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A Guideline to the Unified Technical File

Regulations for the Prevention of

Air Pollution from Ships

First Edition, Nov. 2004

This booklet is intended for Licensees, ship operators, shipyards, and marine engineers in general to
illustrate the Unified Technical File designed for all MAN B&W engines required to meet the IMO
regulation for the prevention of air pollution.

The Unified Technical File is a document that specifies a procedure, mainly based on performance
measurements, by which the operator can verify compliance with the IMO NOx Technical Code to the
Flag State Authority (or their representative) when the engine is later checked in service.

MAN B&W Diesel has designed this booklet partly to explain survey procedures and partly as a look-
up manual for IMO definitions. The first part concentrates on survey routines, from testbed to on board
situations (the most important for the operator), describing the survey from start to finish. The second
part expands on specific subjects and how to handle the most common tasks on board, e.g. the spare
or reconditioning parts covered by the regulation.

Regarding general emission questions or emission control of MAN B&W two-stroke engines, reference
is given to existing material issued by MAN B&W Diesel.

A. Guidelines to the Unified Technical File (TF) ............................................... 11
Introduction ............................................................................................ 12
Advantages ............................................................................................ 13
TF design ............................................................................................... 14
Component changes ............................................................................. 15
Adjustments ........................................................................................... 16
Summary ............................................................................................... 16
Concept (engine categories) ................................................................. 17

B. Survey Methods .......................................................................................... 18

IMO survey of Parent Engines on Testbed ............................................ 19
Survey of Member Engines on Testbed ................................................ 22
Survey on Sea Trial ................................................................................ 25
On-board Survey ................................................................................... 27

C. Case Story ................................................................................................... 31

D. Glossary ....................................................................................................... 32
IMO Annex VI ......................................................................................... 32
Engines covered by the IMO NOx regulation ........................................ 33
Vessels covered by the IMO SOx regulation ......................................... 34
Emissions regulated .............................................................................. 35
NOx limits ............................................................................................... 36
The IMO NOx Technical Code defines three categories of engines ..... 37
Performance parameters ...................................................................... 38
Local areas ............................................................................................ 39
Required IMO NOx component marking ............................................... 40
Licensees own numbering .................................................................... 54
Emissions from non-IMO engines or for other purposes ...................... 55

E. Description of Documents ........................................................................... 56

Pre-certificate ........................................................................................ 57
TF ........................................................................................................... 58
On-board Survey ................................................................................... 59
Engine parameter check method .......................................................... 60
Parameter survey .................................................................................. 61
Survey code ........................................................................................... 62
Record Book of engine parameters ...................................................... 63

F. Parameters in the Document ...................................................................... 64

IMO ID-number ...................................................................................... 65
Performance tolerances ........................................................................ 66
Performance reference values .............................................................. 67
Engine setting values............................................................................. 68
Changing of setting values .................................................................... 69
Influence on engines in operation ......................................................... 70
Spare parts ............................................................................................ 71
Major conversions ................................................................................. 73
Substantial modifications ...................................................................... 74
Amendments ......................................................................................... 75

Reconditioning of engine parts ............................................................. 76
Maintenance on an IMO engine ............................................................ 77
Simplified measurement method .......................................................... 78
Continuous On-board monitoring .......................................................... 79
Is continuous On-board emission monitoring needed? ........................ 80

G. Responsibilities ............................................................................................ 81
Licensees responsibilities ..................................................................... 82
Yards responsibilities ............................................................................ 83
Owners responsibilities ......................................................................... 84

H. Other ............................................................................................................ 85
ME engines ............................................................................................ 86
Future regulations .................................................................................. 87

I. Assistance from MAN B&W Diesel .............................................................. 89

J. Overview of Survey Routines ...................................................................... 90

In connection with the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Annex VI of Marpol 73/78
Regarding the Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships, MAN B&W Diesel has prepared the following
guidelines to a unified technical file.

A. Guidelines to the Unified Technical File (TF)


1. To ensure that MAN B&W two-stroke engines are tested and can be surveyed in
accordance with IMO Annex VI.

2. To inform shipowners and operators about the TF and how to comply with Annex VI by using
the unified MAN B&W Diesel standard.

Questions or comments regarding the guidelines should be directed to Dept. 2110, Standards
and Classification, see page 89.

The IMO has introduced a new Annex VI of MARPOL 73/78, concerning regulation for the prevention
of air pollution from ships. Annex VI applies to all engines delivered since 1 January 2000, and enters
into force 19 May 2005.

MAN B&W Diesel has worked with the licensees and classification societies to find a uniform design
for the TF required under IMO Annex VI, in order to survey on board compliance.

Many of the first TFs produced by the engine builders varied due to different demands made by the
different classification societies. This happened because the IMO Annex VI does not give sufficiently
detailed instructions on how to draw-up the TF in practice.

MAN B&W Diesel has assumed the task of coordinating the work to prepare a uniform TF, to be used
both by the licensees and the classification societies. The task also includes the necessary procedures
for shipowners when later engine adjustments or changes of components have occurred.

The unified TF means:

Certainty of market acceptance of the TF

Satisfied customers, who can show engine compliance when checked at sea by the Flag
State representatives
A survey method based on principles familiar to the crew
More engines can be accepted within the same engine Group, meaning reduced expenses
Less money spent on emission measurements.

Parent engines can be shared between MAN B&W Diesel and the licensees. This will greatly reduce
the number of emission measurements and future certification costs.

TF design
The principle of the MAN B&W Diesel unified concept is that the defined NOx components and
performance data (measurement of pmax, pcomp, Tscav and pback) can show that an engine complies with
the NOx limit.

Some licensees have, in the past, used a component setting tolerance instead of performance data.
However, if the operator has adjusted the engine, the engine might be out of compliance when the
engine is later checked by the Flag State for compliance at sea.

Only extensive tests on Testbed can validate engine adjustments when component settings tolerances
are used. It is important to note that when IMO Annex VI is ratified, the focus will be on follow-up at
sea where changes and adjustments will take place.

Some licensees have selected to use their own developed TF instead of the recommended MAN B&W
Diesel common component ID numbers. This will make it much more difficult for the owners to
purchase spare parts in the future, and still stay in compliance with the IMO regulation.

It is predicted that some engines already delivered will not be in compliance when they are surveyed.
We suggest that all owners who have made changes to their engines contact the manufacturer
regarding its status, before IMO Annex VI comes into force.

Component changes
This unified TF will allow changes of the engines NOx components, while maintaining compliance in
cases where a shipowner changes components at sea.

Some owners have already demanded a unified system in order to avoid working with different TFs.

The unified TF will allow all adjustments on board within the stated performance parameters.

The Unified TF is the standard introduced by MAN B&W Diesel and it is accepted by the classification
societies headquarters. It should be followed by the licensees for all future engines.

Concept (engine categories)
The IMO Annex VI NOx technical code defines three categories of engines:

1. Individual Engines
2. Engine Groups
3. Engine Families

Individual engines are handled on the Testbed in the same way as a Parent engine. However, a Group
definition is not included in the TF.

Engine Groups and engine Families consist of a Parent engine and a number of Member engines. All
Two-stroke engines can be defined in an engine Group, either as the Parent engine (representing the
Member engines) or as a Member engine.

Most of the survey procedures made for the Member engines and the Parent engine application are
the same. The difference for Member engines is that the emission testing is not necessary neither on
Testbed nor at sea.

B. Survey Methods
The survey methods include Testbed, Sea Trial and On-board inspections. The flow chart for survey
methods has been split up into different sections to make a more detailed description. Refer to Fig. B1,
Appendix B in the TF.

1) IMO survey of Parent Engines on Testbed
Survey Start B

Testbed: Inspection of
PreTechnical File (EIAPP)

1. Parent Engine
Performance Check: Engine
a) measure performance Type
b) measure NOx

NOx components Check:

c) check fuel nozzle and
ECS version
d) other NOx components
e) verify settings

Performance and No
Component approval
Sign Documents Survey Finish

The performance parameter check is the basis of the survey methods. The measurements involved are
used as reference for Member engines.

Note. A change in performance usually means a change in the NOx level.

Performance Check:

a) measure performance
b) measure NOx

NOx component Check:

c) check fuel nozzle and ECS version (for ME engine types)

d) check other NOx components
e) verify settings

a+b) Performance and NOx measurements: B
pmax, pcomp, Tscav and pback and NOx measured (and corrected) at the four load points in
accordance with the E2/E3 IMO cycle.

c) The Electronic Control System (ECS) software is important for correct operation of the engine
and, therefore, the emission levels.
To extend the group of engines that can be associated with a Parent engine, different types of
fuel nozzles are tested for different engine types.

d) Approved IMO compliant NOX components are listed in the engine TF (or pre-TF).

e) The setting values are verified for guidance only and are not a verification of the engines actual
NOx emission level. The value includes the IMO Chief Checksum value on the Main Operating
Panel for the ME engine types. The values are to be used only as guideline indications for later
adjustments after, for example, overhauls comprising the fuel cam or exhaust cam position.

A survey code is established by data gained from the official Testbed tests in order to ease an on
board survey. The results, therefore, cannot be printed until later together with the EIAPP application
with the Parent TF.

2) Survey of Member Engines on Testbed

Survey Start

Testbed: Inspection of
PreTechnical File (EIAPP)
2. Member Engine
Performance Check:
Engine a) measure performance
Type b) verify performance

NOx components Check

c) check fuel nozzle and ECS version
d) other NOx components
e) verify settings

Print out survey code tables

(with EIAPP application)
No Performance and
Component approval

Sign Documents Survey Finish

The main difference between surveying Parent and Member engines is that the NOx emission is only
being measured for the Parent engine. For the Member engine, the performance check verifies
compliance based on the parent engine NOx data.

Performance Check:

a) measure performance
b) verify performance (Testbed version)

NOx component Check:

c) check fuel nozzle and ECS version (for ME engine types)

d) check other NOx components
e) verify settings

Print out survey code tables

a) Performance measurements:

pmax, pcomp, Tscav and pback are measured (and corrected) at the four E2/E3 load points.

b) Verify performance:

The survey code (Testbed version), which is based on the Parent engine data will
automatically correct the performance values and perform a NOx estimate when performance
measurements and ambient conditions are entered into the program.

If the ISO ambient corrected performance values are within the TF specified tolerances, the
engine is in compliance with the IMO regulation.

c+d) The approved IMO NOx components are listed in the engine TF.

e) The setting values are verified for guidance only, and are not a verification of the engines actual
NOx level. The value includes the IMO Chief Checksum value on the Main Operating Panel for
the ME engine types. The values are to be used only as guideline indications for later
adjustments after, for example, overhauls comprising the fuel cam or exhaust cam position.

The survey tables document the survey and are printed for later reference and are included in the
Member engines TF.

3) Survey on Sea Trial B
(without component or adjustment changes)
Survey Start

3. Sea Trial
Inspection of:
Technical File (IAPP)
Adjustment or
Component Changes

NOx components Check

c) check fuel nozzle and ECS version
d) other NOx components
(as considered necessary)
e) verify settings
(as considered necessary)

Print out survey tables

Survey Finish Sign Documents and add to Record Book

A NOx component check is sufficient to verify that the engine is in compliance.

All documentation established so far, including the certificate, TF and eventual Record Book (see
Chapter E for definition of Record Book) should be inspected, and the outcome should be included in
the IAPP documentation for later reference on board.

NOx component Check:

c) check fuel nozzle and ECS version (for ME engine types)

d) check other NOx components (when considered as necessary)
e) verify settings (when considered as necessary)

Print out survey code tables to document compliance.

If changes to components or settings were introduced,

see survey method 4 (On board survey).

4) On-board Survey B
(to be used when adjustments have been made to components or settings)

Survey Start

4. Onboard Survey
Inspection of:
Technical File and Record Book
Adjustment or
Component Changes Performance Check:
Yes a) measure performance
b) verify performance (VIT or non-VIT)

NOx components Check

c) check fuel nozzle and ECS version
d) other NOx components
(as considered necessary
e) verify settings
(as considered necessary)

Adjust Print out survey tables

Performance and
Component approval

Survey Finish Sign Documents and add to Record Book

All established documentation (EIAPP, TF, IAPP and eventual Record Book) must be inspected. The
outcome must be filed in the on board Record Book for later reference.

Performance Check:

a) measure performance
b) verify performance (onboard VIT or non-VIT versions)

NOx component Check:

c) check fuel nozzle and ECS version (for ME engine types)

d) check other NOx components (when considered as necessary)
e) verify settings (when considered as necessary)

Print out survey code tables to document compliance.

a) Performance measurements: B
For engines with VIT, the 75% load point and one load point above the VIT break point are to be
measured. For engines without VIT, and the ME engine types, only the 75% load point is
measured (the performance data measured are as stated above).

b) Verify performance:

The survey code (on board version), which is based on the Parent engine data will automatically
correct the performance values and perform a NOx estimate when performance measurements
and ambient conditions are entered into the program.

If the ISO ambient corrected performance values are within the TF specified tolerances, the
engine is in compliance with the IMO regulation.

c) The fuel nozzle, being the component having most influence on NOx, must be checked by
identification of its ID number, as well as the ECS version for the ME engine types.

d) The Flag State representative can check other NOx components, when considered as
necessary, by identification and comparison with the TF component ID numbers.

e) The setting values, comprising the fuel cam and exhaust cam positions and the IMO Chief
Checksum values on the Main Operating Panel (for the ME engine types), may be verified,
when considered as necessary by the Flag State representative. However, the values are for
guidance only.

Note. Three versions of the on board survey code exist depending on the engine fuel pump system
(VIT, non-VIT or ME).

The survey tables document the survey and are printed for later reference and included in the Record

C. Case Story
An engine Group was established on the basis of the Parent engine tested as engine No. 1. Member
engine No. 2 was delivered in agreement with the established TF, but for Member engine No. 3 it was
decided to perform comparison tests for a new fuel nozzle.
1. Parent engine
2. Member engine
3. Member engine (new fuel nozzle tests)
4. Member engine

Two different possibilities exist for maintaining the engine Group certificates:

The new fuel nozzle can be added to the TF with an amendment for the nozzle, but only if the new
nozzle demonstrates a lower NOx value than the original fuel nozzle.

A new engine Group can be established on the basis of engine No. 3 as a new Parent engine (if the
engine was surveyed as a Parent engine on Testbed). In this case, new Member TFs for the previous
Member engine need to be established.

Engine No. 4 can be certified to either engine Group depending on the fuel nozzle used (provided that
both nozzles are entered in the TF).

A detailed description of the survey methods can be found in the TF (Chapter 3 and Appendix B).

D. Glossary
IMO Annex VI
The IMO Annex VI is a new annex to MARPOL 73/78 the International Convention for the Prevention
of Air Pollution from Ships and which applies to every ship of 400 gross tons and above.

The rules on NOx emission are specified in Conference Resolution 2, the NOx Technical Code.

Engines covered by the IMO NOx regulation
1. All diesel engines with an output of more than 130kW and installed in a ship built on or after
1 January 2000.

2. All engines (above 130kW) that undergo a major conversion:

an engine replaced by a new engine built on or after 1 January 2000 D

any substantial modification, as defined in the NOx Technical Code, made to the engine, or
the engine rating (MCR) is increased by more than 10%

Emergency engines and Navy vessels are not covered by IMO, and engines entirely for use in internal
State waters are not covered if an alternative NOx control measure is applicable.

Vessels covered by the IMO SOx regulation

Emissions regulated
NOx: Regulation 13 describes a speed-related IMO NOx limit (from 17gNO2/kWh to 9.8gNO2/kWh
depending on rated engine speed or an exhaust gas cleaning system which provides an equivalent
NOx reduction).

SOx: Regulation 14 describes the sulphur limit. The sulphur content of the fuel shall not exceed 4.5%.
In defined SOx control areas, an HFO fuel with equal or less than 1.5% sulphur content, or an after- D
treatment system that limits the exhaust SOx to equal or less than 6gSO2/kWh are required. To
document the sulphur content in the fuel, a new bunker delivery note is required, accompanied by a
representative sample of the fuel oil delivered, as specified in Regulation 18.

However, individual countries (Flag States) may have special mandatory or voluntary requirements
within local waters, and certain businesses require information on different emission components.

NOx limits
The MAN B&W Diesel unified TF specifies three NOx values:

1. The MCR speed-related IMO NOx limit (see previous)

2. The actual Parent engine reference NOx value
3. The actual Parent engine NOx value at maximum tolerance conditions.

The last value must be less or equal to the IMO NOx limit to comply with the IMO Annex. However, for
On board surveys, the simulated Member engine NOx value must be less than the Parent engine
maximum value (with allowed tolerances).

The IMO NOx Technical Code defines three categories of engines
1 Individual engines
2 Engine Groups
3 Engine Families

Engine Groups and Families consist of a Parent engine and a number of Member engines.
Large two-stroke engines belong to either category 1 or 2 because of the necessity for adjustments on

In principle, most of the survey procedures made for the Individual and the Parent engine application
will be the same. The main difference for Member engines is that the emission testing is not required
neither on the Testbed nor at sea.

The more engines that can be included in the same engine Group, the easier and lower the costs for
the engine builder. Furthermore, having a Unified TF will facilitate sharing of engine Groups among
MAN B&W Diesel and the engine builders, saving more costs.

Performance parameters
Following extensive testing, MAN B&W Diesel has established the NOx sensitivity of different
performance parameters. This knowledge has been utilised to establish the defined allowed maximum
IMO tolerances. These tolerances must be met always, independent of (or in addition to) the specified
service tolerances in the instruction books for the engine.

Local areas
SOx emission control areas (SECA).

IMO defined area with a SOx limit of 1.5%.

Note. The Baltic Sea and the North Sea have been defined as special restricted-SOx areas.

Required IMO NOx components marking
MAN B&W Diesel has defined 12 standard engine components as IMO NOx components that might
influence the NOx emission.

A listing of the components (including a few major sub supplier components: T/C, charge-air cooler,
auxiliary blower and the governor) is given in Table 1.1 in the TF together with the allowed ID numbers.

The marking position on each component is described in the TFs Appendix A and is specified in a
standard MAN B&W Diesel marking specification.

Except for the fuel nozzle, none of the defined IMO components are easy to replace with a different
design and, consequently, are not likely to change the NOx characteristics. Therefore, if the engine
performance is kept within the specified tolerances (see TF Table 1.3) the engine will comply with the
IMO limit.

Only the nozzle ID number might need verification (this is always at the discretion of the surveyor). For
ME engines, the Electronic Control System (ECS) version and the selected engine mode also need to
be surveyed.

MAN B&W Diesel has defined the Part Number as the IMO ID number for the component. Many of
the defined NOx components are already stamped with the part number.

Note. Only the main part number is used not the revision number (see circled number in TF Appendix A.)

Part Certified Marking Required Marking Notes
Marking Instruction
Cylinder liner Part Mo. 0742637-8 Either manufacturers Name Marking is on
or Trademark, plus Part No. manoeuvring side

Part Certified Marking Required Marking Notes
Marking Instruction
Cylinder cover Part No. 0742634-2 Either manufacturers Name Marking is on
or Trademark, plus Part No., manoeuvring side
Year and Week of manufacture

Part Certified Marking Required Marking Notes
Marking Instruction
Piston crown Part No. 0743260-7 Either manufacturers Name Marking is on
or Trademark, plus Part No. manoeuvring side

Part Certified Marking Required Marking Notes
Marking Instruction
Fuel pump Part No. 0742843-8 Manufacturers Name On ME engines:
barrel or Trademark, plus Part No., The barrel and the
and Engine Type plunger are paired

Part Certified Marking Required Marking Notes
Marking Instruction
Fuel pump Part No. 0742845-1 Manufacturers Name On ME engines:
plunger or Trademark, plus Part No. No marking required.
and Engine Type

Part Certified Marking Required Marking Notes
Marking Instruction
Fuel cam Part No. 0742636-6 Either manufacturers Name Marking is on
or Trademark, plus Part No. Bearing side

Exhaust cam Part No. 0742635-4 Either manufacturers Name Marking is on

or Trademark, plus Part No. Bearing side

Inserted pictures shows marking example

Part Certified Marking Required Marking
Marking Instruction
Fuel nozzle Part No. 0742639-1 Manufacturers Name
or trademark, plus Part No.,
and hole diameter (mm)

Marking Location

Part Required Marking Notes
Scavenge air Manufacturers Name, Type, Marking is on
cooler Contract number, Name Plate
Year of manufacture,
Water side and Air side figures
for: Op. Exc. Press. (bar),
Test Exc. Press. (bar), D
Op. Temperature (oC) and
Content (L)

Part Required Marking Notes
Turbocharger Manufacturers Name, Type, Marking is on
Serial number(s), Name Plate
Manufacturing date,
Specification, T/C manufacturer is
Max. cont. speed and responsible for
Max. cont. gas temperature marking 4 internal D
components and
issues a specific IMO
certificate for the T/C

Part Required Marking Notes
Auxiliary Manufacturers Name, Model, Marking is on
blower Capacity, Pressure, Temp., Name Plate
Density, Serial number(s),
Speed, Power, Date of build
and Electrical Source.

Part Notes
Governor Manufacturer/
Installer is
responsible for

Licensees own numbering
Some licensees have introduced their own IMO ID numbering system. However, the MAN B&W Diesel
ID number is always required along with the licensee number in the TF.

The ME engine has certain different components, but the On board survey exactly follows same
procedures as for the MC engine.

Emissions from non-IMO engines or for other purposes
Engines that do not fall within the IMO regulation (i.e. old engines built before 1 January 2000) are not
required, from the IMO point of view, to document the emission characteristics.

Incentives from individual states or customers may urge Owners to obtain actual emission values.

It is possible, but very difficult, to measure emissions on board for different Flag State/customer D
purposes. The specific requirements (components and accuracies) should be stated clearly. The ship
Owners will have an obligation to ensure safe access for personnel and provide the equipment and
exhaust sampling gear necessary for taking the measurements.

On board IMO engine certification should only be carried out if absolutely necessary. In order to obtain
an EIAPP certificate after installation on board, the engine must be certified either as an Individual
engine or an engine Group. In principle, most of the survey procedures made for the Individual and the
Parent engine application will be the same.

The measurement procedures must follow normal Testbed procedures (for measurements and load
cycle) and without any tolerance allowances.

For IMO-compliant engines, all gaseous emission must be stated (at the four load points in the E2/E3
cycle) in Chapter 4 of the TF (for the common MAN B&W Diesel TF).

E. Description of Documents

The interim Engine International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate (EIAPP) is the legal document that
approves the engine on the Testbed in accordance with the NOx Code and Regulation 13 of Annex VI.

This preliminary or interim certificate (statement of compliance) will only be issued until the
enforcement date of 19 May 2005, and will have to be exchanged with a final EIAPP certificate since
Annex VI has been ratified.

All of the original documents must be available on board at all times.


An approved document that specifies the actual engines performance data, the engine Group (a
number of engines defined by the engine with the highest NOx emission the Parent engine), the
emission characteristics of the Group, and how to survey the engine on board for NOx compliance.

MAN B&W Diesel has introduced a Unified TF as the standard common TF set-up for all MAN B&W
Diesel Two-stroke engines. This was done in order to simplify the IMO Annex VI for Owners and to
ensure similar TFs for all MAN B&W Diesel engines, independent of the various licensees.

To ensure compliance with the MAN B&W Diesel standard, an example of a Unified TF can be
obtained by contacting Department 2110.

On-board Survey
A survey of the engine, as defined in the TF, to verify continuous compliance with the NOx emission
limits of IMO Annex VI.

Different survey methods are specified in the IMO NOx Technical Code dependent on the purpose of
the survey (pre-certification survey on Testbed, initial survey on board or, periodical or intermediate
surveys on board).

Engine parameter check method
MAN B&W Diesel has defined an Engine Parameter Check Method as a combination of a performance
parameter check and a component survey (see Service Letter No. SL03-428).

The On board survey is described in detail in TF, Chapter 3, and Appendix B, Fig. B.1. This presents an
overview of the different mandatory survey procedures.

Parameter survey
A manufacturer defined survey procedure.

MAN B&W Diesel has defined four performance parameters for the On board survey for verification of
engine compliance with the IMO NOx regulation:

maximum pressure
maximum compression pressure
scavenge air temperature
turbocharger backpressure. E
To verify compliance, these parameters (adjusted to ISO ambient conditions) must stay within the
tolerances specified in TF, Table 1.3.

The survey follows standard MAN B&W Diesel procedures for engine performance checks (see TF,
Appendix B). However, for scheduled surveys, all sensors and gauges used in the survey code must
be reliable and calibrated in accordance with the manufacturers specifications (and the IMO NOx
Technical Code requirements).

Survey code
A dedicated code for the actual engine Group that facilitates easy On board surveys.

In connection with the On board survey (see TF, Chapter 3 and Appendix B), MAN B&W Diesel has
introduced a small Microsoft Excel code that, automatically, either shows compliance, or points to
necessary adjustments of the engine setting/performance values.

When the engine is surveyed (Testbed or On board), the setting values are measured in accordance
with the procedures in the instruction book, and documented through the survey code, which is
printed out to the Record Book. The performance parameter survey automatically approves the setting
values. For MAN B&W two-stroke engines, these are for guidance only (i.e. for use in cases where the
performance data can not be obtained e.g. during docking).

When using the MAN B&W Diesel-defined on board parameter survey method for large two-stroke
engines, the setting values are for guidance only. For other survey methods, either TF-defined
tolerances (based on additional measurements for the individual settings) or amendments are

The actual readings are registered in the survey code for future reference.

Record Book of engine parameters
An Owner-established log book to document any changes (including recorded On board surveys) to
IMO components or engine settings that may influence NOx emissions.

With a few modifications, the standard on board log book can be used as the Record Book.

Together with the TF, MAN B&W has introduced a survey code that lists the necessary documentation
from the On board survey to be included the Record Book.

F. Parameters in the Documents

IMO ID-number
A manufacturer specified unique number for an engine component that may have an influence on the
engine NOx emission characteristics.

MAN B&W Diesel has defined the Part Number as the IMO ID-number for the component. Many of
the defined NOx components (MAN B&W Diesel has defined 12 standard engine components as IMO
NOx components) are already stamped with the Part Number. However, only the main Part Number is
used not including the revision digit (see encircled number in TF, Appendix A).

Some licensees have introduced their own IMO ID-number system. However, the MAN B&W Diesel
ID-number is always required along with the licensee number in the TF. Components with any one of
the numbers defined in TF, Table 1.1 are valid.

Only the components marked with an IMO ID-number and specified in TF, Table 1.1 (or in the
dedicated survey code for the engine Group) are accepted as common replacement spare parts.

New components or modified spare parts to replace the existing component (i.e. components with a
different IMO ID-number) must be amended to the TF. MAN B&W Diesel are responsible for ensuring
that original spare parts can be used on board.

Always make sure that MAN B&W Diesel ID-numbers are added to the licensees TF in order to obtain
the flexibility for purchasing and updating parts.

Performance tolerances
The tolerances defined in TF, Table 1.3 for the four performance parameters that affect the engine NOx
emission characteristics.

Following extensive testing, MAN B&W Diesel has established the NOx sensitivity of different
performance parameters (maximum pressure, maximum compression pressure, scavenge air
temperature and turbocharger backpressure). This knowledge has been utilised to establish the
defined allowed maximum IMO tolerances. These tolerances must be met always, independent of (or
in addition to) the specified service tolerances in the instruction books for the engine.

Performance reference values
The ideal Parent engine performance reference values are defined in TF, Table 1.3.

When the Parent engine is run on the Testbed, ambient conditions and, perhaps, not precisely
adjusted engine setting values may lead to slightly off-performance values. This is normal, therefore
to define the engine Group in the best possible way, a set of slightly different values the performance
reference values has been defined. The engine NOx emission is now corrected to reflect this
condition, just as the NOx emission is corrected to ISO ambient conditions.

Engine setting values
Mechanical or electrical adjustment features of the engine providing certain engine performance

When the engine is surveyed (Testbed or On board), these values are measured (following the
procedures in the instruction books) and documented through the survey code (and printed out to the
Record Book). With a few modifications, the standard log book on board can be used as the Record
Book. The performance parameter survey automatically approves the engine setting values, which for
MAN B&W two-stroke engines are for guidance only (i.e. for use in cases where the performance data
cannot be obtained, e.g. during docking).

Adjustment of the ME engine setting values is done on the Engine Control System panel and verified
by means of checksum values. Two checksums are defined for emissions, an IMO Design
checksum and an IMO Chief checksum. The IMO Chief checksum is verified (and approved) through
the On board parameter survey, whereas the IMO Design checksum is a manufacturer responsibility,
which might require an amendment to be in compliance. This amendment usually consists of one page
referring to engine Group, engine Type, and the authorised company approval number introducing a
new IMO ID-number on a component.

Changing of setting values
Setting values can be changed, depending on the survey method as defined in the TF.

The actual readings are registered in the survey code for future reference.

When the engine is surveyed (Testbed or On board), these values are measured (following the
procedures in the instruction books and documented through the survey code (and printed out to the
Record Book). The performance parameter survey automatically approves the setting values, which for
MAN B&W two-stroke engines are for guidance only.

Influence on engines in operation
Modifications to engine are allowed within IMO defined constraints.

IMO Annex VI uses specific definitions related to engine modifications (spare parts, major conversion
and substantial modification).

Spare parts
Always use spare parts from authorised MAN B&W Diesel spare part suppliers and drawings.

Only the components marked with an IMO ID-number and specified in TF, Table 1.1 (or in the
dedicated survey code for the engine Group) are allowed as common replacement spare parts.

New components or modified spare parts to replace the existing components (e.g. components with a
different IMO ID-number) must be amended in the TF. The amendment usually consists of one page
referring to an engine Group, engine Type, and the authorising company (Classification Society)
approval number introducing a new IMO ID-number on a component.

MAN B&W Diesel is responsible for ensuring that original spare parts can be used on board.

New IMO NOx components will be filed by MAN B&W Diesel with the class societies when engine
Groups (using the unified TF set-up) are filed to MAN B&W Diesel. This will require that our licensees
report back to MAN B&W Diesel regarding introduced engine Groups.

Always make sure that MAN B&W Diesel ID-numbers are added to the licensee TF, in order to obtain
flexibility when buying and updating parts.

Major conversions
As defined in IMO Annex VI, Regulation 13:

When the engine is replaced with a new engine (built after 1 January 2000)
When the engine undergoes a substantial modification
When the MCR rating is increased by more than 10%.

In cases of a major conversion of an old engine (an engine built before 1 January 2000), this engine
must now fully comply with Annex VI, Regulation 13.

Engines that already comply with the Regulation 13 might, in the worst case, need a new Parent
engine, but in most cases, an amendment will be sufficient.

Engines that are derated (e.g. by more than 10%) might have a change in their emission
characteristics (possibly, increased NOx emissions) and, therefore, also be considered as a major

Substantial modifications
For IMO compliant engines where the modification will increase the NOx emission level to exceed the
IMO limit set out in Regulation 13 of Annex VI, and for old engines where the modification increases
their existing NOx emission level beyond the tolerances allowed for a simplified measurement method.

Due to the difficult conditions for taking measurements on board, certain measurement tolerances are
allowed in connection with this method (see NOx Technical Code 6.3.11), e.g. 10% due to the
measurement method and 10% due to the possibility of a different fuel, but maximum of 15% in total.

For compliant engines, if the Parent engines maximum NOx tolerance is exceeded, a new Parent
engine must be introduced.

For old engines, if NOx increases, it would require major efforts (if possible at all) to establish a TF and
certify the engine on board. Fortunately, most modifications (introduction of new techniques and
technologies) will reduce emissions and, therefore, not result in a requirement for the engine to comply
with the IMO regulation.

An amendment is the formal instrument to introduce changes to the original IMO components and
settings defined in the engines TF.

The amendment usually consists of one page referring to the engine Group, engine Type, and the Flag
State representative approval number introducing a new IMO ID-number.

For new Members to an existing engine Group to which amendments have been issued, the amended
component will be introduced directly into the Member TF.

Reconditioning of engine parts
Engine parts can be reconditioned as usual, provided the repair shop is authorised and uses original
MAN B&W Diesel drawings.

The components must be machined to the same dimensions as specified for original parts. If the
component ID-number is not readable, the number must be re-established in agreement with the
standard MAN B&W Diesel marking procedures.

Reconditioning is usually performed only on major large components, where the dimensions do not
have the stronger influence on the emission characteristics.

Maintenance on an IMO engine
Maintenance should be performed in accordance with the engines instruction books, i.e.:

Exchange of spare part as necessary

Performance checks as specified.

However, attention needs to be kept on the tolerances specified in TF, Table 1.3.

It should be emphasised that proper maintenance is required, and that it is a part of keeping engine
emissions within the specified limits. Unless the engine is maintained in accordance with the engine
instruction books, and is compliant with the TF specifications, the manufacturer bears no responsibility
for the engine with regard to IMO compliance.

Simplified measurement method
Emission measurements for on board confirmation tests only and periodical and intermediate surveys,
see IMO NOx Technical Code 6.3.

The second method for On board surveys as defined in the NOx Technical Code and also the method
for verifying the emission status for non-compliant old engines with back-to-back measurements.

Following the procedures above, it is possible, but very difficult, to measure emissions on board for
different Flag State/customer purposes. The specific requirements (components and accuracies)
should be stated clearly. The ship Owners will have an obligation to ensure safe access for personnel,
equipment and the exhaust sampling equipment necessary for the measurements.

Only if absolutely necessary should an engine be IMO certified on board. In order to obtain an EIAPP
certificate on board, the engine must be certified as either an Individual engine or an engine Group, the
measurement procedures must follow normal Testbed procedures (for measurements and load cycle)
and without any allowances.

For IMO-compliant engines, all gaseous emissions are stated (at the four load points in the E2/E3
cycle) in the TF, Chapter 4.

Continuous On-board monitoring
NOx emission measurements (and monitoring) applied for On board periodical and intermediate
surveys (see IMO NOx Technical Code to demonstrate compliance with Regulation 13 of
Annex VI.

The third method for On board surveys defined in the NOx Technical Code (pre-certification survey on
Testbed, initial survey on board, or periodical and intermediate surveys on board).

Measurements of similar quality to the simplified measurement method are required.

A sub-committee under the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) has recently drafted
the Guidelines for On board NOx Verification Procedure Direct Measurement and Monitoring
Method, DE46/WP.3, 17 March 2003, which were adopted as draft guidelines. F
It should be emphasised that continuous on board monitoring does not imply continuous measuring
during the entire operation of the engine, but only during defined sequences.

Is continuous On-board emission monitoring needed?

As long as surveys are performed as defined in the Unified TF are in compliance with IMO Annex VI,
there is no need for complicated emission measurements on board to verify compliance. In all cases
and at all times, the engine must always be maintained appropriately, and performance data be
recorded to ensure proper operation.

The continuous on board monitoring method is an option which the Owner, who will bear the costs,
must decide on. It will be difficult to establish the method without the cooperation of the manufacturer.

G. Responsibilities

Licensees responsibilities
Marking of components in accordance with MAN B&W Diesel specifications

Performance testing of all engines to verify compliance with IMO Annex VI, and emission
testing of the Parent engines on the testbed

Preparing the TF and applying for an EIAPP certificate

Ensuring continuous compliance when engine is installed in the vessel (See note).

All final official Testbed measurements must be performed under survey conditions.

Note. Provided that the Owner maintains and operates the engine according to MAN B&W Diesel
instructions, the licensee must guarantee an IMO compliant engine throughout the engine warranty
period (the US EPA Regulation operates with a useful life warranty, where the useful life is defined as
three years or 10,000 hours of operation).

Yards responsibilities
Assist with or perform the initial engine survey on board, depending on the agreement with
the licensee

Apply for the vessel certificate (the IAPP certificate).

Now that the IMO Annex VI is ratified (enforced from 19 May 2005), the common practice (and an IMO
requirement) will be to perform the initial On-board Survey in connection with the vessels Sea Trial,
where the authorised surveyor is already on board. This has not been the case so far, except in certain
special cases to verify the correct adjustment of the main engine.

Owners responsibility
Decide on the unified TF issue

Maintain the engine in accordance with the instruction books and IMO requirements (not
limited to IMO components and performance surveys)

Keep and update the on-board engine Record Book

Calibrate necessary sensors/gauges used in the surveys

Survey the engines on board and apply for future certificates.

In case of emission measurements being taken on board, the owner takes on additional responsibility.

H. Other
Can emissions on old engines be reduced?

Most likely, Yes.

Low-NOx nozzles and new Slide Fuel Valves designed to improve HC and PM emissions are available
for many MC engines today. However, the emission reduction potential, as well as the cost, should be
evaluated case by case.

The benefit for the environment is unquestionable, but the Owner will also benefit from improved
cylinder conditions. Whereas the benefit from meeting IMO or Flag State emission regulations may
require difficult measurements taken on board.

ME engines
The MAN B&W ME engine range has certain different components than the 12 standard engine MAN
B&W Diesel-defined IMO NOx components (a listing of the components is given in TF, Table 1.1), but
the on board survey follows exactly same procedures as for the MC engine.

Adjustment of the engine setting values is effected on the Engine Control System panel and is verified
by means of checksum values. Two checksums are defined for emissions, an IMO Design checksum
and an IMO Chief checksum. The IMO Chief checksum is verified (and approved) through the on
board parameter survey, whereas the IMO Design checksum is a manufacturer responsibility, which
may require an amendment to be in compliance.

Future regulations
Today, all new engines comply with the IMO emission regulation from the Testbed (EIAPP certification),
however, they lack the initial on board survey (the IAPP certification).

Now Annex VI has been ratified, all vessels must be surveyed to obtain the final IAPP certificate. New
engines will be surveyed during the Sea Trial, whereas engines introduced since 1st January 2000
shall be surveyed no later than the the first dry docking, but in no case later than 3 years after entry
into force.

The discussion on new emission limits will start again within the IMO. First of all, with regard to
additional NOx reductions, but also other emission components. The
issue of the existing old engines could surface again.

Additional Local Areas for further SOx control could be introduced.

The work involved in issuing the final IAPP certificate is extensive,

first for the Owners to ensure compliance (following the onboard TF
procedures) and, next, the Authorised Companies to participate in
the surveys and issue the certificates. H

Owners might want to introduce new type spare parts (e.g. the Slide Fuel Valve) to improve engine
conditions. Accordingly, MAN B&W Diesel will prepare amendments for such cases.

Further requirements for additional emission reductions, as used on some stationary power plants, are
possible, but will unavoidably lead to increased first cost or/and operational costs. For many years,
MAN B&W Diesel has been working on different aspects of emission reductions (see MAN B&W Diesel
paper, P.333-97-04; How to deal with Emission Control).

The next level of emission limits have already been proposed by the leading environmentally-active
countries and associations (the US, Japan and EU). A further NOx reduction of some 25% to 30% and,
eventually, include other emission components like CO, HC and soot.

The new ME engine concept offers a high level of flexibility to optimise the engine for different
emission regulations in Local Areas without penalising the fuel consumption or other emission
components elsewhere.

I. Assistance from MAN B&W Diesel
Department 2110 (Classifications) can inform you about the procedures for the TF.

Department 4100 (Diesel Service) offers the following services:

Review and assistance to Owners to ensure on board compliance (engines with IMO
certificates before and after the Annex enters into force)

Guiding emission measurements (for other purposes than IMO certification/amendments).

Departments 4220/30/40 ensure delivery of genuine spare parts complying with the
IMO regulations.

Department 2431 (Basic Research and Emissions) can, in special cases,

perform IMO-compliant emission measurements on board.

J. Overview of Survey Routines Survey Start

Testbed: Inspection of
Pre-Technical File (EIAPP)
2. Member Engine
1. Parent Engine
Performance Check:
Performance Check: Engine a) measure performance
a) measure performance Type b) verify performance
b) measure NOx
NOx components Check
NOx components Check:
c) check fuel nozzle and ECS version
c) check fuel nozzle and
d) other NOx components
ECS version
d) other NOx components e) verify settings
e) verify settings
Print out survey code tables
(with EIAPP application)
Adjust Adjust
Performance and No No Performance and
Component approval Component approval
Yes Yes

Sign Documents

3. Sea Trial 4. On-board Survey
Inspection of: Inspection of:
Technical File (IAPP) Technical File and Record Book
Adjustment or
Component Changes Performance Check:
No Yes a) measure performance
b) verify performance (VIT or non-VIT)

NOx components Check NOx components Check

c) check fuel nozzle and ECS version c) check fuel nozzle and ECS version
d) other NOx components d) other NOx components
(as considered necessary) (as considered necessary
e) verify settings e) verify settings
(as considered necessary) (as considered necessary)

Print out survey tables Adjust Print out survey tables

Performance and
Component approval

Survey Finish Sign Documents and add to Record Book



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