Load Forecasting
Load Forecasting
Load Forecasting
Saqib Fayyaz
1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................ 2
1.1 Background:................................................................................................. 2
1.2 Application:................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Factors affecting load forecasting:...................................................................3
2. CLASSIFICATION OF LOAD FORECASTING........................................................4
3. FORECASTING METHODS................................................................................. 5
3.1. LONG AND MEDIUM TERM FORECASTING..................................................6
3.1.1 End use model:....................................................................................... 6
3.1.2 Econometric approach:...........................................................................7
3.2. SHORT TERM FORCASTING........................................................................7
3.2.1 Similar day approach:............................................................................. 8
3.2.2 Regression method:................................................................................ 8
3.2.3 Time series:............................................................................................ 8
3.2.4 Neural Networks:.................................................................................... 8
3.2.5 Fuzzy logic:............................................................................................. 9
3.2.6 Support vector machines:....................................................................10
4. Future of Load Forecasting:.............................................................................. 10
5. Conclusion:...................................................................................................... 10
6. References:.......................................................................................................... 11
1.1 Background:
The first central power plant Pearl street station in the US was
commissioned on September 4th, 1882. At that time power system was
designed by Thomas Edison for the sole purpose of promoting his
incandescent bulb sales. Because of limited lighting load it was easy to
determine peak demand simply by counting. Later with the expansion of
power system and introduction of devices like electric fan and electric iron
(1880s) power system became more diverse, but the limit transmission
capacity of DC at that time the stations were small and served a small
economic factors, which indicated and impacted human activities
nationally or even worldwide, started to be used to forecast the long-term
trend (i.e. 10 years ahead) of the demand. It was observed that load
varied due to special events, such as radio broadcasts of presidents
speech or an important cricket match, which affected local human
activities. It was also observed that the electricity demand of certain
appliances was observed to be closely tied to meteorological conditions.
For instance, it was discovered in the 1940s that the increase of load
during the summer as the temperature increases is the result of
increasing operations of fans, refrigerators, air conditioning and other
cooling devices. While the sales of room air conditioners escalated from
74,000 in 1948 to 1,045,000 in 1953, a major effort in the field of electric
load forecasting was to investigate the impact of weather on electricity
1.2 Application:
Load forecasting has many applications including energy purchasing
and generation, load switching, contract evaluation, and infrastructure
development. The purpose of load forecasting can be listed as below;
1. Economy
2. Climate/ Weather
3. Time factors
4. Consumer trends
5. Customer categories
The time factors include the time of the year, the day of the week,
and the hour of the day. There are important differences in load between
weekdays and weekends. The load on different weekdays also can behave
Weather conditions greatly influence the load and are in fact the
most important factors in short-term load forecasts. Temperature and
humidity are the most commonly used load predictors. THI (temperature-
humidity index) and WCI (wind chill index), are broadly used by utility
companies for estimating weather impact. THI is a measure of summer
heat discomfort and similarly WCI is cold stress in winter.
Most electric utilities serve customers of different types such as
residential, commercial, and industrial. The electric usage pattern is
different for customers that belong to different classes but is somewhat
alike for customers within each class. Therefore, most utilities distinguish
load behavior on a class-by-class basis
Short-term forecasts which are usually from one hour to one week,
medium forecasts which are usually from a week to a year, and long-term
forecasts which are longer than a year. The forecasts for different time
horizons are important for different operations within a utility company.
1. Demand forecast
2. Energy forecast
infrastructure development. Owing to its importance, choosing a better
approach for prediction is also vital.
Over the resent years a lot of methods have emerged to carry out
efficient load forecasting. For short term load forecasting we have
methods like similar day approach, regression models, time series, neural
networks, expert systems, fuzzy logic, and statistical learning algorithms
whereas for medium and long term forecasting we have two common
methods end use method and econometric approach.
L=ln Fw Fs Fr (2)
Where Ln is the normal (base) load and the correction factors Fw,
Fs, and Fr are positive numbers that can increase or decrease the overall
load. These corrections are based on current weather (Fw), special events
(Fs), and random fluctuation (Fr). Factors such as electricity pricing (Fp)
and load growth (Fg) can also be included.
Various methods used for forecasting are briefly discussed in
following section.
shaped curve. Past surveys help identify where one is at on the curve and
future saturations are extrapolated from there. End use models, then, can
be used to forecast either type of electricity demand.
Qt=f ( At , Rt ) (5)
At =g ( Pt , yt , Xt )(6)
Rt=h ( Pt , yt , Zt ) (7)
Qt=k ( Pt Yt Xt Zt ) (8)
A large variety of statistical and artificial intelligence techniques
have been developed for short-term load forecasting. Some of these
techniques are:
average with exogenous variables), and ARIMAX (autoregressive
integrated moving average with exogenous variables) are the most often
used classical time series methods. ARMA models are usually used for
stationary processes while ARIMA is an extension of ARMA to non-
stationary processes. ARMA and ARIMA use the time and load as the only
input parameters. Since load generally depends on the weather and time
of the day, ARIMAX is the most natural tool for load forecasting among the
classical time series models.
3.2.5 Fuzzy logic:
Fuzzy logic is a generalization of the usual Boolean logic used for
digital circuit design. An input under Boolean logic takes on a truth value
of 0 or 1. Under fuzzy logic an input has associated with it a certain
qualitative ranges. For instance a transformer load may be low,
medium and high. Fuzzy logic allows one to (logically) deduce outputs
from fuzzy inputs. In this sense fuzzy logic is one of a number of
techniques for mapping inputs to outputs (i.e. curve fitting). Among the
advantages of fuzzy logic are the absence of a need for a mathematical
model mapping inputs to outputs and the absence of a need for precise
(or even noise free) inputs. With such generic conditioning rules, properly
designed fuzzy logic systems can be very robust when used for
forecasting. Of course in many situations an exact output (e.g. the precise
12PM load) is needed. After the logical processing of fuzzy inputs, a
defuzzification process can be used to produce such precise outputs.
would result in excess costs in the market. Demand response initiatives
are a dominant feature of deregulated smart grid which help utilities
manage and reduce peak demands thus eliminating outages but accurate
demand response steps cannot be implemented without top notch load
forecasting. These load forecast can carry critical information about
location and magnitude of demand peaks that serves as critical parameter
for demand response. With increasing integration of renewable sources
like wind and solar which are highly dependent on weather conditions the
load forecasting problem has become a challenge.
5. Conclusion:
We can conclude by stating that load forecasting is need of the
moment of power industry especially in a deregulated market. The
increasing integration of renewable sources has opened new research
avenues in the domain of load forecasting. New and improved techniques
are bound to surface because of continual advancement in statistical
theories, stochastic approaches and mathematical techniques in general.
6. References:
[1].Feinberg, Eugene A., and Dora Genethliou. "Load forecasting." In Applied
mathematics for restructured electric power systems, pp. 269-285. Springer US, 2005.
[3].Chen, Hong, Claudio A. Canizares, and Ajit Singh. "ANN-based short-term load
forecasting in electricity markets." In Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting,
2001. IEEE, vol. 2, pp. 411-415. IEEE, 2001.
[4].A Review of Load Forecasting Methodologies, George E. Oamek et al, Iowa State