Haspelknecht Rules
Haspelknecht Rules
Haspelknecht Rules
long time ago, in the Ruhr valley, a young shepherd made a campfire in a pit to warm
himself. His campfire seemed to burn much longer than usual. The next day, he discovered shiny black stones amidst the ashes, which were still glowing and burning.
The boy told the farmer who employed him about this and together, when the work in
the fields was done, they dug in the Pinge for these black rocks. The deeper they dug, the
more nasty pit water appeared, making the digging increasingly difficult.
At home they discussed what techniques and tools could be used to get rid of the pit water and go deeper in the ground to get those magical shiny black rocks named coal.
-- 20 Development tiles: 5
each of levels 1 to 4
-- 4 Assist tiles: 1 per level
-- 4 Coal-miner and
Haspelknecht tiles
-- 16 Building tiles:
4 barns,
4 charcoal burners,
4 coal storages,
4 watermills
-- 4 Improved farmhands
-- 24 Debt chits
-- 16 Thaler coins
-- 1 Year marker
-- 44 Player disks:
11 in each player color
-- 18 Pit water
-- 1 Phase marker
-- 36 Action disks:
13 black, 13 brown and 10 yellow
-- 1 Bag
-- 1 Rulebook
Player board
Each player receives 18 coal cubes, 11 player disks in one
color and a player board displaying workers, a farm and a
mining area.
Each player places a coal cube on every indicated place on
his player board (18 in total).
Player Board
Development board
Depending on the number of players, the development board
is formed from 12 to 20 hexagon tiles. The board will always
contain four rows of 3-5 tiles of the same color. The assist
tiles are placed alongside the development tiles.
The action markers and buildings that correspond to the
development tiles in play are conveniently placed next to the
board. The same goes for coins, debt chits, resources, pit
water and the Coal-miner and Haspelknecht tiles
For your first play, it is recommended to use the tiles that
have the lowest numbers per color and place them in numerical order with the assist tiles attached.
In 2 and 3 player games, the extra development tiles and their
action markers are returned to the box.
Variants can be found at the end of this rulebook.
assist tiles
4 players
4 players
3 players
2 players
20 development tiles
(5 of each color)
16 development tiles
(4 of each color)
12 development tiles
(3 of each color)
3 players
2 players
Phase marker
Year marker
Place the phase marker on the first pit water field and place
the year marker on the first year on the Year wheel board. All
players place one of their player disks on the 0/50 space on
the scoring track.
Before starting the first round, the players randomly determine turn order and place their disks on the turn order chart
Each player now has 9 disks of his color
remaining and places these beside his player
2 players:
7 black disks,
7 brown disks,
4 yellow disks
3 players:
10 black disks,
10 brown disks,
7 yellow disks
4 players:
13 black disks,
13 brown disks,
10 yellow disks
Resource boards
In the middle of the table, within reach of all players, a number of resource boards
are placed. Take the resource boards where the player symbols are less than or
equal to the number of players.
Each resource board shows an action pool and a reserve pool.
Depending on the number of players, a number of action disks are used and placed
in the drawing bag as shown in the example on the left.
These numbers and the colors of the disks are listed in the left column of this page.
Prepare the resource boards.
For each reserve pool, draw 3 action disks and place them in the reserve pools.
Then, for each action pool, draw 6 disks from the bag and place them in the action
After this, the drawing bag should be empty.
Resource boards
Coal Mining
Coal Mining Areas
Each player board has 2 areas, the Pinge and the Tunnel, where players break
down coal with their workers. The Pinge and the Tunnel must be kept free from pit
Pinge bonus
A player receives 2 victory points
when he excavates all 7 coal cubes
during the first year of the game. If
this goal is met in the second year,
only 1 point is received.
Each player has an area on his player board called the Pinge. At the start of the
game, there are 7 coal cubes on each players Pinge.
The Pinge also has 2 fields with a wood symbol. Players access the coal cubes from
left to right. Any coal cubes up to the first empty wood symbol can be excavated.
If an empty wood symbol in the Pinge is covered with a wood, then the player can
also excavate the coal cubes to the right of the placed wood up to the next empty
wood symbol.
A player can place wood at any time. By placing wood, the player extends the area
where coal can be excavated.
Coal cubes are removed from the Pinge when it is excavated, and wood has to be
placed in the Pinge.
Coal cubes excavated from the Pinge are placed directly in the players Farm area.
A player receives 2 victory points when he excavates all 7 coal cubes during the
first year of the game. If this goal is fulfilled in the second year, 1 point is received.
Pinge exhausted
Once all coal cubes have been excavated from the Pinge, it is exhausted. Then,
coal excavation in the Tunnel starts. Move all remaining pit water in the Pinge to
the designated area in the Shaft and return the wood placed in the Pinge to the
general supply.
Finally, place a Coal-miner and Haspelknecht tile on the player board so that it
covers the Coal-digger and Pinge.
The tunnel is the mining area where coal cubes are excavated underground. The
tunnel has 7 areas which contain a total of 11 coal cubes. These coal cubes can
only be accessed for excavation from the left to the right.
The tunnel also has 7 fields with a wood symbol. As players have to access the
coal cubes from left to right, any coal to the left of the first empty wood symbol can
be excavated.
If an empty wood symbol in the tunnel is covered with wood, the player can excavate the coal cubes to the right of the placed wood up to the next empty wood
Put wood
into the
to get the
coal out
The Tunnel
Haspelknecht, shaft,
and pit water
coal cubes
pit water
Pit water
Pit water or mining water is water
that collects in a mine and which
has to be brought to the surface in
order to enable the mine to continue
Pit water
During the game, pit water will gather in the Pinge or Shaft. The players Workers
will have to remove pit water to enable coal excavation.
Game flow
Shaft water field
The game is played over 3 rounds which represent 3 years. Each round is divided
into 3 action phases (spring, summer and autumn), followed by a payment, scoring
and storage phase (winter). Players will keep track of all phases of the round by
using the phase marker. A year has the following phases:
Next year
Start here,
follow clockwise
Action Phase
(Spring, Summer, Autumn)
An Action phase is divided into the following steps:
1. Refilling the resource boards
2. Taking action disks
3. Determining player turn order
4. Planning and executing actions
1. Refilling the resource boards
This is skipped in the first phase of the first round. At the beginning of each action phase, all players return all their action disks, whether used or unused. The
disks are put into the drawing bag.
The 3 disks in the reserve pool are moved to the action pool and added to the
disks that were not taken in the previous action phase.
Then 3 action disks are drawn from the bag and placed in each reserve pool.
Then, for each action pool that contains less than 6 disks, draw as many disks
from the bag and place them in the action pools until the action pools each
contain 6 disks. After this, the drawing bag should be empty.
It is possible that a resource board contains more than 6 disks. In this rare case,
the final resource board that has to be supplemented will get less than 6 disks.
first step
Example: A player took 3 black action disks in the first taking. When it is his turn
to take action disks in the second step, he chooses an action pool which contains
3 brown disks and 1 yellow disk. He takes 2 brown disks from that action pool.
The player now has the maximum of 5 disks.
Some of the action pools show a water symbol. When a player
takes action disks from one of these pools during the first step of
taking action disks, the player also receives 1 pit water.
Every player places his action disks on the cart fields of his player board. The disks
taken during the first step are placed on the cart field marked 1.
The disks taken during the second step are placed on the cart field marked 2.
3. Determining player turn order
Then each player adds up the values of his action disks placed on the cart
field marked 1. Yellow disks are worth 3 points each, brown disks 2 points
each and black disk 1 point each.
The player with the lowest total value places his turn order marker on the
leftmost field of the turn order chart (marked I). The other players follow in
order of increasing total value.
In case of equal values, the last player in the current turn order (the player
who took his resource disks last) will go before the other player(s) in the new
turn order.
Action disks
Each worker has a space where the action disks or other requirements can be
placed. Below the fields are symbols showing which actions the worker can perform.
When all players have planned their actions, in turn order, the players will execute
all their workers actions.
Players decide in which order the workers perform their actions. A single worker
has to finish his actions before the next worker can perform their actions.
It is possible in a single player`s turn that a worker finishes the Pinge and the following worker works in the tunnel.
Own Workers
The farmer can use action disks in various ways: produce resources, excavate coal,
remove pit water, or acquire a development. Only one of these actions can be used
in a single phase. Exceptions are removing pit water and producing coal, these two
actions can be combined.
The farmhand can use action disks in various ways: produce resources, excavate
coal, or remove pit water. Only one of these actions can be used in a single phase.
Exceptions are removing pit water and producing coal, these two actions can be
Once per phase, the farmer can do a development. At the start of the game, this
can only be done with the farmer.
To acquire a development, place the required action disks as shown on the top side
of the development tile on your workers field.
The requirement shows colored and grey disks. For colored disks, the corresponding colored disk must be used. Grey disks can be of any color of your choice.
Example: For the Mining Timber development tile (No. 31), the player needs 4
action disks. One of those has to be black. The other 3 disks can be of any color.
The player places 2 black and 2 brown disks on the farmer.
Place 1 or more action disks of the same color to receive one or more resource(s)
(food, wood, or coal). Per disk placed, you get 1 resource of the same color. Yellow
disks are for food, brown disks for wood, and black disks for coal mining. Food and
wood are taken from the general supply.
Summer bonus
During summer a player receives
one additional food when the farmer produces at least one food.
Food and coal are placed in your farm area. Wood can be used immediately in your
mining area or can also be placed in your farm area. Wood is the only resource
which can be used immediately. It is used according to the rules as explained in
the Coal Mining section.
Coal cubes are taken from the appropriate mining area on the players player
board. Coal can only be excavated if the excavation is not hindered by pit water.
Black action disks can be used to remove pit water or to excavate coal.
With one black disk, a personal worker can either:
remove 1 or 2 pit water
excavate 1 coal cube
2 or more pit water:
No coal can be taken from the pinge
2 or more pit water in the shaft:
No coal can be transported from the
shaft up to the farm area.
Contract workers
The contract workers are specialists: the Coal-digger, Coal-miner, and Haspelknecht. Each can be activated only once during an action phase by paying 1 of
their requirements.
The Coal-digger is available in the beginning of the game. Later in the game, the
Coal-digger will be succeeded by the Coal-miner and Haspelknecht.
Synergy bonus
To pay the Coal-digger, you have to place exactly 1 yellow disk, 1 food, or 1 Thaler
on the Coal-diggers field.
The Coal-digger only works if he is paid. He performs 2 actions.
If there is more than 1 pit water, the Coal-digger will remove 2 pit water per
action until there is less than 2 pit water.
If there is less than 2 pitwater, the Coal-digger excavates 1 coal cube per
or Haspler can be translated as reel
farmhand. In early coal mining, he
took care of the vertical transport in
the shaft.
1. Scoring points
Each player counts the coal cubes in his farm area to determine the number of
victory points he scores.
Players do not receive points for 1 or 2 Coal cubes. 3 Coal cubes will yield 2 victory
points, after which every extra coal cube will yield 1 more victory point (see the
coal chart on the year wheel board).
Each player must pay a lease for his lands to the nobility. During the first round
you have to pay 2 food, the second year will cost you 2 food and 1 Thaler, the third
year costs 2 Thalers and 1 food. The costs per year are displayed on the year wheel
Players have to take one debt chit for each commodity they cannot pay. Debt chits
will cost you victory points at the end of the game. Payment is obligatory. If you
possess the appropriate commodities, you must pay.
3. Storage
Yearwheel storage
Each player can store one single unit of food, wood, or coal in the farm area on his
player board.
Stored resources can be used later in the game.
The winter phase ends with each player returning his extra resources (the resources he cannot store) to the general stock.
A player is granted 1 victory point when he stores 1 unit of wood on the farm area.
Acquired developments can provide additional storage and victory points.
4. Next year
A year is finished, and the year marker is moved to the next year. A new year
The game ends after 3 years.
Development tiles
your player
disk here
direct and
take this
Additional cost, to pay to the player whose disk is on top of the development tile, if
the player has no development adjacent to the targeted development:
Level 1: no costs (top row)
Level 2: a coal cube, wood, or food
Level 3: a coal cube
Level 4: a food
If a player obtains a development, he immediately gains victory points. The points
are also displayed on the assist tiles.
Level 1: 1st player: 1 victory point
Level 2: 1st player: 2 victory points, 2nd player: 1 victory point
Level 3: 1st player: 3 victory points, 2nd player: 2 victory points,
3rd player: 1 victory point
Level 4: 1st player: 4 victory points, 2nd player: 3 victory points,
3rd player: 2 victory point, 4th player: 1 victory point
Assist tiles with victory points and costs for
distant development
Game End
The game ends after 3 completed years.
At the end of the game, victory points are awarded as follows:
Players receive 1 to 3 victory points for each emptied section. The number of points
is printed on player board.
Tunnel bonus
If the player owns the Wheelbarrow development, he receives 1 victory point for
each emptied section that has the corresponding symbol.
If the player owns the Oil Lamp development, he receives 1 victory point for each
emptied section that has the corresponding symbol.
If the player owns the Lorry development, he receives 1 victory point for each emptied
section that has the corresponding symbol.
Development bonus
If a player owns theHand Cart development, he receives 1 victory point for each
agricultural (fork) symbol on development tiles the player has.
If a player owns the Coal Driver development, he receives 1 victory point for each
mining (hammer and pick) symbol on development tiles the player has.
Buildings bonus
Players receive victory points for the number of building symbols on development
tiles the player has:
1 building symbol 1 victory point
2 building symbols 3 victory points
3 building symbols 6 victory points
4 building symbols 10 victory points
Unused action markers from development tiles
Players receive 1 victory point for every unused action marker.
Thaler coins
Players receive victory points for the number of coins the player has left:
1 Thaler 2 victory points
2 Thaler 5 victory points
3 Thaler 9 victory points
4 Thaler 14 victory points
Every additional Thaler 6 victory points
Debt chit deduction
Players lose victory points for the number of debt markers a player owns:
1 debt chit minus 1 victory point
Each additional debt chit minus 2 victory points
Pit water deduction
If the player has more than 1 pit water, the player loses as many points as the
number of remaining pit water minus 1. So, 1 pit water - no deduction, 2 pit water minus 1 victory point, 3 pit water - minus 2 victory points etc.
The winner is the player who has the most victory points. In case of a tie, the
player who removed the most coal from his mining area is declared the winner.
If this is equal as well, the tied player who stands first in the player order wins.
Development Tiles
11 - Carrying Pole
The player immediately receives 1 Thaler.
12 - Barn
The player adds this additional building to his player board.
With this building, the player can store 1 unit of wood, food, or coal. If the resource stored during the winter storage
phase is a food, the player gains 2 victory points.
13 Pickaxe
The player obtains the tile with the improved farmhand. The improved farmhand can do the same as the farmhand
but the improved farmhand can also obtain development tiles, just like the farmer.
The player places the Improved farmhand tile on top of the Farmhand on the player board.
14 - Hauling Cable
The player obtains the corresponding action marker. The action marker can be used once at any time in a later
phase. The player can use the marker to immediately remove 1 pit water and gain 1 victory point. After use, return
the action marker to the general supply.
15 - Charcoal Burner
The player adds this additional building to his player board.
With this building, at any time the player can exchange 2 wood for 2 coal and 1 victory point. The coal is taken from
the general supply.
21 - Bucket
The player no longer obtains pit water during the pit water phases in spring and autumn.
22 Wheelbarrow
The player obtains the corresponding action marker. The action marker can be used once at any time in a later
phase. The action marker with the yellow disk can be used as if it is a yellow action disk. After use, return the action
marker to the general supply.
At game end, the player receives 1 victory point for each section in the coal tunnel with the corresponding cart symbol where all coal cubes have been removed.
23 - Ladder
The player obtains the corresponding action marker. The action marker can be used once at any time in a later
phase. The action marker with the brown disk can be used as if it is a brown action disk. After use, return the action
marker to the general supply.
24 - Coal Storage
The player adds this additional building to his player board.
With this building, the player can store 1 unit of coal and 1 unit of wood. If a coal is stored during the winter storage
phase, the player gets 1 victory point.
25 Windlass
The player can remove 1 pit water immediately.
The player obtains the corresponding action marker. The action marker can be used once at any time in a later
phase. The marker can be used to activate the Haspelknecht to do 3 reeling actions without pay. After use, return
the action marker to the general supply. If the Haspelknecht is paid in the phase when the action marker is used, the
Haspelknecht can be activated twice that phase.
31 - Mining Timber
The player obtains immediately
a) 3 wood and receives 1 pit water or
b) 1 Thaler.
Pit water is placed on the current pit water field of the player board.
32 - Oil Lamp
The player immediately receives 1 Thaler.
The player obtains the corresponding action marker. The action marker can be used once at any time in a later
phase. The action marker can be used to exchange 1 action disk in a reserve pool with 1 action disk in the
accompanying action pool. After use, return the action marker to the general supply.
At game end, the player receives 1 victory point for each section in the coal tunnel with the corresponding oil
lamp symbol where all coal has been removed.
34 - Coal Sacks
The player may immediately exchange either a) 1 coal for 1 coin or b) 2 coal for 1 coin and 1 food. The coal has to
come from the players farm area.
35 - Water Mill
The player adds this additional building to his player board. With this building, during a later action phase, the
player can use 2 yellow action disks to obtain 1 food and 2 victory points or the player can use 2 black action disks to
obtain 1 Thaler.
41 - Coal Driver
The player immediately receives 1 Thaler. At game end, the player receives 1 victory point for each hammer and
pick symbol on development tiles obtained by the player.
42 - Lorry
The player immediately receives 2 coal cubes placed in his mine shaft and a wood from the general supply.
At game end, the player receives 1 victory point for each section in the coal tunnel with the corresponding lorry
symbol where all coal cubes have been removed.
43 - Handcart
The player immediately receives 1 food.
At game end, the player receives 1 victory point for each fork symbol on development tiles obtained by the player.
3334 Tower 3P
3344 Wings 3P
4334 Flower 3P
4334 Butterfly 3P
Capstone Games LLC
119 Cabernet Drive
Union, OH 45322
Michael Naujokat, Andreas Molter, Martin Schipper, Frank Bernhart, Reiner Frensemeyer, Werner Bone, Matthias Schulz,
Heinz Tenk, Wolfgang Heidenheim, Petra Hoven, Gerhild Sobolewski, Roel Vinkenvleugel, Kristine Finn, Sascha Schneider,
Ralf Rudolph, Ulf Glinka, Carsten Lauber, Christian Frst-Brunner, Dietmar Gottschick, Bernd Rudi Emter, Petra Emter, Reinhard Kuschmirz, Peter Oud, Daniel Goll, Tobias Jochinke, Johannes Sich
Peter Oud, Wesley Fechter, Erwin Broens, Roel Vinkenvleugel, Olav Fakkeldij, Arno Quispel
Author and publisher thank all testplayer of the Spieletreffs:
Bdefeld, Autorentreffen mittleres Ruhrgebiet, Spieltreff Weseke, Herner Spieleclub, Mengede spielt, Spielekult Witten