High Voltage Lines
High Voltage Lines
High Voltage Lines
The per capital consumption and electrical energy is a re-
liable indicator of a countrys state of development. Conven- Figure 1:- Power consumption per Capita
tionally electrical energy is obtained by conversion from
fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas), nuclear and hydro Table 1:- Comparative Cost per Mile for Transmitting a
sources. Heat energy released by burning fossil fuels or by given amount power using overhead line and under ground
fission of nuclear material is converted to electricity by first line.
converting heat energy to the mechanical energy and then
converting mechanical energy to the electrical energy Voltage Cost of O/H Line Cost of U/G Ca- Ratio
through generators. The earth has fixed non replenishable KV ( 1000/Km). ble (
resources of fossil fuels and nuclear materials. Hydro energy 1000/Km.)
though replenishable is also limited in terms of power. The 400 34 615 18
worlds increasing power requirements can only be partially
met by hydro sources. Further more ecological and biologi- 220 17 217 13
cal factors place a stringent limit on the use of hydro sources
for power production. 132 6.5 55 8
The plots showing energy demand installed generating ca- The generation voltages are usually 11KV &33KV and
pacity indicates that the electrical energy requirement is an since these are low for transmission over long distances so it
exponential growth function and as per the slope of these is step up by step up transformer to voltages upto 132KV,
plots the continuous increase in power demand has been 220KV or 400KV and transmitted to bulk power sub-station.
doubling every seven years. As per the plots the installed Difficulty of getting power station sites near the consuming
generating capacity in India must rise from 140 GMW in centers makes it inevitable to transfer bulk of electrical ener-
1995, 1840 GW in 2007 and 3680GW in 2014 which in turn gy through longer distances and is possible only by high
would require a corresponding development in coal re- voltage transmission systems. Extra High Voltage (EHV)
sources. above 220KV thus not only transmits power but utilized for
Among the different types of transmission systems are interconnection purposes also. High voltage is desired due to
overhead systems and cable systems. The primary considera- various reasons such as power loss which is inversely pro-
portional to both system voltage and power factor (p.f.) re- cult and expensive. The corona loss are also inevitable as
duction in voltage drop in resistance, reduction in weight of communication line and EHV lines are run as the same
conductor material and enhanced efficiency of transmission. tower the problem of radio interference with communication
Three main problems associated with EHV, namely radio circuit become very serious at EHV. Shunt reactance com-
interference, line insulation and equipment insulation. The pensation (for improvement of p.f.) and series compensation
various voltages adopted by different countries above (for improvement of voltage regulation and stability) is re-
230KV are 275, 287, 345, 380, 400, 500, 735, 1100KV etc. quired.
The highest voltage used in India is 400KV. Voltages above While selecting the transmission voltage the present and
765KV are called ultra high voltages (UHV). future expectable voltage of other lines in vicinity of the line
Two main problems are involved which limits the large under design are taken into account. The number of circuits
amount of power to be transmitted over long distances by in EHV system can be one or two.
A.C. systems. The first is the technical limitation and other Different Criteria for Voltage Selection:-
is the economic consideration and usually later governs the
final choice of design.
Recently by virtue of its various advantages over A.C. First Criteria:-
transmission, high voltage direct current (HVDC) transmis- According to Indian standard
sion is also become popular in some countries. A.C. is better Table 2:- Table for Voltage Selection
for generating and distributing point of view but D.C. is pre- Distance (KM) No. of Phases Standard work-
ferable for transmission over long distances. \ ing voltage
Voltage selection Upto 8
Upto 16
Upto 64 3 33
A transmission line transmits electrical energy in bulk
Upto 116 3 66
from generating station to distributing station. The maxi-
Upto 240 3 132
mum generation voltage in developed countries is 33KV
Upto 480 3 220
while in India it is 11KV. The amount of power that has to
Upto 800 3 400
be transmitted through transmission line is very large, if this
power is transmitted at 11KV or 33KV, the line current and
power loss would be large. Therefore this voltage is stepped Second Criteria:
upto higher value by using step-up transformers. The trans- Imperical formula is given by
mission voltages in India are 132KV, 220KV, 400KV & VL = 5.5 ((L/1.6) + (P1000/Cos NC 150))
765KV. Where,
The system voltage in EHV system very much effect the VL = Transmission line voltage in KV
capital cost of transmission line. The weight of conductor L = Length of line in Kms. = 300Km
material, the efficiency of the line, the voltage drop in the P = Power to be transmitted = 280MW
line and system stability depends upon system voltage. The NC = Number of circuits
choice of voltage therefore, a major factor in the line de- Cos =Power factor of load = 0.9 (lag-
signs. ging)
The EHV systems are not only the power transporting sys- VL = 5.5 ((300/1.6) + (2801000/0.9 NC 150))
tem but fulfill the need of interconnecting the different EHV For, NC = 1 (single circuit line)
systems so as to improve the reliability as well as efficiency VL = 261.55 KV
of the system. The EHV system here certain advantages such For, NC = 2 (double circuit line)
as the voltage goes on increasing the current reduces, the VL = 192.4 KV
size of the conductor reduces and cost of conductor decreas-
es. As current decreases line losses reduces thereby increas- The standard line voltage near to this is 220KV.
ing the efficiency and voltage regulation increase.
Although much economy can be affected in EHV system, Surge impedance Loading:-
the cost of insulation of conductors increases, the separation A surge is the movement of charge along the conductor,
or clearance between conductors is to be increased to avoid such surge are characterized by sudden very steep rise in
electrical discharge. The problem of mechanical supporting voltage followed by gradual decay in voltage. It is of very
structure and right of way an acquisition become more diffi- short duration of the order of few micro seconds. The surge
travel along the conductor in the form of waves. There are This power transmitting capability of system is greater
generally two types of surge such as switching surge and than the actual power to be transmitted, hence, Double Cir-
lightning surge. cuit, 220KV line is selected.
The lightning surges are of particular interest due to their
large magnitude and different wave shapes. The surges reach
the transformer, switch gear and may damage them if they
are not properly protected.
A transmission line may be considered as generative capa-
citive reactive voltmeter in its shunt capacitance and con-
suming reactive volt-amperes in its series inductance. The
load at which the inductive and capacitive reactive volt-
amperes are equal and opposite is called surge impedance
loading (SIL).
V2/VC = I2 XL
V/I = (L/C)
= Z0
Surge impedance load of any line may be defined as pow-
er delivered by it to a purely resistive load equal to its surge
SIL also gives the power transmitting capability, P (t). To Figure 2:- Capability Curve
determine P (t) SIL is multiplied by factor (MF) obtained
from standard capability curve. Design of insulation
SIL = (VL)2/Z0 The major aspect in designing a power transmission line is
choosing its insulation level which has a considerable influ-
Where, VL = Transmission line voltage in KV ence on the cost as well as operating reliability. The influ-
Z0 = Surge impedance in ohm ence of EHV systems is determined on the basis of possible
= 200 ohm (for double circuit line) internal and external over-voltages. The recent advance-
= 400 ohm (for single circuit line) ments achieved in the design of circuit breakers and other
protective devices have reduced the severe effects of switch-
The power transmitted decreases with length. To find out ing transients and power frequency over-voltages allowing
the actual power that can be transmitted with stability SIL is considerable reductions in the insulation level of EHV net-
multiplied by MF (multiplying factor) which is obtained works. The earthing of the system also plays an important
from capability curve. The capability curve is plotted be- role in reducing the insulation.
tween MF and length (Km). From the capability curve the Reduced insulation level results in large swing in the size
value of MF is 1.44 corresponding to 300Km. and cost of equipment. The system over-voltage factors are
therefore to be evaluated carefully while choosing the insu-
SIL = (VL)2 /Z0 MW lation levels.
over voltages are of a short duration and are generally A wider knowledge of the magnitudes of lightning and in-
caused by the following switching operations. ternal over-voltages has justified the revision of insulation
(1) Switching off of long lines on no load. requirements. Further with the advancements made in pro-
(2) Interruption of low inductive current such as the tective devices such as a non-restraining circuit breaker.
transformer magnetizing currents. Circuit breaker with the provision of pre insertion resistors,
(3) Energizing lines of no load. improved lightning arrestors and provisions of bus-car pro-
(4) Clearance of short circuits. tection against earth faults in EHV stations have made it
The most dangerous transient over-voltages are caused by possible to limit the effects of switching over-voltages to a
tripping of long lines under no load conditions. The length of value of 2.5 for lines operating at 220KV.
EHV lines and high capacitance due to bundled conductors The power frequency over-voltage factor has been reduced
increases the probability of high switching surges. Switching to a value 1.3 for 220KV. The provision of shunt reactors on
surges of 3 to 4 times the crest value of the normal phase to EHV lines for the absorption of excessive reactive power
neutral voltage are likely to occur as a result of breaker re- limits switching surge over-voltages and prevents abnormal-
striking. ly high fundamental frequency and harmonic voltages.
Modern CBS are therefore designed for disconnecting un-
loaded lines without restriking which limits the over-voltage Lightning Over-Voltage
to 2-2.5 times crest value of the normal phase to neutral vol-
tage. Lightning is a very serious cause of over voltages on the
Dangerous switching over-voltages also occur by interrup- lines. These over voltages are produced in the lines either by
tion of transformer magnetizing currents. The magnitude of a direct stroke or by an induced stroke. The voltages due to
these over-voltages depends on the relation between the in- induced strokes are very much less as compared to those
ductance and capacitance of the transformer. In the case of produced by direct strokes. The important lightning surges
EHV transformers the factor is usually 1.5. Higher voltages against which apparatus must be protected are caused by
generated can be absorbed by the lightning arrestors between direct strokes which originate either at the station or an
the transformer and the circuit breaker. overhead lines leading to the section. These direct strokes
Relatively high over-voltages occur on energizing high attain values as high as 4000KV with a high rate of voltage
voltage lines and particularly a three phase rapid recourses. rise (1000-10,000KV per micro second) and a high current
In absence of damping and in the most unfavorable case of magnitude of (5000 to 200,000 amperes). These conditions
reclosing when the applied voltage is at its maximum. The impose severe stresses on the station equipments and may
voltage at the open end may reach double the crest value of even be fatal for protective systems.
the phase to neutral voltage or even more. Surges that originate as direct strokes on the lines have to
propagate into the station are by far the most common and
Power Frequency Over Voltages are generally less severe. The lightning discharge wave is
very short and steep at the point at which it strikes and the
Operating frequency voltage rise occurs when:- amplitude goes on decreasing under the action of skin-effect
(1) A loaded line is interrupted at one end especially of conductor and ground while it is propagating along the
when the line is long and the impedance is high. line.
(2) On occurrence of a single phase or two phases to The frequency of occurrence of over voltages due to
thunder storms varies according to the Iso-Chronic level of
earth fault.
the region. Their amplitude depending on the presence of
(3) An open line is suddenly connected to the source. earth wires and the quality of earthing.
(4) At the free end of a line connected at one end only A study in connection with the magnitude of lightning
(FERRANTI EFFECT). currents has shown that currents upto 30,000 amperes ac-
count for 90% of the total number of observations recorded
A practical line sections of the range 300 500Km in length and the currents of the order of 100 amperes exceed for only
which is usual at 220KV and 400KV, increase in voltage 1.5% of the observations. A value of 300,000 amperes of
during dropping of load does not exceed 1.3 to 1.5 times the lightning stroke current is generally accepted as the criterion
maximum normal phase to neutral voltage (rms). The value for determining the insulation level for EHV systems.
of these over-voltages in practice does not depend on the Power lines and switch yards can however, be protected
operating voltage but depends only on the length of the line adequately against direct lightning strokes by means of
and the number of lines terminating at or emanating from a screening conductors, if the protective angle is 25-30 de-
station. grees and the tower footing resistance is limited to about 10
ohm in the case of transmission lines and 0.5 to 1 ohm in the d) The leakage of current to earth should be minimum
case of substations. to keep the corona loss and ratio interference within
reasonable limits.
There are three types of insulators used for overhead lines.
(1) Pin type insulator
(2) Suspension type insulator
(3) Strain or tension type insulator.
Choice of Insulation Level for Transmis-
sion Lines
Insulation requirements are a function of internal and ex-
1. Pin Type Insulator
ternal over voltages. The number of insulators, swing angle, The pin insulator is supported on a forged steel pin or bolt
weather conditions, phase spacing and clearance to tower which is secured to the cross arm of the supporting structure.
and ground wires determine the tower dimensions and cost. The conductor is tied to the insulator on the top groove on
Economy and practicability of design demand that the insu- straight line position and side groove in angle positions by
lation strength b e kept a minimum and should provide basic annealed binding wire of the same material as conductor. A
protection. One must strike a balance between the chances of lead thimble is connected into the insulator body to receive
failure and the cost of greater insulation strength. the pin.
Suspension Insulator
Multiplying Factors A suspension insulator consists of a number of separate
insulator units connected with each other by metal lines to
The string insulation must be sufficient to prevent a flash form a flexible chain or a string. The insulator string is sus-
over from the stationary over voltages and switching surges pended from the cross arm of the support. The conductor is
into account all the abnormal and prevailing circumstances attached to the lowest unit.
which decrease the flashover voltage such as rain, dust, insu- An insulator assembly is shown in figure. Suspension in-
lator pollution, fog etc. sulator offers the following advantages:-
Some additional multiplying factors are therefore allowed
to account for contaminated, non-standard atmospheric con- (a) Each unit is designed for operating voltage of about
ditions, polluted insulation surface etc. These factors influ- 11KV so, that a string can be assembled by connecting sev-
ence the value of normal frequency flashover voltages more eral units to suit the service voltage and weather conditions.
than impulse flashover voltage. Further it becomes necessary (b) In case the line is to operate on a higher voltage in future
to make some allowance for safety margin for unforeseen to cope with the increasing load, additional units would be
conditions. introduced to the same string. In case of damage to one of
the units, only the damaged insulator but not the whole
string is replaced by one.
Types of Insulators (c) The string is free to swing in any direction and therefore,
greater flexibility is provided. The tensions in the successive
Overhead line insulators are used to separate line conduc- spans are balanced. The lines can therefore be designed for
tors from each other and from supporting structure electri- longer spans and higher mechanical loading.
cally. While designing an insulator the following points are (d)There is decreased liability to lightning disturbances if
kept in view:- the string is suspended from a metallic supporting structure
a) The insulator should be able to withstand the over which works as a lightning shield for conductor.
voltages due to lightning, switching or other causes Since the spring is hung from the support, the tower height is
under severe conditions in addition to the normal to be increased. Greater spacing between the conductors is to
working voltages. be provided to allow for swinging.
b) It should posses high mechanical strength to bear The types of suspension insulators in use are:
the conductor load under worst leading conditions. (a) Cap and Pin type
c) It needs to have a high resistance to temperature (b) Hewlett or interlink type.
changes to reduce damage from power flashover.
Strain or Tension Insulators
Strain or tension insulators are design for handling me- (2) Highest System Voltage = 1.10
chanical stresses at angle positions where there is a change (3) Over voltage factor = 1.3 for 220 KV
in the direction of the line or at termination of the lines. For = 1.5 for 400 KV
high voltage lines having longer spans and greater mechani- (4) Flashover Voltage = 1.15
cal loading, suspension insulator strings are arranged in a (5) Non-standard atmospheric condition, contaminated
horizontal position. In case a single string is not sufficient to surface = 1.2
take the load, two are more strings in parallel may be em- (6) Overall safety margin = 1.50
ployed for higher conductor tensions. 50HZ wet flashover voltage (rms)
= Vpn 1.1 1.3 1.2 1.5 1.15
= 3 (220/3) = 380 KV
Number of discs corresponding to this voltage = 10.7 = 11
Table 3:- Doultons Insulation Characteristic
S.No. No. of Power frequency withstand Impulse
units voltage withstand
(Disc) test voltage
Dry Wet KV(Peak)
KV(rms) KV(rms)
1. 1 78 45 105
2. 2 135 80 200
3. 3 185 115 300
4. 4 235 150 380
5. 5 275 185 450
6. 6 315 225 530
7. 7 365 260 600
8. 8 415 295 680
9. 9 455 330 750
10. 10 495 360 820
11. 11 530 395 890 Figure3:- Characteristic of Power Frequency Over Voltage
Switching Surge Over Voltage Factors
(1) System voltage = 220 KV Conclusion
(2) Highest system voltage
=1.1system voltage (for 220 KV) The EHV systems are not only the power transporting sys-
= 1.05 system voltage (for 400 KV) tem but fulfill the need of interconnecting the different EHV
(3) Crest factor = 1.414 systems so as to improve the reliability as well as efficiency
(4) Switching surge = 2.5 for 220 KV of the system. The EHV system here certain advantages such
= 2.0 for 400 KV as the voltage goes on increasing the current reduces, the
(5) Switching surge strength = 1.15 size of the conductor reduces and cost of conductor decreas-
(6) Impulse flashover voltage = 1.15 es. As current decreases line losses reduces thereby increas-
(7) Contaminated surface, on standard condition = 1.1 ing the efficiency and voltage regulation increase.
(8) Overall factor of safety = 1.15
+ve impulse flashover voltage (crest 1.2/50 sec)
= Vpm 1.414 2.5 1.5 1.15 1.15 1.1
= 6.5 Vpn for line at 220 KV
= (220/3) 6.5 = 825 KV [1]D. Povh, D. Retzmann, Perspectives of Power system
Corresponding to this voltage the number of discs required = interconnections Siemens, Erlangen Germany
10.1 = 11 units [2] FACTS Overview. IEEE and Cigr, Catalog Nr. 95 TP
[3] Muller, H.-C.; Haubrich, H.-J.; Schwartz, J.: Technical
Power Frequency (50 HZ) Over Voltage Limits of Interconnected Systems.CIGRE Report 37-301,
Factors Paris, Session 1992.
(1)System Voltage = 220 KV [4]UPSEB Statistics at a Glance, March 1988.