Maths UG Syllabus CCSU July26
Maths UG Syllabus CCSU July26
Maths UG Syllabus CCSU July26
Semester I
Paper Code Paper Name Credits
Semester II
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Semester III
Semester IV
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Semester V
Semester VI
Version 1.0, 2014
Paper: MTH 101C
Unit I: Inequalities
Inequalities involving A. M., G. M., H. M., Cauchy Schwarz Inequality, Weirstrass Inequalities, m th
power theorem, extreme values of sum & product.
Recommended readings:
Paper: MTH 102C
Credits: 4 (3+1+0)
Unit I:
Successive differentiation, standard results on nth order derivatives and Leibnitz theorem, Partial
differentiation, partial derivatives of first and higher orders for functions of two or more variables,
Eulers theorem on homogeneous functions.
Unit II:
Tangents and normalsangle of intersection of two curves, length of tangent, normal, sub-tangent
and sub-normals, pedal equations, angle between radius vector and tangent, length of
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perpendicular from pole to the tangent, lengths of polar sub-tangent and polar subnormal, pedal
equation of a curve from its polar equation, concavity and points of inflexion and their criteria.
Curvaturedefinition of curvature and radius of curvature, derivation of arc length, formula for
radius of curvature, circle of curvature. Asymptotesdefinition and working rules for determination
of a symptotes (in case of Cartesian equations). Singular points, double points, cusp, node, conjugate
point, multiple point, determination of multiple points of the curve f ( x , y ) 0 . Curve tracing
tracing of Catenary, Cissoid, asteroid, cycloid, folium of Descartes, cardioide, lemniscate.
Integration of rational functions of sinx and cosx. Reduction formulae for integration of the following
, xmsinnx, xmcosnx, sinpxcosqx (p>0, q>0), tannx, cosecnx, cosm xcosnx, ( x 2 2 ) , xn(logx)m
Properties of definite integrals.
Unit IV: Rectification, Quadrature, volume and surface area of solids of revolution.
Recommended readings:
1. Differential Calculus Das and Mukherjee, U N Dhur & sons
2. Integral Calculus Das & Mukherjee, U N Dhur & Sons
3. Differential Calculus Shanti Narayan. S. Chand and Co.
4. Integral Calculus Maity and Ghose. New central book Agency.
Paper: MTH 103C
Credits: 4 (3+1+0)
Unit I:
Transformation of coordinate axes, pair of straight lines.
Unit II:
Parabola, parametric coordinates, tangent and normal, ellipse and its conjugate diameters with
properties, hyperbola and its asymptotes,
General-conics: tangent, condition of tangency, pole and polar, centre of a conic, equation of pair of
tangents, reduction to standard forms, central conics, equation of the axes, and length of the axes,
Polar equation of a conic, tangent and normal and properties.
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Plane, straight lines and shortest distance, sphere.
Recommended readings:
Paper: MTH 104E
Unit I: Inequalities
Inequalities involving A. M., G. M., H. M., Cauchy Schwarz Inequality.
Recommended readings:
1. Higher Algebra (Classical) S. K. Mappa, Ashoke Prakasam, Calcutta
2. Higher Trigonometry Das & Mukherjee, U N Dhur & Sons
3. Higher Algebra B. Das & S. R. Maiti, Ashoke Prakasam, Calcutta
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Paper: MTH 201C
Unit I:
Cone and cylinder, central conicoids, ellipsoid, hyperboloid of one and two sheets, diametral planes,
tangent lines, director sphere, polar plane, section with a given centre, enveloping cone and
Unit-II: Vectors
Scalar triple product, vector triple product, Product of four vectors
Unit III:
Continuity and derivability of vector-point function, partial derivatives of vector point function,
gradient, curl &divergence, identities.
Unit IV:
Vector integration, line, surface and volume integrals, Green, Stokes & Gauss theorem.
Recommended readings:
1. Solid geometry : E.T.Bell
2. Analytical Geometry by B. Das
3. Analytical Geometry by Shanti Narayan S Chand & co.
4. Analytical Geometry of two and three dimension and Vector analysis - R. M. Khan - New Central Book
5. Analytical Geometry of two and three dimension J. C. Chakraborty&Ghose, U. N. Dhur& sons.
Paper: MTH 202C
Credits: 4 (3+1+0)
Unit I:
First order first degree differential equations; Linear differential equations;
Exact Differential equations; Bernoullis differential equation.
Method of solving higher degree equations solvable for x, y and p. Clairauts form and singular
solutions, orthogonal trajectories. Applications of first order differential equation. .
Unit II:
Linear ordinary differential equations of second and higher order with constant coefficients,
homogeneous linear ordinary differential equations.
Unit III:
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Linear differential equations of 2nd order with variable coefficients, standard methods,
transformation of the equation by changing the dependent variable, independent variable, method
of variation of parameters.
Unit IV:
Simultaneous linear differential equations.
Recommended readings:
1. Differential Equations Ross, Wiley & Sons
2. Integral Calculus Das & Mukherjee, U N Dhur& Sons
3. Differential Equations Piaggio
4. Theory and Problems of Differential equationFrank Ayers. Schaum outline Series.
5. Ordinary and partial differential Equation: M.D. Raisinghania. S.Chand and Co.
Paper: MTH 203C
Credits: 4 (3+1+0)
Unit I:
Relations, Equivalence relations, Equivalence classes, Partition of a set, mappings, binary
composition (brief idea).
Unit II:
Definition of a Group, examples of Groups, Subgroups, Lagranges theorem on order of a subgroup
of a finite group, Eulers theorem, Fermats theorem, Subgroups generated by a set, cyclic groups,
permutation groups, normal subgroups, quotient groups.
Unit III:
Homomorphism of groups, Isomorphisms, Fundamental theorem of Homomorphisms, Cayleys
Automorphisms of groups, Inner automorphisms, characteristic Subgroups, conjugacy relations,
normaliser, centre of a group,
Recommended readings:
1. A Course in Abstract Algebra Khanna & Bhambri, Vikas Pub. House
2. Modern Algebra Singh & Zameeruddin, Vikas Pub. House
3. Topics in Algebra I. N. Herstain, New Age Pub
4. Algebra Bhattacharya, Nagpal & Jain - Wiley
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Paper: MTH 204E
Credits: 3 (2+1+0)
Unit I:
Successive differentiation, standard results on nth order derivatives and Leibnitz theorem, Tangents
and normals.
Unit- II:
Rolles theorem, Lagranges Mean Value theorem, Cauchys Mean Value theorem, Taylors theorem,
Maclaurins theorem. Maclaurins infinite power series for a given function; expansion of exp(x),
sinx, cosx, log(1+x) and allied functions. Indeterminate forms.
Unit- III:
Partial differentiation, partial derivatives of first and higher orders for functions of two or more
variables, Eulers theorem on homogeneous functions, Maxima and Minima of a function of two
variables and working rules ( without proof ) for their determination.
Unit IV:
Curvature of plane curves, radius of curvature. Asymptotesdefinition and working rules for
determination of asymptotes (in case of Cartesian equations).
Unit V:
Integrals of the form;
Properties of definite integrals, Reduction formulae for integration of the following functions:
xn eax , xmsin nx, xmcos nx, tann x, cosecn x, cosm x sinm x .
Unit VI:
Rectification and Quadrature of plane curves.
Recommended readings:
1. Differential Calculus Das and Mukherjee, U. N. Dhur & sons
2. Integral Calculus Das & Mukherjee, U N Dhur & Sons
3. Differential Calculus Shanti Narayan. S. Chand and Co.
4. Integral Calculus Maity and Ghose. New central book Agency.
Paper: MTH 301C
Credits: 4 (3+1+0)
Unit I:
Characterization of the real number system R as a complete Archimedean ordered field,
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neighbourhoods, open set, closed set, limit point of a set.
Unit III: ,
Definition of limit and continuity of a function of single variable, properties of continuous functions
in closed interval, sequential continuity, inverse function and monotonic function, uniform
Unit IV:
Derivability of a function of single variable, algebra of derivatives, Darbouxs theorem, intermediate
value theorem for derivatives, Rolls theorem, mean value theorems, intermediate forms;
Taylors theorem, Taylors and Maclaurins infinite series, expansion ofex, sinx, cosx, loge (1+x)
and(1+x)m, maxima-minima of a function of single variable and two variables (reducible to single
Recommended readings:
1. Principles of Real Analysis by S.C. Malik, Newage international.
2. Real Analysis by S. K. Mappa
3. Principle of Mathematical Analysis by Walter Rudin
4. A course of Mathematical Analysis by Shanti Narayan, S. Chand and Co.
5. A Text Book of Degree Mathematics by P. Rajkhowa and N.R. Das. Asian Book Pvt. Ltd.
Paper: MTH 302C
Credits: 4 (3+1+0)
Unit I:
Definitions, examples and properties of rings, fields, Integral domains, division rings, subrings, ideals,
characteristic of a ring,Ideals, sum of ideals, Product of ideals
Homomorphisms of rings and imbeddings: maximal and prime ideals idempotent & nilpotent
elements and ideals, nil ideals in a ring, principal, prime, maximal ideals, simple ring.
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Quotient rings, field of quotients of an integral domain, Euclidean rings,
Polynomial rings, its ideals and quotients etc. Ring of matrices-its ideals and quotients etc.
Recommended readings:
1. A Course in Abstract Algebra Khanna &Bhambri, Vikas Pub. House
2. Modern Algebra Singh &Zameeruddin, Vikas Pub. House
3. Topics in Algebra I. N. Herstain, New Age Pub
4. Algebra Bhattacharya, Nagpal& Jain Wiley
5. Matrices, F. Ayers, Schaum Series
Paper: MTH 303C
Credits: 4 (3+1+0)
Unit I:
dx dy dz
Total differential equation and simultaneous equations of the form
P Q R . Exact
differential equations including special form f (x ) .
dx n
Unit II:
Series solutions of differential equations. Bessel and Legendre differential equations. Bessel and
Legendre functions and their properties.
Partial differential equations of the first order, Partial first order diferential equations of special
Lagranges method. Integral surfaces passing through a given curve. Surfaces orthogonal to a given
system of surfaces.
Recommended readings:
1. Partial differential equations : S.N. Sneddon
2. Differential Equations Ross, Wiley & Sons
3. Integral Calculus Das & Mukherjee, U N Dhur& Sons
4. Differential Equations Piaggio
5. Theory and Problems of Differential equationFrank Ayers. Schaumoutline Series.
6. Ordinary and partial differential Equation: M.D. Raisinghania. S.Chand and Co.
Paper: MTH 304E
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Credits: 3 (2+1+0)
Unit I:
Transformation of coordinate axes, pair of straight lines.
Unit II:
Parabola, parametric coordinates, tangent and normal, ellipse and its conjugate diameters with
properties, hyperbola and its asymptotes, general conics: tangent, condition of tangency, pole and
polar, centre of a conic, equation of pair of tangents, reduction to standard forms, central conics,
and length of the axes, polar equation of a conic, tangent and properties.
Unit III:
Sphere, cone and cylinder.
Unit IV:
Scalar triple product, Vector triple product, Product of four vectors .
Unit V:
Vector point function, continuity and differentiation of vector point function. Partial derivatives of
vectors, curl, grad, divergence and identities (Cartesian coordinates only)
Recommended readings:
1. Analytical Geometry by B. Das
2. Analytical Geometry by Shanti Narayan S. Chand & Co.
3. Analytical Geometry of two and three dimension and vector analysis - R. M. Khan - New Central Book
4. Analytical Geometry of two and three dimension J. C. Chakraborty & Ghose, U. N. Dhur & sons
5. Vectors by M.P. Raisinghania, S. Chand & Co.
Paper: MTH 401C
Credits: 4 (3+1+0)
Unit I:
Definition and examples of a vector space, subspaces, linear combinations. Sums and direct sum of
subspaces, linear span, linear dependence and independence, and their basic properties, basis, finite
dimensional vector spaces, existence theorem for bases, invariance of the number of elements of a
basis, dimensions, existence of complementary subspaces of a subspace of finite dimension,
dimension of sum of subspaces, quotient spaces and its dimension.
Unit II:
Linear transformations and their representation as matrices, the algebra of linear transformations,
the rank nullity theorem, change of basis, dual spaces.
Unit III:
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Eigenvalues, eigenvectors, characteristic equation of a matrix, Cayley-Hamilton theorem, minimal
polynomial, characteristic & minimal polynomial of linear operators, existence & uniqueness of
solution of a system of linear equations.
Recommended Readings:
1. Linear Algebra Hoffman &Kunze
2. Linear Algebra Lipschutz, Schaum Outline Series
Paper: MTH 402C
Credits: 4 (3+1+0)
Unit- I:
Riemann integral, integrability conditions, Riemann integral as a limit, some classes of integrable
functions, the fundamental theorem of integral calculus, statement and application of M.V.
theorems of integral calculus
Improper integrals and their convergence, various forms of comparison tests, absolute and
conditional convergence, Abelsand Dirichlets tests,
Beta and Gamma functions and their properties, applications. Frullanis integral, integral as a
function of parameter (excluding improper integrals),
Continuity, derivability and integrability of an integral as a function of a parameter.
Recommended readings:
1. A course of Mathematical Analysis by Shanti Narayan, S. Chand and Co.
2. Mathematical analysis by S. C. Malik and S. Arora, New Age international.
3. Advanced Calculus by Spiegel, Schaum Outline Series.
4. A text Book for Degree Mathematics Part-I by P. Rajkhowa and N. R. Das, Asian BooksPvt.Ltd
Paper: MTH 403C
Credits: 4 (3+1+0)
Unit I:
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(Only brief idea of Resultant of two concurrent forces, - theorem, Rectangular resolution of a
force Parallel forces) Couples, moments, reduction of coplanar forces, analytical condition of
equilibrium of coplanar forces, friction.
Unit II:
Centre of gravity of a plane area, arc and a sector of a curve, C.G of solids and surface of revolution,
C.G of areas bounded by a given curve.
Unit III:
Principle of virtual work-in two dimensions, forces in three dimensions. Poinsots central axis,
wrenches, null lines and planes.
Unit IV:
Stable and unstable equilibrium. Simple examples of Common Catenary.
Unit V:
Velocity & Acceleration, Resultant Velocity, Uniform velocity & acceleration (a brief idea). Velocities
and accelerations along radial & transverse directions & along tangential & normal directions,
motion in a straight line under variable acceleration, simple harmonic motion.
Unit VI:
Motion in resisting medium, motion of particles of varying mass.
Unit VII:
Central orbit and Keplers Laws of planetary motion.
Recommended readings:
1. Statics by S.L.Loney, Cambridge University Press.
2. Dynamics by S.L.Loney, Cambridge University Press.
3. Dynamics by Ramsey.
4. Dynamics by M. Ray, S. Chand.
5. Statics by Das and Mukherjee, UN Dhar and Sons.
6. Dynamics by Das and Mukherjee, UN Dhar and Son.
7. Theoretical Mechanics by Spiegel, Schaum Outline Series.
Paper: MTH 404E
Credits: 3 (2+1+0)
Unit I:
Differential Equations of 1st order and 1st degree, First order linear differential equations,
Bernoullis equations, Exact differential equations, 1st order and higher degree differential
equations, method of solving higher degree equations solvable for x, y and p. Clairauts form and
singular solutions, orthogonal trajectories. Applications of d.e.s.
Unit II:
Second order linear differential equations with constant coefficients, homogeneous linear
differential equations.
Unit III:
Simultaneous linear differential equations.
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Unit IV:
Partial differential equation; Origin of Partial differential equations; Lagranges solutions.
Recommended readings:
1. Differential Equations Ross, Wiley & Sons
2. Integral Calculus Das & Mukherjee, U N Dhur & Sons
3. Differential Equations Piaggio
4. Theory and Problems of Differential equationFrank Ayers. Schaum outline Series.
5. Ordinary and partial differential Equation: M.D. Raisinghania. S.Chand and Co.
Paper: MTH 501C
Credits: 4 (3+1+0)
Central orbit, Keplers Laws and its applications
Unit II:
Moments and products of inertia, parallel axes theorem, theorem of six constants, the momental
ellipsoid, equimomental systems, principle axes.
Unit III:
DAlemberts principle, the general equation of motion of a rigid body, motion of the centre of
inertia and motion relative to the centre of inertia.
Unit IV:
Motion about a fixed axis, the compound pendulum, centre of percussion.
Unit V:
Motion of a body in two dimensions under finite and impulsive forces.
Recommended readings:
1. An elementary treatise on the Dynamics of a particle and of Rigid bodies by S. L. Loney.
2. Dynamics part- I by A. S. Ramsey
3. Theoretical Mechanics by Spiegel, Schaum Series.
4. Analytical Dynamics by F. Chorlton.
Paper: MTH 502C
Credits: 4 (3+1+0)
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Peano's axiom, well ordered principle, mathematical induction, division algorithm, the basis
representation theorem, prime numbers, unique factorization theorem.
Paper: MTH 503C
Credits: 4 (3+1+0)
Unit I:
Normalized floating point representation of real numbers and operations using it, normalization and
its consequence, errors in arithmetic operations, absolute and relative error, truncation and round
off errors, approximation and significant figures.
Unit II:
Calculus of finite difference: different interpolation formulae with remainder terms, finite difference
operators and their operations on function of a single variable, interpolation with equal and unequal
intervals, Newton's formulae, Lagranges formula, Gauss, Bessel and sterlings formula, Hermite
Unit III:
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Numerical differentiation and integration: Numerical differentiation with thehelp of different
interpolation formulae, general quadrature formula, trapezoidal rule, Simpsons one third and three
eighth rule, Weddels rule, Newton-Cotes formula, Gauss quadrature formula, Chebycheves
Unit IV:
Solution of polynomial and transcendental equations: Bisection method, secant method, Regula Falsi
method, Newton-Raphson method, rate of convergence and comparison of methods.
Recommended readings:
1. Numerical methods by S.Balachandra Rao and C.K.Santha, Univ. Press.
2. Numerical Analysis by Sanyal & Das
3. Numerical Analysis by Kunz
4. Numerical Analysis, Schaum Outline Series.
Paper: MTH 504E
Credits: 3 (2+1+0)
Unit I: Matrices
Hermitian & skew Hermitian matrices, elementary operations on matrices, adjoint & inverse of a
matrix, rank of a matrix, solution of system of linear equations (homogeneous & non-homogenous)
by matrix method.
Unit- II:
Relations, Equivalence relations, Equivalence classes, Partition of a set, mappings, binary
Unit III:
Definition of a Group, examples of Groups, Subgroups, Cosets, Lagranges theorem on order of a
subgroup of a finite group, cyclic groups, permutation groups, normal subgroups, quotient groups.
Homomorphism and Isomorphism of groups.
Unit IV:
Definitions, examples and properties of rings, fields, Integral domains, division rings, subrings.
Recommended readings:
1. A Course in Abstract Algebra Khanna & Bhambri, Vikas Pub. House
2. Modern Algebra Singh & Zameeruddin, Vikas Pub. House
3. Topics in Algebra I. N. Herstain, New Age Pub
4. Algebra Bhattacharya, Nagpal & Jain Wiley
5. Matrices, F. Ayers, Schaum Series.
Paper: MTH 601C
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Unit I:
Section of a sphere by a plane, spherical triangles, properties of spherical and polar triangles,
fundamental formulae of spherical triangles, sine formula, cosine formula, sine- cosine formula, cot
formula, Napiers rule of circular parts.
Unit II:
The standard(or geometric)celestial sphere, system of coordinates, conversion of one coordinate
system to the another system, diurnal motion of heavenly bodies, sidereal time, solar time(mean),
rising and setting of stars, circumpolar star, dip of the horizon, rate of change of zenith distance and
azimuth, examples
Unit -III:
Two body problem and Keplers Laws
Eclipses: Solar and Lunar eclipses. Maximum number of eclipses in a year. Mathematical conditions
for occurrence of solar and lunar eclipses.
Parallax: Parallaxes of various kinds, effects of parallaxes.
Recommended readings:
1. Spherical Astronomy by W.M. Smart.
2. Spherical Astronomy by B. Sarma.
3. Spherical Astronomy by S. Malik.
Paper: MTH 602C
Credits: 4 (3+1+0)
Unit I:
Pressure equation, condition of equilibrium, lines of force, homogeneous and heterogeneous fluids,
elastic fluids, surface of equal pressure, fluid at rest under action of gravity, rotating fluids.
Unit II:
Fluid pressure on plane surfaces, centre of pressure, resultant pressure on curved surfaces.
Unit III:
Equilibrium of a floating body, curves of buoyancy, surface of buoyancy, stability of equilibrium of
floating bodies, meta centre, work done in producing a displacement, vessel containing a liquid.
Unit IV:
Gas law, mixture of gases, internal energy, adiabatic expansion, work done in compressing a gas,
isothermal atmosphere, convective equilibrium.
Recommended readings:
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Paper: MTH 603C
Brief introduction of central processing, main memory, secondary memory, input/output devices,
operating system and its need, representation of numbers and characters in computer, machine level
language and high level language, compiler, interpreter, assembler, linker, loader, editor, debugger,
algorithm, flowchart and computer programmes, decision table and trees, efficiency and analysis of
algorithm. Introduction to C-requirement of programming language to solve problems.
Unit II:
Elementary data types: variables, constants and identifiers, integer, character, floating point and
string constants, variable declaration, initialization of variables during declaration, constant data
types),Syntax and semantics, reserved words, expression in C operator precedence and associatively,
unary, binary and ternary operators, C arithmetic operators, assignment operators, relational
operators, logical and bitwise operators, L-value and R-value, expression statement, cast and size of
operator, automatic type conversion.
Unit III:
Conditional Statement: if, if-else, switch. Iterative statement, block statement.
Unit IV:
Function: function declaration, calling a function by value, call by reference and its absence in C,
storage class (automatic register, static, external); recursion and how it works (use of machine stack
for storing return address, parameters and local variables), conversion of recursive programmes to
non-recursive version.
Paper: MTH 604E
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Credits: 3 (2+1+0)
Unit I:
Definition and examples of a vector space, subspaces, linear combinations, linear transformations
and simple examples.
Unit II:
Parallel forces, Moments, Couples, System of coplanar forces and conditions of equilibrium. Friction.
Unit III:
Components of velocity and acceleration along radial and transverse direction and along tangential
and normal directions, Simple harmonic motion, Central orbits Keplers laws of planetary motion.
Recommended readings:
1. Linear Algebra Hoffman & Kunze
2. Linear Algebra Lipschutz, Schaum Outline Series
3. Theoritical mechanics Schaum Outline Series
4. Dynamics by M. Ray, S. Chand and Co.
5. Dynamics by Das and Mukharjee, U.N Dhur publication.
6. Statics by Das and Mukherjee, U.N.Dhur publications
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