Field Study 5 Episode 3

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Your task is to make the students have a realization

of the values they can acquire behind the lessons

Your goal is to implant students learning.

Thomas and Thorne (2009) suggest a

multi-step process for teaching and
learning concepts, which includes:
1. Name the critical (main) features
of the concept
2. Name some additional features of
the concept
3. Compare the new to the already
4. Name some false features of the

Use scaffolding:

During initial learning, with a variety of examples to

describe the thinking processes involved
Only when needed, by first checking for understanding
and, if necessary, providing additional examples and
To build on student strengths and accommodate

Provide opportunities for practice in solving problems

Provide teacher-directed practice before independent

practice, spot-checking progress on practice and
providing short responses of less than 30 seconds to any
single request for assistance
Assign frequent, short homework assignments that are
logical extensions of classroom work
Link practice in the content area to complex, real-life
The most observed principle was Learners must be
given feedback about their performance. Feedback must be
specific. Good Work! is positive feedback and is welcome
but actually it is not specific. A more specific better
feedback is You observed rules on subject-verb agreement
and variety of sentences. Three of your commas were
misplaced. For the students are motivated after seeing
good comments on their works.
Emphasize on the assessment of higher-order
thinking was the principle that was least observed.

To make assessment worthwhile, teachers must consider

as well the means of how they are going to assess their
students. Teachers have their own opinion or way of how
they assess students, and the result of the assessment.
When I think about my own definition of a "meaningful
assessment," I think the test must meet certain
requirements. The assessment must have value other
than "because it's on the test." It must intend to impact
the world beyond the student "self," whether it is on the
school site, in the outlying community, the state, country,
world, etc. Additionally, the assessment should
incorporate skills that students need for their future. That
is, the test must assess skills other than merely content.
It must also test how eloquently the students
communicate their content.

assessment. As the
students make their
drawings the teacher
watches them on how
they work. Very goods were often
seen at the feedback by
Performance Based. the teacher.
After the teacher
discussed their lesson,
he let the students draw
orthographic objects.
The teacher interacted
with the students on
how she is going to
grade the presentation.
It is done after the

They are given a chance

to assess themselves
and their classmates,
they spend time for self-

Simple recall type.

Before introducing new
subject matter, he gave
One of the positive
a recitation to his class
feedbacks given were
for him to assess them if
Great Job and Good
they still remember their
past topic.
The teacher interacted with
the students on how she is
going to grade the

It is done after the


They are given a chance

to assess themselves
and their classmates,
they spend time for self-

Simple recall type. Before

introducing new subject
matter, he gave a recitation
to his class for him to
assess them if they still
remember their past topic.
They are given a
Rubrics was one of the
chance to assess
assessment tools used by
The teacher and their with
the teacher. Printed sets of
classmates, they
the students on how she is
criteria for assessing
spend time
going to for self-the
knowledge, performance or
product and for giving One of the positive
feedback. The following feedbacks given were
tools are examples of Great Job and Good
It is done after the
rubrics and how they are work!
used in schools.

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