Hybrid Pigments: Quelle/Publication: European Coatings Journal Ausgabe/Issue: 06/2008 Seite/Page
Hybrid Pigments: Quelle/Publication: European Coatings Journal Ausgabe/Issue: 06/2008 Seite/Page
Hybrid Pigments: Quelle/Publication: European Coatings Journal Ausgabe/Issue: 06/2008 Seite/Page
Ausgabe/Issue: 06/2008
Hybrid pigments
Organic and inorganic pigments differ in performance Inorganic pigments likewise can be divided into four
and costs. Organic pigments have strengths in categories: coloured, white, clear, and others (Figure 2).
chroma and tint strength but are weaker in Coloured is the only category of interest in this article from
weatherfastness and opacity; it is the other way round inorganic pigments. They usually contain transition metals
with Inorganic pigments. Hybrid pigments provide an with partially filled "d" orbitals exhibited as oxides.
alternative and are growing in the market. Hybrid Complex, inorganic, coloured pigments (CICP) are
pigments help to bridge the gap between performance transition-metal containing oxides that are produced by
and costs without neglecting environmental using high-temperature solid-state reactions. CICPs
considerations. inorganic coloured pigments have the highest durability
and are considered inert. CICPs often come under
scrutiny, as many contain chrome, nickel and antimony
Blends and co-finishes produce pigments with a good which are elements which appear on harmful-metals lists
balance of properties of organizations such as the United States Environmental
The pigment industry faces many challenges in the near Protection Agency (EPA). Dr. Hartmut Endriss of BASF
future as raw material prices are expected to continue to AG, head of the product safety group for inorganic
rise. Some forecasts indicate that the coatings industry will pigments from 1992 to 2003, wrote many papers on the
continue to soften due to economic conditions. The safety aspects of using CICPs. He states: "but regarding
current trend for pigment manufacturers is to devote their chemical, toxicological and ecological properties,
research and development budgets to the modification of they are practically inert and cannot be considered as
surface treatments and particle morphologies instead of nickel, chromium or antimony compounds. They cannot be
trying to create new chromophores. Some pigment identified with risks which might occur from the use of
manufacturers are focusing R&D funding on a new "type" such compounds. They are real rutile pigments with only a
of pigment, described here as hybrid. Coloured pigments low hazard potential. Their stability, insolubility and
give aesthetic enhancement, while at the same time non-bioavailability are key." [2] In contrast to the CICP
providing functionality. Hybrid pigments can offer chemistry, other transition-metal oxides are chemically
advantages such as lower cost as well as the ability to reacted and precipitated. One of the best known examples
meet the needs of a particular application. In the past, of a non-CICP inorganic pigment is bismuth vanadate.
conventional wisdom suggested that one pigment in a This material has not always been an important pigment,
particular colour space must work in every application, because lead chemistry dominates the yellow colour
system and condition all of the time. It must also to be space. Increasingly, lead chromates and molybdates have
easy to handle, environmentally friendly and able to become prohibited in many coatings systems around the
deliver high performance and still be economically priced. world, but they are still used in developing countries and in
Today, hybrid pigments offer the coatings industry a way developed countries in some exempt coatings.
to bridge the technological gap between price and Hybrid pigments are not new to the industry, but have only
performance. now started to gain market acceptance. In 2005, Roland
Valin, the technical manager for the former Engelhard
Common organic and inorganic pigments Corporation, developed a range of hybrid pigments that
Coloured classical pigments, excluding effect pigments, help formulators reduce costs and at the same time,
can be divided into two main groups of coloured organic maintain key properties. Mr. Valin states that hybrid
pigments and inorganic pigments. pigments "achieve the colour spaces of bright orange,
There are four types of organic pigments: bright yellow and bright red, offering the best-priced
azo pigments, polycyclic pigments, lakes, and others alternative for many heavy metal-free formulations." [3]
(Figure 1). Azo pigments are middle to lower quality During the 1970s, a number of pigment manufacturers
materials that contain an N=N linkage. Half of the global started to introduce pigment combinations as an
consumption of pigments comes within the azo alternative to lead pigments, hence the birth of hybrid
classification [1]. Most Colour Index numbers for azo pigments.
pigments used in coatings contain an o-nitro group. This Hybrid pigments can be pigment combinations in one of
gives them good acid and base resistance, but limited the following permutations: organic plus organic, inorganic
weatherfastness and bleed-resistance. Polycyclic plus inorganic, or organic plus inorganic (Figure 3).
pigments, also known as high-performance pigments Pigment manufacturers have always blended quantities of
(HPP), have the highest quality. HPPs offer the best the same pigment to reduce the variability in production. In
durability and have become both specialized and todays hybrid pigment world, combinations of dissimilar
commoditized. HPPs represent some of both the oldest pigment chemistry are used to achieve a wide range of
and newest technologies in organic pigments. Indanthrone properties and colour spaces.
Blue (PB 60) is 107 years old while the most recent "new"
chromophore, Diketo Pyrrolo Pyrrole (DPP) being Hybrid pigments an alternative
developed in 1983. Lake pigments, used most often in As lead-containing pigments have been banned in
solvent systems and powder, are metal salts, and are coatings in many countries, formulators have had to select
considered to be in the middle to low performance other materials to produce coatings suitable for specific
category. Finally, the "others" sub-division is a catch-all for needs. Organic pigments offer high chroma and high tint
other salts of dyes and aniline black.
strength, but are deficient in the ease of dispersion, produce, as two or more pigments are blended using low
weatherfastness, and opacity. Some organic pigments or high mechanical shear. Low-shear technology offers
exhibit solubility, heat stability issues and generally cost the market a consistent colouristic blend of pigments
more per unit weight. Inorganic pigments meet the giving formulators better colour reproducibility.
demands of dispersion, weatherfastness, and opacity, but Formulators can perform the same task at the mill but
are low in chroma and tint strength. Inorganic pigments would have to compensate for each component in the
have a lower per-unit cost compared to organics, but the tolerances allowed. In the example (A) above, most
usage rate can be high, thus raising the final usage costs. formulators would use a reddish yellow and a greenish
Many formulators simply compromise on one or more yellow to adjust the shade. If the formulator receives both
attributes of the pigment selection in order to help satisfy pigments on the greener side of the tolerance, the colour
the needs of their customers. may be difficult to achieve.
A pigments ability to be durable in coatings is a function The high-shear blending technique allows the pigment
of the chemistry. This in turn is mostly a function of cost. components to have a wider range of particle sizes. Many
Weatherfastness is an area in which many formulators are formulators grind pigments of different particle size and
unwilling to make sacrifices, as durability deficiencies can chemistry together. If the chemistry and particle sizes are
be primary claims cost against coatings manufacturers. similar, and the pigments disperse at nearly the same
Weathering of pigments is always a topic for debate. In rate, there are rarely problems. When pigments of very
order to understand the weatherfastness of pigments, two different particle sizes and dispersibility are milled
example-mechanisms are described here. In these together, the larger particles, which are typically inorganic,
examples, it is assumed that the coating is a hiding, can act as milling media for the organic pigments. Figure 6
one-coat or enamel coating. shows the relative sizes of inorganic pigments and organic
Some facts about weathering of organic pigments: pigments. Formulators must therefore mill these pigments
- The rate of degradation of pigments is independent of separately to achieve a full colour development of each
concentration. Typically, full shades weather better than pigment while not impacting the aggregate size of each.
white reductions. The high-shear blending technique allows the pigment
- Titanium dioxide reflects part of the ultra-violet (UV) components to have a wider range of particles sizes by
energy. Organic pigment particles experience partially impinging the organic pigment upon the inorganic
multi-attack of UV energy. pigment surface. This high-shear impinging technique
- Colouring of a coating takes place at the surface. brings bimodal distributions more toward a broad
- Clear-coated systems perform much better than monomodal distribution, allowing greater ease of
single-coat systems. dispersion.
The first example of the mechanism of weathering of a
coating containing titanium dioxide, extender, and copper Co-finishing highest performance
phthalocyanine, is surface polymer degradation (Figure 4). The most advanced hybrid technology uses co-finishing. It
As moisture and energy from the sun interact at the involves the placement of the organic pigment on the
surface, the binder is degraded so that only large particles inorganic pigment surface before the finishing steps of
such as inorganic pigments and extenders are anchored production. The organic-inorganic co-finished combination
to the film. The small, coloured copper phthalocyanine acts as only one pigment. Compared to the high shear
pigment particles do not have an anchoring point and mechanical blended hybrids, the co-finished hybrids often
wash from the coating surface. The resulting colour exhibit lower viscosity in mill bases, thus allowing
appears to be "faded" as only the non-coloured large formulators to increase the pigment loading at the mill.
particles are seen. The second mechanism is The co-finished hybrid pigments often interact with
demonstrated using a yellow coating. There are three systems similar as its inorganic base with regard to milling
ways to achieve a brilliant yellow shade. The first and loading. Thus hybrid pigments can be treated like an
possibility (A) is an organic yellow pigment plus titanium inorganic pigment while giving high chroma and tint
dioxide. The second possibility (B) is a coloured inorganic strength similar to an organic pigment.
product, such as bismuth vanadate, plus an organic yellow
pigment. The third possibility (C) is to use a hybrid Custom approach
pigment. It is assumed here that the yellow organic Roland Valin noticed that often pigments are
pigment and the inorganic pigment have the same "over-engineered" for the intended application. He also
chemistry. In example (A), organic yellow plus titanium observed that, as pigment process technologies improved,
dioxide, over the life of the coating, the organic yellow the pigment morphology and surface treatment improve
degrades (chromophoric loss) over time with a the performance of that pigment. Often in the coatings
"concentration" gradient of coloured yellow pigment that industry, purchasing agents want to focus on the colour
changes from a high concentration near the substrate to a index of the pigment, instead of the effective use of the
lower concentration near the surface. The result is a faded pigment. Thus, the message that the formulator gets is
yellow that will ultimately become almost white. In that pigment companies have developed pigments with
example (B), coloured organic and inorganic, the same the broadest application possible.
weathering phenomenon occurs as the organic yellow is Hybrid pigments create value as demonstrated in Figure 7
destroyed. However, the end point is no longer white, but below. In this example, an initial organic pigment is
yellow. Thus the perceived fading is less. In the hybrid modified by surface treatment and particle morphology,
example (C), a co-finished hybrid pigment, the organic making it higher in tint strength with an adjustment in
part is partially protected by the inorganic part, giving a colour space. Likewise, the inorganic pigment is modified
synergistic positive impact on fade. Figure 5 shows in colour space with a slight improvement in tint strength.
(A),(B), and (C) respectively from left to right. The hybrid pigment at the target colour space achieves
that which the two pigments individually can not
Blending easy process accomplish. With optimization of components together
There are two basic types of hybrid pigments: blended with material science discipline, the customer receives
and co-finished. The blended technology is the simplest to maximum benefit with a product designed to perform
Figure 5: The three alternatives "A", "B" and "C" (left to right)