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J Designation:B317/B317M- 07 (Reapproved2015)

Aluminum-Alloy ExtrudedBar,Rod,Tube,Pipe,Structural
Profiles,and Profilesfor ElectricalPurposes(Bus
Conductor) 1

This standard is issued underthe fixeddcsignmionB317/B317M; the numberimmediate ly folio, ing the designation indic.11es
the year
of original adoptionor, in the caseof revision.the yearof last revision.A numberin parenthescindicate · the yearof last reapproval.
A superscriptepsilon (e) indicatesan editorialchangesince the last revision or rcapproval.
Thissw11d1m for use by agenciesc!f1/1
l has beenapproved e U.S.Departm
ent of Defense.

1. Scope* 2.2 ASTM Standards:2

1.1 This specifica1ioncover 610 I aluminum-alloy extruded B 193 Test Method for Resistivity of Electrical Conductor
bar, rod, tube, pipe, (Schedules 40 and 80), structuralprofiles, Materials
and profile in elected temper for u e a electricconductor B253Guide for Preparationof AluminumAlloysfor Elec-
as follows: troplating
l.l.l Type B- Hot-finihed bar, rod, tube, pipe, tructural B557Te t Method for Ten ion Testing Wrought and Ca t
profilesand profile in T6, T61, T63, T64, T65, and Hill Aluminum-and Magne ium-AlloyProduct
temperswithTypeB tolerance, as hownin the 'L i t of SI B660Practices for Packaging/Packing of Aluminum and
Tablesof DimensionalTolerances." Magne ium Products
1.1.2 Type C- Hot-finished rectangularbar in T6, T6I, T63, B666/B666MPractice for IdentificationMarking of Alumi-
T64, T65, and H111temperswith TypeC tolerances a listed num and Magnesium Products
in the tolerancesand permissible variations tables. B807/B807MPractice for Extrusion Press Solution Heat
Treatment for AluminumAlloys
1.2 Alloy and temperdesignations are in accordance with B881Terminology Relating to Aluminum- and Magnesium-
ANSIH35. I. The equivalent Unified NumberingSy tem alloy Alloy Products
designation in accordance with PracticeE527 is A96IOI for B918 Practice for Heat Treatmentof WroughtAluminum
Alloy 6101. Alloys
OTE I- Type i\ material , last covered in the 1966 issue of this E29Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to
specification,is no longer available; therefore,requirements for eold- Determine Conformancewith Specifications
fini hed rectangularbar have been deleted. E34Test Methodsfor Chemical Analysis of Aluminumand
1.3 For acceptancecriteriafor inclu'ion of new aluminum Aluminum-BaseAlloys
and aluminumalloys in thi specification, see AnnexA2. E55Practice for Sampling Wrought NonferrousMetalsand
1.4 The values statedin eitherSI or inch-poundunits are to Alloys for Determinationof Chemical Composition
be regard~d eparatelya tandard. The value tated in each E290TestMethodsfor Bend Testing of Material for Ductil-
system ll'tay not be exact equivalents; thereforeeach ystem ity
shall be used independent ly of the other. Combiningvalues E527Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys in the
fromthe two y tem may re ult in non-conformancewith the Unified Numbering Sy tem (UNS)
tandard.' E607Te t Method for Atomic Emis ion Spectrometric
Analy i Aluminum Alloy by the Point to Plane Tech-
2. ReferencedDocuments nique itrogen Atmosphere(Withdrawn2011)3
E7I6 Practices for Sampling and Sample Preparationof
2.1 The following document of the issue in effecton the Aluminum and AluminumAlloys for Determination of
dateof material purchase forma partof this specificationto the
Chemical Compositionby Spectrochemical Analysis
extent referencedherein:

1 This pccilicationis under thejurisdi,1ionof ASTMCommittee B07on Light 2 For referencedASTMstandards , visit the 1\ STM website,www.aslm.org,
Metals and Alloys and is the direct re·ponsibility of Sub,ommillccB07.03 on contactASTMCustomer Serviceat scrvicc@as 1111.org. Bookof AS7M
For A111111a/
AluminumJ\lloyWroughtProducts. Standardsvolumeinformation,referto the standard's Documen t Summarypageon
Current edition approved Oct. J. 2015. PublishedOctober 2015. Originally the ASTMweb itc.
approvedin 1957.Last previouseditionapprovedin 2007 as B317/B317M - 07. 3 The last approved version of this historical 'tandard is referencedon

DOI: I0.1520/80317 _B03I7M-07R15. www.ustm.org .

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of thi standard

CopyrighllCASTMlnlernalional, 100BarrHarborDrive, POBoxC700, West Conshohocken
, PA19428
-2959. Un,led Stales

Copyngltl ASTMlnlernalional
• B317/B317M- 07 (2015)
E1004Te t Methodfor Determining ElectricalConductivity TABLE1 ChemicalCompositionLimitsA ,a,c
U ing the Electromagnetic(Eddy-Current)Method Element
Composilion ,%
E 1251Te t Method for Analy i of Aluminum and Alumi-
Silicon 0.30-0.7
num Alloy by SparkAtomicEmission Spectrometry Iron 0.50
2.3 ANSI Standards:~ Copper 0.10
Manganese 0.03
H35.1/H35. I (M) Alloy and TemperDesignation Systems Magnesium 0.35-0.B
for Aluminum Chromium 0.03
H35.2 Dimensional Tolerance s forAluminum MillProducts Zinc 0.10
Boron 0.06
H35.2 (M) Dimenional Tolerance for Aluminum Mill Other
Products elements :0
Each 0.03
2.4 Military Sta11dard:
TotalE 0.10
MlL-STD- I29 Markingfor Shipmentand Storage Aluminum remainder
2.5 FederalStandard: 5 A Limttsare in weightpercenlmaximumunlessshownas a range.
8 Analysisshallbe madefor the elementsfor which limitsare shownin this table.
Fed. Std. o. 123 Marking for Shipment(CivilAgencie) c To determine conformanceto these limtts.an observedvalue or a calculated
value obtainedfromanalysisshallbe roundedoff to the nearestunit in the last
3. Terminology right-handplaceof thefiguresusedin expressingthespecifiedlimit, in accordance
withthe rounding -off method of Practice E29.
3.1 Definitions: 0 Others includes all unlisted metallicelements . The producermay analyze
3.1.1 Refer to TerminologyB88I for definitionof product samplesfor trace elements not specifiedin the specification . However , such
analysis is not requiredand may not coverall metallic Otherselements. Should
term u ed in thi' specification. any analysisby the produceror the purchaserestablish that an Otherselement
3.1.l. I ote:Tees,Zees,I-beams, and H-sectionsare rarely exceedsthe limit of Each or that the aggregateof several Otherselements
used as conductors. exceedsthe limit of Total, the materialshallbe considerednonconform ing.
EOtherElements-Total shallbethesumof unspecified metallicelements 0.010 %
3.2 Definitionsof TermsSpecificto This Standard: or more, roundedto the seconddecimalbeforedeterminingthe sum.
3.2.1 capable of- The term capable of as used in this
pecificationmean that the te t neednot be performedby the
producerof the material.However, hould ubsequentte ting
by the purchaer e tabli h thatthe materialdoe not meetthe e 4.2.2 Whether witne of in'pection by the purcha·er'
requirement, the materialshall be ubjectto rejection. repre entativei requiredprior to material hipment(Section
4. OrderingInformation 4.2.3 Whethermarkingfor identificationi required(Sec-
tion 18),
4.1 Orders for materialto this specificationshallincludethe 4.2.4 Whethercertificationis required(Section20), and
followinginformation: 4.2.5 WhetherPractice B660 appliesand, if o, the level.
4.1.1 This specificationde'ignation (which includes the of preservation, packaging,packing and marking required
number,the year,and the revisionletter, if applicable), (Section19).
4.1.2 Quantityin pounds or pieces, 4.2.6 Whetherpipe or tube producedthroughportholeor
4.1.3 Type( I.I. I and 1.1.2), bridgedies is acceptable (Section 5), and
4.1.4 Temper(Section9, Table 2), 4.2.7 Whether an alternative tensile sampling selection
4.1.5 Typeof section (Section3), procedureis acceptable (Section9).
4.1.6 Cross-Sectio11alDimensions: Bar- Thickne and
width,or di tanceaero flat , and edge contour(Section13); 5. Manufacture
Rod- Diameter; Pipe- Nominalpipe size and schedulenum-
5.1 The bar , rod , tube , pipe , tructural profile and
ber (40 or 80); StructuralProfile- ominal dimen ions and
profiles shall be produced by hot extrusion or by imilar
type of ection;RoundTube-O utside or insidediameterand method at the option of the producer, provided that the
wall thicknes ; Square or Sharp-CorneredTube- Distance productionmethodresults in materialthat meetsall require-
across:flats and walI thickness; Round-Cornered Tube Other ment of this pecification.Pipe or tube may be produced
than R_m111d-Adrawingis required,
through portholeor bridge type dies when specifiedby the
4.1.7 Length,
4.2 ;Additionally,orders for materialto this specification
shall includethe following informationwhen requiredby the 6. Quality Assurance
purch~ser: 6.1 Responsibilityfor Inspectionand Tests- Unless other-
4.2.l Whethersolutionheat treatmentat the extrusionpress wisespecifiedin the contractor purchaseorder,the produceris
is unacceptable(8.2), re pon ible for the performanceof all in pection and te t
requirementspecifiedherein.The producermay u e his own
or any other uitable facilities for the performanceof the
4 Available from American ational Swndards Institute (ANSI).25 W. 43rd St.. in pectionand re t requirement pecifiedherein, unle di -
4th Floor. NewYork. NY 10036.http://www.an i.urg.
.sAvailablefrom Stundard iimion DocumentsOrder Desk.DODSSP , Bldg. 4.
approvedby the purchaserin the orderor at the timeof contract
Section D, 700 Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 191ll -5098, hctp:// signing.The purchasershall have the right to performany of
1vww .dod sp.daps.miI. the in pection and te ts set forth in this pecificationwhere

Copyngltl ASTM lnlernalional

• B317/B317M- 07 (2015)
TABLE2 TensilePropertyLimitsA,a,c
Specified Thickness. TensileStrength,ksi [MPa) YieldStrength, (0.2 % offset), ksi [MPa]
Temper in. [mm) min max min max
0.125- 0.500 29.0 [200] 25.0 [170)
[3.20--12 .50]
0.125-0.749 20.0 [140] 15.0(105)
T61 [3.20--18.00] 18.0 [125] 11.0 I 751
0.750- 1.499 15.0 [105] 8.o I 551
1.500- 2.000
[35.01- 50.00]
T63° 0.125- 1.000 27.0 [185] 22.0 (150)
[3.20--25 .00]
T64 0.125- 1.000 15.0 [105] 8.o I 55)
[3.20--25 .00]
T65 0.125-0.749 25.0 [170] 32.0 (221) 20.0 [140) 27.0 [185)
[3.20--20 .00)
H111 0.250- 2.000 12.0 [ 85) 8.0 I 55)
A Todetermine conformanceto this specification, eachvalueshallbe roundedoff to the nearest0.1 ksi (1 MPa) for strengthin accordancewith lhe rounding-offmethod
of Practice E29.
8 For explanationof SI unit MPa, see Appendix X2.
c See AnnexAl .
° FormerlydesignatedT62 temper.

such inspectionsare deemednecessaryto assurethat material 7.3 Methods of Sampling- Samples for determinationof
conforms to prescribedrequirements. chemical composition shall be taken in accordancewith one of
6.2 lot Definition-An inspection lot shall be defined as the following methods:
follows: 7.3.1 Samplesfor chemical analysis shall be taken from the
6.2.1 For heat-treatedtemper , an inspectionlot ·hall con- materialby sawing, milling,turning, or clipping a representa-
sist of an identifiablequantity of materialof the same mill tive pieceor piecesto obtain a preparedsample of not less than
form, alloy, temper, and nominal dimensions traceable to a 75 g. Sampling shall be in accordance with PracticeE55.
heat-treatlot or lots, and subjectedto inspectionat one time. 7.3.2 Sampling for spectrochemical analysis shall be in
6.2.2 For nonheat-u·eated temper , an in pection lot shall accordancewith PracticesE7 I 6. Samplesfor other methodsof
con i t of an identifiablequantityof material of the ame mill analysi· hall be taken by method uitable for the form of
form, alloy, temper, and nominal dimension ubjected to material being analyzed and the type of analytical method
inspectionat one time. used.
7.4 Methods of Analysis-T he determination of chemical
7. ChemicalComposition composition shall be made in accordancewith suitable chemi-
7. 1 Limits-The material shall conform to the chemical cal (Test Methods E34) or spectrochemical (Test Methods
composition limits in Table I. Conformanceshall be deter- E607 and El251), method'. Other methodsmay be used only
minedby the producerby analyzing samples taken at the time when no publishedASTM method i available. In ca e of
ingots are poured, or samples taken from the finished or dispute,the methodsof analysi shall be agreedupon between
semifinished product.If chemical composition has been deter- the producerand purcha er.
mined during the course of manufacture, analysis of the 8. HeatTreatment
finishedproductshall not be required.
8.1 Except as noted in 8.2, heat treatment shall be in
DTE 2-lt is standardpr.icticein the UnitedStatesaluminumindustry accordancewith Practice89 J 8.
to determineconformance to the chemical composition limits prior to
funherprocessing of ingots intowroughtproduct. Due to the continuou 8.2 Unle otherwie pecified,Alloy 6101 may be olution
nature of the proces ·, it is not practical to keep a ·pecific ingot analysis heat-treatedand quenched at the extru ion pres in accordance
identifiedwith a specific quantityof fini·hed material. with Practice 880718807M in the production of T6-type
7.2 Numberof Samples- The numberof samples taken for temper .
determinationof chemicalcomposition hall be a follows: 9. Tensile Propertie
s of Materialas Supplied
7.2.1 When amples are taken at the time the ingots are
poured, at least one ample shall be taken for each group of 9.1 Limits- The material hall conform to the tensile prop-
ingotspouredsimultaneouslyfrom the same ource of molten erties in Table 2.
metal. 9.2 Numberof Specimens:
7.2.2 Whensample are taken fromthe finished or emifin- 9.2.I For materialhaving a nominal weight of le than I
ished product, a sample shall be taken to repre ent each 4000 lb/linear ft [up through 1.7 kg/linear 111]
, one tension test
lb ( 1800kg), or fractionthereof, in the lot, exceptthat not more specimenshall be takenfor each I 000 lb [500 kg], or fraction
than one sample hall be requiredper piece. thereof, in the lot.

Copyngltl ASTM lnlernalional

• B317/B317M- 07 (2015)
9.2.2 For materialhaving a nominal weight of greater than an in ide bend radius equal to one half the bar width without
I lb/linear ft [over 1.7 kg/linear m], one ten ion re t pecimen developing cracks or ruptures vi ible to the unaided eye
shall be taken for each l 000ft [300 m], or fraction thereof, in corrected for normal vision. For an edgewise bend, the pin or
the lot. mandrel shall be 90° from the working (extrusion)direction,
9.2.3 Other procedure for selecting samples may be em- and aero s the le ser (thickne ) dimen ion of the bar. Thi is
ployed if agreedupon betweenthe producerand the supplier or also a longitudinalbend as definedand shown in E290, Fig. 1.
purcha er. An edgewi e bend hall be con idered ati factory if the
9.3 The geometryof test specimensand the location in the thicknes within the vicinity of any localized thinning is not
product from which they are taken shall conform to Test less than 90 % of the maximumthickness witrunthe center60°
Methods B557. of the bend when measuredonly along the outer edge of the
9.4 Tes1Me1hods - The tensiletesting shall be in accordance
I 0.2 Numberof Specimens- The numberof specimen (test
with Te t Method B557.
frequency)shall be the same as for tension tests as requiredin
9.5 Retests-When there is evidence that the te t pecimen 9.2.
i defective or is not representativeof the lot of material,
retestjngshall be performedin accordancewith Sections 8 and 10.3 TestSpecimens-Bend test specimens(bar only) shall
9 of Test Method B557. be a full section of the materialwith a minimumlength of 12
in. (305 mm).
10. BendProperties 10.4 Tes!Methods-Bend tests shall be made in accordance
l O.l Limits: with Test Method E290.
l 0.1.l Flatwis
e Bends- Bar hall be capable of being bent
at room temperaturethrough an angle of 90° around a pin or 11. Density
mandrelhaving a radiu equal to N times it thickne without I I. I The densit~ of 6 I OJ alloy shall be taken as 0.0975
developing crack or rupture visible to the unaided eye lb/in.3 (2700 kglm· ).
co1Tectedfor normal vision. For a flatwi e bend, the pin or
mandrel shall be 90° from the working (extru ion) direction, 12. ElectricalProperties
and aero s the greater (width) dimension of the bar. The
12.1 Limits- The material shall conform to the maximum
required90° bend, hall be in the working(extrusion) direction.
re i tivity requirement pecifiedin Table 4.
This is a longitudinalbend as definedand shown in E290, Fig.
I . Surface roughening ("orange peel" appearance) is not l 2.2 Numberof Specimens- The numberof specimen (te t
consideredto be an injuriousdefect.The value of N is specified frequency) shall be the same a for tension tests a required in
in Table 3 for specifictempers and thicknesses. 9.2.
I0.1.2 EdgewiseBends-Bars in the T64 and H 111tempers 12.3 TestSpecimens- The pecimens hall, when practical,
having a maximum thickness of 1/4 in. (6.4 111111)and a be a full sectionof the materialbut may be of suitable size and
maximumwidth of 2 in. (50.8 mm) shall be capable of being shape for the test instrument.
bent edgewiseat room temperaturethroughan angle of 90° to
12.4 Test Methods-Resi tivity or conductivity shall be
determinedin accordancewith Test Method B 193or Practice
TABLE3 FlatwiseBendRadii E1004, providedthat in case of dispute, the results obtainedby
Temper SpecifiedThickness, BendFactor
, /'.JA Test Method B 193 shall be the basis for acceptance.
T6 0.125-0.375 [3.20-10.001 2 13. Edge Contours
.500110 .01-12.501 2½
13.1 Unless specifiedotherwise,bar shall be furnishedwith
T61 0.125-0.500[3.20-12
.501 1
.749[12.51-20.001 2 square corners. When specified, bar shall be furnished with
[20.01-25.001 3 rounded corners, rounded edges or full rounded edge', a
.625[25.01-40.001 4 shown in Table I6.17 of SI H35.2 [H35.2 (M)].
T638 0.125-0 .375[3.20-10.001
0.376-1.000[10.01- 12.501 1½
0.501-1.000[12.51-25.001 2½
TABLE4 Resistivityand Conductivity
T64 0.125-0 .750[3.20-20
.001 1
0.751-1.000[20.01-25.00] 2 WeightResistivity VolumeConduct ivityat
Temper at 20°c, ma~, 20°c, min, percentof
T65 0.125-0.500[3.20-12
.501 1 l1-g/m2 IACS A
.149[12.51-20.001 2 T6 00846 55.0
T61 0.0817 57.0
H111 0.250-0.750[6.3D-20
.001 1 T63 0.0831 56.0
0.751-1.000[20.01-25.00] 2 T64 0.0782 59.5
towidths upthrough6 in. (152mm)in theT6, T61,T63,andT65 T65 0.0824 56.5
andtowidthsupthrough 12in. (305mm)forallotherlistedtempers
. H111 0.0789 59.0
8 Former
ly designatedT62temper. AInternat
r Standard

Copyngltl ASTM lnlernalional

• B317/B317M- 07 (2015)
14. DimensionalTolerances TABLE6 TypeC WidthTolerances
for Rectangular
MinimumThickness, Tolerance,Plusand
14.1 Rectangularbar orderedto TypeC dimen ional toler- SpecifiedWidth, in. [mm]
in. [mml Minus, in. [mm]
ance shall conform to the thickne tolerance in Table 5, Up through0.875 0.125[3.20] 0.005 [0.130]
width tolerancesin Table6, and flatnesstolerances in Table 7. [22.00]
ln addition,the bar hall conform to the requirement for 0.876- 1.000 0.125(3.20] 0.006 (0.150]
(22.01- 25.00]
straightness,comer or edge radii, twist, length, squarenessof 1.001-1.500 0.125[3.20] 0.008 (0.200]
cut ends,or angularityprescribedin the tablesof A STH35.2 (25.01- 38.00]
fH35.2(M)l ( ee Table8). 1.501- 2.000 0.125[3.20] 0.012 (0.300]
[38.01- 50.00]
14.1.1 Rectangularbar and rod orderedto Type B dimen- 2.001- 3.000 0.250 [6.30] 0.012 (0.300]
sional tolerances shall conform to the applicable tables of (50.01- 75.00]
ANSIH35.2 lH35.2MJ(see Table8). 3.001-5.000 0.250 [6.30] 0.017 (0.450]
(75.01- 125.00]
14.2 Tube, pipe, structural profiles,and profile shall con- 5.001-6.000 0.250 [6.30] 0.022 (0.550]
form to the pennis ible variationsprescribedin the applicable 125.01- 150.00]
6.001- 8.000 0.250 [6.30] 0.030(0.750]
tablesof A SI H35.2 [H35.2M](see Table 8). [150.01- 200.00]
14.3 Number of Samples-Examinationfor dimensional
conformanceshall be made to ensure conformanceto the
TABLE7 TypeC Rectangular
Bar, All Tempers,ColdFlattened
tolerancespecified. Permlsslble
Variationsin Flatness
15. GeneralQuality Tolerance.Ain.

15.1 Unle s otherwie specified, the materialshall be sup-

plied in the mill finishand shall be uniformas definedby the
requirementsof this specificationand shall be commercially
sound.Any requirementnot so coveredis subjectto negotia-
SurfaceWidth, in.
le DeviationD
tion betweenproducerand purchaser.
15.2 The materialshall be capable of being atisfactorily Over4 through8 0.002 X W (in.)
electroplatedin accordancewiththe provisionsof GuideB253. In any 1 in. of width 0.003
A Flatnessdeviations shall be measuredusinga standardfeeler gage.
15.3 Each bar, rod, tube, pipe,structural profileand profile
shall be examinedto determineconformanceto this specifica-
tion withrespectto general qualityand identificatio n marking. TABLE8 List of ANSITablesAof DimensionalTolerances
On approvalof the purchaer, the producermay u e a ystem TableNo.
of tati tical qualitycontrol for uch examination. Dimension Structural
Rodand Bar Tube Pipe
16. SourceInspection Thickness 16.228 12.4,12.5 16.32
Width 16.228 t2.3
16.1 If the purchaserdesiresthat his repre entativein pect Diameter 16.22 t2.2 16.31
or witness the inspectionand testingof the materialprior to Edgecontour 16.17
shipment,suchagreement hall be madeby the purchaer and Crosssection 11.2
Weight 16.35
produceras part of the purchasecontract. Length 16.23 12.6 16.34 11.5
16.2 When such inspectionor witness of inspectionand Flatness 16.248 12.9 11.8
Twist 16.25 12.7 11.7
testingis agreedupon,the producershallafford the purchaser's Angularity 16.27 12.12 11.14
repre entativeall rea onable facilitie to ati fy him that the Straightness 16.26 12.8 16.33 11.6
materialmeet the requirement of thi pecification.In pec- Squarenessof cut 16.28 t2.10 11.12
tion and test hall be conducted o there i no unnece ary
AANSI H35.2 [H35.2 (M)].
interferencewith the producer' operations. 8 Applyfor Type B bar only. See Tables5, 6, and 7 for Type C bar.

17. Rejectionand Retest

17. I If any materialfailsto conformto all of the applicable
requirementsof thisspecification, it shallbe cau e for rejection contractor purchae order, at lea t two additional pecimen
of the inspectionlot. shall be electedto replaceeach te t pecimenthat failed. All
pecimen o elected for rete t hall meetthe requirementof
17.2 Whenthereis evidencethat a failedspecimenwas not the specificationor the lot shall be ubjectto rejection.
representativeof the inspection lot and whenno othersampling
plan is providedor approvedby the purchaer through the 17.3 Materialin whichnon-conforming conditionsare dis-
coveredsubsequentto in pectionmay be rejected.
TABLE5 TypeC ThicknessTolerance
for Rectangular
17.4 lf materiali rejectedby the purchaer, the produceror
supplier is responsibleonly for replacementof the materialto
SpecifiedThickness, in. (mm] Tolerance,Plusand Minus, in. [mm]
0.125-0.500 (3.20-12.501 0.005[0.1301 the purchaser.As much as pos ible of the rejectedmaterial
hall be returnedto the produceror supplier.

Copyngltl ASTM lnlernalional

• B317/B317M- 07 (2015)
18. Identification
Markingof Product 19.2 Each shipping container hall be marked with the
purchae order number, material ize, pecificationnumber,
18.1 Whenspecifiedon the purcha.e order or contract,all
alloy and temper, gross and net weight, and the produceror
bar, rod, tube, pipe, structuralprofilesand profilesshall be supplier's nameor trademark.
markedin accordancewith PracticeB666/B666M .
I9.3 When specified in the contract or purchase order,
18.2 Marking ystem that involve added information , materialshall be preserved, packaged, and packed in accor-
largercharacters,and greaterfrequencie
s are acceptable under dancewith the requirementsof PracticeB660. The applicable
this specification whenagreeduponbetweenthe producerand levelsshall be as specifiedin the contractor order.Markingfor
purchaser. hipmentof suchmaterial'hallbe in accordancewithFed.Std.
o. 123 for civil agenciesand MIL-STD-129for military
19. Packagingand PackageMarking agencies.
19.1 The materialshall be packagedto provide adequate 20. Certification
protectionduringnormalhandlingand tran'po11ation and each 20.1 The produceror supplier shall, uponrequest, furnish to
packageshall containonly one size or shape and temper of the purchasera certificatestatingthat the materialhas been
materialunle otherwie agreed. The type of packingand sampled, tested and inspected in accordance with this
grossweightof containersshall,unlessotherwiseagreed,be at specification, and has met the requirements.
the produceror supplier's discretion,providedtheyare suchas
to ensure acceptanceby commonor other carriers for afe 21. Keywords
transportationat the lowestrate to the deliverypoint. 21.1 aluminumalloy; bus conductor; extrusions





AI. I Limits are established at a level at whicha statistical morethan ten data froma givenlot.All test are performedin
evaluation of the data indicatesthat 99 % of the population accordancewith the appropriateASTM test methods. For
obtainedfromall standardmaterialmeets the limit with 95 % informationalpurposes, refer to "Statistical Aspectsof Me-
confidence.For the productsdescribed, mechanicalproperty chanical PropertyAssurance"in the RelatedMaterialsectionof
limits for the respectivesize rangesare based on the analy'es the AnnualBookof ASTMStandards,Vol02.02.
of at least I00 data from tandardproductionmaterialwith no


A2.l Prior to acceptancefor inclusionin thi specification, H35. I. A de ignationnot in conflictwith other de ignation
the composition of wroughtor cast aluminumor aluminum systemsor a trade name is acceptable.
alloy shall be registered in accordancewith ANSI H35.1 A2.2.2 The aluminumor aluminumalloy has been offered
[H35.l M]. TheAluminumA ociation6 hold theSecretariatof for sale in commercialquantities within the prior twelve
A SI H35 Committeeand administersthe criteriaand proce- month to at least three identifiable users.
dures for registration.
A2.2.3 The complete chemicalcompositionlimit are sub-
A2.2 If it i documentedthat the AluminumAssociation mitted.
could not or would not register a given compo ition, an A2.2.4 The compositionis, in the judgmentof the respon-
alternativeprocedureandthe criteriafor acceptanceshall be as sible subcommittee , significantly differentfrom that of any
follows: otheraluminumor aluminumalloyalreadyin the specification .
A2.2.l The designation submittedfor inclusiondoes not A2.2.5 For codificationpurpose , an alloyingelementis any
utilize the same designation system as described in ANSI elementintentionallyadded for any purpose other than grain
refinementand for which minimumand maximumlimits are
6 /\v.tilablc from Aluminu
m A ·sociatiun, Inc.• 1525 Wilsun Blvd., Suite 600, specified. Unalloyed aluminum contains a minimum of
Arlington,VA22209.hllp://www.aluminum.urg. 99.00 % aluminum.

Copyngltl ASTM lnlernalional ,,

• B317/B317M- 07 (2015)
A2.2.6 Standardlimitsfor alloying elementsand impuritie A2.2.7 Standardlimitsfor alloyingelementsand impurities
are expre ed to the followingdecimal place : areexpressedin the following equence: Silicon;Iron; Copper;
Lessthan 0.001% o.ooox Manganee; Magneium; Chromium;Nickel;Zinc; Titanium
0.001 to but less than0.01 % o.oox ote A2.1); Other Elements, Each; Other Elements, Total;
0.01 to but less than0.10%
Unalloyedaluminum madeby a refining process o.oxx Aluminum ( ote A2.2).
Alloysand unalloyedaluminumnot madeby a refiningprocess o.ox
0.10 through0.55% o.xx No-ri:A2.I-Additional specifiedelement havinglimitsare insertedin
(It is customaryto expresslimitsof 0.30 through0.55 % as alphabetical orderof theirchemical symbol betweentitaniumand other
O.XOor O.X5.) clements,or arc specifiedin footnotes.
Over0.55 % o.x.x.x, OTE/\2.2- Aluminumi specifiedas 111i1Ji11111111
for unalloyedalumi-
and so forth
(except that combined Si + Fe limitsfor 99.00 % minimum numand as a re111aind er for aluminumalloy..
aluminummustbe expressedas O.XX or 1.XX)


y Information


XI. I Equivalentre i tivity value are givenin TableX 1.1.

TABLEX1.1 EquivalentResistivityValuesA
Resistivityat 20°c (68°F)
VolumeConductivity, at
Material Weight Volume
20°c (68' F) % 1ACS8

µfl lb/ft2 fl-g/m2 µfl-in. µfl-cm

Copper 100 31.393 0.15328 0.017241 0.67879 1.7241


17.336 0.084639 0.031348 1.2342 3.1348
56.5 17.026 0.083128 0.030788 1.2121 3.0788
Aluminum 16.875 0.082392 0.030516 1.2014 3.0516
Alloy 6101 57.0 16.727 0.081670 0.030248 1.1909 3.0248
16.160 0.078901 0.029223 1.1505 2.9223
59.0 16.025 0.078238 0.028977 1.1408 2.8977


A Basedon a densityof 2700kg/m3 for Aluminum Alloy 6101.

8 International


X2.I The SI unit for strength propertie now shownis in stress is the newton per squaremetre( /111
2), whichhas been
accordance with the International Systemof Units (SI). The namedthe pascal(Pa) by the GeneralConferenceon Weight
derivedSI unit for forcei the newton(N),which is definedas and Measures.Since I ksi = 6 894 757 Pa the metricequiva-
that forcewhich whenapplied to a bodyhavinga ma s of one lent are expre ed a megapacal (MPa), whichi the amea
kilogramgive it an accelerationof one metre per econd MN/m3 and /mm2 .
quared ( = kgf-m/ 2). The derivedSI unit for pre ure or

Copyngltl ASTM lnlernalional

• B317/B317M- 07 (2015)

CommjtteeB07 ha identified the location of elected changes to this standard ince the last is ue
(B3I7/B3I7M - 04) that may impactthe u e of this tandard.(ApprovedJune I, 2007.)

( 1) Revised2.3 to delete referenceto SI H35.l (M}, and (5) Added "Profiles"to documenttitle and throughoutdocu-
changedA SI H35.l to readA SI H35. l /H35.l (M). ment.
(2) RevisedScopeto includeprofiles. (6) Enhanceddefinitionof flatwisebendingsection I0.1.1.
(3) RevisedSection IOas hown in the document. (7) Enhanceddefinitionof edgwi e bendingsection I0.1.2.
(4) RevisedA2.2.7 and Note A2.I a hown in the document.

ASTMInternational takesno positionrespectingthe validityof anypatentrightsassertedin connectionwithany itemmentioned

in thisstandard
. Usersof thisstandardareexpresslyadvisedthatdetermination of the validityof anysuchpatentrights,andtherisk
of infringementof suchrights, are entirelytheirownresponsibility.

Thisstandardis subjectto revisionat anytimeby theresponsible technicalcommitteeandmustbe reviewedeveiyfiveyearsand

if notrevised
, eitherreapproved or withdrawn. Yourcomments areinvitedeitherforrevisionof thisstandardor foradditionalstandards
andshouldbe addressedtoASTMInternational Headquarters
. Yourcommentswillreceivecarefulconsideration at a meetingof the
responsible technicalcommittee , whichyou mayattend. If you feelthatyourcommentshavenot receiveda fairhearingyou should
makeyour viewsknownto theASTMCommittee on Standards , at the addressshownbelow.

ThisstandardIs copyrightedby ASTMInternational, 100BarrHarborDrive, POBoxC700,WestConshohocken , PA 19428-2959,

UnitedStates.Individualreprints(singleor multiplecopies)of this standardmay be obtainedby contactingASTMat the above
address or at 610-832-9585(phone), 610-832-9555(fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
. Permissionrights to photocopythe standardmay also be securedfrom the CopyrightClearanceCenter.222
RosewoodDrive, Danvers , MA01923,Tel: (978)646-2600 ; http:ltwww.copyright

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