Bridge Magazine
Bridge Magazine
Bridge Magazine
Selim Bridge
Special issue November 2016
remember vividly my visit to Normandy Bridge
as a young engineer in 1992. The 856 metre
Between April 2015, when the first stay cable was installed,
span beat the previous world record for a cable
and February 2016, when the last one was installed, up to
200 people, including about 60 supervisors, worked
stayed bridge by more than 250 meters.
simultaneously on the towers which reach a height of more
than 300 metres, the deck, which runs 75 metres above
At the time, some technical journals began to
the waters of the Bosphorus and on dry land in the offices
overlooking the worksite. question the wisdom of such a leap in
technology. But pushing the boundaries is what
challenges engineers, and the success comes
from understanding and managing the risks.
It is important as engineers that we can be
audacious in our aspirations. Patrick Nagle
Chief Executive Officer
In 2012, 20 years later, Freyssinet set a new of Freyssinet
06 Portfolio
Project photos.
30 The technology
A technical challenge on Contents 02
an unprecedented scale.
27 The projet
The record-setting structure.
31 The year
1977: the Brotonne Bridge.
This is a special issue of Structure Magazine. Structure Magazine, Special Issue Communication
Department: 280, avenue Napolon Bonaparte -
The magazine complements our web site CS60002-92506Rueil-Malmaison CedexFranceEditorial
Board: Guillaume Billaroch, Damien Delbos, Juliette which contains more news Dumoulin Design: Production: EMAPRESS
Translation: Alto Circulation: 1,500 copies in English,
and information about our business. 1,000 copies in French, 1,000 copies in Spanish
ISSN: pending Photo credits: Freyssinet, Freysas,
Michel Virlogeux, William Beaucardet, Francis
Vigouroux, Aykut Ecevit / MAE, Id Contact:
Structure Magazine Special Issue November 2016 Structure Magazine Special Issue November 2016
In short
Yavuz Sultan Black Sea
BEYKOZ - 176 stay cables
- 597 metre length
Bosphorus bridge
Istanbul RUSSIA
of longest cable
- 7,800 tonnes of steel
weeks they drew up the concept of the structure that became the Yavuz
Sultan Selim Bridge in 2016. From the start, a variety of techniques were
devised for the crossing, which has a 1,408-metre span and carries a dual
four-lane motorway and two railway tracks. The design ultimately selected
The project was a hybrid cable-stayed suspension bridge, a technique previously
applied on the Brooklyn Bridge in New York that overcomes a number of
challenges related to size. The bridge completed four years after the start
of design studies is consistent with the first drawings, give or take a few
details. It constitutes a technical feat.
(1) Michel Virlogeux has been an independent consulting engineer since 1995. He is known for designing over 100 structures
worldwide, the most famous of which are the Normandie Bridge and the Millau Viaduct in France and the Vasco de Gama
Bridge in Portugal.
(2) The T Ingnierie firm specialises in designing complex structures and handles design studies, works and site supervision.
It is based in Geneva, Switzerland, and managed by a Board that includes Jean-Franois Klein.
Structure Magazine Special Issue November 2016 Structure Magazine Special Issue November 2016
176 Freyssinet stay cables
were installed on the Yavuz
Sultan Selim Bridge.
Structure Magazine Special Issue November 2016 Structure Magazine Special Issue November 2016
November 2014. 00
The project is proceeding apace.
Soon the Freyssinet teams will be 09
able to install the first cables.
Structure Magazine Special Issue November 2016 Structure Magazine Special Issue November 2016
Structure Magazine Special Issue November 2016 Structure Magazine Special Issue November 2016
Structure Magazine Special Issue November 2016 Structure Magazine Special Issue November 2016
2,164 metre length 2 towers with a height of 322 metres
1,408 metre span 57 segments
176 stay cables 58.50 metre deck width
597 metre length of longest cable Cable stay tensile strength: 1960 MPa
7,800 tonnes of steel for the stay cables 2x4 motorway lanes
Anchor units, 75 to 151 2 railway tracks
Maximum height of dampers: 4 years of work from initial drawings
7.2 metres above the deck to handover
2 suspension cables, Up to 200 Freyssinet employees
each 2,420 metres long working simultaneously
34 pairs of vertical hangers
Structure Magazine Special Issue November 2016 Structure Magazine Special Issue November 2016
Members of the Freyssinet / Freysa
team working on the bridge.
Structure Magazine Special Issue November 2016 Structure Magazine Special Issue November 2016
Hebetec lifted 17 segments
weighing 1,000 tonnes each
at a speed of 10 m/h.
Structure Magazine Special Issue November 2016 Structure Magazine Special Issue November 2016
Structure Magazine Special Issue November 2016 Structure Magazine Special Issue November 2016
Structure Magazine Special Issue November 2016 Structure Magazine Special Issue November 2016
the project
Structure Magazine Special Issue November 2016 Structure Magazine Special Issue November 2016
The project
Yavuz Sultan
Selim Bridge
Lifting the spans
The record-setting Hebetec was in charge of lifting the 17 central span segments. To do this,
the Hebetec teams worked with Freyssinet to devise and type approve the
best way to lift the 1,000 tonne segments. It was ultimately decided to use
the main cable to support the complex operation. It took four months to
produce the equipment and two months to install it. Each segment was lifted
at a speed of 10 m/h. The bridge was keyed in March 2016.
The essentials Hebetec offers comprehensive services in the lifting engineering area. The field
of activities ranges from the preparation of solution concepts and the execution
of lifting, lowering and sliding heavy loads up to renting out hydraulic devices, which,
The project Supply and installation of the to a large extent, are developed by the company.
176 cables and dampers of the Yavuz Sultan Selim
Bridge in Turkey.
Structure The hybrid (cable-stayed suspension)
Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge has total length of 2,164
metres. Its towers are 322 metres high and its span
is 1,408 metres long. It has set a new world record for
a composite road-rail bridge and for stay cable length.
Duration 2012 to 2016. Cable installation began
in April 2015 and ended in February 2016.
It took only four years to build the A technical... On 22 and 23 February, the worlds longest
majestic Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge The cable technical design studies got stay cables were attached to the European
spanning the Bosphorus in Istanbul. under way at Freyssinet at the end of and Asian side towers.
The Freyssinet teams responsible 2012. The teams in charge of the project
for the cable-stayed part of the faced a substantial number of challenges A total of 7,800 tonnes of steel were
structure installed its 176 stay cables due to the specific features of the structure installed in less than nine months of
over a period of 10 months. (see page 30). The cables had between works, an average of 900 per month.
The major project will remain 60 and 151 strands with the standard To maintain this pace, Freyssinet called
an indelible memory for all those 1860 MPa tensile strength used in on specialists from all its subsidiaries.
who worked on it. cable-stayed bridges to support the weight Up to 200 people, including about 60 Access viaducts
The hybrid (cable-stayed suspension) of the deck and traffic. A new 151-strand supervisors, worked simultaneously on
Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge spanning anchor was designed and several the structures two towers, which rise In parallel with the work carried out by Freyssinet on the Yavuz Sultan Selim
the Bosphorus north of Istanbul, innovative damper solutions were more than 300 metres; the deck, which Bridge, the teams from Freysa, Freyssinets subsidiary in Turkey, were in
designed by Jean-Franois Klein developed, as were special deviators. stands 75 metres above the water of the charge of designing and building the three highest access viaducts and
(T-Ingnierie) and Michel Virlogeux, Bosphorus; and on land in the offices for prestressing the bridge.
has a total length of 2,164 metres. The and human challenge overlooking the worksite. Freysa was founded in 1988 as a company jointly held by Freyssinet and the Turkish
bridges innovative hybrid design sets a On 3 April 2015, less than two years after Yapi Merkezi group. Since its inception, Freysa has taken part in more than
number of records : the highest towers the cornerstone was laid, the Freyssinet The finishing work, although not as 300 projects in more than 12 countries. The company delivers the full range
(322 metres), the widest deck (59 metres), teams installed the first cable of the back spectacular, was a similar challenge for of Freyssinet solutions and services. Its recent project include the upgrade to seismic
the longest span for a composite road-rail span on the European side tower. It was the teams. It involved coordinating more standards of the Marmara hospital and the Hali bridge in Istanbul.
bridge (1,408 metres) ; and of course the 154 metres long and had 99 strands. Just than 12 different activities taking place
longest stay cables (597 metres) over 10 days later the first cable was throughout the immense structure and 28
exceeding the length of those of the installed on the Asian-side tower. The the installation of the 172 damper masts
Russky Island Bridge in Vladivostok, cables were installed in parallel on both metal structures with a length of over The partners
Russia with a 1,104 central span, which sides of the Bosphorus throughout the seven metres, which weigh more than five Client 29
is also equipped with Freyssinet stay project. As soon as the second cable was tonnes and were adjusted with millimetre KGM (Turkish Ministry Damien Delbos, project manager
cables. With its eight motorway lanes installed, resources were made available precision by means of a resourceful of Transport)
(four on each side) and ultimately its two to work on cable installation day and support technique. Concessionaire
ICA (JV Itas and Astaldi)
railway tracks, the Yavuz Sultan Selim
Bridge will facilitate traffic between
night, seven days a week on both sides
of the Bosphorus. The project reached its
Jean-Franois Klein In choosing to build the majestic
Europe and Asia. Freyssinet was in
charge of the studies, design, supply
standard pace of ten days per cycle during
the next cycle*. The first 160 stay cables
T-Ingenirie & Michel Virlogeux
Construction outsized bridge at the entrance to the
Bosphorus, Turkey gave us an opportunity
and installation of the stay cables and were installed within seven and a half Hyundai Engineering &
dampers for this record-setting structure. months. Following a two-month Construction / SK Engineering
& Construction
to exceed everything that had been done
The company also supplied and installed interruption to make way for the * A cycle includes the following operations:
- lifting and installation of a metal segment
1,500 tonnes of prestressing and raised installation of the first central segments, in the central span,
the 17 segments of the bridges central
the last 16 stay cables were installed in
just over a month.
- installation of a pair of stay cables in the back
span and a pair of stay cables in the opposite span. before, and we welcomed it!
Structure Magazine Special Issue November 2016 Structure Magazine Special Issue November 2016
The technology
A technical challenge
on an unprecedented scale
Following an invitation to
tender for the cable-stayed
part of the bridge in October
2012, Freyssinet engineers
The year
immediately set to work
to meet the technical
challenge and design
the most suitable cable
system for the structure.
The deck was to be longer, wider
and more flexible than the deck
of the Russky Island bridge in
Vladivostok, which held all the
records at the time. Innovative,
never before seen solutions were
therefore called for. A team from
the Freyssinet Technical
Structure Magazine Special Issue November 2016 Structure Magazine Special Issue November 2016