Digest Republic vs. Iac
Digest Republic vs. Iac
Digest Republic vs. Iac
73085 June 4, 1990 Private respondents filed with the Court of Appeals a petition for certiorari and prohibition with
preliminary injunction against Judge Medina. IAC issued a temporary restraining order enjoining
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES vs. THE INTERMEDIATE APPELLATE COURT, PABLO, JUAN, respondent judge from further proceeding with the case. Meanwhile, the private respondents six months
JR., JULIAN, RUFINA, LEONOR, GLORIA TERESITA, ANTONIO, DOLORES, BERNARDO, JR., and after the effectivity of P.D. No. 892, filed an application for the registration of the parcel of land. This was
MARIA VIOLETA, all surnamed MERCHAN docketed as Land Registration Case No. N-1055.
PARAS, J.: IAC denied the aforesaid petition for certiorari and lifted the restraining order. Case remanded to RTC.
FACTS: The trial court, this time presided by Judge Benigno M. Puno, issued an order setting the case for pre-
trial. For failure of petitioner's counsel to attend the scheduled hearing, the trial court issued an order
declaring the said failure as a waiver to present evidence and to cross-examine the private respondents'
Claiming that they acquired the property by virtue of a document which they alleged to be a Spanish title witnesses and declared the case submitted for decision.
originally issued in the name of Bernardo Merchan, the private respondents filed a complaint against
petitioner Republic of the Philippines for quieting of title over said property located in Quezon
(1,660,000 sqm or 166 hectares). RTC rendered a decision in favor of the plaintiffs and against the defendant.
The petitioner moved to dismiss the complaint on the ground that the trial court had no jurisdiction over The petitioner appealed to the then IAC which affirmed the judgment of the trial court. Hence, this
the subject matter of the case because the land is part of a forest reserve established by Proclamation petition.
No. 42 and by Proclamation No. 716 which declared the area as part of the "Mts. Banahaw-San
Cristobal National Park." The motion to dismiss was denied by the trial court. ISSUE/S:
The private respondents filed a motion to declare the petitioner in default for failure to file its answer 1. W/N the subject parcel of land which was declared a part of the forest reserve in 1921 and later a
within the reglementary period and for the appointment of a Commissioner to receive their evidence, national park in 1941 may be subject of private appropriation and registration.
which was granted.
The petitioner filed a motion to lift the order of default which was denied by the trial court. The petitioner
filed MR of the aforesaid denial. The petition is impressed with merit.
Meanwhile, Judge Manolo L. Maddela rendered a decision on December 18, 1975, declaring the private It is already a settled rule that forest lands or forest reserves are not capable of private appropriation,
respondents as owners of the land subject of the litigation. and possession thereof, however long, cannot convert them into private property unless such lands are
reclassified and considered disposable and alienable by the Director of Forestry (now DENR).
On April 21, 1976, the trial court, presided over by Judge Delia P. Medina, issued an order declaring as
moot and academic petitioner's motion for reconsideration of the order denying the motion to lift the In this case, there is no proof of reclassification by the Director of Forestry that the land in question is
order of default in view of this Court's resolution declaring null and void all judicial acts, decisions, disposable or alienable.
orders and resolutions performed, promulgated and issued after January 2, 1976, by then Judge
Manolo L. Maddela. In the same order, Judge Medina required the petitioner to file a reply to the private
respondents' opposition to its motion to set aside the decision of December 18, 1975. The petitioner Furthermore, with the passage of Presidential Decree No. 892, effective February 16, 1976, Spanish
filed its reply on May 10, 1976. Titles can no longer be used as evidence of land ownership. Under the same decree, lands not under
the Torrens System shall be considered as unregistered.
Petitioner's motion to set aside the decision dated December 18, 1975 of the trial court which rendered
judgment in private respondents' favor was granted by the court on July 23, 1976, thereby vacating and PREMISES CONSIDERED, the decision of the appellate court is hereby REVERSED, and Civil Case
setting aside the questioned decision and the order of default. In the same order, the petitioner was No. 7840 and Registration Case No. N-1055 are hereby DISMISSED. SO ORDERED.
required to file its answer to the complaint which it did.