Word Formation Processes LP

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SY 2016-2017
SUBJECT: English 9

CONTENT/ TOPIC Word Formation Processes (Clipping, Blending, Compounding, Acronyms, and Derivation)

LEARNING At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
COMPETENCY AND 1. distinguish the differences among the word formation processes;
CODE(S) 2. create a dictionary that uses all the word formation processes discussed; and
3. realize the importance of word formation processes in forming new words through the dictionary making.


ACTIVITY 1. Have the class do a group activity named 1. To start with the discussion, ask 1. Have them work on the 1. Divide the class into 5
Imagine Me Without You. the class to answer the ff. exercises about the word groups.
2. Divide the class into 5 groups questions: formation processes. 2. Let them create a
3. Explain/Present the following Can you imagine if there is no 2. Explain the instructions first Dictionary on the
instructions: word as brunch? before the copies will be different word
Each group will be given sets of Can you also imagine if we distributed. formation processes
words to arrange. havent used affixes? (definition and
Use the boards to place the Can you imagine if we cannot examples).
arranged words. use ways in saying the words 3. CRITERIA:
Do this in 3 minutes. in a manner that is convenient Content (10)
The group who will finish the task and catchy? Creativity (7)
first will be given a prize 2. Call on students to recite. Neatness (3)
4. Next, have them brainstorm on how the 3. Proceed to the discussion of the Total: 20 pts.
words were formed. word formation processes.
5. Each group will have one speaker to 4. Have the class cite their own
share their observations. examples of the different word
formation processes.

Submitted by: Amy A. Ognayon

Checked by: Mrs. Jubily G. Kiing

Checked on: October 06, 2016

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