Prêt-à-Porter Rules

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Prt--Porter is an economic strategy game set in the world of fashion, where players run clothing companies and compete during
fashion shows. Competition in the market is fierce you win or you lose so each player must choose their market moves very

The course of the game is divided into twelve months, during which players fight for market success and higher value of their
companies by sewing clothing designs, showing their collections at fashion shows, hiring staff, buying buildings, signing contracts
and investing their time and money in various other ways. Fashion shows are held four times a year in different cities around the
world. Players collections are evaluated based on how well they fit the market trends, the public relations that accompany the
collection, and the quality and quantity of complete designs. These features are evaluated in each city where the fashion shows
take place, but may have a different degree of importance in each. Just like in a real market competition players have little time to
prepare, so they must make wise choices answering their opponents movements and adjusting their actions to market

The games goal is to gain the greatest profit from a clothing company in one year. Here, the profit is understood as the amount of
money the company possesses at the end of a year when all costs are paid, plus the value of the companys brand (reputation,
goodwill etc.)


There are in fact 5 Help cards and 5 player boards.
There are also 10 style tokens (5 of each type). They are there just to help you mark that some design had its
style changed, nothing more.
The five design type cards are used for the Contract With Freelance Designer.
The OK Tokens are used on Some cards that allow players to adjust (change) the style of one Design (i.e.
Model Superstar) and you put them on the style circle to indicate.
There are 5 related cards (one for each collection style symbol and in the two-side pic with different sets of six
cubes): These are help cards - you can see which cubes are most popular in a collection. It helps when you want
to buy more cubes for later.

Boards Descriptions

To begin the game, the basic knowledge about the main board and player boards is required.
Main Board
The Main Board represents the market where transactions are made and where new employees for hire, buildings to buy and
contracts to sign appear. Players may also purchase diverse quality materials to sew their clothing designs, obtain new designs and
release some information about new collection to the press, which will affect the evaluation of designs. There is also a possibility of
getting money from a bank in the form of credit.

Players Board The company
A players board represent the clothing industry company which the player manages. It shows important information about the
company, such as monthly maintenance costs & incomes, employment, ownership of buildings, signed contracts and tokens
increasing a collections features for the next show.

1. Place for Star tokens obtained during fashion shows (with short description of their further conversion to money)
2. Type of design in which the players company specializes (each design of this type is automatically worth an extra trend
token for the player)
3. Place for Trend, Public Relations (PR) and Quality tokens obtained during the two months of preparation before the
next fashion show, from other sources than Contract, Building and Employee cards
4. Current monthly maintenance costs or incomes indicator
5. Place for Employee cards (or by default, unskilled workers employed)
6. Cards of owned buildings, additional employees hired and contracts signed are placed next to the players board

Companys Employees / Contracts / Buildings

Initially, the company employs three unskilled workers, who have a salary of 1 thousand each. They may subsequently be replaced
with newly hired specialists, in which case, a new Employee card is put on top of the unskilled worker space. The maintenance cost

changes accordingly (as explained later). The company that does not own buildings can only hire up to 3 employees. Each newly
bought building gives a player a place for one additional employee (with the Employee card being placed beneath the building
card). Buildings bought and contracts signed are placed next to the players board.

Contract, Building & Employee Cards

There are 3 decks of cards representing contracts (beige), buildings (dark red) & employees (blue). At the top of the card there is a
symbol indicating whether the card is a Contract, a Building or an Employee. Underneath the name of the card is shown.
The cost of buying the card (if any) is shown in the top left-hand corner of the card. The monthly salary or maintenance cost (if any)
is shown in the top right-hand corner (with a cash-register icon).
Special capabilities given by the card in the game are depicted in the middle of the card. These symbols are described at the end of
the rules & NOT on separate Help cards as indicated in the rulebook.
The information about the time when various cards are active is shown below this.
The bottom section contains the cost for developing buildings and employees or extending contracts on the unimproved or
unextended side. It is blank on the fully-developed or already-extended side.
Full details regarding cards are discussed in the specific rules chapter: Cards.

Design cards
There are 5 types of garment in the game. These are shown on the player boards, the design type cards & on the design cards.
They are:

tops, skirts, trousers, dresses & jumpers.

There are also 5 styles in the game. These are shown on the design cards, and on 2 tokens each (not illustrated in the contents
diagram in the rulebook). They are:

childrens, vintage, boho, sport & evening wear.

The right-hand side of the card has 3 sections. The top section indicates which 2 cubes are needed to complete the design. The
middle section indicates how much the design in worth when sold after a fashion show. This may also have a profit icon; Trend
icon, Quality icon or an asterisk (*) after the amount. The bottom section shows the type and style of the garment design.

Without proper preparation, it is quite impossible to play the game and so read this part carefully before playing. Follow the
instructions and then enjoy the game.

1. Place the Main Board in such a way that each of the players has easy access to it.
2. Prepare piles of Material cubes, and Quality, Trend and Star tokens in a convenient place near the board.
3. Remove the cards with the reverse showing the last quarter icon (XI XII XIII [sic]) from the Contracts, Buildings and Employees
decks. Shuffle the remaining cards in each deck and put the top three cards from each deck on the appropriate fields. Note: These
should have the initial side up; for Contracts, the middle section will have a lighter background (= not extended); for Employees (not
yet trained) and Buildings (not yet developed) there is a money icon with an arrow indicating flipping at the bottom of the card.
Place the remaining cards in piles in their designated places.
4. Cover the decks of Contracts, Buildings and Employees lying on the board with final quarter cards (previously removed from
those decks) face down so no one can see top cards of the stacks. Last quarter cards in each deck will come into play only for the
last two months of preparation.
5. After shuffling the Design deck players draw random design cards so that each player has a total of 2 design cards without the
profit icons (Trend , Quality or Money marked by an asterisk*) and not of the same style (Boho, Sport, etc.). Each
design card that does not match these criteria (i.e. marked with a profit icon or of the same style) should be discarded. When all
players have 2 design cards, the discard pile should be put back into designs deck and shuffled.
6. Reveal and place four top cards from Designs deck in the appropriate places on the board.
7. Place the rest of Designs deck face down on the board in the proper space.
8. From the fashion shows deck, remove the cards showing the last quarter (only 2 categories). The other cards must be shuffled
and randomly arranged face up next to the board in three rows of 1, 2 and 3 cards each. The first card represents the city of the
March fashion show; the next two cards are the cities for June, while the row of three cards stands for the September shows. In the
fourth row of December fashion shows, the last quarter cards are placed face up; these have a different colour reverse side
9. Each Player receives bills with total value of 40 thousand.
10. The rest of the bills are placed next to the board. They constitute a Bank during the game.
11. Players draw lots (determine randomly) to choose the First Player who receives the First Player token. If you dont want to draw
lots, the youngest Player starts the game. Players take actions in clockwise order.
12. Starting with the last player and going counter-clockwise players each choose a Player Board (indicating a design type). Trend
tokens should be placed on top of each design owned matching the chosen type.
13. Each player takes a set of 3 Action Pawns and 2 monthly maintenance cost/income counters in their colour.
14. Players place their monthly maintenance cost/income counters on their player board to indicate their current maintenance
costs. The -1 counter should be put on the 3 field and the -10 counter on the 0 field, which represents a monthly cost of 3
thousand (for the 3 unskilled employees monthly salary).
15. The calendar counter should be set to indicate the first round, January.
16. A space for discard pile should also be prepared.

Beginning of the game and the First Player token

The player holding the First Players token begins the game. Players take actions in clockwise order. During the game, after each
month of preparations the First Player token is passed to the next Player in a clockwise direction. During Fashion Show Months the
token does not change hands.

Playing the game
Having the boards and cards placed in their proper places you may start playing. This game depicts a year from companys
operations on the clothing market, so the course of the game consists of 12 rounds, which represent months of the year. Four of
them are Fashion Show Months , while the eight remaining months players spend on preparation for the shows. Each quarter
consists of 2 Months of preparation , in which players perform various actions and one month of fashion show, when players
sewn clothing collections are assessed and judged. The course of the phases is different for Preparation Months and Fashion
Show Months and thus in this rulebook there are separate descriptions for each of them.

Phases of Preparation Months

At the beginning of each month of preparation, players refill the Contracts, Buildings and Employees fields, using 3 cards from the
bottom of their respective decks lying next to them. All these cards are placed undeveloped side up. Also, the design fields must be
refilled with 4 cards from the Design deck. If you run out of cards in the deck, discarded design cards must be shuffled and a new
Design deck is created.
Each month of preparation is divided into four phases:
PHASE I Actions planning
PHASE II Actions execution
PHASE III Training and development
PHASE IV Maintenance: costs or profits

Actions Planning Phase

In the Actions Planning Phase, players in turn place their action pawns on the main board, reserving the possibilities
to sign Contracts, buy Buildings, hire Employees, acquire Designs, purchase Materials, take a Credit or work on
their Collections preparation.
Each player has three Action Pawns. Starting from the First Player and going clockwise each player puts one of their
action pawns on one of available fields on the board. When all players have one action pawn on the board, the
procedure is repeated twice, so that each player has set all their three action pawns on the board. Each time, an
action pawn should be placed on the first unoccupied field of the chosen activity (counting from the left). Players
may put more than one action pawn in the same field, if there is still an available place there. The order of action
pawns will be important in the Actions Execution Phase.

Number of Players and available places for Action Pawns

Capacity for action pawns in each field on the board is limited and dependent on the number of players. In the game for 4 Players,
there are 3 places for Action Pawns available in each field on the board. In the game for 2 or 3 players, only 2 places on each field
are available. Note that there is no limit to placing action pawns on the Bank field if a player wants a Credit, they will always have
a chance to get it with an action pawn.

Actions Execution Phase
When all Players have placed their action pawns on the board, the Actions Execution phase begins. Players who have set their
Action Pawns in places connected with specific fields on the board may now perform the actions related to these fields. Actions are
taken in order of action pawn placement the owner of the action pawn in the first space takes their action first. Note: This rule is
reversed in the Preparations field, where the owner of the first action token takes his action last and the player who has the last
placed action pawn acts first. This exception has been marked on the board an arrow pointing in the opposite direction.
Actions (resulting from cards special capabilities) that do not require placing action pawns on specific fields are performed starting
from the player who has the First Player token and going clockwise. If not stated otherwise, those actions are performed after the
actions resulting from Action Pawns are finished.

Order of actions execution:

1. Bank
a. Player may get a Credit here.
b. The exact rules for borrowing money from a Bank are discussed in the specific rules chapter: Credits and Loans.

2. Contracts field
a. The player chooses one Contract card from among the Contract cards in this field and places it next to their player
b. From that moment this Contract is active until the Maintenance Phase in the next Fashion Show Month.

3. Buildings field
a. The player chooses one Building card from among the Building cards in this field and places it next to their player
b. The player must pay the cost of the buildings purchase (top left-hand corner; bills go to the Bank) and from that moment the
building is active.
c. Buildings have their costs of maintenance, so after purchase the player must adjust the level of monthly maintenance costs and
mark it with costs / profits tokens on their player board. The player must pay the maintenance costs of the Building until the end of
the game (some Contracts may temporarily change the situation).
d. Each Building provides a place to hire one additional Employee.
e. Active Building cards remain in play until the end of the game (the Building card cannot be discarded).

4. Employees field
a. The player chooses one Employee card from among the Employee cards in this field and places it, either replacing
(covering) an unskilled worker on the players board (up to 3 Employees) or on the lower part of one of the players
unoccupied Buildings (if places on the players board are already fully occupied). From this moment, the Employee card is active.
b. Employees generate costs of maintenance (like their salaries), so after purchase, the player must adjust the level of monthly
maintenance costs and mark it with costs / profits tokens on their player board.

c. Each Employee remains active until the end of the game, unless the Player decides to dismiss him (the Employee card is placed
on the discard pile). Employees may be released at any time by paying twice the cost of its maintenance to the Bank (this rule does
not apply to unskilled workers; they are simply replaced).

5. Designers field
a. The player chooses one Design card from among Design cards in this field and places it next to their player board.
b. If any of the players have Contracts / Buildings / Employees that allow them to take Designs at random, they do it
before choosing the Design and take proper number of Designs from the top of Design deck starting from the first player in this
field. Other players with no action pawns on this field, yet with the capabilities to take a Design at random, do it after all players
actions from action pawns were made. This order is clockwise, starting from the player with the First Player token.
c. If the design(s) taken is of the same type as their companys specialty, place 1 Trend token on it.
d. A collection that may be presented during fashion shows is formed with finished Designs of the same style.
e. A design is considered finished if the two materials that are listed on the design card are placed on top of this card.

6. Local Manufacturer field

a. For each action token, a player may buy any number of material pieces of 1 selected type, paying the appropriate
amount of money to the Bank. Prices for one piece of each type of material are listed on the board in the Local
Manufacturer field.
b. The player receives, and places on their player board, 1 Quality token for each purchase from the Local Manufacturer (action
pawn placed there) regardless of the number of material pieces bought in this purchase (provided at least 1 material piece was
bought for each purchase). This token is discarded after the end of the next month with fashion shows.
c. The player may buy as many material pieces as they want, regardless of the number of designs or types of material needed to
sew their designs (but still 1 type of material for 1 action pawn placed in this field).
d. The number of material pieces of each type is unlimited it is not possible to buy the whole stock.

7. Warehouse field
a. For each action token the player may buy up to one piece of each material type, paying the appropriate amount of
money to the Bank. Prices for one piece of each type of material are listed on the board in the Warehouse field.
b. The player receives and places on their player board, 2 Quality tokens for each purchase from the Warehouse (action pawn
placed there) regardless of the number of Material pieces bought in this purchase (provided at least 1 material piece bought for
each purchase). These tokens are discarded after the end of the next month with fashion shows.
c. The player may buy as many material pieces as they want, regardless of the number of designs or types of materials needed to
sew their designs (but still max 1 piece of each material type for 1 action pawn placed in this field).
d. The number of material pieces of each type is unlimited it is not possible to buy the whole stock.

8. Import field
a. For each action token, the player may buy any number of material pieces of one selected type, paying the appropriate
amount of money to the Bank. Prices for one piece of each type of material are listed on the board in the Import field.

b. The player receives and places on their player board, 3 Quality tokens for each purchase from Import (action pawn placed there)
regardless of the number of material pieces bought in this purchase (provided at least 1 material piece was bought in each
purchase). These tokens are discarded after the end of next month with fashion shows.
c. The player may buy as many material pieces as they want, regardless of the number of designs or types of materials needed to
sew their designs (but still 1 type of material for 1 action pawn placed in this field).
d. The number of material pieces of each type is unlimited it is not possible to buy the whole stock.

9. Preparations field
a. Note: reverse order of Actions Execution in this field.
b. Each player may get one of the following profits: 2 Quality tokens, 1 PR token, 1 Trend token or 5 thousand dollars.
Tokens are placed on the players board.
c. Each player always has a full choice of profits; there might be a situation where all players take the same profit in this field in the
same month.
d. Tokens acquired in this field are discarded after the end of next month with fashion shows.

Training and Development Phase

During this phase, each player may train one of their employees and develop one of their Buildings. Players decide about their
training and development one after another, starting with the player with First Player token, and going clockwise.
The cost of training / development is given at the bottom of each Employee / Building card. The player pays the required amount to
the Bank, and turns the card over to its developed side. The maintenance costs are higher, but the abilities given by trained /
developed cards are better.
Players must note the change in their monthly maintenance costs / incomes with the counters on their player boards. Note: It is the
change in costs / income which should be applied to the costs / income track.

Maintenance Phase
During months of preparation, in the Maintenance Phase players pay all their costs, including costs of Credits / Loans taken
(interests), and Building and Employee maintenance. Players note their monthly maintenance costs / incomes coming from
employees hired, buildings owned and Credits or Loans taken (interests to be paid monthly). There are two counters for each
player to be used: -1 and -10.
Example: The monthly cost of 7 thousand will be indicated by placing the -10 counter on the 0 field
(cash) and the -1 counter on the 7 field. This represents the notation of 0 * (-10) + 7 * (-1) = - 7.
Similarly, the cost of 21 thousand will be written as 2 * (-10) + 1 * (-1), or the -10 on the field 2 and the
-1 at the field 1.
These monthly costs may be reduced or changed by special capabilities brought to the company by certain Employees, Buildings
and Contracts. There is a possibility that instead of incurring costs, a player may end up having monthly income, which is marked
with the +1 and +10 side of the counters instead.

If a player does not have sufficient funds to pay the maintenance costs, they are forced to take a 20 thousand Loan from Private
Lender (Loan card). The exact rules for borrowing money from Private Lender are discussed in the specific rules chapter: Credits
and Loans.

Cleaning the Main Board

At the end of each preparation month, players remove all building, employee, contract and design cards that were not taken by the
players from the main board, to the discard pile. Obviously, this does not apply to card decks lying in their proper places on main
board. In the end of this phase, the calendar counter should be moved forward by 1 month.

Phases of Fashion Show Months

Fashion Show Months (March, June, September and December) are significantly different from Preparation Months. During the
month of an exhibition, the main board is not refilled with cards, and the First Player token is not passed on to the next Player.
Each Fashion Show Month is divided into five phases:
PHASE I Stars Exchange
PHASE II Collection Display
PHASE III Collections Features Comparison
PHASE IV Collection selling
PHASE V Maintenance: costs or profits

Stars Exchange Phase

At the beginning of this month, players exchange star tokens received during previous fashion show for golden bills (on the reverse
side of each denomination of bills). Each Star is worth 1, 2 or 3 thousand in terms of the companys final brand value, depending on
the number of players in the game:
In a 2-player game, 1 Star is worth 1 thousand.
In a 3-player game, 1 Star is worth 2 thousand.
In a 4-player game, 1 Star is worth 3 thousand.
Each player takes the correct amount of money and places the bills with their golden side up beside their player board in a
separate pile. This money stays there until the end of the game and cannot be used. These bills represent the value of companys
brand name that is built during the game and will be added to the players financial result at the end of the game.

Collection Display Phase

Each player chooses which collection they will display at fashion show(s) this month. You may choose only 1 Collection in a given
Fashion Show Month. A collection consists of any number of finished designs that share a common style (Sports, Boho, Vintage
etc.). The design is considered finished if the two materials that are listed on the design card are placed on top of it. It is the last
moment for the player to make changes in material placement on design cards. Unfinished designs cannot be included into a

Collections Features Comparison Phase
Collections at the shows are compared based on the following features:
Quality , Trends , Public Relations and Quantity .
The Quality of the collection is the sum of all Quality tokens available to the Player (Quality tokens gained from material
purchases, preparation, from Employee, Building and Contract cards and in the form of profits from finished design cards
included in the collection).
Collection Trends (that symbolize collections fit to current fashion trends) is the sum of all Trend tokens available to the Player
(Trend tokens derived from the design type cards, preparation, from Employee, Building and Contract cards and in the form of
profits from finished design cards included in the collection).
Public Relations of the Collection (that symbolize collections success in the media) is the sum of all PR tokens available to the
Player (PR tokens derived from preparation and from Employee, Building and Contract cards).
A collections Quantity is the number of design cards that constitute this displayed collection. Such Designs must be finished,
and share a common style or be adjusted to fit the displayed style (some Employee, Building and Contract cards allow a player
to change the style of designs).
Quality or Trend tokens shown as profits on design cards that are not displayed during a fashion show are not included in this count
of collection features.

Depending on game progress, fashion shows are held in one city (in March), two cities (in June), three cities (in September) and
four cities (in December) Fashion Show card order was determined during game setup.
In each Fashion Show Month, each player displays one and the same collection in all cities. Fashion Show cards (cities where
fashion shows take place) differ when it comes to the order of features judged (i.e. in one city Quality is the most important, Trends
in another one).

Number of judged Features

Moreover, the number of features judged in fashion cities is reduced as the calendar counter comes closer to
years end. And so:
During the first Fashion Show (in March), all four Features listed on the Fashion Show card are judged
During the second Fashion Show (in June), only first three listed Features are judged and the fourth is ignored
During the third Fashion Show (in September), only first two Features are judged, while last two are ignored
During the fourth and final fashion show (in December), only the first Feature is judged in each city (final Fashion
Show cards include only one Feature, while the second one is considered only in case of a Journalist card).

Considering Fashion Show Cards

Fashion Show cards are considered one after another (1 card in March, 2 cards in June, 3 cards in September and 4 final cards in
December). Players check the order of features importance in every city. For each feature judged in each city players determine

who won the 1st and 2nd place. This is done by reading the judged feature aloud and comparing players total scores in this feature.
Only 1st and 2nd places are awarded.
In a situation where two players are in a tie for 1st place in a feature, they are treated as if each of them won the 2nd place in this
feature. If more than two players are in a tie for 1st place, all of them get the 3rd place which is not awarded. Correspondingly, a tie
of two players for 2nd place, results in both being given 3rd place (not awarded).

After determining the 1st and 2nd place in a feature, players are rewarded with Stars. The prizes for 1st and 2nd place in each feature
depend on the features position on the Fashion Show card being considered, and the number of players in the game. It is shown in
the table below:

After determining and awarding 1st and 2nd place in each feature, players check in the same way the following features that are
judged in this Fashion Show Month (as described earlier, all 4 Features in March, 3 in June, 2 in September and only 1 in
December). If a players displayed collection doesnt have any points in each feature (e.g. 0 PR tokens when PR Feature is being
checked), he or she cannot score any place nor be rewarded for this Feature.

Collection Selling Phase

After the fashion shows are over, players automatically sell their displayed collections. For each design in
their collection a player is paid the amount of money that is shown on the design card increased by the
number of Stars won during the current round of fashion shows, valued as 1 thousand each. Hence, if a
player won 7 Stars during the Fashion Shows he or she earns 7 thousand more for each design).
Example: Player A displayed a collection of 3 finished designs in Boho style and won 6 Stars. After the
fashion shows he or she sells the collection for: 14 + 17 + 21 (Design Values) + 3 * 6 (Stars) = 80 thousand.
Design cards and Trend, PR and Quality tokens that belonged to the sold collection are discarded. Design
cards that were not displayed nor sold are not discarded and tokens that are placed on those cards stay in
the game. Also, permanent Trend, PR and Quality tokens that result from special capabilities of Buildings, Employees or Contracts

are not discarded if those cards stay in the game. In most cases, Contract cards are discarded at the end of this months
Maintenance Phase.

Maintenance Phase
After getting money from selling collections, players pay all their maintenance costs (or get their monthly incomes) just as in a
Maintenance Phase in a preparation month.
Additionally, in the Maintenance Phase in a Fashion Shows month, players must pay all their Credits and
Loans back to the Bank. Detailed rules are discussed in the specific rules chapter: Credits and Loans.
At the end of the Maintenance Phase in a Fashion Shows month, all Contracts expire and Contract cards are discarded, unless
they are extended by one quarter with usage of a Negotiator card. The card of the extended Contract should be turned over to its
darker side. At the end of this phase, the calendar counter should be moved forward by 1 month.

End of the Game

In December, all phases should be carried out normally (including the Collection Selling phase and Maintenance Phase).
Stars from Decembers fashion shows should now be exchanged for golden bills (brand value of the company), using same rules
as for the beginning of each fashion show month.
Players count their money and golden bills that were placed beside the Players Board (brand value), and subtract the value of
The result shows how much each player has earned with their clothing company since January.
The player who has achieved the greatest amount wins the game.

Other rules
Credit and Loan
In this game, players can borrow money from two different sources: a Bank (a Credit) or a Private Lender (a Loan). There is a
significant difference between these two that is explained below in detail.

An action pawn placed on the Bank field allows the player to get a Credit. This field is always available for the players during
actions planning phase regardless of the number of players in the game and the number of action pawns already placed on this
field. Credit can be taken from 10 thousand upwards in multiples of 10 thousand.
The player takes a credit card of the appropriate denomination and receives the appropriate amount money from the Bank. When
taking the Credit, the player should also increase their monthly maintenance costs (or lower the income) by the amount of interest
that must be paid to the Bank on a monthly basis. The Credit Interest rate is 10% of Credit value each month. That means 2
thousand interest per month for a Loan of 20 thousand.

Credit Value
The maximum Credit value a player can receive at a given moment is determined by the potential size of their
collection to be sewn. The player counts the number of design cards of the same style (such as Evening, Vintage
etc.) and design cards that will be changed to fit that style during upcoming Fashion Shows, through special
capabilities given by Contracts, Buildings and Employees. It is important that Collection Style adjustment tokens
are placed at this moment onto the design card that will be changed, even though it gives an effect during the
A player having 1 design in the potential collection can take 10 thousand of Credit
With 2 Designs in the potential collection Credit for 10-20 thousand;
With 3 Designs in the potential Collection Credit for 10-30 thousand and so on where the number of designs in
the potential collection multiplied by 10 thousand is the upper limit.
For one potential collection, a player may only receive one credit.

While holding Credit, a player is obliged to pay interest (10% of Credit value) to the Bank every month. This rule applies also to the
month the Credit was taken and the month of the Fashion Shows.
Furthermore, the Credit must be paid back to the Bank immediately after the player gets money from selling their collection during
the next Fashion Show Month (and only then).
Example: A player borrowed 30 thousand from a Bank in the first month of preparation, so this month and the next month he or she
must pay 3 thousand more as maintenance costs (interest). In the Fashion Show Month, he or she pays back 3 thousand (interest)
plus 30 thousand (Credit value) to the Bank.

If a player is unable to pay the required maintenance costs in any maintenance phase, they automatically receive a
compulsory Loan from a Private Lender in the amount of 20 thousand (a Loan card). This Loans Repayment is
identical to Credit, except that in a Fashion Show Month, for every 20 thousand of Loan, that player must pay the
Loan amount plus 8 thousand (total 28 thousand for each Loan), as Loans are more expensive than Credit.
Players should not forget about the payment of interest this month.

If a player is unable to repay their Credits / Loans in the maintenance phase of a Fashion Show Month, they receive a penalty
worth -10 thousand at the end of the game (reverse side of 100 thousand bill). As its symbol, the player places a Loan card beside
their player board where the golden bills are placed. The penalty doesnt remove the players obligation to pay interest and to repay
the amount of Credits / Loans in the next Fashion Show month in the normal way. Penalties are given to each outstanding Credit /
Loan separately.
If a player fails to repay all his or hers Credits / Loans in the last month of the game after selling the collection, they receive a final
penalty in the form of a negative value of outstanding Credits / Loans.

Contract, Building & Employee Cards

At the top of the card there is a symbol indicating whether the card is a Contract, a Building or an
Employee, with the name of the card shown underneath.
Special capabilities given by the card in the game are depicted in the middle of the card. Those symbols
are described below. Some have clarification included in this document.

The information about the time when various cards are active is shown below this. If the icon depicts:

This card is active during fashion shows

This card is active during Maintenance Phase

This card may be activated during Actions Execution Phase. The number of the action is shown to the right of the pawn
symbol. A card with a pawn symbol is activated only if a Player puts their action pawn in the proper field (same number) on main
board. Each pawn on this field activates the card.

This card is activated during Actions Execution Phase. The number of the action is shown to the right of the pawn symbol. A
card with a crossed-out pawn symbol is active regardless of whether the player has placed an action pawn in this field.

This card is activated immediately after its purchase / expansion. The card operates only once with its capabilities,
Immediately when its activation.

This card is activated at the end of the game, after the last show, when the result is being calculated.

The cost of maintenance of Employee and Building cards is shown in the upper right corner (1) this amount
of money should be paid each month for the cards possession. Building cards have the additional cost of its
purchase in the upper left corner of the card (2). This amount of money should be paid to the Bank
Immediately when the buildings purchase.

Employee and Building Cards that can be trained / developed have the price of training / development in the
lower part of the card (3). This amount of money should be paid to the Bank in the Training and Development
Phase if a player decides to train / develop this card. Final cards of Contracts, Buildings and Employees have a
special final sign in this place (4).

Entering the Final Cards

Final cards are put into play only during the months specified on the reverse side (the final card of Contracts, Buildings and
Employees are put into play in October and November, and the final cards of fashion shows - in December). Final cards of
Buildings cannot be developed; Employees cannot be trained and Contracts cannot be extended. These cards do not have the
rules of developed Building / trained Employee / Contract extended on their reverse sides.
Note: The reverse of these final cards has XI XII XIII on them, rather than the expected X XI XII.

Dismissing an Employee
A player may dismiss their Employees (cards are placed on discard pile) at any time in the game, by paying twice the cost of their
maintenance to the Bank. This rule does not apply to unskilled workers; they are simply replaced.

Other card rules

A player may have any number of identical cards (i.e. Models) in their possession.
In case of a conflict, rules on the cards are always more important than general rules and precede them.
Remember also, that places the players get on fashion shows are indicated first and then Stars are awarded. This is important in
case of conflicts between cards capabilities.

Card rules description


For Berets Production

Base: The Player may sell up to 3 Material pieces for $7 thousand each.
Extended: The Player may sell up to 3 Material pieces for $5 thousand each.

For Ready-to-Wear Collection Preparation
Base: The Player may sell an additional Collection without any added profits from Stars.
Extended: The Player may sell an additional Collection without any added profits from Stars for $3 thousand below the total value.
*This allows you to sell a collection during the maintenance phase without gaining profits from Stars. It can be done during each maintenance
phase of the time the contract is active.

For TV Appearances
Base: The Player gains 4 Stars (put these tokens on the card) even if he or she does not display any finished Designs during the Fashion Shows.
Extended: The Player gains 2 Stars even if he or she does not display any finished Designs during the Fashion Shows.
*Youll get this Stars at the moment of Show, so they will count to Retail Outlet from the moment of show month.

With Construction Company

Base: Without expending an action, the Player may obtain one Building from among Building cards remaining on the Board after all players have
made their actions on Buildings Field for free and develop one building for free during each Training and Development Phase.
Extended: Without expending an action, the Player may obtain one Building from among Building cards left on the Board for free after all Players
have taken their actions on the Buildings Field.

With Design Agency

Base: The Player may take a Design card without expending an action from among the Design cards left on the Board or from discard pile after all
Players have made their actions on Designers Field.
Extended: The Players Action Pawn is required to acquire a Design card from among the Design cards left on the Board or from discard pile after
all Players have made their actions on Designers Field.

With Design Company

Base: Without expending an action, the Player obtains two Designs at random after all Players actions on Designers Field are complete.
Extended: Without expending an action, the Player obtains one Design at random.

With Designs Office

Base: In the Maintenance Phase of a preparation month, the Player may sell one of his or her unfinished Designs for $8 thousand in the first month
of the quarter and for $15 thousand in the second month.
Extended: In the Maintenance Phase of a preparation month, the Player may sell one of his or hers unfinished Designs for $10 thousand.

With Employment Agency

Base: The Player may take an Employee card without expending an action from among the Employee cards left on the Board or from discard pile
after all Players have made their actions on the Employees Field.
Extended: The players Action Pawn is required to acquire an Employee card from the sources mentioned above.

With Freelance Designer

Base: The Player may choose a type of Design (and take the light green Design Type card) and from that moment all the Players Designs of that
type get an additional Trend token (put these tokens on each Design card) while the Contract is active (when contract expires take the tokens off
these Design cards).
Extended: The Player may get a maximum of one Trend token from this cards capabilities to place on a single Design that matches the chosen
Design Type.

With Modeling Agency
Base: The Player gets 2 PR tokens (put these tokens on the card).
Extended: The Player gets 1 PR token.

With Office Renters

Base: The Player pays no maintenance costs on all Buildings (adjust the monthly maintenance costs/incomes accordingly).
Extended: As above.

With Quality Consultant

Base: The Player gets 3 Quality tokens (put these tokens on the card).
Extended: The Player gets 2 Quality tokens.

With Real Estate Agent

Base: The Player may take a Building card without expending an action from among the remaining Building cards or from discard pile after all
Players have made their actions on Buildings Field.
Extended: The Players Action Pawn is required to acquire a Building card from among the remaining Building cards or from discard pile after all
Players have made their actions on Buildings Field.

With Trends Analyst

Base: The Player gets 2 Trend tokens (put these tokens on the card).
Extended: The Player gets 1 Trend token.

With Sales Representative

Base: Without expending an action, the Player may buy Materials from Local Producer (any number of 1 color). The Player does not receive any
Quality tokens for that purchase. This discount cannot be combined with other discounts nor can the final price of any Material be less than $1
Extended: As above, but the price for Materials is not discounted.

Final contracts:

For Furniture Store Interior Design

The Player gets $3 thousand in October and $9 thousand in November as additional income (change the monthly maintenance costs/incomes
counters on Players Board accordingly).

With Audit Company

The Player may sell one Employee card for $2 thousand and/or one Building card for $4 thousand.

With Cooperating Agency

The Player may discard any number of his or hers Design cards and get the same number of Design cards at random after all the other Players
have made all their actions on the Designers Field.

With PR agency
The Player gets an additional Star for each 2nd and 3rd place that he or she wins during fashion shows.

With Ready-to-Wear Chain Stores
The Player may sell up to two unfinished Designs for $5 thousand each in October and up to four unfinished Designs for $5 thousand each in

With Telecom Operator

The Player may place his or hers Action Pawn even if there is no free place for Action Pawn (place the pawn in the fourth spot in the Field). You
place the pawn that took this contract as the rules on this contract show. It works immediately. You can put your Pawn even on a place where there
is no space for you.


Banquet Hall
Base: The Player gets one PR token permanently (put this token on the card).
Developed: Player gets two PR tokens permanently and the Player wins all ties in the PR Feature.

Credit House
Base: The Player gets $20 thousand immediately and takes a -$10 thousand golden bills and places it with his golden bills pile.
Developed: The Player may repeat the Action.

Design Agency
Base: Without expending an action, the Player obtains one Design at random after all Players actions on the Designers Field are complete.
Developed: Player may also sell one unfinished Design during each Maintenance Phase for $7 thousand.

Design Bureau (Style Names)

Base: The Player takes one Design card at random before choosing a Design on Designers Field.
Developed: The Player may also adjust one Design to fit one of the styles named on the card (put Collection Style adjustment token on this
Design). The Player must make a final decision as to which Design to change at the beginning of Fashion Show Month.

Designers School
Base: The Player gets one Trend token permanently (put these tokens on the card)
Developed: The Player gets two Trend tokens permanently and the Player wins all ties in the Trend Feature.

Investment House
Base: In each Maintenance Phase of Preparation Months and Fashion Show Months, the Player may choose one amount ($5/$10/$15 thousand)
and invest to get $8/$17/$25 thousand at the end of the game (put those bills golden side up beside the Players Board).
Developed: The Player may also pay $2 thousand each time to get one additional Star during the upcoming fashion shows (put these Star tokens
on the card).

Machine Facilities
Base: The Player gets two Quality tokens permanently (put these tokens on the card).
Developed: The Player gets three Quality tokens permanently and the Player wins all ties in the Quality Feature.

Preparation Section
Base: Pay $3 thousand to take a single action in Preparations Field at the beginning of Fashion Show Month.
Developed: As above but the player does not have to pay for the action.
*Use it just before you decide what collection you will exhibit during the fashion show and before other players tell which collection they will exhibit.

Retail Outlet
Base: The Player gets money equal to the number of Stars in his or her possession (1 Star = $1 thousand) as additional income to a maximum
$6 thousand. (Change the monthly maintenance costs/incomes counters on the Players Board accordingly).
Developed: The Player gets $1 thousand plus as much money as the number of Stars in his or her possession to a maximum of $10 thousand.
*Only stars from last fashion show are counted for Retail Outlet. Face of the Company is active during the fashion show (as the icon on the card
shows) and those Stars count only from that moment.
**You can have more than one Retail Outlets (i.e. 2 or 3). Both give you the same bonus (so the stars arent consumed by the first - if You have 10
or more stars after the show You get $10 from the first and another $10 from the second Retail Outlet).

Transportation Base
Base: After all Action Pawns are placed, the Player may switch up to two of his or her Action Pawns with their neighbors in the same Field.
Switching is done in the order of placing the Action Pawns.
Developed: The Player may either switch his or her Action Pawns or place his or her Action Pawn even if there is no free place for Action Pawn
(in the fourth spot of the Field).

Final buildings

Fashion Show Organizing Agency

In the Maintenance Phase of last two Preparation Months, if the Player with this Agency dominates in at least one Feature (as if a fashion show
was held that moment and the Player would have placed 1st in at least one Feature), he or she gets Stars: 2 in October and 3 in November
respectively. (The Stars should be put on this card). Dominance in each feature is determined by comparing Features at that moment (Quantity
is determined by the number of Designs that are complete in one Collection).

Real Estate Agency

At the end of the Game, the Player gets $4 thousand for each Building in his or her possession (including the Real Estate Agency).

Newspapers Office
For each 1st place finish (not tied) during a fashion show, the Player receives three additional Stars.

Sewing Factory
For each 1st place finish (not tied) during a fashion show, the Player receives $18 thousand.

The Player may buy Materials (any number in 1 color) without expending an action at Local Producer. The player gets 1 Quality token for that

The Player may buy without expending an action, any Materials (maximum one of each type) at the Warehouse for a reduced price ($2 thousand
less). The cost is can never be less than $1 thousand for any piece. The Player does not receive any Quality tokens for that purchase.


Base: The Player gets $5 thousand in additional income (change the monthly maintenance cost/income counters on the Players Board
Trained: The Player gets $7 thousand of additional income.

Creative Designer
Base: Without expending an action, the Player draws one Design at random after the Players Actions on Designers Field are complete.
Trained: Without expending an action, the Player draws two Designs at random after all Players actions on Designers Field are complete. The
Player discards one of the two Design cards and keeps the other.

Credit Advisor
Base: Without expending an action, the Player can take Credit in an amount dependent on the game quarter: $5 thousand in the first quarter, $10
in the second, $15 in the third and $20 in the fourth (regardless of the number of Designs in his or her largest Collection). The Player does not pay
interest on this Credit.
Trained: The amount of Credit available to the Player under the above conditions is increased to: $10 thousand in the first quarter, $20 in the
second, $30 in the third and $40 in the fourth.

Freelance Designer
Base: The Player may adjust one
Design to fit any other style by placing a Collection Style adjustment token on this Design. The Player must make his/her final decision which
Design to change at the beginning of Fashion Show Month, but the Player decreases his or her score in Trends during the Fashion Shows by two.
Trained: The Player may adjust one Design to fit any other style without any penalty.

Base: In one city of Players choice during a Fashion Show month, an additional Feature (the one immediately below the last judged Feature) is
also judged. Note: the Journalist cannot be used during the March fashion show (as all four Features are judged).
Trained: As above, but the Player also gets three additional Stars for scoring 1st place at least once during the fashion show.
If you have the Journalist, you could force either trendiness to be judged in Berlin, or PR in Rome (one extra judging, basically, in one city of your
choosing). The judging works the same as normal. The upgraded extra star ability can only be used once per fashion show.
You get 3 additional stars for scoring 1st place at least once. At least means that even if you score several first places, youll only get the 3 bonus

Base: The Player gets one PR token. Put this token on the card while this Employee is employed.
Trained: The Player gets two PR tokens.

Model: Face of the Company

Base: The Player gains 2 additional Stars (put these tokens on the card).
Trained: The Player gains 4 additional Stars.
*At the beginning of each show get as much Stars as the card shows. These Stars count during selling collection, in maintenance phase (if You
have Retail Outlet), and are converted to Golden Cash before next show (or at the end of the game).

Model: Superstar
Base: The Player may adjust one
Design to fit any other style. Put a Collection Style adjustment token on this Design. The Player must make a final decision which Design to
change at the beginning of Fashion Show Month. The Player must also decrease his or her score in Quality by three during the fashion shows.
Trained: The Player may adjust one Design to fit any other style without any penalty.

Base: The Player may extend one Contract once for the period of three months; turn the contract card over at the end of the Fashion Shows
Trained: The Player may extend up to two Contracts for the period of three months; turn the contract card over at the end of Fashion Shows

Sales Representative
Base: The Player may buy Materials from the Local Producer (any number of 1 color) at the listed price. The Player does not receive any Quality
tokens for that purchase. Trained: As above, but the Player may purchase each Material for $3 thousand less than their purchase price (minimum
$1 thousand each). This discount cannot be combined with any other discounts.

Talented Designer
Base: The Player gets one Trend token. Put this token on the card while this Employee is employed.
Trained: The Player gets two Trend tokens.

Base: The Player gets two additional Stars for each tie for 1st and/or 2nd place he or she is in during a fashion show.
Trained: As above and, in case of a tie in any one Feature, the Player wins. You cannot win the 2 additional stars for that specific feature (base
ability) if you break the tie.

Final employees

Makeup Artist
Each employed Model gives the Player an additional Trend token. Put the Trend tokens on the Makeup Artist card.

Market Analyst
The Player may see the top six cards from Design deck and arrange them in any desired order before the Players execute their actions on the
Designers Field. He just lets a player who has random selections to seed the face-down cards in their favor. You must have your Pawn on the
Designers Field to use this ability. You use this ability any moment during Designers Field phase.

New Designer
Without expending an action, the Player obtains two Designs at random after all Players Actions on the Designers Field are complete.

Sales Agent
The Player may either switch his or her Action Pawn with its neighbors after all Action Pawns are placed or place his or her Action Pawn even if
there is no free place for Action Pawn. Immediately when hiring this Employee, the Players Action Pawn on the Employee Field may be placed
somewhere else or another Action Pawn switched. On subsequent turns, switching is done after all Players have placed their Action Pawns and is
done in the order of placing the Action Pawns.

The Player may sell an additional Collection not displayed during the Fashion Shows but without any added profits from Stars.

Young Designer
The Player may adjust one Design to fit any other style. Put the Collection Style adjustment token on this Design. The Player must make a final
decision as to which Design to change at the beginning of Fashion Show Month. The Player decreases his or her score in Trends by two.

Where to get:


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