177004-Shadows On The Long Road
177004-Shadows On The Long Road
177004-Shadows On The Long Road
It would also be helpful if you were familiar Just as you have resigned yourself to a
with the grappling rules, and understood the miserable night squatting in the swamp
Warlock class. there, off in the distance! A warm light!
Not every loose end is tied up in the following
The party do not yet realize it, but they have
text, nor every possible reaction accounted for.
been lured onto a small demi-plane by a subtle
Be ready to improvise, and do so with
charm. The demi-plane is only a few miles
across and turns back on itself at the ends. If
the party walk away from the light, they will creature after they dispatch it, they will notice
find themselves approaching it again after an it is wearing a collar.
hour or two.
The demi-plane is always dark, and the Guests for Dinner
ground is a cold, smelly marsh, broken only by
clumps of rock and twisted, dying trees. There If they approach the house, read this -
is thick mist everywhere, thinning a little near
the light. The manor house is shrouded in mist and is
difficult to make out fully. It is large but not
A number of ghouls roam the swamp. If the
enormous, and has an upper story. The gray
party wander around, they will encounter one
every hour or so. They will hear splashing brickwork is fractured and ancient, and a
sounds for a few moments, and then the ghoul number of the facing windows are cracked and
will leap at them from the mist, attacking broken. A short gravel path leads through the
viciously. swampy ground up to a heavy, wooden door.
Attacking Gideon
The party may choose to attack Gideon in the
Dining Room. If so, he will dodge while
screaming for help. If Magnus is not already
in the room, he will appear after two rounds
and charge into battle. Two rounds after that,
the four thugs from location #7 will join the
battle. At that point Gideon, if he is still alive,
will go on the offensive, favoring scorching ray
and eldritch blast.
Gideons statistics may be found in the About 3 hours after leaving the characters,
chapter titled Monster Stats. Grundy will return (carrying a candle) with the
four thugs from location #7. The thugs are
not especially quiet, so if the party have a set a
watch they will hear the sound of heavy feet on flagstones, while the upper story has a wooden
the stairs. floor. The interior walls are made of brick, but
this has been covered with paneling or plaster
The plan is crude, but has been effective in the
in many of the rooms (this will be mentioned
past. The thugs will attempt to grapple the
in the room descriptions).
characters while they sleep, one thug per
person. Grundy will then bind the restrained
PCs hands (it takes one round per character
for him to do this). The house is always quite dark and shadowy
because there is no daytime in the demi-plane.
If this plan fails and the characters arm
There are, however, fires in most rooms and
themselves, the thugs will draw their weapons
also numerous candles in standing holders.
and a normal melee will ensue. In combat, the
Grundy extinguishes the candles after he goes
thugs will choose to knock the PCs
to bed, and then relights them when he
unconscious rather than kill them. Once
awakes about 6 hours later. The fires will burn
combat starts, Grundy will attempt to flee
down 3-4 hours after Grundy retires.
back to his room at location #10.
Four half-orc thugs reside here. If they have bed in the corner. There is a still figure
not already been killed, and if they have heard beneath the covers.
fighting in other parts of the manor, they will
The thugs somehow managed to capture a It is rumored amongst the servants that
ghoul and have chained it to the wall in order Gideons wife died by suicide, and that her
to torment the servants. The chain is just 5 ghost haunts the manor.
long so its possible to stay out of the
creatures reach by sliding along the far wall. If
anyone approaches the bed, the ghoul will
10. Stewards Room
throw off the covers and attack when they get This spacious room is lightly plastered and
decorated with a bright and simple fresco. A
Treasure. Beneath the bed is a silver bracelet, rich vermillion rug covers the cold flagstones,
worth 30gp. and a fire roars in the hearth. A four posted
bed lies at one end of the room, and near it
sits a tidy wooden writing desk.
13. Lords Chamber If Gideon has heard any noise at all, and
especially if there has been combat in the
house, he will be using One with Shadows to
A large canopy bed sits in the middle of this
hide invisibly in the corner behind the door.
commodious chamber. The walls are covered Once the entire party has entered the study,
with a beautiful, textured paper, and hung he will attempt to quietly slip back into his
over by a number of portraits and landscape bedroom, then fireball the study. He knows
paintings. A stone hearth lies in the wall that he risks destroying many valuable items
opposite you with a roaring fire. You also but he also knows the situation is desperate.
notice a pair of cupboards, a plush chair and a If the party has been extremely quiet, they
dressing table. may be able to surprise him at his writing
This is Gideons sleeping chamber. He keeps The bookcase contains Gideons occult library
the fire well stoked as it also warms his study, of about a dozen volumes. Several are written
but otherwise he spends little time here. The in supernal. Titles include things such as The
wardrobes are full of clothing, most of it once Signature of Reality, the Principia Discordia
fine but now old and worthless. and the Fourth Book of Ossander. Gideon also
Treasure. The dressing table has a number of has a small Book of Shadows which he keeps
rings and a silver necklace. The total value is in his belt-pouch.
150gp. There is a poison needle trap on the chest
latch. Whoever opens the chest takes 1
piercing damage and 2d10 poison damage,
and must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution
14. Study saving throw or be poisoned for 1 hour.
This door is locked. The lock may be picked A DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check
with thieves tools and a DC 15 Dexterity allows a character to deduce the traps
check. The door may be beaten down with a presence. A DC 15 Dexterity check using
DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check. Grundy thieves tools disarms the trap. Unsuccessfully
has a key, as does Gideon. attempting to pick the lock triggers the trap.
Treasure. The occult books might fetch 200gp Dexterity check. It is too strong to break
from a collector in Waterdeep. If the party down. Outside the back door is a well, some
open the chest, they will find Gideons treasure old wagons and a stable with two horses. A few
2000gp and 300pp. He also has 3 potions feet beyond that is a collection of crude grave
of healing, a potion of flying and a potion of markers sticking up from the marsh.
The characters will also find a thin square of
17. Cellar
engraved pewter. The engraved words are in As the players enter the basement level, they
supernal, and say the following notice that the floor is very muddy and emits a
nasty, swampy odor. The Cellar door is locked
Master, please forgive my iniquity. (Grundy and Gideon have keys) but can be
You hold my heart in your hand, picked with thieves tools and a DC 20
now as always. If the child be Dexterity check. It may also be broken down
yours, please take her to you. If the with a DC 25 Strength (Athletics) check.
child be mine, please heal her or
give me the strength to destroy her. Read the following
Your humble servant, Gideon.
This compact room is full of goods clothing,
If Gideon fireballs the study, you must decide armour, weapons, planks of wood, scrap iron
what has survived and what has been and more beside. The floor has now turned
destroyed. Gideon has a full set of keys.
positively swamp-like, and your boots sink
down a couple of inches with every step.
15. Linen Room room, and beyond those bars is the most
pitiful sight imaginable. A great mass of
There are a number of free-standing people, all stripped naked, are crammed into
cupboards in this room containing linen. The
the pen, wallowing in the mud and their own
stairs lead to the upper level.
filth. Some are moaning, some are calling out
16. Back Door in terror, and others merely rock back and
forth in silent anguish.
The back door is locked, though it can be
picked with thieves tools and a DC 20
There are nearly 70 prisoners crammed into Treasure. One of the prisoners has managed to
this space. The majority are human, though keep a gold necklace hidden, worth 75gp. She
there are also a number of elves, dwarves, will give it to the PCs in gratitude if freed.
gnomes and half-orcs. Some have been there
for months, and are on the brink of madness.
The coherent ones tell the same story they
19. Butchery
got lost on the Long Road in a strange mist, A truly gruesome sight greets you in this room.
sought shelter in the manor, and then were
Blood splatters cover the wet, slick walls while
overpowered in the night and dragged into the
nauseating piles of gore float on the swampy
floor. In the middle of the room is a massive
Every day or so, an ogre (known only as the
wooden table it is very bloody and several
Butcher) comes into from the next room,
enormous butchers cleavers are embedded in
selects an unlucky prisoner and drags them
back to his room. The sound of heavy it. A crude nest of clothes lies in a corner,
chopping and screaming follows, then silence. alongside several wooden barrels.
Dark Ones Blessing. When he reduces a
hostile creature to 0 hit points, he gains 9
temporary hit points.
Assuming the party escaped from the
basement, they will find that Saltmarsh Manor Agonizing Blast. When he casts eldritch
has returned to the natural world. It is mid- blast, he adds his Charisma modifier to the
morning and the mist has lifted. They will have damage it deals on a hit. Note: This has
little difficulty locating the Long Road, and will already been applied in the stat block below.
discover they are about 30 miles north of Eyes of the Rune Keeper. He can read all
Triboar. writing.
There is the problem, of course, of about One with Shadows. When he is in an area of
seventy former prisoners, all naked, frightened dim light or darkness, he can use his action
and shivering in the morning sun. But the to become invisible until he moves or takes
characters have proven themselves an action or reaction.
resourceful, and will no doubt come up with a
plan Spellcasting. Gideon is a 5thlevel Warlock.
His spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell
save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). He
has two 3rd level spell slots, and knows the
following spells:
Cantrips (at will): eldritch blast, fire bolt,
poison spray, shillelagh, spare the dying,
1st level: hellish rebuke, hex
2nd level: blindness, scorching ray
3rd level: fireball, vampiric touch
Actions Hit Points 90
17 (+3) 9 (-1) 15 (+2) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 5 (-3) Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d10 + 3) slashing
Damage Immunities lightning, poison damage.