AIA Resilience Design Toolkit
AIA Resilience Design Toolkit
AIA Resilience Design Toolkit
03 Executive Summary
05 Introduction
08 Resilience Design
13 Step 1: Resilience Scope
17 Step 2: Team Alignment + Planning
22 Step 3: Identify Hazards
30 Step 4: Integrate Resilience Design
41 Step 5: Evaluate + Nurture
42 Conclusion
43 References
The Resilience Design Toolkit is a resilience design guide
specifically developed for architects to understand the steps
to coordinate resilience studies for a project and a general
method to integrate resilience design thinking into a
design process.
incorporate resilience in your project?
Resilience is a broad term used to assess our ability The process uses the AIA Framework for Design
Resilience Scope
to withstand and endure some of life’s toughest Excellence to understand the project place that initiates
Step 1
moments, whether it is losing all your possessions in a a further study to identify potential hazards of a site and
fire or struggling to find food to eat. Resilience design assess the risk and vulnerability of stakeholders. FEMA Check lists for
strategies are critical to incorporate in our cities and derived Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA) is used to quantify Case studies and presentations of Resilience would
successes and failures in resilience. Reference base of be useful to
communities today so that we can provide security, and qualify impacts and benefits for design strategies consultants who are communicate
health, and wellness for all. This affects not just built as they are developed and become part of the design. knowledgeable / proficient resilience and
in resilience and adding educate clients.
forms, but people, wildlife, ecosystems and how these them to the team early. Clear ways to
groups interact with the built environment. Architects design with communities, not for them. document and make
+ Project Planning
Team Alignment
decisions, financial
We must be open to learning a culture, a way of life, a
figures to help
Nature has evolved over time to create a symbiosis
Step 2
system for how our built environment operates before decision making.
of climate and terrain that is self-sustaining and we can develop appropriate design strategies. This We need to elevate
our internal
resilient to most any condition. How can we learn from enriches the final product and naturally increases knowledge so
our surrounding ecosystems to help develop more its resilience, both in its physical and environmental that we are all
responsive and resilient communities? context as well as its social context. enough to speak
on the subject.
Historically, affluent communities with access to
Development of the Resilience
technology and resources can adapt and recover Consultants or resilience
Design Toolkit
Identify Risks
champions will help guide these
faster following climate emergencies. Climate disasters
Step 3
conversations and apply the tools
impact both rich and poor communities. Those with The Resilience Design Toolkit was initially developed
needed to provide data.
limited access to resources need resilience planning through an internal research incubator at HKS in 2021.
and support the most. How can design equalize the A small taskforce developed a hypothesis on how to
gap and support the whole community? communicate the value of resilience to colleagues,
clients, and communities so that resilient design could
Designing with communities requires the project team
be integrated into projects. The taskforce studied HKS
Main Takeaways
to know the people of the place, interact with their
Integrate Resilience
design teams to uncover current gaps in discussing and
culture, understand their way of life, then design can be
thinking about resilience in the design process through
Step 4
shaped and molded into a form that not only provides
focus groups and surveys. This data was synthesized
delight, but is more sustainable and resilient.
and compiled into the first version of the Resilience Resilience needs to be
The toolkit process is a complementary tool that Design Toolkit. We need a tool to help teams
incorporated early enough into
considers previous work in the resilience planning and navigate resilience design thinking
In 2022, the AIA Resilience & Adaptation Advisory design to provide effective
design field. It uses research and leverages thinking from and integrate into projects.
Group (RAd-AG) discovered this work and developed solutions!
other processes and tools to create a focused method to
a partnership with HKS to bring the Resilience Design
Evaluate + Nurture
integrate resilience thinking into project design.
Toolkit to AIA members and provide knowledge of how
Step 5
The toolkit process is defined, yet intentionally to integrate BCA into design. The toolkit is the product
designed to be flexible so that it may be useful for of many minds, experts, and peer reviews that has
a project of any type in any location. Therefore this shaped this process into a tangible and agile tool for We must show socially,
We had a wide range of what
process is a suggestion, a starting point for your design teams. environmentally and financially the
the definition of resilience is:
design process to integrate resilience design thinking value of resilience to enable our
We need a standard definition
early and effectively. The five-step process injects clients, communities and colleagues
that all employees know.
resilience thinking from the beginning of a project and to truly support this effort.
continues it through post construction and maintaining
a relationship with the owner and project stakeholders.
5 5
Why Resilience?
Resilience: The ability of a system and its component Designing for resilience considers societal and financial
parts to anticipate, absorb, accommodate, or recover costs related to a disruption as well. Three levels of
from the effects of a hazardous event in a timely and ‘BEYOND CODE’ performance that architects might
efficient manner, including through ensuring the Resilience Sustainability
consider are:
preservation, restoration, or improvements of its Multiple Energy Sources Energy Reduction
Energy Independence
essential basic structures and functions. (IPCC, AIA) Multiple Water Sources Renewable Energy Production Shelter in Place – ability to safely ‘ride out’ a hazard
Resilience Scope
Water Independence
Disaster Fortitude Design Recycled / Reclaimed Water event inside a facility. While the building may not
Renewable Resources
Resilience not only addresses the endurance and
Step 1
Passive Survivability
Resource Storage
Locally Sourced Material be able to function after the event is over, it will be
recovery from difficult situations or environments but Support Natural Processes Community Responsibility
Environmental Effects sufficiently robust so that occupants will remain safe
also addresses the ability of our community to foresee Evaluate Flood Plain Access To Transportation
Community Supports inside during the event itself. (AIA)
these hardships and mitigate them with design. These Provide Access to Resources Indoor Environmental Quality
risks can range from environmental events, such as Civil Support Systems Brownfield Restoration Passive Survivability – ability of a building to maintain
earthquakes, flooding, pandemic, and extreme heat, reasonable, basic functionality after an event. The
to social and economic events, like civil unrest, utility building needs to be intact and building systems like
+ Project Planning
disruption, aged infrastructure, and cyber-attacks. While thermal, power, and potable water, should remain
Team Alignment
resilience is a broad term, we have deciphered resilience functional to allow occupants to remain in the building
Step 2
into five major forms: Health, Social, Infrastructure, while critical services are restored (durability of the
Environmental and Economic Resilience. Each represents building, enclosure, materials, etc.). (AIA)
a specific area of study that together, create a holistic
without community resilience, and we cannot have When resilience and sustainability design overlap, we Continuity of Operations – requires a facility to
view of resilience.
community resilience if we do not address our climate can achieve independence from energy and water withstand the impact of a disaster event and remain
Health Resilience refers to the physical, mental, and and environment. infrastructure, ideally through renewable sources, that fully, or close to fully, functional before during and after
social health of individuals in a community. Clean air, support a thriving community with less environmental an event. Typically, essential occupancy buildings - fire
While there is no one-size-fits-all solution and resilience
threats and impacts. Not all resilience strategies are
Identify Risks
access to healthcare and security all increase health stations, hospitals, police stations, etc. (AIA)
is different for each community and region, there is
Step 3
resilience. In the short term it includes the food, water, sustainable and not all sustainability strategies are
common ground for how we can communicate the need
and shelter needed to sustain life before help arrives. resilient, but these strategies can come together to
for implementation. The architectural and engineering
create a better place.
Social Resilience connects health resilience on the industry is in a prominent position to advance the
individual level to the community level to maintain discussion of resilience and adaptation in the built
cultural and historical traditions that can define a sense environment. This will only be successful through active Designing “Beyond Code”
Continuity of Operations
of a place. engagement from all stakeholders. The building code represents the minimum
Integrate Resilience
performance requirements a project must be designed Passive Survivability
Infrastructure Resilience focuses on the physical to meet. It seeks to provide a building that protects the CODE
Difference Between Resilience and
Step 4
Shelter in Place
infrastructure of a campus and the local community and health, safety, and wellbeing of users in hazard egress
seeks to protect utility and transportation infrastructure Sustainable Design
events, but does not ensure the building or structure
as well as public services that protect the quality of life in While both sustainable and resilient concepts will be usable after the event.
a community. are future-focused and can benefit from design,
sustainability focuses on resource efficiency and For example, buildings in South Florida are required to
Environmental Resilience includes climate and weather be designed to meet hurricane wind loads to protect
environmental protection, while resilience focuses
impacts on an ecosystem as well as all the native flora people during and after a storm. It is up to the owner
towards preparing for and recovering from future
Evaluate + Nurture
and fauna species of a place. Understanding the needs to replace the building or design a building to minimize
disruptions and disaster events.
Step 5
of these phenomenon and groups helps increase damage and quickly return to normal operations after
biodiversity and can provide nature-based solutions. Resilience Design – The architect anticipates change a hurricane.
and hazards throughout the building’s life and provides
Economic Resilience provides a perspective to A beyond code building must also look to the future
design features to mitigate risk and vulnerability.
determine appropriate means to afford and operate and anticipate potential changes in social norms,
a campus within a community. Determining the cost- Sustainability Design – The architect uses design technology, and climate to enable the building to
benefit of a strategy enables analytical decision making to enable efficient building operation and minimize remain relevant and safe over time. Determining a
and balances performance with cost. resource requirements to satisfy present needs without project’s usable life is critical to planning and designing
compromising the ability of future generations to meet for its future.
Resilience is inherently interconnected with many
their needs.
aspects of our world. We cannot solve social problems
6 6
Resilience Design
Designing for Resilience
Resilience Scope
specifically developed for architects to integrate
After construction is complete, following up with
resilience design thinking into a building design
your client and the community can allow for Post
process. It was developed with input from industry
Occupancy Evaluation (POE) to understand successes
professionals, leverages processes and tools developed
and failures. This is also a good time to reinforce being
by distinguished groups such as FEMA, NOAA, AIA,
a trusted advisor to your client.
Arup, and Perkins & Will; as well as peer reviewed by
experts in the architectural and engineering industry.
Team Team
Design is an iterative process that develops organically
using structured information and intuition. Resilience
+ Project
A five-step process is common in resilience planning
design begins in the first interactions with a client or
and coordination. NOAA has released two documents,
community and extends into building operation.
the US Climate Resilience Toolkit and Steps to
+ Project
Resilience that both use five-step processes to show At the heart of the Resilience Design Toolkit is a design
how resilience is tangible and accessible to a project or feedback loop to integrate project information with
built condition. The Resilience Design Toolkit also uses resilience design best practices to develop design
five steps and has made the process highly specific to solutions. These solutions are assessed using a BCA
the architectural industry. and CBA to help select the most appropriate solution
for a project.
Identify Risks
Step 1: Resilience Scope
As billion-dollar disasters become more frequent and
Understand what your client and stakeholders require
continue to test our physical, environmental, social,
regarding resilience. Sometimes, architects may need
health and financial wellbeing, resilience design is
to educate or identify resilience needs when the client
becoming more important and requested in projects.
is not familiar or knowledgeable on the subject.
We hope this tool helps provide knowledge so that
you are able to start designing for resilience or provide
Step 2: Align and Plan
Integrate Resilience
new ideas to enhance your resilience design process.
Once the scope has been established, it is time to This toolkit has been developed to be agile and easily
develop the team and the work-plan to achieve project adaptable to fit any design process for any firm size or
resilience goals. project typology. We hope this process helps demystify
resilience design and makes it more accessible for your
Step 3: Identify Hazards
team and project.
Begin project investigations before design to
uncover potential hazards, and associated risks and
vulnerabilities. Primary and secondary impacts or
Evaluate + Nurture
cascading effects like hurricanes and power outages
are important to consider as well.
Step 4: Integrate Resilience Design
With hazards evaluated and key risks identified, the
design team can develop resilience design strategies
and test them for effectiveness using a Benefit
Cost Analysis (BCA) and Choosing by Advantages
(CBA) exercise.
Appendix X
7 7
The Resilience Design Toolkit Process x Typical Project Process
The Resilience Design Toolkit Five-Step process begins in the initial phases of a project during the
pursuit to identify specific resilience design goals and objectives. The subsequent 4 steps endure
through the planning phases into post-construction and operation. The graphic below outlines
Resilience Scope
the five steps and provides a summary of intent and major activities in each.
Step 1
Pursuit Planning Pre-Concept Design Post-Construction
+ Project Planning
Team Alignment
1. Resilience Scope
Step 2
2. Team Alignment + Planning
Determine the client’s
understanding of resilience
and the owner’s project 3. Identify Hazards
requirements. Develop an Develop a plan to integrate
Identify Risks
appropriate resilience scope resilience in the project by
Step 3
for the project. identifying appropriate talent After the plan is set, identify 4. Integrate Resilience Design
and process by creating a project hazards, then assess
resilience design work plan. risk & vulnerability. Discuss
Mitigate project risk &
Perform: results with project team and 5. Evaluate + Nurture
vulnerability by integrating
Identify Client Understanding stakeholders.
Perform: resilience design measures.
Integrate Resilience
of Resilience Create Resilience Design Assess viability & feasibility of Project close out and
Workplan Perform: specific strategies through a delivery. Assess building
Step 4
Assess Resilience Scope
Hazard Study Benefit Cost Analysis. resilience performance and
Assemble Project Team develop a case study after
Resilience Design Risk & Vulnerability Assessment first year of operation.
Benefit Cost
Kick-off, Visioning, and Work Determine Critical Hazards Analysis (BCA)
Sessions Perform:
Evaluate + Nurture
Resilience Design Post Occupancy Evaluation
Step 5
AIA Principles of Design Feedback Loop
Excellence Framework
Choosing By Case Study & Apply Lessons
Advantages Learned
8 8
Resilience Landscape
A variety of tools and processes exist to help guide architects, and engineers to implement “resilience- ISO 14090, 14091, & 22301 Resilience Design Toolkit
resilience projects. Each has unique qualities to enhance based design.” The REDi™ guidelines form a framework
ISO has created standards to help define Adaptation This toolkit has been developed especially for
projects, yet the Resilience Design Toolkit provides a for resilience-based design for the built environment for
to Climate Change with principles, guidelines and architects and designers to integrate resilience
Resilience Scope
range of tools and processes to determine gaps and earthquakes, extreme storms, and flooding.
requirements for vulnerability, risk assessments, and design into projects. It uses insight from all of these
Step 1
introduce a methodology that fulfills a need in design.
how business continuity should be addressed. tools and certifications to provide a comprehensive
RELi™ 2.0 Rating Guidelines for Resilient
and agile process that can work for any project type,
US Climate Resilience Toolkit Design and Construction
FEMA BCA 6.0 size or location.
In 2014, NOAA Climate Program Office launched the The RELi™ 2.0 Rating System is a resilience-based rating
FEMA has created a benefit-cost analysis tool through
US Climate Resilience Tool Kit to improve government system that combines design criteria with integrative
a plug-in feature to Microsoft Excel™ that can use
organizations and planners ability to understand and design processes for neighborhoods, buildings, homes,
formulas and user input to perform BCAs. This is a
manage their climate-related risks and opportunities. and infrastructure. Developed originally in 2012 by
+ Project Planning
Team Alignment
required assessment for federal projects.
The intent is to help make communities and businesses Perkins & Will, RELi™ has entered version 2.0 and has
Step 2
more resilient to extreme events. The toolkit uses a synergies with LEED v4 pilot credits.
5 step process to understand risk exposure, assess
vulnerability, investigate options, prioritize, and plan, LEED v4/4.1 Pilot, LEED v5
and take action for resilience.
LEED has been the standard for green building
Identify Risks
RELI™ 2.0
Guide to provide a series of questions for architects to v5 is currently in development and is believed to have System
Step 3
engage clients coupled with additional resources for more resilience requirements when released. Guidelines
architects to act upon. The document is organized by Building
project phase and identifies points where resilience WELL v2 & Fitwel v2.1 Challenge
and climate adaptation goals can be layered into ISO 14090,
WELL v2 and Fitwel v2.1 both have features and credits
design solutions. 14091, 22301
that require emergency operations planning for LEED
buildings. Both aim to enhance social and community
NOAA Implementing the Steps to Resilience
Integrate Resilience
resilience by making buildings more conducive to AIA Resilient v5 Beta
In 2022, the NOAA Climate Program Office published
Step 4
human health and performance. Project Process
the Steps to Resilience (StR) risk assessment and Guide
decision support framework to help guide decision FEMA Integrating Historic Property and Processes
making and strategy development. The guide is written Cultural Resource Considerations into WELL v2
for climate adaptation and resilience building experts
Hazard Mitigation Planning US Climate
Resilience & Fitwel v2.1
to analyze, facilitate and guide project development.
FEMA developed tool that provides a four-step Resilience Design
process to consider hazard mitigation planning for
Evaluate + Nurture
Living Building Challenge v4.0
historic buildings. This guide is written for planners
Step 5
Living Building Challenge is the most comprehensive and emergency managers but has some relevance to
and progressive green building certification system. resilience in the project process. NOAA
It requires projects to enhance building performance the Steps to
through seven petals to create a regenerative building Resilience FEMA
Autocase BCA 6.0
that innately uses resilience features.
Autocase is a web application subscription that quantifies
REDi™ Rating System and monetizes social and health benefits, whole life carbon
footprint, and lifecycle financial impacts for the built Tools
The Resilience-based Engineering Design Initiative (REDi™)
environment. It uses a benefit cost analysis tool to evaluate
Rating System, developed by Arup’s Advanced Technology projects using a triple bottom line approach and is a useful
and Research team, proposes a framework for owners, asset to understanding the impacts of resilient design.
9 9
Glossary of Terms
100-Year Floodplain – More accurately identified as a 1% Capacity – A combination of all the strengths and Externality – A side effect or consequence of an Redundant – Integrate duplicate systems that can
Annual Chance, Is a flood that has 1 in 100 chance of being resources available within a community, society or external event or behavior on a system. support the operations of a structure for the well-
equaled or exceeded in any 1 year and has an average organization that can reduce the level of risk, or the being of occupants and reduce other negative
Exposure – The presence of people; livelihoods;
Resilience Scope
recurrence interval of 100 years. (USGS) effects of a disaster. (U.N. International Strategy for impacts should a disruption/failure occurs.
species or ecosystems; environmental functions,
Step 1
Disaster Reduction.)
The 50, 100. & 500-year flood terms are becoming less services, and resources; infrastructure; or economic, Resilience – The ability of a system and its component
relevant and deceiving with the frequency of such flooding Circular Economy – A systems solution framework social, or cultural assets in places and settings that parts to anticipate, absorb, accommodate, or recover
events happening more regularly and sometimes multiple that tackles global challenges like climate change, could be adversely affected. from the effects of a hazardous event in a timely
times in a single year. biodiversity loss, waste, and pollution. It is based on and efficient manner, including through ensuring
Flexible – Position infrastructure and buildings to be
three principles, driven by design: eliminate waste and the preservation, restoration, or improvements of its
Adaptation – The adjustment in natural or human systems pollution, circulate products and materials (at their
adaptive to changing needs. (AIA)
essential basic structures and functions. (IPCC, AIA)
in response to actual or expected climatic stimuli or their highest value), and regenerate nature.
+ Project Planning
Team Alignment
Hazard – A potential source of danger caused by a
effects, which moderates harm or exploits beneficial Response – Activities to address the immediate
naturally occurring or human-induced process or
Step 2
opportunities. (IPCC) It is underpinned by a transition to renewable energy and short-term effects of an emergency or disaster.
event with the potential to create loss. (AIA)
and materials. Transitioning to a circular economy Response activities include immediate actions to save
Adaptive Capacity – The ability of a person, asset, entails decoupling economic activity from the lives, protect property, and meet basic human needs.
Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) – Method for
or system to adjust to a hazard, take advantage of consumption of finite resources. This represents a (FEMA)
assessing the total cost of facility ownership to
new opportunities, or cope with change. (US Climate systemic shift that builds long-term resilience, generates estimate the overall costs of project alternatives
Resilience Toolkit) Risk – The potential for an unwanted outcome
business and economic opportunities, and provides and to select the design that ensures the facility
resulting from an incident, event, or occurrence,
Asset – People, resources, ecosystems, infrastructure, environmental and societal benefits. will provide the lowest overall cost of ownership
as determined by its likelihood, and the associated
Identify Risks
and the services they provide. Assets are the tangible consistent with its quality and function. (WBDG)
Climate Change – A change in the state of the climate consequences. (DHS)
Step 3
and intangible things people or communities value. (US that can be identified (e.g., by using statistical tests) Maintainable / serviceable – Design provides for
Climate Resilience Toolkit) Sensitivity – The degree to which a system,
by changes in the mean and/or the variability of its maintenance access and regular improvements to
population, or resource is or might be affected by
Base Flood Elevation (BFE) – The elevation of surface properties and that persists for an extended period, building systems and envelopes. (AIA)
hazards. (US Climate Resilience Toolkit)
water resulting from a flood that has a 1% chance of typically decades or longer. Climate change may be
due to natural internal processes or external forcings, Mal-adaptation – Any changes in natural or human
equaling or exceeding that level in any given year. The BFE Shock – Hazard events typically associated with large
or to persistent anthropogenic changes in the systems increase vulnerability to climatic stimuli;
is shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM). (FEMA) scale disaster, sudden and acute events that impact a
Integrate Resilience
composition of the atmosphere or in land use. (IPCC) an adaptation that does not succeed in reducing
vulnerable system. (AIA)
Benefit Cost Analysis (BCA) – A method that determines vulnerability but increases it instead. (IPCC)
Step 4
the future risk reduction benefits of a hazard mitigation Choosing by Advantage (CBA) – A decision-making Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHAs) – An area having
system that supports transparent and collaborative Mitigation – The lessening of the potential adverse
project and compares those benefits to its costs. The special flood, mud-flow or flood-related erosion
decision-making using comparisons among impacts of physical hazards (including those that are
result is a Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR). A project is considered hazards and shown on a Flood Hazard Boundary Map
advantages of alternatives. (LCI) human-induced) through actions that reduce hazard,
cost-effective when the BCR is 1.0 or greater. (FEMA) (FHBM) or a Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM). (FEMA)
exposure, and vulnerability. (IPCC, AIA)
Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) – This ratio is the present value Climate Mitigation – A human intervention to reduce
the sources or enhance the sinks of greenhouse gases Passive Survivability – The ability of a building to
of net project benefits divided by the project costs and is
Evaluate + Nurture
that reduce hazard, exposure, and vulnerability. (IPCC) maintain reasonable, basic functionality after an
the result of a BCA. A ratio of 1.0 or greater indicates the
event, specifically an event that includes an extended
Step 5
project is cost effective; a ratio of less than 1.0 indicates Cradle-to-Cradle – Materials, systems, and products power outage. (AIA)
the project is not cost effective. (FEMA) are part of a closed loop system that doesn’t produce
any waste. Recovery – Activities necessary to rebuild after a
Business Continuity – Capability of the organization to
disaster. Recovery activities include rebuilding homes,
continue delivery of products or services at acceptable Emission Mitigation – Measures to reduce the amount businesses, and public facilities; clearing debris;
predefined levels following disruptive incident. (ISO) and speed of future climate change by reducing repairing roads and bridges; and restoring water,
emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) or by increasing sewer, and other essential services. (FEMA)
their removal from the atmosphere. (4th NCA)
10 10
Glossary of Terms, Continued
Stress – Gradual and perpetual disruption that often LCI – Lean Construction Institute
reduce a community's ability to recover when shocks
NOAA – National Oceanic and Atmospheric
strike. (AIA)
Resilience Scope
Social Stress examples – aged population, food scarcity,
Step 1
NAVD 88 – North American Vertical Datum of 1988
population growth, affordability, unemployment, growing
wealth gap. NWS – National Weather Service
Physical Stress examples – ill-maintained infrastructure. RCN – Resilient Cities Network
Natural Stress examples – environmental degradation, sea RFQ – Request for Qualifications
level rise, drought, melting polar ice, global warming.
+ Project Planning
Team Alignment
RFP – Request for Proposal
Vertical Datum – A common vertical elevation reference
Step 2
point, usually in relation to sea level. (FEMA) USGS – United States Geological Survey
Vulnerability – The degree to which a system is susceptible USRC – US Resiliency Council (USRC)
to, and unable to cope with, adverse effects. (IPCC, AIA)
WBDG – Whole Building Design Guide
Identify Risks
Step 3
AIA – American Institute of Architects
Integrate Resilience
CDRZ – Community Disaster Resilience Zones
Step 4
DHS – Department of Homeland Security
Evaluate + Nurture
HMA – Hazard Mitigation Assistance
Step 5
IPCC – Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
11 11
1. Resilience Scope
Assessing Scope + Initial Conversations
Step 01 requires individuals interfacing with potential This section will help break down these Architects should also be cognizant of potential risks
Resilience Scope
clients, community groups, and other stakeholders interactions and provide insight on how to and liabilities of resilience design scope in contracts
Step 1
to analyze information provided in the form of candid and proposals. Additional insurance may be required
handle a resilient design request.
conversations, formal meetings, RFP/RFQs, or other to safely enter a contract. An insurance professional
means and methods the project requirements were If you are new to resilience, the first step is to educate should be consulted for additional information on
communicated, for resilience scope in the design yourself on what resilience is and why it is important resilience design services.
process. These individuals should work with the to consider as we develop the built environment. By
potential client to align on agreeable terms for When further clarity is needed to develop a proposal
reading through this toolkit you will receive a brief
resilient design so that a clear resilience workplan or proceed with a resilience design scope of work, it
introduction to resilience design. Many resources,
+ Project Planning
is always a good idea to develop questions to ask the
Team Alignment
can be determined. This process can be very articles, case studies, and videos are available showing
potential client.
Step 2
different depending on the type of project, location, how resilience works and why it is important. The
interactions, and preferences from the client team. Resilience Landscape section includes resources that The AIA Resilient Project Process Guide is a good place
can help develop a foundation of resilience design to start. Client interactions could be a one-on-one
tools and processes. One may also notice the need for conversation, at a public meeting, or in an email. The
Understanding the Ask resilience in their community and daily routine, which next section provides potential questions that could
promotes social resilience. Resilience may be similar be asked by a client or used to understand a client’s
Resilience is understood at various levels across across many regions and areas but will always have position or ask for resilience design services.
communities. In areas where the effects of natural a specific variation to the people, culture, form, and
Identify Risks
disasters and climate change are felt more acutely,
Step 3
terrain of a place.
stakeholders are often more in-tune or aware of
how resilience design can help protect and mitigate Knowing the basics of resilience; key terms such as
potential hazards. In places that have not been hazard, risk, vulnerability and how they relate to each
impacted by natural disasters or other types of hazards other will start the conversation, knowing where to look
in recent memory, resilience may not be something for site specific information will point you in the right
that is asked for or required in a project; however, no direction. Being humble with your client by admitting
Integrate Resilience
project is immune from potential hazards. It is the duty not knowing about a topic, and committing to do
of architects and their consultants to perform due research to follow up with a confident response helps
Step 4
diligence for every project. We should communicate contribute to a trusting relationship.
findings to project stakeholders whether they agree
When you receive an ask for resilience design or
with the concerns or not.
something that alludes to resilience from a potential
Potential projects come from many different types of client, you will need to understand the client’s
interactions like meetings, conversations, RFQ/RFPs, requirements and deliverables like in any RFP. Resilience
and postings from clients and stakeholders. Sometimes assessments are not typically part of base services for
Evaluate + Nurture
resilience requirements are clearly indicated, sometimes architects and should be treated as additional services
Step 5
they are implied but need to be further defined. Other or separate line items in a project contract. This includes
times they can be missing all together. Understanding scope for hazard, risk and vulnerability assessments,
the scope of resilience and what the client is looking BCA, and CBA. Ideally, architects should be considering
for is critical for determining how to set fees and resilience design thinking in every project, and it is up
create a workplan. Sometimes it is as easy as a follow- to the discretion of the architect on how to charge for
up conversation, other times it requires the architect resilience design services. Specialized consultants may
to perform research and critical thinking of how to also be required to complete resilience design scope
respond and what to ask. for a project. This will be further explained in Step 02:
Team Alignment & Planning.
12 12
Resilience Conversations care and effective solutions discussed
with the project team. A project change
Private Conversation directive from the client could request a
Word-of-mouth work and leads are resilience design add service. To better
effective ways to maintain a business. serve the client, architects will need to be
Resilience Scope
Speaking at conferences and participating knowledgeable about resilience design.
Step 1
in your community are also effective
Community Meeting
methods to advertise, lead with
knowledge, and reinforce firm values Community meetings can be an essential
for business development. Architects part of a project development and approval
often become trusted voices to clients. process especially for public projects.
+ Project Planning
Community meetings may not be required
Team Alignment
If a client is curious about resilience and
Step 2
wants to know more about how resilience for private projects, but community interests
design can be beneficial for their project, should be considered in design. We can
the architect should be able to provide a learn what is important to a community
confident response. from comments and statements provided
at community meetings. Resilience may
Embedded in RFP/RFQ arise in public feedback and could impact
Identify Risks
Architects typically receive an RFP for how the client team addresses requests for
Step 3
potential new work. Usually, the scope resilience design.
of work is clearly defined and presented
so that the architect can assemble the
appropriate team and fee. In the wake
of recent disasters, resilience design
Integrate Resilience
requirements are becoming more common.
The Resilience Design Toolkit aims to equip
Step 4
architects with knowledge and strategies
to confidently respond to RFP/RFQs with
resilience design requirements.
Evaluate + Nurture
Scope will develop and may change
Step 5
through the life of the project. Architects
may also uncover a previously unknown
hazard during a project. These should
be brought to the client’s attention with
13 13
Identifying Your Client’s Evaluating that mitigate risk and create a higher performing
project. The next three steps in the process will enable
Knowledge of Resilience Clients that are evaluating resilience may already know
you to quickly pick up basic skills for resilience design
what they want and have an appropriate deliverable in
and provide these services for your clients.
Understanding your client’s knowledge of resilience mind. They may not know exactly how resilience design
may help guide the type of interactions you works but understand the base concepts and why
should pursue with your client. Some methods like they are important. It is critical to evaluate your client’s Developing the Resilience
expectations and frame conversations or deliverables
discussing BCA may be more effective with a highly
with their expectations in mind. This will help assure
Scope of Work
knowledgeable client versus one that is just beginning
Resilience Scope
to understand needs for resilience. The following them that you can deliver a resilient project and be an
With information gathered from the client through
Step 1
section highlights four general levels of knowledge asset to the project team.
various interactions as previously described, the
a client may have on resilience and some suggested architect should decipher the project requirements.
Recommended Interactions: Focused discussions or
methods to guide a resilience discussion. An Owner’s Project Requirements (OPR) document
examples of how you plan to address resilience in their
project, the benefits and value of these strategies. This and exercise could be used to formalize and track key
Unaware should also be coupled with an explanation of how project requirements. This document should include
An unaware potential client may not have thought the resilience design strategy will function, and how it a section for resilience components. The OPR is a
+ Project Planning
Team Alignment
about resilience design for their project. The client may addresses resilience requirements without revealing document established in the pursuit phase and should
be updated in every subsequent project phase. If an
Step 2
be unaware of the potential hazards their project could too much information if the project has not yet been
experience and level of risk they could incur from the awarded. This is up to the discretion of the architect. OPR is not used in the project, a simple statement
impacts. As a professional, you may be more aware of or guiding principle of the resilience requirements
potential issues with the project and see a distinct need Embedded should be developed and used to guide project and
for resilience design. This type of client could provide design development throughout the life of the project.
When resilience is clearly embedded in an RFP and
an opportunity to lead with knowledge and establish This statement will also be used to determine the
the client knows their resilience goals, there is often
their understanding of resilience design. appropriate project team as defined in Step 02.
a recent experience the client has endured or knows
Identify Risks
Recommended Interactions: One-on-one conversations of where resilience was needed and/or incorporated,
Step 3
and/or focused discussions on resilience using relevant with a clear value proposition. This type of client has
examples and descriptions of the five-forms of resilience. a specific deliverable in mind, and it is good practice
to discuss the previous experience with the client to
Exploring better understand their thinking. This will also help
assemble a competent project team with experience
The client may be just beginning to understand Client Characteristics
and ability to provide resilience design services that
resilience with some pre-conceived notions and may
match the deliverables.
Integrate Resilience
Unaware of resilience as an issue
need someone to lead them through the learning
Resilience may have not been mentioned in an RFP/RFQ or come up in conversation.
process. In this case the architect and project team may
Step 4
Recommended Interactions: Before engaging with Unaware
want to have a focused discussion on vulnerability, risk, the client, be sure to research previous experiences Opportunity to lead with knowledge
how resilience could be integrated into their project where the need for resilience may have arisen such as a May not have an appetite for resilience
along with what value it may bring. When speaking to a natural disaster or social unrest. In focused discussions Aware of resilience as a concern but may not know what it is totally about or how
client at this level or a subsequent level, it is important to or general pre-interview questions, confirm previous it is performed
assess the client’s current position on resilience to better experiences with the client. Address the project Exploring Needs guidance in understanding on how hazards might put their project at risk
serve and answer possible questions. requirements directly in the proposal document and Could be an opportunity to lead with knowledge
Evaluate + Nurture
provide key explanations to show you understand their Need to understand client’s position on resilience
Recommended Interactions: Inquisitive questions to
needs and how to deliver a final product that meets or
Step 5
gauge the client’s level of resilience knowledge and how Client has a position on resilience and understands base concepts
exceeds their requirements.
that has shaped their requirements for resilience design Client has an idea on what they want in the project
in the project if provided. Make tangible connections of As hazards and threats continue to impact our
Project team needs to build confidence in the client that they can provide resilience design
resilience design strategies to their project to show value communities and built environment, tremendous services
and benefit. opportunity exists to lead with knowledge on resilience
Client is familiar with resilient design and knows what the final deliverable should be
design in all projects. The concepts in resilience design
are not hard, but it takes a keen understanding and
Embedded Project team should determine the capabilities of the team and ability to provide desired
services for the client
critical eye to integrate design strategies into a project
14 14
Potential questions
Helpful Answers
What sort of return on investment can
Questions + Answers What is the client’s understanding of resilience? Do
owners who build resilient buildings
they know what they want or have communicated their • Maintain business operations during a
expect once they open their doors?
The knowledge level of resilience varies from client to risk tolerance? stress or shock and higher lease rates /
How does the design and architecture
team’s work during the process help resale value
client, and they will often look to the architect or project
What is the client’s experience with resilience? Have they achieve those goals?
team to help educate on resilience. The questions below • Throughout the design process the team
experienced a disaster event that tested their resilience should be thinking of effective ways to
Resilience Scope
are potential interactions between the project team
in their organization or assets? Is the client looking for the
and the client. Study both the question and answer to integrate resilience design
Step 1
project team to help them understand resilience?
familiarize yourself with potential conversation points. • Design excellence study / vulnerability
The AIA Resilient Project Process Guide also provides Have exposure to hazards and risk assessment already and risk assessment / eco and
an extensive background of information and questions been identified in the RFP/RFQ? Are there specific resilience charrettes
to ask an inquisitive client. Through the conversation, it requirements that need to be included in the
is helpful to be thinking on how you would answer the design solutions? What is one of the biggest challenges
following questions based on what you have learned of building a resilient project? How can • The biggest challenge is the uncertainty of
What are the opportunities for resilience design in we overcome such challenges? what will happen in the future, yet planning
+ Project Planning
about the client’s knowledge of resilience.
Team Alignment
the project? If resilience is critical, will the client need for future events and being prepared for
Step 2
special hazard and risk assessments from an expert them is invaluable
prior to setting scope? • One major event can cost millions so let us
Potential questions
show you how we can find a way to protect
Helpful Answers you from these risks
What is the importance of developing
projects to be resilient from the onset,
• Comprehensive and holistic building design
instead of just adding resilient features What is one of the biggest
after the project is built? integration compared to one single program
opportunities of building a resilient • Being able to handle stressors and shocks
added at a later time
Identify Risks
project? more effectively
Step 3
• It is more expensive to add resilient features
after the project is built • Being able to stay open in disasters
• Resilient measures are more effective when • Less repair cost and time and less value
they are integrated into the business model being lost
• Helps maintain business continuity during • According to the U.S. Department of Labor,
certain events more than 40 percent of businesses never
reopen following a catastrophic event and
Integrate Resilience
What are some ways your company companies without a recovery plan have a
is building or has built projects to survival rate of less than 10 percent
Step 4
be resilient? • Redundancy of critical building systems
(power, MEP) Why don’t you think more developers
• Durable enclosure systems are building resilient projects from
• Governed by initial costs rather than
the onset? What work do you think the
• Flood planning - building above the base looking at life cycle costs and what this can
industry needs to do in order to get
flood elevation (BFE) more developers on board? How can do to their investments and properties
• Ecological based solutions like living architects help to get more buy-in from • As the impacts and costs from natural and
Evaluate + Nurture
shorelines and greenspace developers? man-made disasters increase, the business
case for resilience measures also increases
Step 5
Is building a project to be resilient
more expensive? If yes, how so? • A BCA can show you the simple economics
• Although it may have initial cost premiums,
of resilience
the ability to continue business during and
recover from an event could save money in
damages, reduce insurance premiums and What are the potential consequences,
better serve your users if any, for not creating resilient
• Ignoring resilience design increases the level
standards in the building process?
• Resilient design can add value to a project by of risk for your project. Being unprepared
commanding lease premiums, less operational for a disaster may cost significantly more
costs and the ability to remain operational or resilience design solutions and will incur
more quickly recover after a disaster higher insurance premiums
15 15
2. Team Alignment + Planning
Project Management and Planning
Step 02 requires project leaders to begin forming Depending on the project delivery method, specialized meant to discourage resilience design but to make to connect these conversations and discussions to
Resilience Scope
the appropriate project team by using the agreed consultants may be under a contract with the architect, sure an architect has the necessary means to protect the greater design narrative and enable holistic design
Step 1
upon resilience scope of work to determine which contractor or directly with the owner. Consultants themselves legally. More information on integrating thinking. It is paramount that the project team knows
specialties and roles will be needed in the project, as contracting with the owner could be a method to resilience design can be found in Step 04. the specific design challenge and design requirements.
well as what the scope of work will mean for how the help promote a third-party, neutral assessment of
The next sections outline the process to align the
project team will operate. This also requires a work the project if desired. When assembling the team, Resilience Kick-off, Visioning, &
project team around resilience design.
plan to be developed that outlines the task and their be sure to discuss contract and scope options with Workshops
operator to help provide clarity and transparency to the ownership group to minimize confusion and align
Before beginning design or resilience work, it is best
the greater project team. project delivery strategies.
+ Project Planning
practice to host an integrative design charrette with
Team Alignment
Once the scope of a project is formalized, the next step is Architects are obligated to discuss resilience directly dedicated time to discuss resilience. A key component
Step 2
to identify which team members will need to be engaged with clients to uphold the interests of our communities, of a successful project is to have the team aligned and
to achieve the resilience design goals. Step 2 - Team clients, and the environment per the AIA Code of coordinated around specific goals. The integrative
Alignment, helps determine who will need to be involved Ethics. Resilience is considered an additional service design charrette should include other topics specific
and when they need to be there. The selected team will in most architects’ standard of care. Depending on to the design, sustainability, and building performance
also need to align with the scope of work and determine the location of the project, some aspects regarding
the specific goals and methods to achieve them. resilience may already be a building standard for
example, emergency power requirements for hospitals Typical Project Team - Resilience Scope
Identify Risks
Assembling the Project Team and other buildings with essential services. Specific
Step 3
Consultant Role In Resilience Project
resilience requirements outside of the standard of
A critical component of designing a resilience project
care should be an additional service such as a risk and Coordinate resilient strategies with building design features, integrate BCA into
is bringing the appropriate team together. Resilience Architecture
vulnerability assessment. design strategy development
may not be the only guiding principle of a project,
however most consultants on the project team will Designing for resilience and other resilience design Civil Engineering Develop site infrastructure and stormwater design with resilience strategies
play a role in achieving the project’s resilience goals. services such as a risk & vulnerability assessment may
Experience in resilience or willingness to advocate and open an architect and the project team to additional Landscape
Design site solutions to accommodate resilience features and promote biodiversity
Integrate Resilience
incorporate resilience design strategies in their work liabilities in a project. If insurance policies do not insure
Step 4
will be helpful throughout the process. When creating architects for services outside their specific standard of Develop building system design with resilience requirements, plan for power,
the project team, ask about resilience experience and Mechanical, Electrical,
care, the architect could be liable for damages if a suit potable water and process water emergency and back-up systems for the desired
notify potential project consultants of the client goals Plumbing, Fire
is filed. If an architect is operating outside of their area self-sufficiency period, support resilience design strategies and future retrofit
for resilience. Protection Engineering opportunities, conduct project energy models and assess project performance
of expertise, this could also open a new position of risk.
Specialty Consultants For example, an architect would not take on the scope Structural Design building structure to accommodate potential seismic, wind and other
of a structural engineer on a complicated project, if an Engineering structural hazards, design site structures and coordinate infrastructure design
Specialized resilience consultants and experts may
Evaluate + Nurture
architect cannot confidently provide a formal risk and
be needed to achieve project goals. For example, Interior Design Design interior spaces to support resilient features and requirements
vulnerability assessment, a qualified consultant could
Step 5
projects located in delicate ecosystems could benefit
more efficiently and effectively provide this service and
from ecological consultants specialized in biodiversity Contractor Provide feedback on what is feasible in construction
should be engaged. Insurance professionals should
and ecological design. Large coastal projects may
be consulted on any policy modifications needed to Cost Estimating Provide cost estimates for design components and strategies
warrant a coastal and marine expert to identify specific
cover the architect and project teams before signing
challenges and aid the design team with developing
a contract for resilience design services. Ideally,
solutions that minimize impact to aquatic ecosystems Provide feedback for building operations and incorporate design strategies in
resilience design scope should be complimentary Facility Management
while maintaining a level of resilience to storms and sea building operation
and integrated to an architect’s typical design scope,
level rise.
thus becoming a standard of care. This section is not
16 16
Specialty Consultants - Resilience Scope Planning • Contractor team if available
Smaller projects can utilize a focused meeting with • Any specialty consultants such as ecological, cost
direct conversations. On large and complicated estimating, etc.
Consultant Role In Resilience Project projects, a visioning workshop will require detailed
planning and coordination. A collaborative session Proposed Meeting Agenda
Provide site assessment and information regarding potential geographical led by a qualified facilitator could more efficiently
Geo-Technical hazards and opportunities • Introductions (familiarize the team with people on
communicate resilience requirements and objectives
Resilience Scope
the meeting)
to the team. Often a dedicated resilience consultant or
Step 1
Assess site infrastructure and integration with current and future planning member of the design team is best equipped to lead • Goals and Objectives (Align participants on goals
Urban Planning projects within the local community the resilience session. and objectives for the meeting)
The resilience session could be conducted in a variety • AIA Principles of Design Excellence presentation
Urban Design Develop connection to the urban form with resilience strategies of ways such as one inclusive meeting or a meeting (Present research in each design excellence
series that incorporates a “Kick-off” to introduce the principle area to the project team and begin
greater project team to resilience ideas and design; to determine appropriate design challenges
Environmental. Coordinate project sustainability requirements with resilience strategies,
+ Project Planning
Team Alignment
“Visioning session” to set initial project resilience goals and potential design strategies to mitigate
Social, & connect green building certifications to resilience design, incorporate Justice,
the challenges as a team. This could involve
Step 2
Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (JEDI) principles to resilience strategies and objectives; or a “Workshop” to allow the team to
Governance (ESG)
connect and develop resilience strategies as a group. brainstorming potential baseline, best practice, and
It may be beneficial to discuss resilience design with stretch goals for each design excellence principle.)
Develop transportation solutions to support resilience design requirements,
Transportation alternative transportation options and protection for existing infrastructure sustainability and building performance topics to
• Determine Next Steps (reconnect on the meeting
determine efficiencies and overlap between topics for
discussion topics and set action items for meeting
a project.
Develop solutions to support aquatic ecosystems and coastal infrastructure participants)
Coastal & Marine with resilience strategies Content • Adjourn
Identify Risks
Step 3
The resilience sessions should provide a
The team can adjust the meeting agenda to fit their
Advise on solutions pertaining to government systems and infrastructure comprehensive and holistic approach to resilience
Government projects, emergency management protocol and operations
desired method. Case studies can communicate the
design while also integrating with other components
value of resilience features and the team can identify
of the design. The facilitator and/or project team may
similar risks and benefits in the client’s project that could
Advise on resilience solutions regarding public health impacts, disease elect to perform an analysis of the AIA Principles of
be useful for discussion and conversation. The facilitator
Public Health prevention and control, wellness community support, health maintenance Design Excellence measures on the site or an initial
should record the session and capture any notes for
programs hazard assessment for the project. Results of these
Integrate Resilience
future reference as well as develop a meeting report.
studies should be presented to the project team within
Step 4
Coordinate resilience planning and strategy development, administer resilience in the resilience sessions.
Resilience Kick-off
rating system, facilitate resilience workshop and visioning
Alternatively, if a combined sustainability, resilience, A dedicated resilience design Kick-off should
and building performance approach is preferred, the discuss specific requirements regarding project
Technology Advise on technology solutions regarding resilience strategies AIA Principles of Design Excellence can be used as resilience goals. Key requirements include building
a framework to guide initial site research and then life expectancy, essential building services or systems
develop potential strategies using elements and that must be always maintained, allowable disruption
Evaluate + Nurture
Advise on solutions regarding natural ecosystems, explore potential challenges identified in the ten Principles of Design or downtime typically in hours or days, emergency
Ecology opportunities to integrate biodiversity and natural systems into resilience Excellence. For example, a potential Integrative Design
Step 5
operation plans and procedures, community
strategies Charrette agenda could be the following: support strategies like shelters, specific hazards
to be considered, and any financial or insurance
Develop strategy, asset management, and investment strategies for capital and Proposed Meeting Attendees
Asset Management operational expenses to mitigate project hazards
requirements. The Kick-off should also investigate
• Client Team the client’s past experiences with resilience, previous
losses, and topics on top of mind for the project
• Complete Project Team (Architect, Engineers,
Climate & Data Provide comprehensive analysis of future impacts from climate change and stakeholders. A dedicated resilience design kick-
connect project data to climate and resilience initiatives Consultants)
17 17
A dedicated resilience design kick-off meeting could Visioning
follow-up after and build upon an integrative design
The resilience visioning component builds on the kick-
AIA Framework for Design Excellence
charrette as described in the previous section.
off by incorporating identified requirements into a set
Proposed Meeting Attendees of goals and objectives for the project. It is important
for the greater project team to provide input into
• Client Team proposed goals and objectives for the project so that
Resilience Scope
• Complete Project Team (Architect, Engineers, goals are comprehensive and holistic to the project.
Step 1
Consultants) The team should decide how goals will be achieved
and who on the project team will lead those efforts.
Design for Design for Equitable Design for Design for Design for
• Contractor team if available A resilience rating system like REDi™ or RELi™ may be
Integration Communities Ecosystems Water Economy
proposed to help guide the resilience approach and
• Any specialty consultants such as ecological, cost
resilience performance metrics for the project.
estimating, etc.
The visioning meeting should inform an official
+ Project Planning
Team Alignment
Proposed Meeting Agenda resilience plan that will be used to guide the team
Step 2
• Introductions (familiarize the team with people on through design. The resilience plan document is
the meeting) created by the project team and should be approved
Design for Design for Design for Design for Design for
by the owner. The resilience plan identifies each
Energy Wellness Resources Change Discovery
• Goals and Objectives (Align participants on goals resilience objective, what the expected outcome
and objectives for the meeting) should be, how will it be achieved and who will be
tasked to complete the task. The resilience plan should
• Confirmation of critical project requirements (The
be a living document and updated as needed in
team should discuss specific project resilience Consultants) discussion topics, set action items for meeting
response to project needs and changes.
Identify Risks
requirements such as allowable period of participants, and subsequent workshop meeting
Step 3
• Contractor team if available schedule to develop design strategies to fulfill
disruption, quantities of emergency power, water, The resilience plan may identify specific tasks to be
food, and supplies, etc. The client team should completed by the project team which could include • Specialty consultants such as ecological, cost project vision)
provide detailed answers or agree to provide this formal hazard identification, risk and vulnerability estimating, etc. • Adjourn
information to the project team at a later date) assessments, facility analysis, emergency operations
planning, and others. These tasks may be subject to Proposed Meeting Agenda
• Determine Next Steps (reconnect on the meeting Workshops
additional services and require specialized consultants
discussion topics and set action items for meeting • Introductions (familiarize the team with people on
Integrate Resilience
to complete. As the team begins the resilience scope of work, a
participants) the meeting)
series of resilience workshops should be planned
Step 4
Proposed Meeting Attendees • Goals and Objectives (Align the participants on the to enable team collaboration and development of
• Adjourn
• Client Team exact goals and objectives for the meeting) resilience design strategies to meet project goals.
Workshop meetings could bring the greater team
• Complete Project Team (Architect, Engineers, • Confirmation of critical project requirements (As together and be part of a routine Owner-Architect-
discussed in the Resilience Design Kick-off) Contractor (OAC) meeting or become a separate
meeting series. As design develops, resilience
Meeting types Time Accomplishments • Review of Integrative Design Charrette or Principles
workshops will likely become more focused and
Evaluate + Nurture
of Design Excellence Study (As discussed in the
require decision making from project leadership. An
Step 5
Integrative Design Charrette if Applicable)
Kick-off 1-2 hours Discuss Resilience Goals appropriate amount of time should be reserved for
• Development of resilience design goals and team collaboration and workshops in the work plan.
objectives for the project (Resilience Design Goals
Visioning 1-2 hours Develop a Resilience Plan can be at various scales of the project such as a Time
larger regional plan, overall building strategy, or a A comprehensive and integrative design charrette
1-2 hours building operation procedure)
Team Collaboration and Development of Resilience with a resilience component could take 6-8 hours
Workshop or Series of
Meetings or more for large projects to provide adequate time
• Determine Next Steps (reconnect on meeting
18 18
for discussion of topics and ideas. The resilience Two resilience rating systems available for projects
component will likely need 1-2 hours of presentation are REDi™ and RELi™. These systems are similar in Component Task
and discussion. These meetings can be separated into that they provide guidance on specific strategies and
smaller meetings if logistics and time are constraints. components to incorporate into projects to increase Framework AIA Framework for Design Excellence, REDi, RELi
Separate kick-off, visioning, and workshop sessions will their overall resilience. Each has a different approach,
likely take 1-2 hours each. RELi™ emulating the LEED process with one rating Analysis Hazard, Risk & Vulnerability
Resilience Scope
system for all building types and REDi™ offering a
Step 1
comprehensive approach based major hazard types, Design Design Feedback Loop, BCA
All project team members should be invited to an Earthquakes, Extreme Windstorms, and Flooding.
integrative design charrette, resilience kick-off, and/ Reference guides for each rating system are available Documentation Design Documentation, Case Studies
or visioning sessions, including ownership, facilities on-line for review and determination of which rating
management team, specialty consultants as applicable, system is most appropriate for you project.
and the contractor if available. Enabling all team Design In some situations, a Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE)
The ESG or resilience consultant typically has may be performed. This usually occurs 10 months to
members to voice opinions and buy-into the project
+ Project Planning
Team Alignment
expertise to administer and facilitate an AIA Framework Detailed in Step 04: Integrate Resilience, this is where
goals not only creates a productive team chemistry but 2 years after construction is complete and allows the
information and data acquired in the analysis process is
Step 2
for Design Excellence, REDi™ or REli™ project project team to assess performance of the project as
enrichen the design process and product. Inclusivity distilled by the project team into workable solutions to
administration. Architects are also well equipped to well as allow the owner to troubleshoot building issues.
and transparency are important for team chemistry and increase overall resilience performance of the project.
conduct a Principles of Design Excellence Assessment. This process is further detailed in Step 05: Operate &
developing great ideas. This step requires collaboration between resilience
REDi™ and REli™ may require a separate additional Implement and is another additional service for the
service to administer the rating system to the project leaders, design team members, and the ownership
Outline Your Approach to Resilience team to find feasible solutions, evaluate them using
project outside the base architectural services.
from ownership to cover fee and reimbursable costs
Resilient design projects may have a combination for reviews and certification assessments. A specialty a BCA and choose appropriate strategies using CBA. Case studies are also a good tool to document a
of specific components to help fulfill the client or consultant may also be available to administer this This collaborative process is a feedback loop where project’s design work, educate future teams on how
Identify Risks
stakeholder’s requirements and the project’s resilience ideas can be developed, tested, and evaluated quickly, to administer a resilience project, and communicate
Step 3
scope if requested from REDi™ through Arup.
vision. These components will adjust in duration and then reworked as needed through the feedback loop. the value of resilience design. Project teams are
fee based on the project size, complexity, and scope of Analysis This process is designed to be agile and flexible to any encouraged to create resilience project case studies
work. Project managers should coordinate with team design process or project type. that focus on how their project accomplished project
Analysis begins with understanding potential hazards
members to determine appropriate time and fee for requirements using resilience design strategies and
that a project could endure. FEMA’s National Risk Index This component could be time intensive, however,
each component necessary to complete the project. share these with their architectural peers, market
is a great place to start for US projects. Identified adequate time should be allocated to this process
them to potential clients and present them to
hazards should be comprehensive to the five areas to enable the development of effective and
Integrate Resilience
Framework industry professionals.
of resilience, Social, Health, Infrastructure, Financial comprehensive solutions. Resilience solutions may also
Step 4
The AIA Framework for Design Excellence provides a & Environmental. Hazards are often accompanied by be components of or impact other building systems.
comprehensive and holistic framework to begin exploring compound effects like power outages after a hurricane Resilience strategies that also support other building
a project place and community. Specifically, Measure 9: or poor air quality during a wildfire. For example, a performance metrics or project requirements are more
Design for Change, looks at resilience and how a project coastal site may have the threat of tropical storms difficult to remove in value engineering exercises and
addresses future risks and vulnerabilities from social, and hurricanes. A subsequent risk and vulnerability increase overall project value to stakeholders.
economic, and environmental change. Adaptation and assessment takes the identified hazards and evaluates
anticipation of future growth and technology are part of them for their potential to occur, risk, and susceptibility Documentation
Evaluate + Nurture
the change measure. Resilience design strategies and of the project to those hazards, vulnerability. Further
When design has been set and the project team begins
Step 5
impacts can have impacts on the other nine Principles of explanation on how this process works is located in
assembling construction documentation, it is important
Design Excellence, for example, emergency power from Step 03: Identify Risks.
to make sure resilience strategies remain in the design
renewable sources like solar, wind, or hydro can impact
The ownership team may request to hold a third- intent. It is critical for resilience strategies to be
other design measures as follows: provide redundant
party contract with a separate resilience consultant. included in project models and drawings. Resilience,
power (Design for Change), provide clean energy
Upon receiving recommendations from a third-party ESG, and other specialty consultants may need or
(Design for Energy), and mitigate air pollution (Design for
resilience consultant, the project team should plan request to review drawing sets throughout design
Wellness) just to name a few. Resilience can weave into
to meet and review results and discuss mitigation phases. These consultants may also coordinate with
just about every Principle of Design Excellence which is a
strategies with the ownership team. commissioning agents during and after construction
primary goal of the framework.
to be sure that resilience strategies have been properly
built and are operable for the building.
19 19
Resilience Scope
Step 1
Resilience Design Coordination Timeline
+ Project Planning
Team Alignment
Kick-Off & Framework Requirements Tracking (Scorecard)
Show Value Visioning
Step 2
of Resilience Hazard
Iterative BCA with Pricing in Each Phase
Identify Risks
Step 3
Hazard POE
Determine Assessment Design Continue to Develop Finalize Design Measures
Resilience Scope Confirm Recommendations Design Strategies and Conduct Final BCA
Client Relations
Integrate Resilience
Step 4
Evaluate + Nurture
Step 5
20 20
3. Identify Hazards
Identifying the Risks and Vulnerabilities
Step 03 – Identify Hazards begins the formal hazard 2. Understand and grade the risk and vulnerabilities AIA Framework for Design Excellence
Resilience Scope
assessment for the project site in the pre-concept of the project to the hazards.
Design for Change measure challenges architects to
Step 1
phase of a project after the resilience kick-off and
3. Create a list of risks and vulnerabilities for critically think about the project, site and community
visioning meetings have occurred. The resilience
the project. to identify potential challenges and hazards that could
team lead should direct an investigation on potential
affect future operation, use, and potential of a project.
hazards using a variety of sources and the five Several tools can be used to identify potential Design for change provides the basics of a hazard
forms of resilience. Hazard asset couples should be hazards for a project and site. The FEMA National assessment. This measure is focused on four main
identified to determine vulnerability and risk. A final Risk Index (NRI) provides a county-level mapping of concepts to lead the investigation: (1) Flexibility and
report of risk priorities should then be compiled and the US with assessed risk based on eighteen-natural Adaptability, (2) Risk and Vulnerability Assessment, (3)
+ Project Planning
Team Alignment
shared with the team. hazards, community resilience calculations and social Resilient Design, and (4) Passive Survivability
Step 2
vulnerability. The NRI provides a starting point to assess and Livability.
What are the top risks and potential hazards.
vulnerabilities? The design team could then use this information in
It is important to keep a neutral and objective approach the Step 4 to develop solutions that utilize adaptive
Hazards are the potential occurrence of a natural or
when investigating hazards. Hazards may present capacity, future flexibility, redundant infrastructure,
human-induced physical event or trend that may cause
themselves in a multitude of ways and compound and carbon footprint reductions.
loss of life, injury, or other health impacts, as well as
impacts when different events occur.
damage and loss to property, infrastructure, livelihoods,
Identify Risks
service provision, ecosystems, and environmental
Step 3
resources. Hazards must be identified for a project
before the risk, potential for an unwanted outcome to
occur, or vulnerability, susceptibility of a project for a
“Design for Change” - Thoughts vs. Reality
hazard, can be assessed. The position of exposure,
or presence of project assets in places that could be
adversely affected by hazards, that a project has may Change is unpredictable, therefore it is There are signs and trends and if we pay attention to it,
difficult to plan for we can see it
Integrate Resilience
also determine the types of hazards and severity of
risks the project may have.
Step 4
For change to be considered progress it Change is a process and can happen in stages
A risk and vulnerability assessment identifies the most must be all-in or all-consuming
Evaluate + Nurture
Creating a plan that accommodates You need leadership and vision to implement the plan
recommendations to be developed in Step 04. The change is all that is necessary
Step 5
process in this step incorporates elements from the
We owe it to our clients to provide them with information
US Climate Resilience Toolkit and Steps to Resilience
Addressing future climate conditions is that will help them make informed decisions about their
process guides created by NOAA. The three main hard to justify because it doesn’t benefit investment both now and in the future; Projects are
steps to assess risk and vulnerability of a project are as the project now assets over time (longevity and value)
21 21
Understanding Exposure biological factors like malnutrition and disease, that can
reduce community resilience. Both segregation and Exposure
Hazards can be assessed on a time and impact scale
gerrymandering’s impacts increase sensitivity in the
using the terms stress, or long-term pressure or tension
community to climate change and disaster events while
on a community, and shock, a short-term event or
also reducing the adaptive capacity of a community. It
hazard that puts pressure or tensions on a community.
is important to understand the history and culture of a
Resilience Scope
Organizing potential hazards into stresses and shocks
can help determine priorities and identify exposure
place so that one can develop conscious strategies
Magnitude of Adaptive
Step 1
in design. Probability Sensitivity
to hazards. Hazards are typically caused by climate Consequence Capacity
and weather or humans. Both can be exacerbated by
climate change.
Define Parameters
Before starting a hazard assessment, refer to the
For instance, a community stressor could be a lack of resilience kick-off and or visioning meetings to define
employment opportunities that can increase poverty the extent of the project, site, or place that will be
and force residents to move away. Lower incomes
+ Project Planning
studied in the assessment. This will be helpful to focus
Team Alignment
decrease the ability for communities to prepare, endure efforts and identify exposure and subsequent hazards.
Step 2
and recover from disaster events. Risk Vulnerability
Existing interdependencies should also be assessed
A shock would be an acute event that disrupts daily life and quantified in the study as well as the value of
like a hurricane or public shooting. If a shock extends services provided in the project when operational, and Components of Risk & Vulnerability
into a long-term situation like a pandemic, it can replacement value of the building and its contents. Sources: US Resilience Toolkit, Step to Resilience, NOAA
Identify Risks
Step 3
identify potential hazards, it is useful to envision interaction of its damaging components with a building. loads that are generated as the building interacts with the place will also provide a deep understanding of
stresses and shocks a community and project Wind pressure and hydrodynamic pressure from storm a hazard, this in turn determines how the building will the site and could potentially reveal challenges and
could experience. surge are damaging components of a hurricane. perform under the impact of the hazard. These design hazards. Site assessments are part of the design
Social hazards also cause direct damage to a building characteristics are known as performance modifiers. process and architects should observe
Hazards are often tied to specific assets in a project
in many forms including damage and looting in riots, these conditions.
and create a hazard-asset pair. For instance, let’s look
at coastal erosion specifically as it affects structures
contamination in a pandemic, or loss of business during Characterize Impacts
a public scandal. Damaging components are easier to When site visits are not practical or impossible,
Integrate Resilience
and areas on a typical beach, which could include For example, you are conducting a vulnerability a wealth of information is available on the built
identify when primary hazards have been selected.
beach ramps, dunes, the beach itself. The hazard would assessment for a 20-story reinforced concrete environment. Traveling though Google Earth can
Step 4
be coastal erosion and the asset would be the beach building on a beach-front site at risk from the impact provide the foundational information of the site.
Impact Modifiers of hurricanes. You would use velocity of flow of storm
ramps, dunes, and beach itself, creating the hazard- Tools like FEMA’s NRI, the 4th National Climate
asset pair. Coastal erosion can come from multiple Impact modifiers are situational qualities of a place that surge, projected sea level rise, and projected storm Assessment, and NOAA’s Sea Level Rise and
sources such as seasonal tides to hurricanes. Hazards can alter the impacts of a hazard. For example, deep surge height to characterize expected impacts during Storm Surge Prediction viewers also provide useful
assessments can be technical and complicated. waters and bathymetry near shore result in fast flowing the projected 50-year service life. information to assess potential impacts to a site or
storm surge and high waves during hurricanes, while
region. Historical data from the National Weather
shallow waters and a low sloping continental platform We can perform assessments in a variety of ways to
Evaluate + Nurture
Service and USDA can help understand previous
result in a slower flowing storm surge and lower waves help meet the needs of the client and be sensitive to
impacts and identify potential future impacts. It is
Step 5
Understanding the exposure of a specific hazard can be community stakeholders as well. When possible, a site
during hurricanes.
difficult due to many variables and impacts that could also useful to investigate regional plans, climate
visit to observe firsthand can provide a holistic picture
alter or change how the hazard interacts with the site action plans, and master plans developed by a
Performance Modifiers of the situation and people of the place. Use the AIA
and project. The assessor must keep an open mind community or governing body, because they may
Framework for Design Excellence to assess a place like
for cause-and-effect relationships in their assessment Design characteristics of buildings such as list key community resilience needs and goals.
observing people, what they do and how do they travel
of a site and project. Often an historical event or discontinuities in the building envelope, structural
in the area; look at the natural feature and water ways
decision such as racial segregation or gerrymandering eccentricities, type of foundations, roof shape, soft
if applicable; observe infrastructure and its condition.
can create distrust and impact social factors like stories, building height, ratio of building length to width
Pictures, observations, conversations with people of
unequal share of resources. This also propagates and others govern the effects and combinations of
22 22
Determining Hazards Flood Factor Avalanche
Asset-Hazard Pairings help determine which hazards The First Street Foundation created Flood Factor to
are more prone to a specific region, terrain, condition, provide a comprehensive and easy to use resource that A large mass of snow traveling down an
or community. Assets are the owned and managed communicated the hazards associated with flooding. inclined slope
property of the project that can include the building It uses leading researchers to assess and calculate Snowstorms, heavy snowfall, human activity, vibration,
Resilience Scope
itself, the site, building systems, services provided in the impacts and probability for the US. There is a fee to use steep slopes, warm temperatures
Step 1
building, architectural features, equipment, and people. this service. Concerns Recreational activity, property damage, burial
The hazard tables on the following pages have specific
areas of concern that identify assets that could be at 4th National Climate Assessment Components
Velocity, weight
risk and are part of a project. Use the following tables to
The 4th National Climate Assessment was released in
determine which hazards are possible for your project.
2018 and brings the research and information from US
The FEMA National Risk Index (NRI) can also be used to
federal government agencies such as the EPA, DOE, Coastal Flooding
identify eighteen-specific natural hazards associated
and USDA to provide a holistic and comprehensive
+ Project Planning
Team Alignment
with a site at a US county or parish level. Social hazards
assessment of climate challenges. Sea water flooding of coastal, low lying regions
should also be considered as well. Hazards should also
Step 2
consider historical events and potential future events
that have yet to occur. Predictive climate models may Climate Mapping for Resilience and Causes Waves, tides, storm surge, heavy rainfall, sea level rise
help understand potential future hazards. Awareness Adaptation Concerns
Reoccurring minor flooding, property / infrastructure
of political and social challenges can also help predict
damage, water contamination
The CMRA tool provides real time information for
current and future hazards. climate related hazards for US counties. A future Damaging Depth of water, flood inundation duration, velocity of surge
projections feature allows assessment of future impacts
for the project site.
Identify Risks
The NRI uses social vulnerability and community
Cold Wave
Step 3
resilience along with risk to provide a comprehensive
assessment of each US county’s natural hazard risk. FEMA National Risk Assessment
These components are derived from economic loss,
A rapid fall in temperature within a 24-hour period
FEMA has created the National Risk Assessment (NRI)
property value, and demographic data. affecting much larger areas than blizzards, ice
to provide holistic risk assessment by US county on 18
storms, and other winter hazards
hazards using community resilience, social vulnerability,
Social Vulnerability is the susceptibility of social groups Causes Winter temperatures, polar vortexes, shift in jet stream
and expected annual loss data.
to the adverse impacts of natural hazards, including
Integrate Resilience
Pipes bursting, livestock harm, ice and frost, fuel and
disproportionate death, injury, loss, or disruption of Concerns
NOAA Sea Level Rise Viewer electric demands, dangerous roads, agriculture harm
Step 4
The NOAA sea level rise viewer tool shows the impacts Damaging Rapid freezing, ice on roads, winter weather
Community Resilience is the ability of a community of sea level rise on coastal communities and allows
to prepare for anticipated natural hazards, adapt to different representative concentration pathways (RCP)
changing conditions, and withstand and recover rapidly from IPCC assessment reports (AR) with adjustable
from disruptions. Drought
water depths that provides a look into potential sea level
rise damaging components.
An extended period of decreased precipitation and
Evaluate + Nurture
Data Tools to Assess Hazards stream-flow
Step 5
Although there are numerous tools to assess potential Land temperatures, reduced snow-pack, human demand,
hazards, here are some tools and applications to provide Causes circulation patterns, lack of stored water, increasing
a jumping off point for your hazard assessment. temperatures
Agriculture irrigation, water demand from populace,
Concerns ecosystems
Damaging Water infrastructure strain, agriculture losses, dry foliage/
Components fires
23 23
Earthquake Ice Storms
A sudden and violent shaking of the ground, due to tectonic movement A storm of freezing rain that leaves a coating of ice
Causes Volcanic Activity, Tectonic Movement, Geological Faults, Landslides, Explosions Causes Freezing rain, near freezing temperatures
Resilience Scope
Concerns Structural Damage, Tsunami, Rockfalls, Liquefaction Road conditions, weight on trees/roofs, utility damages
Step 1
Damaging Landslides/Mudslides, Avalanches, Shaking Vertical/Horizontal Displacement, Damaging Weight of ice, slick conditions for roads, freezing
Components Compromised Adjacent Structures with Fall Risk Components
Hail Landslide
+ Project Planning
Team Alignment
Pellets of frozen rain The sliding down of a mass of earth or rock from a mountain or cliff
Step 2
Causes Strong updrafts, cold upper region of thunderstorm Causes Disturbances on slopes, rapidly accumulated water, destruction of vegetation
Concerns Vehicle/ roofing/ window/ gutter damage, agriculture, bodily harm Concerns Disruption of Utilities, Road Blockage, Rapidly Moving Water and Debris
Identify Risks
Step 3
Heat Wave Lightning
A period of time where there are abnormally high temperatures An electrical discharge caused by imbalances between storm clouds and
compared to the average the ground
Integrate Resilience
Causes Trapped air circulation, high pressure system, heated, stagnant air Causes Electrical imbalances, thunderstorms
Step 4
Concerns Lack of awareness, outdoor work related tasks/jobs, health issues Concerns Fires, utility interruption
Damaging High heat, extreme exertion on body, drought conditions Damaging Fires, direct strikes to humans, electrical malfunction
Components Components
Evaluate + Nurture
Step 5
A rotating low pressure system with maximum sustained winds greater
Rivers break their banks and water covers the surrounding land
than 74 mph
Causes Warm water, moist air, light upper winds Causes Heavy snow-melt, excess rain, king tide, ice jams, human intervention, storm surge
Damaging Damaging Water depth, velocity, pluvial and fluvial flooding
Flooding, winds, tornadoes, storm surge, pluvial flooding Components
24 24
Strong Wind Wildfire
Atmospheric pressure variation that causes air to rush to fill A large, destructive fire that spreads quickly over woodland, brush, or
low-pressure zones developed areas adjacent to woodlands and brush
Causes Hurricanes, jet stream activity, large storm fronts, derecho Causes Human intervention, lighting strikes, heat drought
Resilience Scope
smoke, adequate evacuation roots
Step 1
Damaging Intense gusts, tree/limb falls, flying debris Damaging Fire spread, smoke inhalation
Components Components
+ Project Planning
Team Alignment
A mobile, destructive vortex of violently rotating winds Weather encompassing snow, blizzards, and ice storms
Step 2
Causes Warm humid air, cold/dry air, updrafts, varying wind speeds/direction Causes Storm fronts, cold local temps, time of year
Concerns Fire from power-lines, utility disruption, property damage, flying debris Concerns Icy roads, disruption in services and transportation, broken pipes
Damaging Intense circulating wind, flying debris, lightning Damaging
Components Winds, freezing temperatures, weight of snow, freezing rains
Identify Risks
Step 3
Tsunami Pandemic / Endemic
A long high sea wave Infectious disease outbreak across the world
Integrate Resilience
Causes Volcanic activity, earthquake, landslides, seafloor movement, surface impact Causes Viruses, poor hygiene, contaminated air
Step 4
Sever disease could be debilitating, death, disruption of travel and social
Concerns gatherings
Concerns Drowning, debris, water contamination, erosion, disease, flooding, strong currents
Damaging Vector-borne, airborne, transmission through touch
Damaging Velocity, Impact, Height, Strong Currents, Debris Components
Evaluate + Nurture
Volcanic Activity Social Unrest
Step 5
When magma rises through cracks or weak-spots in the Earth’s crust Expression of anger and dissatisfaction about an issue
Concerns Off gassing, explosion, lava flows, earthquakes and landslides, fires Concerns Violence, war, physical and mental harm
Damaging Explosions, fires, lava flows Damaging
Components Political will, physical force, acts of war
25 25
Vulnerability that augment primary and secondary impacts. It is Example - Assessing Flood Vulnerability
important to consider these impacts during the risk
Exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity are the assessment. Sensitivity Level Sensitivity AC Level Adaptive Capacity
components of vulnerability. Sensitivity refers to
susceptibility for impacts to a project or community. With MoC and probability calculated, begin to plot the Low lying area with minimal
Adaptive capacity addresses the ability for a project asset-hazard pairs on the Risk Assessment Matrix. The High Site at sea level Low area for stormwater or storm
to adjust to and accommodate an emergency, units for the MoC and Probability should reflect the surge collection
Resilience Scope
absorb potential impacts, remain intact and continue range of possibilities for the project, often in dollars Adjacent water systems
Step 1
to serve its community following a disaster event. and time. The range can be further categorized into Medium Site 10-20’ above sea level Medium often flood, stormwater
Both components can be subjective and difficult to low, medium, or high to group more acute hazards infrastructure in place
quantify numerically. When assessing sensitivity and together. Asset-hazard pairs in the High-High or High- Stormwater infrastructure in
Low Site 30’+ above sea level High place, minimal flooding
adaptive capacity, it is important to review supporting Medium areas of the matrix represent highest potential
information regarding the hazards identified. It could impacts and should be prioritized in design.
be useful to have a resilience expert provide insight
Assessing Risk
or perform a formal vulnerability assessment for the Example - Assessing Flood Risk
+ Project Planning
Team Alignment
project before entering design. The table below shows 1. Develop Hazard Asset Pairs. Assess potential
Step 2
how high sensitivity and low adaptive capacity could hazards to the site and associated impacts on project Level Probability Magnitude of Consequence
be problematic for a project and could be impacted assets by understanding project vulnerabilities or the
from an elevated level of exposure. Major flooding, roads un-passable,
susceptibility to a hazard with the adaptive capacity. High .01% Annual chance flood event
buildings un-occupiable
Risk 2. Determine Hazard Probability. How likely is the Severe flooding, some buildings and
Medium 1% Annual chance flood event
roads are compromised
hazard to occur at the project location? How frequently
The probability of the hazard occurring, and the
has it occurred in the past, and is that frequency Heavy flooding, standing water and
magnitude of impact are the components of risk. Low 10% Annual chance flood event
Identify Risks
increasing due to climate change? FEMA’s National Risk difficult travel
Probability can be assessed through historical data for
Step 3
Assessment and HAZUS can provide probability for
a site such as flood probability and rainfall amounts.
some hazards.
A changing climate makes calculating probability
difficult, however new predictions and weather files 3. Assess Magnitude of Consequences. Would the
are available to help make educated predictions. The hazard cause a major disruption for many people for
magnitude of consequence (MoC) refers to the impacts an extended period? Would it require large amounts
Risk Assessment Matrix
sustained from a hazard. Historical loss data may help of money and time to recover from an event? As
Integrate Resilience
provide an idea on what to expect for a particular professionals in the built environment, use your
hazard on a given site or project. Future predictions are expertise to make predictions on potential cost and High Consequence, High Consequence,
Step 4
again difficult and predictive modeling can help assess impacts from damages. A resilience consultant can Med. Probability High Probability
potential impacts.
help make an informed assessment of the project.
Magnitude of
A cost estimator or the client may provide actual or
Magnitude of Consequence predicted value and cost information. Med Consequence,
High Probability
MoC varies by hazard type, location, time period, 4. Plot Hazards on the Risk Assessment Matrix. Now
and can be affected by impact modifiers present on we have data to make an informed assessment of the
Evaluate + Nurture
site. It is critical to assess site vulnerability to be able hazard impacts on the project assets. Hazards in the Low
Step 5
to understand potential consequences on site. From top right most areas of the chart should be prioritized
there, determine their impact on the site and building in design.
operations, physical form, and quality of life. Then
gather or anticipate financial and social cost impacts
Low Med High
that could be experienced if the specific hazard
occurs. Hazards can also compound impacts through
multipliers like power outages during a disaster event
26 26
Large Coastal Project Example Using data sources such as the FEMA NRI, the team
determined the probability of each hazard. To calculate
This section illustrates a theoretical project to
the magnitude of consequence, probability was
demonstrate the Resilience Design Toolkit process. The Risk Assessment Matrix
multiplied by potential losses assessed from the client.
project is a new-construction, hospitality project on a
Then hazards were plotted in a risk assessment matrix.
coastal site.
Resilience Scope
The client has incorporated the following in the Hurricane,
are hurricanes and sea level rise. These are identified in High Tornado
Sea Level Rise
Step 1
Owner’s Project Requirements (OPR):
the upper right quadrant of the risk assessment matrix.
Magnitude of
• 60-year Life Expectancy With this data, the team agreed to further investigate all
identified hazards, but prioritize hurricanes for
• $300M Construction Cost Med Coastal Flooding Lightning
the project.
• Maintain Operations 24/7/365
• 4-Star Hotel, 180 Keys Both critical hazards have potential for extreme losses
however, they each have a different time horizon
+ Project Planning
Team Alignment
The project team has conducted a hazard assessment Low
impact on the project. Hurricanes are relatively quick
Step 2
for the project and has concluded that the major
events that can happen periodically during the year,
hazards for the project are:
this short-term event can be characterized as a shock.
Low Med High
• Lightning Sea Level Rise is happening gradually over time and
intensifies slowly. Impacts may not come for another 15
• Coastal Flooding
years but may be catastrophic in 30-40 years. This is
• Hurricane characterized as a stress.
• Tornado
Identify Risks
• Sea Level Rise The time horizon is important to consider when
Step 3
developing mitigation strategies. For instance, if an
The project team created a hazard-asset pairs list owner is only interested in the project service life to be
for the project to connect building components to 10 years, sea level rise would likely not be any concern
potential impacts. to the owner. If building service life is 100 years, sea
level rise and hurricanes are major concerns
to consider.
Integrate Resilience
Step 4
Hazard-Asset Pairs Magnitude of Consequence
Evaluate + Nurture
Beachfront access, building access, exterior areas, pool deck,
Coastal Flooding Coastal Flooding 2.1 events per year
Step 5
lower levels with un-protected building systems $7.59 per $100M $15.93
Building enclosure systems, utility service (power, data, water),
Hurricane also consider coastal flooding asset pairs Hurricane 0.3 events per year $59,000 per $100M $17,700
Building mechanical, enclosure and structural systems, utility
Tornado service (power, data, water) Tornado 1.3 events per year $2,000 per $100M $2,609
Beachfront access, building access, exterior areas, pool deck,
Sea Level Rise lower levels with un-protected building systems Sea Level Rise
0.3-0.5 inches of rise
N/A High
per year
27 27
Recording Hazards, Risks, all possible impacts to the site, building, people, and
surrounding area. The chart helps identify key areas for Hazard Primary Impacts Secondary
and Vulnerabilities
With hazards identified; risk and vulnerability assessed;
the project team to develop solutions for in Step 04. Impacts
we can begin to document key dynamics that expose Sometimes hazards can have similar impacts or can be
the project to risk. In this exercise we want to list all augmented by effects of multiple hazards occurring
Water Contamination
hazards identified and begin to assess any impact at the same time. The project should consider
Resilience Scope
Flooding can compromise water
modifiers or secondary impacts, and their effect on compound effects of hazards on the building. Project
Step 1
the project. Use the chart as an example to begin teams can make educated predictions of magnitude infrastructure and debris can
constructing your specific project hazard chart. of consequence, risk and vulnerabilities. A resilience contaminate water
professional may be required for a formal assessment.
The large coastal project example has hurricanes as
a major hazard. There is not a minimum or maximum Per the Hazard and Risk Assessment, the project Utility Disruption
number of hazards that can be experienced on a site team should prioritize resilient design strategies to Power, water, natural gas,
or project. It is up to the project team to determine the mitigate hurricane, sea level rise, lighting, tornado, data and communications
Storm Surge
+ Project Planning
Team Alignment
most important and critical hazards to the project. and coastal flooding impacts to the site. The primary infrastructure can be damaged
and secondary impacts of each hazard should be Storm surge can be
Step 2
from high winds and flooding
The chart on the right shows the primary hazard and 5-30’ depending on
presented to the project team for incorporation to making communication and
related primary and secondary impacts. The project storm intensity
project design challenges. building operation difficult
team should identify hazards and then work through
or impossible
Identify Risks
Hurricane Tropical moisture can cause can damage infrastructure and
Step 3
The project is on a coastal
site in a hurricane severe flash flooding and buildings that can block or
hazard zone riverine flooding render transportation
A rotating low pressure system with maximum infrastructure unusable
sustained winds greater than 74 mph
Strong Wind Mental & Physical Harm
Causes Warm Water, Moist Air, Light Upper Winds & Tornadoes
Integrate Resilience
Individuals who experience and
Hurricanes can produce endure hurricane preparations,
Step 4
Warmer Waters, Storm Surge, Flooding, Tornado, Water intense sustained wind for storm event and post disaster
Concerns Contamination, Tree falls a long duration as well as cleanup can be subject to mental
create tornadoes in and physical stress that can
outer rain bands cause cognitive issues, delayed
Damaging Flooding, Winds, Tornadoes, Storm Surge, Pluvial Flooding
Components development in children, post
traumatic stress disorder and
other health issues
Evaluate + Nurture
Step 5
Financial Impacts
Hurricanes can cause extreme
damage that can interrupt
economic viability of a
community and force residents
to permanently relocate
28 28
4. Integrate Resilience Design
Designing for Resilience
Resilience Scope
Step 04 is where hazard assessment results from implementation drawings and proceed
Step 1
Step 03 connect to design components of the through construction.
project. Understanding primary and secondary
impacts from project hazards help guide design Design Integration Feedback Loop
strategy development to mitigate impacts and Step 04 is defined by a feedback loop that collects
preserve the integrity of the site. Multiple design viable resilience design solutions developed by
strategies may be developed. The team can the project team, evaluates them using a benefit-
+ Project Planning
leverage BCA to assess effectiveness of multiple cost analysis (BCA) to calculate a benefit-cost ratio
Team Alignment
strategies and perform a CBA exercise to aid (BCR), and select appropriate solution options based
Step 2
decision making by selecting valuable strategies. on project or owner priorities in a rubric using a
choosing-by-advantages (CBA) assessment. This
Designing for Resilience process can be repeated indefinitely until a desired
With resilience goals aligned; hazards, primary, and out come is achieved.
secondary impacts identified; risks and vulnerabilities
assessed, the team is ready to begin developing Resilience Design
resilience design strategies. These assessments Design to help prepare, protect, and help our
Identify Risks
should be completed before concept design begins communities recover more quickly from catastrophic
Step 3
to inform design strategy development. It is good events and situations.
practice to present this information to the greater
project team in a concept design charrette. This is
where resilience thinking integrates into design. The
AIA Resilient Project Process Guide can provide more
details on critical questions to discuss with clients and
Integrate Resilience
stakeholders as the project progresses
Choosing by
through design.
Step 4
Evaluate + Nurture
have a viable BCR and meet owner requirements, a
Step 5
CBA evaluation should be performed to help select
more effective strategies within the list of options Benefit Cost Design
Analysis Strategy
based on the owner’s priorities rubric.
29 29
Hazards to Solutions for fire suppression equipment is not available. It is Policies & Operations Time
important to design resilience strategies that consider
Developing solutions requires critical thinking and each component, determine potential weak links, and Not all hazards require a designed solution. Sometimes Climate change projections are less accurate the
a wealth of perspectives from the project team. develop methods to maintain operation. it is more effective to mitigate a hazard through further they project into the future, thus, predicting
Approaching holistic and comprehensive ideas for employing a protocol or process to operate the exactly when catastrophic impacts could affect a
effective resilience may require thinking about the building so that an impact is minimized. For instance, project are hard to calculate. We can identify risk
Equitable Communities
Resilience Scope
an office building may require tenants and workers thresholds and work backwards to mitigate those
following concepts.
Step 1
New growth and development often increase property to work from home to minimize need for extended impacts in design. This allows an owner to determine if
values which can gentrify communities and displace periods of emergency power fuel and potable a specific level of risk is acceptable for a project.
Systems Thinking water supply. The owner could also put in place
residents and businesses. Social welfare and security
It is important to consider the entire system of are key components for thriving communities and contracts to deliver fuel and power for the building For instance, sea level rise experienced on a project
components and human behaviors that can be affected should also be considered in resilience strategies. with utility providers to ensure minimal disruption. site may be negligible today but could be significant
by a hazard. The effects on the system components may Solutions should also consider the culture, beliefs, and These operational policies can have positive benefits or debilitating for a project in 20 years. If the site can
indicate possible challenges that are not apparent when history of a place. Projects are often dependent on for tenants who are interested in a building with accommodate 2’ of sea level rise, but will endure
+ Project Planning
Team Alignment
only considering a central component. For instance, the local community to support their business or use, this type of policy and provide a better economic flooding with any further rising water, the threshold is
Step 2
consider building power systems. Most buildings have without a healthy community, business could suffer. opportunity for local food & beverage retailers to 2’ of sea level rise. When sea level rise exceeds 2’, the
an electrical grid connection using transmission lines maintain customers if nearby offices are not effected project will have reached its tipping point. The project
and transformers, as well as a natural gas connection. Solutions should seek to be supportive of community by an adverse event. These types of situations should team should discuss with the owner to determine if this
The building uses electricity or natural gas to power goals and culture. Key topics to consider include be identified and discussed with the ownership and is an acceptable level of risk or if further mitigation or
building HVAC systems, lighting, equipment, plug loads, avoiding disparities, strengthening community groups, project team early in design. adaptation is required.
etc. Identifying all the variables allow the project team allowing for community ownership of a solution or
Since the tipping point will be difficult to accurately
to consider points of failure and bottlenecks to building process, providing accessibility, stimulating economic Ecological Solutions
predict, the threshold should be adjusted to mitigate
Identify Risks
operations. A power failure not only renders building growth while minimizing gentrification. These topics
Step 3
equipment not operable, but could also take down can be sensitive to community groups and should Using natural processes from native and adapted risk. Extra site capacity for water, elevated buildings
data infrastructure, also rendering battery operated be appropriate discussed with community leaders. ecosystems can provide efficiencies in building and systems, a new project site all together could be
equipment unusable such as security systems. In some situations, pre-existing stressors like food performance. Natural processes often self-regulate and employed to minimize expected risk for the owner.
deserts, lack of affordable housing or access to require minimal interaction to function when critical These strategies should be developed and evaluated
Externalities are outside impacts on a system and are community resources can exacerbate inequalities that ecosystem components are provided and protected. for effectiveness. To assess long-term viability of a
often out of a project’s ability to control. It is important can become compound effects during a disaster event. For instance, vegetation can naturally filter and mitigate resilience strategy, it is good practice to stress test
to consider externalities so that failures outside stormwater without needing expensive infrastructure. a solution over a range of scenarios to understand
Integrate Resilience
of a project site can be anticipated and mitigated Vegetation can also help clean the air, reduce urban heat adaptability to variations in the future. Strategies
Vernacular Design
Step 4
through design. Using the same power infrastructure island, and inject biophilia for a project. An ecological that can accommodate a variety of impacts and are
example, damaged above ground transmission lines Resilience design should also consider the methods, solution can support an integrative approach. responsive to what could be experienced provide more
can be circumvented with redundant electrical grid aesthetic, and function for design of the place. value to clients and the community.
connections or on-site energy generation. Depending Communities often develop using methods that At the same time, a well-kept and beautiful landscape
on an owner’s tolerance for being not operational, represent the resources available and people of a can also attract more affluent populations, gentrifying
redundant power systems may be required. place. Resilience design strategies should consider an area and pushing less-affluent residents away.
locally sourced materials assembled using typical Mal-adaption, or actions that can increase risk or
Evaluate + Nurture
means and methods of construction. This is especially unwanted consequences, should be considered when
Weak Links
Step 5
critical in areas with vulnerable and under-resourced developing solutions. Benefits should be weighed
Building resilience relies on a system of components populations who will have to use and maintain the against known impacts to help create more equitable
to function in unison so that building services are project components. Often, local materials and communities.
maintained. As defined by Arup, system integrity is construction means and methods have evolved from
dependent on the components functioning correctly disaster events and provide insight into more efficient
and is only as strong as its weakest link. For example, and sustainable design strategies. Understanding
a building that has back-up power, drinking water, vernacular design of a place is a goal of a AIA Principles
food, and supplies may still have to close if water of Design Excellence exercise.
30 30
Small Residential Project Example Primary Impact-Asset Pairs : Winter Weather Primary Impact-Asset Pairs : Wildfire
Regardless of how big or small the project is, potential
hazards should be considered in the development
process. A single-family residence in mountain regions Primary Impact Assets Impacted Primary Impact Assets Impacted
Resilience Scope
vulnerable to winter weather and wildfires, for example,
Burning of enclosure components that could
should invite a similar process to assess the hazards Damage to enclosure components that could Fire Spread
High Winds
Step 1
compromise durability and integrity spread to interior spaces
and identify the priorities for mitigation.
Compromised air quality outside and inside of
Freezing Disruption of water supply, freezing of building Smoke Inhalation a building
To ensure the safety and well-being of occupants, as Temperatures systems
well as the durability and sustainability of the structure,
these considerations should include envelope design, Snow Weight Structural overload of roof
material selection, structural design, energy efficiency,
Freezing Icing of enclosure components and landscape
+ Project Planning
and site design.
Team Alignment
Precipitation features impeding egress or access
Step 2
Because winter weather and wildfires are two very
different threats that often require either sheltering-
in-place or evacuation respectively, there is the added
challenge of designing multi-function mitigation
features. For example, material selection is paramount
in maintaining a water-tight thermal barrier to protect
against blizzard conditions. These materials should Secondary Impact-Asset Pairs : Winter Weather Key Building Components to Consider
Identify Risks
also be chosen for their durability and resistance to
Step 3
fires. Likewise, the HVAC system can be designed to Roofs, opaque wall, glazing, curtain wall,
be resilient against cold temperatures on top of having Secondary Impact Assets Impacted Enclosure seismic joints
features to be resilient against and protect occupants
Air handlers, cooling towers, chillers,
from heavy smoke caused by fires. Damage to utilities by the weight of snow-pack and/or sub- Mechanical / HVAC roof top units, fan units, dehumidification
Utility Disruption freezing temperatures that disrupt services to the site systems, exhaust, and intakes
Designing for resilience is also an opportunity for
Roads and access to the site may be disrupted by icy Lighting, emergency power, process
Integrate Resilience
innovation. In this instance, certain features not conditions, impassable snow-pack, or downed elements loads, electrical gear, renewable
typically seen in an average residence can be Disruption (i.e. power-lines) Electrical / Data energy systems, transformers,
Step 4
considered as components to further the discourse. vertical circulation, low voltage, data,
Extreme snow cover can result in having to shelter in place communications
An example of this could be multi-level access meant Mental and Physical for an extended time. Physical health can be effected by
to make the house adaptable to access and evacuation Harm extreme temperatures and lack of resources Water supply fixtures, wastewater
needs. It could be the inclusion of a “safe room” that is Plumbing systems, filtration systems, pool pumps,
Substantial losses and damages can become a large cisterns, potable water storage systems
fire rated for emergency retreat to support sheltering- Financial Impacts financial burden after this event
in-place. Landscape areas, pool deck, building
Site entry, loading dock, waste collection,
Evaluate + Nurture
amenity lawns, building connections
Step 5
31 31
Reinforced Roof Structure
Robust structural design is crucial in ensuring
house can withstand snow accumulation and
prevent structural damage.
Resilience Scope
Step 1
Emergency Power & Water Supply
Inclusion of standard back-up power
Defensible Zones
measures along with energy efficient
design can help keep a house habitable Buffer between building and vegetation
during a shelter-in-place event. Back-up on property to slow or stop the spread
water supply can be used to mitigate fires. of wildfire. Protects home from catching
fire from embers, direct flame contact, or
+ Project Planning
Team Alignment
radiant heat.
Multi-Modal Access/Exit
Step 2
Having multiple access points that are Allows firefighters a space to work in
on different levels would mean having defending a home.
access points should one be blocked.
It would also mean evacuation.
Identify Risks
Step 3
Integrate Resilience
Step 4
Resilience Design Creating a defensible space around the home by prone areas. Designing passively to maximize Design for Resources
removing flammable vegetation and debris helps efficiency requires less operational energy from a
Designing for winter weather involves creating a The choice of materials can be particularly important in
minimize flame spread to the home. power grid or renewable energy sources during an
robust building envelope that can withstand heavy building resilient homes for winter weather and wildfire.
emergency when energy resources are precious or not
snow loads and minimize heat loss. This can include Increased filtration of inside air helps keep air clean Use of durable and fire-resistant, non-combustible
widely available.
adequate insulation, air-tight construction, and and free of smoke. Screening of building openings and building materials, such as metal, clay or stone roofs;
moisture-proofing measures like air and water barriers vents prevent ember intrusion. Self-sufficient energy design can allow a home to fiber cement, stone or stucco siding; and fire-rated
to minimize ice dams, and mildew. windows can help protect a home against rapid
Evaluate + Nurture
operate independently during utility disruptions,
Incorporating a robust and reliable water supply, along combustion and provide more time for occupants to
keeping the space habitable and comfortable even
Step 5
Appropriate structural design is critical to enable the with access to emergency power and evacuation
during prolonged power outages or fuel shortages. escape. Natural materials are often carbon sinks that
roof to withstand the weight of snow accumulation and routes, help prevent loss of life and property if
This may allow sheltering in-place if appropriate and have less embodied carbon impact and have longer
prevent structural damage or collapse. evacuation is required.
reduce strain on community resources like shelters lifespans. A hardened enclosure with appropriate
Wildfires resistant design requires careful and goods. amounts of insulation and air-tightness can minimize
Design for Energy heat loss during blizzards and winter weather. This is
consideration of fire-resistant materials for the building
Energy efficiency is an important consideration for particularly important if heating systems are disrupted.
envelope, such as non-combustible siding, roofing,
resilient homes in both winter weather and wildfire-
and windows.
32 32
Large Coastal Project Example
Primary Impact-Asset Pairs for Hurricanes
Continuing with the large coastal hotel example from Placement of these components and the types of
Step 03, in Step 04 we can begin to connect primary systems used can have a significant impact on the
and secondary hazards with building components. resilience and performance of the system. Utilizing
Resilience Scope
Primary Impact Assets Impacted
In this example we will focus on just hurricanes for passive building strategies that do not require active
Step 1
simplicity. The same process should be conducted inputs may function even when other building Damage to beach front access, exterior areas and
Storm Surge
for each identified hazard to provide a comprehensive services are disrupted; for example, operable windows amenities, impact to building access, inundation of
assessment for the project. rated for hurricane force winds may survive a storm building lower levels, damage to un-protected building
and then can be opened after a storm passes for Flash Flooding systems on lower levels (electrical, mechanical, plumbing,
The project team should also compare project hazards natural ventilation if building utilities are disrupted. communications)
with the owner’s objectives. These should be identified Strategically placing operable windows in the building Damage to building enclosure systems, disruption of utility
early in the pre-planning process. Sometimes, the could provide a natural ventilation strategy to keep the Strong Wind service (power, data, water, gas), down trees, inhibited
+ Project Planning
Team Alignment
hazard assessment may help inform or further develop building interior spaces comfortable and prevent mold travel to and from site
Step 2
owner project requirements. Comparing identified and mildew growth. Severe damage to most building components, space to
Tornado shelter in place required
hazards to project requirements will help identify which
priorities to consider first.
Identify Risks
electrical, and plumbing systems, space programming,
Roofs, opaque wall, glazing,
Step 3
landscape design, stormwater capacity, redundant Enclosure Secondary Impact Assets Impacted
curtain wall, seismic joints
systems, and infrastructure.
Storm debris, flooded fuel tanks, chemical spills, sewage
Air handlers, cooling towers, Water Contamination overflow, and other pollutants enter local water ways and
The project team should also consider if there are any chillers, roof top units, fan
Mechanical / HVAC municipal water systems damaged by a hurricane
larger design drivers that the owner or design team units, dehumidification
wishes to pursue that may not be represented in the systems, exhaust, and intakes Damage to electrical, natural gas, data, communications,
charts. A holistic design theme or concept could be
Utility Disruption and water grid infrastructure can disrupt services to
Integrate Resilience
the site
an effective method to also drive resilient
Lighting, emergency power, Flooded and debris strewn roadways impede travel which
Step 4
design concepts. Infrastructure can prevent resources and emergency services from
process loads, electrical gear, Disruption
renewable energy systems, reaching the site
Primary and secondary impact studies identify Electrical / Data transformers, vertical Extreme conditions create risk to physical and mental
components of the building that are subject to damage circulation, low voltage, data, Mental and health through physical objects and experiences. This
from the identified hazards. Design of these building communications Physical Harm creates liabilities for the ownership group and increases
components should incorporate resilient thinking to exposure to risk
help mitigate potential impacts by determining key Water supply fixtures, Substantial losses and damages inhibit business operations
Evaluate + Nurture
dynamics associated with the building components wastewater systems, filtration Financial Impacts which impacts capital debt payments, employee salaries,
Step 5
and adjusting the design to better withstand impacts. Plumbing systems, pool pumps, maintenance, and more
For example, critical building systems such as HVAC cisterns, potable water
or electrical gear that could be damaged from flood storage systems
waters and storm surge should be lifted above the
storm surge prediction level and placed inside the Landscape areas, pool deck,
building entry, loading dock,
building in areas protected from strong wind and Site waste collection, amenity
potential stormwater velocity. lawns, building connections
33 33
Hazards Identified
Hazards and corresponding compound
effects have been identified for the project.
Heat Waves +
Extreme Heat
Resilience Scope
Wind Load
Elevate Building
Step 1
Impacts on structure
and enclosure design on Podium
Move Mechanical
Equipment Above
Forces of
Flood Level
Moving Water
Increase risk of
hydrodynamic pressure Elevate Pedestrian
Elevate Infrastructure
+ Project Planning
Team Alignment
Step 2
Identify Risks
Step 3
Low Elevation Storm Surge 8ft
Increased risk for Sea Level Rise 2070 Initial Mitigation Strategies Storm Surge 8ft
storm surge during the
Sea Level Rise 2040 Placement strategies for building systems and components Sea Level Rise 2070
event that could be
compounded with tidal identified early in design are typically easier to keep in the final Sea Level Rise 2040
periods and sea level rise design and construction of a project.
Integrate Resilience
Resilience Design Design for Water
Step 4
When designing for resilience, sometimes the best way to start is to just jump headfirst with an idea to see where Fortifying sewer and drinking water systems helps protect these systems during
it goes. In the process, considerations and supplementary ideas will help shape design. There is not one correct
a storm. Blue roofs and bio swales can mitigate flood waters and help keep
way to put a building together and this is where it is up to the design and project team to take the information
provided and make the process theirs. elevated transportation infrastructure open.
It is beneficial to incorporate the AIA Framework for Design Excellence into the design process to help coordinate Design Concepts
Evaluate + Nurture
design concepts with the ten measures. This will help maintain a thorough assessment of the design and
Raise building on a podium above the storm surge level, base flood elevation, and allow for “wet” levels
help provide documentation needed for AIA award submissions. The hospitality project example uses the AIA
Step 5
that can accommodate water inundation with minimal damage.
Framework for Design Excellence to illustrate how the ten measures could be incorporated into design solutions.
Raise infrastructure connections and critical building systems above storm surge level and base flood
elevation to maintain operation during flooding inundation.
Plan for potable water storage on-site for building users in the case municipal water connection
is compromised.
34 34
Resilience Scope
Step 1
Community facility
Move Mechanical
acts as a Cooling
Equipment Above
Flood Level
/ Hurricane Shelter
during weather or
health events
+ Project Planning
Team Alignment
Step 2
Identify Risks
Storm Surge 8ft elevated above future flood
Step 3
Sea Level Rise 2070 levels designed with resilient
materials, native vegetation, Storm Surge 8ft
Sea Level Rise 2040 and informational signs about
Sea Level Rise 2070
the site’s climate threats and
resilient design strategies Sea Level Rise 2040
Integrate Resilience
Design for Energy Design for Equitable Communities & Wellness
Step 4
Redundant and elevated power, data and communication systems protect building More resilient buildings allow more residents to shelter in place and minimize the
components and mitigate risks for storm surge. This is especially critical for essential need to evacuate. This benefits a community’s mental health and quality of life
buildings like hospitals and residences. which can improve equity and social resilience.
Evaluate + Nurture
Redundant and protected energy systems (Raised equipment floors from flood level). Communities benefit from previously mentioned strategies that protect quality of life and maintain
Step 5
water quality, minimize power disruption, protect dwelling units, and maintain security, this allows us to
Flexible power systems. continue to go to work and school and acquire financial security.
Micro-grid power delivery. Resilient public spaces ensure equitable access to public spaces.
Reducing energy consumption by cool paving/roofs (by reflecting more solar energy and enhancing water Cooling centers are resilient spaces that are open to communities during extreme heat events. These
evaporation) not only cools the pavement surface and surrounding air but can also reduce stormwater runoff spaces can double as hurricane and storm shelters.
and improve nighttime visibility. Can reduce ambient temperatures by 80 degrees and reflects 85-90% of
radiation on site.
35 35
Resilience Design Strategies
The diagram above collects the previously developed resilience
design strategies together for evaluation.
Roofs reduce Green/Blue
Resilience Scope
the heat island Roof
Step 1
Building on
Add Mechanical
Equipment Above
Flood Level
Cooling Center
/ Hurricane Shelter
+ Project Planning
Team Alignment
Step 2
Elevate Renewable
Pedestrian Energy
Identify Risks
to storm surge as well Spaces
Step 3
Storm Surge 8ft
as promote biodiversity,
reduce erosion and Sea Level Rise 2070 Living Storm Surge 8ft
enhance water quality Shorelines
Sea Level Rise 2040 Sea Level Rise 2070
Sea Level Rise 2040
Integrate Resilience
Design for Ecosystems Resilience Design Assessment
Step 4
Natural solutions can often provide more effective solutions to environmental The diagram above collects the developed resilience design strategies together for evaluation. In
your project you may have multiple ideas to satisfy design objectives or mitigate hazards. A value
concerns. Vegetative buffers on the coast can mitigate storm surge and flooding
engineering process may also jeopardize the ability to keep some concepts in the design. Resilience
while promoting biodiversity that can be an asset to the ecology of a place as well an design strategies naturally require a systems approach that help us think about several different types
aesthetic asset for communities. of building systems, concepts, and features to create an integrative and holistic design idea. A building
design solution that touches many parts of the building is harder to value engineer or remove from the
Design Concepts project. For example, if solar brise soleil reduce visual glare, shrink the size of mechanical equipment,
Evaluate + Nurture
and can be used as hurricane shutters for windows, it may be harder for the project to remove them to
Step 5
Living shorelines and vegetated coastal buffers better resist erosion and promote biodiversity on land and
save cost. The existence of the brise soleil help reduce cost of other items in the project.
under the water.
When a more objective analysis is needed to determine if an option is viable to keep in a project or
Vegetated landscapes better control storm water, clean pollutants from run-off water, promote biodiversity,
to help decide between multiple different ideas, a BCA can be used. The next section introduces the
reduce urban heat island, and promote biophilia which helps promote healing and control stress.
concept of a BCA and performs one for the hospitality project example.
36 36
Benefit-Cost Analysis
To help create effective solutions for the project, we utilizing the risk & vulnerability assessment previously Benefit Cost Analysis Steps
should quantitatively evaluate each solution based completed and applying economics. It requires
on cost benefit and feasibility. Benefit-Cost Analysis developing a base understanding of the value of the
(BCA) is a specific analysis method to evaluate the building and its assets. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
benefit of a solution with the cost to implement the
Resilience Scope
Autocase can also perform a BCA however uses a Data Collection and Determine value Characterize Hazard mitigation Calculate benefit-
solution. It yields a Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR) ratio that
Project Information of building and Hazard Impacts and analysis: Identify cost ratio
method that evaluates value using a triple bottom line
Step 1
when calculated above 1, indicates a positive ratio its assets determine Damages mitigation
and therefore an effective solution. BCR should be approach. Autocase can be useful to show the impact alternatives and
balanced with feasibility defined by the ability to on the project and local community using the social associated benefits
incorporate the solution into the design, maintain the and environmental lens that is often hard to quantify.
design aesthetic, and uphold the design intent. AIA Resilience Course, Module 7 “Business of Resilience” (AIA, 2018)
This example will integrate a generalized version of
FEMA has developed a BCA process to help quantify the FEMA BCA tool with guidelines provided in the AIA
Resilience Course available on
+ Project Planning
the effectiveness of a resilience measure for a specific
Team Alignment
project using 5 steps and requires a BCA to enable a
Step 2
Step 1. Collect Project Data
project to receive federal money. A BCA provides an
- Building Service Life or project useful life
effective decision-making tool for a project by
- Level of protection as determined by desired level of building performance
- Hazard Data (Hazard specific resources; HAZUS MH)
Identify Risks
results in $4 of savings or more from potential project perils. disposal)
Step 3
- Tax assessment, real estate comparable, city credit rating
Integrate Resilience
Riverine Flood $5:1 $7:1 Step 3. Characterize Impacts and Determine Damages
Step 4
- Physical Damage Estimates: building contents, vehicles & equipment, site impacts, infrastructure.
Hurricane Surge $7:1 N/A
- Loss of Function impacts: facility or material type, customers served, functional downtime and loss of function,
Wind $5:1 $5:1 loss of public services, displacement costs
Evaluate + Nurture
Estimates are rounded and based on hypothetical Hazard scenarios. Natural hazard mitigation saves $6 on average for every $1 spent - Provide cost analysis for each strategy: design & construction, maintenance
Step 5
on federal mitigation grants, according to an analysis by the National Institute of Building Sciences. An earlier (2005) study by NIBS
found a benefit-cost ratio (BCR) of 4:1. (FEMA, June 2018).
Step 5. Calculating Benefit-Cost Ratios (BCR)
- BCR is numerical expression of cost effectiveness of a project
- BCR = Benefits / Costs
- BCR > 1.0 = Effective
- Benefits = Expected annual damages before mitigation - expected annual damages after mitigation
- Expected damages before mitigation are damages per year over life of project
- Expected annual damages after each/or collective mitigation strategies vary depending on effectiveness and
degree of risk
- Benefits are a best guess based on hypothetical events
37 37
To begin a BCA, specific information regarding the Choosing by Advantages Step 1: Project Data
building life expectancy, value of historic losses, prices for - 60 year life expectancy
Design is an iterative process. If more than one set of
each solution and potential loss information is needed. - $300M construction cost
design solutions are developed that are both effective
The project address will be required to use the FEMA BCA - Maintain operations 24/7/365
in their own way, selection between the two or more
6.0 tool. The geographical data is important to the BCA - 4-Star hotel, 180 Keys
strategies can be aided by a CBA process. This process - Major hurricanes incidence expected, 5.4 events in 60 years
because it connects previous losses of the parcel from a
Resilience Scope
utilizes predetermined project metrics or desires
federal database. For international projects, other sources
established by the client and design team. These
Step 1
will need to be used. HAZUS is a plug-in program to Arc
metrics or desires can include anything from being
Step 2: Determine Value
GIS to connect historic loss data and hazards with GIS - Property value with building - $320 Million USD
able to operate 24/7/365 or maintain a certain program
maps to streamline the BCA process. - Property value of contents - $100 Million USD
area in the design.
One Time Event vs. Investment The design team should work with the client to
Step 3: Characterize Impacts and Determine Damages
appropriately weight these metrics so that they can
Resilience design solutions can be evaluated over a - Hurricane potential damage estimates $5 Million USD per storm
be inserted into the CBA tool that can come in the
+ Project Planning
Team Alignment
period or on a per event basis. The number of disaster - Major hurricane potential damage estimates $15 Million USD per storm
form of an excel sheet or Online application. Then the - Potential loss of revenue if the facility is closed: $47,000 per day
Step 2
events or probability for disaster events to occur can
design team must rank how each solution effectively
significantly impact the BCR and project numbers.
solves for the metric and the software will calculate the
We will again use our large coastal hotel example
most appropriate solution based on the ranking and Step 4: Hazard Mitigation Analysis
to assess the probability of a major hurricane over To the right are the resilience design solutions identified for the project.
weighting of the desired metrics.
the life expectancy of the project. The hotel is new
Not all of the resilience design solutions are intended to protect the building from a major
construction, although the process can be used for According to the example CBA exercise, if each of the 3
hurricane. Those solutions could be calculated separately outside of a major hurricane scenario. For
renovations and expansions as well. options are viable for the project, Option C meets most
demonstration purposes, we will keep the BCA only for a major hurricane event. The same process can
of the project requirements and should be selected
Identify Risks
be used to evaluate other scenarios and design solutions as well.
Step 3
Example Limitations for the project. Although this example does not show
The intention of the resilience design solutions is to minimize damage and reduce downtime of the
weights on the score, an option to weight the metrics
The figures used in this example are not actual and project. In this case we will reduce the impacts for damages as follows in the table.
higher or lower than others is possible. For instance, if
are for demonstration purposes only. A qualified Financial Stewardship was to be weighted at a factor Damage forecasts are reduced by 1/3 and the property is able to re-open 20 days sooner allowing for
cost estimator or contractor should be engaged of 2, lower the cost is better, then option A should be revenue to begin flowing more quickly. Impacts to local infrastructure, roadways, airports, etc. should
to determine actual numbers for your project. This be considered when the facility is able to operate.
selected since it outperforms option B in almost every
example also removes the Discount Rate (DR) and Net area. Final decisions should be made by the owner;
Integrate Resilience
Present Value (NPV) from the calculations for simplicity. however we can provide analysis of options to help aid Step 5. Calculating Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR)
When anticipating future costs and value, DR & NPV
Step 4
decision-making where appropriate.
should be considered. BCR Calculations:
These are rough numbers that the design team can use
BCR = Benefits / Cost
to help guide resilience design strategies in the project
to help aid decision making. As the design progresses
Evaluate + Nurture
these numbers can become more detailed. This $38,421,000 (Benefits from Resilience Design)
Step 5
process is applicable to any project size and type. $34,000,000 (Cost of Resilience Design Solutions)
38 38
Impacts from One Major Hurricane (Base Code Construction)
Type Cost
Property Damage $15,000,000
Lost Revenue (30 days) $1,500,000
Resilience Design Solutions
Insurance Premium $1,800,000
Resilience Scope
Solution Cost
Total $18,300,000
Step 1
5.4 Major Hurricanes in 60 Years $98,820,000 Living Shoreline $3,000,000
Elevated Building above BFE & Storm Surge Line $4,000,000
A BCR of 1 or higher is considered an effective ratio and should be
implemented into the design. To keep the BCR at 1 the resilience Back-up Power Systems for 7-days $15,000,000
solution should not exceed $38,421,000. Back-up Water Systems for 7-days $8,000,000
+ Project Planning
Team Alignment
Since a major hurricane likely will not strike every year and may never Resource Storage for 7-days $500,000
Step 2
strike, this calculation represents a worst-case scenario. The owner
will likely need to weigh the cost of the resilience solutions with the Green / Blue Roofs $1,500,000
insurance premium and potential position of risk.
Elevated Pedestrian Space $2,000,000
Impacts from a Major Hurricane Native & Adaptive Species Landscape Design $1,500,000
Identify Risks
Step 3
Type Base Building Code Resilience Design
Property Damage $15,000,000 $10,000,000
Lost Revenue (30 days / 10 Days) $1,500,000 $540,000 Resilience Design Solutions for a Major Hurricane
Insurance Premium $1,800,000 $645,000
Solution Cost
Integrate Resilience
Total $18,300,000 $11,185,000
Living Shoreline $3,000,000
Step 4
x5.4 Major Hurricanes in 60 years $98,820,000 $60,399,000
Elevated Building above BFE & Storm Surge Line $4,000,000
Difference / Project Benefit -$38,421,000 (61% potential cost reduction)
Back-up Power Systems for 7-days $15,000,000
Evaluate + Nurture
Reserves Elevated Pedestrian Space $2,000,000
Benefit Cost Resilience
Financial 30% or More
Step 5
Resilience Strategy Ratio (BCR) Education Native & Adaptive Species Landscape Design $1,500,000
Stewardship of Site as
of 1+ Opportunities
Open Space Total for Resilience Design Solutions $34,000,000
Living Shoreline Option A 1.2 $5,000,000 31% Yes
Living Shoreline Option B 1.0 $4,350,000 28% Some
Living Shoreline Option C 1.5 $7,100,000 35% Yes
Best Selection Option C Option B Option C Option C
39 39
5. Evaluate + Nurture
A Resilient Building
Step 05 - Evaluate + Nurture is where the relationship operations staff are trained on how to properly When acoustic control, lighting, individual control, thermal
Resilience Scope
with the client and the performance of the project operate the building. This is typically performed by comfort, etc.). The end user gains better understanding
Step 1
come together, hopefully in a positive form. We commissioning agents and MEP engineers on the It’s important to give the operations team sufficient of the physical space they occupy and the design
should always seek to know failures and successes project. These training manuals should have sections on opportunity to calibrate the building after it is fully considerations.
of our past projects so that we can learn and perform building resilience systems. occupied, which typically occurs 10-18 months after
better on the next project. project completion. Also, work teams, managers and A POE could also be used to demonstrate to an owner
Through this process, it also provides an opportunity to individuals need to adapt to their new spaces, discover the impact of higher quality design features, including
remain in a trusted position with the client. Maintaining higher quality materials.
Post Construction what works and doesn’t work for them, and run through
a relationship with a client and their organization may all processes.
Follow-up After a Disaster
+ Project Planning
provide opportunities for future work and the ability to
Team Alignment
Successfully achieving the project’s resilience goals
presents post occupancy opportunities. After the follow-up on past projects. You should start thinking about a POE at the very
Step 2
Inevitably when a disaster occurs, we should all lend
certificate of occupancy has been earned and the beginning of the project. A similar evaluation can also
a helping hand where we can. After the situation
contract requirements have been fulfilled, the project Post Occupancy Evaluation be provided prior to the start of a project to document
has stabilized, a discussion with an owner may be
likely is considered complete. This is a perfect time to a baseline condition, identify issues or concerns to be
Within the first year of operation, it is best practice to welcomed on how the building or project endured
follow up on Return-on-Investment (ROI) of the project addressed with the new design, or help the owner and
engage the owner with the opportunity to perform a the disaster event and how the project team can help
as appropriate with the client and stakeholders. This design team identify project goals and priorities.
post occupancy evaluation (POE) for the project. navigate issues with the building. This may help reveal
could be assessed more comprehensively through a
Who how the owner has perceived resilience design features
Post-Occupancy Evaluation (POE). Lessons learned in “Post occupancy evaluation” is a term widely accepted which may provide both objective and subjective
Identify Risks
the POE may be useful content for a project case study and used across the industry for evaluating design after Simple tutorials can be provided to help project team
Step 3
responses. Having a relationship with the owner can
or other publication that describes both failures and it has been put into service. The depth of analysis and members gather quantitative data. When it comes to help make these conversations more fluid and may
successes. tools used can vary quite widely in a POE. interviews, surveys, and other qualitative responses, reveal feedback on resilience performance. Sometimes
careful consideration in phrasing questions or input the conversation may not be welcomed, it is up to the
It is incredibly valuable to be able to assess project POE is an evaluation conducted during the operations
prompts will help collect unbiased and more useful project team to assess the situation.
performance so that we can determine which design phase of a project after completion of design and
responses. In identifying user groups and respondents
strategies functioned as intended or were not worth construction. The scope of POE can differ dramatically
to the POE, the first consideration is the type of Other Ways to be Involved
the investment. The comprehensive yet highly specific by project type, client interest, and the skills and
Integrate Resilience
information or feedback desired. Typical stakeholders
design strategies that could be developed for resilience experience of the design team. A POE is executed The AIA Disaster Assistance Committee provides
could include building engineers and facility mangers,
Step 4
design may be unique to the project and site. Design to answer crucial questions about a building’s organization and training for architects to help their
residents, team leaders, tenants, specialized work
elements could be used in subsequent projects and a performance. It can address questions such as: communities after a disaster event. The Safety
groups, students, faculty, nurses, patients, managers,
database of successful and not so successful strategies Assessment Program (SAP) uses the California Office
Does the building perform as it was designed? staff, and executives. There are external tools and
can help provide direction in the future. of Emergency Services training program for structure
resources available to help define a more customized
Does the building meet the users’ needs? assessments after earthquakes, flooding, and extreme
Case studies are a great vehicle for documenting POE to address specific concerns or client needs.
windstorms. Architects and Engineers can complete
project work and the resilience design strategies What corrective measures can be implemented to
Why the training and be placed on a list of volunteers to
Evaluate + Nurture
included in the design. Developing a case study improve performance? help with damage assessments after a disaster event.
template that is clear and direct helps make project
Step 5
The POE provides validation of design strategies and/or This program can provide firsthand experience of the
work highly sharable and can also be used for marketing How can building features be designed more effectively
construction implementation, and helps track to meet potential damage and hazards, relief process, and
and business development. in the future?
initial goals. Evidence from previous projects, including protocols that can affect communities, which can help
Quantitative and qualitative measurements taken in examples and impacts, makes it even easier to justify or with resilient design development.
Clear and tangible building operations and maintenance
a POE study ultimately allow designers and clients to bolster design solutions on future projects.
manuals are critical for the building to function as
designed and maintain its resilience features. Building review the effectiveness of design features and building
For the client, the POE proves the value of design
operations manuals are developed and building performance.
and performance enhancements (daylight, biophilia,
40 40
A Resilient Future
As our communities continue to endure and overcome disaster events,
designing for resilience is becoming increasingly relevant and valuable.
FEMA and other government agencies have provided various tools and
datasets to help quantify and calculate the value of resilience and the
cost of not incorporating resilience thinking into a building or community.
Communities are feeling the impacts of disasters and are asking for
designers, architects, engineers, professionals in the built environment to
help design communities to withstand potential hazards so that safety and
quality of life are not degraded but enhanced.
Technical Contributors
Communications and Creative Contributors
HKS Inc.
Tessa Millhollin
Caroline Sorge, Assoc. AIA, LEED AP BD+C, LSSYB, Fitwel Amb. Apryl Dailey
Ellen Giles
AIA Resilience + Adaptation Advisory Group
Jennifer Stewart
Elizabeth Camargo, AIA Ann Franks
Gina De Leon, Assoc. AIA
Tian Feng, FAIA 2023 Co-chair
Kathleen Gordon, Assoc. AIA CACE rep
Rosemarie Grant, FAIA 2021 co-chair Version 01 - Released May 9, 2023
Ilana Judah, AIA
Ariane Laxo, Allied AIA Recommended Citation
Lisa Matthiessen, FAIA Shams, S., Barton, A.,Fox, A., Hsu, J. (2023). Resilience Design
Dena Prastos, AIA Toolkit, Resilience Design Integration for Architectural Projects.
Megan Recher, AIA 2021 Co-chair AIA, HKS Inc.
Robin Seidel, AIA 2022 Co-chair
Sammy Shams, AIA
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