Shania Macks Drama Education CV

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171 Wood Oak Way SW

Calgary, AB T2W 3R3
Phone: 403.481.5218


I am a fourth year Drama and Education major (who is pursuing a Social Studies Education minor) at the
University of Lethbridge. I will be entering my Professional Semester II in March 2017.

November 2016 - December 2016 Calgary, AB
Education 3501 Practicum Student, Connect Charter School
As a practicum student, I taught, assisted and actively observed instruction of a grade four classroom for five
weeks under a teacher associate. I taught the class for over 1/3 of the time: gaining valuable experience instructing,
planning and workshopping ELA, health, learning strategies, library, physical education and social studies
lessons. I assisted and actively observed for the remainder of the time, in which I circulated the room, supported my
teacher associate, aided students on a group and one on one basis and circulated the classroom.

June 2016 - August 2016 Calgary, AB

Program Coordinator, Disabled Sailing Association of Alberta
As a program coordinator, I contributed in the day-to-day operation of non-profit recreational sailing programs for
disabled children and adults. My tasks included but were not limited to: administrative work; acting as a sailing
assistant, cleaning the facility, sailboats, and supplies; canvassing, planning and preparation for a fundraising events;
ensuring the safety and security of clients through assistance, observation, and utilizing inclusive technology;
interacting with and entertaining clients of all ages and abilities; rigging sailboats; and repairing the facility, sailboat
parts, sailboats and supplies.

June 2015 - August 2015 Calgary, AB

Biking Instructor, Pedalheads Bike Camps
I taught groups of children from three to ten years of age in week long sessions, including riding without training
wheels, braking, steering, shoulder checking and control over various terrains.
September 2014 - December 2014 Lethbridge,
Education 2500 Practicum Student, G.S. Lakie Middle School
I assisted a grade six classroom on Monday and Wednesday mornings with a teacher associate. I worked one-on-
one with students, assisted with the Me to We club, supervised lunch hours and a field trip, decorated the
classroom, handed out assignments/worksheets, photocopied and planned/taught two forty-minute drama lessons.

July 2014 - August 2014 Calgary, AB

Day Camp Counsellor, Mid-Sun Community Association
As a day camp counsellor, my duties included: supervision of before and after program care for children between
the ages of 6 and 12, leading planned activities and games, dealing with customer concerns and disputes, cooking
andand handling food, regular cleaning and assisting with field trips to places like Fish Creek Park, Midnapore Lake
and the Calgary Zoo.

June 2012 - August 2013 & December 2013 - January 2014 Calgary, AB
Babysitter, Southland Leisure Centre
General duties included babysitting/entertaining children and babies, interacting with parents and addressing
their questions/concerns, answering the phone and booking babysitting appointments, doing paperwork and stats,

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as well as cleaning. I also occasionally worked with the "School's Out" program for elementary school-aged
children and assisted activities including crafts and trips to the wave pool.

June 2012 - August 2012 Chestermere, AB

Junior Cabin Leader, Camp Chestermere
I worked in a cabin (overnight) alongside with a Senior Cabin Leader. Together, my co-worker and I were in charge
of ten different girls whose ages would vary each week. I was also in responsible for cleaning cabins in the camp
lodge and leading activities (with the children) such as Tubing, Art Spot and Beauty Inside and Out.


September 2015 April 2016 Lethbridge,

Student Mentor, University of Lethbridge Organization of Residence Students
I recently mentored a first year University of Lethbridge student who is in a similar program of study. We met
weekly in the University of Lethbridge library in two hour increments. As a mentor, I gave advice, motivated my
mentee and ensured that she met her academic goals.
August 2011 Chestermere, AB
General Volunteer, Camp Chestermere
I worked with children from ages 5-14. Jobs included: working in day camp activities, day camp beach activities,
overnight camp activities, wide games and campfire. I also worked in the camp kitchen; washing dishes, cleaning,
cooking and preparing food. General work that I did included: cleaning of cabins and camp lodge, restocking
resources and working with camp staff.

September 2010 - June 2011 Calgary, AB

Girl Guides Jr. Leader, Girl Guides of Canada
As a Jr. Leader, I worked with a Girl Guides unit and helped with crafts, games, camping and weekly meetings.


July 2016 - November 2016 Lethbridge, AB
Choreographer and Dramaturg, Theatre Xtra
I choreographed and dramatuged for If Theres One Thing I Know Is True by Alexandra Long. This production
was directed by Long and Nicholas Bohle, both current Drama students, and was performed November 3-5 in the
David Spinks Theatre.
October 2015 December 2015 Lethbridge, AB
Student Director, University of Lethbridge
I directed Tennessee Williams one act play Hello From Bertha for Gail Hanrahans Drama 3850 class. It was
performed December 6th alongside other student directed scenes in the David Spinks Theatre.
October 2015 - November 2015 Lethbridge, AB
Actress, Theatre Xtra
I played Cathy in DNA by Dennis Kelly. This production was directed by Cassandra Watson, a recent U of L
grad and was performed November 5-7 in the David Spinks Theatre.
June 2013 Calgary,
Recipient of the Calgary Board of Educations Fine Arts Certificate, Dr. E.P. Scarlett High School

October 2012 - April 2013 Calgary, AB

Theatre Junction Mentorship Program Student
As a mentorship student, I attended two three hour workshops on one Saturday of every month. Through them, I
exposure to and experience working with mediums like acting, collective creation, movement, scene writing and
technical theatre, which were taught by various active theatre professionals.
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