A Study of Fluid Intake From Beverages in A Sample of Healthy French Children, Adolescents and Adults
A Study of Fluid Intake From Beverages in A Sample of Healthy French Children, Adolescents and Adults
A Study of Fluid Intake From Beverages in A Sample of Healthy French Children, Adolescents and Adults
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A study of fluid intake from beverages in a sample
of healthy French children, adolescents and adults
F Bellisle1, SN Thornton2,3, P Hebel4, M Denizeau4 and M Tahiri5
Departement de Medecine Sociale et Preventive, Faculte de Medecine, Universite Laval, Quebec, Canada; 2INSERM, U684, Vandoeuvre
les Nancy, France (SNT); 3Universite Henri Poincare, Nancy Universite, Nancy, France (SNT); 4CREDOC (Centre de Recherche pour
lEtude et lObservation des Conditions de Vie), Paris, France and 5Coca-Cola France, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France
Background/Objectives: To assess the intake of fluid in healthy French children, adolescents, adults and seniors, considering
amounts, types of beverages, time and place of consumption.
Subjects/Methods: Data regarding fluid intake were extracted and analyzed from the National Intake Survey, which was
conducted in quota samples of the French population (Comportement et Consommations Alimentaires en France study).
Seven-day questionnaires were administered to free-living individuals in 20022003. A total of 566 children (aged 611 years),
333 adolescents (aged 1219 years), 831 adults (aged 2054 years) and 443 seniors (aged X55 years) were included in
this study.
Results: The average total intake of fluid was 11.3 l per day depending on age groups. Water accounted for about one-half of
daily fluid intake. The contribution of other types of beverages varied with age (for example, dairy drinks in children and
adolescents; alcoholic drinks in adults and seniors). Intake of sodas (including regular and light) was highest in adolescents
(169 ml a day). Beverages were mainly consumed at home during meals.
Conclusions: This is the first description of fluid intake in French children, adolescents, adults and seniors, considering amounts,
types of beverages, time and place of intake. It shows that water is the main source of fluid in all age groups. Selection of various
types of beverages is different according to age.
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2010) 64, 350355; doi:10.1038/ejcn.2010.4; published online 17 February 2010
Abbreviations: CCAF, Comportements et Consommations Alimentaires en France; CREDOC, Centre de Recherche pour lEtude et lObservation des Conditions de Vie.
Means, s.e.m., lowest and highest individual values are given for each group.
Source: CCAF 2004 SurveyCREDOC.
effects of independent variables on qualitative effects. report the intake of light sodas, they did not necessarily do
Differences between proportions were tested using w2. so. It is thus likely that the reported intake of sodas included
To assess effects on quantitative variables (such as intakes), a certain proportion of light products, which were not
we used the generalized lineal model (PROC GLM) and necessarily identified as such. In France, it is not usual to give
Students t-tests. Means and s.e.m. are presented in text and light sodas to children. Consequently, the reported figure
in Tables. for children (114.5 ml) most likely represents intake of sugar-
containing sodas. The intake of sodas (both sugar containing
and light) by adults and seniors was very low (7 and 1.4% of
Results daily fluid, respectively).
Table 2 shows that most beverages were ingested during
Table 1 presents the average (s.e.m.) daily fluid intake from main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner), with small
beverages, as well as the minimum and maximum intakes amounts consumed between meals. In children and adoles-
recorded in each age group. The first observation is that cents, 410% of the total daily intake was consumed along
inter-individual differences were extremely large in all age with the afternoon snack, which is a traditional eating
groups. Differences in fluid intake appeared between the occasion for youths in France. The survey also showed that
successive survey phases in three age groups (children, B80% of total daily fluid intake was consumed at home.
adolescents and adults; Pp0.0137) but not in seniors. Fluid This was confirmed for each beverage type and age group.
intake increased over successive study phases: in the last The total amount of energy ingested from beverages was
phase (JuneJuly), the intake was 24 (children), 13 (adoles- 238, 239, 233, 194 kcal per day, representing 12.5, 10.8,
cents) and 4% (adults) higher than during the first phase 10.3, 9.2% of total energy intake in the four age groups,
(OctoberDecember). The estimated amount of fluid in- respectively. These figures were computed from data
gested from solid foods was 593, 673, 719 and 819 ml in the collected from the total sample (as opposed to data restricted
four age groups, respectively. to consumers of a certain type of beverage).
Water represented about one-half of daily beverage intake A few overweight or obese individuals were present in the
in all groups. Dairy drinks contributed to B20% of the total sample, according to the definitions proposed by the WHO
fluid intake in children and adolescents, whereas alcoholic (1998) and the Obesity Task Force (Cole et al., 2000) (N 140,
beverages were consumed by adults and seniors. Sodas were N 40, N 232 and N 230 in the four age groups,
consumed by all groups, but adolescents showed the highest respectively). In this category of respondents, the total daily
intake (169.3 ml a day; 15% of daily fluid). In the case of fluid intake was 1075.5, 1106.2, 1364.8 and 1225.3 ml per day,
sodas, it is impossible to discriminate the proportion of the respectively, in the four age groups. The associated intake
reported intake that corresponded to regular (sugar contain- of energy was 236, 193, 256 198 kcal per day, respectively.
ing) versus light products. Although the respondents could Those numbers are extremely close to those observed for the