Run Jump Throw Assessment
Run Jump Throw Assessment
Run Jump Throw Assessment
Specific Expectations
1.1 - use self-awareness and self-monitoring skills to help them understand their strengths and needs, take responsibility for their
actions, recognize sources of stress and monitor their own progress, as they participate in various physical activities, develop
movement competence and acquire knowledge and skills related to healthy living
A1.1 - actively participate according to their capabilities in a wide variety of program activities [PS, IS]
A2.1 - Daily physical activity (DPA): participate in sustained moderate to vigorous physical activity, with appropriate warm-up and
cool-down activities, to the best of their ability for a minimum of twenty minutes each day [PS]
A3.1 - demonstrate behaviours and apply procedures that maximize their safety and that of others in a variety of physical activity
settings [PS, IS]
Success Criteria
1.1 Self-Awareness and Self-Monitoring A1.1, A2.1 Active Participation
Uses self-awareness and self-monitoring skills Demonstrates readiness and ability to take part
A3.1 Safety
Monitors own actions to ensure safety
Name Erin
Showed little awareness of related
strategies; uneven pace and no
Ophea 2015 I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource
Teacher Resource 1: Active Living and Living Skills Anecdotal
Recording Chart
Movement Competence, Active Living
Run, Jump and Throw
Running Starts and Relays (Page 2 of 2)
Ophea 2015 I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource
Teacher Resource 2: Running Movement Skills Checklist
Movement Competence, Active Living
Run, Jump and Throw
Running Starts and Relays (Page 1 of 2)
Specific Expectations
B1.1 - perform smooth transfers of weight and rotations in relation to others and equipment, in a variety of situations involving
static and dynamic balance [PS, IS]
B1.2 - perform a wide variety of locomotor movements, with and without equipment, while responding to a variety of external
stimuli [PS]
B2.1 - demonstrate an understanding of the components of a range of physical activities, and apply this understanding as they
participate in a variety of physical activities in indoor and outdoor environments [IS, CT]
Success Criteria
Application Application Application
B1.1, B1.2, B2.1 Locomotor B1.1, B1.2, B2.1 Locomotor B1.1, B1.2, B2.1 Locomotor
Movements Starts Movements Running Form, Movements Running
(Standing) B1.2 Sprint B1.2 Form, Moderate to Long
1. knees are bent, one foot 1. pumps arms in vertical Distance B1.2
ahead of the other plane 1. pumps arms in vertical
2. elbows are bent and 2. drives knees up toward plane
arm opposite to lead chest 2. leans forward with head
foot is held back on 3. keeps toes pointed facing forward, not
set signal straight ahead looking around
3. eyes are focused on the 4. leans forward with head 3. runs from heel to toe
finish line facing forward, not 4. runs in straight line
4. on go signal, drives looking around 5. keeps toes pointed
arms and pushes off 5. runs on balls of feet straight ahead
back foot 6. keeps shoulders relaxed Components B2.1
Starts (Crouched) B1.2 Components B2.1 6. demonstrates
5. lead leg is bent at the 7. demonstrates and applies an
knee to 90 (foot behind and applies an understanding of the
start line) understanding of the different components in
6. knee of back leg is on different components in moderate/long-distance
the ground until set sprinting running
signal when weight
shifts to forward foot
and hands, and back
knee comes off ground
7. hands are
shoulder-width apart,
and eight is supported
on fingers
8. on go signal, pumps
arms and drives knee
forward into the air
Specific Expectations
B1.1 - perform smooth transfers of weight and rotations, in relation to others and equipment, in a variety of situations involving
static and dynamic balance [PS, IS]
B1.2 - perform a wide variety of locomotor movements, with and without equipment, while responding to a variety of external
stimuli [PS]
B1.4 - demonstrate an understanding of the phases of movement and apply this understanding to the refinement of movement skills
in a variety of physical activities [PS]
B2.1 - demonstrate an understanding of the components of a range of physical activities, and apply this understanding as they
participate in a variety of physical activities in indoor and outdoor environments [IS, CT]
B2.3 - apply a variety of tactical solutions to increase chances of success as they participate in physical activities [IS, CT]
Success Criteria
Application Application Application
B1.1, B1.2, B1.4, B2.1, B2.3 B1.1, B1.2, B1.4, B2.1, B2.3 B1.1, B1.2, B1.4, B2.1, B2.3
High Jump Long Jump Triple Jump
1. uses 5 to 7 step reverse 1. takes off at maximum 1. takes off at maximum
J approach speed from one foot speed
2. takes off at maximum 2. drives arms from 2. drives arms from
speed from one foot hip-level up and forward hip-level up and forward
3. takes off close to the at take-off at take-off
nearest upright 3. extends legs forward 3. drives knee up on step
4. rotates body turn and lands in motorcycle 4. extends legs
5. drives arms from position forward and lands in
hip-level up and forward 4. falls forward to motorcycle position
at take-off maximize jump distance 5. falls forward to
6. reaches over the bar maximize jump distance
(rainbow body position)
7. snaps legs (closes the
jackknife) in mid-flight
8. lands on upper back,
perpendicular to bar/
Long Jump Tips
Take-Off losing balance or faltering at take-off. Practise take-offs with short approaches.
Ophea 2015 I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource
Teacher Resource 4: Jumping Tips and Cues
Movement Competence, Active Living
Run, Jump and Throw
Jumps Review (Page 2 of 3)
Step: Take a long step like stepping over a big mud puddle or splits in the air.
Jump: Drive arms upward reach for the sky. Extend legs close the jack knife.
Ophea 2015 I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource
Teacher Resource 4: Jumping Tips and Cues
Movement Competence, Active Living
Run, Jump and Throw
Jumps Review (Page 3 of 3)
High-Jump Tips
hitting the bar on the way up, or hitting bar Think about rainbow body position.
Bar Clearance with feet.
Practise jumping from bench over bar,
thinking about kicking shoes up.
Snap legs toward head (close the jackknife) once clear of the bar.
Ophea 2015 I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource
Teacher Resource 5: Throwing and Putting Movement Skills Checklist
Movement Competence, Active Living
Run, Jump and Throw
An Introduction to Javelin (Page 1 of 2)
Specific Expectations
B1.1 - perform smooth transfers of weight and rotations, in relation to others and equipment, in a variety of situations involving
static and dynamic balance [PS, IS]
B1.2 - perform a wide variety of locomotor movements, with and without equipment, while responding to a variety of external
stimuli [PS]
B1.3 - use and combine sending, receiving and returning skills in response to a variety of external stimuli, while applying basic
principles of movement [PS, IS]
B1.4 - demonstrate an understanding of the phases of movement and apply this understanding to the refinement of movement skills
in a variety of physical activities [PS]
B2.1 - demonstrate an understanding of the components of a range of physical activities, and apply this understanding as they
participate in a variety of physical activities in indoor and outdoor environments [IS, CT]
Success Criteria
Application Application
B1.1, B1.2, B1.3, B1.4, B2.1 Shot Put B1.1, B1.2, B1.3, B1.4, B2.1 Javelin/Football
1. grips ball with fingertips and tucks it tightly Throw
under chin 1. grips ball with thumb and fingers on laces
2. keeps elbow in tight to body 2. positions throwing arm straight back behind
3. pushes shot away from body, so elbow body, elbows out
remains behind hand 3. keeps non-throwing arm in front of body for
4. transfers weight to forward foot, and balance throughout skill practice
follows through in direction of put 4. transfers body weight from back to front
5. continues moving throwing arm after
release in direction of target, following
Ophea 2015 I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource
Teacher Resource 5: Throwing and Putting Movement Skills Checklist
Movement Competence, Active Living
Run, Jump and Throw
An Introduction to Javelin (Page 2 of 2)
Ophea 2015 I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource
Teacher Resource 6: Grade 8 Track and Field Task Cards
Movement Competence, Active Living
Run, Jump and Throw
Practice Session (Page 1 of 6)
Station 1: Sprints
For all crouch starts, use blocks or partner foot-assist.
From a crouch start, practise starting and accelerating for 30 m and then slowly decelerate.
Repeat 3 times.
From a crouch start, have your partner give the start signal (On your marks, get set, go!) and run a complete 200- or 400-m
race. Try to pace yourself so that you can speed up over the last 50 m.
Repeat 2 times.
Ophea 2015 I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource
Teacher Resource 6: Grade 8 Track and Field Task Cards
Movement Competence, Active Living
Run, Jump and Throw
Practice Session (Page 2 of 6)
Ophea 2015 I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource
Teacher Resource 6: Grade 8 Track and Field Task Cards
Movement Competence, Active Living
Run, Jump and Throw
Practice Session (Page 3 of 6)
Hold ball on finger pads with three large fingers supporting it.
Place ball under chin against neck with elbow high and upper arm in line with shoulder.
Keep weight on right leg; keep knees, ankles, hips bent. (Reverse for left-handed students.)
Twist body upward and forward while transferring weight to front foot.
Football Throw
Transferable Skills Sport-Specific Skills
Preparation: Preparation:
Maintain wide base of support (feet shoulder-width apart, Grip ball with thumb and index finger on back portion of
knees slightly bent). ball.
Square shoulders to target. Grip lace with last couple of fingers.
Execution: Execution:
Apply force in the direction of the target. Keep throwing elbow up beside head with hand behind
Follow through in direction of target.
Ophea 2015 I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource
Teacher Resource 6: Grade 8 Track and Field Task Cards
Movement Competence, Active Living
Run, Jump and Throw
Practice Session (Page 4 of 6)
Hops and Steps: Mark out a 10-m distance with two pylons.
Single Leg Hops: Focus on bringing the knee up as high as possible. Hop between the pylons and jog back to the start. Repeat
The Approach Run: The aim of the approach for the long jump or triple jump is to generate the maximum amount of speed that
can be converted effectively into a jump. The acceleration of the approach should be gradual, rhythmic and controlled. An all-out
uncontrolled sprint into the take-off results in a poor jump.
7-11 Stride Runways: Work with a 7-11 stride approach and gradually add speed to the jumps. Experiment with different stride
approaches. The fastest part of the runway should be right before the board.
Try to put all aspects of the jumps together: the take-off, approach and landing. Measure your jumps. Take turns with your
Ophea 2015 I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource
Teacher Resource 6: Grade 8 Track and Field Task Cards
Movement Competence, Active Living
Run, Jump and Throw
Practice Session (Page 5 of 6)
Take-Off Stretching stride before take-off Practise run-up so length of steps can remain consistent.
Practice short approach and jump over a low object such as a low-held
Flight Jumping low
rope or arm.
Landing Early touchdown of legs Practise standing jumps, reaching legs over obstacles.
Approach Slow approach before take-off Shorten approach and practise running approach with even pacing.
Hop High hop Think of running in the air and hopping for distance instead of height.
Ophea 2015 I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource
Teacher Resource 6: Grade 8 Track and Field Task Cards
Movement Competence, Active Living
Run, Jump and Throw
Practice Session (Page 6 of 6)
Ensure mats are properly set up. Go twice around the track practising this drill. Each time there
is a pass, the passer should yell stick to signal the receiver
High-Jump Checklist: to put out his or her hand.
Take seven running strides from take-off.
Use a curved approach. Practise the 4 x 100-m relay. Each pair involved in an
On take-off, body makes a turn in the air so that the exchange should experiment with the distances in the
back is to the bar. exchange zone. Try to be at top speed when the exchange is
Take off almost parallel to the mat, close to the nearest made.
Use quick, powerful double arm lift on take-off.
Drive hips forward and up on take-off: Rainbow.
Raise arms and legs to clear bar: Shoes Up!
Land on upper back, perpendicular to bar.
Ophea 2015 I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource
Teacher Resource 7: Grade 8 Track and Field Technique Look For
Movement Competence, Active Living
Run, Jump and Throw
Track and Field Mini Meet, Day 1 (Page 1 of 3)
High Jump
(Teacher must supervise this event.)
Gradually work to increase the distance of the approach to seven steps and adjust the shape of the approach to a curved line
resembling a reverse J. Remember that the jumper should be at maximum acceleration for take-off.
Ophea 2015 I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource
Teacher Resource 7: Grade 8 Track and Field Technique Look For
Movement Competence, Active Living
Run, Jump and Throw
Track and Field Mini Meet, Day 1 (Page 2 of 3)
Hold ball on finger pads with three large fingers supporting it.
Place ball under chin against neck with elbow high and upper arm in line with shoulder.
Keep weight on right leg; keep knees, ankles, hips bent. (Reverse for left-handed students.)
Twist body upward and forward while transferring weight to front foot.
Fig. 2
Football Throw
Transferable Skills Sport-Specific Skills
Preparation: Preparation:
Maintain wide base of support (feet shoulder-width apart, Grip ball with thumb and index finger on back portion of
Execution: Execution:
Apply force in the direction of the target. Keep throwing elbow up beside head with hand behind
Follow through in direction of target.
Ophea 2015 I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource
Teacher Resource 7: Grade 8 Track and Field Technique Look For
Movement Competence, Active Living
Run, Jump and Throw
Track and Field Mini Meet, Day 1 (Page 3 of 3)
Approach Slow approach before take-off Shorten approach and practise running approach with even pacing.
Hop High hop Think of running in the air and hopping for distance instead of height.
Take-Off Stretching stride before take-off Practise run-up so length of steps can remain consistent.
Practice short approach and jump over a low object such as a low-held
Flight Jumping low
rope or arm.
Landing Early touchdown of legs Practise standing jumps, reaching legs over obstacles.
Ophea 2015 I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource
Teacher Resource 8: Grade 8 Track and Field Meet Task Cards
Movement Competence, Active Living
Run, Jump and Throw
Track and Field Mini Meet, Day 1 (Page 1 of 1)
Ophea 2015 I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource
Teacher Resource 9: Track and Field Rubric
Movement Competence, Active Living
Run, Jump and Throw
Track and Field Mini Meet, Day 1 (Page 1 of 4)
Overall Expectations
1 - demonstrate personal and interpersonal skills and the use of critical and creative thinking processes as they acquire knowledge
and skills in connection with the expectations in the Active Living, Movement Competence and Healthy Living strands for this grade
A1 - participate actively and regularly in a wide variety of physical activities, and demonstrate an understanding of how personal
motivational factors can be used to encourage participation in physical activity
A2 - demonstrate an understanding of the importance of being physically active and apply physical fitness concepts and practices
that contribute to healthy, active living
A3 - demonstrate responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others as they participate in physical activities
B1 - perform movement skills, demonstrating an understanding of the basic requirements of the skills and applying movement
concepts as appropriate, as they engage in a variety of physical activities
B2 - apply movement strategies appropriately, demonstrating an understanding of the components of a variety of physical activities,
in order to enhance their ability to participate successfully in those activities
Specific Expectations
1.1, A1.1, A2.1, A3.1, B1.1, B1.2, B1.3, B1.4, B2, B2.1, B2.3
Application Active The student applies The student applies The student applies The student applies
Participation A1.1, A2.1 knowledge and skills in knowledge and skills in knowledge and skills knowledge and skills
demonstrates readiness familiar context with familiar context with in familiar context in familiar context
and ability to take part limited effectiveness. some effectiveness. with considerable with a high degree of
participates actively in all effectiveness. effectiveness.
physical activities
participates in sustained
moderate to vigorous
physical activity
Application Safety A3.1 The student applies The student applies The student applies The student applies
monitors their own knowledge and skills in knowledge and skills in knowledge and skills knowledge and skills
actions to ensure safety familiar context with familiar context with in familiar context in familiar context
applies safety rules and limited effectiveness. some effectiveness. with considerable with a high degree of
safety procedures effectiveness. effectiveness.
Ophea 2015 I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource
Teacher Resource 9: Track and Field Rubric
Movement Competence, Active Living
Run, Jump and Throw
Track and Field Mini Meet, Day 1 (Page 2 of 4)
up to maximize distance
when jumping
Application Long Jump The student applies The student applies The student applies The student applies
B1.1, B1.2, B2.1, B2.3 knowledge and skills in knowledge and skills in knowledge and skills knowledge and skills
takes off at maximum familiar context with familiar context with in familiar context in familiar context
speed from one foot limited effectiveness. some effectiveness. with considerable with a high degree of
drives arms from effectiveness. effectiveness.
hip-level up and forward
at take-off
extends legs forward
jump distance
swings arms forward and
up to maximize distance
when jumping
Ophea 2015 I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource
Teacher Resource 9: Track and Field Rubric
Movement Competence, Active Living
Run, Jump and Throw
Track and Field Mini Meet, Day 1 (Page 3 of 4)
nearest upright
rotates body quarter turn
jackknife) in mid-flight
lands on upper back,
perpendicular to bar/
maintains speed and uses
Application Running B1.1, The student applies The student applies The student applies The student applies
B1.2, B2.1, B2.3 knowledge and skills in knowledge and skills in knowledge and skills knowledge and skills
uses a high, but not familiar context with familiar context with in familiar context in familiar context
exaggerated, knee action limited effectiveness. some effectiveness. with considerable with a high degree of
runs in a straight line, effectiveness. effectiveness.
looking straight ahead
uses a natural stride
keeps arm action between
Ophea 2015 I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource
Teacher Resource 9: Track and Field Rubric
Movement Competence, Active Living
Run, Jump and Throw
Track and Field Mini Meet, Day 1 (Page 4 of 4)
is by neck
transfers weight to the
front foot
releases, pushing the ball
follows through to a
on weight transfer
Ophea 2015 I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource
Student Resource 1: Task Cards
Movement Competence, Active Living
Run, Jump and Throw
Running Starts and Relays (Page 1 of 1)
Name: Date:
Ophea 2015 I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource
Student Resource 2: Track and Field Self-Assessment of Participation
Movement Competence, Active Living
Run, Jump and Throw
Jumps Review (Page 1 of 1)
Name: Date:
Draw an arrow on the target indicating the level of participation and effort you demonstrated during this lesson:
Level 1 : I wasnt active and took regular breaks.
Level 4 : I was active to the best of my ability for the whole class.
With an X, indicate where you would like to be next class in terms of participation. What will you do differently in order to get there?
Level 1: Limited
Level 2: Some
Level 3: Considerable
Level 4: High degree
Ophea 2015 I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource
Student Resource 3: Exit Card
Movement Competence, Active Living
Run, Jump and Throw
An Introduction to Javelin (Page 1 of 1)
Name: Date:
Ophea 2015 I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource
Student Resource 4: Grade 8 Track And Field Log Sheet
Movement Competence, Active Living
Run, Jump and Throw
Practice Session (Page 1 of 2)
Name: Date:
1. Practice each event at least once during this unit.
2. Record your activity/performance at each station, as well as how you felt performing the activity.
3. Complete the log sheet during each class and hand it in at the end of each class.
Date and
Level of 100m 200m 400 m 800 m 1500m Relay 1 Relay 2 Shot Put
*Level of Active Participation: For each class, rate your level of participation from 1 4, where 1 = little or no active participation
and 4 = maximum participation.
Ophea 2015 I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource
Student Resource 4: Grade 8 Track And Field Log Sheet
Movement Competence, Active Living
Run, Jump and Throw
Practice Session (Page 2 of 2)
1. Practice each event at least once during this unit.
2. Record your activity/performance at each station, as well as how you felt performing the activity.
3. Complete the log sheet during each class and hand it in at the end of each class.
Date and
Level of Long Jump Triple Jump High Jump Shot Put Football Throw
*Level of Active Participation: For each class, rate your level of participation from 1 4, where 1 = little or no active participation
and 4 = maximum participation.
Ophea 2015 I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource
Student Resource 5: Exit Card
Movement Competence, Active Living
Run, Jump and Throw
Track and Field Mini Meet, Day 1 (Page 1 of 1)
Name: Date:
Ophea 2015 I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource