Control of Variable Frequency Drives With PLC: A Review
Control of Variable Frequency Drives With PLC: A Review
Control of Variable Frequency Drives With PLC: A Review
Volume 8, Issue 1, January- February 2017, pp. 4551, Article ID: IJEET_08_01_006
Available online at
ISSN Print: 0976-6545 and ISSN Online: 0976-6553
Journal Impact Factor (2016): 8.1891 (Calculated by GISI)
IAEME Publication
Dr. P. M. Daigavane
Head of the Department and Professor,
Electrical Engineering, G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur, India
Advancement in technology with automated system is the requirement of the present industrial
world. Motion control of the systems is required in large number of industries for domestic as well
as industrial applications. Earlier the DC drives were mostly used for variation of speed in various
industries for different application. In the last few decades lot of advancement in technology has
done that led to the use of AC drives. Induction motor is being widely used in the Industrial
processes along with the PLC and VFD leading to work automatically so, plays important role in
the automation of the industry.
In this Paper we have studied the PLC and VFD, its operation which can be used along with
the Induction Motor and can control the parameters of it for Automation in industries.
Key words: Programmable logic Controller (PLC), Variable Frequency Drive (VFD), Induction
Motor, Industrial Automation..
Cite this Article: Ankush Dharkar and Dr. P. M. Daigavane Control of Variable Frequency Drives
with PLC: A Review. International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, 8(1), 2017,
pp. 4551.
Induction motors are used in many industrial applications in a wide range of operating areas as they have
simple and robust structure. The production cost is also low. The advantages of Induction motor are,
It has good self-starting capability.
Its construction is very rugged and is reliable.
It has easy maintenance and low cost.
Thus induction motor is widely used in the in industrial, commercial, aerospace and military
As the Speed of Induction Motor is given by the formula, 45
Ankush Dharkar and Dr. P. M. Daigavane
Ns = (1)
Ns = the synchronous speed of the stator magnetic field in RPM
P = the number of poles on the stator
F = the supply frequency in Hertz
From (1), the speed of the induction motor is directly proportional to the supply frequency and is
inversely proportional to the number of poles of the motor. As the no. of poles are constant by design itself,
thus the speed of induction motor is varied with the supply frequency. Thus Speed control of a 3-phase
induction can be achieved using VF control.
The speed control of induction motor is achieved from the various tests performed and its protection is
done by its software and hardware implementation. The use of inverter for tests on induction motor by the
control of PLC provides good accuracy and speed regulation comparing the conventional V/F control
method. The induction motor used along with the PLC for automation in industries provides better
efficiency [1]. The test performed on the induction motor fed by a VFD shows the effect on voltage
stability and power drawn from the grid. The voltage drop is reduced and the power transfer capability
increases as compared to induction motor alone [2]. The speed control of three phase motors along with the
VFD with varying currents, provides a better control for the operation of air handling units leads to the
energy saving. Thus leads to saving of operational cost of the system [3].The control of induction motor by
VFD and PLC for the compacting machine is done and monitored. The PLC controls all the operation of
the machine using ladder logic and thus increases the efficiency operated at varying speeds leading to the
automation [4].The induction motor analysis is being done to safeguard the system from error condition.
The speed control has achieved using PLC, converter and the encoder. A SCADA system has been
developed to monitor the parameters. It provides the cost efficiency of the system [5]. The analysis on the
performance of induction motor is done with its characteristics. A linear curve is obtained on the graph
plotted between frequency and speed. The control system using PLC and SCADA proves a reliable and
efficient leading to safeguard from the fault and error condition [6].The combination of PLC and VFD
provides an efficient way to control the speed of three phase of induction motor which provides the
continuous running. The mechanical stress on the IM gets reduced due to VFD. It is cost efficient and
energy saving technique. It provides the voltage stability and reliability to the system leading to the greater
life of the machine [7].The operating speed of a motor connected to a VFD is varied by changing the
frequency of the motor supply voltage. This allows continuous process speed control. Provides control as
per load requirement and thus leads to energy saving and gives better results [8]. 46
Control of Variable Frequency Drives with PLC: A Review 47
Ankush Dharkar and Dr. P. M. Daigavane
The intent of the project is to control and monitor the Variable Frequency Drive. The aim of the project
deals with the development of a VFD system so as to control the various parameters of VFD which is
connected to IM with saving of energy. In order to do so, a VFD (Variable Frequency Drive) is attached to
the Induction motor and can be used for various applications.
The PLC operates and switches on the variable frequency drive, which in turn drives the motor with
required speed by varying the frequency & also protects induction motors against possible failures by
increasing the reliability. And combination of PLC and VFD method is proposed which is an efficient
approach used for getting continuous running of the induction motor Reduced Space, Energy saving,
Greater life and reliability.
This Project proposed to Control And Monitor Variable Frequency Drives Using PLC For Various
Applications using various techniques. This paper is based on studying the PLC and VFD for IM control.
The VFD which drives the motor which is controlled via PLC checking health of the motor considering
various parameters which is communicated via serial communication (RS232 channel) with the monitoring
i.e. the supervision software. The existing VFDs uses the PWM techniques for the load control and thus
causes the harmonics and noise in switching angle. This project deals with the use of diode clamping VFD
with flying capacitors for conversion of single phase to three phase of supply connected to VFD with load.
The VFD communicates with the switching mechanism which is communicated to the logical unit of PLC
which sends signal at different switching angles via communication protocol in supervision software. The
supervision software proposed to the ladder and GUI. The ladder diagram executes the hardware
architecture for the flow of data for control and monitoring parameters. The data is being extracted by
using Bayesian classification algorithm for the probability of healthy equipment in GUI parameters. 48
Control of Variable Frequency Drives with PLC: A Review 49
Ankush Dharkar and Dr. P. M. Daigavane
7.2. Specifications
Rated Power in (KW)/(HP) 0.75/1
Rated Voltage in (volts) 415
Rated Current in (ampere) 2
Rated Speed in (rpm) 1400
Rated Frequency in (Hz) 50
Power Factor 0.8
Efficiency (%) 74
Todays modern world seeks a renewable energy source for the electricity requirement and thus concept of
power management can be achieved by controlling speed of 3-phase induction motors which leads to a
large Saving of power. This project proposed to variable frequency drive system with logical units i.e. PLC
logic circuit. The logical unit performs the various operations for health parameter and controls using
window based application software and monitors the parameter on window. This paper is based on
studying the PLC and VFD for IM control in respect with ongoing project so, the parameters and results
are yet to generate. So in future this can be proved an efficient technique in industries leading to control
and automation to suffice the needs through variable speed operation of induction motor leading to high
energy saving.
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Control of Variable Frequency Drives with PLC: A Review
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