Summary of Biology HSC Examination Specifications and Assessment Requirements From 2010

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Summary of Biology HSC examination specifications and

assessment requirements from 2010

In December 2008, the Board of Studies approved changes to the examination specifications
and assessment requirements for a number of courses. These changes will be implemented
for the 2010 HSC cohort. Details of the Boards decisions are available on the Boards
website at

The HSC examination specifications and assessment requirements for Biology are
outlined below.

Outline of HSC examination specifications

A written examination of three hours plus 5 minutes reading time.
Section/Part Marks
Section I Part A 20
Objective response questions
Section I Part B 55
Short-answer questions
Section II (Options) 25
There is one question on each Option. Each question will
consist of short-answer parts
Students answer the question on the Option they have studied

Changes from current examination specifications

In Section I, the mark value of the objective response items is increased from 15 marks
to 20 marks and the mark value of the short-answer questions is decreased from 60
marks to 55 marks.

Outline of internal assessment requirements

There will be three to five assessment tasks comprising the following components and
Component Weighting
Knowledge and understanding of:
the history, nature, and practice of biology, applications and uses of 40
biology and their implications for society and the environment, and
current issues, research and developments in biology
cell ultrastructure and processes, biological diversity, environmental
interactions, mechanisms of inheritance and biological evolution
Skills in planning and conducting first-hand investigations, gathering and 30
processing first-hand data, gathering and processing relevant information
from secondary sources
Skills in:
communicating information and understanding 30
developing scientific thinking and problem-solving techniques
working individually and in teams

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