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Welcome To 1 Grade: Ms. Peterson's Classroom Management Plan

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Classroom Management Plan

Welcome to 1

Katie Peterson



Ms. Petersons Classroom

Management Plan

Classroom Management Plan

Katie Peterson

Table of Contents
Physical Classroom Organization .4
Classroom Blueprint. 4
Explanation of Blueprint..4
Carpet for 30 Students.5
Tables and Chairs..5
Little Sofa..5
Reading Center Carpet .5

Operational Classroom Organization6

First Day 6
Record Keeping7
New Student Procedure 7
Displaying Student Work.8
Classroom Organization8
Teacher Organization.9
Student Organization.9

Disciplinary Policies9
Playground Conflicts11
Principal Involvement..13

Classroom Routines13
Field Trips....14
Handing in Work..15

Classroom Management Plan

Katie Peterson

Returning Work..16
Free Time ..16
Routine for PE.16
Routine for Art .16
Routine for Library.16
Routine for Music..17

Emergency Drills.17
Parent Communication..18

Professional Ethics19


Classroom Management Plan

Katie Peterson

Physical Classroom Organization

In my first grade classroom, my goal is to have a very organized and transitional classroom.
There are a lot of subjects, activities, and centers that occur in a classroom so it is
important to have space and materials ready at a moments notice. It is also important to
have space to move, work, and learn. I like the idea of having a coat room and bathroom
connected to my room. I also like the idea that I dont have to clatter my classroom with
coats, backpacks, and miscellaneous things. I feel that some schools have this set up but a
majority have a coat closet that is in the classroom. But my dream classroom would have a
separate storage area for coats and backpacks. When working on designing the inside of
my classroom I started with thinking about what were the best places to be so that I
could observe the most students at once. I placed the desk in a spot where if I sat there
I could see a lot of what is going on. I put my guided reading table across the room from
the door. This way I could see all of the students when they were at centers and I could
see who was entering my classroom while I was working with groups. I next thing I
thought about was providing a group meeting space and classroom library. I placed a white
board and a shelf by my group meeting carpet. There is also a bulletin board that would
have a calendar and the things used in our morning routine. I added a circle carpet as a

Classroom Management Plan

Katie Peterson

work space for either literacy or math games, sorts, or activities. I have easels that
could be used for artwork or as fun writing and illustrating center. I the ovals that arent
labeled are my garbage cans. The table that is labeled supplies would have a bucket with
sharp pencils and a bucket for dull pencils. This way a student can grab a pencil without
the noise of a pencil sharpener disrupting teaching or a learning environment. Extra paper
and tissues would be found on this
Below are some individual items with a
more detailed description to help with
gaining a deeper understanding of
items in my future classroom.
Carpet for 30 Students - I would want
my carpet to look something like this.
I think that it is important for students to have their own space. It also makes it easier
for classroom management if students have a clear and defined spot. You can set rules off
the lines in the carpet. (i.e. keep your hands and feet in your own space, purple row can
make a center choice, etc.) I know that carpets like
this are expensive so if I couldnt have this one I
would like to make a carpet with distinctive spots.
Tables and Chairs- I would like to have five tables
that could seat up to six students. That way I am
prepared and have plenty of seats if I need to move
someone or if I get a new student. Ideally I would like
to have only four students sitting at each table space.
Each chair would have
chair pocket for
students to store their supplies, pencil boxes, and folders.
Little Sofa- I would like one of these to add to my reading
center. I think that it is a fun chair to have in a reading
center. It is a little different to have a small couch in
your classroom. I like the idea of having bean bag chairs
too in order to provide variety in the library center.
Reading Center Carpet- I feel that a reading/library
center needs a carpet. It provides comfort to a reading
center as well as an extra place to sit. I like that this
carpet is themed but also divided. It helps provide
structure. If nesscessary you can assign students a place

Classroom Management Plan

Katie Peterson

to sit and set the same space rules as the meeting carpet.
Cubbies- I want a shelf with cubbies for my classroom. I would like to place students
extra supplies and headphones for the computer. It needs to be located so the items are
easily accessible.

Operational Classroom Organization

First Day
The first day of school is important for all teachers and students. The first day of school
can set the tone for the whole year. Teachers need to be consistent, organized, and well
managed. Teachers need to have positive expectations and clear guidelines for students.
The first day is it key to set students up for success. So, I would want to create a
classroom constitution. I would have students brainstorm ideas
for rules. Through asking guiding questions and looking at school
rules we would from a constitution as well as a list of class rules.
Each student will sign the constitution as a contract to follow
rules and behave in our classroom community. I would also like to
take a picture of every student on the first day. I will use this
picture for their memory books,
activities, and labels around the
room. I want to get to know my
students and give them ownership of
their classroom. I would do a get to
know you activity. I would give each
student a puzzle piece. On the puzzle piece they would write
their name and draw pictures of things that they like or we
could cut photos from magazines. After the puzzle pieces are
finished I will put the puzzle pieces together on the bulletin
board. I like that student interests will be displayed early on
in the classroom. The main thing that I want to happen on my

Classroom Management Plan

Katie Peterson

first day and every day is I want to get each and

every student as they walk through the door. I want
to establish connections and communication with my
student early on.

Record Keeping
Record keeping is essential for tracking students
progress. Through keeping track and closely
monitoring students progress and behaviors you can
tailor instruction to meet the individuals educational
needs. I would have a folder for each student. In
that folder I would keep all of the assessments,
behaviors reports, parent communication logs, and assignment
examples of work and progress. I will have a variety of ways
for recording keeping and assessing. I really like the idea of
clip board cruising during assignments and work time monitor
students progress. I will also have conferences during
projects to meet with student one on one, provide guidance and
clarification while monitoring their progress. I will record all
scores and data on a
paper spreadsheet
and in an excel
spreadsheet. It is
important to record
of student progress
backed up and in multiple places.

New Student Procedure

My classroom will be very flexible and
adaptable. Welcoming a new student will be no
problem. I will assign them a table space,
cubby, spot on the carpet, and place in the coat
room. I will pull supplies from my storage
closet. I will get them name tags and labels
that match all of the other students materials.
I will have them complete a puzzle piece and add

Classroom Management Plan

Katie Peterson

them to our classroom community artwork. We will go over the rules and have them sign
our classroom constitution. I will pair the new student with a buddy (who follows rules and
is on task) to help them get acquainted to classroom and school. Students will have a
buddy for about a week (if students need support longer time could be flexible). My goal
is to make every student feel welcome and supported in my classroom community. I will
also talk with the class about how to be nice and helpful to a new person in our classroom.
It is important for students to
be helpful and not bossy.

Displaying Student Work

I love the idea of displaying
students work. I think it gives a
sense of community and
classroom ownership. Through
hanging up student work I am
promoting a sense of proud in
the work that students have
completed. I want to have work
in my classroom, in the hall by
my room, and if possible even in
the coatroom. I want students
to know that I value their work and efforts. In my classroom I want to have a Wall of
Fame, only the best work will get displayed on the wall. My goal is to have a piece from
every student on the wall displaying their top work in the class. It is great to show
students that everyone excels, sometimes in the same area but often in different areas.
Student work will also be displayed in a memory book (portfolio) that will be taken home at
the end of the year. Student and teacher will select pieces that will be placed in their
memory book (portfolio).

Classroom Organization
I believe that teachers and students need to keep the classroom clean and organized.
Teachers need to model organization and keeping the classroom clean. If organization and
cleanliness is getting out of hand I want to provide time to organized desks, centers, and
the coat room. I think that in order to keep a well-organized classroom teachers need to
provide time for students, model organization and hold students responsible for organizing
all of their materials.


Classroom Management Plan

Katie Peterson

Teachers Organization
My goal is to have my desk and teacher space organized and clean at all
times. If I organize my desk every day before leaving school it will
always stay in order and I will always know where all of my materials
are located. I will have all of my unit plans with lesson plans organized
in binders. I want to have a pocket chart that I set up weekly with all
of the plans for the week, copied materials, and paper ready for each
lesson/activity. Having all the materials ready for the week will help
with being prepared and organized. If I organize all of my materials at
the start of every week if I have a substitute teacher all of the
information needed will be organized and ready to go. I also want to
have a substitute teacher folder with copies of rules, discipline plans
and procedures, and layout of the classroom and supplies. I want a
substitute teacher to feel comfortable and supported. I want to make
sure that my students arent missing out on educational opportunities
just because I am not in the classroom.
Student Organization
Student will be responsible for keeping their materials organized and ready for activities.
Each student is at a table space so they have a chair pocket and a cubby with materials.
Students will have a folder for each subject, a supply box, and their planner in their chair
pocket. In their supply box students need to have 2 pencils, scissors, 2 glue sticks, a box
crayons, and a set of markers. As student supplies run low it is their job to get new
supplies from their cubby. Students will have free access to supplies but they are not
allowed to get supplies when direct instruction is going on. Student will also be responsible
for organizing and keeping stations clean. Students will be responsible for cleaning up
after themselves for every lesson and activity done in our classroom, playground, and

Disciplinary Policies
I want to have a behavior chart (PBIS) in my
classroom. I think that it is important for students
to know their behavior progress. Plus it is a simple


Classroom Management Plan

Katie Peterson

way for teachers to record behavior. All students will start on green and they are ready
to turn. If students show positive behavior they work
their way up the scale. If students show negative
behavior they move their way down the scale. Before I
have students move their clip down I will give them a
warning. Parents will be contacted if students have
positive behavior or if the students had to clip down
for the day. If students end their day with their clip
above green they get to select an item from the prize
box. Sometimes it isnt just an individual that has
behavior infractions sometimes it can be the whole
class. I want to have a class marble jar. If students are
doing something positive we will had marbles to the jar,
if the class is not following the rules we will remove a
marble from the jar. The class as a whole will receive a
warning before a marble is removed. Students will
collect marbles and trade them in for extra recess,
pajama day, and
other fun classroom

I want to have a classroom that focuses on manners,
respecting each other, and being a great community
where everyone feels safe. I know that disrespect will
happen, nobody is perfect but I will not tolerate
disrespect in my classroom. I will model being a
respectful member of our classroom and school
community. During my daily routine, I will be kind to all
students and staff. I will also follow all the school
rules. I will be a positive role model for each and every
one of my students. I do know that being a role model is not enough. I will make it clear
to students that I do not tolerate disrespect in my classroom. I will be consistent and
clear. Student will receive praise for modeling positive classroom behaviors and
redirection if their behaviors are not being respectful. Students will be asked to clip
down if disrespect continues. I will also conference with students and try to figure out
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Katie Peterson

why this behavior keeps happening and form a plan so students can behave successfully in
the classroom. If there is a classroom behavior problem I will find books that support
respect and positive behavior. I will read the
books and we can discuss the behaviors as a class.

Playground Conflicts
Play ground conflicts are tricky because when you
are outside there are a large number of students
and you might not being seeing all of the things
that are going on. Sometimes you may not even be
on the playground when the students are outside.
I believe that my classroom rules and consequnces
are the same on the playground. One rule I have
about recess if something happens at recess you
need to tell someone right away. Telling me three
hours later makes it hard to figure out what really happened and provide a consequence. I
want to hear both sides of the story before I select a consequence. I will have firm no
tolerance policy for students that phyiscally harm others but I would like to evaluate the
situation before coming up with a consequence.

If tardiness is a class issue I will talk with the students about cleaning up and getting
ready to go to specials, lunch, and recess quickly. I will tell that if we are not on time we
will miss out on our time to do these special activities. If talking about moving quicker
doesnt work then we will practice cleaning up and getting ready to
leave our classroom quickly. If we are still struggling with being on
time as a class we will have to clean up earlier and miss out on time
for these activities.
If a student is repeatedly tardy in the mornings I will be in contact
with the parents. I dont feel that you can punishment a 1st grader
for be late to school in the morning. A student this young is not in
control of how or when they get to school. I will explain to parents
that if a student is not on time they are missing out on valuable
instruction time. I would try to come up with a plan to help parents
with getting student to school on time. If an individual student is
late coming back to the classroom from recess, specials, lunch, or
the bathroom I will discuss with them the importance of being in the classroom. I will give
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Katie Peterson
them one warning. The next time the behavior happens
they will clip down on the behavior chart.

The best thing you can do to get students motivated is to
provide students with choice. Students are usually more
on task when they are engaged in what they are doing. By
allowing students to select what they can do you are
sparking interest and allowing students to motivate their own learning. Student choice can
take many forms; students can select centers,
projects, books, and positive behavior rewards.
Differentiation is also a great way to motivate
students. Through adapting lessons and activities to
meet each students educational level and needs
providing activities that are on level and challenging
for students. Through differentiation students
challenged but engaged because lessons fit them as
individual learners.

With first graders cheating is a hard concept to understand and many students this will be
their first time hearing or learning the word. If cheating is an issue I would have a class
announcement first. I would explain that as a teacher it is my job to review student work.
If students copy (cheat) each others work how will I know who did what work. How can I
teach if I dont know what each student is capable of? I would explain it is okay if you
dont know how to do something as long as you try your best on the assignment,
assessment, or test. I would also talk about if you copied someones mistake then you are
making a mistake too. So it is important to do your own work and try your best. If
addressing it as a whole class doesnt work then talk with individual students. If after
conferencing with a student the behavior doesnt change I will ask them to clip down. If
the behavior still persists student will be moved to an individual desk instead of sitting at
a table space with peers.

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Classroom Management Plan

Katie Peterson

Principal Involvement
I only want to use the principal if I absolutely
have too. I feel that with the consequences I
have set out I should be able to handle a
majority of infractions on my own. I feel by
following the rules you have in place you wont
need principal involvement in your classroom. I
would want to try working with the student and
conferencing with parents before going to the
principal. I think it is important to have a
behavior log to record behavior and actions used
to correct behavior. I think if I needed advice I
would be afraid to ask my principal or fellow
staff. But I feel that I would want to handle
the discipline on my own if possible. I know most
schools have a no tolerance policy for physical
violence or weapons. If I something like that happen in my room I would request
immediate assist from my principal or other staff.

Classroom Routines
I will have clear expectations for my class and
classroom from day one. Students will know
what I expect and how to behave in my
classroom. As class we will select our classroom
rules and will sign our classroom constitution as
a contract for following all of our classroom
rules. Students will be responsible, respectful,
and safe while in the classroom. Rules and the
constitution will be posted in the classroom as a

I love the idea of having classroom helpers. I
think it adds to the classroom community plus it
gives students responsible in the classroom.
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Classroom Management Plan

Katie Peterson

Every student will get a chance to do each job. I will have

a class list and I will cycle through and record the jobs
that each student as done. If a student is absent I will
draw a name from our class fair sticks to have someone fill
in for the student. I will change the jobs every Monday;
students will get to have the classroom job for a week.
The chart will be displayed for students to refer to if
they have any questions about who is what classroom
helper. At the start of the school teacher the teacher
will explain the jobs. When student is assigned the job
they will receive a card with the job description on the
card as a reference.

Field Trips
When planning a field trip it is
important to make sure you are
organized and that you have thought of
every. I would make a binder for the
field trip. I would have a checklist that
went in the binder to make sure that all
the tasks were complete. I would keep
parent consent forms, emergency
contact information, and allergy notes
in the binder. I would make sure I had enough parent volunteers to support the number of
students I had in my class. I would talk to the students about
how we behave on field trips and I would have students
practice being quiet and transitioning so they know how to act
on the field trip. Also I would talk with them about what to do
it they got lost. I think that it is really essential that
students know the expectations for behavior and what to do if
there is an emergency. Before we leave for our trip I would
give students a temporary tattoo with our schools phone
number on it or pin a card with the information to their shirt.
I feel that it is really important for young students to have
this information because they may not be able to remember all of their contact
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Katie Peterson

I will not use homework as a form of assessment or as busy work to be completed at home.
I understand that students and families are busy. If I send home homework I want it to
be meaningful and realistic. I will have students write their assignments in their planner.
As a 1st grader I feel that homework is more about the process of taking something home
and bringing it back completed. Homework assignments may include reading for 15
minutes, practicing sight words, writing new vocabulary in a sentence, studying word work,
or practicing math skills. I
dont want students
especially young students to
be bogged down with a lot
of homework. But I do
agree that students need to
practice some educational
skills at home. I will be
grading my students on
effort of completion. I will
be keeping a record of
homework completion, if
there is a serve lack of
completed work I will
contact the parents and see
way students arent
completing their homework.
I understand that students at the age have little control over what happens at home or
they may not have the supplies to complete an assignment. I will be accommodating and
work out a plan to make students successful. I can send home extra supplies or provide
extra time for students to complete homework. But most of the assignment I plan on
sending home should take a student about 15 minutes.

Handing in Work
I will have a teacher mailbox by my desk. All papers, homework, and notes will be placed in
the box. Placing papers in the box will be a part of the students morning routine. They will
put their back pack and coat away. They will place all papers in my mailbox. Then they will
make their lunch choice and begin to write in their planners.

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Classroom Management Plan

Katie Peterson

Returning Work
I will return work on Fridays in their Friday
Mail Folder. I will send home all notes and
assessments on Fridays. I like that parents
only have to check for notes and return the
folders once a week. It seems easier than
sending home multiple papers everyday. I
would send home notes on another day if it
was important that the note went home in a
time sensitive manner. To organize the work
each student would have a folder and all of
their papers would be placed in their folder.

Free Time
When students have free time the first thing I want them to think about is if they have
other work to finish. If they have school work to complete they should do that first. I will
have a choice board for students to select what they want to do during their free time.
Some of the choices I will interest centers, free reading, games, looking closely at mentor
texts, and art activity. I will change the board and provide choices every couple weeks. If
we whole class free time I might plan doing Go
Noddle or reading a book to the students.

Routine for PE- Student will make sure they have
on tennis shoes. Teacher will have students line
up in line order. Students will sing line basics
song and they teacher will walk them to the gym.
Routine for Art-Students will line up in line
order. Teacher will sing the line basics song.
Students will follow the teacher to the art room.
When they come back if students have art work
to take home the teacher will dismiss them by
tables to put their pieces of art in their backpacks.
Routine for Library- Students will collect their books from their backpacks and place it in
the library bin. The students will only be allowed to check out books if they have returned
their previous book. Students will be allowed to look at books in the library while teacher
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Katie Peterson

checks out books to students who are eligible to check out books. After we return to the
classroom students will be dismissed by tables to put books in their backpacks.
Routine for Music- Students will line up in line order sing the line basic song and follow
their teacher to the music room.

I have a restroom that is connected to my classroom. Students can only go to the
bathroom one student at the time. Students need permission and they will have to grab
the pass and place it on their
table space. Once a student
returns the pass the next student
can go to the restroom. Students
will not be allowed to use the
restroom during direct
instruction. Students will only be
allowed to miss instruction once in
the morning and in the afternoon
for drinks and the restroom.
Students are free to use the
restroom any time during recess
and lunch. The teacher will let
students use the restroom if it is an emergency but will record and monitor the amount of
time the student is outside of the classroom.

In my classroom I would like to allow students to bring water bottle. The rules are that it
has to have a lid, have the students name written on it, and contain only water. If the
water bottle becomes empty it can only be filled up at recess or lunch. If students dont
have water bottle they will be released for drinks but not during instruction time. If
water bottles become a distraction then the students will lose the privilege of having a
water bottle in class.

Emergency Drills
I would teach students the important of listening, following directions, and being calm
during emergency drills. Students will know there emergency drill location for tornados,
fire, and intruder drills. Students will know what to do if they are in my classroom or if
they are in a specials classroom. I will create an emergency contact bracelet with a card

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Katie Peterson

for each student. The card will have their

name, emergency contact, how the student
gets home and if they have any allergies.
This has all the key information and it is a
lot less bulky than carrying a binder. We
will practice the drills multiple times and
keep a timed record of how fast we can get
to where we need to be.

Differentiation is an essential component to
all classrooms. I want to provide the best
education possible for all of my students. I want to be able to touch based with my
students to gain a deeper understanding of where they are at, what they need, and how I
can make a lesson that meets their unique needs. I want to provide choice as much as
possible for students. If they can pick a subject, or type of extension project, it not only
motivates them but it provides a sense of
ownership in their education. I would like
to conference with students during
writing, reading, and math to discuss their
thinking and provide guidance. When
meeting with kids I would like to set goals
and adapt assignments to meet their
individual needs.

Parent Communication
I want to be in contact with parents from
the beginning I want to share the things
that happen in my classroom. Before
school begins I want to send out a letter
with the over view of the year and inviting
students to first grade. In the letter I
will include that parents are open to
contact me at any time. I will set up a
classroom blog and share pictures and
stories from our classroom. Later on in the year I will have students write pieces to post
on the blog. I will send an email to parent letting them know when I have updated the blog.
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Katie Peterson

I am going to have a communication log that records all the times that I have contacted
parents. I want to set a goal to call 4 parents a week to share positive information about
their students. I feel that if I share positive information about students and build a
relationship with parents then it will be easier to talk with parents when an issue arises.

Professional Ethics
I want to dress professionally at all times. I have teacher/professional clothes and then I
have street clothes. I think that it is important for students to see me in professional
attire. I wanted to be respected by my students and follow staff one way to be successful
is to dress the part. The only time I will break the professional attire is if we are having a
spirit day. I will show school pride and
wear a school t-shirt.

I work in a school now and I avoid
gossip. No one likes to be talked about
or judged. I try to be a model for my
students. If I wouldnt want them to
do it then I try not to do it. It is easy
to fall victim to gossip but it is also
easy to be the person who spreads
gossip. I believe it is easier not to
spread gossip than it is to apologize
for hurting someones feelings.

I try to be every professional in each setting
that I am in. It is important to think of the
people around you and project yourself in the
most positive light possible. Being kind to
others and not fueling gossip is an easy way to
establish yourself as a professional educator in your building. Another part of being a
professional is offering to help and seeking advice when you need assistance. It is
important to build your school community and be a positive role model for students.

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Classroom Management Plan

Teachers Pay Teachers
Wong First Days of School
Setting Limits

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Katie Peterson

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