Civil PE AM Exam 2 Solutions PDF
Civil PE AM Exam 2 Solutions PDF
Civil PE AM Exam 2 Solutions PDF
Indranil Goswami
Civil P&P Exam: Breadth (AM) Exam No. 2 – Solutions Copyright Indranil Goswami 2010
Solution 101
Reactions: Ax = -10 kips, Ay = 39.25 kips
Method of joints at A yields: FAH = 89.5 kips (tension) (B)
Note: For a node such as A, where 3 forces intersect, the polygon of forces is a triangle. Therefore, the force triangle will be
similar to the geometric triangle. The free body diagram at node A is shown below.
39.25 1
FAH - 10 2
Solution 102
The solution will assume that the critical condition is overturning due to wind gusts.
Resultant wind force on the sign = 14 x 18 x 55 / 144 = 96.25 lb
Overturning moment about the tipping heel = 96.25 x 41 = 3946.3 lb-in
Stabilizing moment = Wbucket x 7 in = 3946.3. Therefore Wbucket = 563.8 lb. (D)
Solution 103
Considering a 18 in long strip of the angle (load incident on ONE bolt), weight of the wall panel = 90 x 2/12 x 6 x 18/12 = 135 lb
135 lb
5.5 in
4 in
The axial tension in the bolt is represented by Ax . Taking moments about B, 5.5Ax = 135x4.
Therefore, Ax = 98.2 lb (B)
Solution 104
The maximum bending stress is given by
Civil P&P Exam: Breadth (AM) Exam No. 2 – Solutions Copyright Indranil Goswami 2010
𝜎𝑢𝑙𝑡 50
Factor of safety based on normal stress: 𝐹𝑆 = = = 1.44
𝜎𝑚𝑎𝑥 34.8
𝜏𝑢𝑙𝑡 30
Factor of safety based on shear stress: 𝐹𝑆 = = = 1.46
𝜏𝑚𝑎𝑥 20.6
Overall factor of safety = 1.44 (A)
Solution 105
To maximize support reaction at pier C, load spans BC and CD. Correct answer is (D)
Solution 106
Floor load = 90x3 = 270 plf
2 2
Bending moment M = wL /8 = 270x18 /8 = 10935 lb-ft = 131220 lb-in
The allowable bending stress = 1700 psi
3 3
Required (minimum) section modulus = 131220÷1700 = 77.2 in (Choose 80 in ) (C)
Solution 107
The free body diagram of joint B is shown below. Since this FBD has two unknowns, the two equations of equilibrium may be
used to solve for them.
3 1
� 𝐹𝑥 = −𝑇𝐴𝐵 + 𝑇𝐵𝐶 = 0 ⟹ 𝑇𝐴𝐵 = 0.745𝑇𝐵𝐶
√10 √2
1 1 1 1
∑ 𝐹𝑦 = 𝑇𝐴𝐵 + 𝑇𝐵𝐶 − 20 = 0 ⟹ �0.745 + � 𝑇𝐵𝐶 = 20 ⟹ 𝑇𝐵𝐶 = 21.21 𝑘, 𝑇𝐴𝐵 = 15.81 𝑘 (A)
√10 √2 √10 √2
20 k
45° 20 k
𝑻𝑨𝑩 𝟐𝟎
= ⟹ 𝑻𝑨𝑩 = 𝟏𝟓. 𝟖𝟐
𝒔𝒊𝒏𝟒𝟓 𝒔𝒊𝒏𝟔𝟑. 𝟒
Solution 108
• Since the load is vertical, the only horizontal reaction (at node I) is zero.
• At node I, there are three forces (ONLY TWO LINES OF ACTION) in equilibrium (FHI, FGI and Iy), of which FHI acts alone
along its line of action. Therefore FHI must be zero.
• With FHI = zero, at node H, there are three forces (ONLY TWO LINES OF ACTION) in equilibrium (FFH, FHG and Hy), of
which FHG acts alone along its line of action. Therefore FHG must be zero.
• With FHG = zero, at node G, there are three forces (ONLY TWO LINES OF ACTION) in equilibrium (FEG, FFG and FGI), of
which FFG acts alone along its line of action. Therefore FFG must be zero.
• With FFG = zero, at node F, there are three forces (ONLY TWO LINES OF ACTION) in equilibrium (FDF, FFE and FFH), of
which FFE acts alone along its line of action. Therefore FFE must be zero.
• With FFE = zero, at node E, there are three forces (ONLY TWO LINES OF ACTION) in equilibrium (FDE, FCE and FEG), of
which FDE acts alone along its line of action. Therefore FDE must be zero.
Civil P&P Exam: Breadth (AM) Exam No. 2 – Solutions Copyright Indranil Goswami 2010
Note that, beyond this point, the condition of ONLY TWO LINES OF ACTION is not satisfied at any of the nodes A, B, C, D.
Zero force members are: HI, HG, FG, FE, DE (C)
Solution 109
F200 = 10. This is less than 50, therefore it is predominantly a coarse grained soil (first letter G or S).
Coarse fraction = 90%
R4 = 100 – 41 = 59. This is more than half of the coarse fraction. Therefore first letter is G.
D10 = No. 200 size = 0.075 mm
D30 = No. 10 size = 2.0 mm (slightly less)
D60 = 0.5 inch = 12.7 mm
𝐷60 12.5 𝐷30 2.02
𝐶𝑢 = = = 166.7 𝐶𝑐 = = = 4.3
𝐷10 0.075 𝐷10 𝐷60 0.075 × 12.5
Since F200 is between 5% and 12%, the soil has a dual classification. The first part of the classification is based on gradation.
Since BOTH criteria (Cu > 4 and 1 < Cc < 3) for GW are not met, the soil must be classified GP.
GP-GM if PI < 0.73(LL–20) OR PI < 4
GP-GC if PI > 0.73(LL–20) AND PI > 7
PI = 54 – 23 = 31
Value of PI on the A-line = 0.73(LL – 20) = 24.8. Soil plots above the A-line (clay)
Thus, the soil meets BOTH criteria for GP-GC (B)
Solution 110
Since F200 < 35, the groups A-4, A-5, A-6 and A-7 are eliminated.
Also, the soil has significant plasticity (PI = 31), so A-1 and A-3 are eliminated. These designations are essentially for soils with
no to low plasticity.
Soil meets criteria for A-2-7 (F200 < 35, LL > 40, PI > 10) (B)
Solution 111
Ignoring friction between backfill and the wall (Rankine): 𝐾𝑎 = = 0.32
1 𝑙𝑏
Active earth pressure resultant: 𝑅𝑎 = 𝐾𝑎 𝛾𝐻 2 = 0.5 × 0.32 × 118.4 × 152 = 4262.4
2 𝑓𝑡
Solution 112
Weight of soil Water content Unit weight Dry Unit weight (pcf)
(lb) (%) (pcf)
3.20 12.8 96.0 85.1
3.78 13.9 113.4 99.6
4.40 15.0 132.0 114.8
4.10 15.7 123.0 106.3
3.70 16.6 111.0 95.2
3.30 18.1 99.0 83.9
The maximum dry unit weight = 114.8 pcf (D)
Civil P&P Exam: Breadth (AM) Exam No. 2 – Solutions Copyright Indranil Goswami 2010
Solution 113
Total unit weight = 127 pcf. Assume V = 1 cu.ft, W = 127 lb. Distribute this weight in 100:10 proportions (solid:water). Weight of
solids = 115.5 lb, Weight of water = 11.5 lb. Volume of solids = 115.5/165.4 = 0.698 cu.ft. Volume of voids = 0.302. Porosity =
30% (D)
Solution 114
Weight of soil solids 3.67 lb
Weight of water = 4.18 – 3.67 = 0.51 lb
Water content w = 0.51÷3.67 = 0.139
Total unit weight = 4.18÷(1/30) = 125.4 pcf
Specific Gravity: Gs = 2.73
(1+𝑤)𝑆𝐺𝑠 1.139×2.73×𝑆
Using the formula: 𝛾 = 𝛾𝑤 ⟹ 125.4 = × 62.4 ⟹ 𝑆 = 0.693
𝑤𝐺𝑠 +𝑆 0.139×2.73+𝑆
Solution 115
Head difference = 945 – 905 = 40 ft
Length of seepage path = 160 ft
Hydraulic gradient, I = 40/160 = 0.25
Area of flow, A = 120 x 6.5 = 780 sq. ft
Permeability, K = 9.5 ft/day = 0.0066 ft/min
Discharge Q = KIA = 0.0066 x 0.25 x 780 = 1.286 ft /min = 9.62 gal/min (B)
Solution 116
σ1 = 1000 τ1 = 675
σ2 = 3000 τ2 = 2025
𝜏 −𝜏 2025−675
Friction angle: 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜙 = 2 1 = = 0.675 ⟹ 𝜙 = 34°
𝜎2 −𝜎1 3000−1000
𝜏1 𝜎2 −𝜏1 𝜎1 675×3000−2025×1000
Cohesion: 𝑐 = = =0
𝜎2 −𝜎1 3000−1000
Solution 117
Wastewater flow rate = 750 gpm = 1.67 cfs
18×5.1+1.67×1.7 𝑚𝑔
���� =
Immediately downstream of mixing location: 𝐷𝑂 = 4.81
18+1.67 𝐿
Solution 118
The total solids load in the influent: X = 3x180x8.3454 = 4506.5 lb/day
Number of units needed (if all are operational): n = 4506.5÷800 = 5.6 (6 filters)
With the requirement of one offline printer at a time, we need 7 filters. (C)
Solution 119
The 1-hour unit hydrograph is used to construct the runoff contribution of the first hour and the second hour (staggered)
Time (hr) 0 1 2 3 4 5
Discharge Q 0 35 75 105 40 0
Time (hr) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Hour 1 0 59.5 127.5 178.5 68 0
Hour 2 0 28 60 84 32 0
Total 0 59.5 155.5 238.5 152 32 0
Max discharge = 238.5 cfs (B)
Civil P&P Exam: Breadth (AM) Exam No. 2 – Solutions Copyright Indranil Goswami 2010
Solution 120
The longitudinal slope (S) and the channel roughness (n) DO NOT determine the critical flow parameters (such as depth or
velocity). Therefore, for the question asked, they are unnecessary. However, they are required data for the calculation of the
normal depth.
1/5 1/5
2𝑄2 2×102
For a triangular channel with side slope parameter m, the critical depth is given by 𝑑𝑐 = � � =� � = 0.93 𝑓𝑡
𝑔𝑚2 32.2×32
1/5 1/5
𝑄𝑔2 10×32.22
and the critical velocity is given by: 𝑉𝑐 = � � =� � = 3.87 𝑓𝑡/𝑠𝑒𝑐 (C)V
4𝑚 4×3
These relations are derived from the general expression: 𝑄 2 𝑇 = 𝐴3 𝑔 applied to the triangular section shown below:
T = 2md
A = md2 1
Solution 121
Longitudinal slope S = 0.005
Side slope parameter m = 3
n = 0.020
b = 2 ft
d = 2 ft
Wetted perimeter = 2 + 2x2√10 = 14.65 ft
Top width = 14 ft
Flow area = ½ x (2+14) x 2 = 16 sq. ft
Hydraulic radius = 16÷14.65 = 1.09 ft
𝑉= × 1.092/3 × 0.0051/2 = 5.56 𝑓𝑡/𝑠𝑒𝑐
Solution 122
The suspended solids are in the fraction that is retained on the filter paper. The dissolved solids are in the fraction that passes
through the filter paper.
The volatile dissolved solids concentration (mg/L) of the water sample is calculated as the difference between
Mass of dry evaporation dish + solids = 275.801 g
Mass of ignited evaporation dish + solids = 275.645 g
Volatile solids in a 100 mL sample = 275.801 – 275.645 = 0.156 g
VDS concentration = 0.156g/200mL = 780 mg/L (C)
Solution 123
The slope of the pipe is 0.01. Height difference between tow ends of the pipe = 30 ft. Therefore the length of the pipe = 30 ÷
0.01 = 3000 ft
Hazen Williams C = 120
If flow velocity is V (ft/sec), head loss due to friction is given by:
3.022 × 𝑉1.85 × 3000
ℎ𝑓 = = 1.291𝑉1.85
1201.85 × 1.01.165
Bernoulli’s equation applied between free surface at reservoir and free flow at the outfall:
1.85 2
145 + patm/γ + 0 – 1.291V = 95 + patm/γ + V /2g
Solving approximately (trial and error): V = 7.15 ft/sec
Flow rate = 7.15 x π/4 x 1 = 5.62 cfs = 2516 gpm (D)
Solution 124
Using the Rational Method (usually not used for areas larger than about 100 acres):
Time of concentration = longest of all overland flow times = 45 min
Civil P&P Exam: Breadth (AM) Exam No. 2 – Solutions Copyright Indranil Goswami 2010
From the i-d-f curves, for a 20-year storm, with duration = 45 minutes, we get intensity I = 3.7 in/hr.
The composite Rational C coefficient is given by:
∑ 𝐶𝑖 𝐴𝑖 0.4 × 80 + 0.2 × 80 + 0.9 × 50 + 0.6 × 90 + 0.2 × 70
𝐶̅ = = = 0.44
∑ 𝐴𝑖 370
Rational method runoff discharge: Q=CIA = 0.44x3.7x370 = 603 ac-in/hr = 608 ft /sec
Solution 125
The tangent offset at any location on a vertical curve = ½ Rx
1 𝐺2 −𝐺1 2 (𝐺2 −𝐺1 )𝐿
At the end of the curve (i.e. at the PVT) x = L, therefore tangent offset = 𝐿 =
2 𝐿 2
For a crest curve, the vertical offset is negative, therefore: = −17.65 ⟹ 𝐿 = 3.9222 𝑠𝑡𝑎
Therefore, since the PVC is half the curve length upstream of the PVI:
Sta. PVC = sta. PVI – 1.9611 = 123.325 – 1.9611 = 121.3639 (121 + 36.39) (D)
Solution 126
Total number of observations = 88
85% of observations = 75
Speed of 44 mph has an associated cumulative frequency = 74
85 percentile speed = 44 mph (C)
Solution 127
1.075×𝑆𝑚𝑝ℎ 1.075×402
Question asks ONLY for Braking distance = (𝑎±𝑔𝐺)
= = 145 𝑓𝑡
Solution 128
For acceleration phase, time = 70÷8 = 8.75 sec
Acceleration rate = 8 mph/sec = 11.76 ft/s
2 2
Distance = ½ at = 0.5x11.76x8.75 = 450.2 ft
For deceleration phase, time = 70÷10 = 7.0 sec
Deceleration rate = 10 mph/sec = 14.7 ft/s
2 2
Distance = ½ at = 0.5x14.7x7 = 360.2 ft
Total distance = 0.5 mile = 2640 ft
Distance for constant velocity phase = 2640 – 450.2 – 360.2 = 1829.6 ft
Time for constant velocity phase = 1829.6÷(1.47x70) = 17.8 sec
Total travel time = 8.75 + 17.8 + 7.0 = 33.53 sec
Average running speed = 2640÷33.53 = 78.73 fps = 53.6 mph (C)
Solution 129
For the given conditions, e + f = 0.12 + 0.08 = 0.20
𝑉2 602
≤ 𝑒 + 𝑓 = 0.20 ⟹ 𝑅 ≥ = 1200 𝑓𝑡
15𝑅 15 × 0.02
When the intersecting roads are perpendicular, I = 90°, length of curve:
𝑅𝐼 1200×90
𝐿= = = 1885 𝑓𝑡
57.29578 57.29578
Solution 130
For a speed of 60 mph, the side friction factor = 0.12:
𝑆𝑚𝑝ℎ 602
𝑒= −𝑓 = − 0.12 = 0.08
15𝑅𝑓𝑡 15×1200
Solution 131
A = |G2 – G1| = 3.6%
Civil P&P Exam: Breadth (AM) Exam No. 2 – Solutions Copyright Indranil Goswami 2010
Design speed = 65 mph. Corresponding stopping sight distance = 239 + 405 = 644 ft
2 2
Assuming S < L, L = AS /2158 = 3.6x644 /2158 = 692 ft. This solution fits the criterion S<L.
Therefore OK. Minimum length of curve = 692 ft (B)
Solution 132
Pedestrians using the walkway in the first hour = 0.9x0.3x40,000 = 10,800 ped/hr (hourly average)
Peak flow during the first hour = 10,800÷0.88 = 12,273 ped/hr = 204.5 ped/min
Peak flow rate = 204.5÷32 = 6.4 ped/min/ft (C)
Solution 133
The daily production rate (yd ), assuming a 8-hr workday, is most nearly:
In 8-hr workday, number of cycles = 480/8 = 60
Ideal production = 3 x 60 = 180 yd
Actual production = 0.90x0.72x180 = 116.64 yd (A)
Solution 134
A has ES = 0, EF = 4
D has ES = 4, EF = 11
B has ES = 0, EF = 3
E has ES = 3, EF = 9
G has ES = larger of EF = 11 (for D) and EF = 9 (for E). Therefore, ES date for G = 11 weeks. (C)
Solution 135
Assume 1 sack cement: W = 94 lb. V = 0.478 ft
Sand: W = 1.6 x 94 = 150.4 lb. V = 0.920 ft
Coarse: W = 2.6 x 94 = 244.4 lb. V = 1.478 ft
Water: V = 5.8 gal = 0.775 ft ; W = 48.4 lb
The components above represent 97% of total volume, since air = 3%. Therefore, total volume = 3.651÷0.97 = 3.764 ft ;
3 3
The quantity of cement = 94 lb/3.764 ft = 674 lb/yd (A)
Solution 136
3 3
10 tons = 20000 lb = 20000÷165 = 121.2 ft = 4.49 yd
Thus, truck moves 4.49 yd every 30 minutes. Thus, in a 10-hour workday, a single truck makes 600/30 = 20 trips, moving
3 3
20x4.49 = 90 yd . In 8 days, a single truck moves 720 yd . Total number of trucks needed = 4200/720 = 5.83. Use 6 trucks.
Solution 137
Excavation for grade beam has a bottom width = 3 ft, 1:1 side slopes, which creates a top width = 3 + 2x2 = 7 ft. Cross section of
trench = ½ (3+7) x 2 = 10 ft
Perimeter = 200x2 + 400x2 + 50x2 = 1300 ft
3 3
Volume of excavation = 10x1300 = 13000 ft = 481.5 yd
3 3
Daily productivity = 9 yd /hr x 8hr/day = 72 yd
Number of days = 481.5÷72 = 6.7 days (D)
Solution 138
2 2
One set of forms will be new (area of both sides = 2x12x20 = 480 ft ) and two sets (area = 960 ft ) will be reused. Total volume
3 3
of concrete = 12x60x1 = 720 ft3 = 26.67 yd . Including waste, V = 29.33 yd
Therefore, cost of erecting forms = 4.30x480 + 1.30x960 = $3,312
Cost of dismantling forms = 1.05x1440= $1,512
Cost of concrete (incl. waste) = 120x29.33 = $3,519.60
Cost of reinforcement (not incl. waste) = 25x26.67 = $ 666.67
Total cost = $9,011 (D)
Civil P&P Exam: Breadth (AM) Exam No. 2 – Solutions Copyright Indranil Goswami 2010
Solution 139
Using trapezoidal method: Sum of ordinates = yo + 2(y1 … yn-1) + yn = 8703.77 ft
3 3
Volume = 50/2x8703.77 = 217,594.25 ft = 8059.05 yd (A)
Solution 140
AD 11 weeks 8000
AE 6 weeks 6000
BE 7 weeks 7000
CF 10 weeks 9000
To complete project in 9 weeks, AD must be shortened by 2 weeks (shorten D by 2 weeks for additional 1000) AND CF must be
shortened by 1 week (shorten C by 2 weeks for additional 3000). Bonus due to 2 weeks early is 2000.
Net revised cost = original cost + extra cost – bonus = 24k + 1k + 3k – 2k = 26 k (D)