Brain Death To Death Certificate
Brain Death To Death Certificate
Brain Death To Death Certificate
- is the complete and irreversible loss of brain function (including involuntary activity necessary
to sustain life).
- follows Clinical Death
- prevented by resuscitative procedures
*Human brain CANNOT (under normal circumstances) survive without oxygen loss for less than 8 10 minutes.
- Highest center
- Most sensitive to changes in supply of oxygen and blood
- When C.E. dies: Cortical Death
- the older part developmentality
- function: equilibrium
- follows Cortical Death
In the sequence of dying, there comes a point of irreversibility, which physicians diagnose as death. When the
point is reached, nothing more can be done to bring the person back to life.
1. Cessation of heart and circulation
2. Cessation of respiration
3. Cooling of the body (Algor Mortis)
Post mortem caforicity is the rise of temperature of the body after death to rapid and early putrefactive changes or
some internal changes.
4. Loss of motor power
5. Loss of sensory power
6. Changes in the skin
- Pale and waxy
- Loss of elasticity, opacity, and no inflammatory reaction of the skin on the application of heat.
7. Changes in and about the eye
- Loss of corneal reflex, clouding of the cornea, ftaccidity of the eyeball, the optic disc shows
atrophy and a black spot may be found in the cornea.
Tache noir de la sclerotique is an oval or triangular spot with the base towards the cornea appearing in the sclera
a few hours after death.
Cadaveric Spasm
- The immediate or instantaneous spasm or rigidity of the skeletal muscles occurring the
moment of death due to exhaustion, nervous tension or stress, fear, anger, or injury to the
motor nerves or injury to the chest.
- It may not always happen
a. In suicide, or accidental death to the deceased himself, the gun or weapon used to kill
himself, may still be held in the hand of the deceased and can only be removed with
b. The presence of wood or any floating material in the hands of the dead in the water, may
show that the victim was still alive before he ultimately died in the water.
*Conditions in putrefaction are not constant. They might change depending upon the weather, the climate or temperature
in the area.
1. Within 12 hours
- Rigor Mortis is present all over the body. Hypostasis is well developed and fixed
2. Within 24 hours
- Abdomen is distended with gases. There is a greenish discoloration over the whole abdomen
spreading to the chest
3. Within 48
- Moving maggots are seen and ova of flies are present. The trunk is bloated, face discolored
and swollen with blisters.
4. Within 72 hours
- Whole body is grossly swollen and disfigured. The hair, nails and tissues are loose and
5. Within one week
- The soft viscera is putrefied
6. Within two weeks
- The soft tissues of the body are gone
7. Within one month
- The body becomes a skeleton. All bones
After burial, the following factors influence the changes occurring in the body:
1. When buried in a mass grave there is rapid composition of the body due to the multiplicity of different kinds of
2. Depth of the grave the deeper the grave, the slower the decomposition. Insects and animals may alter the
temperature frequently in shallow graves.
3. Time element the longer the time of exposure conducive to bacterial growth before burial, the faster the
4. Condition of the soil wet, muddy, dump soil accelerates decomposition
5. The presence of food and drinks accelerates decomposition
6. Intrusion of air access of air hastens mummification. Bacteria laden air, hastens decomposition
7. State of body an emaciated body at the time of burial, will decompose slower, compared with well-nourished
8. Traumatic death persons with violent deaths, decompose slowly, while septic death accelerates decomposition.
9. Coffin effect - If the coffin is airtight, there is delay of decomposition. If water leaks into the coffin, there is faster
decomposition. Burial in coffins have slower decomposition in general.
10. Presence of clothing there is delay in decomposition because clothing affords protection from insects and
- There is preservation of the body due to evaporation of body or tissue fluids.
- The natural physical appearance undergoes little changes
- The internal organs become also preserved
- Occurs when the body is found in liquid medium
- The body is either reddish or greenish depending on the liquid
- The body is with blisters and skin peelings
- Usually develops after 24 hours