Showcase Project: Reading Lotto
Showcase Project: Reading Lotto
Showcase Project: Reading Lotto
Week at a Glance
Reading Log, Math Facts, Word Hunt, Word Power
Spelling: Write words 2 times in ABC order
Math: Lesson 9.1
This week we will be working on Artifact 2 and
Tue. Artifact 3. The second artifact will be about
Reading Log, Math Facts, Word Hunt, Word Power math/fractions and we will be doing this in class
Showcase: Plan your artifact/partner and get organized together. Hooray!
Math: Worksheet Bubble Fun The third artifact will be about reading. You can
choose to make an artifact about Island of the
Wed. Blue Dolphins, or one about Number the Stars.
Reading Log, Math Facts, Word Hunt, Word Power
Here are some brainstorms:
Language: Worksheet Wordbuilding: multi/ped
Rontu, Karana, plank canoe, Aleut ship,
Math: Lesson 9.2
the necklace Tutok made, a whale bone
Thur. fence, Captain Orlove, the devilfish, an
Reading Log, Math Facts, Word Hunt, Word Power otter, a model of the island, the Star of
Spelling: Get quizzed! Have mom or dad David, the basket with the envelope,
grade it. Dont forget the parent signature! Uncle Henriks boat, Annemarie, the
Math: Lesson 9.3 resistance newspaper, the 3 baby
pictures of the girls, Nazi soldier, King
Fri. Christian.
Reading Log, Math Facts, Word Hunt, Word Power Remember, you may choose to make the artifact
READING LOG & GOALS WILL BE CHECKED! with a partner. This helps with ideas and supplies
(Make sure you are specific on your wiki goal.) and it is also just more fun. If you work with a
partner, you MUST make the same artifact. You
Book Order may, of course, work on the artifact on your own.
Book Orders are going home! You can You will work on the Showcase sentences at
send it in to school, or you can choose school. You may have a partner for this, but,
to order online. Great prices! No tax again, you need to be making the same artifact.
or shipping? Hooray! This reading artifact is due on
1. In order to pay no tax or shipping, go to Monday, March 13. Bring it to school (FYI: the activation
code is GVFVY) in the box you were given last week.
2. Deadline is April 7
Reading Lotto
No Excuse Words
This is officially the first week of the
THIRD Reading Lotto! Remember, you
across alone country half having should have chosen a NEW row or
everyone mother before never color column on a new Reading Lotto sheet.
neighbor meant famous those buy Make sure you are reading the correct genres. Its
suddenly question bring hoping bye time to choose a new book. You can turn the Lotto
in early any time.