Week 6: Session 2 - Movie/Band Poster - Experimentation Phase
Week 6: Session 2 - Movie/Band Poster - Experimentation Phase
Week 6: Session 2 - Movie/Band Poster - Experimentation Phase
Lesson Objectives:
Duplicate prior learning (Elements and Principles, D.A.I.J, Adobe Photoshop Tool and Poster Tutorials) by experimenting with the medium in the context of their Project 2 - Experimentation.
Select several tools and techniques which will help students construct their two test collages, two art boards and two posters.
Produce two test collages, 2 art boards, 2 posters for their testing phase.
Scope and sequence (ACARA The Arts):
Years 9 - 10.
Students will use media arts to express themselves as citizens, consumers, creators and community members.
Students will explore and control language codes, conventions and processes of media practice and become responsive and ethical creators and users of media who can communicate stories in conventional and imaginative ways.
Curriculum Links (ACARA Foundation - 10 Draft):
Year 10 - Making and Responding.
10.1 Choose from a range of media arts equipment, technologies and techniques to create media arts works for different intentions and purposes to position, manipulate or inuence audiences.
10.2 Explore and rework known genre conventions to create new and hybrid forms of media arts works.
10.6 Explore other art forms and learning areas to develop ideas and issues to explore symbol and representation
10.5 Produce media arts works designed for commercial, non-commercial, independent, artistic, digital and/or online contexts.
Students may want to use their Fine Art Elements and Principles Sheet and D.A.I.J Sheet
Computer lab or student laptops (NOTE: See school policy - If there are no laptops, will need to depend on computer lab. How many computers in the lab? May have to be a group activity...)
Computers or laptops must be equipped with software such as Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator, Mac Pages or Microsoft word or similar for the Art Board activity.
Storage space on computer or laptop that will not be disturbed by any other student or a ash drive to store their work.
Project Package
Fine Arts Elements and Principles and D.A.I.J revision sheets.
1. Do the roll call and make sure each student is equipped with a laptop of computer. Five minutes.
2. This session students will be continuing their experimentation phase as per the upcoming assignment. Students are expected to submit:
- 2 collages OR 4 small ones if the student wishes to be able to experiment more.
- 2 art boards
- 2 posters OR 4 small ones if the student wishes to be able to experiment more.
3. During this session, students are expected to create 2 art boards with annotations and a record of references for our reference pages.
4. Remind students to save their work periodically. It is also good to save several versions of their work, so if they make a change the cannot undo, they could always go back to the previous version.
5. Advise students that they will have to complete their 2 art boards (as 45 minutes should be plenty of time to make them) as during the next session we will be doing our experimental posters. They are
welcomed to work in their own time within computer labs if need be.
6. HOMEWORK: Students will have to complete the Fine Arts Elements and Principles and D.A.I.J sheets.