Dystocia SOGC
Dystocia SOGC
Dystocia SOGC
This document has been reviewed and approved by the Maternal Fetal Medicine Committee and
the Clinical Practice Obstetrics Committee of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of
Canada (SOGC). The final draft was approved by the SOGC Council as a Policy Statement in
March, 1995. The document was developed with the cooperation of Drs. William B. Fraser
(Quebec, QC), lsabelle Krauss (Quebec, QC), Michel Boulvain (Quebec, QC), Lawrence
Oppenheimer (Ottawa, ON), Kenneth J. Milne (London, ON), Robert M. Liston (Halifax, NS) and
Andre B. Lalonde (Ottawa, ON).
This Policy Statement supersedes the guidelines on dys tocia featured in the 1985 panel on
Caesarean Section and the section on dystocia featured in the 1991 and 1993 VBAC guidelines.
Maternal Fetal Medicine Committee Members:
Policy Statements: This policy reflects emerging clinical and scientific advances as of the date Wclaratlons da principe: La d&claration ds pdncipe faft &at des per&es r&art@ et des prOares
issued and is subject to change. The information should not be construed as dictating an exclusive cliniques et scientifiques a la date de publication de celle-ci et peut faire tcb@t de modifkatfcns.
course of treatment or procedure to be followed. Local institutions can dictate amendments to II ne faut pas interpreter Iinformation qui figure comme ltmposttion dune pro&lure ou dun
these opinions. They should be well documented if modified at the local level. To enquire about mode de traitement exclusifs a suivre. YI n atablrssement hospttlttr est ltbre de dttter des
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B. Dystocia should not be diagnosed in a primiparous woman if the cervix has not reached three to
four ems and near 100 percent effacement. In a multiparous patient, the cervix should have
reached four to five ems and be 70 to 80 percent effaced prior to a diagnosis of dystocia being
Cl The following approaches have shown clear benefits in the prevention or treatment of dystocia:
All women in labour should be provided with close continuous support by a professional caregiver. Women
should be encouraged to assume the most comfortable position for them, encouraged to ambulate
frequently and should be offered active management of labour. If epidural analgesia is used, it should be
given in low dosage to avoid motor block, and use of oxytocin in the second stage should be considered
if needed.
All institutions offering planned obstetrical deliveries should implement these guidelines and regularly audit
management of labour and delivery to ensure compliance with these guidelines.
Dystocia, abnormal progression in labour, is a cause of much distress and anxiety for both labouring women
and those providing for their care. As reported by the National Consensus Conference on Aspects of
Caesarean Birth, dystocia is the indication for approximately one-half of all primary Caesarean sections.
The problem of dystocia and its treatment is multi-faceted. The following document attempts to summarize
the supports and interventions that can be used by care providers in an attempt to prevent or treat abnormal
labour. With Canada having the second highest Caesarean section rate in the Western developed worfd,
the SOGC has reviewed all the indications for Caesarean section and is pursuing plans to assist physicians
in the reduction of Caesarean section rates in Canada. This dystocia document completes the series of
guidelines on Vaginal Birth After Caesarean Section, Post-term Pregnancy, Fetal Health Surveillance, and
The Cerebral Palsy and Asphyxia Task Force Report. Separate guidelines will address the subject of
induction of labour. These obstetrical guidelines being developed by the Society of Obstetricians and
Gynaecologists of Canada will be part of a Risk Management Programme for labour and delivery. Advanced
Labour and Risk Management courses will be organized on national and regional bases to disseminate and
implement guidelines for care during labour, delivery and post-partum.
Varying definitions have been used for the latent phase of labour, but the majority of experts support a
concept of the latent phase as that phase of uterine activity associated with progressive cervical effacement
immediately preceding the active phase. By the time the cervix has become fully effaced in a primigravida,
it will usually have reached three ems dilatation. In a multipara, greater degrees of dilatation may be
achieved prior to complete cervical effacement. As the start of the latent phase, or even its existence, is
often hard to determine, it is not surprising that studies of the duration of the latent phase reach such
varying conclusions. Some studies report that a prolonged latent phase is not associated with increased
perinatal morbidity while others have shown higher rates of operative delivery and a higher likelihood of the
birth of a depressed newborn in women in whom the latent phase was prolonged. What is not clear is
whether the adverse effects reported were due to the underlying condition or to varying treatments
initiated as a result of a diagnosis of prolonged latent phase.
Undoubtedly, the latent phase of labour, particularly if it is lengthy, is a time of increased stress for the
pregnant woman. It is in an effort to relieve this stress that clinicians are moved to intervene and there is
evidence that many Caesarean sections are performed prior to the establishment of the active phase. The
results of trials assessing the benefits or intervention in early labour have not shown such intervention to
be beneficial when compared with conservative management.3-405 A diagnosis of dystocia should not be
made prior to the active phase of labour. Physicians should, therefore, avoid resorting to Caesarean section
in the latent phase of labour. Indeed, there is an urgent need for more information about the management
of perceived problems in this phase of labour.
In 1986, the Canadian Consensus Conference on Aspects of Caesarean Birth stated, Established labour
is diagnosed in the presence of painful regular contractions plus cervical effacement with at least three ems
dilation. Failure to progress or dystocia without the presence of absolute cephalopelvic disproportion
should not be diagnosed until the cervix in a primigravid woman has reached three to four ems and is 80
to 90 percent effaced; and three to four ems and 70 to 80 percent effaced in multiparous woman. The
SOGC is defining active phase of labour as the presence of strong regular contractions which result in
progressive and rapid cervical dilatation. It extends from the end of the latent phase until full dilatation. The
cervix has reached approximately three to four ems and 80 to 90 percent effaced in a primiparous woman
and three to five cm and 70 to 90 percent effaced in a multiparous woman.
3. Dystocia
There is considerable variation in the normal rate of the progress of cervical dilation in the active phase of
labour. Slow progress is not necessarily a problem in itself, but is the best indicator of those women likely
to develop arrested progress. Intra- and inter-observer variations are such that a reasonable lapse of time
should be permitted before a diagnosis of dystocia is made in the active phase of labour on the basis of
arrested cervical dilatation. The Canadian Consensus Conference on Aspects of Caesarean Birth
recommends that this diagnosis be entertained if there is lack of progressive cervical dilatation (c 0.5
ems/hour) assessed over a four-hour period. Other authors have suggested a shorter time period. Even with
slow rates of dilatation, women may achieve full dilatation eventually, but the incidences of maternal and
neonatal morbidity are increased. A dysfunctional first stage of labour is likely to be followed by slow
progress in the second stage.
b) Secondary Arrest
Secondary arrest is defined as the arrest of progress in the active phase, either in the first or second stage,
following an active phase of labour that initially progresses normally. Arrest in the second stage is also
determined by a failure in descent of the presenting part. The causes of dystocia are many and complex.
Uterine activity may be inefficient for unknown reasons in association with maternal fatigue, fear, pain, or
infection, amongst other causes. Such inefficient uterine action may hinder complete fetal head flexion,
resulting in an increased presenting head diameter and leading to relative disproportion. Resistance to
descent of the presenting part may lead to further uterine inefficiency. Uterine inefficiency with or without
adequate fetal head flexion may affect the rotation of the fetal head as it descends through the pelvis and
may cause prolongation of or arrest in the second stage. Failure of dilatation or descent may result, simply,
from the presence of a large baby. In the second stage of labour, the use of regional analgesia may be
associated with an increased incidence of failure in fetal head rotation and prolongation of the second stage.
The terms have been used interchangeably in Canada and it is recommended that the term failure to
progress, that best describes the actual situation, should be used. Failure to progress would lead to
dystocia. There are very few cases of absolute cephalopelvic disproportion and the use of this term should
be restricted to the rare situation where real cephalopelvic disproportion exists as a result of abnormal pelvic
bone structure.
Augmented psychological support in labour has a wide range of benefits to labouring women, including
promoting the progress of labour and, possibly reducing the rate of Caesarean section. The continuous
availability of a caregiver to provide psychological support and comfort should be a key component of all
intrapartum care programmes which should be designed for the effective prevention and treatment of
dystocia (Table l).
Encouraging women to assume an upright posture and to walk about promotes the progress of the first
stage, relieves maternal discomfort, and reduces the use of analgesia (Table 2).
cl Cervical Ripening
Dystocia is more frequent among women undergoing induction of labour than amongst those in
spontaneous labour. Elective induction should be avoided.g When induction is indicated and the cervix is
unripe, cervical ripening is recommended. Prostaglandin E, gel is superior to oxytocin as a ripening agent.
The use of prostaglandin is associated with a reduction in failed inductions, a reduction in labour duration,
and a reduction in the risk of operative vaginal delivery.
d) Low-Dose Epidural
Epidural anaesthesia has been reported to be associated with an increase in occiput posterior position,
an increase in the mean duration of the second stage, an increase in operative delivery rates, and
possibly, a greater risk of second stage Caesarean section.13 Epidural protocols which minimize motor block
while maintaining an effective sensory block reduce the risk of operative intervention associated with the
procedure. A recent trial showed that low-dose (0.125%) bupivacaine, when used in combination with
epidural narcotics, was associated with a significant reduction in the operative delivery rates compared to
the use of bupivacaine alone.14 Obstetricians should communicate with anaesthetists to ensure that epidural
protocols take this information into account. When administering epidural blockade, the goal should be to
achieve effective pain relief while minimizing motor block.
Traditionally, two hours has been considered to be the upper limit of normal for the duration of the second
stage of labour in nullipara. Recent information indicates that the mean duration of the second stage is
prolonged in association with epidural analgesia use.2,3 In the presence of an epidural block, there does
not appear to be an association between the duration of the second stage and the risk of adverse neonatal
outcome.5-7 Clinicians should avoid placing limits on the duration of the second stage when epidural
blockade is present. As long as there is continuous progress, measured by descent of the fetal head, and
fetal and maternal status remain satisfactory, expectant management of the second stage is the preferred
approach to care.
2) Approaches Which are Promising but Which Require Further Evaluation
a) Amniotomy to Correct Dystocia
Active management of labour has been advocated as a means of preventing dystocia and reducing 1
Caesarean section rates. This approach to care involves several components including selective admission
to the labour ward, support from caregivers, early amniotomy, and early oxytocin administration.
Randomized controlled trials of early amniotomy and early administration of oxytocin have shown a modest
reduction in the duration of labour. However, they did not show improvements in maternal or fetal
Few studies have assessed the effectiveness of amniotomy as a treatment for established dystocia.
However, trials of prophylactic or early amniotomy suggest that the procedure will shorten labour. It would
seem likely that therapeutic amniotomy will ultimately prove to be an effective means of correcting
dysfunctional labour. However, further studies are required to confirm this effect. Routine early amniotomy
in nulliparous women, while shortening the duration of labour, does not appear to reduce the risk of
Caesarean section (Table 3).4*20
While oxytocin has been a mainstay in the medical treatment of dystocia, there are few controlled trials
demonstrating its benefit. There is no evidence that the early use of oxytocin for minor delays in labour
progress confers advantages over a selective approach to oxytocin use.3S5 Neither is there evidence that
high-dose oxytocin protocols are better than low-dose protocols. Further studies are required. However,
given the frequency of uterine dysfunction in association with delayed progress in labour,2 augmentation
with oxytocin should be implemented prior to any consideration of surgical intervention solely for the
treatment of dystocia.
Recent studies suggest that women with epidural anaesthesia should avoid pushing for a period of up to
two hours or until the fetal head is visible on the perineum. This approach may reduce the requirement for
rotational forceps without increasing the risk to the newborn.22*23 However, as these studies have significant
methodological limitations, confirmation of the benefits of delayed pushing is required from further carefully-
designed trials (Table 4).
e) Routine Oxytocin Augmentation in the Second Stage for Women with Epidural Analgesia
Epidural analgesia may reduce uterine activity in the second stage of labour.24,25 This may result in an
increase in operative intervention. It has been proposed that the routine augmentation of labour in the
second stage with oxytocin may be beneficial in the presence of epidural analgesia. The single study which
evaluated this approach showed that, while routine oxytocin administration increased the rate of
spontaneous delivery, the rate of rotational forceps procedures was also increased (Table 5).26,27 Further
studies evaluating this approach are required.
3) Approaches Which Cannot be Advocated in the Light of Current Evidence
Current evidence does not support the routine use of intra-uterine pressure monitoring when labour is
augmented with oxytocin.2g This technology may be beneficial for women where the evaluation of
contractions is difficult due to such factors as obesity. Women who have failed to respond clinically to
oxytocin augmentation given at conventional doses may benefit from intrauterine pressure monitoring if
higher doses of oxytocin are to be considered.
Some authors have suggested that terminating epidural administration at the end of the first stage may
reduce the rate of second stage operative delivery associated with epidural analgesia. Studies evaluating
this approach have produced conflicting results with one showing a reduction2 and the other an increase
in operative delivery rates.30 For women who have requested pain relief with epidural anaesthesia, the goal
should be to provide effective pain relief in the second stage while minimizing motor block.3
1. Continuous Professional Support
The continuous presence of a support person throughout labour is an essential component of high-quality
obstetrical care.
In both the first and second stages of labour, women should be encouraged to assume the position in which
they are most comfortable. Women who wish to walk about should be encouraged to do so. Obstetrical
services should adopt flexible policies with respect to maternal position in labour and should ensure that
physicians and professional caregivers should be knowledgeable about the different positions for labour and
delivery. Positions during labour and delivery should minimize compression of the maternal inferior vena
cava by the gravid uterus. Separate guidelines by the SOGC will discuss labour positions.
3. Elective induction should be assessed carefully and should be avoided prior to term unless fetal
or maternal benefits outweigh the risks.g
4. Care of the Amniotic Membranes
There do not appear to be any benefits to a policy of routine early amniotomy other than that of a shortened
labour. If, after discussing the procedure with the woman, early amniotomy is chosen, it is necessary to
ensure that the fetal head is applied to the cervix and is not ballottable. This will minimize the risk of cord
prolapse. It these conditions have been met, there is no reason for the woman to remain recumbent after
amniotomy. Amniotomy should be considered once a diagnosis of dystocia has been made in the active
phase prior to proceeding to oxytocin augmentation.
The role of electronic fetal monitoring has been described in an earlier Policy Statement. If it is being used,
variable fetal heart rate decelerations may be more common after amniotomy. Variable decelerations are
usually well tolerated by a normally-grown fetus at term. Should they become more severe, the initial
approach should be conservative with repositioning and oxygen administration. A scalp blood sample for
pH analysis may provide useful information if decelerations persist.
5. Epidural Analgesia
Epidural analgesia, when it is associated with dense motor block, can delay progress in the second stage
of labour and can increase operative intervention. Providers of obstetrical care should talk to anaesthetists
to ensure that the epidural techniques that are used produce a minimal motor block in the second stage.
Oxytocin augmentation for women with arrested progress in the second stage in association with epidural
anaesthesia should be considered, provided there is no evidence of significant cephalopelvic disproportion.
It is particularly important to exclude such disproportion before augmentation of labour in a multipara in the
second stage.
6. Labour Augmentation
It is recognized that there are inadequate data on which to base recommendations for criteria for the
diagnosis of dystocia. Such a diagnosis shouid be avoided prior to the active phase of labour; that is, before
full cervical effacement. Women who are in the active phase - that is primigravida with a fully effaced cervix, 4
three to four ems dilated; a multipara with a cervix that is partly effaced and four to five ems dilated - who
experience arrest of dilatation evaluated over a two-hour period, or dilate at less than 0.5 ems per hour
evaluated over a four-hour period, require special attention. Initial measures include attention to comfort and
well being, hydration, and amniotomy. If such measures fail, in the absence of clinical evidence of gross
cephalopelvic disproportion or fetal compromise, oxytocin infusion should be started. The initial rate of
oxytocin infusion should be one to two mlU/min and the infusion rate should be increased by one to two
mlU at 30-minute intervals until contractions are considered adequateI and cervical dilatation is achieved.
The majority of women will show a clinical response at dose levels of eight to ten mlU/min but higher doses
may sometimes be required.
Once the decision has been made to intervene medically for dystocia, adequate time must be allowed to
observe a response to treatment. Depending on the starting dose and rate of increase of oxytocin, two to
three hours may be needed to achieve therapeutic concentrations in maternal serum and a further period
of observation is required to observe a response. When oxytocin administration is commenced at cervical
dilatations of less than five ems, the interval from the initiation of treatment to achieving a response, that
is an increase in cervical dilatation, may be considerable.32
7. Peer Review
Several studies have indicated that there are wide inter-physician variations in the rates of Caesarean
s section.33,34 The practice pattern of the attending obstetrician may, thus, be a significant determinant for the
risk of Caesarean section. Obstetrical care may benefit by establishing a peer review process for the
assessment of all Caesarean births. While no clinical trials have as yet been performed to assess the
effectiveness of this process, studies using historical controls suggest that it has promise.35*3
The guidelines should be reviewed by each obstetrical unit in Canada and consideration given to
presentation at rounds and adoption by each hospital. Modifications should be approved and documented
according to local hospital procedures prior to implementing changes to these guidelines. Peer review and
chart review of all cases diagnosed with dystocia, cephalopelvic disproportion or failure to progress should
be evaluated using the above criteria. Ongoing evaluation by the department and for each individual
obstetrician/family physician/nurse/midwife is recommended.
Periodic evaluation of the Caesarean section rate for the diagnosis of dystocia will lead to a decrease in
inter-physician variation and a lowered Caesarean section rate.
In two years, the protocol and national guidelines will be reevaluated and in four years rewritten. These
guidelines will be available in the near future in all case rooms from the SOGC Network. The Society of
Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada will work with hospitals to evaluate the effectiveness of these
0.1 0.3 0.5 1 2 4 10
Cochrane Database 1994 (4134) Treatment better Treatment worse
Postpartum haemorrhage I
0.1 0 . 3 0.5 1 2 4 1u
Cochrane Database 1994 (6448) Treatment better Treatment worse
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Reprints and copies can be ordered by writing to Dr. Andr6 Lalonde, SOGCs Executive Vice President, at
the following address: 774 Echo Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, KlS 5N8