2015 Final Combind Set 120 Prob Sample

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Copyright 2015 Pecivilexam.com all rights reserved- Breadth Exam 120 solved Problems

2015 PE Exam Standard Specification

PE Civil Exam E-Book120-Mix Questions & Answers (pdf Format)

For Breath Exam (Morning Session)

Copyright 2015 Pecivilexam.com all rights reserved- Breadth Exam 120 solved Problems

Breadth Exam (morning session): These practice exams contain 120

mixed questions and answers of five civil engineering areas. The five
covered areas are construction, geotechnical, structural, transportation,
and water resources & environment.

Table Contents: No. of Problems Page

I. Project Planning: 12 4

II. Means and Methods: 9 16

III. Soil Mechanics: 18 25

IV. Structural Mechanics: 18 45

V. Hydraulics and Hydrology: 21 66

VI. Geometrics: 9 85

VII. Materials: 18 94

VIII. Site Development: 15 113

Total Number of Problems =120

Copyright 2015 Pecivilexam.com all rights reserved- Breadth Exam 120 solved Problems

I. Project Planning: Number of Questions-12

A. Quantity take-off methods
B. Cost estimating
C. Project schedules
D. Activity identification and sequencing

1. PROBLEM (Quantity take-off methods)

A borrow pit contour elevation has been shown in the figure; it has to be cut.
What is the average volume cut from the borrow pit?

a. V=8330 yd3
b. V=5660 yd3
c. V=7530 yd3
d. V=4400 yd3

Copyright 2015 Pecivilexam.com all rights reserved- Breadth Exam 120 solved Problems


Volume, V=[h(i,j)n]x[A/(4x27)]
h(i,j)= Height in ft above a datum surface at row i & column j
n=Number of corners, A= Area of grid in ft2
Area of each grid, A=60x60=3600 ft2
V=[( Height from BMxNo. of corners+..)] x [(A/(4x27)]
V=[(4x1+5x2+6x2+9x1+7x2+5x1+9x2+8x4+4x1+7x3+3x1)] x
=132x [(3600/(4x27)]=4400 yd3

Total Volume of Borrow pit, V=4400 yd3

The Correct Answer is: (d)

Copyright 2015 Pecivilexam.com all rights reserved- Breadth Exam 120 solved Problems

20. PROBLEM (Temporary structures and facilities)

Determine the Factor of Safety against heave a braced cut in clay soil shown in
Figure. Where, Length of braced cut, L=15m, = 16 kN/m3, Nc=5.14, 1=0o
and c=40 kN/m2.

a 6.0
b 4.0
c 3.0
d 5.0


L=15m, B=4m, = 16 kN/m3, Nc=5.14, c=40 kN/m2 and 1=0o

B/2=4/2= 2.828> T=2m
Or, T=2m < B/2=2.828
Hence, B=T=2m and B=2B=2.828 and surcharge, q=0.0
F.S=[Nc c{(1+0.2B/L)}+cH/B]/( H+q),
F.S=[5.14 x 40{(1+0.2 x 2.83/15)}+40 x 5/2]/( 16 x 5+0.0)
F.S= 3.917

The Correct Answer is: (b)

Copyright 2015 Pecivilexam.com all rights reserved- Breadth Exam 120 solved Problems

33. PROBLEM (Bearing Capacity)

Determine the ultimate load of a rectangular footing 6x 4 with eccentric as

shown in the Figure. Where, the Soil Unit Weight, = 118 lb/ft3, Ultimate
Bearing Capacity, qu=3000 lb/ft2, eB=1.5 and eL=1.75.

a 12.0 Kip
b 48.0 Kip
c 17.0 Kip
d 31.0 Kip


Where, eL/L=1.75/6= 0.292> 1/6, and eB/B=1.5/4= 0.375>1/6;

B1=B(1.5-3eB/B)= 4[(1.5-(3 x 1.5/4)]= 1.5 ft
L1=L(1.5-3eL/L)= 6[(1.5-(3 x 1.75/6)]= 3.750 ft
Effective Area, A=1/2(L1B1)=1/2 (1.5 x 3.750)= 5.62 ft2
q'u=3000 lb/ft2
Qult= Ax q'u= 5.62 x 3000= 16848=16.85 Kip

Correct Solution is (c)

Copyright 2015 Pecivilexam.com all rights reserved- Breadth Exam 120 solved Problems

49. PROBLEM (Deflection)

Determined the deflection of the referring rectangular beam. A 20 Kips point

load P is acted at its free end. Where, concrete strength 3000 psi, cross-
section of beam 10 x 16.

a. -1.60 in
b. -2.50 in
c. -3.64 in
d. -5.2 in


Where, P=20 Kip, L=15 ft, B=10, H=16 and

E=57000fc=570003000=3122018 psi/1000=3122 Ksi
Moment of inertia, I=BH3/12= 10x163/12=3413 in4
Deflection at the tip, max=-PL3/3EI
max =-20x(15x12)3/[3(3122x3413)]=-3.64 in

The sign is negative, because the deflection is downward.

The Correct Answer is: (c)

Copyright 2015 Pecivilexam.com all rights reserved- Breadth Exam 120 solved Problems

83. PROBLEM (Basic vertical curve elements)

A vertical curve has required for ascending 3.5% and descending -1.5% grade,
the design speed is 55 mph & the stopping sight distance is S=495 ft. Calculate
the length of the vertical curve required for stopping sight distance.

a. 558.00 ft
b. 458.00 ft
c. 528.00ft
d. 568.00 ft


A=G2-G1= -1. 5% (+3.5%)= -5%=5%

Assume S>L, S=495 ft
L=2S-2158/A=2 x 495-2158/ 5= 558.4 ft
L=AS2/2158=5 x 4952/2158= 567.71 ft is the correct length.

The Correct Answer is: (d)

Copyright 2015 Pecivilexam.com all rights reserved- Breadth Exam 120 solved Problems

120. PROBLEM (Safety)

According to OSHA, which of the following should be considered for the

maximum deflection of a platform when loaded?

a. The platform may not deflect more than 1/60 of the span.
b. The platform may not deflect more than 1/50 of the span.
c. The platform may not deflect more than 1/40 of the span.
d. The platform may not deflect more than 1/30 of the span.


The platform may not deflect more than 1/60 of the span.

The Correct Answer is: (a)

Copyright 2015 Pecivilexam.com all rights reserved- Breadth Exam 120 solved Problems

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