Pachamama Shaman Aura
Pachamama Shaman Aura
Pachamama Shaman Aura
Stewart Farquharson
Three Worlds of Spirits
The oldest ones were on the coast and honored the Jaguar and
the Caiman, as people do farther north. Much later came people
who honored the condor, the puma, and the snake. These stood
for the Upper, Middle and Lower worlds of the spirits. A great
Tree of Life allowed talented shamans to travel across these
Mesa is the Spanish word for table and a spiritual healer in the
South American Andes mountain region will use a cloth spread on
the ground to hold sacred items of power.
In some places these items are usually crystals, and the cloth can
be rolled up into a bundle and carried away. So the healers are
known as mesa-carriers. It is a honor and an obligation. For you
are saying to the universe, yes I take responsibility to do good in
this world.
Jaguars in the
jungle and Pumas
in the dry desert
were honored as
well. They rule the
Middle World
where humans live.
Ekkeko the hearth
dwarf god granted
wealth here.
Snakes were lucky and came from the Lower
Worlds. They were teachers. Keepers of the
we have human mummies!
You can call upon the forces of the sun and moon and thunder to
shower magical knowledge, or yachay, upon you. To see you as part
of their large family, or ayllu. And call upon Pachamama, too, for
hers is the deep magic of life.
You can call upon animals and plants that appeal to you. You can
call upon the stars which perhaps you came from.
And relax for a few minutes. You may sense energy tingling in your hands or
warmth, or if you close your eyes and let your mind drift away, you may see
unusual pictures. It really doesnt matter. It works even if nothing is sensed
at all.
Just say aloud I now attune (name of student) to the energies of (name of
system) in a way that is good for both of us, in health and spirit. So be it.
Or you can put the attunement in a chi ball of imagined energy and let the
student pull it down when convenient.