Sustainable Construction: Constructors: Who Should Read This Factsheet?
Sustainable Construction: Constructors: Who Should Read This Factsheet?
Sustainable Construction: Constructors: Who Should Read This Factsheet?
Who should read this factsheet? Experience learned from employing more sustainable
practices can be used to improve the pricing of future
This factsheet complements the general sheet Sustainable
contracts and improve profit margins.
Construction: An Introduction.
Environmental management. More and more clients are
It has been written for organisations or individuals who work
requesting evidence of Environmental Management Systems
on construction sites. This includes builders, trades people
such as ISO14001 from constructors. For example, The
and landscapers. It outlines the aspects of sustainability that
Environment Agency has undertaken a review of all its
you should consider, why they are important and what you
contractors, asking them what systems they have in place,
can do to operate more sustainably.
and helping them to reach agreed standards.
Mini case studies towards the end of this factsheet show how
Social performance. Clients are increasingly demanding
constructors are improving their performance.
that contractors demonstrate higher levels of care and
As constructors may also become involved in design and consideration for public and their workforce through
supplying materials and systems, you may also be interested compliance with schemes such as the Considerate
in reading the sheets for designers and suppliers. Constructors Scheme.
What can sustainable construction mean for my What can I consider doing?
Constructors have a major influence over the short term
For constructors, sustainable construction means: impacts of a development and the materials used in its
construction, as well as the long term operational impacts
more-satisfied clients and repeat business through through their control of build quality. Economic viability is
working with the client, designers and suppliers to provide key. Consider what the client has asked for and the
the best solution constraints of the project. You dont have to make every
possible change to be more-sustainable but make the most
a better reputation with the local community and local
of opportunities to innovate and improved site practices.
authority through fostering a positive relationship and
Progressively roll out better practices across projects, until
avoiding conflict
they become normal practice, and then start the process
reduced wastage and costs and reduced risk of fines and again with another innovation.
legal action due to more efficient and thoughtful use of
Partnering and integrated teams. Constructing Excellence
resources, improved communications and health and
provides many examples of the benefits of partnering and
integrated teams. Such an approach is particularly important
Keeping up and getting the edge. Keeping up to date with when aiming for a more sustainable solution, as everyone on
innovation and best practice keeps you ahead of legislation the project will need to agree to it as a common goal. Early
and your competitors. involvement of constructors in a project can help you to
understand the reasoning behind the decisions made and
The Government is prioritising sustainability for
how they will impact on your area of work; this is likely to lead
developments in many areas, with significant changes to
to fewer problems, such as delays and cost over-runs during
Building Regulations and planning legislation expected -
the project.
requiring rapid adjustment by constructors in response to
new demands.
Respectable and safe standards of dress and behaviour, with
Environmental Management Systems (EMS) provide a instruction in dealing with the general public.
Access Environmental Management. especially for small and Care and consideration for the safety of the general public, traders,
The waste management hierarchy profile clients. Dyer & Butler's approach has helped to win
work from clients who demand more sustainable projects.
For further information see
Reuse Carillion has introduced a company-wide sustainability
programme which has helped in delivering better-engineered,
better-built and maintained facilities for customers.
Recovery:of materials (recycling) or Sustainability is a business differentiator, and has been a key
energy (energy from waste)
factor in winning work.
The annual increases in landfill tax will ensure that waste Carillion has found that the principles of sustainability
becomes even more important to control, and other changes motivates staff and can help to improve an organisation
will also have an impact. Partnerships between constructors through cultural change. Appropriate communication and
and waste management companies can help solve problems. training are required in order to gain benefits from adopting a
Tools such as BREMAP provide a GIS database to help pin- more sustainable approach to work and life.
point waste management facilities and materials / products
Carillion has published On being a good neighbour moving
within a region or chosen distance from your site and
towards sustainable construction, to disseminate the steps
SMARTStart and SMARTAudit can aid waste management.,
they have been taking forward.
(see ).
Through its sustainability programme, and in partnership with
Construction method. Careful consideration of the most
The Natural Step, Carillion has improved its sustainability
appropriate construction method, whether on-site or off-site
performance in a range of ways on the Great Western
can contribute considerably to reducing construction costs.
Hospital (previously called the Princess Margaret). A number
Off-site fabrication can help reduce defects, which are a
of case studies and reports have been written about the
prime cause of difficulties for constructors, and can also
project, including Sustainability accounting in the
reduce health and safety risks on site.
construction industry. The report uses GWH as a case study
Examples of constructors involved in more and shows over 1.5 million in direct and indirect cost
sustainable projects savings through a sustainability accounting process.
Innovations included in the project are as follows:
Dyer & Butler
Dyer & Butler is a civil engineering and building contractor Bespoke wall panels saved approximately 285,000 in
operating in the south of England, with an annual turnover of time and waste of plaster and paint. The panel supplier
approximately 25M. The company has achieved ISO reclaimed and recycled plaster waste.
9001:2000, employs an environment, health and safety and
A standard ceiling tile size was specified for the whole
quality manager, uses LPG vehicles (resulting in lower
hospital, again saving waste of materials.
emissions), and local labour when practical. The company
has an enviable reputation for repeat business from high-