Sample Retaining Wall

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Client: Sheet: of
Project: Date: 3/4/2017
Descriptio Job
n: No:
By: Chk By:

Retaining wall design

Height of Stem = 8.00 ft
Thickness of stem at top = 1.00 ft
Thickness of stem at bottom = 1.00 ft
Width of foundation = 11.00 ft
Width of Toe = 8.00 ft
Width of Heel = 2.00 ft
Thickness of Heel and Toe = 1.33 ft
Shear key depth = 0.00 ft
Shear key width = 0.00 ft

Soil retaining info

Depth of soil above top of foundation on active side = 8.00 ft
Depth of soil above top of foundation on passive side = 0.00 ft

Other info
Density of soil = 120.00 pcf
Density of water = 62.40 pcf
Coeff of active earth pr, ka = 0.33
Coeff of passive earth pr, kp = 3.00
Coeff at rest, Ko = 0.50
Traffic Load = 0.25 ksf
Soil consolidation = 0.039 ksf
Desity of concrete = 150 pcf
Coeff of friction = 0.45

Load combination for design loads = 1.2(D+F) + 1.6(L+H) - ACI318.08

Pr at Force Lever arm Moment

Sl Description
base kips ft kip-ft
1 Lateral force due to earth pressure 0.37 1.72 3.08 = 5.31
2 Lateral force due to Traffic surcharge 0.25 2.33 4.67 = 10.88
3 Lateral force due to soil surcharge 0.04 0.36 4.67 = 1.70
4 Misc 0.00 0.00 4.67 = 0.00
SUM 4.42 17.89
1 Weight of stem 1.20 9.00 = 10.80
2 Weight of foundation 2.19 5.50 = 12.07
1 Weight of soil over heel 1.92 10.00 = 19.20
2 Weight of soil over toe 0.00 4.00 = 0.00
3 Misc
SUM 5.31 42.07

PF - 6.6.#
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Client: Sheet: of
Project: Date: 3/4/2017
Descriptio Job
n: No:
By: Chk By:

Check for overturning

Over turning moment, Mo 17.89 kip-ft
Resisting moment, Mr 42.07 kip-ft
Factor of safety against overturning = 2.35 > 1.50 Ok

Check for sliding

Sliding force, Fs 4.42 kips
Resisting force, Fr 2.39 kips
Passive soil resistance 0.32 kips
Factor of safety against sliding = 0.61 > 1.50 Ok

Calculation of eccentricity
x = 4.55
B/6 = 1.83
e = 0.95 < B/6 No tension at base

Check for base pressure

P max = 0.73 ksf < 2.5 ksf Ok
P min = 0.23 ksf > 0 ksf Ok

Load combination for design pressure = 1.2(D+F) + 1.6(L+H) - ACI318.08

Pr at Force Lever arm LC Moment Force
Sl Description
base kips ft Factor Mu (kip-ft) Vu (kips)
1 Lateral force due to earth pressure 0.37 1.72 3.08 1.60 8.49
2 Lateral force due to Traffic surcharge 0.25 2.33 4.67 1.60 17.41
3 Lateral force due to soil surcharge 0.04 0.36 4.67 1.60 2.72
SUM 4.42 28.62
1 Weight of stem 1.20 9.00 1.20 12.96 1.44
2 Weight of foundation 2.19 5.50 1.20 14.48 2.63
1 Weight of soil over heel 1.92 10.00 1.60 30.72 3.07
2 Weight of soil over toe 0.00 4.00 1.60 0.00 0.00
SUM 5.31 58.16 7.15

Calculation of eccentricity
x = 4.14
B/6 = 1.83
e = 1.36

Design Base Pressure

P max = 1.13 ksf
P min = 0.17 ksf

PF - 6.6.#
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Client: Sheet: of
Project: Date: 3/4/2017
Descriptio Job
n: No:
By: Chk By:

Design BM and SF

Load combination for design pressure = 1.2(D+F) + 1.6(L+H) - ACI318.08

Pr at Force Lever arm LC Moment Shear
Sl Description
base kips ft Factor kip-ft kip
1 Lateral force due to earth pressure 0.37 1.27 2.64 1.60 5.35 2.03
2 Lateral force due to Traffic surcharge 2.00 4.00 1.60 12.80 3.20
3 Lateral force due to soil surcharge 0.31 4.00 1.60 2.00 0.50
SUM 20.15 5.73
1 Design base pressure (ksf) = 1.13 9.07 4.00 - 36.26 9.07
SUM 36.26 9.07
1 Design base pressure (ksf) = 1.13 2.27 1.00 - 2.27 2.27
SUM 2.27 2.27
1 Passive earth pressure (ksf) = 0.48 0.00 0.00 1.60 0.00 0.00
SUM 0.00 0.00

PF - 6.6.#
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