Unit 12 v1
Unit 12 v1
Unit 12 v1
Assignment Brief Modern Day Slavery | UAL L3 Ext Dip Art and Design
Assignment Leader
Assignment Verifier
Anne Brennan
Start Date
Formative Assessment
Deadline Date
Learning Outcomes | Objectives: At the end of the units the learner will
Unit 12 Engaging with an audience in art and design
1. Understand the audience for a chosen art and design activity.
2. Be able to plan and implement art and design activity for an identified audience.
3. Be able to use evaluation in support of art and design activity for an identified audience.
Submission Guidelines:
Your projects are graded as Pass/Referral until the final project-please take note that you have one opportunity to
resubmit work after a referral grade has been awarded-if the work has not been handed in on new assessment
date - you are at risk of failing the unit attached to the assignment and will ultimately not be able to pass the
Submission Guidelines:
Assignment work must be submitted during the timetabled lesson on the deadline day to the relevant
subject tutor, unless otherwise specified with consent from tutors.
All written work needs to be labelled with all details on including name, unit and assignment.
Any work submitted late will be assessed at the convenience of the tutor and will not receive extensive
Work that does not fulfil the pass criteria will receive a referral and new submission date-see above.
It is the students responsibility to keep a backup copy of all work.
All written work must be referenced; plagiarised work will be returned/will not be accepted as coursework
and subject to disciplinary action.
Assignment Brief Modern Day Slavery | UAL L3 Ext Dip Art and Design
This unit is designed to provide you with an opportunity to integrate the knowledge, skills and understanding
acquired in all the previous units you have studied. You will promote your skills and produce a piece of work
towards developing your portfolio to show and to present to your chosen audience
This unit will provide you with a further opportunity to strengthen your visual, oral and written literacy through the
exploration of solutions to identified in the unit criteria
In this brief, you will explore to the visual styles of a range of artists/designers) and you use this research to
inform the development of piece of art which will promote the awareness of Modern Day Slavery existent in the
world today.
Your research needs to be recorded either on your blog or sketchbook you will develop visual research and
practical exercises which will enable you to explore the use of visual language, concepts and design in
context of solving the problem of engaging with a chosen audience
You will need to use a variety of media, methods, styles and techniques to present your ideas and aim to
develop your own style of visual recording. You will need to comment on the suitability of each material,
process and technique you have used and how each has changed/influenced your design towards your
chosen audience This will be your starting point for designing a piece of work towards your portfolio.
Assignment Brief Modern Day Slavery | UAL L3 Ext Dip Art and Design
Suggested Research This is not exhaustive-you will need to independently source additional avenues of
Manchester Art Gallery
Manchester City Centre
Charity shops
Suzanne Moxhay
David Nash RA
Mariele Neudecker
Lucy + Jorge Orta
Cornelia Parker
Thomas Ruff
Tomas Saraceno
Semiconductor: Ruth Jarman & Joe
Lemn Sissay
Shiro Takatani
Clare Twomey
Keith Tyson
United Visual Artists
Emma Wieslander
Bill Woodrow RA
Milton Glaser
Stefan Sagmeister
David Carson
Neville Brody
Saul Bass
Week / Date
Activity / Location
19th Dec
1.1, 1.2
Preparation of Unit 12
Secondary Research Recording:
What is Modern day slavery (MDS)?
Case Studies promoting awareness of MDS
Artists Designers who have produced work promoting MDS
09th Jan
1.1, 1.2, 1.3
Experimental Processes, techniques and recording
Primary Research
Deconstructing the brief
The Design Cycle
Time Planning Gantt Chart Tracking Sheet
Secondary Research
What information that can be represented on a poster? investigation
What is being communicated?
Primary Research
Group work responding to Primary research
Who is the target audience Observations Recording and evaluation?
Open and closed questions and quantifiable results
Locations: Art studios and Graphics room
16th Jan
Experimental Processes, techniques and recording
1.1 1.2 1.3
Primary Research
Producing the questionnaire
Production of a bar chart or pie chart Excell and word
How does the audience understand MDS
Analysis of results
Experimentation on problem solving, production of mind maps and scamps possible
Assignment Brief Modern Day Slavery | UAL L3 Ext Dip Art and Design
Locations: Art studios and Graphics room; foyer and dinner hall
23rd Jan
Experimental Processes, techniques and recording
2.1, 2.1, 2.3
Summative assessment
Are you hitting criteria? Respond record and evaluate upload
Primary Research
2D Mark Making Observational drawing techniques from Life Drawing
Construction and experimentation techniques from Life Model
CAD Image Manipulation Illustrator
Experimentation of basic typography
Recreating an infographic?
Trial questionnaire am I promoting the MDS?
Evaluate record and respond
Locations: Art studios and Graphics room; foyer and dinner hall
30th Jan
Experimental Processes, techniques and recording
2.1, 2.1, 2.3
06th Feb
10th Feb
Show Date
3.1 3.2
Summative assessment
Experimental Processes, techniques and recording
Mixed Media processes, build and evaluation
2D or 3D Construction of poster using Cad Layout or traditional art techniques
Evaluation upload
Written / audio recording on blog of evaluative reflective annotation
Locations: Art studios and Graphics room
Assignment Brief Modern Day Slavery | UAL L3 Ext Dip Art and Design
Primary Research
Gantt Charts, phone reminders, online calendar, bullet journals
and Mind Maps
Sketchbook work-sketches, drawings, annotations and
portfolio planning
Assignment Brief Modern Day Slavery | UAL L3 Ext Dip Art and Design