Pachamama Shaman Aura

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Pachamama Shaman Aura

Stewart Farquharson
Three Worlds of Spirits

In South America along the west coast there is a range of high

mountains called the Andes. Native people moved here from the
jungles of Central America and learned to deal with the cooler
cloud forests and the dry plateaus. They discovered the potato
and corn and llamas, and began to build civilizations.

The oldest ones were on the coast and honored the Jaguar and
the Caiman, as people do farther north. Much later came people
who honored the condor, the puma, and the snake. These stood
for the Upper, Middle and Lower worlds of the spirits. A great
Tree of Life allowed talented shamans to travel across these

A chakana cross looking down, with three worlds stacked up in

squares, and a hole for access. This reminds me of the cenotes,
or magic wells of Mexico where you can dive into another world.
The ancient Nazca Desert figures were also made to be seen
from high above, perhaps to honor the animal spirits of tribes.
The Mesa

Mesa is the Spanish word for table and a spiritual healer in the
South American Andes mountain region will use a cloth spread on
the ground to hold sacred items of power.

In some places these items are usually crystals, and the cloth can
be rolled up into a bundle and carried away. So the healers are
known as mesa-carriers. It is a honor and an obligation. For you
are saying to the universe, yes I take responsibility to do good in
this world.

In other places the sacred items include bottles of alcohol which

can be placed in the healers mouth and then sprayed on sick
people to cleanse and bless them, leaf bundles which are brushed
over patients to purify them, lucky charms associated with
money, romance, protection and good health, candles, food and
drink for the spirits, and mystical parts of animals, plants and

The Old Gods and Goddesses of the Andes

The Sun God was very important

to farmers and the nobility. His
name was Inti. People would fast
and then throw a big feast in the
middle of June, for that is the
height of winter in the lands
south of the equator. When the
sun was eclipsed the people would
make loud noises to drive away
the monster who was trying to eat the sun. The ruler of the Incas
thought he was a direct son of Inti. The wife of the sun was the
moon goddess Mama Quilla, who was served by priestesses in her
own temples. Silver was special to her, and marriage. One of her
sons was the rain god Kon of the south wind.

The Earth Mother Pachamama

had dark skin and lived under
the soil. She brought good
harvests, fertility, and healing.
She was a powerful goddess
and could assume the form of a
dragon if annoyed, and shake
the mountains. Her big feast
was in February when food was
buried and candies thrown for
the children. Our Lady of
Candeleria joins with her today.
Viracocha was the old creator
god who walked the world with
his cane.

In some stories the gods hid in

a cave until the world was safer
for them to live. In another
story Vairacocha came from a
special lake called Titicaca.

He was last seen walking west

across the ocean, and this is
understandable since his wife
was Mama Cocha the sea

Illapa was the god of thunder

and popular for the rain he gave
for the fields. Potatoes grew at
high altitudes where it was cold
and dry. Maize, or corn, was
planted in the valleys. Fish,
deer, guinea pigs, and birds
were eaten as well. Llamas were
the most useful animal. They
gave meat, hides, wool, and
carried bundles. The people never did invent the Wheel, and did
not discover Iron, nor a system of writing. They used knots for
remembering things, and were wonderful traders and fighters,
and builders of great monuments.
There were beautiful young
goddesses such as Chasca
of the Dawn, and the star
of Venus, flowers, young
girls and joy.

The coca plant was a feisty

and sexy goddess named
Mama Kuka. Men chewed
her leaves for strength.

And the mountains themselves

were holy. The spirits who lived
at the top were called Apus.

Any odd and special place could

be a spirit house, or huaca.

People who hiked across the

mountain passes would stop and add a stone to a heap, for good
luck. These piles of pebbles were called apachetas.

A god worth mentioning is Urcuchillay, guardian of animals. He

appears as a llama with colorful fur. People said he came down to
Earth from the star constellation Lyra.
Special Animals

The condor is a scavenger and superb at soaring without moving

its wings. It can spot dead animals miles away. It is thought to
carry messages from the upper sky gods. The actual god of death
was called Supay and lived under the ground. He was not loved but

Jaguars in the
jungle and Pumas
in the dry desert
were honored as
well. They rule the
Middle World
where humans live.
Ekkeko the hearth
dwarf god granted
wealth here.
Snakes were lucky and came from the Lower
Worlds. They were teachers. Keepers of the

Deer fed the people.

Monkeys were resourceful.

The sea turtle
appears in the
early ruins of
the coast and is

The parrot gives up his

feathers to make ceremonial
head-dresses and masks.

we have human mummies!

These were thought to be

items of power and some
people were sacrificed to the

Andean mummies are not

wrapped like this, however.
The Blessings

To carry a mesa you need an initiation or encounter with the

forces of nature.

You can call upon the forces of the sun and moon and thunder to
shower magical knowledge, or yachay, upon you. To see you as part
of their large family, or ayllu. And call upon Pachamama, too, for
hers is the deep magic of life.

You can call upon animals and plants that appeal to you. You can
call upon the stars which perhaps you came from.

Some people drink ayahuasca or

other mind-altering drugs but this is
not needed, if you are open to the
sensation of energy becoming spirits
to help you.
Well, I hope this gives you ideas on how to make a mesa of your
own and accept the energies of the Andes.

It is traditional to shake a rattle and sing songs to let the items

on your mesa know what their jobs are. This is called activating
your mesa. It is also suggested to go to it when you are troubled
and just let it absorb and transform your drama stuff. Much like
a sacred fire does. Some people like to meditate by their mesas
by candle light.

How to take down this attunement

Just say aloud I am now accepting the attunement to (name of system)

from (name of teacher) in a way that is good for my health and spirit. So be

And relax for a few minutes. You may sense energy tingling in your hands or
warmth, or if you close your eyes and let your mind drift away, you may see
unusual pictures. It really doesnt matter. It works even if nothing is sensed
at all.

How to give this attunement

Just say aloud I now attune (name of student) to the energies of (name of
system) in a way that is good for both of us, in health and spirit. So be it.

Or you can put the attunement in a chi ball of imagined energy and let the
student pull it down when convenient.

Best wishes and love and light,

Disclaimer: This energy system is intended for relaxation and wellness and spiritual
growth, but people with medical problems should of course continue to see their doctors
and get medical advice from a professional

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