U Center UserGuide (UBX 13005250)
U Center UserGuide (UBX 13005250)
U Center UserGuide (UBX 13005250)
This document leads you through the efficient use of the u-center
evaluation software, the powerful and easy to use tool from u-blox
for evaluating, performance analysis and configuration of u-blox
GNSS positioning chips and modules.
UBX-13005250 - R08
u-center - User Guide
Document Information
Title u-center
Subtitle GNSS evaluation software for Windows
Document type User Guide
Document number UBX-13005250
Revision and date R08 23-Feb-2015
Document status Production Information
This software uses parts of source code developed by other companies or groups.
JPG and JPEG graphics import filter:
Copyright the Independent JPEG Group's software
PNG graphics import filter:
Copyright 1998-2000 Glenn Randers-Pehrson,
Copyright (c) 1996, 1997 Andreas Dilger,
Copyright 1995, 1996 Guy Eric Schalnat, Group 42, Inc.
TIFF graphics import filter:
Copyright 1988-1997 Sam Leffler,
Copyright 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
Docking views:
Copyright 1998, 1999 by Cristi Posea
Perl Compatible Regular Expressions:
Copyright 1997-2003 by University of Cambridge
Microsoft Foundation Class MFC4.2:
Copyright Microsoft Corporation
All trademarks mentioned in this document are property of their respective owners.
u-blox reserves all rights to this document and the information contained herein. Products, names, logos and designs described herein
may in whole or in part be subject to intellectual property rights. Reproduction, use, modification or disclosure to third parties of this
document or any part thereof without the express permission of u-blox is strictly prohibited.
The information contained herein is provided as is and u-blox assumes no liability for the use of the information. No warranty, either
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purpose of the information. This document may be revised by u-blox at any time. For most recent documents, visit www.u-blox.com.
Copyright 2015, u-blox AG.
u-blox is a registered trademark of u-blox Holding AG in the EU and other countries. ARM is the registered trademark of ARM Limited
in the EU and other countries.
u-center is u-blox powerful GNSS evaluation and visualization tool which can be downloaded free-of-charge
from our website (www.u-blox.com). This user guide provides a description of the features of this software. It
allows end users to assess and test u-blox GNSS positioning chips and modules for navigation and positioning
The purpose of u-center is to enable users to:
Conduct performance tests on u-blox and other GNSS devices.
Configure u-blox GNSS positioning chips and modules.
Update the firmware on GNSS modules.
Test the added performance provided by u-blox AssistNow service.
Technical support
If you have questions about installing or using u-center:
Read this user guide carefully.
Check our homepage (http://www.u-blox.com) to ensure that your GNSS device, firmware and the u-center
software are the latest versions.
Refer to our web based information service.
Worldwide Web
Our website (www.u-blox.com) is a rich pool of information. Product information and technical documents can
be accessed 24/7.
By email
If you have technical problems or cannot find the required information in the provided documents, contact the
closest technical support office. To ensure that we process your request as soon as possible, use our service pool
email addresses rather than personal staff email addresses. Contact details are at the end of the document.
Helpful information when contacting technical support
When contacting technical support, have the following information ready:
Receiver type (e.g. NEO-7N), firmware version (e.g. 1.00), and u-center release (e.g. u-center 8.00)
Receiver configuration and short description of the application
Your complete contact details
Preface ................................................................................................................................ 3
Overview ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Using this guide ............................................................................................................................................... 3
Technical support ............................................................................................................................................ 3
Contents.............................................................................................................................. 4
1 Features ........................................................................................................................ 6
5 Tools ............................................................................................................................ 56
5.1.1 Firmware Update u-blox 5/6/7/M8 ........................................................................................... 56
5.1.2 Dump receiver diagnostics ........................................................................................................... 58
5.1.3 GNSS configuration ..................................................................................................................... 58
5.1.4 Hotkeys ....................................................................................................................................... 60
5.1.5 Preferences.................................................................................................................................. 60
6 How To........................................................................................................................ 61
6.1 Change baud rate of receiver ............................................................................................................. 61
6.2 Save parameters to receiver non-volatile memory (BBR/Flash).............................................................. 62
6.2.1 Saving parameters with UBX-CFG-CFG ........................................................................................ 62
6.2.2 Saving parameters with GNSS configuration ................................................................................ 62
6.3 Recording/playing a log file ................................................................................................................. 62
6.4 Conduct sensitivity tests ..................................................................................................................... 63
6.5 Read/write configuration files ............................................................................................................. 63
6.6 Set GNSS system configuration ........................................................................................................... 63
6.7 Activating PPP (EVK-6PPP only) ........................................................................................................... 64
7 Troubleshooting ......................................................................................................... 66
Related documents........................................................................................................... 67
Contact .............................................................................................................................. 68
1 Features
u-center evaluation software provides system integrators and end users with a quick and simple way to interface
with u-blox GNSS chipsets, modules and boards. It enables easy evaluation, performance testing, development
and debugging of GNSS positioning chips and modules. u-center allows easy connection to u-blox products and
provides a suite of features to view, log, and analyze performance. The features include:
Support for u-blox receivers using u-blox positioning technology. u-center can communicate with these
receivers using either the UBX protocol or the NMEA-0183 standard protocol.
Support for receivers that utilize standard NMEA strings.
u-center presents all the information collected during the operation of the GNSS device. All aspects of GNSS
data (position, velocity, time, satellite tracking, etc.) can be monitored and logged under various test
scenarios for the evaluation of a receiver. u-center software allows analysis of the collected data in order to
investigate performance issues such as accuracy, road test position and trajectory, satellite tracking, time to
first fix, etc. All processed data can be captured in ASCII format and ported into popular spreadsheets for
creating additional plots and statistics.
Camera View: photographic data can be stored in the log file together with the navigation data and later be
replayed in the application.
Export data files to Google Earth and Google Maps.
Supports (Multiple GNSS) AssistNow Online and AssistNow Offline.
Data recording and playback function.
Structural and graphical data visualization in real-time.
Export functionality to standard PC applications.
Docking views (real-time cockpit instruments):
Satellite constellation, compass, clock, altimeter, speedometer, GNSS and satellite information views.
Download firmware updates to GNSS positioning modules.
2 Getting started
2.1 General information about displayed values
Longitude and latitude are displayed according to the datum selected in the GNSS device (usually: WGS-84).
This option can be polled and set using the UBX-CFG-DAT message.
Time is displayed with reference to UTC
Elevation is displayed with reference to either MSL (Height above mean sea level or Orthometric Height) or
to HAE (Height above WGS-84-Ellipsoid). The reference is controlled by the GNSS configuration.
After a successful installation, u-center can be started from the Start Menu (All Programs -> u-blox -> u-center ->
u-center) and will start up as shown in:
When a new epoch (change in time) is detected, the current dataset is stored as history in the database. This
history has a limited size. If the size is exceeded u-center keeps only the latest datasets and the oldest ones are
removed. The history size may be adjusted. Refer to section 3.3 for the details
u-center provides various view classes for observation. Most views take their data from the database, but some
get their data directly from the message without using the database at all. The other views are updated when
the database changes.
Message Views Displays and decodes a copy of every known message. This view allows observing a single
message in detail and it may also be used to configure the GNSS device. Refer to Section 4.2.4 for details.
The configuration view is a subset of the message view and only displays message to configure the receiver.
Console Views Displays the messages in text form. They are particularly useful for users to develop GNSS
firmware code. There is also a wide range of information available which is useful for evaluation and testing.
Refer to sections 4.2.1, 4.2.2 and 4.2.3 for details.
Graphical Views Displays parameters from the database in graphical form. Charts (see section 4.2.9),
Histograms (section 4.2.10) and a Map Overlay (section 4.2.8) can be created. There are two more views
(Deviation View and Sky View, see sections 4.2.12 and 4.2.13) that may be used for statistical performance
and antenna pattern analysis.
Tabular Views Shows the parameters of the database in tabular form. They can be freely configured to
allow customized tables. Refer to sections 4.2.5 and 4.2.6 for details.
Docking Windows Can be docked to the frame of u-center. An analog watch, compass, world map,
altitude and speed meter are available. There are also docking windows showing the current signal power
and the constellation of the satellites received by the device as well as a summary of the GNSS status.
Displaying various views and docking windows requires computing power. Minimizing or closing them
may significantly reduce CPU usage.
Color Meaning
Table 2 gives the color-coding scheme for the Docking Windows and Sky View. It indicates the state of each
Color Meaning
Table 2: Color-coding scheme for the docking windows and sky view
Table 3 gives the satellite-coding scheme for the docking windows and sky view.
Satellite Code System
Bxx BeiDou
Exx Galileo
Table 3: Satellite-coding scheme for the docking windows and sky view
Figure 6 shows the color legend. This is available under: Tools Preferences Status Colors.
Figure 6: Color-coding scheme for graphical views, docking windows, and sky view
For long-term observations, its recommended to start recording a log file before analysis begins.
If a high value of epochs is selected, the display of data in real-time cannot be guaranteed,
especially when graphical views are open. File Edit View
Table View Opens the empty table view. All values from the F11 /
internal database can be displayed individually.
Recent Table Views Lists all the table views that have been opened. This
information comes from the Windows registry and is
also valid after a restart of u-center.
Google Earth Opens a window using the Google Earth plugin. (Read
and accept the terms of usage the first time.)
Map View Opens a window allowing to display a map. Player
Goto End Sets the read position to the end of the log file Receiver
Load Config Loads the last saved configuration from the memory. Tools
Some of the menu items will only be displayed when the correct receiver generation is connected and identified
by u-center. If you cannot select one option, change the receiver generation under Receiver Generation.
Function Description Shortcut / Toolbar icon
Firmware Update u- Opens the firmware update dialog for u-blox 5-M8 Ctrl+U
blox 5/6/7/M8 generation receivers.
Dump Receiver Tool to create the receiver diagnostic. Can be
Diagnostics requested by the u-blox support team. Window
Save Workspace Allows to save the position of the open dialogs and
As windows to a file on the computer.
Restore Workspace Allows to restore the position of the dialogs and
From windows from a file on the computer.
Recent Workspace Lists all recently used workspace files.
List of dialogs and Lists all visible and hidden dialogs and windows in u-
windows center.
Table 10: Window menu entries Help
About u-center Shows the about dialog with the software version and
the used libraries and their versions.
Table 11: Help menu entries
Data is being received but errors are detected (mostly because of wrong baud rate settings)
Last data received was valid but there is no data to collect at this time
No data is being received but errors have been detected in the past
Data is being received and collected at the correct baud rate
Receiver generation: u-center tries to automatically detect the type of device connected and activates the
appropriate mode of operation in order to take optimal advantage of the features. The mode can also be
manually selected through the menu bar (Receiver Generation).
File: As soon as a file is used (this file must first be opened) the name of the file will be displayed (xxxxxx.ubx).
Protocol information: This box indicates the current message set that is being used to communicate with the
device. This can be the NMEA-0183 standard or the UBX protocol. The UBX protocol provides more
extensive information with the receiver. u-center can handle both protocols.
Operating time: The time elapsed since you started u-center.
UTC time: The current time sent by the device. This field is only updated if a receiver is connected.
Character Description
Beginning of the string. The expression "^A" will match an A only at the beginning of the
The caret (^) immediately following the left-bracket ([) has a different meaning. It is used to
[^ exclude the remaining characters within brackets from matching the target string. The
expression "[^0-9]" indicates that the target character should not be a digit.
The dollar sign ($) will match the end of the string. The expression "abc$" will match the sub-
string "abc" only if it is at the end of the string.
The alternation or logic OR character (|) allows either expression on its side to match the target
string. The expression "a|b" will match a as well as b.
. The dot (.) will match any character.
The asterisk (*) indicates that the character to the left of the asterisk in the expression should
match 0 or more times.
The plus (+) is similar to asterisk but there should be at least one match of the character to the
left of the + sign in the expression.
? The question mark (?) matches the character to its left 0 or 1 times.
() The parenthesis affects the order of pattern evaluation.
Brackets ([ and ]) enclosing a set of characters indicates that any of the enclosed characters may
match the target character.
Table 13: Regular expression syntax Example
Lets assume that the following lines would appear in the NMEA console without filtering.
14:00:03 $GPGGA,140003.242,4717.1126,N,00833.7862,E,1,06,1.3,543.0,M,,,,0000*09
14:00:03 $GPGLL,4717.1126,N,00833.7862,E,140003.242,A*34
14:00:03 $GPGSA,A,3,06,17,25,22,30,10,,,,,,,2.9,1.3,2.6*3A
14:00:03 $GPGSV,2,1,07,06,58,062,44,17,52,161,44,25,45,239,44,22,35,301,44*7F
14:00:03 $GPGSV,2,2,07,30,31,123,44,10,17,059,39,01,05,316,*4E
14:00:03 $GPRMC,140003.242,A,4717.1126,N,00833.7862,E,0.03,80.59,010201,,*36
14:00:03 $GPVTG,80.59,T,,M,0.03,N,0.1,K*56
14:00:04 $GPGGA,140004.242,4717.1126,N,00833.7862,E,1,06,1.3,542.0,M,,,,0000*0F
14:00:04 $GPGLL,4717.1126,N,00833.7862,E,140004.242,A*33
14:00:04 $GPGSA,A,3,06,17,25,22,30,10,,,,,,,2.9,1.3,2.6*3A
14:00:04 $GPGSV,2,1,07,06,58,062,45,17,52,161,44,25,45,239,44,22,35,301,44*7E
14:00:04 $GPGSV,2,2,07,30,31,123,44,10,17,059,39,01,05,316,*4E
14:00:04 $GPRMC,140004.242,A,4717.1126,N,00833.7862,E,0.02,152.96,010201,,*0D
14:00:04 $GPVTG,152.96,T,,M,0.02,N,0.0,K*6B
In the following examples the characters marked red match the regular expression.
Example 1: Searching for the RMC with a valid position and all GGA Messages
14:00:03 $GPGGA,140003.242,4717.1126,N,00833.7862,E,1,06,1.3,543.0,M,,,,0000*09
14:00:03 $GPRMC,140003.242,A,4717.1126,N,00833.7862,E,0.03,80.59,010201,,*36
14:00:04 $GPGGA,140004.242,4717.1126,N,00833.7862,E,1,06,1.3,542.0,M,,,,0000*0F
14:00:04 $GPRMC,140004.242,A,4717.1126,N,00833.7862,E,0.02,152.96,010201,,*0D
14:00:03 $GPGSV,2,2,07,30,31,123,44,10,17,059,39,01,05,316,*4E
l14:00:04 $GPGSV,2,2,07,30,31,123,44,10,17,059,39,01,05,316,*4E
Example 3: Searching for all messages starting with $GP, which have a G in the message identifier but not
at the first position
14:00:03 $GPGGA,140003.242,4717.1126,N,00833.7862,E,1,06,1.3,543.0,M,,,,0000*09
14:00:03 $GPVTG,80.59,T,,M,0.03,N,0.1,K*56
14:00:04 $GPGGA,140004.242,4717.1126,N,00833.7862,E,1,06,1.3,542.0,M,,,,0000*0F
14:00:04 $GPVTG,152.96,T,,M,0.02,N,0.0,K*6B
Example 4: Searching for all message having a checksum of which the higher nibble is 3
14:00:03 $GPGLL,4717.1126,N,00833.7862,E,140003.242,A*34
14:00:03 $GPGSA,A,3,06,17,25,22,30,10,,,,,,,2.9,1.3,2.6*3A
14:00:03 $GPRMC,140003.242,A,4717.1126,N,00833.7862,E,0.03,80.59,010201,,*36
14:00:04 $GPGLL,4717.1126,N,00833.7862,E,140004.242,A*33
14:00:04 $GPGSA,A,3,06,17,25,22,30,10,,,,,,,2.9,1.3,2.6*3A
Double-clicking on an output message enables or disables the periodic message update if the
communication protocol is active. This feature is currently only supported for the UBX protocol.
All available database values (transmitted from the device or calculated by u-center) are displayed. The following
statistics are displayed:
- Current value
- Minimum value
- Maximum value
- Average value
- Standard Deviation
The following color scheme for the values is applied:
- Grey color: The value was not set for the current epoch
- Blue color: The value was calculated by the application from other data
- Empty field: No data is available
Choosing Database Empty in the file menu or pressing the button clears the statistic view.
The content of the statistic view can easily be exported to other programs using Copy/Paste.
All values from the database can be displayed in a tabular form (Figure 30). This is very useful when analyzing
the log file in detail.
To add a new column, first select the desired value (Figure 31) and click the button. To remove a displayed
value, click the button. To see the table header click the button. Statistical information will be shown.
The number of displayed epochs is set to 1800 by default (see also section 3.3).
Choosing Database Empty in the file menu or pressing the button clears the table view.
The content of the table view can easily be exported to other programs using Copy/Paste.
To use the Google Earth View acceptance of the Google Map API Terms of Service is required.
Map Views can be copied to the clipboard using the Print Screen function.
Choosing Database Empty in the file menu or pressing the button deletes all recently displayed
positions and routes.
The Map has 1765 Pixels (0 to 1764) in the horizontal and 1046 Pixels (0 to 1045) in the vertical direction. The
origin is the upper left corner. To calibrate this map we will use the following three calibration points (#1 to #3).
To determine the exact pixel position you can use Microsoft Paint (mspaint.exe) or any other pixel-editing
The calibration file is a plain ASCII text file. The file may contain comments. The file consists of two sections,
which start with keywords encapsulated in braces.
The REFERENCE section, which is mandatory, contains the three points used to calibrate a map. Each reference
point is on a single line and has the following syntax:
# = <x>, <y>, <lon>, <lat>
where # is the index of the reference point <x> is the horizontal and <y> is the vertical image coordinate and
<lat> is the latitude and <lon> is the longitude in degrees and WGS84.
The optional MARKER section defines additional points on the map. Each point is on a single line with the
# = i, <x>, <y>[, <text>] or # = c, <lat>, <lon>[, <text>]
where # is the index of the marker point <x> is the horizontal and <y> is the vertical image coordinate or <lat>
is the latitude and <lon> is the longitude in degrees and WGS84. <text> is a optional string in quotes labeling
the marker point. The points must have a unique index from 1 to <num>. The maximum marker point index
<num> is written to the same section on a separate line with the syntax Count = <num>.
; I N F O
; ------------------------------------------------------------
; File: world.mcf
; Source: (sample data set)
; R E F E R E N C E
; ------------------------------------------------------------
; 3 Points must be defined to calibrate a Map
; Parameters:
; # = index of the point (1 to 3)
; x,y = image coordinates
; lat,lon = world coordinates
; Syntax:
; # = <x>, <y>, <lon>, <lat>
1 = 0, 0, -180.0, 90.0
2 = 1764, 1045, 180.0, -90.0
3 = 1764, 0, 180.0, 90.0
; M A R K E R
; ------------------------------------------------------------
; You can add points (image or world coord) to the map
; Parameters:
; num = number of markers that follow
; # = index of the point (1 to num)
; type = c for world or i image coordinates
; x,y = image coordinates
; lat,lon = world coordinates
; text = quoted text decription to the marker (optional)
; Syntax:
; Count = <num>
; # = <type>, <x|lon>, <y|lat>[, <text>]
Count = 1
1 = c, 8.56525, 47.28519444, "u-blox ag"
If the file to be opened has not been calibrated, the following message will appear:
Select three points on the map and enter the calibration coordinates in the specified format as seen in Figure 38,
Figure 39 and Figure 40.
Following these steps the map is now calibrated and can be used with u-center for visualizing road tests etc.
The number of displayed epochs is set to 1800 by default (see also section 3.3).
The number of displayed epochs is set to 1800 by default (see also section 3.3).
Function Description Toolbar icon
The position of the cursor is shown on the lower left edge of the u-
center screen (Longitude, Latitude and Pixel-Position). By holding the
left mouse button and moving the cursor over the histogram you can
measure distance from one position to another.
Move The histogram inside the histogram view window can be moved.
Drawing a rectangle enlarges the histogram to the new view. To
Zoom In
zoom in the histogram double-click on the histogram.
Drawing a rectangle decreases the histogram to the new view. To
Zoom Out
zoom out the histogram double-click on the histogram.
The size and form of the displayed values can be changed in the
menu points; the connection line between the values can be selected
Drawing Mode in the menu connect. For viewing the statically values (average,
minimum, maximum, standard deviation) directly in the histogram
select the statistics menu.
Probability Displays the probability histogram (see Figure 40).
Fit Probability Fit the Probability range.
Y value Select the Y value to be displayed
Bins The number of bins
Table 17: Description of the buttons and displays in histogram view
Using Camera View can result in very large log files and can slow down u-center when playing such files.
The number of displayed epochs is set to 1800 by default (see section 3.3).
5 Tools
This section will give an overview of the embedded tools of u-center. They can be used for different purpose and
should facilitate the usage of u-blox GNSS receivers.
The tools can be found under the Tools menu but some of the options are only displayed when a receiver is
connected to u-center. The firmware update tools also depend on the connected receiver generation.
c) Select the flash information structure file (only needed after and including u-blox receiver generation 7).
This file should be provided bundled with u-center. Point to the latest file version.
d) Select the correct options for your receiver:
Option Description Recommended
Use this Baudrate for update Selects the speed of the communication for 115200
updating the firmware on the receiver.
Only has an effect when the receiver is connected
over a serial port.
Clear BBR before update Deletes the complete battery backed memory (BBR) enabled
so that the receiver will start with the default
Program FIS only Writes only the flash information structure (FIS) disabled
into the external memory and does not update the
firmware. This option is used for receivers running
from ROM but with an attached SQI memory (for
example for logging).
Only supported after and including u-blox receiver
generation 7.
USB alternative update method Erases the first sector of the flash memory and disabled
restarts the receiver. The receiver will then start
from ROM and the flash firmware can be updated.
Use this method if you want to update the
firmware of a receiver connected over USB.
Enter Safeboot before update Sends the command to enter safeboot. In this enabled
state, the receiver boots from the internal ring
oscillator and does not rely on any external
components. GNSS functionality is not started and
the receiver does not output any data.
Dont use this method when having the receiver
connected over USB.
Send Training sequence Sends the training sequence after safeboot was enabled
entered. This synchronizes the internal ring
oscillator so that a communication can be
e) Click on OK.
This tool is used to dump the receiver diagnostic to a file. Use this tool if requested by the support team.
- Specify the name of a new configuration file to store current configuration from the u-blox GNSS
- Specify the name of an existing configuration file and load this configuration into the u-blox GNSS
- A flag can be set to force storing the configuration into the Battery Backed RAM (BBR) or Flash.
When clicking the Edit button in the GNSS Configuration dialog, the Notepad editor opens (standard
Windows software). Configurations are stored the following way:
- 1 line: it contains the version of the u-blox GNSS receiver where the configuration is from. Never
change this line!
- For the 2 line and following each line contains the same: <class ID>-<message ID> - <hexadecimal
byte code of the message>. The byte code consists of class and message IDs (2 bytes), payload
length (2 bytes), payload (payload length bytes). The sync characters and the checksum are not
included. They will be calculated automatically.
Refer to u-blox Receiver Description including Protocol Specification for detailed information and ranges.
5.1.4 Hotkeys
The Tools Menu allows administrating the Hotkeys defined in the Message View. Refer to section 4.2.4 for more
information on the Hotkeys.
5.1.5 Preferences
The preferences tool can be used to configure a number of u-center parameters.
6 How To
6.1 Change baud rate of receiver
1) Connect to the device.
2) Open View / Messages View (Hotkey: F9).
3) Select UBX-CFG-PRT.
4) Poll the current configuration from the receiver ( ).
5) Change the setting to the desired baud rate.
6) Send the message to the receiver ( ).
navigate through the log file. The records will be displayed on the navigation display window, in the same way
that live GNSS data is displayed when using u-center.
The following Figure 55 shows an example that configures the device to receive only GLONASS.
7 Troubleshooting
NMEA or UBX protocol is not available in the Messages View
u-center uses dynamic link libraries (DLL). The installation program will automatically install the required DLLs
into the u-center program directory. Should you try to copy a u-center installation from one location to another,
make sure you also copy the DLL files. Verify, the version of u-center matches the DLL version.
u-center doesnt display all messages
Make sure the baud rate is sufficient. If the bandwidth is insufficient, receivers based on the ANTARIS
Technology will skip excessive messages.
Some serial port cards/adapters (i.e. USB to RS232 converter) frequently generate errors. If a communication
error occurs during while u-center receives a message, the message will be discarded.
u-center loses the connection to the device
u-blox GNSS positioning chips and modules have an autobauding feature. If frequent communication errors
occur (i.e. due to problems with the serial port), the connection may be lost as u-center and the device will
autonomously try to adjust the baud rate. Do not enable the u-center autobauding feature if the device has the
autobauding enabled.
Some COM port are not shown in the port list
Only the COM ports that are available on your computer will show up in the COM port drop down list. If a COM
port is grayed out, another application in the computer is using it.
PC is very slow when u-center runs
If a high value of epochs is selected, the display in real-time cannot be guaranteed, especially when many
graphical views are open. u-center does not update minimized views and console in real-time. Close or minimize
as many of the graphical views and consoles as possible and u-center will run faster.
Log file / Data are only partly displayed
The number of epochs displayed in u-center is limited in order to allow an efficient analysis of larger logfiles. The
limitation is set to 1800 epochs by default. That means if an epoch is available every second you can analyze
data for as much as 30 minutes. After this time the oldest values are discarded. Data stored to a log file are not
affected by the database limitation. Refer to section 3.3 for instructions on how to increase this limit.
When planning long-term observations, its recommended to start recording a log file before analysis begins.
Output messages are not updated in the Messages View
Make sure that the protocol you would like to receive is enabled. If so, double-click on the desired output
message. Double-clicking on an output message enables or disables the periodic message update if the
respective protocol is active. Alternatively, select the desired input or output message and press the Poll button.
If you would like to get UBX-INF () messages in the log file, configure the receiver accordingly with the
UBX-CFG-INF input message.
No logfile is recorded
After a new logfile is created, logging will not automatically start but only after selecting the Record button in
the Player Toolbar.
Related documents
[1] GPS Compendium, Doc No GPS-X-02007
[2] u-blox 5 Receiver Description including Protocol Specification, Docu. No GPS.G5-X-07036
[3] u-blox 6 Receiver Description including Protocol Specification, Docu. No GPS.G6-SW-10018
[4] u-blox 7 Receiver Description including Protocol Specification V14, Docu. No GPS.G7-SW-12001
[5] u-blox M8 Receiver Description including Protocol Specification, Docu. No UBX-13003221
For regular updates to u-blox documentation and to receive product change notifications, register on our
Revision history
Revision Date Name Status / Comments
- 08-Oct-2008 tgri Initial release
A 22-Jul-2009 tgri New CI
A1 17-Feb-2011 tgri Third party libraries
B 1-Nov-2011 tgri Google Earth View added
C 03-Jun-2012 khir Updated for u-center 6.3. GNSS configuration added
Last revision with document number GPS-SW-08007
R06 09-Dec-2013 maba Update for u-center 8.01 and u-blox 7 and M8 generations
R07 01-Oct-2014 jbow Packet view update describing message direction indicators
R08 23-Feb-2015 zyha Updated menu pictures and shortcut key list corresponding to
latest version..
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