Cir 0215
Cir 0215
Cir 0215
A template to assist project officers in sizing of emergency generator rating with consideration to
the designed starting method of essential equipment/installations and their starting sequences during
emergency in building projects is prepared. The template allows better documentation of essential electrical
loads estimates in building project and it can be downloaded from Building Services Branch PortallDesign
ReferencelDesign Tools Kits for use. A copy of the template is also attached for easy reference.
2. Project officers should complete this template for detailed estimation of the rating of emergency
generator in their projects. The starting method of high power equipment and their starting sequences
should be carefully designed so as to minimize the required rating of the emergency generator. The
completed template should be included in the BS design report for submission in PQDVC Stage 2 and Stage
3 for all in-house, outsourced and design & build projects. Upon handover of the projects, the design report
including this template shall be forwarded to the maintenance agent of the client department for their
(WONG Hon-kwok)
Mechanical Installation Specialist Support Group
Rows in Light Green to be copied to Size(Gen) sheet after filtering of Starting Sequence and Generator Allocated
Load Type Equipment item. Output kW Efficiency Steady Steady Steady kVA Starting Current Multiplier Transient Transient Transient Starting Generator Remarks
Power kW Method (Starting) (Starting) (Starting) Sequence Allocation
Factor kVA peak factor kW (eg. Genset-A)
Lighting & Power Lighting
Lighting & Power Essential Power
Lighting & Power Others
ACMV AC Chiller
ACMV Chiler Water Pump
ACMV Condenser Water Pump
ACMV Cooling Tower
ACMV Fan Coil Unit
ACMV Room Cooler
ACMV Ventilation Fan
ACMV Others :
LIFT Passenger
LIFT Firemen
LIFT Cargo
LIFT Beds Lift
LIFT Others :
FS FS Fixed Pump
FS Transfer Pump
FS Booster Pump
FS Sprinkler Pump
FS Street Hydrant Pump
FS Smoke Exhaust Fan
FS Pressurisation Fan
FS Fire Alarm
FS Automatic fire alarm
Audio/visual advisory
FS Others :
Special Load Genset room small power
Special Load UPS
Computer Server/ IT
Special Load
Special Load Tele-com Equipment
Special Load Medical Equipment
Special Load X-ray
Special Load PA System
Special Load CCTV System
Special Load Security System
Thyristor controlled
Special Load
Variable Speed Pump
Special Load Others :
1. Lighting & Power Most lighting & power loads are Linear. If special non-linear discharge lamps are used, please specify in Remarks.
2. ACMV Generator will be sized on the basis that all ACMV loads will not be simultaneously started upon mains failure. Please indicate in Remarks if otherwise.
3. Lift Load During mains failure generator is assumed to home down simultaneously one lift from each zone. Lifts of the same zone will be sequentially homed down. Please specify if otherwise.
4. Fire Service Generator needs to power all fire equipment in the worst case (i.e., fire occurs followed by mains failure). Fire will rarely break out in all zones, please indicate zoning design in Remarks.
5. Typical starting method and current multiplier for use in the template. Please amend if different values are used.
Typital Value of
Starting Method Symbol Current Multiplier Range
Motor Direct Online DOL(M) 6 6-7
Start Delta SD 2.33 2.3 - 2.5
Variable Speed Drive VSD 1 1
Rotor Resistance RR 1.5 1.5
Auto-Transformer AT 2.5 Locked Rotor Current x (% of Tapping Voltage) 2
Direct online DOL 1 1
Variable Voltage Variable Frequency VVVF 1.7 1.6 - 1.7
Alternating Current Variable Voltage ACVV 3
Please specify Others 1
Essential Load - Starting Sequence 1 (e.g. FS systems, essential lighting)
Equipment item. Output kW Efficiency Steady Power Steady kW Steady kVA Starting Current Transient Transient Transient (Starting)
Item Factor Method Multiplier (Starting) (Starting) kW
kVA peak factor