Classroom Management and Discipline Plan: Guidelines For Success Posted Rules
Classroom Management and Discipline Plan: Guidelines For Success Posted Rules
Classroom Management and Discipline Plan: Guidelines For Success Posted Rules
The level of structure I anticipate establishing is (check one): □ High x Medium □ Low
Guidelines for Success Posted Rules
Set positive expectations – what students must do to Objective descriptions of specific behaviors:
be successful in school:
They teach students how to be successful They should address the most frequent misbehaviors
Demonstrates how to show respect to one Three to six rules (depending on grade level)
another and the teacher Have the rules posted and agreed upon at the
To encourage peace and fairness within the beginning of the year (refer to it when needed)
classroom Decide on consequences that are clear, and stated
Teacher must refer to them when teaching, ahead of time
encouraging and correcting as needed. Demonstrate and model the rules at the start of the
year and after school programs
Deliver consequences calmly and consistently,
Attention Signal
The signal should immediately capture students’ attention. It should be both auditory and visual. A signal I
would use is, “if you can hear me, clap once. If you can hear me, clap twice.”
Teach students to stop talking, stop working, and establish eye contact with you within five seconds of
hearing and/or seeing the attention signal.
Consistently use the attention signal in the classroom, hallway, bus, and auditorium. Also use it on field trips.
To ensure that it is consistent.
Determine all activities (direct instruction, centers, quizzes, tests, small group work, etc.) and transitions
(restroom, lunch, specials, etc.) that will occur with your students.
Teach students the CHAMPS expectations are for each activity and transition:
C – Conversation (can students talk during this activity or transition? If so, at what voice level and with
H – Help (how do students ask for help during this activity or transition?)
A - Activity (what is the activity the students will be participating in?)
M- Movement (can students move around the room during this activity? Sharpen pencils, get materials, talk
with other students, etc.)
P – Participation (what does student participation look like for this activity or transition?)
S – Success (what does student success look like for this activity or transition?)
Encouragement Procedures
You need to do the following:
Provide noncontingent attention (verbal and nonverbal) to each student throughout the day, regardless of
their behavior.
Give positive feedback to the student and class when appropriate academic and/or behavioral performance
is demonstrated. Feedback should be accurate, specific, descriptive, contingent, age-appropriate, and
delivered in a manner consistent with your personal style.
Provide intermittent celebrations by giving rewards when a student or the class demonstrates a particularly
important behavior. Reward or celebration must be meaningful to the student(s) and delivered on an
unpredictable schedule (not every day).
Have 3 times more positive interactions with each student (either non-contingent attention or positive
feedback) than corrective interactions as a result of misbehavior.
If you plan to use a reward-based system for a medium- or high-structure class, you need to:
Determine the system’s goal (what do you want to accomplish) Make sure you believe that the system will help improve student
Choose a system that is appropriate for and interesting to Keep your focus on the students’ behavior rather than on the
students rewards that they earn
Select rewards that are highly desirable to students Keep your energy and enthusiasm about the system high
Set up a system so that student success is likely Continue using other motivational strategies at a high level
Avoid systems with arbitrary time limits Gradually make the rewards criteria more challenging when
students have been consistently successful in the system
Carefully organize the entire system before you begin When students are ready, modify the system to be based on
implementation intermittent rewards
Make sure that your expectations for student behavior are clear
and that you have adequate procedures for monitoring behavior Talk with class before making any changes in the system
Teach students how the entire system works
Correction Procedures for Misbehavior (both early stage corrections and rule violation consequences)
Preplan mild consequences that you will deliver consistently, appropriately and unemotionally when a rule is
Interact with the student only briefly at the time of the misbehavior, without arguing. Decide whether to use
progressive or non-progressive consequences.
When responding to early stage misbehavior, a preplanned response is not needed. Respond by using
proximity management, gentle verbal reprimands, discussion, family contact, or praise of students who are
behaving responsibly. Emotional reaction and humor can be used, but should be done carefully and
When dealing with chronic misbehavior, preplan by using consequences like time owed, timeout from
favorite object, timeout from small group, timeout at desk, timeout in classroom, timeout in another
classroom, restitution, positive practice, response cost-loss of points, response cost lottery, detention,
demerits, or having the student fill out a Behavior Improvement Form. For severe misbehavior, refer the
student to the office.
Beginning and Ending Routines
Routine for how student will be instructionally engaged while attendance is taken and for how opening
busing is conducted:
o During attendance, students need an assignment to work on displayed on the board or via an overhead.
o Have students sit in assigned seats and take attendance by referring to the seating chart.
Routine for dealing with students who come to class without necessary materials:
o Make sure students know exactly what materials are needed each day.
o Students need to have a procedure for getting materials without disrupting the teacher or instruction. Options
include having the student ask a neighbor, go to a specific spot in the room to borrow the materials (require
the student to leave a ‘deposit’ like a book bag so that they borrowed materials are returned), or return to his
or her locker.
o Establish a consequence if the student has to interrupt instruction to get materials from the teacher. Time
owed is typically effective (e.g., owe the teacher a minute of lunch time) or assign a tardy if the student needs
to go to his or her locker to get materials.
Make sure that students can complete the work independently. The work might need to be modified for lower
performing students. Briefly work with selected students to make sure they can do the work.
Maximize on-task behavior during independent work by avoiding long work periods (typically more than 30 minutes).
Don’t schedule independent work after an exciting activity, and do assign a shorter work period at the end of the day.
Decide how you want the students to behave during the independent work. What should student behavior look like?
(no talking, minimal talking, sharing ideas with groups etc.)
Provide guided practice to make students know how to do the work. If needed, provide more instruction.
Determine how students can ask for help during work period. Options include a “help” sign on their desk, standing in
the question box, writing their name on the board, and asking a neighbor for help, or raising their hand, coming to the
teacher desk etc.