Haunted Dwarven Tomb (8979175) PDF
Haunted Dwarven Tomb (8979175) PDF
Haunted Dwarven Tomb (8979175) PDF
Inside the Tomb ...................................................... 4
Adventure Background .......................................... 2
Adventure Synopsis ................................................ 2 Concluding the Adventure ......................... 10
Adventure Hooks .................................................... 2 The End of the Prisoner ..................................... 10
The PCs could get involved in this adventure
Many years ago, dwarves from the Dwarfhold in one of a number of ways. As the DM, it is
of Mithaud, or Mt. Silverload, prepared a site your job to decide how best to involve them in
as a tomb for their venerable king. Prior to the adventure. You can use the following
the king’s death, however, the crown prince hooks if you see fit.
and his family, while traveling, were brutally
slain by a band of wandering Orlandish Tasked by a wizard. The PCs live in Orland City
mercenaries. Groups of elite dwarven warriors and have been asked to investigate the tomb by
were dispatched to capture or kill the a local wizard who is interested in the arcane
murderers, and after several months one such secrets of the place.
group returned with the leader of the
Chance discovery. The characters come upon the
mercenary company as a prisoner. The king’s tomb in their travels and are intrigued by its
wrath knew no bounds, and he ordered the mysteries.
human imprisoned within the king’s own
tomb. The mercenary was subsequently Into the Thieves’ Guild. If you are playing the
interred and a wall of magical force was World of Farland adventure series, the PCs
erected to prevent his escape. Little did the may have discovered the map to the haunted
dwarven tomb and are following up on it.
are, the patrol will demand their papers, their
business, and their ultimate destination. If
THE JOURNEY THROUGH anything seems suspicious to the orc
ORLAND commander, he will attempt to disarm the
PCs and place them under arrest so that he
To reach the tomb, it is very likely that the can bring them before his superiors. Any
PCs will have to travel through Orland, unless resistance will be met with brutal and
they have some other means of reaching it, potentially lethal force. If the PCs escape
such as teleporting there or heading west over from any orcish patrols while leaving some of
the Grand Peaks from the southern kingdom the orcs alive, they will be tracked and hunted
of Farland. The Grand Peaks are tall by an orc war party, which is double the size
mountains that are difficult to traverse, of the initial patrol and which also contains
however, and any journey should reflect that. two wolf spider abominations.
Orc Patrol
10 orcs (see MM p. 246)
1 orc war chief (see MM p. 246)
Geographically, much of Orland consists of
Orc War Party
grasslands or lightly wooded, rolling hills.
There are many dangers involved in traversing 20 orcs (see MM p. 246)
Orland, however. The Lord of Envy has
decreed that being about during the day 1 orc war chief (see MM p. 246)
without a special permit is against the law.
2 wolf spider abominations (see
This law is enforced by roving bands of orcs
and other dark folk, who will surely challenge
any human seen during the day who is not #wolf )
known to them. In any case, much of the journey through
Orland will likely have to be handled by the
There is a 50% chance per day that the PCs
will be spotted by an orcish patrol. If they
Map 1 Locations
The Site of the Tomb 1 Main Entrance
The tomb is in the foothills of the Grand The great iron doors have not weathered as
Peaks in Orland. It is a forested, hilly region well as the dwarves might have hoped,
with a backdrop of high mountains. The undoubtedly due to the unforeseen
tomb is located in a remote, swampy valley transformation of the surrounding terrain
between two tall hills. Only animals make the from a dry valley into a watery bog. The doors
valley their home; there are no human or have rusted in place; the right is closed, but
demi-human settlements in miles. Locating the left has been forced open at some time in
the tomb is not difficult once the PCs enter the past. Ten feet past the doorway, the
the valley in which it is located; its entrance is dwarves left a simple trap to discourage
visible in the side of a hill, although it is intruders. Loud noises, such as triggering the
overgrown with weeds and slightly buried by trap, will almost certainly alert anyone in
dirt. locations 3 and 6 (Wisdom [Perception] check
DC 5), locations 2 and 4 (Wisdom
[Perception] DC 10), and possibly in location
Inside the Tomb 5 (Wisdom [Perception] DC 15).
commands the gnolls to journey to the town
of Hestor in Zeland, to a place called the
2 Hidden Entrance Troll Pits. The message indicates that a force
The current inhabitants of the tomb complex is being prepared there that should help crush
grew tired of bypassing the main entrance’s Kelerak once and for all. It is signed “Dargon
trap and dug a side entrance. It is well Skullcrusher.” This is a hook to get the heroes
concealed by some cleverly arranged involved in the next adventure in the World
vegetation and can only be located with a of Farland adventure series, “The Troll Pits
successful Wisdom (Perception) check DC 20. of Hextor.”
2 gnoll fang of Yeenoghu (see MM p. 163)
Spiked Pit. This pit trap is a hidden pit trap west, and south secret doors are relatively easy
with iron spikes at the bottom. A successful to locate (Wisdom [Perception] DC 15), but
DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check discerns an are guarded by well-concealed pits: A
absence of foot traffic over the section of successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check
floor that forms the pit's cover. A successful discerns a strange look to the floor over the
DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check is pits. A successful DC 20 Intelligence
necessary to confirm that the trapped section (Investigation) check is necessary to confirm
of floor is actually the cover of a pit. When a that the trapped sections of floor are actually
creature steps on the cover, it swings open like the covers of pits. Besides being more difficult
a trapdoor, causing the intruder to spill into to spot, the pits are identical to the one
the pit below. The pit is 40 feet deep. A described in area 7. The east door is much
creature falling into the pit takes 16 (3d10) harder to find (Wisdom [Perception] DC 25),
piercing damage from the spikes, in addition and the short hallway beyond is magically
to 13 (4d6) bludgeoning damage from the fall. warded.
If the PCs decide to check the bottom of the Magical Blaster trap. This trap is activated
pit (either after falling or just by chance), a when a creature steps into the area marked
DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check will enable “x,” triggering a magical blast of energy from
them to find a small aquamarine amid the the floor under his feet. Creatures can spot
debris (worth roughly 500 sps, or gold pieces the faint magical glyphs that make up the
in a non-Farland campaign world). trap with a DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check.
A spell or other effect that can sense the
presence of magic, such as detect magic, reveals
Map 2 Locations an aura of evocation magic on that section of
floor. A successful DC 18 Intelligence
8 Winter Hall (Investigation) check reveals how to disarm
the trap, and a successful DC 18 Intelligence
The walls are carved with scenes from the
(Arcana) check actually allows a creature to
dwarven king’s later years. The birth of his
disarm it. If the trap is triggered, each
grandson is the predominant feature.
creature in the blast must make a DC 18
Dexterity saving throw, taking 50 (10d10)
force damage on a failed save, or half as much
9 Autumn Hall damage on a successful one.
The walls are carved with scenes from the
dwarven king’s middle years. A victory against
a goblinoid host is the predominant feature. The shield is the fabled Shield of Thetak.
Shield of Thetak
Armor (shield), legendary (requires attunement)
10 Treasure Chamber
The king’s most valued item is placed here on This storied magical steel shield is enruned
the pedestal, a magical shield. The north, and engraved with fierce Dwarven warnings.
These warnings blaze on command, allowing heir to the dwarven community is the
its user to cast hold monster as a 5th-level spell. predominant feature.
The save DC for this spell is 15. This spell
cannot be cast from the shield again until its
bearer has completed a long rest.
Map 3 Locations
Also in the room, in an unlocked chest, are 13 Rift Cavern
15,000 silver pieces (gold if in a non-Farland
world), 1300 gold pieces (platinum in a non- When the dwarven engineers encountered this
Farland world), a potion of superior healing, and obstacle to their plans, they chose to
a potion of gaseous form. incorporate it into their design. A magical
portal links the two hallways, but it may only
be activated by an individual of dwarven
11 Summer Hall blood who speaks the proper (long forgotten)
command phrase. The water from location 11
The surviving walls are carved with scenes
flows through here and cascades off the edge
from the dwarven king’s youth. No into a pool that lies 100 feet below; the water
predominant feature can be determined. A makes the west hallway very slippery; any
rockslide has destroyed part of the room and creature attempting to fight, take the dash
allowed water to seep in continuously, making action, or take any action involving sudden or
the floor very slippery: any creature violent movement in this room must succeed
attempting to fight, take the dash action, or at a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check DC 15 at the
take any action involving sudden or violent beginning of each round or fall to the floor
movement in this room must succeed at a before taking any action. The rough walls are
Dexterity (Acrobatics) check DC 15 at the rather difficult to climb or navigate; more so
beginning of each round or fall to the floor on the slippery west side (Strength (Athletics)
before taking any action. The walls are carved check DC 20 to climb the west side and DC 15
with scenes from the dwarven king’s middle to climb the east side).
years. A victory against a goblinoid host is the
predominant feature. Two vrock were
magically imprisoned in this area long ago, and
they are very angry about it. Because of their Map 4 Locations
clawed feet, the vrock have advantage on
14 Reflecting Pool
Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks in this room to
avoid slipping. The vrocks possess no treasure. This pool was originally intended to be used as
a receptacle for mourners’ offerings, but
2 vrocks (See MM p. 64).
centuries of evil beneath it have corrupted the
waters. Any who touch or drink from the pool
suffer a magical curse. The creature who has
12 Spring Hall touched the pool must succeed on a Wisdom
saving throw DC 18. If it fails, the target must
The walls are carved with scenes from the make a Wisdom saving throw at the start of
dwarven king’s childhood. His presentation as each of its turns during combat. If it fails, it
wastes its action that turn doing nothing. The Map 5 Locations
curse lasts for 24 hours. Touching the pool
also awakens the tomb guardians in locations 17 Wall of Force
15 and 16.
The dwarves trapped the prisoner in location
18 by erecting a wall of force here. (This
15 Guardian Chamber particular wall of force acts as a one-way
barrier into location 18.) The wall is tied to
These sarcophagi were built for the dwarven
the prisoner’s life force, and will collapse
king’s honor guard, but were modified to
upon his permanent death. It is otherwise a
accommodate an “honor guard” for the
prisoner beneath. The lids have been removed normal wall of force. The wall is invisible but
from each sarcophagus and the carvings have is located in area 17 halfway between the
been defaced so that they are no longer stairs and area 18.
identifiable. Wraiths now lie in wait here for
anyone able to get this far into the prison. If
wraiths in one of the areas 15 enter combat, 18 Prison
the wraiths from the other area 15 will also The prisoner begged Vornoth the Dark
join the fight. Walker to allow his survival, and his prayers
2 wraiths per area (see MM p. 302) were answered. While still imprisoned by the
wall of force, he was granted undeath instead
of death, and he was transformed into a
16 Guardian Chamber mummy lord. After centuries alone in the
dark, he is starved for conversation, but he is
These sarcophagi were built for the dwarven also vicious and stark raving mad . . . .
king’s honor guard, but have not been
modified or defiled. The secret door is 1 mummy lord (see MM p. 229, but cannot use
cunningly concealed (Wisdom [Perception] lair powers)
DC 20 to find it). Two shield guardians, In the corner of the room, in a rotten
which look like giant dwarves, stand against backpack, are 1100 silver pieces (gold if in a
the walls of this room. Just beyond the door non-Farland world) and 30 gold pieces
lies the decayed corpse of a less fortunate (platinum in a non-Farland world).
adventurer. The corpse wears a ring of
resistance to psychic damage. The ring can be
found with a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception)
2 shield guardians (see MM p. 271)
If the gnoll pack lord has escaped, you could
spin him into a recurring villain. Perhaps one
of the gnolls slain by the PCs was a close
friend of the gnoll pack lord and he wants to
gain revenge against the PCs.
MAPS (Map 1, 1 square=5 ft)
Map 2 (West is Map 1, East is Map 3)
Map 3 (West is Map 2, East is Map 4)
Map 4 (West is Map 3, Down is Map 5)
Map 5 (Up is Map 4)
Author: Christopher Weaver and S. Baker
Cartography: S. Baker and Christopher Weaver
Editor: S. Baker
Production: S. Baker
From the World of Farland ( www.farlandworld.com ), produced by the webmaster, S. Baker.
Copyright 2016; all rights reserved.
Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, Fifth Edition, 5e etc. are all legal properties of Wizards of the Coast
Inc. This document does not and is not intended to challenge or infringe upon any legal copyright of
Wizards of the Coast. Buy and support D&D products from Wizards of the Coast.
Cover art: Rocky Mountains by Max Cornelius (public domain)
Interior art: Gnoll by Johnny Morrow (licensed for non-commercial re-use)
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