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9607 BRO 0008 03 Flexible Riser Brochure SCREEN

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Flexible Riser

& Umbilical
Flexible Riser &
Umbilical Engineering
2H Offshore has the capability and experience to provide
flexible flowline and riser engineering, together with Concept Design and FEED
procurement, fabrication and integrity management
Feasibility assessment and concept design
support for both shallow and deep water applications.
Preliminary analysis and engineering
From concept design and FEED, to detailed engineering
and installation analysis, this experience was gained Detailed Engineering
through the execution of projects in areas including the Detailed global strength and fatigue assessment
Gulf of Mexico, North Sea, West Africa, Asia Pacific and Ancillary component design and analysis
Brazil, for a wide range of flexible pipe diameters and Equipment specification and interface
environments. management
Interference analysis
Procurement and Fabrication Management
Requisition preparation
Technical and commercial bid evaluation
QA/QC witnessing and support
PO management and expediting
Specification of monitoring systems
Engineering assessment of measured data
Delivery management and integration
Integrity Management
Development of integrity management plans
Execution of risk based IM strategies
Specification of inspection techniques
Structural evaluation and recommendations
DFIO dossiers
Installation Engineering
Lay analysis
Abandonment and recovery
Vessel and interface loading
Installation procedures
Verification Services
Review and validation of design and installation
documentation and procedures
Structural evaluation and recommendations
Certified verification agent (CVA) - design,
fabrication and installation
Witnessing of fabrication and installation
Key Projects DUCO - TOTAL CLOV Umbilical Dynamic Analysis
2H was responsible for analysis of 5 dynamic umbilicals
Tullow Oil - TEN Flexible Riser Engineering hung off from a spread moored FPSO in Block 17 offshore
Angola. The scope of work included calculation of FPSO
Tullow Oil are developing the TEN (Tweneboa, Enyenra and interface loads, interface analysis at the subsea arch,
Ntomme) fields offshore Ghana. 2H is integrated into the detailed extreme condition analysis and fatigue analysis.
Tullow Oil URF delivery team to provide flexible riser and
umbilical engineering technical assurance for the TEN
development. This involves recommendations on how
the projected layout will impact the dynamic response of
the flexible risers and umbilicals and optimisation of the
configurations to reduce clashing and maintain service life.
As the project moves into the fabrication and installation
phases, 2H will support Tullow Oil to ensure the flexible
riser system meets the project specifications and quality
Wellstream - Dai Hung Flexible Riser Global
expectations. Analysis
2H successfully carried out the detailed analysis of six
replacement flexible risers and two umbilicals hung-off
an FPU over three pre-existing mid-water arches for the
Dai Hung field Offshore Vietnam in 110m water depth. In
addition, 2H performed detailed motion analysis of the off-
loading buoy and associated risers.

Perenco - Su Tu Nau Flexible Riser Feasibility

OIS - Lufeng Flexible Riser Installation Support 2H completed a feasibility assessment for a proposed field
layout to assess usage of flexible risers to connect the north
2H carried out installation analysis for two separate flexible
and south platforms with an existing FPSO. The feasibility
risers including lay-down and pick-up of an existing 6in
study optimised the configuration and carried out a cost
flexible riser to be reconnected to an FSOU mooring buoy
based analysis to determine the most suitable solution.
and the installation of a new 8in flexible riser.
2H Offshore Inc.
15990 North Barkers Landing
Suite 200
Houston, TX 77079, USA
T: +1 281 258 2000

2H Offshore Engineering Ltd.
Hollywood House
Church Street East

About 2H Offshore
Woking, Surrey, GU21 6HJ, UK
T: +44 1483 774900

2H Offshore Engineering Ltd.
2H Offshore is a global engineering contractor specialising in the design,
Tern Place House, Tern Place
structural analysis and integrity management of riser and conductor Bridge of Don
systems used in the drilling and production of offshore oil and gas. Our Aberdeen, AB23 8JX, UK
capability and experience covers all types of risers, from shallow water fixed T: +44 1224 452380
platform conductors, to drilling and production risers used in ultra-deep
water. Rio de Janeiro
2H Offshore Projetos Ltda.
Areas of Expertise Praa Floriano, 19-22 andar,
Centro, RJ, 20031-924, Brasil
Our business falls into two primary categories, Drilling, Completion & T: +55 21 2510 7300
Workover and Production & Export. Engineering of the risers used in
each area of activity has many similarities in terms of the skill sets and Kuala Lumpur
experience required to conduct the work, but each area has many unique 2H Offshore Engineering SDN BHD

characteristics requiring specific experience and knowledge of the Suite 31-1, 31st Floor
Wisma UOA II 21 Jalan Pinang
equipment and operations involved. The scope of each area of activity and
50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
overlaps that occur are illustrated below. T: +60 3 2726 0500

2H Offshore Engineering Pty. Ltd.
Drilling, Completion & Production & Level 8, 1008 Hay Street
Workover Export Perth, 6000, Australia
T: +61 (0) 8 9222 5000

Surface BOP Mailing Address:

drilling risers PO Box 7322, Cloisters Square PO
Marine drilling risers Steel catenary risers
FPS dry tree WA 6850, Australia
Jack-up risers production risers Freestanding hybrid
risers Beijing
Fixed platform well
Subsea well conductors
conductors Flexible risers 2H Offshore Beijing
Jack-up production Representative Office
Completion & risers Umbilicals 9D Xinzhong Building
workover risers
No.2 Xinzhong West Street
Dongcheng District, Beijing, China,
T: +86-10-64165160


To find out more visit www.2hoffshore.com

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