Case Surgery
Case Surgery
Case Surgery
Case 1
A 50-year old male came in to the ER due to a painful mass in his right inguinal area. He
claims to have lost bowel function for 1 day and with bouts of billous vomiting. (Inguinal
What other points of the history do you think is relevant for this case? What are your
differential diagnoses?
Physical Examination
What are the pertinent positive and negative findings you should look for? What are
the maneuvers you must perform?
Laboratory/Imaging Studies
What laboratory tests should you request and what do these mean? Any imaging
studies you may want to do?
Physical exam inspection and palpation of the bulge may indicate hernia
Urinalysis used to rule out urinary tract infection
How would you manage this patient pre-operatively, intra-operatively and post-
operatively? What should you watch out for? Other treatment options for this case.
Case 2
A 39-year old female went to the OPD due to solid breast mass 2x3 cm, non-movable, firm
and with irregular borders, in the right. She claims that she noticed the mass for almost 3
years. She is a known smoker. (Breast Cancer)
What other points of the history do you think is relevant for this case? What are your
differential diagnoses?
Physical Examination
What are the pertinent positive and negative findings you should look for? What are
the maneuvers you must perform?
Laboratory/Imaging Studies
What laboratory tests should you request and what do these mean? Any imaging
studies you may want to do?
Breast Biopsy for nonpalpable lesions
How would you manage this patient pre-operatively, intra-operatively and post-
operatively? What should you watch out for? Other treatment options for this case.
Depending on the staging and type of the tumor, just a lumpectomy may be
necessary, or removal of larger amounts of breast tissue may be necessary. Surgical
removal of the entire breast is called mastectomy.
Case 3
A 25-year old female went to the ER due to vague abdominal pain for 1 day. Upon
examining the patient at the ER, you noticed that she complains more on her right
hemiabdomen. She is a known case of PCOS.
What other points of the history do you think is relevant for this case? What are your
differential diagnoses?
Physical Examination
What are the pertinent positive and negative findings you should look for? What are
the maneuvers you must perform?
Dull pain near the navel or the upper abdomen that becomes sharp as it moves to the
lower right abdomen
Loss of appetite
Nausea and/or vomiting soon after abdominal pain begin
Laboratory/Imaging Studies
What laboratory tests should you request and what do these mean? Any imaging
studies you may want to do?
How would you manage this patient pre-operatively, intra-operatively and post-
operatively? What should you watch out for? Other treatment options for this case.
Case 4
A 45-year old female was referred to you by an internist due to a left anterior neck
mass which moves with deglutition. She has stable vital signs and no other subjective
complains. Upon physical examination, you noticed the mass to be 3x2 cm in size, firm and
with smooth borders. You were also able to palpate cervical nodes on the same side.
(Tumors of the Head and Neck)
What other points of the history do you think is relevant for this case? What are your
differential diagnoses?
Physical Examination
What are the pertinent positive and negative findings you should look for? What are
the maneuvers you must perform?
Neck pain
Slurring of speech
Laboratory/Imaging Studies
What laboratory tests should you request and what do these mean? Any imaging
studies you may want to do?
How would you manage this patient pre-operatively, intra-operatively and post-
operatively? What should you watch out for? Other treatment options for this case.
Surgery is frequently used in most types of head and neck cancer. CO2 laser
surgery is also another form of treatment. Transoral laser microsurgery allows surgeons to
remove tumors from the voice box with no external incisions. It also allows access to tumors
that are not reachable with robotic surgery. During the surgery, the adequacy of excision is
assessed (margin status), minimizing the amount of normal tissue removed or damaged.
This technique helps give the patient as much speech and swallowing function as possible
after surgery.