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Critical Thinking Exercise:

Nursing Management of the client with CERVICAL CANCER
SITUATION: Celia, a 33-year old woman underwent a loop electrosurgical excision procedure
(LEEP) for cervical cancer 1 week ago. Pathology reports confirmed the cancer was pre-invasive
and due to dysplasia. The client is greatly relieved, but understands she will have to maintain
close follow-up care for the next few years.

1. How does pre-invasive differ from invasive cervical cancer?

Pre-invasive cancer is a diagnosis of DCIS means that cancer cells have formed

inside the walls of the ducts, but haven't invaded the surrounding tissue. Because
they're still confined within the duct walls, they can't invade the blood or lymphatic
vessels, which is how cancer usually spreads around the body, while invasive cancer
means the cancer cells have broken out of the lobule where they began and have the
potential to spread to the lymph nodes and other areas of the body

2. Cite three goals of collaboration care for the client with pre-invasive cancer of the
 strengthen persons and their families as partners in their care and provide
health teaching
 Gathering details about the patient's diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis 
 Watch for complications related to therapy to ensure that measures can be
instituted to prevent complications

3. What can the nurse do to help the client with invasive cervical cancer cope with the
situation while she is being prepared for a treatment such as hysterectomy.

Assessing the patient’s condition, giving emotional support, providing an

explanation about the procedure and helping the patient to calm down, helping
cleaning the patient’s abdominal and perineal area, checking the chart to ensure
the form has been signed.

Critical Thinking Exercise:

Nursing Management of the Client with OVARIAN CANCER

SITUATION: A 62-year old female client is being evaluated for possible ovarian cancer. She has
been experiencing vague GI symptoms and urinary urgency for several months. The primary care
provider has discovered a small pelvic mass and has ordered a group of diagnostic studies.

1. Why is a PAP (Papanicolau) Test of limited value in diagnosing ovarian cancer?

If the ovarian cancer cells travel away from your ovaries through your fallopian tubes and
uterus to the area around your cervix, the ovarian cancer cells could be collected during a Pap
test. It is rare, so the Pap test isn’t a reliable test for ovarian cancer.

2. What is the purpose of exploratory surgery?

Exploratory surgery is used to make a diagnosis when typical imaging techniques

fail to find an accurate diagnosis. The use of new technologies such as MRIs have
made exploratory surgeries less frequent.

3. What are the stages of Ovarian Cancer?

 I – Growth to limited to the ovaries
 II – Growth involves 1 or both ovaries with pelvic extension
 III – Growth involves 1 or both ovaries with metastases outside the pelvis or positive
retroperitoneal or inguinal nodes
 IV – Growth involves 1 or both ovaries with distant me

4. What is the treatment of choice for clients with ovarian cancer?

Treatment of choice for clients with ovarian cancer is surgery and chemotherapy

Critical Thinking Exercise:

Nursing Management of the Client with HYSTERECTOMY

SITUATION: A 53-year old woman with dysfunctional uterine bleeding underwent an abdominal
hysterectomy and oophorectomy this morning. Her VS are stable and her dressing is dry and intact.
She is able to administer her own pain medication by means of PCA (Patient-controlled analgesia).

1. What other assessments need to be made by the nurse?

 Fever greater than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit

 nausea / vomiting
 Heavy bleeding (more than 2 pads soaked per hour)
 Redness, swelling, or discharge from your incisions
 Abdominal pain

2. How can a hysterectomy have both a negative and positive effect on a woman’s image?

Positive effect of post hysterectomy Patients is experiencing greater improvement in their

mental health, sexual desire and overall satisfaction, free from worries/stress and pain of having
a disease/illness. Others show that patients report various negative outcomes, with detrimental
effects on sexual functioning being the main concern.

3. Agree with or refute the idea that women undergoing a vaginal hysterectomy have fewer
problems than women undergoing an abdominal hysterectomy?

I agree, because studies have shown that vaginal hysterectomy has fewer complications,
requires a shorter hospital stay, and allows a faster recovery compared with removal of the
uterus through an abdominal incision that needs more time to heal in a hospital setting, it
has more fatal complications that needs to be monitored also than that of vaginal
F 1. Absence of one testicle affects longevity of an individual.

T 2. Cryptorchidism is congenital malposition of the testis.

T 3. The cause of testicular cancer is undescended testis.

T 4. An undescended testicle manifests as enlarged scrotum and sensation of heaviness in the scrotum
that usually affects urination.

F 5. Testicular cancer affects men of all ages but peaks at the age of 50-55.

T 6. A monthly self- testicular examination is one method of screening in testicular cancer.

T 7. Testosterone is responsible for the development male characteristics in an individual.

T 8. Surgical removal of the testicle is the best option of testicular cancer.

T 9. Sperm banking prior to surgery in testicular cancer would answer the problem of infertility.

T 10. Untreated hernia is a risk factor of testicular cancer.


Write a reflection about your personal experience caring for a patient with cancer.

I haven’t experience caring for a patient with cancer during my duties in different
hospital, but my family has a history of it and 3 of my family members had cancer, 2 of them
survived and 1 died which is my Grandfather’s sister, I was 15 years old when she died and I
mostly stayed with her in the hospital for the night and I’ll prepare to go to school in the
morning and one of my aunt will stay with her. It was difficult for me, taking care of someone
who wasn’t fighting for her life anymore, she had cancer for almost 10 years, it was difficult for
our family, watching her lying in a hospital bed trying so hard to breathe while waiting for
another surgery, it was hard staying up late thinking when will this end, I had to make her eat, I
had to deal with the 19 degree Celsius inside the room because she was feeling hot, I had to
wake up whenever a doctor or a nurse will check on her, I had to keep talking to someone who
couldn’t even open her mouth anymore, I was scared, because I knew that time that I will be a
future nurse and I was thinking that when I choose to be one, I had to deal with these kind of
situation and more difficult situation I will face while taking care of patients.

Read and analyze each question and encircle the best answer:

1. Which is the most common type of cervical cancer?

a. Adenocarcinoma
b. Squamous cell carcinoma
c. Adenoquamous carcinoma
d. All of the above
2. Which of the following is not a risk factor for cervical cancer?
a. Smoking
b. History of genital warts
c. High socio-economic status
d. Micronutrient deficiency
3. What remains the gold standard for determining ovarian cancer staging?
a. Blood tests
b. Imaging
c. Surgery
d. Palliation
4. Where does ovarian cancer occur?
a. On the tissue within the ovary
b. On the surface of the ovary
c. In egg-forming germ cells with in the ovary
d. Any of these
5. Who is the most at risk for developing ovarian cancer?
a. A woman who has had multiple children
b. A woman who is underweight
c. A woman over the age of 60
d. Any of the above
6. Which of the following is usually one of the earliest symptoms of uterine cancer?
a. Abnormal or excessive bleeding without pain
b. Excessive bleeding and pelvic pain
c. Abdominal pressure and watery discharge
d. Enlarged lymph nodes
7. Which treatment option/s are best while the cancer is still localized to the uterus?
a. Surgery
b. Hormone therapy
c. Surgery and chemotherapy
d. Surgery and hormone therapy
8. Which of the following is considered a main risk factor and a necessary cause of
cervical cancer?
a. Human torovirus
b. Human papillomavirus
c. Rotavirus
d. Coronavirus
9. Which of the following tests can be used to detect precancerous stages of cervical
a. Mammography
b. Pap test
c. Blood test
d. Cone Biopsy
10. High fat diet may be factor in the development of certain cancer of the:
a. Breast and colon
b. Prostate
c. Uterine
d. All of the above

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