November 2016: SECTION - 1: Answer at Least TWO Questions SECTION - 2: Answer at Least TWO Questions
November 2016: SECTION - 1: Answer at Least TWO Questions SECTION - 2: Answer at Least TWO Questions
November 2016: SECTION - 1: Answer at Least TWO Questions SECTION - 2: Answer at Least TWO Questions
Q1. With reference to electronic control systems A. Draw a simple block diagram for temperature control B. Describe each component
shown in the diagram in a.
2011/SR9 2010/SR8 2011/SR4 2011/SR1 2010/SR10 2010/SR3 2010/SR4 2011/SR12 2011/SR3
2012/SR09 2014/SR03 2014/SR07 2014/SR09 2015/SR08 2015/SR09 2015/SR10 2016/SR02 2016/SR10
Q2. A. (i) Describe with the aid of a sketch the operation of a synchroscope; (ii) State the information obtained from it.
B. Suggest a substitute in the event of synchroscope and stand by light failure.
2012/SR1 2013/SR4 2015/SR12 2016/SR01
Q3. Sketch a circuit diagram of a push button direct on line contactor starter for a three phase Incorporating overload and short
circuit protection. Indicate, on a sketch of the typical characteristic curves of current and torque against Speed, disadvantages of a
direct on line start squirrel cage induction motor.
2006-7/EMG 2007/SR2 2010/SR3 2016/SR01 2016/SR07
Q4. Under what conditions, can you produce sustained oscillations? Classify oscillations with respect to frequency range, principal
involved, etc. It is possible to produce oscillations with RC networks in phase shift oscillator? Discuss in detail.
Q5. A) Describe the circuit breaker for an a.c. generator using a sketch to show how arcing is Controlled.
(b)Explain the sequence of events that might occur if the breaker opens on a short circuit and state the check you would require
following such event; Give a safe procedure to follow should a main circuit breaker fail to open under fault Condition.
2008/SR2 2008/SR1 06-7/EM 2005/SR9 2010/SR9 2012/SR2 2012/SR9 2013/SR09 2014/SR11
Q6. A. List the factors that determine the starting torque of the three-phase induction motor. How does this torque generally compare
with the value of the rated torque?
B. The low-voltage release of an a.c. motor-starter consists of a solenoid into which an iron plunger is drawn against a spring. The
resistance of the solenoid is 35 ohm. When connected to a 220 V, 50 Hz, a.c. 1supply the current taken is at first 2A, and when the
plunger is drawn into the full-in position the current falls to 0.7 A. Calculate the inductance of the solenoid for both positions of
the plunger, and the maximum value of flux-linkages in weber-turns for the full-in position of the plunger.
2009/SR7 2009/SR6 2008/SR10 2008/SR8 2008/SR4 2008/SR3 2011/SR7 2013/SR11 2011/SR1
2010/SR6 2011/SR4 2012/SR7 2012/SR12 2013/SR08 2013/SR10 2014/SR03 2015/SR03 2015/SR08
2016/SR4 2010/SR8 2014/SR01 2010/SR9 2016/SR06 2016/SR11
Q7. (a) State briefly, the meaning of the expressions 'star-connected' as applied to three-phase a.c. practice. What is the ratio of
the maximum line voltage to the maximum phase voltage in each case.
(b) Determine the line current taken by a 440V, three-phase, star-connected motor having an output of 45KW at 0.88(lagging)
power factor and an efficiency of 93 percent.
Q8. A 20kVA, 2000/220V, single-phase transformer has a primary resistance of 2.1ohm and a secondary resistance of 0.026ohm.
The corresponding leakage reactances are 2.5ohm and 0.03ohm. Estimate the regulation at full load under power-factor
conditions of.
(a) Unity
(b) 0.5 (lagging) and
(c) 0.5 (leading).
Q9. A. Electric motors contain a stationary member as well as a rotating member. For each of the following machines, identify in
which part of the motor three field winding and the armature winding are located: three phase induction motor, three phase
synchronous motor, d.c. motor.
B. An 18.65 KW,4-pole,50HZ, 3 phase induction motor has friction and windage losses of 2.5 percent of the output. The full load
slip is 4% compute for full load (a) the rotor Cu loss (b) the rotor input (c) the shaft torque (d) the gross electromagnetic torque.
2016/SR01 2016/SR11
Q10. (a) Describe an accurate method of comparing the capacities of two condensers.
(b) A diode valve, having the following characteristic is connected in series with a resistor of 10,000 ohm to a 240 V d.c. supply. If
a resistor of 40,000 ohms is connected between the anode and cathode, determine the current through the diode.
IA 0 5.5 13 22 32 42 52 59 63
VA(Volts) 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
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