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3932 DNAPL handbook A/W 10/9/2003 10:36 am Page 1

R&D Publication 133


An illustrated handbook of DNAPL

transport and fate in the subsurface
3932 DNAPL handbook A/W 10/9/2003 10:36 am Page 2


The Environment Agency is the leading public body protecting and

improving the environment in England and Wales.

Its our job to make sure that air, land and water are looked after by
everyone in todays society, so that tomorrows generations inherit a
cleaner, healthier world.

Our work includes tackling flooding and pollution incidents, reducing

industrys impacts on the environment, cleaning up rivers, coastal
waters and contaminated land, and improving wildlife habitats.

Published by: Authors:

Environment Agency Prof B.H.Kueper1, Dr G.P.Wealthall2, J.W.N.Smith3,
Rio House Prof S.A.Leharne4 & Prof D.N.Lerner5.
Waterside Drive, Aztec West 1. Queens University, Ontario, Canada
Almondsbury, Bristol BS32 4UD 2. British Geological Survey
Tel: 01454 624400 Fax: 01454 624409 3. Environment Agency
4. University of Greenwich
ISBN : 1844320669 5. University of Sheffield
Environment Agency June 2003
Statement of use:
This report describes current understanding of DNAPL fate
All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced with
and transport in the subsurface. It applies those concepts to
prior permission of the Environment Agency.
hydrogeological conditions found in the UK, in order to develop
a series of conceptual models of DNAPL behaviour following its
This report is printed on Cyclus Print, a 100% recycled stock,
release into the subsurface environment. It will help practitioners
which is 100% post consumer waste and is totally chlorine free.
understand the principles of DNAPL fate and transport in the
Water used is treated and in most cases returned to source in
subsurface, and allow improved design of investigation and
better condition than removed.
assessment of DNAPL pollution.

Cover photograph: Environment Agency Project Manager:

Coal tar DNAPL penetrating synthetic porous medium of glass Johnathan Smith, NGWCLC
beads. Courtesy of Prof S.Leharne, University of Greenwich.
Environment Agency R&D Publication 133
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Executive summary
Dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs) such as creosote, coal
tar, chlorinated solvents and polychlorinated biphenyl oils represent
a particular class of soil and groundwater contaminant that exist as
a separate liquid phase in the presence of water. DNAPLs come to
rest in the subsurface as disconnected blobs and ganglia of liquid
referred to as residual DNAPL, and in potentially mobile distributions
referred to as pools.

The region of the subsurface containing residual Remediation strategies are site-specific, with separate
and pooled DNAPL is referred to as the source zone. approaches often warranted for the DNAPL source
Groundwater flowing through the source zone slowly zone and its associated aqueous phase plume. There
dissolves the DNAPL, giving rise to aqueous phase has been limited success in removing all DNAPL from
plumes of contamination hydraulically down-gradient below the water table at sites, particularly in a fractured
of the source zone. Some DNAPL compounds are rock environment. Remediation strategies are therefore
resistant to biodegradation and sorb little; they can often directed towards source zone containment or
therefore give rise to substantial aqueous phase stabilisation, partial mass removal, plume management
plumes. Other DNAPL compounds are relatively or plume interception, within the framework of
immobile in groundwater and, therefore, are highly appropriate risk-management objectives.
retarded relative to the rate of groundwater flow.
The purpose of this handbook is to provide a
In unsaturated media, volatile DNAPLs give rise to
user-friendly overview of the nature of DNAPL
vapour phase contamination.
contamination in a UK context. It is intended to
Because DNAPLs are only slightly soluble in water, assist site investigators, site owners and regulators
DNAPL source zones can persist for many decades in conducting site investigations, conducting risk
and, in some cases, even hundreds of years. assessments and selecting remediation approaches.
Some DNAPLs are highly toxic and even very low While this handbook reflects the state-of-the-art at
concentrations in groundwater or the atmosphere the time of publication, it should be noted that the
can pose an unacceptable risk to human health or discipline of groundwater and soil contamination by
the environment. hazardous organic liquids is evolving continuously
and is relatively young compared with many other
The fact that DNAPLs are denser than water allows
areas of science and engineering. Readers are
them to migrate to substantial depths below the
therefore advised to keep abreast of the new advances
water table in both unconsolidated deposits and
in understanding and approaches expected in the
fractured bedrock. Delineating the spatial extent of
foreseeable future.
the DNAPL source zone at a site can be a substantial
undertaking, requiring at times several years of
investigation and significant financial resources.

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Executive Summary 1

Chapter 1 Introduction 5

Chapter 2 Types of DNAPLS 6

2.1 Creosote 6
2.2 Coal tar 7
2.3 Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) 7
2.4 Chlorinated solvents 8
2.5 Mixed DNAPLs 9

Chapter 3 DNAPL source zones in unconsolidated deposits 10

Chapter 4 DNAPL dissolution in unconsolidated deposits 14

Chapter 5 DNAPL source zones in fractured rock 19

Chapter 6 DNAPL dissolution in fractured rock 22

Chapter 7 Determination of DNAPL presence and delineation of the DNAPL source zone 26

7.1 Site use/Site history 26

7.2 Aerial photographs, maps and plans 27
7.3 Screening of Soil borings 27
7.4 Screening of rock cores 27
7.5 Laboratory analysis of soil samples 27
7.6 Bailers and interface probes 28
7.7 Contaminant concentrations in groundwater 28
7.8 Presence of contamination in hydraulically anomalous locations 29
7.9 Persistence of contamination 30
7.10 Persistence of alcohols in groundwater 30

Chapter 8 UK Specific conceptual models 31

8.1 Chlorinated solvent release into Cretaceous Chalk 31

8.2 Coal tar release into Cretaceous Chalk 34
8.3 Chlorinated solvent release into Triassic Sandstone 34
8.4 Coal tar release into fractured Triassic Sandstone 36
8.5 DNAPL release into a thin veneer of clay-rich till 38
8.6 DNAPL release into a thick sequence of clay-rich till 38
8.7 DNAPL release into a sand/gravel aquifer 40
8.8 DNAPL release into made ground 40

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Chapter 9 Which parameters to measure at a site 44

Chapter 10 Basic remediation strategies 47

10.1 Remediation goals within the DNAPL source zone 47

10.2 Remediation goals downstream of a DNAPL source zone 49
10.3 Remediation technologies 50
10.3.1 Groundwater pump-and-treat 51
10.3.2 Permeable reactive barriers 51
10.3.3 Physical barriers 52
10.3.4 Enhanced biodegradation 52
10.3.5 Thermal technologies 52
10.3.6 Chemical flushing to mobilise contaminants 52
10.3.7 Excavation 52
10.3.8 Chemical flushing to destroy contaminants 53
10.3.9 Soil vacuum extraction 53
10.3.10 Water flooding 53
10.3.11 Air sparging 53

Chapter 11 Glossary of terms and abbreviations 54

Chapter 12 References 57

Acknowledgements 58

Appendix A DNAPL pool height above capillary barrier 59

Appendix B Fracture aperture required to stop migration in bedrock 60

Appendix C Soil concentration calculation in the absence of DNAPL composition analysis

List of Figures

Figure 1 Samples of DNAPL recovered from ground investigations at a solvent recycling facility 9
Figure 2 DNAPL distribution in unconsolidated deposits 10
Figure 3 Residual DNAPL in (a) unsaturated and (b) saturated porous media 11
Figure 4 Maximum DNAPL pool height above various capillary barriers 12
Figure 5 DNAPL migration pathways in unsaturated sands 13
Figure 6a Cross-section depicting spatial variability of groundwater concentrations in a plume 14
Figure 6b Visual appearance of a smoothly varying distribution of concentration following contouring 15
Figure 7 Visual appearance of a smoothly varying distribution of concentration following contouring 15
Figure 8 Aqueous phase concentrations immediately downstream of DNAPL source 17
Figure 9 DNAPL mass versus time 18
Figure10 DNAPL pool at base of burden: unlikely scenario 19
Figure 11 Fracture aperture required to stop migration versus height of accumulated DNAP 20
Figure 12 DNAPL migration to depth in fractured bedrock: likely scenario 21

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Figure 13 Development of a steady-state plume 22

Figure 14 Matrix diffusion process 23
Figure 15 DNAPL release and subsequent depletion by dissolution into single fracture 24
Figure 16 Concentration versus time at exit of fracture (from Reynolds and Kueper 2002) 25
Figure 17 Probable and potential DNAPL zones 30
Figure 18 Release of chlorinated solvent DNAPL into cretaceous chalk 32
Figure 19 Release of coal tar DNAPL into cretaceous chalk 33
Figure 20 Release of chlorinated solvent DNAPL into triassic sandstone 35
Figure 21 Release of coal tar DNAPL into triassic sandstone 37
Figure 22 DNAPL release into thin veneer of clay-rich till 39
Figure 23 DNAPL release into a thick sequence of clay hill 41
Figure 24 DNAPL release into an unconsolidated sand/gravel aquifer 42
Figure 25 DNAPL release into made ground and the effects of construction activities and services 43
Figure 26 Site investigation techniques 44
Figure 27a Steady-state plume prior to mass removal and (b) steady-state plume 48
Figure 28 Physical isolation of DNAPL source zone 49
Figure 29 Steady-state plumes (a) without and (b) with biodegradation 50
Figure 30 Groundwater pump-and-treat 51
Figure A1 DNAPL pool above capillary barrier 59
Figure B1 Vertical accumulation of DNAPL in a fracture network 60

List of Tables

Table 1 Possible components of creosote (adapted from Cohen and Mercer, 1993) 6
Table 2 Composition (per cent) and selected properties of various Aroclors excluding
carrier fluids (adapted from Cohen and Mercer, 1993) 7
Table 3 Industries and industrial processes associated with chlorinated solvents 8
Table 4 Physical and chemical properties of selected chlorinated solvents
(from Mackay et al.,1993) 9
Table 5 Component composition of DNAPL sample obtained from a solvent recycling facility 9
Table 6 Industries and industrial processes sometimes associated with DNAPL presence
in the subsurface (modified from US EPA, 1992) 26
Table 7 Example calculation of soil DNAPL threshold concentration: single component DNAPL
below the water table 28
Table 8 Example calculation of cumulative mole fraction in a groundwater sample 29
Table 9 Contaminant characteristics to establish during site investigations 45
Table 10 Unconsolidated deposit characteristics to determine during site investigations 45
Table 11 Bedrock properties to determine during site investigations 46

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Dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs) that There are potentially several thousand DNAPL-
have been widely used in industry since the beginning impacted sites throughout the UK. Many of these
of the 20th century. DNAPLs are only slightly soluble sites are affected by releases of DNAPL that took
in water and therefore exist in the subsurface as a place in the middle of the 20th century (coincident
separate fluid phase immiscible with both water and with the rise in industrial activity post World War II),
air. Common types of DNAPLs include timber treating as well as by more recent discharges. In addition,
oils such as creosote, transformer and insulating oils there are thousands of DNAPL-impacted sites in
containing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), coal North America, continental Europe and other
tar, and a variety of chlorinated solvents such as industrialised areas of the world. Experience from the
trichloroethene (TCE) and tetrachloroethene (PCE). past 20 years has demonstrated that DNAPL sites are
Unlike light non-aqueous phase liquids (LNAPLs) such difficult to investigate and challenging to remediate.
as petrol and heating oil (which are less dense than DNAPL can penetrate fractured rock and clay and, in
water), DNAPLs (which are denser than water) have most hydrogeologicalz environments, many decades
the ability to migrate to significant depths below the are required for natural groundwater dissolution to
water table where they slowly dissolve into flowing dissipate DNAPL sources. DNAPL impacted soil and
groundwater, giving rise to aqueous phase plumes. groundwater are of major concern in the UK; most
A release of DNAPL at the ground surface can therefore DNAPL compounds have been found to be toxic to
lead to long-term contamination of both the unsaturated mammals and other fauna. Certain DNAPL compounds
and saturated zones at a site. are highly mobile in the subsurface and groundwater
forms an integral part of the hydrologic cycle as well
Although DNAPLs have been produced and utilised
as an important resource in its own right.
widely since the beginning of the 20th century, their
importance as soil and groundwater contaminants The purpose of this handbook is to provide a user-
was not recognised until the 1980s. This lack of friendly overview of the nature of DNAPL contamination
recognition by the industrial, regulatory and research in a UK context. It is intended to assist site investigators,
communities was partly due to the fact that the site owners and regulators in conducting site
analytical methods and equipment required to investigations and risk assessments, and in selecting
detect low concentrations of organic compounds remediation approaches. While this handbook reflects
in groundwater were not widely available or used the state-of-the-art at the time of publication, it
until relatively recently. In addition, some chemical should be noted that the discipline of groundwater
manufacturer material safety data sheets distributed and soil contamination by hazardous organic liquids
from the 1940s until the early 1970s suggested that is evolving continuously and is relatively young in
acceptable practice for the disposal of waste comparison with many other areas of science and
chlorinated solvents and the residues of distillation engineering. The reader is therefore advised to keep
was to spread them onto dry ground to allow them abreast of the new advances in understanding and
to evaporate. These early material safety data sheets approaches expected in the foreseeable future.
recognised the volatile nature of many DNAPL chemicals,
but they did not recognise the ability of DNAPLs to
infiltrate rapidly into the subsurface, causing soil and
groundwater pollution. Additional factors contributing
to the relatively late awareness of the impact of DNAPLs
on soil and groundwater quality include societys
general lack of understanding of the importance of
groundwater as a supply of potable water, and the
widespread use of shallow soil systems as a location
to dispose of unwanted materials.

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Types of DNAPLS
In general, a DNAPL is defined as a heavier-than-
water organic liquid that is only slightly soluble in
2.1 Creosote
water. The acronym was first introduced in the USA Creosote is composed of various coal tar distillates
during litigation proceedings in New York State in and was commonly used to treat wood products
the late 1970s. The primary classes of DNAPLs include such as railway sleepers and telegraph poles. It is still
creosote, coal tar, PCB oils and chlorinated solvents. used today in certain timber-treating operations and
Other, less frequently encountered DNAPLs include as a component of roofing and road tars. Creosote
mercury and certain crude oils. All DNAPLs can be contains many hydrocarbons, primarily polycyclic
characterised by their density, viscosity, interfacial aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and phenolic compounds.
tension with water, component composition, Table 1 lists a number of possible components of
solubility in water, vapour pressure and wettability. creosote. Creosote may be blended, however, with
These terms are used throughout this handbook; a up to 50% of a carrier fluid such as diesel fuel prior
short description of each is given in the glossary in to use. The density of creosote typically ranges
Section 11. between 1,010 and 1,130 kg/m3, depending on
the amount and type of any carrier fluid. Creosote
is therefore one of the least dense DNAPLs of
environmental interest. It often takes a long time for
movement to cease following initial release into the
subsurface because creosote is only slightly denser

Table 1 Possible components of creosote (adapted from Cohen and Mercer, 1993)

Acid extractable Base/neutral Heterocyclic

phenol naphthalene quinoline

cresols methylnaphthalenes isoquinoline
pentachlorophenol dimethylnaphthalenes carbazole
xylenols biphenyl 2,4-dimethylpyridine
2,3,5-trimethylphenol acenaphthene benzo[b]thiophene
fluorene dibenzothiophene
phenanthrene dibenzofuran

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than water and has a relatively slow downward low density and high viscosity of coal tar implies that
(gravity-driven) migration. it may still be migrating as a DNAPL at sites where it
was introduced to the subsurface many decades (or
The relatively high viscosity of creosote, which typically
even a century) earlier. With respect to the impact
ranges between 20 and 50 cP, also facilitates the long
on groundwater, most investigators typically select
migration timescale. It is not uncommon to encounter
a subset of compounds to assess the impact on water
sites where creosote DNAPL is still moving following
quality. These may include the suite of BTEX compounds
its introduction to the subsurface as much as 50 or
(benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes), as
60 years earlier.
well as PAHs including benzo[a]pyrene, naphthalene
In assessing the impact to groundwater, most and phenanthrene.
investigators select a subset of creosote compounds
to characterise water quality. These may include
naphthalene, benzo[a]pyrene and phenanthrene.
Because some of these compounds are typically very 2.3 Polychlorinated biphenyls
hydrophobic, they tend to sorb strongly to soils and (PCBs)
rock. This means that aqueous plumes of certain
contaminants associated with creosote sources will Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are a class of 209
be heavily attenuated relative to the rate of groundwater chemical compounds referred to as congeners, in
flow, and therefore may not have migrated far which between one and ten chlorine atoms are
beyond the spatial extent of the DNAPL creosote. attached to a biphenyl molecule. The synthesis of
PCBs was first reported in 1881, with full recognition
of their industrial uses developing in the 1930s. The
majority of PCBs were manufactured by the Monsanto
2.2 Coal tar Corporation between 1930 and 1977 for use in capacitors,
transformers, printing inks, paints, pesticides and other
Like creosote, coal tar is a complex mixture of
applications. Monsanto marketed PCBs under the trade
hydrocarbons produced through the gasification
name Aroclor, distributing a variety of formulations
of coal. Coal tar was historically produced as a by-
differing from each other with respect to the amount
product of manufactured gas operations up until
and particular types of congeners present. Each Aroclor
approximately 1950, and is currently still produced
can be identified by a four-digit code. In most
as a by-product of blast furnace coke production.
formulations, the first two digits in the code designate
Coal tar contains hundreds of hydrocarbons, including
the number of carbon atoms in the biphenyl ring,
light oil fractions, middle oil fractions, heavy oil
while the last two digits designate the weight per
fractions, anthracene oil and pitch. The density of
cent chlorine. Aroclor 1254, for example, contains
coal tar typically ranges from 1,010 to 1,100 kg/m3
12 carbon atoms in each biphenyl ring and 54 per
and the viscosity from 20 to 100 cP. The relatively

Table 2 Composition (per cent) and selected properties of various Aroclors excluding carrier fluids
(adapted from Cohen and Mercer, 1993)

Aroclor 1221 Aroclor 1242 Aroclor 1260

biphenyl 11.0
monochlorobiphenyl 51.0 1.0
dichlorobiphenyl 32.0 17.0
trichlorobiphenyl 4.0 40.0
tetrachlorobiphenyl 2.0 32.0
pentachlorobiphenyl 0.5 10.0 12.0
hexachlorobiphenyl 0.5 46.0
heptachlorobiphenyl 36.0
octachlorobiphenyl 6.0
Density (kg/m3) 1180 1380 1560
Total (aqueous) solubility (g/l) 200 240 2.7
Vapour pressure (Pa @ 25C) 0.893 0.053 5.333 x 10-3
Viscosity (cP) 5 24 resin

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cent chlorine by weight. Worldwide production Table 3 Industries and industrial processes associated with
of PCBs has now ceased, mainly in response to chlorinated solvents
recognition of their toxicity and their tendency to
bioaccumulate in animal tissues. However, they remain Industry Industrial process
in limited use and may be present as impurities in
locations where they were used previously. Electronics manufacturing Metal cleaning

PCBs were often blended with carrier fluids such as Solvent production Metal machining
chlorobenzenes and mineral oil before distribution. Pesticide/herbicide Tool and die operations
Depending on the particular combination of manufacturing
congeners present and the type of carrier fluid, the Dry cleaning Vapour and liquid degreasers
density of most PCB oils encountered in practice
Instrument manufacturing Paint stripping
ranges from approximately 1,100 to 1,500 kg/m3,
while the viscosity ranges from approximately 10 to Solvent recycling Storage and transfer
50 cP. The relatively high density of PCB oils indicates of solvents
that the timescale of migration may be relatively Engine manufacturing
short, but their relatively high viscosity results in an
Steel product
intermediate range of timescales of migration. This
means that PCB DNAPLs may still be migrating at
some sites where they were introduced into the Chemical production
subsurface in the past few decades. As discussed Rocket engine/
in largely on the viscosity and density of the DNAPL, fuel manufacturing
together with a variety of other, site-specific factors.
Aircraft cleaning/
With respect to impact on groundwater, most engine degreasing
congeners are extremely hydrophobic and therefore
sorb strongly onto soils and rock. Consequently, if
PCBs are detected in groundwater samples, the DNAPL degreasing facility), or as part of a multi-component
source is typically immediately up-gradient of the DNAPL containing other organic compounds such
monitoring location. Exceptions are sites where as PCB oils, mineral oils and fuels (for example, at
colloid-facilitated transport is occurring or where a former solvent or waste oil recycling facility).
the PCBs are dissolved in other organic contaminants Table 3 lists industries and industrial processes that
such as oils. Carrier organic liquids may be LNAPLs as have been associated historically with the presence
well as DNAPLs. PCB DNAPLs are often encountered of chlorinated solvent DNAPL in the subsurface.
at former solvent and waste oil recycling facilities
where they have been co-disposed with a variety The density of most chlorinated solvent DNAPLs
of other organic liquids such as chlorinated solvents ranges from approximately 1,100 to 1,600 kg/m3
and aromatic compounds. Table 2 presents the and their viscosity from approximately 0.57 to 1.0
composition and selected physical properties of three cP. Chlorinated solvent DNAPLs are therefore denser
particular Aroclors in the absence of any carrier fluids. than water and typically less viscous than water.
This can result in rapid rates of subsurface migration
and means that chlorinated solvent DNAPLs are
typically no longer moving at sites where they were
2.4 Chlorinated solvents introduced to the subsurface even as recently as two
or three years ago. Table 4 lists selected physical and
Chlorinated solvents such as trichloroethene (TCE), chemical properties of commonly encountered
tetrachloroethene (PCE) and tetrachloromethane chlorinated solvents. As can be seen, these compounds
(carbon tetrachloride, CT, or CTET) form a class of are volatile, indicating that they will give rise to
DNAPL compounds that have been produced in vapour phase contamination in unsaturated media.
large quantities throughout the world since the
These compounds are typically characterised by low
middle of the 20th century. Typical uses of these
Koc values, indicating that aqueous phase plumes will
chemicals include dry cleaning, metal degreasing,
not be strongly retarded relative to the rate of
pharmaceutical production, pesticide formulation
groundwater flow. Koc describes the distribution of
and chemical intermediates. Chlorinated solvents
an organic compound between water and the organic
typically enter the subsurface as a result of past
carbon content of the solid phase. High Koc values are
disposal directly onto land, storage and disposal
characteristic of strongly sorbed compounds. Such
into unlined evaporation ponds and lagoons, leaking
compounds are significantly retarded with respect to
storage tanks and vapour degreasers, leaking piping
groundwater flow. The relatively rapid rate of chlorinated
and accidental spills during handling and transportation.
solvent DNAPL migration and the relatively low degree
Chlorinated solvents can be encountered as single
of sorption are the two primary factors that distinguish
component DNAPLs (for example, as primarily PCE
this class of DNAPLs from creosote, coal tar and PCBs.
at a dry cleaning facility or as primarily TCE at a metal

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Table 4 Physical and chemical properties of selected chlorinated solvents (from Mackay et al., 1993)

Solvent Molecular Aqueous Density Vapour Viscosity Koc

weight solubility (kg/m3) pressure (cP) (l/kg)
(mg/l) (Pa@C)

trichloroethene 131.4 1,100 1460 9,000 0.57 126

tetrachloroethene 165.8 200 1620 2,600 0.90 364
tetrachloromethane 153.8 790 1590 15,000 0.97 439
trichloromethane 119.4 8,000 1480 26,000 0.56 44
chlorobenzene 112.6 500 1110 1,580 0.80 330
1,1,1-trichloroethane 133.4 1,320 1330 16,000 0.84 152

are themselves less dense than water, but have

2.5 Mixed DNAPLs combined here with heavier-than-water components
to form a DNAPL.
In general, a DNAPL that is composed of only one
chemical compound is referred to as a single component The physical/chemical properties of the DNAPL may
DNAPL. Dry cleaning fluid (typically tetrachloroethene) be spatially variable at a site. Seven DNAPL samples
is an example of this (although, strictly, it too contains were obtained from this solvent recycling facility;
low concentrations of stabilisers and preservatives). each sample had different physicochemical properties,
A DNAPL that is composed of two or more chemical including the component composition (Figure 1).
compounds is referred to as a multi-component The degree of spatial variability that may exist at a
DNAPL. Creosote and coal tar are examples of multi- site with respect to the physicochemical properties
component DNAPLs. Whether a single component of the DNAPL will depend on the sites use and history.
or a multi-component DNAPL exists at a site depends Clearly, a solvent recycling facility with a long period
on past uses of the various compounds at the site of operation may exhibit significant spatial variability
and the methods of disposal. Table 5 presents the of DNAPL properties in the subsurface, while a small
composition of a multi-component DNAPL obtained metal degreasing operation with a limited period of
from a monitoring well at a former solvent recycling operation may result in a more uniform DNAPL
facility. Activities at this site resulted in the blending composition.
of various organic liquids prior to disposal. Regardless of site history, however, DNAPLs encountered
As seen in Table 5, the DNAPL at this site contains in the subsurface may have different physical and
chlorinated solvents, PCBs and a variety of aromatic chemical properties from reagent grade non-aqueous
compounds. Each of these components is available phase liquids (NAPLs). This may be the result of
to dissolve from the DNAPL into groundwater. industrial processes in which they were used prior
The density of this particular DNAPL sample was to disposal or as a result of contact with naturally
measured as 1,200 kg/m3. It is interesting to note occurring substances present in the soil zone.
that the DNAPL contains toluene and xylenes, which

Table 5 Component composition of DNAPL sample

obtained from a solvent recycling facility

Compound Percentage mass

1,1,1-TCA 0.7
TCE 3.7
PCE 14.3
toluene 4.7
m-xylene 0.3
o,p-xylene 2.3
1,2,4-TCB 0.10
PCB-1242 40.6
PCB-1254 7.1
Figure 1 Field DNAPL penetration into synthetic
Petroleum hydrocarbons >C7 26.2
porous media

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DNAPL Source zones in

unconsolidated deposits
Upon release at the ground surface, the DNAPL will The amount of residual DNAPL retained by a typical
migrate both vertically and laterally in the subsurface porous medium such as silt, sand and gravel is
(Figure 2). Residual DNAPL, in the form of disconnected typically between 5 and 20 per cent of the pore space
blobs and ganglia of organic liquid,is formed at the in the particular lenses and laminations invaded by
trailing end of a migrating DNAPL body. The the DNAPL.
formation of residual DNAPL, which occurs in
Figure 3(b) presents a close-up view of residual
response to pore-scale hydrodynamic instabilities,
DNAPL in saturated porous media. The residual
always takes place. The individual blobs and ganglia
DNAPL forms discrete blobs and ganglia of liquid
of organic liquid comprising residual DNAPL are
that are disconnected from each other. In most types
typically between 1 and 10 grain diameteres in length.
of porous media, even relatively large hydraulic
Residual DNAPL will form in both unsaturated and
gradients cannot mobilise residual DNAPL. Site
saturated media, and is held in place by capillary forces
investigation activities such as pumping tests and
that arise because the interface between the DNAPL
well purging will therefore not draw residual DNAPL
and water, and the interface between DNAPL and air,
into well screens and sand packs.
is in a state of tension.



GW flow




DNAPL pool in fractures DNAPL residual in fractures

Figure 2 DNAPL distribution in unconsolidated deposits (after Pankow and Cherry, 1996)

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(a) (b)



aquifer/soil grain aquifer/soil grain

Figure 3 Residual DNAPL in (a) unsaturated and (b) saturated porous media

The various blobs and ganglia of residual DNAPL concluding that past releases of DNAPL did not
dissolve slowly into flowing groundwater, giving rise occur at that site or that past releases of DNAPL
to aqueous phase plumes. Because the solubility of failed to reach the water table.
most DNAPLs is relatively low in water and groundwater
As illustrated in Figure 2, DNAPL in unconsolidated
velocities are typically low, it can be many decades
deposits can also come to rest in larger accumulations
before all residual DNAPL is depleted due to natural
referred to as pools. DNAPL pools tend to form
above finer grained horizons that provide the
Figure 3(a) presents a close-up view of residual necessary capillary resistance to support the DNAPL
DNAPL in unsaturated porous media. As in saturated accumulation. Unlike residual DNAPL, pools contain
porous media, the DNAPL forms discrete blobs and DNAPL that is continuous between adjacent pores,
ganglia of liquid that are disconnected from each with local saturations of up to approximately 70 per
other. The DNAPL blobs are exposed to both air and cent of the pore space. The finer grained horizon
water, allowing for both vapourisation into the air upon which DNAPL pooling can occur need not be
phase across DNAPL-air interfaces and dissolution a well-defined, laterally extensive clay unit. DNAPL
into infiltrating water across DNAPL-water interfaces. pooling can occur on silt and fine sand horizons at
Once present in soil moisture, dissolved contaminants all elevations within unconsolidated deposits. The
will be available for partitioning across air-water maximum pool height is inversely proportional to
interfaces (a process referred to as volatilisation). the permeability of the particular horizon upon which
pooling is taking place, with clay and silt units typically
Because the vapour pressure of many DNAPL
supporting higher pools than fine sand horizons.
compounds is relatively high, the lifespan of residual
DNAPL in the unsaturated zone can be much less
than the lifespan of residual DNAPL below the water
table. The vapourisation process can deplete residual
chlorinated solvent DNAPLs such as TCE and PCE
within 5-10 years in relatively warm and dry climates.
This will not eliminate the presence of vapour phase,
absorbed phase and aqueous phase contamination
in the unsaturated zone, but it can lead to an absence
of the DNAPL phase. The absence of chlorinated
solvent DNAPL in the unsaturated zone at a site
should not, in general, be used as a basis for

Environment Agency Illustrated handbook of DNAPL transport and fate in the subsurface 11
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Coal tar

4 Chlorinated Solvent
DNAPL Pool Height (m)

3 DNAPL pool Capillary Barrier

Silt Fine Sand Medium Sand Coarse Sand

Figure 4 Maximum DNAPL pool height above various capillary barriers

Figure 4 illustrates typical maximum pool heights for Residual and pooled DNAPL collectively form what is
coal tar, creosote, a chlorinated solvent and a mixed referred to as the DNAPL source zone. It is within the
DNAPL perched above a variety of capillary barriers. DNAPL source zone that dissolution into groundwater
The calculations and assumptions adopted in Figure 4 occurs and aqueous phase plumes originate. DNAPL
are outlined in Appendix A. Larger pool heights can will not migrate downwards through unconsolidated
form for higher DNAPL-water interfacial tension, media as a uniform body, but instead will migrate
lower DNAPL density and lower capillary barrier along multiple pathways in a very tortuous manner;
permeability. For chlorinated solvent and PCB DNAPLs, this is sometimes referred to as dendritic form due it
pool heights typically range from a few centimetres to its resemblance to the branches of a tree.
several tens of centimetres. Chlorinated solvent pools The specific migration pathways will be governed by
as thick as 2m have been reported at sites in the USA, the bedding structure of the porous medium, with
but this is a relatively rare occurrence. For creosote migration occurring along pathways on the scale of
and coal tar, DNAPL pool heights are generally larger millimetres to metres. In horizontally bedded media,
than those associated with PCB and chlorinated significant amounts of lateral spreading can be
solvent DNAPLs because of the lower density of expected, including in directions not coincident with
these compounds. the direction of groundwater flow. The field
experiments reported by Poulsen and Kueper (1992),
Unlike residual DNAPL, pooled DNAPL is relatively
and Kueper et al. (1993) demonstrated, for example,
easy to mobilise with increases in the hydraulic
that the orientation of bedding structures (Figure 5)
gradient (this is the basis for water flooding to
is the primary factor controlling the directions and
enhance crude oil recovery in the oil industry).
specific pathways of DNAPL migration, which can be
Unless the risk of vertical DNAPL mobilisation is
seen red due to SUDAN IV dye.
acceptable, care must be taken to avoid performing
pumping tests beneath DNAPL source zones. Drilling
through pooled DNAPL also carries with it a risk of
vertical DNAPL mobilisation and many practitioners
adopt an outside-in approach to delineating DNAPL
sites in order to minimise the chances of directly
encountering pooled DNAPL during site characterisation.

12 Environment Agency Illustrated handbook of DNAPL transport and fate in the subsurface
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These experiments also demonstrated that slow, cent of the pore space) because they are expressed
dripping releases of DNAPL are likely to migrate to in relation to the bulk volume impacted and because
greater depths than sudden, single event releases. not all lenses and laminations within the impacted
It is therefore not practicable to define all of the zone will have been invaded by the DNAPL.
specific DNAPL migration pathways at a typical Exceptions will occur at some sites, with some source
industrial site. zones containing bedding structures and capillary
properties capable of retaining higher amounts.
A much more attainable, yet still difficult, goal is to
define the lateral extent of the DNAPL source zone, Lower DNAPL density, higher DNAPL viscosity, and
without specific delineation of residual DNAPL and higher DNAPL-water interfacial tension generally
DNAPL pools within the overall source zone. lead to larger amounts of lateral DNAPL spreading
both above and below the water table. Creosote,
Given the selective and tortuous nature of DNAPL
for example, has been observed to have migrated
migration, it follows that the majority of porous
hundreds of metres from release locations at certain
media within a DNAPL source zone will contain
sites in the USA. The extent of lateral migration of
neither residual nor pooled DNAPL. The probability
chlorinated solvent DNAPLs tends to be less, but has
of directly encountering residual or pooled DNAPL
been observed to be tens to hundreds of metres at
with a conventional drilling programme is therefore
many sites. This had led to a useful rule of thumb
relatively small. It is now commonly accepted that
that in horizontally bedded media, DNAPL must
direct visual observation of DNAPL does not occur
migrate sideways in order to migrate down.
at most DNAPL sites. Instead (as discussed in Section
7), the presence of DNAPL is inferred using
alternative lines of evidence. The overall bulk
retention capacity of porous media within a DNAPL
source zone is generally thought to range from
approximately 0.5 to 3 per cent. This retention
capacity is defined as the volume of DNAPL (as both
residual DNAPL and pools) divided by the overall
bulk volume of the source zone. These values are
lower than local-scale residual saturations (5-20 per

Figure 5 DNAPL migration pathways in unsaturated sands. DNAPL presence shows red due to SUDAN IV dye. Bedding dips 30
below horizontal (source: Poulsen and Kueper, 1992). Image is 15 cm from top to base

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DNAPL dissolution in
unconsolidated deposits
Both residual DNAPL and pools will dissolve into concentrations but this is an over-simplification
groundwater flowing through the DNAPL source zone, of the true spatial distribution of concentrations.
giving rise to aqueous phase plumes. Given the tortuous Although discrete sampling devices are commercially
and sporadic nature of DNAPL occurrence within the available to profile groundwater plumes at the scale
source zone, it follows that the associated aqueous of centimetres, this level of detail is usually not
phase plumes will exhibit significant spatial variability required (or achieved) in site investigations.
in terms of concentration.
Various factors influence the magnitude of contaminant
Figure 6a illustrates a vertical cross-section through concentrations obtained from monitoring well samples
a DNAPL source zone along with a depiction of the relative to the actual concentrations in the aquifer.
associated aqueous phase plumes. Monitoring wells Figure 7 depicts a single monitoring borehole
have been placed at various locations in the cross- downstream of a zone of residual DNAPL. For the
section, along with posted concentrations. purposes of this discussion, it is assumed that the
Figure 6b shows the possible result if the posted DNAPL is TCE, with an aqueous solubility of 1,100
concentrations are contoured; it gives the impression mg/l. At point A (immediately down-gradient of the
of a single, smoothly varying distribution of zone of residual DNAPL), one would expect the local

DNAPL release 5 35 3 1
mg/l mg/l
mg/l N.D mg/l N.D
groundwater flow

dissolved plume

Figure 6a Cross-section depicting spatial variability of groundwater concentrations in a plume

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DNAPL release
groundwater flow

source zone
50 mg/l 5 mg/l
0.5 mg/l

Figure 6b Visual appearance of a smoothly varying distribution of concentration following contouring

20 mg/l

1,100 mg/l
groundwater flow

210 mg/l plume

Figure 7 Visual appearance of a smoothly varying distribution of concentration following contouring

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groundwater concentration to be approximately concentrations and that some of these factors cannot
1,100 mg/l. As we move downstream to point B, be determined (for example, the distance a monitoring
the concentration will be less due to hydrodynamic well is offset from plume centre line and the amount
dispersion. Dispersion always occurs in the subsurface of in-borehole dilution occurring during purging).
and results in a lowering of concentrations along the In practice, it is common to simply use the 1 per
centreline of a plume in the downstream direction. cent rule of thumb as a means of establishing that
The maximum concentration of 1,100 mg/l can only DNAPL may be present upstream of the monitoring
be observed immediately adjacent to the DNAPL and well in question, and therefore as a means of
will not be observed anywhere down-gradient of the justifying the use of additional site investigation
source zone. techniques to confirm or refute the presence of
DNAPL. In other words, the 1 per cent rule of
Point C represents a groundwater sample obtained
thumb should not be used in isolation to establish
from the monitoring borehole after water has been
DNAPL presence at a site, but instead should be
purged from the borehole. The concentration in the
used with other converging lines of evidence to both
groundwater sample is significantly less than that at
establish DNAPL presence and to delineate the
point B due to in-borehole dilution. This refers to the
spatial extent of the source zone. Site techniques to
fact that pumping the monitoring borehole draws
establish DNAPL presence and delineate the spatial
in both the local contaminant plume as well as
extent of the source zone are discussed in Section 7.
surrounding uncontaminated water. The result is
a mixing of clean and contaminated water in the The above discussion assumed that the DNAPL of
monitoring well, and a resulting lowering of interest was composed only of TCE. If the DNAPL
concentrations in the obtained sample relative to of interest is composed of a variety of components,
what may be present in the aquifer immediately these components will not dissolve into groundwater
adjacent to the well. In addition to mixing during at their single component, textbook solubility values.
purging, this in-borehole dilution effect can occur Rather, the various components may compete for
naturally if vertical flow gradients exist within the the dissolution process. The dissolution of a multi-
borehole. component NAPL can be described using Raoults law.
Raoults law states that the effective solubility of a
It was assumed in the above example that the
NAPL component in (ground)water is equal to the
monitoring well of interest was placed precisely
product of the mole fraction in the NAPL and the
along the centre line of the plume, where maximum
single component aqueous solubility of that
contaminant concentrations will exist. If the
monitoring well were placed offset from the plume
centre line, sampled concentrations would be even Equation 1
lower. This is because contaminant concentrations
decrease in the transverse direction (both horizontally
and vertically) away from the plume centre line. C i = m iS i
In addition to monitoring well placement and the
factors discussed above, biotic and abiotic degradation
can result in the lowering of concentrations in the where:
down-gradient direction within a contaminant plume. Ci is the effective solubility of component i;
The net effect of hydrodynamic dispersion, in- mi is the mole fraction of component i in the NAPL;
borehole dilution, monitoring well placement and
potential degradation processes is that contaminant Si is the single component solubility of component i.
concentrations in a sample obtained from a monitoring
well downstream of a DNAPL source zone may be
significantly less than the aqueous solubility of the
DNAPL of interest. Experience has shown that a
DNAPL source may be present upstream of a monitoring
well if sample concentrations exceed 1 per cent of
the effective solubility of the component of interest
(US EPA, 1992). The 1 per cent rule of thumb has
been criticised because it does not provide guidance
on how far upstream the DNAPL source zone is
located. It is clear that a variety of site-specific factors
influence the magnitude of sampled contaminant

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In practical terms, the effective solubility of a component. In this example, the DNAPL is assumed
component is the maximum concentration that to be present at a residual saturation of 20 per cent
could possibly be observed in groundwater. Sample in a 1 m3 volume of fine-grained sand having a
concentrations obtained from monitoring wells in hydraulic conductivity of 1 x 10-5 m/s, a porosity of
the plume will be less than the effective solubility 0.30, and to be subject to a hydraulic gradient of
due to in-borehole dilution, hydrodynamic dispersion 0.01. The DNAPL is assumed to be dissolving into
and other effects. The relative concentration of groundwater under equilibrium conditions according
individual components, however, is dictated by to Raoults law.
Raoults law. In terms of the 1 per cent rule of thumb,
Figure 8 presents the aqueous concentrations of the
it is 1 per cent of the effective solubility that is taken
three compounds of interest exiting the 1 m3 of
as an indicator of possible upstream DNAPL presence,
aquifer material as a function of time. Figure 8 shows
not 1 per cent of the single component solubility.
that the chloromethane concentration declines with
To illustrate the effects of Raoults law, consider a time, while the toluene and SVOC concentrations
three-component DNAPL consisting of 50 per cent display moderate increases. The rapid decline of the
chloromethane (methylene chloride), 25 per cent chloromethane concentration stems from the fact
toluene and 25 per cent of a semi-volatile organic that it has the highest effective solubility (Ci)
compound (SVOC) by mass. Chloromethane has a according to Raoults law. As the chloromethane is
relative molecular mass of 84.93, a density of 1,327 preferentially depleted from the NAPL at an early
kg/m3 and a single component aqueous solubility of time, the NAPL becomes enriched in the lower
20,000 mg/l. Toluene has a relative molecular mass effective solubility compounds, which then show
of 92.1, a density of 867 kg/m3 and a single corresponding increases in their effective solubilities.
component aqueous solubility of 500 mg/l. The In addition, the total concentration (sum of the three
SVOC is assigned a relative molecular mass of 200, compounds) decreases with time. This illustrates that
a density of 1,100 kg/m3 and a single component a decrease in total concentration with time does not
aqueous solubility of 10 mg/l. Toluene represents indicate that DNAPL is not present; it is simply a
the intermediate molecular weight and intermediate result of the fact that the higher solubility compounds
solubility component, while chloromethane represents are preferentially depleted from the DNAPL at an
the most soluble and lowest molecular weight early time.

Figure 8 Aqueous phase concentrations immediately downstream of DNAPL source

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Figure 9 DNAPL mass versus time

Figure 9 presents a plot of DNAPL mass in the 1 m3 increasingly slower rates of mass depletion as time
of aquifer material as a function of time. At t = 0, progresses from the initial entry of DNAPL into the
69.3 kg of DNAPL is present in the sample volume. groundwater.
The DNAPL mass decreases with time as the three Raoults law is based on the premise that the various
components dissolve into flowing groundwater, components compete for the dissolution process.
but the rate of mass depletion slows appreciably However, if the DNAPL of interest contains a co-solvent
after approximately 400 days once most of the such as a low molecular weight alcohol, the presence
chloromethane has been depleted. The slower rate of the co-solvent may invalidate the use of Raoults
of mass depletion with increasing time is consistent law and result in an enhancement of the various
with the fact that the total concentration (Figure 8) component solubilities in groundwater. This co-solvent
decreases with time. effect typically only occurs for relatively high
This example illustrates some fundamental aspects co-solvent concentrations (for example, 20 per cent
of multi-component DNAPL dissolution applicable co-solvent or more by mass in the DNAPL) and tends
to all sites. In summary, the dissolution of a multi- to be relatively short-lived (the co-solvent will deplete
component DNAPL into groundwater will be itself quickly from the DNAPL at an early time).
characterised by the preferential depletion of the
higher effective solubility components at an early
time. These components will therefore display
decreasing concentrations with time. The lower
effective solubility components will display slower
rates of concentration decrease with time, with some
components displaying moderate increases in
concentration with time. The total concentration of
all components will decrease with time. This should
not be mistaken as an indication that DNAPL is not
present. In addition, DNAPL mass will decrease
fastest at an early time (after DNAPL entry), showing

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DNAPL source zones in fractured rock

DNAPL will enter fractures in bedrock both above and Once DNAPL enters a fracture network, it is probable
below the water table. Analogous to unconsolidated that continued downward and lateral migration
deposits, both residual DNAPL and pools will form in occurs until the source of DNAPL to the bedrock is
rock fractures, with a higher likelihood of pool exhausted. Figure 10 illustrates a pool of DNAPL at
formation in horizontal to sub-horizontal features. the base of overburden overlying fractured bedrock.
Fracture entry pressures are directly proportional to The depiction in Figure 10 is unlikely in that the
interfacial tension and inversely proportional to DNAPL has come to rest as a continuous vertical
fracture aperture. This results in preferential DNAPL distribution between the pool in overburden and
migration through the larger aperture fractures of a some depth denoted as point A. The depiction is
fracture network. The strike and dip of the more unlikely because capillary pressure increases linearly
permeable fractures will therefore control the with depth in a hydrostatic system; this means that
primary directions of DNAPL migration in a fracture the fracture aperture at point A would need to be
network. Figure 2 (see Section 3) illustrates the extremely small to support the overlying distribution
presence of DNAPL in fractured rock below the water of DNAPL.
table; note that not all fractures of the network have
been invaded and that substantial amounts of lateral
DNAPL migration have taken place through
horizontal features.

DNAPL release

residual DNAPL

DNAPL pool at base

of overburden (drift)


DNAPL in fractures

Figure 10 DNAPL pool at base of overburden: unlikely scenario

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to be restricted to 41 m or less in order to arrest

downward DNAPL migration.
Figure 12 presents the much more likely scenario in
which DNAPL is only present as residual at the base
of overburden, with a significant migration to depth
in the fracture network. The absence of pooled DNAPL
at the base of overburden is therefore not an indication
that DNAPL has not entered fractured bedrock.
For chlorinated solvent DNAPLs with densities
significantly greater than water and relatively low
viscosities, it is probable that DNAPL migration to
a considerable depth in the fracture network will
have occurred, and that the DNAPL is no longer
moving, by the time site investigations begin. For
creosote and coal tar DNAPLs, however, which are
Figure 11 Fracture aperture required to stop migration versus characterised by lower densities and higher viscosities,
height of accumulated DNAPL
migration in the fracture network may still be occurring
today in response to releases that occurred many
Figure 11 presents a plot of the fracture aperture decades ago. In such cases, DNAPL at the shallower
required to stop migration versus depth for a variety elevations may have reached a stable configuration
of DNAPL types. Appendix B outlines the calculation of residual DNAPL and pools, but DNAPL at depth
procedure used to produce this graph. The fracture may still be migrating.
aperture required to stop migration denotes the
largest aperture that can exist at the corresponding Given the fact that DNAPLs are likely to have migrated
depth such that DNAPL migration is arrested, to considerable depth in bedrock systems, careful
resulting in the depiction illustrated in Figure 10. consideration must be given to drilling activities
For chlorinated solvents such as TCE, fracture aimed at determining the total depth of migration.
apertures need to decrease quickly with depth in At most sites, the total depth of DNAPL migration in
order to prevent further downward migration. fractured bedrock is not determined. This stems from
Figure 11 indicates that even a 1m accumulation of the fact that drilling through DNAPL source zones
TCE in fractured rock would require apertures to be carries with it an associated risk of re-mobilising
no larger than 9 m at the base of the accumulation DNAPL, allowing it to migrate deeper into the
in order to prevent further downward migration. subsurface. Because DNAPL does not enter all the
(By way of comparison, a human hair is approximately fractures in a network, a large number of boreholes
50 m thick). Experience has shown that fractures may be required to estimate the depth of DNAPL
remain open to depths of many hundreds of metres migration; such an exercise is often prohibited by
in many rock types, with measured apertures in the cost. Furthermore, knowledge of the depth of
order of hundreds of micrometres at many sites. migration is often of little practical use because
Figure 11 assumes that water is perfectly wetting remediation technologies are currently unable to
with respect to the DNAPL of interest. If contact remove DNAPL completely from depth in bedrock
angles between the water and DNAPL were greater systems. The aqueous phase plume is typically the
than zero degrees, even smaller fracture apertures most mobile form of contamination. Drilling efforts
would be required to arrest migration. are therefore often focused on determining the rate
and direction of plume migration, with particular
Figure 11 shows that less dense DNAPLs such as emphasis on data collection to assess the likely risks
creosote and coal tar do not require as drastic a to identified receptors.
reduction in fracture aperture with depth to arrest
downward migration, but that significant reductions The overall ability of fractured bedrock to retain
are still required to support an accumulation of residual and pooled DNAPL is relatively small given
DNAPL. A head of creosote or coal tar of 2 m, for the low fracture porosity of most rock types.
example, would require all fracture apertures below A typical fractured rock, for example, may exhibit
the DNAPL to be less than 41 m to prevent fracture porosities in the range of 0.001 to 0.01.
downward migration. All the fractures are rough- Assuming that DNAPL will occupy on average 20 per
walled and therefore exhibit a range of apertures cent of the fracture pore space, this range of fracture
within the fracture plane. In the above example,
the largest aperture within the fracture plane needs

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DNAPL release

residual DNAPL

DNAPL residual
in fractures

DNAPL DNAPL pool in fractures

migration to depth

Figure 12 DNAPL migration to depth in fractured bedrock: likely scenario

porosities corresponds to bulk retention capacities contamination of a large volume of bedrock. De-
ranging from 0.0002 m3 DNAPL per m3 of bedrock watering overburden deposits by lowering the water
to 0.002 m3/m3 (that is, between 200 ml and 2 litres table into bedrock should also, in general, be
of DNAPL per m3 of rock). This implies, for example, avoided.
that one drum of DNAPL containing 205 litres
The discussion above has focused on the migration
(0.205 m3) of product will occupy a bulk bedrock
of DNAPL through bedrock fractures. In cases where
volume of 103-1,025 m3.
the rock matrix is relatively coarse-grained, some
It is clear that relatively small volumes of DNAPL entry of DNAPL into the rock matrix may also occur.
have the potential to impact relatively large volumes This is generally not a concern in crystalline rocks,
of bedrock. This conclusion holds for most rock types chalk and limestones, but may be a concern in the
in the UK, including all the major water supply Triassic sandstones encountered in the UK where
aquifers. Drilling through an overburden DNAPL relatively coarse-grained sediments and small
source zone into underlying bedrock should thus be amounts of calcite/dolomite cement characterise
approached with caution. Care should be taken to the rock matrix. In cases where the DNAPL is wetting
grout casings into competent rock before drilling with respect to water (not common, but possible
deeper, and a DNAPL contingency plan to identify especially with coal tars), spontaneous imbibition
and recover DNAPL during drilling activities should of the DNAPL into the rock matrix can occur.
be in place.
It should also be pointed out that downward
groundwater flow can mobilise DNAPL pools deeper
into the subsurface. The specific mechanism causing
the mobilisation of DNAPL is a manipulation of capillary
pressure in response to the imposed hydraulic gradient
in the groundwater. Pumping tests in bedrock should
therefore generally be avoided beneath overburden
DNAPL source zones where a small amount of
downward DNAPL mobilisation could bring about

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DNAPL dissolution in fractured rock

Once DNAPL is present in bedrock, it will slowly Figure 13 illustrates the development of a steady-
dissolve into groundwater flowing through open state plume downstream of a DNAPL source zone
fractures, giving rise to aqueous phase plumes. that is providing a constant concentration source of
The plumes will generally migrate in the hydraulically contamination. The concept of a steady-state plume
down-gradient direction subject to advection, is applicable to both porous and fractured media,
dispersion, sorption to fracture walls, possible and can result from the dispersion process alone.
biodegradation and matrix diffusion. As with plume As a result, all plumes reach a steady-state configuration
migration in unconsolidated deposits, the chemical at some point in time where the leading and side
composition of the plume will be a function of the edges of the plume are stable as defined by a
chemical composition of the DNAPL. Therefore, the specified concentration contour and ultimately, once
plume would expect to be dominated by higher the source zone is exhausted, will shrink. Figure 13
effective solubility compounds at an early time, shows that the monitoring well closest to the DNAPL
gradually shifting later towards higher concentrations source zone reaches a steady-state concentration at
of the lower solubility compounds. Like plumes in time t1 .The next monitoring well reaches a steady-
unconsolidated deposits, all plumes in fractured state concentration at t2, which is greater than t1.
bedrock will eventually reach a steady-state The monitoring well near the leading edge of the
configuration where the leading and side edges of plume reaches a steady-state concentration at t3,
the plume (as defined by a specific concentration which is greater than t2.
level) are no longer expanding. One objective of
many site investigations is to determine whether the
aqueous phase plume has reached its steady-state



C1 C1 C1

C2 C2 C2

C3 C3 C3

Time Time Time

groundwater flow

monitoring well
steady-state plume

Figure 13 Development of a steady-state plume

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diffusion halo
molecular diffusion
into matrix
groundwater flow

advection and dispersion
of solutes in fracture

DNAPL dissolution into

flowing groundwater

A decreasing concentration
away from the fracture


Figure 14 Matrix diffusion process

This general pattern illustrates that plumes reach diffusion. Matrix diffusion refers to the process whereby
steady-state concentrations first near the source and solutes dissolved in groundwater diffuse into and out
last at the leading edge. If the boundaries of the of the rock matrix. If concentrations are higher in the
plume were defined by concentration C3 (for example, open fracture, the diffusion process will result in
a regulatory limit equal to C3), then the entire plume dissolved contaminants moving into the rock matrix
will have reached steady-state by time t3. The precise (forward diffusion). This is illustrated schematically
value of t3 is site-specific and is influenced by a in Figure 14. If concentrations are higher in the rock
number of factors including hydraulic conductivity, matrix, dissolved contaminants will move out of the
hydraulic gradient, source zone concentration, rock matrix and into water in the open fractures
sorption and degradation. In general, degradation (back diffusion). Matrix diffusion will occur in all rock
will lead to shorter steady-state plumes than those types exhibiting a finite matrix porosity. The diffusion
arrived at by dispersion alone. Whether a plume has process will therefore occur in virtually all chalk and
reached steady-state is typically determined through sandstone rock types in the UK, in clay deposits and
several years of groundwater quality monitoring in some weathered crystalline rock environments.
and/or the use of numerical simulation.
With respect to physical processes influencing plume
behaviour, there is one fundamental difference between
porous and fractured media. Plumes in fractured clay
and rock are subject to a process known as matrix

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One manifestation of the matrix diffusion process

Stage 1 is that solute plumes in fractured rock and clay will
DNAPL pool
migrate slower than the rate of groundwater flow.
The rate of plume advance in fractured chalk, clay
and sandstone can therefore be significantly
attenuated relative to the rate of groundwater
migration, with attenuation rates as high as 100 or
more. The attenuation is greater for smaller aperture
fractures, higher matrix porosity and slower moving
groundwater. This explains why solute plumes in
fractured (dual porosity) environments are often
smaller in spatial extent than predicted by groundwater
velocity calculations alone.

initial A second manifestation of the matrix diffusion process

invasion is that the timescale of remediation in fractured rocks
of fracture is often controlled by the back diffusion process and
not by the presence of DNAPL in fractures. Even for
Stage 2
relatively short initial exposure times, the back diffusion
process can continue for many decades. Consider
the release of a small volume of DNAPL into a single
fracture in clay as illustrated in Figure 15.
As a result of diffusion into the matrix and dissolution
into groundwater flowing through the fracture, the
DNAPL is eventually completely depleted. Groundwater
concentrations at the exit to the fracture will exhibit
measurable concentrations for long periods as a result
of back diffusion from the matrix.
groundwater flow
Figure 16 (adapted from Reynolds and Kueper,
redistribution 2002) presents the concentrations of five chlorinated
to residual as solvents at the exit of the fracture illustrated in
a result of Figure 15 as a function of time.
capillary action The fracture is assigned an aperture of 30 m, a dip
Stage 3 of 60 below horizontal and a length of 3m. It was
assumed in each case that the DNAPL of interest was
introduced to the fracture at t = 0(Stage 1 in Figure 15),
allowed to redistribute to residual DNAPL (Stage 2),
and then allowed to dissolve completely into flowing
groundwater and diffuse into the clay matrix (Stage
3). The fracture is subject to clean water injection at
the top of the system after Stage 2, producing flow
in a downwards direction.
Figure 16 shows that measurable exit concentrations
diffusion of
aqueous phase
pollutant into
rock matrix
(VH = 0.01)
diffusive flux

Figure 15 DNAPL release and subsequent depletion by

dissolution into a single fracture

24 Environment Agency Illustrated handbook of DNAPL transport and fate in the subsurface
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Key: CB = chlorobenzene; DCE = dichloroethene;TCE = trichloroethene; PCE = tetrachloroethene, EDB = 1,2-dibromomethane

Figure 16 Concentration versus time at exit of fracture (from Reynolds and Kueper, 2002)

persist for many hundreds of years as a result of the The implication of matrix diffusion in fractured clay
back-diffusion process. Although the residual DNAPL and rock is that solute plumes, as well as DNAPL
dissolved itself out of existence in less than 21 weeks source zones, are difficult to remediate. In fractured
in all cases, the exit concentrations persist for long environments exhibiting matrix diffusion, conventional
periods because the back-diffusion process is slower technologies such as pump-and-treat should be
than the initial forward-diffusion process. This stems viewed as either a source zone containment
from the fact that solutes are continuing to migrate technology, or a plume interception technology, not
further into the clay matrix while at the same time as a technology capable of restoring groundwater to
diffusing back into the open fracture after the DNAPL near-pristine quality within short periods of time. The
has completely dissolved itself away. In addition, the effectiveness of many remedial techniques is diffusion
concentration gradient driving back-diffusion is limited and this process needs to be considered
typically less than the initial concentration gradient during development of a remedial strategy, and
driving forward-diffusion into the matrix while selection of a remedial technique.
residual DNAPL is present in the fracture.

Environment Agency Illustrated handbook of DNAPL transport and fate in the subsurface 25
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Determination of DNAPL presence

and delineation of the DNAPL
source zone
A primary goal of many site investigations is to establish The following investigative techniques are typically
whether DNAPL is present in the subsurface and, if employed in establishing DNAPL presence at a site.
so, to determine the spatial extent of the DNAPL
source zone.
DNAPL presence is often established on the basis of 7.1 Site use/site history
converging lines of evidence rather than direct visual
observation. The tortuous and sparse nature of Site investigations should always begin with a desk
DNAPL migration pathways, together with the fact study; this may start with employee interviews and
that boreholes and other invasive procedures record searches to establish what operations have
typically only physically access a minute fraction of taken place at the site (BSI, 2001). Table 6 lists a
the subsurface, result in a low probability of actually variety of industries and industrial processes that
encountering DNAPL in many site investigations. are often, but not necessarily, associated with the
Thus, DNAPL is often not observed directly at many presence of DNAPLs in the subsurface. Further
DNAPL sites. The overall extent of the source zone guidance can be found in the Industry Profile series
should typically be delineated at a site, and not the (DoE, 1995) produced by former Department of the
specific locations of individual DNAPL pools and zones Environment (now the Department for Environment,
of residual DNAPL within the overall source zone. Food and Rural Affairs).

Table 6 Table 6 Industries and industrial processes sometimes associated with DNAPL presence in the subsurface
(modified from US EPA, 1992)

Industries Industrial processes

Timber treatment Metal cleaning and degreasing

Coal gasification (Town gas production) Metal machining and plating
Electronics manufacturing Tool-and-die operations
Solvent or paint production Paint removing
Pesticide/herbicide manufacturing Solvent storage above or below ground
Aeroplane maintenance and engine manufacturing Solvent transmission through piping
Military bases and rocket fuel production Solvent loading and unloading
Dry cleaning Disposal of mixed wastes in landfills
Instrument manufacturing Storage of liquid wastes in lagoons and ponds
Transformer oil production
Vehicle manufacturing
Transformer reprocessing
Steel industry coking
Pipeline compressor stations

26 Environment Agency Illustrated handbook of DNAPL transport and fate in the subsurface
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7.2 Aerial photographs, maps fracture in rock core, even when drilling directly
through fractures that originally contained residual
and plans DNAPL or pools. Possible exceptions may be creosote
or coal tar, which tend to be more viscous than other
If available, aerial photographs, maps and plans DNAPLs. In some cases, however, the DNAPL may
can be examined to determine if drum storage areas, have stained the rock fracture walls, which may be
railway unloading areas, above ground storage tanks, discernible upon inspection of the core. However,
evaporation ponds, etc. were present at the site. not all DNAPLs will stain fracture walls. Consequently,
Such features may represent potential DNAPL entry the absence of staining should not be relied on as
points into the subsurface. unequivocal evidence that the fracture has not been
exposed to DNAPL. Additional screening techniques
when drilling in bedrock include inspecting the drill
7.3 Screening of soil borings return water for visual or olfactory evidence of
hydrocarbons (for example, iridescent sheens or
Soil samples can be taken from unconsolidated odours) and headspace analysis of rock core that
deposits both above and below the water table using may contain high concentrations of contaminants
a variety of techniques such as hollow stem auguring, diffused into the matrix. Exposure to hazardous
push sampling and trial pits. During drilling operations, substances should, however, be controlled and sniffing
soil samples can be taken and subjected to visual cores is not appropriate unless it is clear that it is safe
examination. If DNAPL is present at high saturations to do so. Prior use of calibrated PID/FID equipment
(that is, pooled DNAPL) it will be probably be readily may be appropriate where there is any doubt.
noticeable. If the DNAPL is present at low saturations
(that is, residual saturation) or if the DNAPL has the
same colour as the soil matrix, it may not be visually 7.5 Laboratory analysis of soil
apparent and a dye shake test may be required.
A dye shake test involves mixing a small quantity of samples
a hydrophobic dye such as SUDAN IV with the soil
sample in a sealed glass jar. In the case of SUDAN IV, Soil characterisation programmes typically involve
the dye is red in colour and will partition only into a sending discrete soil samples to the laboratory for
NAPL phase; it will not partition into water. If a NAPL quantitative analysis of contaminant composition.
is present in the soil sample, it will manifest itself as The presence of NAPL in a soil sample can be
red globules interspersed within the soil matrix. evaluated using:
Other field screening methods for soil borings include Equation 2
headspace analysis using a portable vapour analyser
with photoionisation detection (PID) or flame Ci
ionisation detection (FID), and the use of fluorescence Ci =
(KdPb +Ow + HOa)
analysis. Fluorescence analysis involves taking the
obtained soil sample and subjecting it to a fluorescent
light in a dark space. Many hydrocarbons such as where:
aromatic and polyaromatic hydrocarbons having one Ci
is the concentration of an organic substance at
or more benzene rings (for example, coal tar, creosote or above that which may be present in a
and PCBs) will fluoresce, along with DNAPL mixtures non-aqueous phase (mg/kg);
containing petroleum products and certain unsaturated
aliphatic hydrocarbons such TCE and PCE. Ci is the effective solubility of the substance in
groundwater (mg/l);
Pb is the dry soil bulk density (kg/l);
7.4 Screening of rock cores Kd is the soil-water partition coefficient (l/kg);

Bedrock drilling techniques are typically very Ow is the water-filled porosity (dimensionless);
aggressive due to the high temperatures and high H is the unitless Henrys law constant
water velocities that are usually generated in the (dimensionless);
immediate vicinity of the boring. The DNAPL is
generally pushed out of rock fractures before the Oa is the air-filled porosity.
core is retrieved at ground surface. It is therefore
unreasonable to expect DNAPL to be present in a

Environment Agency Illustrated handbook of DNAPL transport and fate in the subsurface 27
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The soil-water partition coefficient is often For a multi-component DNAPL of unknown

approximated by: composition, the sum of the mole fractions must
equal one. DNAPL will therefore be present in a soil
Equation 3
sample if the following condition is met:
Equation 4
Kd = Kocfoc
n T

i=l CS

Koc is the organic carbon-water partition coefficient

Cobs is the reported concentration of component i;
foc is the fraction organic carbon present in the soil
(dimensionless). CS is the single component soil concentration of
component i;
For structurally similar compounds in a multi-
component NAPL, the effective solubility, Ci, can n is the total number of components observed in
be estimated using Equation 1 (see Section 4). the soil sample.
Equation 2 represents the maximum amount of Appendix C presents an example calculation using
contaminant that can be present in a soil sample a soil sample containing five different compounds.
in the sorbed, aqueous and vapour phases without
a NAPL phase being present. If reported soil
concentrations exceed Ci , it can be concluded that
a NAPL phase was present in the sample. Table 7 presents
7.6 Bailers and interface probes
an example calculation of the above procedure for
In addition to water level and groundwater quality
a single component DNAPL composed of TCE located
monitoring, monitoring wells and piezometers can
below the water table. This calculation procedure
be inspected for the presence of DNAPL using
assumes that the composition of the DNAPL is known,
bottom-loading bailers and weighted oil-water
a priori, such that the required mole fractions can be
interface probes.
determined. If the DNAPL is known to be composed
of primarily one component, the mole fraction of
that component can be assumed to be one. At sites
where a multi-component DNAPL is suspected and a 7.7 Contaminant
DNAPL sample has not been obtained for component
composition analysis, the required mole fractions will
concentrations in groundwater
not be known. In such cases, this calculation procedure
As discussed in Section 4, experience has shown that
can still be employed, but with a slight modification.
DNAPL may be present up gradient of a monitoring
well displaying sampled groundwater concentrations
Table 7 Example calculation of soil DNAPL threshold in excess of 1 per cent of the effective solubility of
concentration: single component DNAPL below
the component of interest. Calculating the 1 per
the water table
cent effective solubility requires a priori knowledge
of the DNAPL composition such that mole fractions
can be established. If the DNAPL is thought to be
TCE solubility in water = 1,100 mg/l
composed of primarily one component, the mole
Fraction organic carbon of soil = 0.003 fraction of that component can be approximated to
Porosity of soil = 0.27 be one. If the DNAPL is thought to be composed of
Koc of TCE = 126 l/kg several components, however, a modified approach
will be required in cases where a DNAPL composition
Dry bulk density of soil = 1.9 kg/l
analysis is not available.
Air filled porosity = 0
For a multi-component DNAPL dissolving into
groundwater, the equilibrium aqueous phase
T 1100 concentration can be represented using Raoults
CTCE = (126(0.0031)1.9 + 0.27) = 572 mg/kg
1.9 law as presented in Equation 1 (see Section 4).

28 Environment Agency Illustrated handbook of DNAPL transport and fate in the subsurface
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Because groundwater concentrations are typically upstream of a monitoring well if a >0.01. This assumes
obtained from monitoring well samples, a certain that the degree of borehole dilution, dispersion and
degree of dilution will occur due to borehole dilution, degradation is identical for each component of
hydrodynamic dispersion, non-optimal well placement interest. This is likely to be the case for borehole
and degradation. In this analysis, the degree of dilution and dispersion, but may not be the case for
dilution due to these three processes will be degradation. For monitoring wells in close proximity
represented by the parameter a, such that: to DNAPL, however, the amount of degradation may
be minimal such that the error introduced by varying
Equation 5
amounts of degradation will be negligible.
obs Equation 7 can be applied on a sample-by-sample
a= basis without having to assume that the NAPL
composition is spatially uniform. In addition, the
parameter a can be any value less than one. If it is
where: believed that 10 per cent of the effective solubility
Ci is the concentration observed in the monitoring indicates NAPL presence, for example, a can be set
well; to 0.1. Table 8 presents an example calculation
where five components have been detected in a
Ci is the effective solubility given by Equation 1. monitoring well. Although each component has
For a multi-component DNAPL, the sum of the mole been detected at a concentration less than 1 per
fractions must equal one: cent of the single component solubility, the cumulative
mole fractions add up to 3.4 per cent, providing
Equation 6 evidence of possible DNAPL presence upstream of
the monitoring location.

7.8 Presence of contamination

Combining Equations 5 and 6 yields:
in hydraulically anomalous
Equation 7
=a Figure 2 presents a schematic illustration of DNAPL
presence in the subsurface. Given that groundwater
is flowing from left to right in the figure, it is not
If there were no effects from borehole dilution, possible for DNAPL sources in the unsaturated zone
dispersion, degradation or monitoring well placement, alone to give rise to aqueous phase contamination
the parameter a would equal one in the vicinity of deep in the overburden or in the fractured bedrock.
a multi-component NAPL. However, because these If a flow line cannot be drawn between known
processes all occur to some degree, a will take on a shallow sources and deeper, up-gradient or side-
value less than one. If the 1 per cent rule-of-thumb gradient occurrences of aqueous phase contamination,
is adopted, it follows that DNAPL may be present a DNAPL source may be present up-gradient of those

Table 8 Example calculation of cumulative mole fraction in a groundwater sample

Compound Concentration in Single component C iS i

monitoring well (mg/l) solubility (mg/l)

trichloroethene 4.4 1100 0.004

tetrachloroethene 1.8 200 0.009
toluene 3.5 500 0.007
chlorobenzene 4.0 500 0.008
trichloromethane 48.0 8000 0.006
obs 0.034

Environment Agency Illustrated handbook of DNAPL transport and fate in the subsurface 29
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monitoring locations. A classic example of this is the storage and release areas such as evaporation ponds
presence of groundwater contamination at depth in and drum disposal areas, locations where DNAPL has
a flow field characterised by an upward component been visually observed in soil samples, locations
to flow. If groundwater is flowing up from depth where soil concentrations are above the calculated
(for example in a groundwater discharge zone) and DNAPL threshold, and locations where groundwater
aqueous phase contamination is encountered at depth, concentrations are very high (for example, over 10
the source of that contamination will be hydraulically per cent effective solubility). The potential DNAPL
up-gradient (that is, deeper) of the monitoring well source zone provides a factor of safety, and may
in question represent the volume of the subsurface where fewer
converging lines of evidence suggest DNAPL presence.

7.9 Persistence of probable DNAPL

disolved plume

groundwater flow
If contamination persists at a particular monitoring
location, it follows that a stable source of contamination
such as DNAPL may be present hydraulically up-
gradient of that location. If contaminant releases possible DNAPL
took place 20 years ago, for example, and the
groundwater velocity at the site was 50 m/year,
one would expect a non-sorbing aqueous phase
contaminant to have travelled approximately 1,000 Figure 17 Probable and potential DNAPL zones
m in the 20-year period. If contamination is still
connected to the source area with generally Both the estimated extent of the probable and
decreasing concentrations in the down-gradient potential DNAPL source zones should be updated,
direction, a stable source of contamination is likely along with other aspects of the site conceptual
to be feeding the plume. model, whenever new data become available
(Environment Agency, 2001a). It is unreasonable to
expect site investigation techniques to be able to
7.10 Persistence of alcohols define the lateral and vertical extent of the DNAPL
source zone exactly; regardless of the level of data
in groundwater collection, uncertainty will always exist.

If readily degradable co-solvents such as alcohols are With respect to drilling strategies, it is recognised
detected in monitoring wells, it is likely that they are that drilling directly through a DNAPL source zone
derived from a stable source such as residual or pooled carries with it a significant risk of mobilising DNAPL
DNAPL. Alcohols are known to partition into both deeper into the subsurface. Many practitioners adopt
groundwater and NAPL phases. It is also known an outside-in approach in which monitoring wells
that alcohols tend to biodegrade readily in many are first placed outside the suspected DNAPL source
groundwater environments. If alcohols are detected zone. Subsequent borings are added closer and
regularly in a particular monitoring well, it is possible within the source area on an as-needed basis until
that a DNAPL source is supplying the alcohols to the source zone location has been defined in sufficient
groundwater. detail to satisfy the investigation objectives. In some
drilling programmes, a contingency plan is provided
Considerable uncertainty will exist with respect to in case strong evidence of the presence of DNAPL is
delineating the DNAPL source zone. Establishing gathered during drilling operations. Such a plan may
whether DNAPL is present at a site is typically easier involve terminating boreholes or moving to an
than delineating the exact spatial extent of the alternative drilling location whenever mobile DNAPL
DNAPL source zone. It is advisable to adopt a two- is encountered. It is also customary to install sumps
tiered approach. at the base of monitoring wells and piezometers
Figure 17 illustrates both a probable and a potential suspected of being in close proximity to DNAPL
DNAPL zone. The probable DNAPL zone encompasses sources. The sumps facilitate the collection of DNAPL
that volume of the subsurface where many converging and avoid DNAPL exit from the bottom of the well
lines of evidence suggest DNAPL presence. These following entry into the well at a higher elevation.
may include the locations of former known DNAPL

30 Environment Agency Illustrated handbook of DNAPL transport and fate in the subsurface
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UK Specific Conceptual Models

ceased within a relatively short time period following
8.1 Chlorinated solvent release the entry of DNAPL into bedrock. Groundwater flow
into Cretaceous Chalk through the fractures containing residual and pooled
DNAPL has brought about DNAPL dissolution and
Figure 18 illustrates a release of chlorinated solvent the evolution of a dissolved phase plume.
DNAPL at the ground surface into shallow drift
The plume is migrating through the set of interconnected
deposits overlying fractured Cretaceous chalk. In
fractures subject to advection, dispersion, a limited
the drift, residual and pooled DNAPL have migrated
amount of biodegradation, and matrix diffusion.
laterally in all directions in response to the bedding
Because of matrix diffusion, the plume has not
structure of the unconsolidated deposits. Due to the
migrated as far as would be predicted by simple
volatile nature of the solvent DNAPL, a well-defined
groundwater velocity calculations. At this site, the
vapour plume has developed. Depending on the
plume is migrating 50 500 times slower than the
bedding structures, soil sampling to determine DNAPL
groundwater, with greatest attenuation in the smaller
presence may be a hit and miss proposition because
aperture fractures. Diffusion of aqueous phase
of the tortuous and sparse nature of DNAPL migration
contaminants into the Chalk matrix is also occurring
pathways. Soil vapour sampling may be a more
immediately adjacent to the residual and pooled
efficient way of determining the lateral extent of the
DNAPL, where concentration gradients are greatest.
source zone in the drift deposit, where the DNAPL
With time, a greater and greater portion of the mass
gives rise to vapours.
is transferred from the open fractures to the matrix.
The volume of the DNAPL release was sufficient to In the smaller aperture fractures, the DNAPL has
reach the top of bedrock, which is characterised by completely diffused into the matrix.
weathered chalk. DNAPL has entered the fractured
With respect to site characterisation, efforts below
chalk and, because of the low fracture porosity, has
the water table are focused on defining the spatial
migrated to considerable depth. The depth of DNAPL
extent of the aqueous phase plume and establishing
migration cannot be determined easily because of
whether it has reached a steady-state configuration.
the large number of boreholes required, the high
Limited drilling is taking place within the DNAPL
cost and the risk of dragging contamination deeper
source zone. The extent and depth of the source
into bedrock. DNAPL has come to rest primarily as
zone in bedrock are being inferred on the basis of
pooled DNAPL in the horizontal fractures and as
the spatial distribution of groundwater concentrations
residual DNAPL in the vertical and steeply dipping
downstream of the source zone. In the case of a single
component DNAPL, groundwater sampling is focused
DNAPL is restricted to fractures below the water on the contaminant of interest and its daughter
table and has not entered the chalk matrix as a separate products. In the case of a multi-component DNAPL,
liquid phase because of the high entry pressure groundwater sampling includes the most mobile
associated with the narrow pore throat size in a chalk component(s) of the DNAPL since they will define
matrix. Above the water table, however, some areas the leading edge of the plume, but may also include
of the chalk matrix have very low water saturations less mobile compounds that present a potential risk
and limited DNAPL migration into the matrix has to human health and the environment. The most
occurred. DNAPL has migrated preferentially in the mobile component of the DNAPL is taken to be a
larger aperture fractures and has spread laterally in component that is present at detectable concentrations,
all directions, including hydraulically up-gradient of sorbs little, and is not subject to appreciable amounts
the release location. Because of the high density and of degradation.
low viscosity of the chlorinated solvent DNAPL,
migration through the subsurface was rapid and

Environment Agency Illustrated handbook of DNAPL transport and fate in the subsurface 31
Features Release of chlorinated solvent DNAPL Domain
into Cretaceous Chalk

1 Residual and pooled

DNAPL in drift Surface
DNAPL release
2 Vapour

3 DNAPL migration into 2

unsaturated chalk
1 Drift
4 Matrix diffusion and (unsaturated)
advective vapour
5 Pooled DNAPL in 4
3932 DNAPL handbook A/W 10/9/2003 10:37 am Page 32

fractures Bedrock
6 Residual DNAPL in
7 Extent of groundwater
plume 7
8 Matrix diffusion next

9 Aqueous phase 8 Bedrock

Environment Agency Illustrated handbook of DNAPL transport and fate in the subsurface
diffusion into matrix (saturated)
10 Advection and
dispersion of
contaminants in fractures

11 Groundwater flow
direction 9
12 DNAPL migration to 10

Figure 18 Release of chlorinated solvent DNAPL into Cretaceous Chalk

Features Release of coal tar DNAPL into Cretaceous Chalk Domain

1 Residual and pooled

DNAPL in drift DNAPL release Surface
2 Residual DNAPL in

3 Pooled DNAPL in 1
fractures Drift
4 Aqueous phase
diffusion into matrix 2
3932 DNAPL handbook A/W 10/9/2003 10:37 am Page 33

5 Diffusion into matrix Bedrock

next to DNAPL (unsaturated)
6 Plume extent

7 On-going DNAPL
migration (lateral)

8 Ongoing DNAPL
migration (vertical) 7 3 7
9 Groundwater flow Bedrock
direction (saturated)


9 8

Environment Agency Illustrated handbook of DNAPL transport and fate in the subsurface
Figure 19 Release of coal tar DNAPL into Cretaceous Chalk

3932 DNAPL handbook A/W 10/9/2003 10:37 am Page 34

8.2 Coal tar release into set of interconnected fractures subject to advection,
dispersion, biodegradation and matrix diffusion.
Cretaceous Chalk Because of the matrix diffusion process, the plume
has not migrated as far as would be predicted by
Figure 19 illustrates a release of coal tar DNAPL at groundwater velocity calculations. At this site, the
the ground surface into shallow drift deposits that plume is migrating 50 500 times slower than the
overlie fractured Cretaceous Chalk. The coal tar groundwater with higher amounts of attenuation in
release took place during the early part of the 20th the smaller aperture fractures. Diffusion of aqueous
century at a coal gas manufacturing facility. In the phase contaminants into the chalk matrix is also
overburden, residual and pooled DNAPL have occurring immediately adjacent to the residual and
migrated laterally in all directions in response to the pooled DNAPL. With time, a greater and greater
bedding structure of the unconsolidated deposits. portion of the mass is transferred from the open
A well-defined vapour plume is not present because fractures to the matrix.
the highly volatile components of the coal tar were
preferentially depleted at an early time, leaving only With respect to site characterisation, efforts below
low volatility components of the DNAPL in the drift. the water table are focused on defining the spatial
extent of the aqueous phase plume and establishing
Although soil sampling can be a hit and miss whether it has reached a steady-state configuration.
exercise depending on bedding structures, it is still Although some drilling is taking place within the
the most practical way to define the lateral extent DNAPL source zone, the extent and depth of the
of the source zone in the unconsolidated deposits, source zone in the chalk is being inferred largely on
where the DNAPL does not readily give rise to vapours. the basis of the spatial distribution of groundwater
The volume of the DNAPL release was sufficient to concentrations downstream of the source zone.
reach the top of the bedrock, which is characterised Because the coal tar release occurred several decades
by weathered chalk. DNAPL has entered the fractured ago, the more mobile, low molecular weight
chalk and, because of the low fracture porosity, has components of the DNAPL no longer represent the
migrated to a considerable depth. DNAPL migration major constituents of the plume. A few indicator
is still occurring today due to the relatively low compounds are selected to define the extent of the
density and high viscosity of the DNAPL, and because plume; because of their low mobility, the dissolved
large volumes of coal tar were released. The depth of plume is not expected to have advanced far ahead
DNAPL migration cannot be determined easily because of the DNAPL source zone.
of the large number of boreholes required, but limited
drilling will take place in the source zone to determine
if the DNAPL is still in a mobile form. Monitoring 8.3 Chlorinated solvent release
wells will be completed with sumps below the well
screen to facilitate the collection of mobile DNAPL. into Triassic Sandstone
In many places, DNAPL has already come to rest
primarily as pooled DNAPL in the horizontal fractures Figure 20 depicts a release of chlorinated solvent
and as residual DNAPL in the vertical and steeply DNAPL at the ground surface into shallow drift deposits
dipping fractures. DNAPL is restricted to fractures overlying fractured sandstone. In the overburden,
below the water table and has not entered the chalk residual and pooled DNAPL have migrated laterally in
matrix as a separate liquid phase because of the high all directions in response to the bedding structure of
entry pressure. Above the water table, however, the unconsolidated deposits. Because of the volatile
some areas of the chalk matrix are very dry and nature of the solvent DNAPL, a well-defined vapour
limited DNAPL migration into the matrix has occurred. plume has developed. Depending on the bedding
DNAPL has migrated primarily in the larger aperture structures, soil sampling to determine DNAPL presence
fractures and has spread laterally in all directions, may be a hit and miss proposition due to the tortuous
including hydraulically up-gradient of the release and sparse nature of DNAPL migration pathways.
location. The amount of lateral spreading is greater Soil vapour sampling may be a more efficient way to
than that for the chlorinated solvent DNAPL release determine the lateral extent of the chlorinated solvent
depicted in Figure 18 because of the lower density source zone in the drift deposit.
of the DNAPL. The volume of the DNAPL release was sufficient to
Groundwater flow through the fractures containing reach the top of bedrock. DNAPL has entered the
residual and pooled DNAPL has brought about fractured sandstone and, due to the low fracture
DNAPL dissolution and the evolution of a dissolved porosity, has migrated to a considerable depth.
phase plume. The plume is migrating through the The depth of DNAPL migration cannot be determined
easily because of the large number of boreholes

34 Environment Agency Illustrated handbook of DNAPL transport and fate in the subsurface
Features Release of chlorinated solvent DNAPL Domain
into Triassic Sandstone

1 Residual and pooled

DNAPL in drift DNAPL release Surface
2 Vapour

3 Aqueous phase 2
plume migration (unsaturated)
4 Aqueous phase plume 3
migration in fracture
3932 DNAPL handbook A/W 10/9/2003 10:37 am Page 35

5 Residual DNAPL in

6 Aqueous phase
matrix diffusion 4

7 DNAPL penetration into

coarse grained matrix 5
8 Pooled DNAPL in
9 Matrix diffusion 8
adjacent to DNAPL Bedrock
10 Groundwater flow
direction 9
11 DNAPL migration 10
to depth


Environment Agency Illustrated handbook of DNAPL transport and fate in the subsurface
Figure 20 Release of chlorinated solvent DNAPL into Triassic Sandstone

3932 DNAPL handbook A/W 10/9/2003 10:37 am Page 36

needed, the high cost and the risk of dragging The most mobile component of the DNAPL is taken
contamination deeper into bedrock and creating to be a component that is present at detectable
new conduits. DNAPL has come to rest primarily as concentrations, sorbs little and is not subject to
pooled DNAPL in the horizontal fractures and primarily appreciable amounts of degradation.
as residual DNAPL in the vertical and steeply dipping
fractures. DNAPL is not necessarily restricted to
fractures below the water table and has entered the
sandstone matrix as a separate liquid phase where
8.4 Coal tar release into
the matrix is composed of weakly cemented, coarse- fractured Triassic Sandstone
grained sediments. Above the water table, DNAPL
has entered those regions of the rock matrix that Figure 21 illustrates a release of coal tar DNAPL at
exhibit continuous air pathways and those composed ground surface into shallow drift deposits overlying
of coarse-grained sediments. fractured sandstone.
DNAPL has migrated primarily in the larger aperture The coal tar release took place in the early part of the
fractures and has spread laterally in all directions, 20th century at a coal gas manufacturing facility. In
including hydraulically up-gradient of the release overburden, residual and pooled DNAPL have migrated
location. The angled nature of the fractures in some laterally in all directions in response to the bedding
regions has led to preferential migration in the structure of the unconsolidated deposits. A well-
down-dip direction. Because of the high density defined vapour plume is not present because the
and low viscosity of the chlorinated solvent DNAPL, highly volatile components of the coal tar were
migration ceased within a relatively short time preferentially depleted at an early time, leaving only
following entry of DNAPL into the bedrock. the low volatility components of the DNAPL remaining
in overburden. Although soil sampling can be a hit
Groundwater flow through the fractures containing
and miss exercise depending on bedding structures,
residual and pooled DNAPL has brought about
it is still the most practical way to define the lateral
DNAPL dissolution and the evolution of a dissolved
extent of the source zone in the unconsolidated
phase plume. The plume is migrating through the
deposits, where the DNAPL does not give rise
set of interconnected fractures subject to advection,
to vapours.
dispersion, a limited amount of biodegradation, and
matrix diffusion. Because of the matrix diffusion DNAPL has entered the fractured sandstone and,
process, the plume has not migrated as far as would because of the low fracture porosity, has migrated
be predicted by groundwater velocity calculations. to a considerable depth. DNAPL migration is still
At this site, the plume is migrating 50 500 times occurring today due to the low density and high
slower than the groundwater with higher amounts viscosity of the DNAPL, and because large volumes
of attenuation in the smaller aperture fractures. of coal tar were released. The depth of DNAPL
Diffusion of aqueous phase contaminants into the migration cannot be determined easily because of
sandstone matrix is also occurring immediately the large number of boreholes needed, but limited
adjacent to the residual and pooled DNAPL. With drilling will take place in the source zone to determine
time, a greater and greater portion of the mass is if the DNAPL is still in a mobile form. Monitoring
transferred from the open fractures to the matrix. wells will be completed with sumps below the well
screen to facilitate the collection of mobile DNAPL.
With respect to site characterisation, efforts below
In many places, DNAPL has already come to rest
the water table are focused on defining the spatial
primarily as pooled DNAPL in the horizontal fractures
extent of the aqueous phase plume and establishing
and primarily as residual DNAPL in the vertical and
whether it has reached a steady-state configuration.
steeply dipping fractures. DNAPL is present primarily
Limited drilling is taking place within the DNAPL
in open fractures below the water table, but has also
source zone. The extent and depth of the source
entered the sandstone matrix where it is composed
zone in the sandstone is being inferred on the
of coarse-grained sediments that exhibit a relatively
basis of the spatial distribution of groundwater
low entry pressure. Above the water table, some
concentrations downstream of the source zone.
areas of the sandstone matrix are either also coarse
In the case of a single component DNAPL, groundwater
grained or very dry, and DNAPL migration into the
sampling is focused on the contaminant of interest
matrix has occurred.
and its daughter products. In the case of a multi-
component DNAPL, groundwater sampling is focused Below the water table, DNAPL has migrated primarily
on the most mobile component(s) of the DNAPL in the larger aperture fractures and has spread laterally
since this will define the leading edge of the plume. in all directions, including hydraulically up-gradient of

36 Environment Agency Illustrated handbook of DNAPL transport and fate in the subsurface
Features Release of coal tar DNAPL into Triassic Sandstone Domain

1 DNAPL pool slowly

entering fractures DNAPL release Surface
2 Aqueous phase plume
3 DNAPL discharge to (unsaturated)
surface water

4 Pooled DNAPL 1 Drift

2 (saturated)
3932 DNAPL handbook A/W 10/9/2003 10:37 am Page 37

5 Matrix diffusion

6 Residual DNAPL 3
7 Plume in fracture
8 Groundwater flow

9 On-going DNAPL 5
migration to depth

6 (saturated)

Environment Agency Illustrated handbook of DNAPL transport and fate in the subsurface
Figure 21 Release of coal tar DNAPL into Triassic Sandstone

3932 DNAPL handbook A/W 10/9/2003 10:37 am Page 38

the release location. The amount of lateral spreading The relatively thin veneer of clay till contains vertical
is greater than that for the chlorinated solvent DNAPL fractures, root holes and sand seams that provide
release depicted in Figure 20 because of the lower preferential pathways for DNAPL migration. Residual
density of the DNAPL. In Figure 21, lateral spreading and pooled DNAPL is retained in these pathways and
has carried coal tar to a receiving water body. DNAPL entry into the underlying fractured bedrock
Evidence of DNAPL entry into the water body includes occurs. Their sparse nature means that DNAPL migration
surface sheens and the presence of DNAPL blobs in pathways may not be encountered directly by site
bottom sediments. The discharge of coal tar to the characterisation efforts conducted in the clay till.
receiving water body is facilitated by the upward
The porous nature of the till matrix allows for a
component to groundwater flow in this area. The
degree of migration of vapours in unsaturated regions
upward groundwater flow is capable of carrying the
of the till, dependant on site-specific conditions, and
coal tar DNAPL upwards against gravity because the
for aqueous phase diffusion of contaminants in
DNAPL is only marginally denser than water.
water-saturated regions. Soil sampling conducted
Groundwater flow through the fractures containing in the till may reveal low levels of contamination
residual and pooled DNAPL has brought about associated with the diffusion halos originating from
DNAPL dissolution and the evolution of a dissolved the fractures and sand seams. The use of angled
phase plume. The plume is migrating through the borings can increase the probability of encountering
set of interconnected fractures subject to advection, vertical fractures. Significant amounts of lateral
dispersion, biodegradation and matrix diffusion. DNAPL migration can occur in all directions if
Because of the matrix diffusion process, the plume horizontal pathways such as sand seams are laterally
has not migrated as far as would be predicted by extensive and connected. The degree of lateral
groundwater velocity calculations. At this site, the DNAPL migration is greater for lower density DNAPLs
plume is migrating 50 500 times slower than the such as creosote and coal tar, and less for high
groundwater with higher amounts of attenuation in density DNAPLs such as chlorinated solvents. With
the smaller aperture fractures. Diffusion of aqueous respect to plume migration, matrix diffusion into the
phase contaminants into the sandstone matrix is also clay matrix will significantly retard the rate of aqueous
occurring immediately adjacent to the residual and phase contaminant migration relative to the rate of
pooled DNAPL. With time, a greater and greater groundwater flow.
portion of the mass is transferred from the open
fractures to the matrix.
With respect to site characterisation, efforts below 8.6 DNAPL release into a thick
the water table are focused on defining the spatial
extent of the aqueous phase plume and establishing
sequence of clay-rich till
whether it has reached a steady-state configuration.
Figure 23 illustrates a surface release of DNAPL into
Although some drilling is taking place within the
a thick sequence of clay rich till. The till unit contains
DNAPL source zone, the extent and depth of the
both vertical fractures and sand seams which provide
source zone in the sandstone is being inferred largely
pathways for lateral and vertical DNAPL migration.
on the basis of the spatial distribution of groundwater
The frequency of fracturing decreases with depth,
concentrations downstream of the source zone.
causing greater amounts of lateral DNAPL spreading
Because the coal tar release occurred several decades
at shallow depth. As in Figure 22, the directions of
ago, the more mobile, low molecular weight
lateral DNAPL spreading are dictated primarily
components of the DNAPL no longer represent the
by geological structure and not the direction of
major constituents of the plume. A few indicator
groundwater flow. In cases where the till unit is
compounds are selected to define the extent of the
exceptionally thick, it is possible that DNAPL could
plume and, because of their low mobility, the plume
not penetrate the sequence. In practice, however,
is not expected to have advanced far ahead of the
it should be assumed that DNAPL has traversed clay
DNAPL source zone.
till sequences unless groundwater sampling beneath
the till unit (with appropriate seals around boreholes
to prevent migration down the hole) reveals an
8.5 DNAPL release into a thin absence of contamination.
veneer of clay-rich till Like Figure 22, residual and pooled DNAPL are
retained in the fractures and sand seams that transmitted
Figure 22 illustrates a surface release of DNAPL into DNAPL. Given their sparse nature, DNAPL migration
clay-rich till overlying Cretaceous Chalk. pathways may not be encountered directly by site
characterisation efforts.

38 Environment Agency Illustrated handbook of DNAPL transport and fate in the subsurface
Features DNAPL release into thin veneer of clay rich till Domain

1 Residual DNAPL
in sand lens
DNAPL release Surface
2 Residual DNAPL in

3 DNAPL in sand lens 1

4 Diffusion halo 2 Drift

5 Aqueous phase plume fractured till
3932 DNAPL handbook A/W 10/9/2003 10:37 am Page 39

4 (saturated)
6 Residual DNAPL in
bedrock fractures
7 Aqueous phase diffusion
in bedrock matrix

8 Pooled DNAPL in
bedrock fracture 7

8 Bedrock
5 (saturated)

Environment Agency Illustrated handbook of DNAPL transport and fate in the subsurface
Figure 22 DNAPL release into a thin veneer of clay-rich till

3932 DNAPL handbook A/W 10/9/2003 10:37 am Page 40

The porous nature of the till matrix allows migration Site characterisation activities below the water table
of vapours in unsaturated regions of the till and for include the use of conventional hollow-stem auguring
aqueous phase diffusion of contaminants in water- techniques to obtain soil samples and install monitoring
saturated regions. wells, as well as a variety of push-device probes
designed to obtain grab samples.
Soil sampling conducted in the till may reveal low
levels of contamination associated with the diffusion The grab groundwater sample results are used to
halos originating from the fractures and sand seams. decide the sites of permanent monitoring wells.
The use of angled borings can increase the probability Drilling into bedrock is approached with caution and
of encountering vertical fractures. proceeds only in areas where it has been shown that
the sand/gravel aquifer is void of residual and pooled
The degree of lateral DNAPL migration is greater for
DNAPL. This is facilitated by taking continuous soil
lower density DNAPLs such as creosote and coal tar,
cores in the sand/gravel aquifer at the location of
and less for higher density DNAPLs such as chlorinated
each proposed drilling location in the bedrock.
solvents. With respect to plume migration, matrix
diffusion into the clay matrix will significantly retard
the rate of aqueous phase contaminant migration
relative to the rate of groundwater flow. This means 8.8 DNAPL release into made
that the plume may not be far ahead of the DNAPL
source zone, particularly for compounds that exhibit
a high degree of sorption and moderate-to-high
Figure 25 illustrates a DNAPL release into made
amounts of biodegradation.
ground containing a variety of subsurface structures.
DNAPL has leaked from an underground storage
tank and found its way into the gravel backfill of
8.7 DNAPL release into a a building footing. Preferential migration of DNAPL
takes place along the gravel because of its low
sand/gravel aquifer capillary resistance.
Figure 24 illustrates two DNAPL releases into a sand/ Figure 25 DNAPL release into made ground and the
gravel aquifer; the DNAPL on the left is creosote and effects of construction activities and services DNAPL
the DNAPL on the right is a chlorinated solvent. For also migrates to depth along abandoned piles, which
both releases, residual and pooled DNAPL are present also provide a pathway of low capillary resistance.
in the unsaturated zone as well as below the water The presence of residual and pooled DNAPL above
table. There is a general lack of vapour presence the water table outside the building enclosure
above the water table for the creosote release, but supports the potential for vapour diffusion and/or
substantial vapour phase contamination for the advection into the interior of the structure. Indoor
chlorinated solvent. In addition, in this example, air sampling is carried out to evaluate the presence
much of the chlorinated solvent DNAPL in the and magnitude of vapour phase contamination.
unsaturated zone has vapourised itself out of existence
Figure 25 also illustrates a second DNAPL release
because of its volatile nature. Characterisation activities
that has encountered the gravel backfill surrounding
in the unsaturated zone include soil sampling for
underground piping. The backfill provides a preferential
both releases, with the addition of vapour sampling
pathway for DNAPL migration. DNAPL has also
for the solvent release. The chlorinated solvent vapours
encountered an abandoned water supply well and
will have a much longer lifespan in the unsaturated
has short-circuited to depth along the well. Site
zone than residual and pooled DNAPL.
investigation techniques include conventional drilling
The volume of release was sufficient in each case and vapour sampling methods, but also include the
to reach a basal clay layer overlying bedrock. The use of geophysics to locate the buried structures.
solvent DNAPL encountered an erosional window in
the clay layer and has entered the fractured bedrock
below. The creosote DNAPL did not encounter any
windows in the clay and, therefore, is restricted to
the sand/gravel aquifer. A well-defined plume has
evolved below the water table for both types of
DNAPL. The solvent plume exhibits greater spatial
extent in the down-gradient direction as a result of
advection and dispersion processes, combined with
the fact that the solvent of interest does not readily
degrade or sorb to aquifer minerals.

40 Environment Agency Illustrated handbook of DNAPL transport and fate in the subsurface
Features DNAPL release into thick sequence of clay rich till Domain

DNAPL release
1 Residual DNAPL in Surface

2 Diffusion halo

3 Sand lens

4 DNAPL flow terminated

in sand lens

5 No continuous fractures
3932 DNAPL handbook A/W 10/9/2003 10:37 am Page 41

traversing the till Drift

fractured till
1 (saturated)



Environment Agency Illustrated handbook of DNAPL transport and fate in the subsurface
Figure 23 DNAPL release into a thick sequence of clay till

Features DNAPL release into unconsolidated sand Domain
and gravel aquifer

1 Vapour plume DNAPL release Solvent
DNAPL release Surface
2 Groundwater flow

3 Residual and pooled

1 Drift
4 Aqueous phase plume
5 Stratigraphic window
3932 DNAPL handbook A/W 10/9/2003 10:37 am Page 42

(i.e. lateral discontinuity

in unfractured clay 3
6 DNAPL entry into Drift
fractured rock (saturated)

7 Matrix diffusion

Environment Agency Illustrated handbook of DNAPL transport and fate in the subsurface
5 Unfractured Clay

7 Bedrock

Figure 24 DNAPL release into an unconsolidated sand/gravel aquifer

3932 DNAPL handbook A/W 10/9/2003 10:37 am Page 43

Building DNAPL DNAPL migration

Interior release along pipe/service
diffusion LEAK
and Underground
advection storage tank

gravel backfill

DNAPL leakage
along pile DNAPL short-circuiting
down abandoned well

Figure 25 DNAPL release into made ground and the effects of construction activities and services

Environment Agency Illustrated handbook of DNAPL transport and fate in the subsurface 43
3932 DNAPL handbook A/W 10/9/2003 10:37 am Page 44

Which parameters to measure at

a site?
Objectives for site investigations are site-specific estimating the rate of plume migration, assessing
and depend on the potential source-pathway-receptor whether the plume is at steady-state, and assessing
linkages (called pollutant linkages under Part IIA the degree of matrix diffusion that has occurred, along
of EPA 1990), the initial conceptual site model (and with a variety of other objectives that will form the
uncertainties therein), and the potential risks that basis for selecting a remediation strategy for the site.
need to be assessed and managed. The objectives
Figure 26, in conjunction with the tables below,
of many site investigations may need to include:
provide a brief summary of the parameters that can
determining the presence of DNAPL; estimating the
be measured at a site, along with a brief description
spatial extent of the DNAPL source zone; determining
of how the information can be used.
the presence of an aqueous phase plume; and,
estimating the spatial extent of that plume, in order Table 9 lists a variety of contaminant characteristics
to allow a robust assessment of the risks that the that are useful in establishing a site conceptual
pollution poses. Additional objectives may include model and in selecting a remediation strategy.

gs er
Other approaches r i n one) at
o z w es
i l ted gs e) ce pl
employee interviews rix po y s o atura r i n zon l e s e r r fa am

at s v a (s b o d p at g s u s
ck p
le il r ve i l rate
s o satu am ndw orin
aerial photograph
ro sam P L so su s
il u it t
A le (u
so gro on ells en
DNamp m w i m les
d p
outcrop mapping s se am
down-hole logging
laboratory analysis
on-site analysis

Figure 26 Site investigation techniques

44 Environment Agency Illustrated handbook of DNAPL transport and fate in the subsurface
3932 DNAPL handbook A/W 10/9/2003 10:37 am Page 45

Table 9 Contaminant characteristics to establish during site investigations

Parameter Example use of information

DNAPL density DNAPL mobility and pool height calculations

DNAPL viscosity Determine if DNAPL could still be moving

Design of NAPL recovery system

DNAPL component composition Effective solubility calculations

Predict future composition of plume

DNAPL-water interfacial tension Determine importance of capillary forces

Pool height calculations

Organic carbon partition coefficient Determine degree of aqueous phase sorption

and rate of plume migration

Contaminant half-life Determine degree of degradation and rate

of plume migration

DNAPL vapour pressure Determine if vapour migration is a potential issue;

Estimate lifespan of DNAPL above water table

Date and volume of DNAPL release Estimate of depth of DNAPL migration.

Is DNAPL still moving?

Potential DNAPL release locations Help guide monitoring well placement

Measurement of the DNAPL properties requires the conditions and, therefore, should not generally be
recovery of a sample of DNAPL from the subsurface. taken from handbooks or the literature; this
If this is not possible but the composition of the parameter is typically determined through model
DNAPL is known, its density and viscosity can be calibration.
estimated from literature sources.
Information about the date and volume of DNAPL
DNAPL-water interfacial tension should not be estimated release is often not available, but efforts can be
from handbooks, however, as this is a site-specific made to gain information from employees and by
parameter which is influenced strongly by even small examining purchase records. Employee interviews,
amounts of impurities. The organic carbon partition facility building plans and aerial photographs can
coefficient is typically obtained from literature sources, be used to help determine the locations of potential
along with the DNAPL vapour pressure. The contaminant DNAPL releases.
half-life depends on site-specific geochemical

Table 10 Unconsolidated deposit characteristics to determine during site investigations

Parameter Example use of information

Porosity Plume velocity calculation; Diffusion calculations

Dry bulk density DNAPL threshold concentration calculation

Fraction organic carbon Plume velocity calculation; DNAPL threshold calculation

Hydraulic conductivity Plume velocity calculation; Design of extraction wells

Displacement pressure Pool height calculations

Bulk retention capacity DNAPL mass estimate

Contact angle Refinement of conceptual model on DNAPL mobility

Hydraulic head distribution Directions of groundwater flow and velocity of groundwater

Bedding structures Directions of DNAPL migration

Spatial extent of DNAPL source zone Guide remedy selection and design

Spatial extent of plume Guide remedy selection; risk analysis

Environment Agency Illustrated handbook of DNAPL transport and fate in the subsurface 45
3932 DNAPL handbook A/W 10/9/2003 10:37 am Page 46

Table 10 lists a variety of parameters that may be samples can be dictated, a general rule of thumb
needed at the various stages of site investigation, risk is that 5-10 samples should be obtained during
assessment and selection of remedial or management a site investigation.
options and can be defined during the investigation
The orientation of major fracture sets is typically
of unconsolidated deposits such as sands, silts and
determined through outcrop mapping and down-
gravels. The porosity, dry bulk density and fraction
hole geophysical surveys. The fracture spacing is
organic carbon are tests that can be conducted on
typically determined using the results of down-hole
samples of retrieved core.
hydraulic testing in conjunction with core logs and
Hydraulic conductivity is typically determined on an optical televiewer. It should be noted that core
a field-scale using pumping tests and slug tests. The may contain mechanical breaks that can be difficult
displacement pressure of capillary barriers is usually to distinguish from natural fractures.
not measured on a site-specific basis, but can be
The fracture porosity is typically determined from
estimated from values of interfacial tension and
estimates of fracture spacing and estimates of fracture
hydraulic conductivity. The contact angle is usually
aperture determined from hydraulic testing. The bulk
assumed to be such that the system is water wet in
hydraulic conductivity is generally determined through
the presence of DNAPL, but exceptions can occur.
pumping tests and slug tests, as well as hydraulic
The hydrolic head distribution is typically determined
testing using straddle packer assemblies.
through quarterly water level measurements in
piezometers and monitoring wells. Bedding structures The bulk retention capacity of the rock mass for
are determined from test pits, while the spatial extent DNAPL is typically estimated from fracture porosity.
of the DNAPL source zone and plume are determined The contact angle is usually assumed to provide
using the techniques discussed in Section 7. a water-wet system, but site-specific measurements
may be required if this assumption is questioned.
Table 11 lists a variety of parameters that can be
The spatial extent of the DNAPL source zone and
determined as part of fractured rock and clay site
the aqueous phase plume are determined using
the approaches discussed in Section 7.
The matrix porosity, matrix dry bulk density and
matrix fraction organic carbon need to be measured
on samples obtained from a core. Each major rock
type should be sampled as these parameters exhibit
spatial variability. Although no specific number of

Table 11 Bedrock properties to determine during site investigations

Parameter Example use of information

Matrix porosity Diffusion calculations
Matrix dry bulk density Estimate of remediation timeframe
Matrix fraction organic carbon Estimate of (retarded) plume velocity

Orientation of major fracture sets Determine direction of plume migration

Directions of DNAPL migration

Fracture spacing Diffusion calculations

Fracture porosity Plume velocity calculation

Bulk rock hydraulic conductivity Plume velocity calculation

Design of extraction wells

Hydraulic head distribution Directions of groundwater flow and velocity of groundwater

Bulk retention capacity DNAPL mass estimate

Contact angle DNAPL-rock-water wetting relationship

Spatial extent of DNAPL source zone Guide remedy selection

Spatial extent of plume Guide remedy selection; risk analysis

46 Environment Agency Illustrated handbook of DNAPL transport and fate in the subsurface
3932 DNAPL handbook A/W 10/9/2003 10:37 am Page 47


Basic Remediation Strategies

Remediation goals vary from site to site depending
on regulatory jurisdiction, perceived and actual risks,
10.1 Remediation goals within
site use, zoning issues, and the level of funding the DNAPL source zone
available. In the UK, remediation is typically undertaken
to manage unacceptable risks to human health or Remediation goals within the DNAPL source zone
the environment (Environment Agency, 1999). That should aim to achieve risk-based objectives. They
is to say, remediation goals are risk-based. Remedial may include one or more of the following:
actions are usually selected taking account of the Complete removal of all DNAPL, aqueous phase,
effectiveness, practicability, durability and likely sorbed phase and vapour phase contamination
costs and benefits of the various remediation options. within the source zone. This remediation goal is
The Environment Agency seeks to ensure that, within typically referred to as source zone restoration.
this framework, the most sustainable approach to
remediation is selected. The area of contamination Removal of sufficient DNAPL mass from the source
that is the focus of remediation may vary from site zone such that the length of the resulting aqueous
to site, but typically involves one or both of the phase plume downstream of the source zone will
following: be subject to effective natural attenuation processes
that stabilise and subsequently reduce the plume.
DNAPL present within the source zone along This remediation goal is typically referred to as
with the associated aqueous and sorbed phase partial mass removal.
contamination in the source zone. If unsaturated
media is involved, vapour phase contamination Reduction of saturations within DNAPL pools to
may also be addressed. residual levels such that the DNAPL is stabilised.
This remediation goal may be appropriate at sites
Aqueous phase contamination present downstream where the DNAPL is still moving or where DNAPL
of the DNAPL source zone. This will typically have pools may start moving as a result of drilling,
sorbed phase contamination (on the soil or aquifer excavation or pumping activities. This remediation
materials) associated with it and may include goal is typically referred to as stabilisation of
vapour phase contamination in unsaturated media. mobile DNAPL.
These two categories distinguish between that Hydraulic or physical containment of the DNAPL
region of the subsurface containing residual and source zone such that aqueous phase plumes can
pooled DNAPL (the source zone) and the associated no longer expand. This remediation goal is
aqueous phase plume present down-gradient of the typically referred to as source zone containment.
source zone. This distinction is useful in that many
remediation technologies are applicable only to one Source zone restoration has not yet been achieved
of these two zones. The most mobile form of at any sites where appreciable quantities of DNAPL
contamination is often the aqueous phase plume are present below the water table. Source zone
originating from a stable configuration of residual restoration is an extremely challenging goal that is
and pooled DNAPL. If DNAPL is no longer moving likely to be attainable only at well-characterised
at a particular site, only the aqueous phase plume sites exhibiting simple geology, shallow depths
migrating in groundwater and vapours in the of contamination and simple contaminants such as
unsaturated zone presents a means of spreading single component NAPLs. Many of the UK geological
the extent of contamination. settings of contamination (such as those that include
fractured rock) are likely to mean that source zone
restoration is (currently) infeasible, although incomplete
source zone restoration may still bring about the
achievement of risk-management objectives.

Environment Agency Illustrated handbook of DNAPL transport and fate in the subsurface 47
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Partial mass removal is an attainable goal at some a property boundary or an off-site receptor such as
sites. However, great uncertainty remains regarding a river, lake or public supply well. Figure 27b illustrates
the amount of NAPL mass removal required to a shorter steady-state plume that has been affected
achieve a specified reduction in groundwater as a result of NAPL mass removal within the source
concentrations down-gradient of the source zone. zone. The steady-state plume no longer extends to
Because the concentration exiting the source zone the compliance boundary, implying that a sufficient
is a primary factor influencing the length of steady- amount of NAPL mass has been removed from the
state plume that will develop, there is uncertainty source zone.
regarding the relationship between mass removal
While partial mass removal may not bring about
and the likelihood of achieving an effective natural
a significant short-term reduction in groundwater
attenuation remedy for the site. It has been established
contaminant concentrations, it is likely to reduce
that there is not a linear relationship between mass
the duration over which the source and plume
removal and end-point groundwater concentrations.
persist. This may be an important in achieving
Removing 50 per cent of the NAPL mass, for
a sustainable solution that avoids bequeathing
example, does not lead to a 50 per cent reduction
the burden of pollution to future generations.
in groundwater concentrations. This stems from the
fact that the concentration derived from residual and Stabilisation of mobile NAPL has been achieved at a
pooled NAPL is not related to the mass of NAPL variety of sites and can be an appropriate remediation
present, but rather to many complicated factors such goal where NAPL is currently migrating or may start to
as NAPL-water contact area, the configuration of migrate in the future. This remediation goal is typically
residual and pools, and groundwater velocity. considered at sites that have had very large releases of
NAPL or at sites where the DNAPL has low mobility
The relationship between mass removal and length
(for example, coal tar and creosote sites where the
of steady-state plume is illustrated in Figure 27.
high viscosity and low density of the DNAPL leads to
Figure 27a depicts a current situation where the
long timescales for migration). The reduction of saturations
aqueous phase plume extends beyond the compliance
within NAPL pools can render them immobile, but will
boundary. The compliance boundary may be set at

groundwater flow

source zone

(b) compliance
groundwater flow

DNAPL plume
source zone
after partial
mass removal

Figure 27 (a) Steady-state plume prior to mass removal and (b) steady-state plume

48 Environment Agency Illustrated handbook of DNAPL transport and fate in the subsurface
3932 DNAPL handbook A/W 10/9/2003 10:37 am Page 49

physical physical
(low permeability) recharge (low permeability)
barrier barrier
groundwater flow abstraction


Figure 28 Physical isolation of DNAPL source zone

generally not lead to a reduction of groundwater Interception of the groundwater plume using
concentrations downstream of the source zone. either groundwater extraction wells or permeable
reactive barriers (PRBs) such that contamination
Source zone containment is often an achievable
is eliminated down-gradient of the interception
remediation goal that is implemented at sites where
system. This approach is typically referred to as
source zone restoration and partial mass removal
plume interception.
are unlikely to be effective or will not achieve risk-
management objectives. As illustrated in Figure 28, Monitoring of groundwater concentrations and
hydraulic or physical isolation of the NAPL source intrinsic processes to ensure that a steady-state
zone severs the down-gradient contaminant plume. (or ideally shrinking) plume has been achieved.
Source zone containment typically requires long-term This remediation approach is typically referred to
maintenance activities such as groundwater extraction as monitored natural attenuation and does not
from within physical barriers or continued operation involve any physical human intervention (other
and maintenance of a pump-and-treat system. than monitoring), but relies on naturally occurring
processes to degrade and retard contaminants.
Aquifer restoration is rarely achieved at sites due to
10.2 Remediation goals the long periods of time required to desorb contaminants
from aquifer solids and the long periods of time
downstream of a DNAPL associated with back-diffusion from the rock matrix
source zone and other low permeability features present in the
subsurface. Aquifer restoration requires that the
Remediation downstream of the DNAPL source zone NAPL source zone be either completely removed or
should seek to manage risks to human health and isolated from the groundwater flow system.
the environment, and may include one or more of
Plume interception is a commonly employed approach
the following goals:
at sites where the presence of the groundwater plume
Complete elimination of the groundwater plume, is unacceptable. The design and construction of
including removal of all aqueous and sorbed phase groundwater pump-and-treat systems, for example,
contamination. This remediation goal is typically is commonplace in many countries and has a
referred to as aquifer restoration. considerable experience base (CIRIA, 1995).

Environment Agency Illustrated handbook of DNAPL transport and fate in the subsurface 49
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Monitored natural attenuation recognises the fact

that, after an initial period of expansion, all groundwater
10.3 Remediation technologies
plumes will either reach a steady-state length or The relatively recent awareness of soil and groundwater
recede with time as a result of natural processes. contamination by DNAPLs has resulted in the
Biological degradation is not a necessary requirement introduction of several innovative remediation
for natural attenuation, since dispersion alone will technologies during the past ten years. While some
result in a steady-state plume. Because dispersion technologies are relatively mature, others are still at
always occurs in the subsurface, all plumes will the experimental stage and do not have a large
eventually reach a steady-state configuration. The experience base.
superposition of biodegradation and dispersion,
however, will lead to a shorter steady-state plume Some technologies target the DNAPL source zone
length (as illustrated in Figure 29). If degradation only, while others can target both the source zone
accelerates later, plumes can recede and become and the aqueous phase plume. This handbook is
shorter. For sites where the source zone contains not intended to provide a detailed evaluation of
a multi-component NAPL, the progressive depletion remediation technologies. The aim of the following
of higher solubility, more mobile components can discussion, which provides a general overview of the
also lead to plume recession as the NAPL becomes various technologies currently available, is to help
enriched in lower solubility components. the reader decide which to examine further. Further
discussion of DNAPL remediation technologies can
Monitored natural attenuation typically requires good be found in Environment Agency (2001b) and ITRC
knowledge of the current extent of contamination, a (2000).
good understanding of the groundwater flow system,
an appropriate monitoring well network and several
years of groundwater quality data to establish trends
in concentration with time (Environment Agency, 2000).

groundwater flow

steady-state plume
DNAPL without attenuation

groundwater flow

steady-state plume
with attenuation
DNAPL (e.g. biodegradation)

Figure 29 Steady-state plumes (a) without and (b) with biodegradation

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(a) groundwater flow

DNAPL steady-state plume

without attenuation


groundwater flow

detached plume

Figure 30 Groundwater pump-and-treat

10.3.1 Groundwater 10.3.2 Permeable reactive

pump-and-treat barriers
The use of groundwater extraction wells to remove At sites where groundwater plumes are shallow and
aqueous phase contamination and/or contain the readily accessible, a trench or funnel and gate type
DNAPL source zone hydraulically is a mature of PRB can be constructed and filled with suitable
technology with a large base of experience (see for permeable reactive material(s). The groundwater
example CIRIA, 1998). The technology is generally plume flows naturally through the permeable barrier,
suitable for all types of groundwater contaminants. within which degradation processes occur. If the
Pumping groundwater creates a capture zone, residence time in the barrier is sufficient, groundwater
within which all groundwater eventually flows into concentrations exiting the downstream side of the
the extraction wells. This is depicted in Figure 30. barrier can achieve risk-based standards; otherwise,
a PRB may be used in conjunction with monitored
The extracted groundwater is typically treated ex
natural attenuation or an active remediation technique.
situ in a treatment plant before being discharged to
a watercourse, sewerage system or back to the Permeable reactive barriers are a passive means of
ground. Because of the long time required to desorb plume interception, which do not accelerate the
contaminants from aquifer solids, the long timescales removal of DNAPL from the source zone. Reactive
associated with back-diffusion from the rock matrix iron is currently the most commonly employed barrier
and the long time required to dissolve residual and material. Reactive iron is only suitable for certain
pooled NAPL, most pump-and-treat systems operate types of contaminants, however, and proper
for many decades. screening studies should be carried out before full-
scale implementation (Environment Agency, 2002).

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10.3.3 Physical barriers Thermal technologies are still in the experimental

stage, but several field trials and a limited number
Physical containment of the DNAPL source zone of full-scale applications have been completed. It is
using sheet piling, injection grouting, secant piling currently difficult to predict the amount of mass
and freeze walls is a means of physically isolating removal that can be achieved using thermal technologies
residual and pooled DNAPL from the groundwater at a particular site. The technologies are generally
flow system. A considerable base of experience exists very aggressive and can carry a risk of mobilising
within the geotechnical community with respect to contamination to previously un-impacted areas.
the construction of such systems (see for example,
CIRIA, 1996). Limited groundwater extraction is
typically required from within the physical enclosure 10.3.6 Chemical flushing to
to offset infiltration and to ensure that leakage is
inwards. The use of physical barriers is typically mobilise contaminants
limited to unconsolidated deposits and requires
good knowledge of the spatial extent of the DNAPL Technologies such as surfactant flooding and alcohol
source zone. flooding are relatively new technologies that can be
used to mobilise and remove residual and pooled
DNAPL within the source zone through either lowering
interfacial tension or enhancing DNAPL solubility.
10.3.4 Enhanced Chemical flooding is a means of partial mass removal
biodegradation that has been evaluated in several field trials with a
wide range of results. It is currently difficult to predict
The injection of nutrients and other geochemical the amount of mass removal that can be achieved
agents to stimulate biological activity is a means of using chemical flushing at a particular site. Chemical
degrading some contaminants in situ. If these agents flushing is an aggressive means of mass removal,
are injected upstream of the DNAPL source zone, which can carry a risk of mobilising contaminants
the accelerated degradation of contaminants in the into previously un-impacted areas. In fractured rock,
aqueous phase will lead to an accelerated rate of enhancing DNAPL solubility in fractures can lead to
DNAPL dissolution and can lower concentrations increased contaminant loading to the rock matrix.
exiting the source zone.
Enhanced biodegradation is typically employed as a
partial mass removal technology in order to achieve 10.3.7 Excavation
a shorter steady-state plume length down-gradient
of the DNAPL source zone. There is a reasonably The physical removal of residual and pooled DNAPL
large base of experience associated with this from the source zone through excavation is often
technology, but its application is highly dependent considered at sites where the extent of contamination
on site-specific conditions (for example ambient is restricted primarily to unconsolidated deposits in
geochemistry and contaminant composition) and the unsaturated zone. Factors to consider include the
proper screening tests and field pilot testing should short-term risks of exposure, cost, accessibility and
be carried out before full-scale implementation. whether the completed excavation will result
in risk reduction and an improvement in air or
groundwater quality. If DNAPL is present below
10.3.5 Thermal technologies the water table, for example, the removal of
contaminants from above the water table through
Thermal technologies such as steam flooding, in excavation may not result in any improvement in
situ thermal desorption (resistive heating), six-phase groundwater quality, although it may reduce
heating, radio frequency heating and microwave migration of vapours into the atmosphere or buildings.
heating are relatively new technologies that rely on
heat to vapourise and mobilise contaminants. Thermal
technologies are applied within the DNAPL source
zone and can be considered as a means of partial mass
removal. They can be applied both above and below
the water table, and require a soil vapour extraction
system to contain and extract contaminant vapours.

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10.3.8 Chemical flushing to 10.3.10 Water flooding

destroy contaminants The mobilisation and removal of pooled DNAPL
through increases in the hydraulic gradient is referred
Chemical agents such as oxidants can be used to
to as water flooding, and is a means of halting DNAPL
destroy aqueous phase contaminants in situ. Oxidants
migration and removing potentially mobile pools.
are typically injected upstream of the DNAPL source
The petroleum industry has considerable experience
zone such that the in situ destruction (oxidation) in
of water flooding and the technique has been
the aqueous phase accelerates the rate of DNAPL
applied at some hazardous waste sites where large
volumes of DNAPL are present in the subsurface.
Oxidant flooding is a relatively new technology that
Water flooding is a source zone stabilisation technology
can be considered as a means of partial mass removal
that is relatively straightforward to implement. It does
from the source zone. Several field trials and limited
not remove residual DNAPL, however, implying that
full-scale applications have been carried out with
groundwater concentration reduction may not be
a wide range of results. When applied to fractured
associated with the mass removal activity.
rock, oxidants have the potential to diffuse into the
rock matrix and to destroy contaminants in situ.
Common oxidants include Fentons reagent,
potassium/sodium permanganate and sodium 10.3.11 Air sparging
persulphate. Because the oxidant demand of any
naturally occurring organic carbon present in the Air sparging refers to the injection of air below the
subsurface can be high, screening studies and field water table within the DNAPL source zone such that
pilot testing should be carried out before considering contaminants partition into the rising stream of air
full-scale application (ITRC, 2001). and thus accelerate DNAPL dissolution.
Air sparging is a partial mass removal technology
that has not seen widespread success at DNAPL sites,
10.3.9 Soil vacuum extraction although it has been used with greater success in
combination with SVE at petrol spill sites. While some
Soil vacuum extraction (SVE) involves withdrawal of mass removal has been demonstrated, intimate contact
air from the unsaturated zone to: between residual and pooled DNAPL and the rising
air is difficult to achieve because of heterogeneity.
accelerate the vapourisation of residual and
pooled DNAPL;
the volatilisation of contaminants from soil
the desorption of contaminants from aquifer solids.
SVE is a relatively mature technology that has seen
widespread application at sites impacted by volatile
organic compounds (VOCs). It is commonly used in
combination with other techniques such as thermal
technologies or air sparging. SVE (in isolation or in
combination with other technologies) can meet soil-
based remediation goals and tends to work best at
sites characterised by low moisture contents and
moderate to high permeability.
Although de-watering has been considered to extend
the depth of application of SVE, this is generally not
warranted because de-watered soils are likely to exhibit
low air permeability. In addition, the removal of
contamination from deep within the unsaturated
zone is unlikely to lead to a significant improvement
in groundwater quality if DNAPLs are present below
the water table. De-watering also carries with it a risk
of mobilising DNAPL pools deeper into the subsurface.

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Biodegradation DNAPL component composition
The degradation of contaminants in either the The composition of a DNAPL. The various components
unsaturated or saturated zones as a result of biological that combine to form the DNAPL phase are each
activity. The rate of biodegradation depends on present at a specific mass fraction. In some cases,
factors such as the presence of micro-organisms the DNAPL of interest may be a single component
capable of degrading the contaminant(s), availability liquid (for example, pure trichloroethene) and in
of electron acceptors, temperature and the specific other cases it may be composed of many different
contaminant of interest. Biodegradation typically chemical constituents (for example, creosote).
results in the formation of daughter products, which
DNAPL dissolution
may or may not biodegrade in the system of interest.
The transfer of components present in the DNAPL to
Biodegradation manifests itself as lower contaminant
the water phase. Over time, the DNAPL composition
(parent) concentrations in groundwater and a shorter
will change as certain components dissolve out of
steady-state plume. If oxygen is the primary electron
the DNAPL earlier than other components. The
acceptor, the degradation process is referred to as
effective solubility of these other components will
aerobic. Anaerobic degradation occurs when oxygen
therefore increase later.
has been depleted and other electron acceptors such
as nitrate, sulphate, iron or manganese facilitate Effective solubility
degradation. The aqueous solubility of a compound in
Capillary pressure (ground)water, where that compound is derived
from a multi-component DNAPL. The effective
The pressure difference between the non-wetting
solubility is proportional to the molar fraction of that
fluid and the wetting fluid. Capillary pressure arises
compound in the DNAPL and the compounds single-
because of interfacial tension. The capillary pressure
component solubility (as described by Raoults law).
is directly proportional to the interfacial tension, and
inversely proportional to the radius of curvature of the Fracture entry pressure
fluid-fluid interface. Usually expressed in Pascals (Pa). The threshold capillary pressure required for a non-
Density wetting fluid to enter a wetting-fluid saturated fracture.
Fracture entry pressures are directly proportional to
Mass per unit volume. Usually expressed in kg/m3 for
the interfacial tension and inversely proportional to
liquids such as DNAPLs.
the fracture aperture. Usually expressed in Pascals (Pa).
Fracture porosity
The spreading of aqueous phase contaminants due
Volume of open fractures per unit volume of bulk
to small-scale velocity variations in both porous and
rock. Typical values range between 0.001 and 0.01
fractured media. Because of dispersion, concentrations
(that is, 0.1-1 per cent).
decrease towards the leading and side edges of
a plume.
DNAPL (dense non-aqueous phase liquid)
A liquid that is denser than water and only slightly
soluble in water. DNAPLs exist in the subsurface as
a separate fluid phase in the presence of either air
or water, and can both vapourise into air and slowly
dissolve into flowing groundwater. Examples include
chlorinated solvents, creosote, coal tar and PCB oils.

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Interfacial tension Plume

A tensile force that exists in the interface between A contiguous region of groundwater containing
immiscible fluids. Without interfacial tension, DNAPLs dissolved contaminants. Plumes are typically formed
would be fully miscible (infinitely soluble) in water. by the dissolution of DNAPL into groundwater and
The fact that interfacial tension exists between a therefore occur hydraulically down-gradient of the
DNAPL and water is a defining feature of a DNAPL. DNAPL source zone. Plume migration is subject to
Interfacial tension can be measured in the laboratory; advection and dispersion, and may also be subject to
typical units are N/m and dynes/cm (1,000 dynes/cm sorption, biodegradation and matrix diffusion.
= 1 N/m). Interfacial tension exists between any pair
Pooled DNAPL
of immiscible fluids such as air and water, DNAPL
A continuous distribution of DNAPL in either porous
and water, and DNAPL and air.
media or fractures. DNAPL pools in porous media
LNAPL (light, non-aqueous phase liquid) form above capillary barriers and typically range in
A liquid that is denser than water and only slightly both length and thickness from several centimetres
soluble in water. LNAPLs exist in the subsurface as to several metres. Pooled DNAPL is potentially
a separate fluid phase in the presence of either air mobile and is relatively easy to mobilise through
or water, and can both vapourise into air and slowly increases in the hydraulic gradient (for example, as
dissolve into flowing groundwater. Examples include brought about by groundwater pumping). DNAPL
fuel oils such as diesel, petrol and heating oil. pools in fractured media tend to form in horizontal
and sub-horizontal fractures rather than vertical or
Matrix diffusion
steeply dipping fractures.
The transfer of contaminants dissolved in groundwater
from open fractures to the rock or clay matrix. Sorption
If concentrations are higher in the open fractures, The transfer of contaminants dissolved in water to
diffusion will occur into the rock or clay matrix the solid phase (typically fracture walls, the surfaces
(forward diffusion). If concentrations are higher in of sand/silt/clay grains or the surfaces of the solid
the matrix, diffusion will occur out of the rock or portion of the rock matrix). Sorption is typically higher
clay matrix into water in the fractures (back-diffusion). for more hydrophobic contaminants, and higher
As a consequence of matrix diffusion, contaminants where greater amounts of naturally occurring organic
in fractures will migrate more slowly than the carbon are present on the solid surfaces of interest.
Source zone
Porous media displacement pressure That region of the subsurface containing residual
The threshold capillary pressure required for a and/or pooled DNAPL.
non-wetting fluid to enter a wetting-fluid saturated
Steady-state plume
porous medium. Lower permeability media such as
The term applied to a contaminant plume that is no
silts and clays exhibit higher displacement pressures
longer advancing in flowing groundwater. The time
than more permeable media such as coarse sands
required to reach a steady-state configuration and
and gravels. Usually expressed in Pascals (Pa).
the resulting length of the steady-state plume depend
Residual DNAPL on factors such as groundwater velocity and the
Disconnected blobs and ganglia of organic liquid degree of dispersion, sorption and biodegradation
(DNAPL) trapped by capillary forces in either porous occurring.
or fractured media. Residual DNAPL forms at the
trailing end of a migrating DNAPL body as a result
of pore-scale hydrodynamic instabilities. Residual
DNAPL saturations are typically between 5 per cent
and 20 per cent of pore space for both porous media
and fractures. Residual DNAPL is difficult to mobilise
through increases in the hydraulic gradient (for
example, aggressive groundwater pumping).

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The transfer of mass from the DNAPL phase to the
air phase (often referred to as evaporation). The rate
of vapourisation is proportional to the vapour pressure
of the DNAPL, which in turn is temperature-
dependent. Highly volatile DNAPLs such as some
chlorinated solvents will vapourise quicker than low
volatility DNAPLs such as PCB oils. In a multi-component
DNAPL, the individual compounds with high vapour
pressures will vapourise more quickly than those with
lower vapour pressures, resulting in an enrichment of
the DNAPL in the low vapour pressure compounds
over time (referred to as weathering).
The shear resistance to flow of a fluid. Higher
viscosity (thicker) fluids migrate more slowly in
the subsurface than lower viscosity (thinner) fluids.
Viscosity is temperature-dependent and should be
measured in the laboratory at the subsurface
temperature of interest. Typical units include Pascal
seconds (Pa s), centipoises (cP), and centistokes (cSt).
The transfer of contaminants dissolved in water to
the air phase. Volatilisation is characterised by the
Henrys law constant of the dissolved contaminant
of interest.
Describes the affinity of one fluid for a solid surface
in the presence of a second fluid. The fluid that
preferentially wets the solid surface is referred to as
the wetting fluid and the other as the non-wetting
fluid. A perfectly wetting fluid spreads spontaneously
to coat the solid surface. A perfectly non-wetting
fluid repels the solid surface and typically forms a
spherical (beaded) shape on the solid surface. In many
subsurface systems, water is wetting with respect to
air, DNAPL is wetting with respect to air, and water is
wetting with respect to DNAPL. Wettability is quantified
by the contact angle, which is the angle measured
between the fluid-fluid interface and the solid surface
at the point of contact with the solid. Wettability
is dependent on the chemical composition of the
groundwater, the chemical composition of the
DNAPL and the chemical composition of the solid
surface of interest.

56 Environment Agency Illustrated handbook of DNAPL transport and fate in the subsurface
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British Standards Institution (BSI), 2001. Investigation Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council (ITRC),
of potentially contaminated sites: code of practice. 2000. Dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs):
BS 10175:2001. BSI, London. review of emerging characterisation and remediation
technologies. http://www.itrcweb.org/DNAPL-1.pdf.
Cohen, R.M. and Mercer, J.W., 1993. DNAPL site
evaluation. C.K. Smoley/CRC Press, Boca Raton, Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council (ITRC),
Florida. ISBN 0873719778. 2001. Technical and regulatory guidance for in situ
chemical oxidation of contaminated soil and
Construction Industry Research and Information
groundwater. http://www.itrcweb.org/ISCO-1.pdf.
Association (CIRIA), 1996. Remedial treatment of
contaminated land using in-ground barriers, liners Kueper, B.H., Redman, J.D., Starr, R.C., Reitsma, S.
and covers. Special Publication 124. CIRIA, London. and Mah, M., 1993. A field experiment to study the
behaviour of tetrachloroethylene below the water table:
Construction Industry Research and Information
spatial distribution of residual and pooled DNAPL.
Association (CIRIA), 1998. Hydraulic measures for the
Journal of Ground Water, Vol. 31, No. 5, pp. 756-
control and treatment of groundwater pollution. CIRIA
Report 186. CIRIA, London.
Mackay, D., Shiu, W.Y. and Ma, K.C., 1993.
Department of the Environment (DoE), 1995.
Illustrated handbook of physical-chemical properties
Industry profile series. Series of 47 reports. DoE
and environmental fate for organic chemicals. Vol. 3
(now Department for Environment, Food and Rural
Volatile organic chemicals. Lewis Publishers, Boca
Affairs), London.
Raton, Florida. ISBN 0873719735.
Environment Agency, 1999. Methodology for the
Pankow, J.F. and Cherry, J.A.,1996. Dense chlorinated
derivation of remedial targets for soil and groundwater
solvents and other DNAPLs in Groundwater. Waterloo
to protect water resources. R&D Publication 20.
Press, pp. 522.
Environment Agency, Bristol.
Poulsen, M. and Kueper, B.H., 1992. A field
Environment Agency, 2000. Guidance on the
experiment to study the behavior of tetrachloroethylene
assessment and monitoring of natural attenuation of
in unsaturated porous media. Environmental Science
contaminants in groundwater. R&D Publication 95.
and Technology, Vol. 26, No. 5, pp. 889-895.
Environment Agency, Bristol.
Reynolds, D.A. and Kueper, B.H., 2002. Numerical
Environment Agency, 2001a. Guidance on the
examination of the factors controlling DNAPL migration
development of conceptual models and the selection
through a single fracture. Journal of Ground Water,
and application of mathematical models of
Vol. 40, No. 4, pp. 368-377.
contaminant transport processes in the subsurface.
National Groundwater and Contaminated Land US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), 1992.
Centre Report NC/99/38/2. Environment Agency, Estimating the potential for occurrence of DNAPL at
Bristol. Superfund sites. US Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response
Environment Agency, 2001b. Source treatment for
Publication 9355.4-07FS. US EPA, Washington DC.
dense non-aqueous phase liquids. R&D Technical
Report P5-051/TR. Environment Agency, Bristol.
Environment Agency, 2002. Guidance on the use of
permeable reactive barriers for remediating
contaminated groundwater. National Groundwater
and Contaminated Land Centre Report NC/01/51.
Environment Agency, Bristol.

Environment Agency Illustrated handbook of DNAPL transport and fate in the subsurface 57
3932 DNAPL handbook A/W 10/9/2003 10:37 am Page 58

This handbook arose from a joint Engineering
and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)/
Environment Agency funded project dealing with
the penetration of organic liquids in deep fractured
UK aquifers. In February 2000, the project team met
at ICI Halochemicals in Runcorn to discuss what had
been learnt about the behaviour of DNAPLs in UK
aquifers and what might be the behaviour of DNAPLs
in a variety of geological settings. This handbook is
the product of that initial meeting. The project team
consisted of: David Lerner (project leader), Gary
Wealthall, Adrian Steele (Sheffield University), Gavin
Harrold, Nigel Tait, Jose Valcarcel, Steve Leharne
(University of Greenwich), Bernard Kueper (project
advisor, Queens University, Ontario), Jonathan Smith
(Environment Agency) and Richard Moss (ICI).
The authors wish to thank:
EPSRC for the funding the project under its Waste
Pollution Management Initiative (grant number
the Environment Agency for co-funding the project
and for its financial support for the creation of this
Professor John Cherry (University of Waterloo,
Ontario) for regularly inviting team members to
meetings of the University Solvents in Groundwater
Consortium which did much to bring the team
up to speed on the very latest issues of DNAPLs
in aquifers;
ICI for making available facilities for our initial
meetings and for supporting the project from
inception through to completion.
The Agency acknowledges those individuals who
reviewed the final report and provided helpful

58 Environment Agency Illustrated handbook of DNAPL transport and fate in the subsurface
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Appendix A:

DNAPL pool height above

capillary barrier
Equation 8 assumes that a hydrostatic system exists;
for the pool height in a flowing groundwater system,
see Longino and Kueper (1995). The maximum stable
DNAPL pool
capillary barrier pool height is obtained by setting Pc equal to the
displacement pressure of the capillary barrier. The
capillary pressure at the top of the pool, Pc , will
depend on how the pool was formed. A reasonable
assumption is to set the capillary pressure at the top
of the pool equal to the terminal pressure of the
medium containing the pool.
Equation 8 also assumes that water is wetting with
respect to DNAPL. The influence of a non-zero
Figure A1 DNAPL pool above capillary barrier. The capillary
contact angle is incorporated into the choice of Pc
barrier is assumed to be able to provide both vertical and Pc . Equation 8 represents a one-dimensional
and lateral resistance to pool movement in a force balance and therefore assumes that the lateral
hydrostatic system. sides of the pool are constrained by media with
appropriate displacement pressures. Shorter equilibrium
pool heights will arise in media that do not provide
The height of DNAPL that can accumulate above
lateral capillary resistance of the pool. The calculations
a capillary barrier below the water table can be
used to create Figure 4 (see Section 3) are summarised
estimated using Equation 8 (Kueper et al., 1993):
in Table A1.
Equation 8
Pc Pc
Kueper, B.H., Redman, J.D., Starr, R.C., Reitsma, S.
H= and Mah, M., 1993. A field experiment to study the
(PD - PW )g
behaviour of tetrachloroethylene below the water table:
Spatial distribution of residual and pooled DNAPL.
where: Journal of Ground Water, Vol. 31, No. 5, pp. 756-766.
H is the height of pooled DNAPL; Longino, B.L. and Kueper, B.H., 1995. The use of
Pc is the capillary pressure at the base of the pool; upward gradients to arrest downward DNAPL migration
in the presence of solubilizing surfactants. Canadian
Pc is the capillary pressure at the top of the pool; Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 296-308.
PD is the DNAPL density;
PW is the groundwater density;
g is the acceleration due to gravity.

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Table A1 Maximum DNAPL pool heights (PW = 1,000 kg/m3 and g = 9.806 m/s2 for all calculations)

Creosote/ Chlorinated Mixed DNAPL

coal tar solvent 3c
Silt PD (kg/m ) 3
1050 1460 1100
(K=1x10-6 m/s) Pc (Pa) 4750 6650 2375
Pc (Pa) 2375 3325 1188
IFT (N/m) 0.020 0.028 0.010
Pool height (m) 4.844 0.737 1.211
Fine sand PD (kg/m3) 1050 1460 1100
(K=1x10 m/s) P (Pa)
c 2400 3360 1200
Pc (Pa) 1200 1680 600
IFT (N/m) 0.020 0.028 0.010
Pool height (m) 2.447 0.372 0.612
Medium sand PD (kg/m3) 1050 1460 1100

(K=1x10 m/s) Pc (Pa) 800 1120 400
Pc (Pa) 400 560 200
IFT (N/m) 0.020 0.028 0.010
Pool height (m) 0.816 0.124 0.203
Course sand PD (kg/m ) 3
1050 1460 1100
(K=1x10-3m/s) Pc (Pa) 100 140 50

Pc (Pa) 50 70 25
IFT (N/m) 0.020 0.028 0.010
Pool height (m) 0.102 0.016 0.025

IFT = DNAPL-water interfacial tension

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Appendix B:

Fracture aperture required to stop

migration in bedrock

Figure B1 Vertical accumulation of DNAPL in a fracture network. Assuming a hydrostatic system, capillary pressure increases linearly
with depth (modified after Kueper and McWhorter, 1991).

Consider the vertical accumulation of DNAPL in a where:

fracture network depicted in Figure B1. It is assumed
H is the vertical height of accumulated DNAPL;
that there are no vertical components to groundwater
flow and that the DNAPL has come to rest because is the DNAPL-water interfacial tension;
of a narrowing of fracture apertures in the vicinity of
O is the contact angle;
point A. The narrowing of fracture aperture provides
the capillary resistance to support the overlying PN is the DNAPL density;
distribution of DNAPL. The graph on the right hand PW is the groundwater density;
side of Figure B1 shows that both the groundwater
and DNAPL pressures increase linearly with depth; g is the acceleration due to gravity;
thus, the capillary pressure also increases linearly e is the fracture aperture.
with depth. The relationship between the vertical
height of accumulated DNAPL (H) and the fracture Equation 9 assumes that the top of the DNAPL
aperture at A required to support the accumulation accumulation exists at a capillary pressure of zero.
of DNAPL is given by: In cases where the top of the accumulation is at a
non-zero capillary pressure, a simple adjustment can
Equation 9 be made to the equation. Table B1 summarises the
2 cosO calculations used to produce Figure 11 (see Section 5).
(PN - PW )ge

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Table B1 Vertical accumulation of DNAPL in a fracture network. The fracture aperture (in m) required to support
accumulation of DNAPL is given (PW = 1000 kg/m3 and g = 9.806 m/s2 for all calculations).

Height of Mixed composition Coal tar/creosote (m) TCE (m)

accumulation (m) DNAPL (m)

0.1 407.9 815.8 88.7

0.2 203.9 407.9 44.3
0.5 81.6 163.2 17.7
1.0 40.8 81.6 8.9
2.0 20.4 40.8 4.4
3.0 13.6 27.2 2.9
4.0 10.2 20.4 2.2

IFT = DNAPL-water interfacial tension. All three DNAPLs are assigned IFT = 0.020 N/m.
DNAPL densities are: 1,100 kg/m3 (mixed composition); 1,050 kg/m3 (coal tar/creosote) and 1,460 kg/m3 (TCE).

Kueper, B.H. and McWhorter, D.B., 1991. The
behaviour of dense, non-aqueous phase liquids in
fractured clay and rock. Journal of Ground Water,
Vol. 29, No. 5, pp. 716-728.

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Appendix C:

Soil concentration calculation in

the absence of DNAPL composition
For a multi-component DNAPL of unknown As an example, consider a soil sample that has been
composition, the sum of the mole fractions must shown by the laboratory to contain trichloroethene
equal one. DNAPL will therefore be present in a soil at a concentration of 145 mg/kg, tetrachloroethene
sample if the following condition is met: at a concentration of 155 mg/kg, tetrachloromethane
at a concentration of 200 mg/kg, chlorobenzene at
Equation 10
a concentration of 177 mg/kg and 1,1,1-trichloroethane
n T at a concentration of 213 mg/kg. Table C1 illustrates
i=l CS
1 implementation of Equation 10 to determine whether
these concentrations correspond to the presence of
a multi-component DNAPL in the soil sample. The
where: soil sample has been collected from below the water
table in a sand aquifer characterised by a porosity of
Cobs is the reported concentration of component i; 25 per cent, a fraction organic carbon of 0.003 and
T is the single component soil concentration of a dry bulk density of 1,990 kg/m3. The last column
component i; of Table C1 sums to greater than 1.0, indicating that
DNAPL was present in the soil sample.
n is the total number of components observed in
the soil sample.

Table C1 Soil concentration calculation for multi-component DNAPL

Cobs Koc CS
T Cobs
Compound Solubility
(mg/kg) (l/kg) (mg/l) (mg/kg) CS

trichloroethene 145 126 1,100 554 0.262

tetrachloroethene 155 364 200 244 0.636
tetrachloromethane 200 439 790 1,140 0.175
chlorobenzene 177 330 500 558 0.317
1,1,1-trichloroethane 213 152 1320 768 0.277

SUM = 1.668

Environment Agency Illustrated handbook of DNAPL transport and fate in the subsurface 63
3932 DNAPL handbook A/W 10/9/2003 10:37 am Page 65

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3932 DNAPL handbook A/W 10/9/2003 10:37 am Page A


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