Management Plan

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Classroom Management

Katie Amonson

Intended for Grades 2-4

Classroom Organization
Physical Layout...........................................................................................................................................................................Page 3
Classroom Theme.Page 4
Record Keeping..........................................................................................................................................................................Page 5
Welcoming New Students.....................................................................................................................................................Page 5
Displaying Student Work.......................................................................................................................................................Page 5
Orderly Classroom and Clean Desks.Page 6
Seating Arrangement..............................................................................................................................................................Page 6
Disciplinary Policies and Professional Ethics
Establishing Discipline Policy.............................................................................................................................................Page 7
Logical Consequences...Page 7
Group Collaboration and Tattling....Page 8
Overall Expectations for StudentsPage 8
Consequences.............................................................................................Pg. 8
Rule Infractions..........................................................................................Pg. 9
Student to Student Conflict........................................................................Pg. 9
Distractions All Hands on deck!..............................................................Pg. 9
Parents/Guardian Involvement...................................................................Pg. 9
Not Getting Work Done.............................................................................Pg. 10
Being a Professional Dressing as a Professional and Ethics...................Pg. 10
Classroom Routines and Procedures
Teacher Introduction on First Day............................................................Pg. 11
Greeting Students Daily............................................................................Pg. 12
Taking Roll Call........................................................................................Pg. 12
Morning Daily Routine........................................Pg. 12
Student Sharing.........................................................................................Pg. 13
Free Time..................................................................................................Pg. 13
Handing in Papers/Doing Homework.......................................................Pg. 14
Extra Time Activities................................................................................Pg. 14
Passing out Papers/Take Home Folder.................................................Pg. 14
Classroom Newsletter...........................................................................Pg. 15
Dismissal for Recess, Lunch, Specials and End of the Day.................Pg. 15
Bathroom Procedures............................................................................Pg. 15
Getting a Drink......................................................................................Pg. 16
Differentiation Policy
Needing Extra Help...............................................................................Pg. 16
Gifted Students......................................................................................Pg. 17
Brain Breaks and Energizers.................................................................Pg. 17

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Operational Classroom Organization

Physical Layout

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I decided to set up the classroom in this way to optimize student interaction but also allow for
independent work. The teachers desk is in the upper left corner of the room. On the desk is
the computer and phone. The shelves behind the teachers desk are for the teachers
curriculum guides as well as other storage that the teacher will need. There is also a waste
basket near the teachers desk that can be used for the students and the teacher. Next to the
teachers desk is a large area rug that the students can sit on during large group instruction.
The board above the rugs is for the projector and screen as well as for the dry erase board.
Next to the rug is a work station for the students as well as for small group instruction. I
chose to put the large group area by the small group area so that during rotations, I could be
close to the students that are working independently on the rug but still working with small
groups. I decided this would be best because in my practicum classrooms, I noticed that
during rotations, the teachers were constantly yelling to get students attention and they were
farther away from the students who were working independently on the rug. Near the small
group area, there are two boards on the wall. I think this could be for word walls (math and
reading) or other resources that can be used both for small group, large group, or when
students are working independently. Next to the small group area, there are book shelves that
hold resources for students.
This could be resources for all
content areas that the
students can access such as
IPADs, supplies, pencil
sharpeners and other
resources. Next to these
shelves are the hooks for
students for backpacks or
coats. This is dependent on
whether or not there are
cubbies outside the
classroom. These are by the
doors so that students can
drop-off/ pick-up their
belongings when entering or
leaving the classroom. There
is also a waste basket here for
students. The middle of the classroom is designated for the students desks. The setup is
having four seats per desk. I think this allows
for collaboration and ease of movement around
the classroom. Students can work together
with their table mates and access all things
around the room. On the back wall, there is a
computer area that has two computers and two
chairs. Students can work on the computers
during rotations or use the IPads located on the
resource shelves. Near the computer area
there are two maps of the world that can be

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referenced at any time. Next to the computers is the reading area. There are three shelves
that will hold books as well as an area that students can sit and read. I placed this far from
the small and large group areas so that if students are reading or studying they are not
distracted by others or the teacher. Around
the room, there are numerous bulletin
boards that can be decorated based on
what is being taught. There are also plants
throughout the room to add to the overall
environment and decorations can be put up
as well. There is a wall of windows to add
natural light and a lot of bookshelves for
storing resources and other items. Because
of the age group, I did not include a
bathroom because those are located outside
of the classroom.
Classroom Theme
I enjoy the idea of changing the theme
based on the units we are on. For example,
if we are reading about the history of Iowa
or doing personal narratives in writing, I
want the classroom to reflect that in the
students work and build on the classroom. I
want the classroom to be bright and inviting
but not stifling in students creativity. These
pictures are great examples of a bright classroom that has a lot of color and fun in the
classroom. The room is inviting and allows for students to express themselves. I think the
general theme that I want in the classroom is a circus. The idea of come one come all into the
classroom is ideal for me because it encourages diversity and all students are welcome. I also
love the colors and celebration that it brings. The classroom motivation is getting popcorn
kernels to have a popcorn party and the students work will be displayed on a show time board.

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Teacher recordkeeping
To keep teacher records, I will have binders for
certain content areas. The content areas are
math, reading, writing, and word work. The
binders each will have the week or what skills we
are working on at the time. The remainder of the
binders will have each students name and
anecdotal notes in regards to that content area.
This will help me to see students strengths and
weaknesses as well as to see how the students are
growing/where they need checks for
understanding. Below are some examples of
keeping records such as for class information and
for reading information. This will help me know
where students are academically as well as what
their home life is like.
New students in my room
For a new student in the room, there will be a
classroom ambassador that is either a male or
female. There is one for each gender so that the
new student will be comfortable with their
ambassador. The ambassador will be the students
partner for the week. The ambassador will show
them the directions, procedures, where to go, and
what to do. This allows for students to be in
charge of what is going on in the classroom. This
also helps the teacher not have to take class time away. I will also make sure to meet with the
student at the end of the first week (one-on-one) to check in and make sure they are just as
confident as the other students in the classroom.
Displaying student work
There is a designated bulletin board that is for
student work. This bulletin board is changed
based on the content we are learning. For
example they could display class work of their
writing pieces or of math work that has been

completed. All students will display their work and we

will switch these out from time to time. The theme will
change throughout the year based on what we are
working towards. For example above is a photo of
popcorn kernels as this will be one of the rewards
programs in the classroom. To the left is another way to

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display student work. I will have things hung from the ceiling. This adds balance and color to
the classroom and keeps the students motivated during work time.

Orderly Classroom and Clean Desks

To keep the classroom clean, I think this will come
from procedures set up in the beginning of class.
Refer to the student jobs section to know what
students are in charge of keeping the classroom
clean. I think stopping at the end of the day to pick
up will be beneficial as well. To keep the classroom
orderly, it is important that everything has a place.
Extra books go in the reading library, math
notebooks or manipulatives go into the math bins. If
students know where everything goes, it will help
them keep the classroom orderly. To the right is an
example of the supplies that will be in the classroom.
Taking pictures of what I want our classroom to look
like can help students in keeping the room organized.
As for the content areas, folders and magazine holders will be used. Students work and books
will be in places that they can easily access
as well as its labeled with their name and
picture so that they can easily find them. As
stated, everything has a place and students
will know where this is. This is something
we can review in the beginning as well as
throughout the year; I will have everything
labeled so that students will not be confused
as to where things go. To the right is a photo
of an organization spaces that would be
ideal for my classroom. It has all of the tools
and supplies that students need that they
can reach. At the top, it also has space for
me to keep my record keeping binders and
other supplies that the students cannot reach or get into without my permission. The bins in
the photo next to the shelf are labeled and are for
students work as well. Below is a photo of the
circus theme classroom and how the library should
be organized the books will be labeled and the
students can each have their own book bin as
well. The students will be in charge of their
personal desks and making sure that those are
clean and organized. Wipes will be provided at
least once a week to clean off desks.

Seating Arrangement

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The seating arrangement will be changed throughout the year.

A way to keep track of this arrangement is to have an example
like the one shown that can help me keep track of where
students have sat. This helps me know that students are sitting
by and sharing ideas with everyone in the class throughout the
year. This arrangement can also be easily changed if I need to
do so for behavioral reasons.
Discipline Policies
Discipline Policy
The discipline policy in my
classroom will be enforced the
first day and be consistent
throughout the year. To
establish a discipline policy, I
first want to have a conversation
with the students to find their
ideas of what it means to be a
student in the classroom. We
will make a set of behavioral
goals and ways to act
(respectfully and responsibility)
both inside and out of the
classroom. These ideas will be
put into a classroom contract for
all students to sign indicating
that we are all on the same page
and ready to join our classroom
Logical Consequences
In the classroom, discipline is
important and needs to be
established. To the left is a
cheat sheet for me as a teacher
to look at when looking at
guidelines and behaviors for
students. The sections are
broken up for inside the
classroom and outside the
classroom. Outside the
classroom includes walking in
the hall, recess, restroom, or
anywhere that is not in the
classroom. The logical consequences are all things that I have found to be beneficial in
helping improve student behavior. Each logical consequence is not yelling or fighting from the
teacher but it is things that the students can do as a result. For inside the classroom, the
behaviors include rushing through work, talking during whole class and refusing to do work. I
think the logical consequences are beneficial but there are some I would change. For example

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rushing through work, I wouldnt have the students redo the work but I would question if the
work is too easy for the student or check through to see if they were thorough. To allow for
differentiation, I would have activities prepared that students can do once their work is
finished. The second behavior that I would second guess that logical consequence would be
work refusal. The logical consequence is to complete the work as homework. I think if a
student refuses to do their work, making them do it as homework will not make it any better.
For my classroom, building student motivation will help with student refusal but making other
options such as Friday free time not available to the students that refuse to do their work will
help them want to do their work.

Group Collaboration and Tattling

For Tattling, I think the idea of having a tattle tale binder
is good. Tattling is hard to discuss so first reviewing with
students what constitute tattling and what doesnt is
important. There will be a tattle binder in the classroom
for students to write out the problem or thing they have
to say about another student. Having a tattle binder will
also help students not tattle as much as they know that I
will not tolerate it and will have to go to the extent to
write it down.
Overall Expectations
Keeping positive
expectations for my
class is a must. In
order to keep students
motivation up and
negative behaviors
down, its important
to have expectations in place. The first expectation I have
is students to set goals. These goals can be in different
content areas, personal areas or any areas that the
students feel that they need growth in. To the right, this is a
board for each student to set a goal. The goals will change
either weekly or monthly
depending on the students
goals. I will set goals as well
to model setting, meeting
and making new goals
during the school year.
Another expectation is
classroom motivation.
Individually, students each
have their own popcorn
bucket that will be filled
based on their
accomplishments and
behaviors. I will place
popcorn kernels in the

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students buckets as a reward system. The kernels cannot be taken away but the more
kernels the students get, the closer they can get to receiving a personal reward.
This chant about being in a line can be catchy for the students. Songs are powerful in the
elementary school classroom and keeping the procedure of singing the classroom line chant
can remind students to get ready for the walking in line. Other chants will be used in the
classroom as well during transitions or when I need to get the students attention. To make
these personal for my classroom, I want the students and I to vote in the beginning of the year
on chants that we want to use. I can provide the students with examples but I would like us to
come up with chants together. Coming up with chants together gets us all on the same page
about the expectations we have for each other during transition times.
Consequences for breaking class rules
These handouts say please stop what you are doing and make a
better choice. I like that these can be handled out quietly to a
student and that I do not have to verbally tell them to stop. This
would be the first thing to do if a student is acting out during
class. If the behavior continues, I will ask the student to set the
timer for two minutes and head to the classroom next door. This
will remove the student from the situation but also show his/her
peers that acting like that is not okay. Sending the student to
another classroom can be challenging for the student as they are
in a different environment and all the students in the other class
are going to be watching him/her. This is a good place to take a
breather and think about how they can make better choices in the
Student conflict on the playground
As for student conflict on the playground, students will be asked
to write a letter to the teacher who was on recess duty and to the other student who was
involved (if another student was involved.) Because recess duty changes each week, there
may be times that I will not be at recess to witness a student acting up. In my classroom, I
will set expectations for behaviors during recess and will inform other teachers of my
expectations as well as for those teachers to set expectations for my students as well. Having
students write letters to the teachers that were involved gives them responsibility for their
actions. This also holds them accountable to give the letter to the teacher and explain how
they will act in the future. Giving a letter to the teacher and the other student involved is a
good way to build communication skills in my students as well. If I am on recess duty when
one of my students does not behave well, I will have them sit with me and come up with three
reasons as to why their behavior is not beneficial as well as three ways that they can play
safer on the playground.
Student disrespect
Student disrespect both to me and other students is not tolerated. Having a classroom
meeting at the beginning of the year to review our expectations as a class and to set respect
boundaries is a must. As a class, we will set expectations and respectful boundaries and make
a contract that all students and myself will sign. Because we are all joining the circus, its
important that we all know what to expect and what to respect of each other. If a student
disrespects another student, the two must have a meeting with me. Having a meeting can
get to the base of the issue. The students will also have time to work together. These team
building moments help us have and inclusive and accepting classroom. The classroom is a

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place of mutual respect for both the students and I, modeling respect as well as requiring
consistent respect for all will help ensure that disrespect is kept at a minimum.
Student Inattentiveness or Lack of Motivation
Our classroom is a circus where everyone needs to work together to have the circus run
smoothly. If students are not working or not motivated to work, it reflects on the whole
classroom. I think the first thing to do is see why the student is not motivated. If a student is
not being challenged or if they have little background on the subject being taught, they may
have lack of motivation. That is something that I need to reflect on first. If this is not the
case, I should refer to our motivational rewards such as the whole class reward and personal
reward system or popcorn kernels. Students receive rewards and free time at the end of the
week for when they are behaving and staying on task. I can remind students of these reward
systems to help build motivation. Refer to the students sharing in class section for more
motivation rewards as well. Students who are not getting work done must use the free time
that will be allotted during Friday free times to get extra practice. I will preface that students
will need to join me for some extra circus practice.
Disrupting or offending another student during class
Once again, we are all in this circus together. Therefore, students disrupting or offending
another student is not tolerated. For students who are disrupting or offending, the timer
method will be enforced as well as a written apology. The student will need to go to another
classroom to take a breather. During Friday free time, the student will write a short apology
letter to the student that they offended. This once again puts the student in charge of their
actions and take responsibility for the things said. I will have a behavior calendar in a binder
that will have records of student infractions. If more than three infractions happen and there
is still no beneficial outcome, I will have a phone call with the parents to discuss ways to
improve in the classroom. If this does not solve the issue, I will set up a behavioral plan with
the student, parents, and principal to ensure that all parties involved are on the same page
about behaving appropriately in the classroom.
Students who miss class frequently will often miss morning meetings and important
announcement. It is important that all students are on time so that we can begin our day
together. Tardiness can be a result of factors at home. If a student is tardy more than twice a
week, I may have to have a meeting/phone call with the parents to see if there are issues with
getting the student to school. If the issue cannot be resolved with the school or myself, I can
have a student oversee getting any information that the tardy student has missed. This is a
last resort if possible as we would like all students to be in the classroom for morning
Students not getting work done
Students who are not getting work done must use the free time that will be allotted during
Friday free times to get extra practice. I will preface that students will need to join me for
some extra circus practice.
Cheating is not just about copying someone elses work, it is about using their ideas and hard
work as well. In my classroom, cheating is not acceptable. If a student is caught cheating,

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they will have to join me in the back and do an alternative assignment. Its important to stop
the cheating but it is also important to make sure that all the student knows that using others
ideas is not good for anyone. I hope to have a lot of activities in all content areas that
requires students to use their own ideas and creativity (such as various processes and
products), thus cheating will be harder to do.
Bullying is not tolerated in my classroom. If I hear bullying happen in the classroom I will
address the offender immediately. To address the students that is bullying, I will speak to
them privately and share my expectations as well as disappointment that I have in their
actions. If the bullying continues, I may have to set up a positive plan to share with the bully
positive things to say about his/her classmates. If I did not witness bullying but it is a bigger
issue than being in the tattle tale, I will have a meeting with all the students involved and get
all sides of the information.
Parent and Principal Involvement
Parent and principal involvement is a last resort for classroom behaviors. If there is a
behavior that is ongoing or cannot be stopped by me, I will first call the parents and discuss
what is happening in the classroom and if there are things going on at home. If there are
issues at home, I will adjust accordingly, sometimes parents also have tools and strategies
that I can use in the classroom. The principal will be involved if the overall wellbeing of the
class is being diminished or if there is present danger. Because there are other teachers,
behavior specialists and counselors that can help me with extreme behaviors, sending a
student to the principal or involving the principal is a last resort.

Classroom Routines and Procedures


Classroom Jobs

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In order for our circus to

work, we need all hands-on
deck. To the right is a list of
similar jobs I will have in the
classroom. These jobs are
to help run the classroom.
The jobs will be switched
weekly so that all students
have the chance to get a
special job. We will review
each and its specifications
at eh beginning of the year.
The jobs will be posted
along with the students
picture next to their job for
the week. Some common
jobs are a light monitor, a
weather reporter, a snack
assistant, and someone who
overseas setting up brain
breaks. The jobs may
change during the year
based on need. For
example, if we get a
classroom per, we may need a student in charge of feeding it.

Students Sharing in class

Students can have many opportunities to share in class. We
will have a morning meeting each day where students can
express any questions or concerns. Students will also be
able to be the ring leader at certain times and share
personal things as well as goals and work they have
completed in class. During writing, students can share their
ideas and
accomplishments. Due to
the lack of time, there will
be a student each day
that will share their ideas
in certain content areas.
The choosing of students
will be based on a Popsicle
stick method and once all
Popsicle sticks have been
pulled, I will put them

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back in the jar and start the process over again. In content areas, there will be chances to
share such as during gallery walks and things of the like.

Leaving the classroomBathroom breaks, Drinks, Nurse, Office

Each student will have a magnet with their name or picture on it. This will be hanging by the
door and students will place the magnet on the location that they are going to. I can easily
see who is in the classroom and who is not based on this system. During work time, students
can use the bathroom freely. We will have bathroom breaks during transition times as well. If
the students need to go to the nurse, they can go at any time as well. If this becomes an
issue I will address it personally with the student.
Doing homework
In my classroom we have a homework folder for
each student.
The students
will be
encouraged to
use the two
sides based on
what needs to
go home and
what needs to
stay at school.
The keep at
home side is for
parents and
students at
home. This is where the
announcements and
notes will be. The return to school side will be homework
and things that the parents need to send back to school.
Homework will not be posted daily for students but there
may be weekly
based on our
activities in class.
Handing in
I will have bins
and folders
throughout the
class for students
to hand in
papers. The
students will use writing notebooks and math notebooks

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that can be stored and checked at any time. I will have a cart for students to turn in papers.
The cart will be labeled based on what the students are turning in at the time.
When students are gone
When students are gone, I
shares a desk with him/her a
The sheet will tell the
missed. The student that is
collect any papers and places
I can meet with the student
during Friday free time.

will have a student that

While you were out sheet.
students what they have
filling out the sheet will also
them on the students desk.
once they return to reteach

Activities for students if

finished with their work

Something that I want to

implement when students
have finished their work are
educational games. In
math, students can play games with partners. There are hundreds of games that students can
play that increase their math fluency. The same is said for reading and writing. Depending on
the students on my class, there can be free reading or free writing groups. In my classroom I
will have stations for each content area each being 15-20 minutes long, so free time is not a
specific issue.
Passing out papers/announcements
Announcements will be posted on the
announcement boards. This board has the
date and other important announcements.
The Board will be circus themed to help us
lead the three ringed circus. Each month
the students and I will fill out calendars of
the events in the classroom. The students
will fill out a calendar that will be placed on
the announcements board. These
announcements can be reviewed during the
morning meeting as well. Papers will be
passed out through the homework folders to
parents and students. Because students
work in writing and math journals, there will not be a lot of
papers passed back. If papers need to be passed back, I
will either place them in students folders or pass them out
during roll call in the morning.
Dismissal for recess, lunch, specials & end of the
As a class, we transition in and out of the classroom
together. Before we are dismissed anywhere we will sing
our line chant to prepare students for moving through the
school. There will be a schedule posted similar to the one
on the left. This schedule will help students know our daily
routine and where we are going next. Having students
know the schedule is beneficial because they will know

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when we transition to others areas such as specials and lunch. I will follow the students to
recess, lunch and specials and expect them to follow our line expectations. The student who
is the line leader for the week will guide us through the school and the caboose will make sure
all students are moving swiftly. Students will know when dismissal is based on our transition
chants and schedule. Students thrive best in a routine environment and its my responsibility
to make sure that we keep a routine as much as possible.
Substitute Binder
In the event that I am not
have a sub tub prepared
The tub will hold any and
day. I will also assign a
ambassador for the sub.
I prep during the school
with issues such as
other classroom
binder will also be
information the sub might
be student names,
and strategies, and
generally need to know about my classroom.

able to be at school, I will

for the substitute teacher.
all content work for that
student that will be an
This student will be one that
year for assisting the sub
attendance, lunch call, and
procedures. The substitute
present and will have any
need. This information can
student behavioral issues
anything else the sub might

Communication with Parents:

In order to have regular communication with parents, the
first thing is to set up for home visits. Home visits allow me
to see where the students are coming from as well as who
the parents are. Knowing who the parents are also allows
me to know the best way to communicate with parents.
There are various ways to communicate with parents. With
a technology forward classroom, I might have a Facebook
group set up for the parents. This is a quick and easy way
to let parents know what is going on. Email is another form
of communication that is quick and easy. For classroom
parents that do not have access to technology or those
resources, letters that are sent home will be good. I think
either twice a weekly or monthly is a good time to have
communicating with parents. This time frame gives the
letters some beneficial content and it takes the pressure off
of drafting a letter every week. Some parents enjoy
knowing more while others will have to know more
depending on their student, so if I need to communicate more frequently with parents I can.
Preparing for and conducting parent conferences
In order to prepare for conferences, students will fill personal binders with their best
work from the school year. Ideally the conferences would be half student lead and half
teacher led. The binders that students make will be used during the student led time and I
will insert other artifacts such as needs of improvement areas, state assessment results, and
other things I have been recording such as behavioral issues. The teacher-parent time will be
a time for parents to communicate any questions and concerns as we as time for me to praise
their child and given beneficial feedback for the school year.

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Differentiation Policy
Assisting students who need extra support
To the left are ideas based on content areas
to help
who need
extra help.
students will
and extra
supports in
order to
their highest
potential in
classroom. I
plan to
their goals
progress as
well as

opportunities for extra help and practice. Recording and

noting progress made as well as setbacks is a responsibility I
Challenge for gifted or high ability students
These dos and donts are important to keep in mind when
working with gifted students. Students who are gifted do not
need extra work or to be the classroom teacher. These gifted students need challenges and
motivation that press them to their educational limits. In my classroom, I plan to provide
extensions for gifted students. I am aware that this does not mean extra work but more
challenging work that extends the content for students.

Professional Ethics
As a teacher, it is my job to set myself to higher expectations and goals. I will have a class of
students that are all looking up to me for support, encouragement, and learning opportunities.
I deal with students, parents, colleagues, and the principal. In order to communicate

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effectively in the work place, it is pertinent that I keep a level of professionalism. I am going
to be working side by side with other teachers daily and that excites me knowing that I can
build relationships but it is also important to keep in mind that I will be working with these
individuals daily. I want to share my ideas, strategies, and goals with other co-workers in
hopes that they would share with me as well. As a school professional, I plan to dress in a way
that reflects modesty and integrity, I plan to work peacefully with my colleagues and principal.
I plan to communicate both positive and negative issues both inside and out of the classroom.

Classroom jobs:
Bathroom and other procedures:
Tattle Journal:
Circus Theme:

Classroom Management Strategies

Have control of your class

Keep it moving- predicatbable schedules
Calendar with special events listed
Target learning goals
Varied instruction-varied grounping- student choice (can work in any size group and can work
Know your kids: act like your interested, make personal connections, share your own interests

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The students who are the hardest to like are the ones who need you the most.
Dont play favorites, make sure everyone is included
Stand eye to eye with the students and say that you are diaspointed and tehat not what you
expected from them.
If ou see someone being left out make sure to tell the specials teachers as well to get them
Document everything (parent calls, student behaviors, keep track of everything )
How to talk to parents: parent mini conferences at the beginning of the school year
(parents can tell the teacher about the child, about the life, school experiences, what are their
strengths and weaknesses, then you have established your first link, go talk to your principal
and see what they can set up) can be a phone conversation or email questionaire, before
school year or first week of school Nothing should be a surprise- there needs to be
communication Call parents and let the parents call you sometimes students dont feel
comfortable telling the teahcer- what have you found that works? What works for you?
Expect the best (do the right thing because it is the right thing to do)
Put a word on the board and lose a letter if they are not being good, add points up at the end
based on how many point they have
Be consistent and hold students accountable
Know when to ask for help: anyitme There is talking about kids and there is talking about kids

Student Teaching

Take as much initiative as you can

Take pictures and notes
Right when you walk in, act like a teacher, set expectations for you and the students right
away, talk your teachers and ask if they mind if they see as a teacher at the beginning then
you wont have conflicts that the students dont respect you
Ask teacher to sit down with you and tell you what to do to start the school year

Is furniture provided, can you bring in your own
Learning centers, pods and stations
Efficiency and ease of operation
Student resources and manipulatives
Change desks arrangements and seating schedules
Determine personal space
Excel spreadsheet using read and green
Kid Grid- names in each square and right comments as you go

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