refund the
token holders pro rata. In advance of this hard fork
miners and other stakeholders will need to update
their software to the new hard fork version. It is
important to note that, unlike a hypothetical fork of
the Bitcoin blockchain, the proposed Ethereum hard
fork would not roll back all transactions in each
block, as no Ether has been transferred out of any
child DAO. The proposal only needs to reference
The DAO and its child DAOs to effect the
appropriate refunds of Ether.

This hard fork proposal has initiated a broader

debate within the Ethereum community. Proponents
of the hard fork argue that such a solution is
necessary to protect Ethereums wider reputation
and value, and a hard fork is a straightforward and
equitable means of doing so. It would also be
necessary to realise the future vision of Ethereum,
which moves away from proof-of-work as the
consensus mechanism towards a proof-of-stake
system (broadly, consensus achieved by voting
according to Ether holdings). For opponents, a hard
fork would be entirely antithetical to Ethereums
cause. Ethereums stated purpose, after all, is to
provide an immutable, incorruptible record and a
platform for unstoppable, code-as-law smart
contracts. The hard fork would amount to an
intervention a bail-out of The DAO seemingly at
the behest of The DAOs biggest investors

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations | July 2016

(themselves Ethereum developers and influential

community members).

Was The DAO too much, too soon, or is the viability

of a Turing complete smart contract platform now in
doubt? Very complex smart contracts based on
Turing complete languages will inevitably contain
bugs or well-hidden, malicious code and each
smart contract controlling Ether represents
something of a bounty for opportunists and hackers,
requiring extreme levels of diligence. Indeed, in the
case of The DAO, the hacker merely used the code
to his or her advantage; in that sense, they acted in
accordance with the terms of the smart contract and
arguably there was no hack. The website dedicated
to The DAO could not be clearer:
The terms of The DAO Creation are set forth in the
smart contract code existing on the Ethereum
blockchain at
Nothing in this explanation of terms or in any other
document or communication may modify or add any
additional obligations or guarantees beyond those
set forth in The DAOs code. Any and all
explanatory terms or descriptions are merely offered
for educational purposes and do not supersede or
modify the express terms of The DAOs code set
forth on the blockchain; to the extent you believe
there to be any conflict or discrepancy between the
descriptions offered here and the functionality of
The DAOs code at
The DAOs code controls and sets forth all terms of
The DAO Creation.

The DAO whitepaper

DAOs are not currently recognized as legal entities,

creating uncertainty as to the legal rights attributable
to a DAO and who bears the legal responsibilities. It
is possible that in the abstract a DAO would fall
within the categories of a general partnership or
joint venture agreement between the participants. In
such circumstances, courts will generally infer and
impose such a structure on a DAO, in the absence of
any formative document or articles. While a DAO
might have extensive rules governing its conduct
between internal members, those rules may be of
little use when interacting with an external
jurisdictions legal system.

Further challenges arise in respect of determining

jurisdiction. What is the jurisdiction of a DAO and
where are its members based? The developers of
The DAO are known, but that will not always be the
case a DAO could be created by many
contributors, some known, some not known, based
in multiple jurisdictions, using servers based in yet
more jurisdictions.

DAO tokens represent the initial contribution by

each investor, but if there is no legal entity they
cannot be considered to be shares or ownership
rights or stakes. However, the risk of regulators
recharacterizing DAO tokens as securities remains.
Absent legal certainty as to what a DAO is, and
given the difficulty in properly identifying
individual members of a DAO at any particular
point in time, it will be very difficult to properly
assign ownership in the product of contracts.

These problems are exacerbated by the perceived

focus on decentralization. For many participants a
key feature of DAOs is unfettered and anonymous
participation. Initial funding is necessarily sent from
(and dividends paid to) pseudo-anonymous

While this specific attack exploited vulnerability in

the code of The DAO, it is hoped that the broader
Ethereum community will quickly establish best
practices and code will be subject to continued
auditing, improvement and ultimately
standardization, but there will invariably be teething
troubles, hiccups and more losses before this is


autonomous code and can operate independently of

legal systems; others have said that they must be
owned or operated by humans or human-created
entities. There will be many uses cases, and the
DAO code will develop over time. Ultimately, how
a DAO functions and its legal status will depend on
many factors, including how DAO code is used,
where it is used, and who uses it. This paper does
not speculate about the legal status of DAOs

A word of caution, at the outset: the legal status of

DAOs remains the subject of active and vigorous
debate and discussion. Not everyone shares the
same definition. Some have said that they are

Allen & Overy LLP 2016

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations | July 2016

Ethereum accounts and, in any event, DAO tokens

are freely traded between accounts. The votes of
participants are not attributed or attributable either.

DAOs for-profit status, and the speculative trading

of Ether undertaken by some individuals, it is
possible that DAO tokens would be considered as
the sale of investment contracts by the Securities
Exchange Commission. One of the developers of
The DAO has stated that they do not consider The
DAO to be a company nor its tokens securities. In
his view, it is conceived as an organization that
helps Ethereum products by providing Ether, which
may result in returns on Ether, or free services or
products. Regulators generally have adopted a
deliberate wait-and-see approach to blockchain
innovation and it is likely that such a policy would
inform any such action against The DAO. However,
there is a strong countervailing argument that the
structure, value and marketing of The DAO can be
characterized as an illegal sale of securities
(notwithstanding any assertion that The DAOs
code controls and sets out all terms of The DAO
Creation). In light of the significant investment that
The DAO received, and the inherent flaws in The
DAOs code which permitted a malicious
redirection of collective funds, regulators may well
decide to adopt the latter approach if investors are
ultimately left out of pocket.


On the face of it, The DAO had no legal personality

or existence; it was a collection of computer scripts
on the Ethereum blockchain. In an attempt to
sidestep the thorny issues regarding the legal form
of DAOs, developers of The DAO incorporated a
company in Switzerland, DAO.Link, for the purpose
of providing a physical entity with which
Contractors could contract. According to Alexis
Roussel, a co-founder of DAO.Link:
the main legal questions which DAO.Link can
answer is that in Switzerland you dont need to
specify the person in front of you that you want to
make a contract with. You only need to show its
valid that the person on the other side is capable of
making a decision.

This structure provides a bridge between the digital

world of DAOs and the physical world of
Contractors, resulting in an invoice addressed to a
Contractor containing DAO.Links address and
details. Until legislation and regulation can catch up
with the innovative form of DAOs, it is likely that
DAOs will employ this service company structure,
or a similar mechanism, to effectuate interactions.
Note that this solution requires individual or team
direction from the developers of the relevant DAO,
and the connection between the DAO and an entity
purported to be associated with it may not be
recognized in all jurisdictions.


The primary legal risk facing The DAO, and DAOs

generally, is the status of their participatory tokens.
On the one hand, DAO tokens represent a means of
access and voting to a technological experiment,
designed to improve and progress nascent projects
on the new Ethereum ecosystem. On the other hand,
DAO tokens represent an investment of potentially
significant monetary value, with similar attributes to
shares or equity.
In the United States, this question turns on the
purpose and intention of the investment. Given The

Allen & Overy LLP 2016

In addition to the risk of token recharacterization,

the direct democracy model of DAOs poses
practical issues of governance. For example, no
proposal ever reached The DAOs necessary
threshold, and the risk of centralization of control by
particular parties is exacerbated by the pseudoanonymous identities of token holders. Although
The DAOs concept of a Curator was designed to
alleviate these concerns, this solution does not
provide the same detailed protections as a takeover
code for example, nor did it protect against the June
17 attack.



As discussed above, a DAO is not a readily

identifiable legal entity. Its legal status would be
determined by what interpretation a court, building
on existing legal principles, would be willing to
accept on the basis of a litigants argument. Were a
DAO to be considered a general partnership or a
joint venture then liability would likely flow

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations | July 2016

through to the members. Such an exercise in tracing

liability to members across jurisdictions (and
attaching liability to a physical person connected to
an Ethereum address) would be legally and
practically problematic. In the absence of applying
ownership liability, courts might, depending on the
facts, be prepared to find liability against the
developer, promoter or creator of the DAO.

Had The DAO operated as intended, it is probable

that ordinary liability for transactions undertaken on
its behalf would have been attributed to DAO.Link,
its Swiss-incorporated service company, depending
on the context and cause of action. DAO.Link exists
as a Srl (a limited liability company under Swiss
law) and therefore a successful action against it
would only extend to whatever assets it holds.

In the context of the June 17 attack, it is possible

that a court could consider the actions of the hacker
to constitute criminal conduct, and potentially theft.
The fact that The DAO code technically permitted
these actions, which were therefore permitted under
the rules of The DAO, would not necessarily be
determinative. The malicious intent to take Ether
belonging (collectively) to all the token holders
could meet the requisite threshold, depending on a
number of factors, including the hackers intent and
how their actions are categorized under existing
criminal statutes. In addition to potential criminal

penalties, the hacker could potentially be sued for

civil damages, although the primary obstacle to any
such action would be identifying the hacker.
Depending on the ultimate resolution to the June 17
attack, it is possible that some form of litigation will
be pursued by some of the parties involved against
either the hacker, the promoters of the DAO, the
Ethereum Foundation or identifiable token holders.
Given the most recent proposal to hard fork the
Ethereum blockchain and reverse the hackers
transactions, it may be that the hacker will be the
first litigant seeking redress.

If I would have known the

size it has grown to, maybe
the tester in me would say,
I need more testing. This
is very risky. Its all new
TIMES, MAY 21, 2016

Allen & Overy LLP 2016

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations | July 2016

Key contacts

Lawson Caisley

David Lucking

UK London
Tel +44 20 3088 2787

USA New York
Tel +1 212 756 1157

Michael Zdrowski

Conor OHanlon

UK London
Tel +44 20 3088 4034

USA New York
Tel +1 212 610 6423

Allen & Overy LLP 2016

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations | July 2016

Allen & Overy means Allen & Overy LLP and/or its affiliated undertakings. The term partner is used to refer to a member of Allen & Overy or an
employee or consultant with equivalent standing and qualifications or an individual with equivalent status in one of Allen & Overy LLPs affiliated
Allen & Overy LLP 2016


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