Astm c6195
Astm c6195
Astm c6195
2001 Rexford Road
Charlotte, NC 28211
Please note: you will need to complete the conclusion quiz online at to receive credit
Course #: NGC09K
An AIA Continuing Education Program
Credit for this course is 1 AIA HSW CE Hour
An American Institute of Architects (AIA) Continuing
Education Program
Please view the following slide for more information on Certificates of Completion
through RBA
Course Format: This is a structured, web-based, self study course with a final
Course Credit: 1 AIA Health Safety & Welfare (HSW) CE Hour
Completion Certificate: A confirmation is sent to you by email and you can print
one upon successful completion of a course or from your
transcript. If you have any difficulties printing or receiving your Certificate please
send requests to
Design professionals, please remember to print or save your certificate of completion after
successfully completing a course conclusion quiz. Email confirmations will be sent to the email
address you have provided in your account.
Course Description
Abuse Resistance
Designed for use in wall assembly areas
where surface abrasion is a concern
-Surface of the board
Impact Resistance
Designed for use where abuse and impact
resistance is needed
-Surface of the board
-Intrusion into the wall cavity
Types of Damage
Surface damage:
Abrasion or scuffing due to high
traffic during standard use and
indentation of the wall surface from
low-energy or occasional impact
Damage due to high-energy
or continual impact that
breaks into the stud cavity
Understand the Products
Three different types of gypsum board discussed here:
Abuse Impact
Standard Resistant Resistant
Gypsum Gypsum Gypsum
Gypsum Fiberboard
Enhanced with manufacturers
proprietary slurry of gypsum particles
and cellulose fibers
Gypsum Fiberboard
Enhanced with manufacturers
proprietary slurry of gypsum particles
and cellulose fibers and reinforced with Fiberglass Mesh
fiberglass mesh
only on
ASTM E 695 Annex A1
Soft Body Impact Test Hard Body Impact Test
ASTM C 1629
- Classifications and Performance Requirements
ASTM D 4977 ASTM D 5420 ASTM E 695 Annex A1
Surface Abrasion Surface Indentation Soft Body Impact Hard Body Impact
The minimum level for the Hard Body Test is not a lot better than
standard gypsum (35 lbs). A Level 1 result on the Hard Body Test is not
a very impact resistant product.
ASTM C 1629 - Classification Levels
Measure the ability of a wall system to withstand
scuffs and abrasions
ASTM D 4977 Surface Abrasion Results
Abraded Depth
Measure gypsum boards resistance to dents
ASTM D 5420 Surface Indentation Results
Measure the ability of a wall system to withstand single
impact force from a small object
ASTM E 695 Soft Body Impact Results
Measure resistance to penetration by a hard
object, such as a baseball bat or a boot heel
Hard Body Impact -Annex 1 Results
Result NA NA NA NA
Classification NA NA NA NA
Hard Body Impact Test - Not applicable to Abuse Resistant products.
Some manufacturers will test and publish a result for abuse resistant products. This is not part the test
Hard Body Impact -Annex 1 Results
5/8" Type X
N/A N/A 1 N/A
Gypsum Board
N/A 1 1 N/A
3 1 2 N/A
Gypsum Core
Impact Resistant Comparison
Classification Level
Speed of construction
Ease of maintenance
Installation and Finishing Guidelines
On August 26, 2006, the City of New York amended Section 1 of the building
code. The new section amended title 1 of the Rules of the City of New York,
section 32-05 Impact Resistant Stair and Elevator Enclosures. This new
section was a direct result of the lessons learned after the World Trade
Center disaster.
The New York City Department of Buildings developed the requirement, and
in 2009 the International Building Code (IBC) adopted a similar requirement,
Section 403.2.3 Structural Integrity of exit enclosures and elevator hoist
way enclosures.
For more detailed design and code information, please refer to the
appropriate sections of the IBC Code or the building code that governs
your project. The code requirement pertains to specific building types
and sets forth minimum design criteria for shaftwall impact-resistance.
This is based on performance testing per ASTM C 1629 and C 1629M
Standard Classification for Abuse Resistant Non-Decorated Interior
Gypsum Panel Products and Fiber Reinforced Cement Panels. In 2006,
the gypsum industry adopted ASTM C 1629 as the testing standard for
measuring the performance of all abuse and impact panels.
Impact Resistant Shaft Wall
4 20 Gauge J-Track
1 Type X Shaftliner
Base Layer
5/8 Type X Impact Resistant
Gypsum Board
1 Screws spaced 14 o.c.
Face Layer
5/8 Type X Gypsum Board
1 5/8 Screws spaced 12 o.c.
How to Specify
Products are classified on each test result and may have varying levels of performance
Selector Guide
Impact Resistant
Gypsum Board
Cost Comparison
AR Fiberglass Type X
IR Fiberglass Type X
5/8 Type X
AR Type X
IR Type X
Source: RS Means 2011 Cost Data and manufacturers average sales price for various gypsum products
Abuse Resistant Options
Note: For metal studs, specify a minimum of 20 gauge spaced a maximum of 16" on center.
Test results based on vertical installation.
Course Summary
Please note: you will need to complete the conclusion quiz online at to receive credit
Course #: NGC09K
An AIA Continuing Education Program
Credit for this course is 1 AIA HSW CE Hour