Angel Reiki For Children PDF
Angel Reiki For Children PDF
Angel Reiki For Children PDF
Beatrice Schwarz is a doctor of natural medicine and Chinese medicine and holds
masterships in various Reiki energy forms. She is a certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher
and practitioner. and has a strong commitment to the well-being of this planet and its
inhabitants. She has worked as a volunteer in India helping many homeless and sick
people in Calcutta.
1. Introduction
Archangel links for children is a form of energy attunement that permits adults to attune
children to heavenly vibrations at a very specific energy vibrational length that corresponds to
the energy vibrations of childrens light being. Children go through specific phases of
emotional turmoil as they first have to adapt to living on the earthly plane. The archangels
mentioned in this course will help them to overcome some of the most common problems and
ailments children will encounter in their everyday lives. If there are any children near you
suffering from any of the problems described here just make a praying to the angels who can
help with this specific problem. You can also give children a semi-precious stone that is
infused with your praying or dress children in a particular colour, which emanates the
vibrations that are most appropriate for tackling the specific problem.
2. Angelic Links
Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael protects children from lower energies, and keeps the energy surrounding
children clear and protects children from ill-intentioned beings.
Archangel Metatron
Archangel Metatron protects the aura of children and prevents negative energies to enter the
energy field of children. He especially protects sensitive children and orphans and in general
children, who grow up in difficult environments. Archangel Metatrons energies are
extremely powerful and protective.
Archangel Ariel
Archangel Ariel gives children inner strength, power and the courage to deal with difficult
situations. This angel is especially present when children suffer discrimination, ill-will of peer
group members and is here to protect children from quarrels and aggression. Generally
Archangel Ariel helps humans to push through difficult situations by giving them inner
strength and willpower.
Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel has motherly and nourishing energies and especially protects children who
suffer from difficult relationships with their mothers. Archangel Gabriels energies are very
soft, compassionate, loving, caring and creative as this archangel also protects artists.
Archangel Uriel
Archangel Uriel has protective, caring, supporting and reassuring fatherly energies and
especially helps children who suffer from difficult relationships with their fathers as well as
orphans and in general children lacking support and fatherly protection and encouragement.
Archangel Azrael
Archangel Azrael emanates very soft yet highly penetrating light energies, that are crystal
clear and wash away any ill feelings one might have towards others. This archangel helps
children and people in general to let go of bad memories and enter new cycles in a clear
emotional and energetic state. This archangel also puts children in touch with loved ones in
heaven and soothes their heart when they have suffered the loss of a loved one and also helps
in putting the right people in touch with each other in general.
Archangel Raziel
Archangel Raziel has very powerful and inspiring energies, he accompanies children and in
general people in their spiritual and personal self-development and is always present to infuse
wisdom and inner strength into childrens heart especially when they are suffering from the
ill-will of other people. Archangel Raziel enlightens children on their way to self-
development and gives them the insight that help them to overcome difficult times in life.
Archangel Raphael
Archangel Raphael emanates healing energies at various vibrational lengths and is a very
versatile angel. Archangel Raphael can deal with any physical, psychological and mental
ailments, you just need to ask for the archangels light to illuminate you and penetrate your
soul, body and mind. This archangel is especially present when infants suffer from physical
and emotional un-well being.
Archangel Zadkiel
Archangel Zadkiel is the angel of earthly and heavenly wisdom and is here to assist children
in learning new skills and integrating these ones as well as putting skills into practice.
Archangel Zadkiel especially assists children with learning and in general development
problems and is present to sooth childrens heart when they are teased and discriminated at
Archangel Jophiel
Archangel Jophiel has very soft and caring energies and reminds children to listen to their
inner truth, take account of their real wishes and helps them to lead a balanced life by putting
children in touch with nature and the invigorating energies of trees, water and earth. This
archangel also sooths childrens heart and induces children to forget and forgive painful
Archangel Sandolphon
Archangel Sandolphon is a real soul-healer, this archangel helps in all matter regarding
painful experiences, having to let go of people or situations and is here to accompany children
in every new venture and gives them the courage to face new things in their lives, such as
moving to a different place or entering a new school etc. Also this archangel helps in lulling
children into sleep, as his energies are very appeasing and tranquilising and make children fall
Archangel Haniel
Archangel Haniel is a very gentle and humorous anrchangel, he helps children to overcome
difficult situation with humour and makes children laugh even when they are very hurt and
feel lonesome. He is always here to accompany children on finding the right path and seeing
the bright side of life. He also helps in developing a sense of self-worthiness and trust.
Archangel Chamuel
Archangel Chamuel is the archangel of love and brings people together on an earthly plane as
well as on an heavenly plane. This archangel accompanies children on their journey through
life by putting them in touch with loving and caring people who are committed to sincere and
long-lasting friendships. Call upon Archangel Chamuel for any issues related to a broken
heart or suffering because of difficult interrelationships as this angel will come and open the
childs heart to divine unconditional love.
Archangel Raguel
Archangel Raguel accompanies children through situations of power struggle and quarrels as
this archangel helps children to be compassionate towards each other and improves and
strengths good interpersonal relationships. Call upon this archangel if you want to make up a
friendship and want to open the other persons heart to your apologies and friendship feelings.
Also call this archangel if misunderstanding have led to quarrels and isolation of children at
school or in the kindergarten.
Archangel Jeremiel
Archangel Jeremiel helps children to surpass very difficult obstacles in life and gives them
insights how to overcome barriers on their. This archangel is very inventive and encourages
children to take new and inventive approaches in tackling problems and most of all this
archangel encourages children to push through hard times by giving them glimpses into a
better future hence motivating them to pull through and find the right path.
Archangel Mizrael
Archangel Mizrael encourages children to not fear the dark and protects them from evil
beings and nightmares at night.
Archangel Sachariel
Archangel Sachariel soothes and heals childrens hearts when they feel left alone and
abandoned or not loved and respected. Archangel Sachariel is always present to as a friend
children can turn to when they have no one other to talk to or play with. Pray for this angel to
inspire the child to do some creative art work that alleviates the childs mind so that Sachariel
can come and give the child good ideas and guide the childs thoughts lovingly towards
positive things in life.
Archangel Jeliel
Archangel Jeliel helps children to avoid difficult karma and is present in times when karmic
issues are heavy on the childs soul, mind and body. He gives inspiration for redeeming bad
deeds in a positive and constructive way.
Archangel Remiel
Archangel Remiel is present when children have accumulated a feeling of guilt because of the
events going on in their lives and helps children to get the insight into difficult situations in
their live by giving them many answers to questions and occurrences that riddle children and
thereby appeases childrens mind and soul.
Archangel Nathaniel
Archangel Nathaniel helps children to make many good and new friendships with people the
child knows from the past, so that children can find their loved ones on earth again and enjoy
their protection and guidance on this earthly plane.
2.1 Attunement
This attunement does not come with an attunement symbol, as the energy level is very subtle
to mirror the energy vibrations of children. Once you have been attuned to Angel Reiki for
children you can attune others as well and especially help children by attuning them with a
prayer dedicated to the angel that can help with the particular issue.
3. List of Problems
Birth Trauma
Fear of separation
Feeling Helpless
Colours: Light blue, Jade green Semi-precious stones: Chalcedony, Rose Quartz
Fear of being abandoned
Colours: Orange Semi precious stones: Carnelian, Red Jasper, Rose Quartz
Colours: Bright Yellow, Orange Semi precious stones: Citrine, Carnelian, Corel
Colours: Violet, Orange Semi precious stones: Amethyst, Corel, Red Jasper
Fear of Darkness
Colours: Yellow, Pale Blue Semi precious stones: Rose Quartz, Amber, Chalcedony
Colours: Salmon, Pink Semi precious stones: Rose Quartz, Jade, Crystal Quartz
Fear of specific things and situations
Colours: Red, Orange, Green Semi precious stones: Red Jasper, Tigers Eye, Sodalite
Father issues
Colours: Pale Blue, Blue Semi precious stones: Chalcedony, Rose Quartz, Aventurine
Mother issues
Colours: Pink, Pale Blue Semi precious stones: Rose Quartz, Rhodonite, Aventurine
Power struggles
Colours: Green, Blue Semi precious stones: Rose Quartz, Crystal Quartz, Chalcedony
Colours: Pink, Green Semi precious stones: Rose Quarzt, Aventurine, Amethyst
Constant quarrelling
Colours: Pink, Green, Pale Blue Semi precious stones: Rose Quartz, Chalcedony,
Being excluded from peer group, feeling left out
Colours: Green, Blue Semi precious stones: Malachite, Aventurine, Lapis Lazuli,
Problems at school
Colours: Red, Yellow Semi precious stones: Corel, Red Jasper, Carneolian,
Lack of Self-confidence
Colours: Green, Orange Semi precious stones: Malachite, Jasper, Carneolian, Corel
Colours: Pale Yellow, Yellow-Orange Semi precious stones: Jasper, Citrine, Corel,
Colours: Green, Turquoise Semi precious stones: Malachite, Lapis Lazuli, Jade,
Colours: Pink, Violet, Yellow Semi precious stones: Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Jade
Battered children
Colours: Pink, Green, Violet Semi precious stones: Rose Quartz, Aventurine, Jade
Colours: Pink, Green, Yellow Semi precious stones: Rose Quartz, Aventurine, Jade
Colours: Pink, Pale Green Semi precious stones: Rose Quartz, Aventurine, Jade
Feelings of guilt
Colours: Pink, Pale Green Semi precious stones: Rose Quartz, Jade, Aventurine
Colours: Pink, Green Semi precious stones: Rose Quartz, Moon Stone, Moss Agate
Colours: Blue, Grenn, Violet Semi precious stones: Azurite, Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli,
Colours: Pink, Pale Green Semi precious stones: Rose Quartz, Aventurine, Amethyst
Colours: Yellow, White, Pale Blue Semi precious stones: Amber, White Agate
Tummy aches
Archangel Raphael
Colours: Pale Green Semi precious stones: Aventurine, Jade, Amazonite, Amber
Colours: Blue, Dark green Semi precious stones: Malachite, Amber, Lapis Lazuli
Farbe: Green, Blue Semi precious stones: Lapis Lazuli, Azurite, Aventurine, Jade