High Voltage Live Work Manual

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

Rev Issue
No. date
Work practice index 4 12/2015

Introduction 1 03/2015
Definitions 3 08/2015
Section 1 Introduction to HV live work
1.0 Introduction to HV live work 3 07/2016
1.1 Insulated stick method voltages up to 132 kV 4 12/2015
1.2 Glove and barrier method voltages up to 33 kV 4 12/2015
Combining the insulated stick method with the glove and
1.3 4 08/2015
barrier method voltages up to 33 kV
Section 2 Safe working principles
2.0 Safe working principles 3 08/2015
2.1 Onsite risk assessment 5 12/2015
2.2 Blank 3 03/2015
2.3 Permits, network protective devices and communication 3 03/2015
2.4 Blank 3 03/2015
2.5 Use of plant and equipment 4 03/2015
2.6 Blank 2 03/2015
2.7 Managing risks associated with weather conditions 3 03/2015
2.8 Incident reporting 2 03/2015
2.9 Job briefing process 1 08/2015
2.10 Personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements 1 12/2015
2.11 Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) 0 03/2015
2.12 Ferroresonance 0 03/2015
2.13 Rescue and emergencies 0 03/2015
2.14 Step and touch potential 0 03/2015
2.15 Temperature of conductors and electrical apparatus 0 03/2015
Section 3 Selection, authorisation and competency
3.0 Training, competency and auditing requirements 4 03/2015
3.1 Selection for HV live work training 3 03/2015

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

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No. date
3.2 Training 3 03/2015
3.3 Authorisation and supervision 2 03/2015
3.4 Auditing, compliance and field assessment 0 03/2015
Section 4 Mobile plant and related equipment for HV live work
4.0 Mobile plant and related equipment for HV live work 6 12/2015
4.1 Mobile elevated work platforms (EWPs) 4 12/2015
4.2 EWP and crane-mounted conductor support equipment 5 12/2015
Section 5 Care of equipment
5.0 Care and maintenance of equipment 2 03/2015
5.1 Equipment maintenance 5 12/2015
5.2 Maintenance of EWPs and fitted hydraulic tools 2 03/2015
Section 6 Tools and equipment
6.0 Tools and equipment 3 12/2015
6.1 Flexible insulating barriers 3 12/2015
6.2 Rigid insulating barriers 3 12/2015
6.3 Insulated hand sticks 2 03/2015
6.4 Conductor support equipment 4 12/2015
6.5 Conductor strain equipment 3 12/2015
6.6 Accessories 3 03/2015
6.7 Bridging equipment 4 03/2016
6.8 Live work rope and insulated rope 1 12/2015
Section 7 Conductors and insulators
7.0 Conductors and insulators 2 03/2015
7.1 Intermediate structures 2 03/2015
7.2 Angle structures 2 03/2015
7.3 Tension 2 03/2015
7.4 Vertical loads on raised (hilltop) terrain 4 03/2015
7.5 Conductor mechanical data 2 03/2015
7.6 Conductor angle loads 2 03/2015

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

Rev Issue
No. date
7.7 Vertical loads on lowered terrain 2 03/2015
7.8 Conductor characteristics 0 03/2015
7.9 HV insulators 1 08/2015
Section 8 Glove and barrier method
8.0 Glove and barrier method 4 07/2016
8.1 Double insulation 2 03/2015
Rigging conductor support equipment glove and barrier
8.2 5 12/2015
8.3 Rigging conductor strain equipment 4 07/2016
Energising/de-energising and bypassing of conductors and
8.4 4 03/2016
apparatus glove and barrier method
8.5 Installation and maintenance of pole-mounted switches 5 08/2015
8.6 Pole erection and recovery glove and barrier work 5 01/2016
8.7 Blank 4 03/2015
Section 9 Distribution insulated stick method
9.0 Distribution insulated stick method 5 07/2016
9.1 Applying fittings distribution insulated stick method 5 12/2015
Rigging conductor support equipment distribution insulated
9.2 3 12/2015
stick method
Energising/de-energising and bypassing of conductors and
9.3 5 03/2016
apparatus distribution insulated stick method
Pole erection and recovery distribution insulated stick
9.4 4 01/2016
method work
9.5 Blank 4 03/2015
Section 10 Transmission insulated stick method
10.0 Transmission insulated stick method 6 07/2016
Blank Applying a bolted fitting transmission insulated
10.1 stick method has been replaced by TIS-02 Insulator and 4 12/2015
conductor disconnection/reconnection.
Blank Rigging conductor support equipment
10.2 transmission insulated stick method has been replaced by 5 12/2015
TIS-05 Wire tong support pole saddle method.

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

Rev Issue
No. date
Blank Displacing conductors using crane and lifting beam
10.3 transmission insulated stick method has been replaced by 5 12/2015
TIS-04 Displacing conductors using crane and lifting beam
Blank Crane-mounted conductor support equipment
10.4 transmission insulated stick method has been replaced by 4 12/2015
TIS-03 3-pole construction (cricket wicket) pole change.
Appendix 1 Apparent temperature index 2 03/2015
Appendix 2 HV live work training interview questions 3 03/2015
Appendix 3 Blank 3 03/2015
Appendix 4 International Beauforts Scale 3 03/2015

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

Work practice index

Title No.
Accessories 6.6
Angle structures 7.2
Applying fittings distribution insulated stick method 9.1
Auditing, compliance and field assessment 3.4
Authorisation and supervision 3.3
Bridging equipment 6.7
Care and maintenance of equipment 5.0
Combining the insulated stick method with the glove and barrier method voltages
up to 33 kV
Conductor angle loads 7.6
Conductor characteristics 7.8
Conductor mechanical data 7.5
Conductor strain equipment 6.5
Conductor support equipment 6.4
Conductors and insulators 7.0
Distribution insulated stick method 9.0
Double insulation 8.1
Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) 2.11
Energising/de-energising and bypassing of conductors and apparatus distribution
insulated stick method
Energising/de-energising and bypassing of conductors and apparatus glove and
barrier method
Equipment maintenance 5.1
EWP and crane-mounted conductor support equipment 4.2
Ferroresonance 2.12
Flexible insulating barriers 6.1
Glove and barrier method 8.0
Glove and barrier method voltages up to 33 kV 1.2
HV insulators 7.9
Incident reporting 2.8
Installation and maintenance of pole-mounted switches 8.5

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

Work practice index

Title No.
Insulated hand sticks 6.3
Insulated stick method voltages up to 132 kV 1.1
Intermediate structures 7.1
Introduction to HV live work 1.0
Job briefing process 2.9
Live work rope and insulated rope 6.8
Maintenance of EWPs and fitted hydraulic tools 5.2
Managing risks associated with weather conditions 2.7
Mobile elevated work platforms (EWPs) 4.1
Mobile plant and related equipment for HV live work 4.0
Onsite risk assessment 2.1
Permits, network protective devices and communication 2.3
Personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements 2.10
Pole erection and recovery distribution insulated stick method 9.4
Pole erection and recovery glove and barrier method 8.6
Rescue and emergencies 2.13
Rigging conductor strain equipment 8.3
Rigging conductor support equipment distribution insulated stick method 9.2
Rigging conductor support equipment glove and barrier method 8.2
Rigid insulating barriers 6.2
Safe working principles 2.0
Selection for HV live work training 3.1
Step and touch potential 2.14
Temperature of conductors and electrical apparatus 2.15
Tension 7.3
Tools and equipment 6.0
Training 3.2
Training, competency and auditing requirements 3.0
Transmission insulated insulated stick method 10.0

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

Work practice index

Title No.
Use of plant and equipment 2.5
Vertical loads on lowered terrain 7.7
Vertical loads on raised (hilltop) terrain 7.4

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

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DM# 9065882
High Voltage Live Work Manual


Work practices
This manual has been produced to ensure standardisation of work practices and
procedures for qualified and authorised high voltage (HV) live workers undertaking
HV live work on the Western Power Network. They ensure that HV live workers are
aware of their roles and responsibilities in creating and maintaining a safe working
environment that meets state and national legislation, standards and work
practices. The main reference document for this manual is AS 5804 High-voltage
live working.

These work practices, which set the minimum requirements, must be issued to all
relevant staff and must be followed at all times.

Review process
The manual is constantly being reviewed, updated and developed to meet new
legislation, newly developed techniques and technological advancements in
equipment and network design for accessing and working on the Western Power

The following groups meet regularly to discuss HV live line work, and oversee all
major changes to this manual.
Senior Management High Voltage Live Line Work Committee
High Voltage Live Line Work Group
Local High Voltage Live Line Work Groups

Version control

It is the users responsibility to update and maintain their own copy of the
It is the formal leaders responsibility to ensure that employees are using the
current version of this manual.

Use the electronic version wherever possible. It is available on Depot Pack, the
Western Power website and busbar. This will help to ensure that the most up to
date version is being used.

Rev 1, Mar 15 Introduction Page 1 of 4

High Voltage Live Work Manual

Depot Pack
Depot Pack is an electronic resource that was designed to be used by workers in
the field where a data connection may not be available. It does not require a
network or internet connection to be used (although one is required to update the
Depot Pack files).

Figure 1: Depot Pack main menu

Depot Pack is available to the entire NTW and is in use by all Western Power staff
and many of our contractors.

Depot Pack is:

the one stop shop for all Western Power work practice information
easier to use and more reliable than printed paper documents. Its regularly
updated, so you know the information is current, unlike a printed document that
may have changed since your copy was printed.
a controlled source of information, which is crucial when it comes to safe and
efficient work practices
For information on installing and updating Depot Pack, see Depot Pack Instructions
(DM# 9001578).

Page 2 of 4 Introduction Rev 1, Mar 15

High Voltage Live Work Manual

Western Power website

The High Voltage Live Work Manual is available on the Western Power website in
the Network contractors section:

Hierarchy of documentation
Government legislation and regulations set the requirements for company-level
policy. Within Western Power, documentation is governed by the hierarchy shown
in Figure 2, below. If there is ever a difference between documentation, the higher
level documentation always overrides documentation at a lower level.
The Electrical System Safety Rules (ESSR) overrides the High Voltage Live
Work Manual.
The High Voltage Live Work Manual overrides High Voltage Live Work
Procedures etc.

ESSR is at this

High Voltage
Live Work
High Voltage Manual is at this
Live Work level
Procedures are
at this level

Figure 2: Western Powers Safety, Health and Environment Management

System Document Framework

Rev 1, Mar 15 Introduction Page 3 of 4

High Voltage Live Work Manual

The Work Practice Development team strives for continual improvement of
systems, procedures, processes and instructions. We value feedback and
encourage suggestions and recommendations for changes, alterations or

Feedback must be submitted to a formal leader for review, who can then forward it
on to:
the Work Practice Development team at
if the item is related to HV live line work, it can be forwarded to a
representative of a High Voltage Live Line Work Committee or Group


Depot Pack Instructions

Work Practice Manual

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High Voltage Live Work Manual


Any item of electrical machinery or equipment (including primary and secondary) in
which conductors are used, or supported, or of which they form a part.
Having appropriate Western Power endorsement in writing for a specific function.
Approved work technique
A documented technique which meets the requirements of this manual and which
has been approved by Western Power.
Authorised person
A competent person with the delegated authority to perform the duty concerned on
behalf of Western Power.
A device designed to automatically reclose the circuit after it has been broken due
to a fault operation.
Brush contact
Momentary accidental or inadvertent contact.
A set of conductors and associated hardware and insulation, which together form a
single electrical connection, and which, when faulted, are normally switched
automatically from the system as a single entity.
Constant leakage monitoring
Monitoring continually or at intervals of leakage (in micro amps) of current across
the insulated section of the boom during high voltage work 1 uA/kV allowable.
Contact area
The area within one metre of the nearest energised high voltage apparatus.
The electrical supply to electrical apparatus has been switched off.
The electrical supply has been de-energised but not necessarily isolated,
tested and earthed.
Drop zone
The area below the immediate work where objects could fall, or be directed into, if
they strike other structures or objects after the fall.
Electrically connected to earth in an approved manner by approved earthing
conductors or switches.

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

Equipment management system

A secure documentation system used to accurately record specific details about
equipment used for high voltage live work.
Ergonomic distance
The distance calculated to take into account inadvertent movement and errors in
judgement of distances while performing work. The ergonomic distance applies to
personnel and plant and can be influenced by personal and environmental factors.
Fully insulated EWP
An approved, tested and insulated EWP that has constant leakage monitoring
facilities to ensure continued insulation for higher voltage work, 66 kV and above.
Glove and barrier method
A method of performing live line work on circuits up to, and including, 33,000 volts.
The HV live worker is fully insulated from earth and phases using approved
insulating gloves and sleeves, insulating platform and/or insulated EWP and
insulating barriers.
High voltage (HV)
A voltage of 1,000 volts AC or 1,500 volts DC or greater.
HV live worker
A person who, by way of training and demonstration of competency, performs live
high voltage work.
Insulated EWP
An approved and tested insulated EWP fitted with an approved and tested
insulating liner to the inside of the basket used with the glove and barrier
An approved and tested insulated EWP without a liner used with the
insulated stick method.
Insulated stick (also called live line stick or hot stick)
A stick of insulating material specifically designed, approved and tested for use in
physically bridging the distance between the HV live worker and energised
apparatus, between the energised apparatus and earth, between adjacent phases,
and to enable physical loads to be taken or tools to be applied to the stick.
Insulated stick method (also called live work stick method)
A method of performing live line work using tools and equipment attached to
insulated sticks with the HV live worker maintaining the MAD from energised
Insulating barrier
A barrier of rigid or flexible insulating material specifically designed, approved and
tested for use as an insulated cover.
Insulating gloves
Gloves that are especially designed, approved and tested to a rated voltage for
working on, or near, live electrical apparatus.

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

Insulating pole platform

A platform of insulating material specially designed, approved and tested for use
with the HV live work glove and barrier method.
Insulating sleeves
Insulating sleeves are specially designed, approved and tested to a rated voltage
for working on or near live electrical apparatus.
Insulation testing
Insulation resistance testing using an insulation tester to measure resistance and
indicate the condition of insulation.
Energised or subject to hazardous induced or capacitive voltages.
Live work equipment
All approved live line tools, rope, insulating equipment and other gear used for live
line work.
Live work
All work performed on components of electrical apparatus that are not isolated or
proved de-energised, short-circuited or earthed.
Minimum approach distance (MAD)
The minimum separation distance that must be maintained by a person, mobile
plant (including its load) or any object (other than insulated objects designed for
contact with live conductors) from electrical apparatus for that apparatus nominal
voltage and the persons skill level (authorised person or ordinary person).
Minimum tool insulating distance
The distance that the insulating material (stick or rope) is subjected to while
touching energised conductors. This distance must be measured between the
metal end fitting at the conductor end of the insulating material and the metal end
fitting or hand mark, where provided, at the opposite end of the insulating material.
When insulated sticks consist of sections joined with metal couplings, the insulating
distance must be the total of each of the lengths of insulating material which have
not been bridged out by the metal couplings.
Other cable systems
Telecommunications cables, pay television cables, control cables, aerial earthed
cables, electrolysis drainage cables.
Periodic inspection
A type of inspection made regularly on tools and equipment.
Primary point of contact
The main electrical apparatus being worked on.
Rated voltage
The manufacturers recommended maximum voltage to be applied to their specified

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

Safety observer
A person fully trained and authorised in the work method being used and
specifically assigned the duty of observing and warning against unsafe approach to
electrical apparatus, or other unsafe conditions. .
The safety observer must remain outside the MAD.
Safe working load (SWL)
The maximum working load or force that can be applied, as defined by the
manufacturer. Also referred to as working load limit (WLL).
Secondary point of contact
All electrical apparatus or earth structures within reach and operating at different
potentials to the primary point of contact under live work.
Step potential
A shock hazard that occurs when a person is close to, or steps towards, an
energised contact site. The voltage that passes through the body is calculated by
the difference in voltage of the energised soil between their feet.
Apparatus that has been tested in accordance with the relevant standard.
Test voltage
The voltage that must be applied to the specified equipment for the purpose of
periodic electrical testing.
Touch potential
A shock hazard that occurs when a person touches an energised object while
standing on a zone that is at a different potential. The voltage that passes through
the body is calculated by the difference between the voltage of the energised object
and the voltage of the zone where the feet are placed.
Work area
The area within normal body reach of the working position.
Working load limit (WLL)
The maximum working load or force that can be applied as defined by the
manufacturer. Also referred to as safe working load (SWL).

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

1.0 Introduction to HV live work


The purpose of this work practice is to provide a basic description of high voltage
(HV) live work and related requirements.

HV live work

HV live work is a process by which personnel can safely perform work on

energised (live) HV electrical apparatus.
The work practices contained in this manual have been written around work
on overhead lines.
In order to perform HV live work on the Western Power Network, personnel
must have the appropriate qualifications and authorisations. For more on this,
see section 3 (Training, competency and auditing requirements) in this
The methods permitted for use on the Western Power Network are:
glove and barrier method. For more on this, see the following in this
work practice 1.2 (Glove and barrier method voltages up to 33
section 8 (Glove and barrier method).
insulated stick method. For more on this, see the following in this
work practice 1.1 (Insulated stick method voltages up to 132 kV)
section 9 (Distribution insulated stick method)
section 10 (Transmission insulated stick method).
a combination of both. For more on this, see work practice 1.3
(Combining the insulated stick method with the glove and barrier method
voltages up to 33 kV) in this manual.


No HV live work must be undertaken without an applicable and approved HV live

work procedure.
If no applicable HV live work procedure is available, a draft procedure must be
produced by the work team intending to do the work. The draft procedure must be
submitted to, and approved by, Work Practice Development before it can be used.

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High Voltage Live Work Manual


Older style cast iron cable termination boxes

HV live work must not be carried out in the same bay or on structures with older
style cast iron cable termination boxes as shown in Figure 1, below. These cable
termination boxes have been known to fail after being:
exposed to movement of attached conductors
exposed to live line insulator spray washing.

Figure 1: Older style cast iron cable termination box

Reclosers with internal potential transformers

HV live work must not be carried out on reclosers with internal potential
transformers (IVTs). Reclosers with IVTs, once removed, must not be reinstalled.
Arrangements must be made to return them back to the manufacturer (for
assistance with this, ask your formal leader).

Reclosers with IVTs can be identified by three name plates and/or warning
stickers, as shown in Figure 2, below.

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

3 name plates Warning sticker

Figure 2: Name plates on internal potential transformers

HV spreaders

HV live work involving displacing or changing the tension on conductors must not
be carried out in bays fitted with HV spreaders as shown in Figure 3, below. HV live
work methods must not be used to install or remove HV spreaders.

Figure 3: HV spreader

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High Voltage Live Work Manual


HV live work must be performed in accordance with the work practices in this
manual and Western Power HV live work procedures.
HV live workers must only work on one potential at any given time and
manage the potential of secondary points of contact and minimum approach
distances (MADs).

Safety requirements

Safety observer

The safety observer for HV live work must be fully trained and authorised in
the work methods being used.
An HV live worker under supervision cannot be a safety observer unless
under the direct supervision of a fully authorised HV live worker.

Risk assessment

All hazards must be identified, risks assessed and control measures put in place
pre-job planning
onsite risk assessment.

Hazards must be continually reviewed, monitored, recorded and controlled for the
duration of the task. For more on this, see:
High Voltage Live Work Manual, work practices:
2.1 (Onsite risk assessment)
2.9 (Job briefing process).
Work Practice Manual, work practices:
2.27 (Construction site hazard management forms)
2.28 (Job briefing process).

Night work

Most HV live work will be carried out during daylight hours. However, if HV live work
is undertaken at night, the following lighting requirements apply.
Lighting must illuminate all objects in the work area, such as:
second points of contact

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

All HV live workers and safety observers must be able to identify all objects in
the work area.
Work is restricted to the area of illumination.


If the HV live workers or the safety observer cannot clearly see all objects and
second points of contact within the work area, the task must not proceed.

Permits and network protective devices

Before performing any HV live work on the Western Power Network:

a Vicinity Authority (VA) must be issued. A VA is the Western Power permit
that authorises work in close proximity to:
live electrical apparatus
apparatus that may become live.
auto-reclose devices immediately upstream of the worksite must be disabled
network protective devices must be operational in the circuit being worked on.
These devices must be capable of detecting and clearing faults at the
worksite. For more on this, see work practice 2.3 (Permits, network protective
devices and communication) in this manual.

The only exception is devices that contain sensitive earth fault (SEF) protection
(e.g. recloser, circuit breaker). These devices must be disabled to avoid
causing them to trip when temporary bypass jumpers are applied to the circuit.

Approved PPE

All personal protective equipment (PPE) used for HV live work must be approved
and appropriately rated. PPE must be worn in accordance with:
the work practices relevant to the task
the risk assessment on the day.
For more on this, see work practice 2.10 (Personal protective equipment (PPE)
requirements) in this manual.

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

Approved tools, equipment and plant

All tools, equipment and plant used for HV live work must be:
approved and appropriately rated for HV live work
within test date
used in accordance with manufacturers guidelines.

For more on this, see the following sections in this manual:

4 (Use of plant and machinery)
5 (Care and maintenance of equipment)
6 (Tools and equipment).

Accessories, hair and body jewellery

Metallic objects such as tool belts, watches, bracelets, neck chains, mobile
phones and other body jewellery, must not be worn while carrying out HV live
Long hair, including facial hair, must be constrained to prevent inadvertent
contact with energised conductors or electrical apparatus.
The lanyard of body harnesses, straps or ropes must be restrained from
infringing MADs.

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

Table 1: MADs* to be maintained by HV live workers with auto-reclose off

System Insulated stick (mm)

voltage Phase- Phase-to- Glove and barrier
(kV) to-earth phase

6.6 450 550 There are no MADs that apply to glove

and barrier work as approved insulated
11 450 550
gloves and sleeves are used to contact
22 450 550 energised electrical apparatus directly.
However, the glove and barrier worker
must maintain:
a minimum air gap of 150mm between
any uninsulated part of the body and
the energised electrical apparatus
(potential) being worked on
a minimum air gap of 250mm between
33 450 550 the elevated work platform (EWP)
basket and any uninsulated second
point of contact. If the second point of
contact is fitted with one level of
insulated barriers rated to the highest
working voltage on the structure, this
clearance can be reduced to accidental

All secondary points of contact within normal reach of the work area must
be identified and, for voltages up to 33kV, have rated insulated barriers

66 820 1000
Glove and barrier method not permitted
132 1200 1300
* MADs are determined by adding the electrical voltage surge gap to an ergonomic distance
of 300mm (allowed for inadvertent movement).


Procedures have been provided on how to perform HV live work using glove and
barrier and insulated stick methods. For detailed procedures using these methods,
High Voltage Live Work Procedures Distribution Insulated Stick

Rev 3, Jul 16 1.0 Introduction to HV live work Page 7 of 8

High Voltage Live Work Manual

High Voltage Live Work Procedures Glove and Barrier

High Voltage Live Work Procedures Transmission Insulated Stick

A combination of glove and barrier and insulated stick procedures can be used to
complete a task.


High Voltage Live Work Manual:

work practice 1.1 (Insulated stick method voltages up to 132 kV)
work practice 1.2 (Glove and barrier method voltages up to 33 kV)
work practice 1.3 (Combining the insulated stick method with the glove
and barrier method voltages up to 33 kV)
work practice 2.1 (Onsite risk assessment)
work practice 2.3 (Permits, network protective devices and
work practice 2.9 (Job briefing process)
work practice 2.10 (Personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements))
section 3 (Training, competency and auditing requirements)
section 4 (Mobile plant and related equipment for HV live work)
section 5 (Care and maintenance of equipment)
section 6 (Tools and equipment)
section 8 (Glove and barrier method)
section 9 (Distribution insulated stick method)
section 10 (Transmission insulated stick method).
High Voltage Live Work Procedures Distribution Insulated Stick.
High Voltage Live Work Procedures Glove and Barrier.
High Voltage Live Work Procedures Transmission Insulated Stick.
Work Practice Manual:
work practice 2.27 (Construction site hazard management forms)
work practice 2.28 (Job briefing process).

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

1.1 Insulated stick method voltages up to 132kV


The purpose of this work practice is to provide an overview of high voltage (HV) live
work using insulated sticks.


Insulated stick work is a method of performing HV live work based on the principle
that the HV live worker always maintains a minimum approach distance (MAD) from
any energised HV line or apparatus while performing work using tools and
equipment fitted to insulated sticks.

For MADs, see the following work practices in this manual:
1.0 (Introduction to HV live work).
9.0 (Distribution insulated stick method), Table 1: MADs to be maintained by
HV live workers for the distribution insulated stick method.
10.0 (Transmission insulated stick method), Table 1: MADs for the
transmission insulated stick method.

The stick method can be used when working:

from a work platform or ladder attached to a pole or structure
from an elevated work platform (EWP).

The stick method can be used on all types of pole structures (e.g. wood, concrete,
steel, composite).


Minimum Minimum
Approach Approach
Distance Distance

Figure 1: Minimum approach distances for HV live work

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

Minimum requirements for stick work

Insulated stick work is a single, insulated process. The key requirements for this
work are listed below:
Approved insulated sticks must have:
o insulation suitable for the voltage being worked on and the environment
in which the work is being carried out
o the structural capacity to safely manipulate or support the electrical
apparatus they are attached to.
The HV live worker must maintain:
o a minimum length of rated insulated stick between themselves and the
energised equipment
o the MAD between themselves and sources of electrical potential.
Insulated barriers must be used on second points of contact within normal
reach of the work area. This is particularly important when manipulating

Using insulated sticks

Insulated sticks are used to manipulate, support or take conductor tension. This
provides electrical insulation between live electrical apparatus and the HV live
worker and other sources of electrical potential.

Insulated sticks generally fall into two categories:

Hand insulated sticks used by HV live workers to manipulate or operate
electrical apparatus.
Supporting sticks, either individual or in rigs, to support energised electrical

All load bearing supporting sticks must have the safe working load (SWL) or
working load limit (WLL) clearly marked on the device. For more on this, see work
practice 6.0 ((Tools and equipment) in this manual.

Hand guards for insulated sticks

Hand guards must be installed on all insulated sticks to indicate the MAD for the
voltage being worked on and the task being performed. It is important that hand
guards must be firmly secured to the insulated sticks to prevent movement during
work, cleaning, inspection and transport.

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High Voltage Live Work Manual


High Voltage Live Work Manual:

o work practice 1.0 (Introduction to HV live work)
o section 6.0 (Tools and equipment)
o work practice 9.0 (Distribution insulated stick method)
o work practice 10.0 (Transmission insulated stick method)

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1.2 Glove and barrier method voltages up to 33kV

The purpose of this work practice is to provide an overview of high voltage (HV) live
work using the glove and barrier method.


The HV live work glove and barrier method is based on the principle that the HV
live worker always maintains a minimum of two independent levels of insulation to
prevent phase-to-earth or phase-to-phase contact. The HV live worker operates at
varying potentials between the electrical apparatus they are working on and other
line and earth potentials. This is achieved by:
wearing appropriately rated and tested insulating gloves and sleeves
always maintaining an air insulation gap of 150mm between uninsulated parts
of the HV live workers body and the energised electrical apparatus being
worked on
using insulated barriers
always working from:
an insulated and tested elevated work platform (EWP) fitted with an
insulated and tested basket liner
an insulated, rated and tested pole platform.


The glove and barrier method must never be used:

directly from a ladder, pole or non-insulated platform or structure
on the transmission network (i.e. voltages over 33kV). Work on apparatus
at transmission voltages must be done using the method described in
section 10 (Transmission insulated stick method) in this manual.

Additional protection for HV live workers is provided by maintaining clearances or

applying additional levels of insulation to all second points of contact in the working

For more on this, see work practice 8.0 (Glove and barrier method) in this manual.

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

Contact area
The contact area is the area within one metre of the nearest energised HV
apparatus. Any part or extension of the body (i.e. tools in outstretched hand) which
encroaches into this area is considered to be within the contact area.

HV live workers using the glove and barrier method must:

wear insulated HV gloves and sleeves prior to entering the contact area and
at all times while in the contact area
not remove their gloves and sleeves until they have moved outside the
contact area.


The fitting or removal of gloves and sleeves must be confirmed with the safety
observer prior to entering or after leaving the contact area.

Minimum approach distances

There are no minimum approach distances (MADs) that apply to glove and barrier
work as the gloved hands are in contact with the energised electrical apparatus
being worked on. However, the following air insulation gaps and clearances must
be maintained:
An air insulation gap of 150mm must be maintained at all times between the
uninsulated parts of the HV live workers body and the energised electrical
apparatus being worked on.
A minimum air gap of 250mm between the EWP basket and any uninsulated
second point of contact. If the second point of contact is fitted with one level of
insulated barriers rated to the highest working voltage on the structure then
this clearance can be reduced to accidental contact.
For more on this, see work practice 8.0 (Glove and barrier method) in this manual.

Using insulated sticks

Insulated sticks are sometimes used as part of the glove and barrier method. This
should not be confused with combining the glove and barrier method with the
insulated stick method.

Using insulated sticks with the glove and barrier method

HV live workers may use insulated sticks while using the glove and barrier method.
However, the HV live worker must still wear their gloves and sleeves at all times.

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

Although insulated stick MADs do not apply to the glove and barrier method, HV
live workers should always maintain a minimum safe clearance of 450mm when
operating fuses, touch-testing surge diverters or other tasks where there is a risk of
arc flash.


Hand guards or MAD markers are not required on insulated sticks when being
used with the glove and barrier method.

Combining the insulated stick method with the glove and barrier method
The glove and barrier method is not intended to eliminate the use of insulated
sticks. It is simply another work method that can be used by HV live workers to
complete a specific work task. Some tasks may be completed more efficiently by
using both the insulated stick method and the glove and barrier method.

For more on using both methods together, see work practice 1.3 (Combining the
insulated stick method with the glove and barrier method voltages up to 33 kV) in
this manual.


For convenience, HV live workers authorised in both the glove and barrier and
insulated stick methods may choose to remain in their gloves and sleeves during
short periods of work while using the insulated stick method.


High Voltage Live Work Manual:

work practice 1.0 (Introduction to HV live work)
work practice 1.3 (Combining the insulated stick method with the glove
and barrier method voltages up to 33 kV)
work practice 8.0 (Glove and barrier method)
section 10 (Transmission insulated stick method)

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1.3 Combining the insulated stick method with the glove and
barrier method voltages up to 33 kV


The purpose of this work practice is to provide an overview of the requirements

when combining the insulated stick method and the glove and barrier method to
perform high voltage (HV) live work.



While the methods may be combined when performing a task, the key
requirements are that:
the methods must each be used separately, i.e. the two methods must not be
used at the same time by:
o the same HV live worker
o HV live workers on the same insulated support structure, i.e. EWP or
pole platform
safety observers are notified when changing methods
they must not be combined when working on the transmission network (i.e.
voltages over 33 kV). Work on apparatus at transmission voltages must only
be done using the method described in section 10 (Transmission insulated
stick method) in this manual.

For more on the individual methods, see the following work practices in this
1.1 (Insulated stick method voltages up to 132 kV)
1.2 (Glove and barrier method voltages up to 33 kV)


The following requirements apply when combining the insulated stick method with
the glove and barrier method.
Methods may only be combined on voltages up to 33 kV.
If the two methods will be combined, this must be considered during the job
briefing process and onsite risk assessment. For more on this, see the
following work practices in this manual:
o 2.1 (Onsite risk assessment)

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

o 2.9 (Job briefing process)

An HV live worker must:
o be authorised and competent in the method they are using
o only use one method at any one time. If authorised in both methods, they
must change methods as outlined in the HV live workers authorised in
both methods section, below.
HV live workers must use the same method when performing work from the
same insulated support structure, i.e. EWP or pole platforms.
HV live workers may use different methods during the same task, but only if:
o working from separate insulated support structures, i.e. EWPs or pole
o there is a separate safety observer for each method
o A minimum distance between EWPs of at least 2 m is maintained.
All secondary points of contact must have insulating barriers applied.

HV live workers authorised in both methods

When changing method, HV live workers authorised in both methods must:

1. notify the safety observer that they are changing method
2. move outside of the MAD or contact area (whichever is higher)
3. change equipment (e.g. replace gloves and sleeves with insulated stick). They
may fit or remove their gloves and sleeves without returning to the ground or
EWP basket rest.
4. notify the safety observer that they are recommencing work and confirm the
method they are now about to use


For convenience, HV live workers authorised in both the glove and barrier and
insulated stick methods may choose to remain in their gloves and sleeves during
short periods of work while using the insulated stick method, as long as:
the MADs are maintained at all times during the insulated stick work
the gloves do not affect the HV live workers ability to safely operate the
insulated stick


High Voltage Live Work Manual:

work practice 1.1 (Insulated stick method voltages up to 132 kV)

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voltages up to 33 kV DM# 8220524
High Voltage Live Work Manual

work practice 1.2 (Glove and barrier method voltages up to 33 kV)

work practice 2.1 (Onsite risk assessment)
work practice 2.9 (Job briefing process)
section 10 (Transmission insulated stick method)

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

2.0 Safe working principles


This section provides information and guidance for safe working common to all high
voltage (HV) live work methods. Safe working principles covers:
onsite risk assessment
permits, network protective devices and communication
use of plant and equipment
managing risks associated with weather conditions
incident reporting
job briefing process
personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements
electromagnetic fields (EMFs)
rescue and emergencies
step and touch potential
temperature of conductors and electrical apparatus

The section is not intended as a comprehensive guide to all aspects of safety. For
more on general safety, see section 2 (Safety) in the Work Practice Manual.


For specific safe working principles, see the following sections in this manual:
2 (Safe working principles)
8 (Glove and barrier method)
9 (Distribution insulated stick method)
10 (Transmission insulated stick method)

Safety observer

The safety observer for HV live work must be fully trained and authorised in the
work methods being used.

A HV live worker under supervision cannot be a safety observer unless under

the direct supervision of a fully authorised HV live worker.

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

Risk assessment

All hazards must be identified, risks assessed and control measures put in place
and reviewed throughout the pre-job planning and duration of the task. For more on
this, see the following work practices in this manual:
2.1 (Onsite risk assessment)
2.9 (Job briefing process)


HV live work must be performed in accordance with the work practices in this
HV live workers must manage the potential of secondary points of contact and
minimum approach distances (MADs).


High Voltage Live Work Manual:

o work practice 2.1 (Onsite risk assessment)
o work practice 2.9 (Job briefing process)
o section 8 (Glove and barrier method)
o section 9 (Distribution insulated stick method)
o section 10 (Transmission insulated stick method)
Work Practice Manual, section 2 (Safety)

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

2.1 Onsite risk assessment

This work practice outlines the minimum requirements for onsite risk assessments
for high voltage (HV) live work.

Hazard Identification, risk assessment and control

Onsite hazards must be identified, risks assessed and control measures put in
place and reviewed according to the hazard and risk control assessment in the risk
assessment document (e.g. Workplace Risk Assessment Plan (WRAP)). Where
necessary, the risk assessment may need to be updated during the task. For more
on this, see work practice 2.27 (Construction site hazard management forms) in the
Work Practice Manual.


The live work option must be rejected onsite if the team believes that the work
cannot be completed safely.

Assessment process
All onsite hazard identification, risk assessment and controls must be documented
in the risk assessment. All personnel onsite must be involved in the process and
record their name and signature on the associated documents.


An onsite risk assessment must be carried out as part of the job briefing process.
For more on this, see work practice 2.9 (Job briefing) in this manual.

Before any work commences, the team must conduct an onsite risk assessment to
address, as a minimum, the following:
What is the task that is to be performed and what are the work procedures
and permits that are to be utilised?
Voltage to be worked on and suitability of equipment.
Is there other work being conducted in the vicinity?
Who is conducting the task? Consider authorisation, experience, competency
and supervision levels for the site coordinator, safety observer and workers
Access and egress to the worksite.
Positioning of plant and equipment.

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

Conductor condition, weights and loading changes applied to structures been

assessed or calculated? For more on this, see section 7 (Conductors and
insulators) in this manual.


Copper conductors smaller than 7/0.080 (7/14) must not be worked on using
HV live work methods. This does not apply to removing or replacing bridges
that are connected to the non-tensioned conductor tails.

Electrical loading of the circuit being worked on and the temperature of

conductors and joints. For more on this, see the following work practices in
this manual:
2.15 (Temperature of conductors and electrical apparatus).
8.4 (Energising/de-energising and bypassing of conductors and
apparatus glove and barrier method).
9.3 (Energising/de-energising and bypassing of conductors and
apparatus distribution insulated stick method).
The integrity of:
the structure on which work is to be carried out
the adjacent structures and spans
insulation in the immediate work area, including the risk of earth leakage
current from damaged insulators.

Structures must be fully inspected, including from above using a pole-top

camera or elevated work platform (EWP).

For more on this, see work practice 6.2 (Poles assessment and support
before climbing or changing loads) in the Work Practice Manual.
Management of potential secondary points of contact and minimum approach
distances (MADs), including the need for barriers, where applicable.
Clearances to structures and potential mid-span hazards, particularly where
conductors are to be displaced or removed during the work.
Management of ground approach distances (GADs) and step and touch
potential risks. For more on this, see:
work practice 2.14 (Step and touch potential) in this manual
work practice 2.6 (Mobile elevated work platform (EWP) safety) in the
Work Practice Manual

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

Electrical potential and clearance issues associated with running earth.

Drop zone. For more on this, see work practice 2.3 (Height safety) in the Work
Practice Manual.
The positioning of workers in relation to possible body movement, reach and
ergonomic allowances.
Communication, which must be clear, concise and confirmed.
Presence of temporary inline isolators HV live work must not be performed
in any bay where these items are installed (other than their installation or
Noise management.
Site terrain conditions (e.g. stability of equipment and security of footings).
Livestock management (interference with the work).
Traffic and pedestrian management.
Public safety.
Potential weather conditions during the work.
Environmental issues.
Fire risk.
Any other factors covered in section 2 (Safe working principles) in this
Any other factors that may affect the safety of the crew or general public.

The risk assessment must be reviewed after completion of the work, in accordance
with work practice 2.27 (Construction site hazard management forms) in the Work
Practice Manual.

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

Control measures

The hierarchy of control shown in Table 1, below, must be used when determining
control measures. For Western Power personnel, this is contained in the WRAP.
Table 1: Hierarchy of control (apply in numerical order, from 1 to 5)

Control Examples

1 Elimination Working de-energised, earthed and permitted.

2 Substitution Use a less hazardous product or process.

3 Engineering Guards and barriers.

4 Administrative Additional safety observer. Schedule to avoid traffic.

5 PPE Safety glasses, gloves, helmet, sunscreen.

Control measures must be reassessed if:

the control measure is not effective in controlling the risk
there is going to be a change at the construction site which may introduce a
new or different hazard
the result of further discussion indicates that a review is necessary.


High Voltage Live Work Manual:

section 2 (Safe working principles)
section 7 (Conductors and insulators)
work practice 8.4 (Energising/de-energising and bypassing of conductors
and apparatus glove and barrier method)
work practice 9.3 (Energising/de-energising and bypassing of conductors
and apparatus distribution stick method).
Work Practice Manual, work practices:
2.3 (Height safety)
2.6 (Mobile elevated work platform (EWP) safety)
2.27 (Construction site hazard management forms)
6.2 (Poles assessment and support before climbing or changing

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2.2 This work practice has intentionally been left blank

Details on site hazards have been moved and can now be found in the following
work practices in this manual:
1.0 (Introduction to HV live work)
2.1 (Onsite risk assessment)

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

2.3 Permits, network protective devices and communication


The purpose of this work practice is to provide high voltage (HV) live workers with
an understanding of the key requirements relating to the use of permits, network
protective devices and communication techniques and protocols.


The procedure for the issuing of a Vicinity Authority (VA) must ensure the following.
Auto-reclose devices immediately upstream of the worksite must be disabled.
This may involve auto-reclosers at a substation or pole-top reclosers.
Manual reclose, in the event of tripping, must not be done without first ensuring
that the work team is:
o safe and clear of the apparatus to be re-energised
o aware that the apparatus is about to be re-energised
The VA must be cancelled on completion of the work.
Where more than one work team is working on the same circuit but at different
locations, auto-reclose functions must not be enabled until all the teams have
cancelled their VA.


Further information on VAs can be found in the Electrical System Safety Rules
(ESSR) section 7 (Safety rules for work on high voltage (HV) networks)


All auto-reclosing features on the electrical apparatus must be made inoperative

and tagged appropriately when performing HV live work on the Western Power

Network protective devices

Network protective devices must be operational in the circuit being worked on.
These devices must be capable of detecting and clearing faults at the worksite.
Auto-reclose function of equipment which controls the circuit being worked on
must be disabled for the duration of the task in accordance with the switching
program controlled by Network Operations Control (NOC).

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

In the event that a manual reclose or other planned switching of a circuit is

required, the work teams must be informed and move clear of the circuit prior
to the reclose being attempted.
Operation of an auto-recloser on an HV live worksite is a reportable incident
and all HV live work must cease. For more on this, see work practice 2.8
(Incident reporting) in this manual.


Clear and reliable communications are essential in HV live work and

communication must be included as an item in all job briefings.

Each work team member must establish clear and reliable communications with the
site coordinator and other team members throughout the duration of the work. All
HV live work team members need to keep other team members aware of their
intended actions so that safety is not compromised.

The safety observer must maintain particularly close communication with the HV
live work team performing the task. For more on this, see work practice 2.9 (Job
briefing process) in this manual.

NOC must be advised of any HV live work:

before the work commences
when the HV live work team moves location
when the work is complete

During the course of HV live work, effective communications must be maintained

between the HV live work team and NOC. It is important that NOC knows exactly
where all of the teams are located on the feeder in case the system configuration
requires altering, e.g. transferring loads.

If the circuit on which HV live work is being carried out becomes de-energised due
to the operation of feeder protection equipment, the circuit must not be
re-energised until all HV live work teams on the affected feeder are confirmed clear
of any live apparatus.

It is imperative that NOC maintains the ability to communicate with the work team
and keep them fully briefed on any feeder trip or other system switching


For more on communication, see ESSR, section 4 (Communication).

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High Voltage Live Work Manual


High Voltage Live Work Manual, work practices:

o 2.8 (Incident reporting)
o 2.9 (Job briefing process)
Electrical System Safety Rules:
o section 4 (Communication)
o section 7 (Safety rules for work on high voltage (HV) networks)
o Appendix 6 (Vicinity Authority (VA) work permit)

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Details on tools and techniques have been moved and can now be found in work
practice 6.0 (Tools and equipment) in this manual.

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2.5 Use of plant and equipment


This work practice provides high voltage (HV) live workers with basic information
and guidance on the use of plant and equipment.


This work practice is not intended as a comprehensive guide to the use of plant and
equipment. More detailed instructions are available in:
Work Practice Manual, work practices:
o 2.6 (Mobile elevated work platform (EWP) safety)
o 2.19 (Crane use in substations and near powerlines)
o 2.20 (Dogger construction site)
o 2.21 (Traffic management)
High Voltage Live Work Manual, work practices:
o 4.0 (Mobile plant and related equipment for HV live work)
o 4.1 (Mobile elevated work platforms (EWPs))
o 4.2 (EWP and crane-mounted conductor support equipment)
o 5.2 (Maintenance of EWPs and fitted hydraulic tools)


Before starting work, crane operators must be instructed on the procedure and
safe working distances to be used. The crane operator and the dogger must be
under the supervision of a nominated member of the HV live work team who is
authorised in the live work method being performed. The designated safety
observer or a person aloft assigned as the safety observer can perform the
supervision. For more on the role of the safety observer, see work practice 2.9
(Job briefing process) in this manual.
Where an insulated EWP with a telescopic boom is used, the boom must be
extended to ensure that the insulating requirement (as specified on the HV
certification of the equipment) relevant to the voltage being worked on is
Uninsulated parts must not be introduced into the work area that could create a
hazard for HV live workers. Conductor support equipment that utilises a
conductive mounting bracket on the insulated upper boom of an EWP must be
removed after use.

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

All conductive attachments must be removed from the boom prior to HV live
work using the glove and barrier method.
Cranes and EWPs may be used to support conductors and equipment for HV
live work when set up in accordance with the requirements in this manual.
When supporting energised components, appropriate insulation (rated to meet
the electrical and mechanical loads) must be fitted between energised
components and the crane or EWP.
Uninsulated parts of the crane or EWP must be monitored to ensure they do
not encroach within the minimum approach distances (MADs) for mobile plant.
For more on this, see:
o work practice 4.0 (Mobile plant and related equipment for HV live work) in
this manual
o work practice 2.8 (Minimum approach distances (MADs)) in the Work
Practice Manual
When using plant to move conductors, an HV live worker must advise the
crane operator if any risks have been identified with:
o condition of the conductor
o movement of the conductor
o conductor temperature
o environmental conditions, e.g. wind
o mechanical loads being placed on conductors
o structural integrity of adjacent structures
o clearances from ground and other conductors
For more on this, see work practice 7.0 (Conductors and insulators) in this
Crane and EWP chassis must be earthed. For more on this, see work practice
4.0 (Mobile plant and related equipment for HV live work) in this manual.
When moving plant, ensure that:
o vehicle extensions and protrusions (e.g. stabilisers, gin pole assemblies,
masts) are stowed in a safe position where they will not create a hazard
o equipment that extends the height of the vehicle (e.g. conductor support
apparatus) is removed prior to travelling on roadways. These extensions
may be left attached when travelling limited distances in paddocks, but
only after risks such as clearances under powerlines and vegetation have
been assessed.

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

Vehicles are restricted to a maximum height of 4.3 metres when travelling on

roadways. The minimum height of overhead powerlines is 4.5 metres.


High Voltage Live Work Manual, work practices:

o 2.9 (Job briefing process)
o 4.0 (Mobile plant and related equipment for HV live work)
o 4.1 (Mobile elevated work platforms (EWPs))
o 4.2 (EWP and crane-mounted conductor support equipment)
o 5.2 (Maintenance of EWPs and fitted hydraulic tools)
o 7.0 (Conductors and insulators)
Work Practice Manual, work practices:
o 2.6 (Mobile elevated work platform (EWP) safety)
o 2.8 (Minimum approach distances (MADs))
o 2.19 (Crane use in substations and near powerlines)
o 2.20 (Dogger construction site)
o 2.21 (Traffic management)

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Details on night work have been moved and can now be found in work practice 1.0
(Introduction to HV live work) in this manual.

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2.7 Managing risks associated with weather conditions


To provide high voltage (HV) live workers with clear guidelines on managing the
risks associated with weather events.


Wet weather, electrical storms, high winds, inadequate lighting and temperature
extremes are all potential hazards to the HV live worker. Wet weather can reduce
the insulating effectiveness of the insulated equipment being used. Electrical
storms may cause overvoltage on electrical conductors and apparatus. High winds
and extremes in temperature may cause structural or clearance problems. Humidity
can reduce the insulating effectiveness of gloves and sleeves. Controlling these
risks is essential to the safety of the HV live worker.



Wherever possible, adverse weather conditions should be determined prior to the

job. Forecasts of adverse weather are available from:
Bureau of Meteorology
Network Operations Control (NOC)
general media outlets

Onsite risk assessment

The onsite risk assessment must include any adverse weather conditions that are
present or are expected (e.g. based on the weather forecast). The relevant hazards
and controls must be included in the risk assessment. For more on this, see work
practice 2.1 (Onsite risk assessment) in this manual.


If adverse weather conditions arise, the HV live work team must assess the risks
of the live work to determine whether to:
continue work
suspend work temporarily and safely secure the worksite

For more on this, see the Suspending work section, below.

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

High temperatures and humidity

When employees are exposed to heat stress, conduct a risk assessment on

whether it is safe to work. In making such decisions, consider provision of
personal protective equipment (PPE), fluid availability, rest breaks and task
Consideration should also be given to humidity as well as temperatures, as
high temperatures combined with high humidity can lead to dehydration and
heat illness. High humidity may also cause excessive sweating and moisture
build-up underneath gloves and sleeves and may pose a hazard to the HV live
worker. For more on this, see Appendix 1 (Apparent temperature index) in this
The signs and symptoms of heat illness include:
o lack of concentration
o feeling sick and nauseous
o dizziness, weakness or clumsiness
o collapsing or convulsions in severe cases
To avoid dehydration and heat illness, personnel should drink a cup of water
approximately every 20 minutes.

Suspending work

If the risk assessment determines that the work is to be suspended, the actions
below must be taken.
The HV live work team must temporarily and safely secure the work site.
If the HV live work team is to leave the site, the circuit must be left in a safe
condition and NOC informed.
Prior to recommencing temporarily suspended work, review and update the
risk assessment. Any HV live work insulating equipment that is left on, or
attached to, live apparatus must be wiped with a silicone cloth attached to a
universal tool.
Avoid leaving HV live work insulating equipment on, or attached to, live
apparatus for extended periods of time (e.g. overnight). Should it be necessary
to do so, the equipment must not be depended on to provide any form of
insulation. They must be removed, cleaned and visually inspected before reuse
and, if suspect, submitted for electrical testing.

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

Electrical storms

If you can see lightning or hear thunder:

1. suspend work and seek shelter in a building or enclosed vehicle that is in a
safe location and is away from powerlines as lightning strike can induce very
high voltages
2. wait until 30 minutes after the last time you see lightning or hear thunder before
recommencing work


During a storm, if you cannot seek shelter in a building or enclosed vehicle, avoid
using fixed line phones and avoid the following locations as they have a higher risk
of lightning strike.
Tall objects (e.g. poles, trees). The lightning could jump to you (i.e. side flash)
or result in a voltage gradient in the ground, creating a step potential.
High elevation compared to the surroundings (e.g. on top of a hill or building).
Electrical apparatus connected to the network. Lightning strike on, or near, the
network can result in explosive damage to plant.

For more information on electrical storms, see work practice 2.12 (Electrical
storms) in the Work Practice Manual.

Wet weather

Suspend work:
if there is any significant rain beyond intermittent spotting, mist, fog, snow,
sleet or dew, unless using methods and live work equipment specifically
designed and tested as being able to operate during wet conditions (e.g.
leakage meter for stick work)
if, when using insulating rope, there is any threat of rain, mist, fog, snow, sleet
or dew
if rain is significant enough to pool, form an unbroken surface or run along the
surface of insulated equipment rather than beading. Streams allow tracking or
electrical leakage to occur. As the leakage increases so does the risk.

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Windy weather

Suspend work if there are excessive wind velocities, as this may cause a
reduction in air gap insulation, dislodgement of temporary insulation or excessive
structural wind mechanical loading. For more on this, see Appendix 4
(International Beauforts Scale) in this manual.
HV live work is only permitted when wind velocities are less than 45 km/h, or
40 km/h when using a gin pole to lift conductors.

Inadequate lighting

Suspend work if there is inadequate light to provide clear vision. For more on
this, see work practice 1.0 (Introduction to HV live work) in this manual.


High Voltage Live Work Manual:

o work practice 1.0 (Introduction to HV live work)
o work practice 2.1 (Onsite risk assessment)
o Appendix 1 (Apparent temperature index)
o Appendix 4 (International Beauforts Scale)
Work Practice Manual, work practice 2.12 (Electrical storms)

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

2.8 Incident reporting


This work practice provides high voltage (HV) live workers with information and
guidance on reporting incidents.


This work practice applies only to the reporting of an incident. For guidelines to use
in the case of an emergency, see work practice 2.13 (Rescue and emergencies) in
this manual.


An HV live work incident is defined as any of the following events.

Electric shock or other serious injury sustained by any member of the work
team or general public.
A flashover at, or close to, the work, irrespective of its cause.
Complete or partial breakdown of any insulating tool or equipment, irrespective
of whether or not flashover occurred.
The electrical or mechanical failure of any HV live work tool which did, or could
have the potential to, cause an accident.
Operation of an auto-recloser on an HV live work site is a reportable incident
and all HV work must cease.


Inform Network Operations Control (NOC) immediately of any incident.

All live line incidents must be reported in accordance with Western Powers
incident reporting procedures.
Report the incident, including details (e.g. fire, personal injury (including
electric shock, even if its just a tingle), network asset damage), to both of the
following within an hour of the incident happening:
o your formal leader
o the Incident Hotline on 1300 CALL WP (1300 2255 97)
Unless permission has been given by Safety, Health and Environment (SHE),
do not remove any equipment or plant from a worksite where there has been
an incident. This will assist with the accurate assessment of the contributing
factors to the incident. Such equipment may also pose a risk to personnel or
property if moved.

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High Voltage Live Work Manual, work practice 2.13 (Rescue and emergencies)

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2.9 Job briefing process


This work practice provides high voltage (HV) live workers with:
a uniform methodology and minimum key requirements for the job briefing
process, which must be done before every job commences
an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the worksite team leader,
safety observer and site coordinator


This work practice is applicable to:

all HV live work teams performing planned or unplanned work on Western
Power construction sites
multiple teams working on the same construction site


The job briefing process must be performed before the commencement of any task
and as required throughout the duration of the task. This process outlines the tasks
that are to be accomplished, the location, tools, equipment and material
requirements, and safety rules or procedures that apply.

Key elements of the job briefing process include:

adherence to permit procedures
the procedures that will be used during the job
voltage to be worked on
suitability of equipment
roles of each team member and task allocation
allocation of identification armbands
o worksite team leader blue armband (optional)
o safety observer green armband
o site coordinator orange armband
hazards associated with the task and the control measures
work area establishment and set up
emergency response plan
communication (clear, concise and confirmed)

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For more on hazard identification, risk assessment and control measures, see
work practice 2.1 (Onsite risk assessment) in this manual.

Worksite team leader

The worksite team leader directs team members to accomplish a task safely,
efficiently and within the constraints of the relevant standards, procedures and

Worksite team leaders are appointed based on their assessed competence and
suitability for the role. They must understand the role responsibilities and
obligations, and lead the team effectively.

The worksite team leader at any construction site must do the following:
Meet with the site coordinator and record the site coordinators name and
contact number on the risk assessment.
Ensure that all team members actively participate in the job briefing process,
including selecting procedures to use for the task (from the relevant High
Voltage Live Work Procedures manual) and allocating roles appropriately.
Perform a risk assessment and document all relevant details, including:
o identifying the hazards and associated risk controls
o the procedures selected from the relevant High Voltage Live Work
Procedures manual
The risk assessment must then be signed by all of the team members.
Ensure that all team members hold current competencies and authorisations to
perform the task.
Provide supervision and coaching where required.
Where a Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) for a specific task is available,
any hazards that are not identified by the SWMS must be recorded on the risk
assessment. For more on SWMS, see work practice 2.27 (Construction site
hazard management forms) in the Work Practice Manual.
Appoint a safety observer and issue them with a green safety observer
armband. For more on this, see work practice 2.9 (Job briefing process) in this

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Ensure that team members are wearing the required personal protective
equipment (PPE) and that they use it properly. For more on this, see:
o work practice 2.10 (Personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements) in
this manual
o section 3 (Personal protective equipment) in the Work Practice Manual
Ensure that permit procedures are followed, if required.
Confirm that all tools and items of equipment are visually inspected, cleaned
and within test date and are safe to use. For more on this, see work practice
5.1 (Equipment maintenance) in this manual.
Report any incidents immediately by calling 1300 CALL WP (1300 2255 97).
Safety observer
The safety observer for HV live work must be fully trained and authorised in the
work methods being used.

A HV live worker under supervision cannot be a safety observer unless under

the direct supervision of a fully authorised HV live worker.


A safety observer is mandatory on any task where HV live line methods are
being used. Where there are multiple HV live work teams, a safety observer
must be nominated for each team unless determined otherwise by a risk
The safety observer must use one sharp blast of the safety observer
whistle to:
o stop work
o warn personnel of any risk or non-compliance
All personnel, on hearing the whistle, must immediately stop work and
communicate with the safety observer.

If during the task the designated safety observers view is impaired by obstruction,
they must inform the work team and may, for short periods, transfer the role to a HV
live worker aloft. This is provided that the designated safety observer is able to:
reassume the role of safety observer when the person aloft can no longer
safely observe
perform or supervise a rescue when required
When this occurs, all members of the work team must be aware at all times as to
who is performing the role of safety observer.

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Transfer of the safety observers role to a HV live worker aloft must only be
The HV live worker taking on the safety observers role must not perform any
work while acting as safety observer.
Repositioning the designated safety observer on the ground must always be
the preferred option.

For more on this, see work practice 2.2 (Safety observer role) in the Work Practice
Site coordinator

Whenever work is being done at a Western Power construction site, one worksite
team leader must act as the site coordinator.

Team refers to a group of two or more people working on the same task at a
construction site.
Single team onsite
If there is only one team onsite, the worksite team leader is the default site
Multiple teams onsite

When more than one team is working on any construction site, the site coordinator
is determined by the following criteria.
If there is a single work team onsite and other team/s arrive later the initial
worksite team leader will be the site coordinator and will maintain these duties
unless otherwise agreed to by the worksite team leaders. They will remain the
site coordinator until they have completed their work and intend to permanently
leave the construction site.
If more than one team attends a construction site at the same time the team
leader of the team that will remain onsite for the longest amount of time will be
the site coordinator unless an alternative arrangement is agreed to by the
worksite team leaders.
If the initial site coordinators team intends to permanently leave the
construction site, they must consult the remaining worksite team leaders and
reassign the site coordinator role.
The new site coordinator must be:
o informed of the change and accept the role
o briefed by the outgoing site coordinator

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This applies equally to all members of the Network Total Workforce (NTW). No
preference is to be assumed by either Western Power or contractors.
The site coordinator role may be rotated during tasks/projects of long duration.


The site coordinator does not take charge of other teams or their work.
Worksite team leaders must still delegate specific tasks or duties within
the team and ensure that their teams adhere to all the mandatory safety
requirements such as permits and risk assessments.
When any of these roles are transferred to another person a formal
handover must take place between all of the personnel involved.

Small teams and switching operators onsite

Small teams are required to be part of the collective group at a construction site,
but are not required to perform site coordinator duties. A small team consists of:
two operators
two switching operators performing switching activities
Site coordinator responsibilities

The site coordinator must do the following:

Wear the orange Site coordinator armband for the duration of their role.
Coordinate with the other worksite team leaders and discuss the following site-
specific details:
o Type of permits that are in place.
o Individual team tasks (what, where, how) and schedules.
o Contact details (worksite team leaders, local emergency services).
o Any special/abnormal conditions (specialised plant, visitors, and
Have their name recorded on each teams risk assessment.
Be available onsite at all times when anyone else is onsite.
Respond to or escalate queries by other worksite team leaders in regard to the
overall task/project.
Be familiar with construction site access requirements. All people requiring
entry must comply with work practice 5.17 (Construction site access) in the
Work Practice Manual.

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Visitors to the site

Anyone who is approached by a visitor must direct them to the site coordinator,
who will either:
request that the visitor wait offsite and then the site coordinator will call the
relevant worksite team leader to come and take charge of the visitor and
perform a construction site induction
perform a construction site induction and then direct the visitor to the relevant
worksite team leader
If there is no valid reason for the visitor to be onsite, the site coordinator has the
authority to ask the visitor to leave the construction site immediately. This applies to
all visitors, including Western Power personnel.


High Voltage Live Work Manual, work practices:

o 2.1 (Onsite risk assessment)
o 2.10 (Personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements)
Work Practice Manual:
o work practice 2.2 (Safety observer role)
o work practice 2.27 (Construction site hazard management forms)
o section 3 (Personal protective equipment)
o work practice 5.17 (Construction site access)

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2.10 Personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements

This work practice provides advice and instruction on the selection, use,
maintenance and storage of approved PPE that is specifically applicable to
personnel carrying out high voltage (HV) live work.


This work practice applies to all personnel carrying out HV live work using:
glove and barrier method
insulated stick method.


This work practice is not intended as a comprehensive guide to all PPE used for
work on the Western Power Network. Instead, it is a specific guide for personnel
carrying out HV live work. Information on PPE can be found in Western Powers
PPE catalogue (via busbar). General requirements can be found in section 3
(Personal protective equipment) in the Work Practice Manual.


All HV live work personnel must be trained in the correct fitting, use and
maintenance of their PPE. Any HV live worker who is unsure about the correct
fitting, use or maintenance of the PPE must ask their formal leader for advice.


The user is responsible for ensuring the care, maintenance, inspection, testing and
replacement of PPE allocated to them.


PPE must not be used in isolation of other risk controls.

The minimum PPE requirements for personnel carrying out HV live work are:
high visibility flame retardant (level one) clothing. For more on this, see
work practice 3.1 (Clothing and personal protective equipment
requirements) in the Work Practice Manual:
long sleeved shirt (buttoned to the wrist) and long trousers
overalls (buttoned to the wrist).

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safety footwear
eye protection relevant to the risk (according to AS/NZS 1337.1:2010
Personal eye protection - Eye and face protectors for occupational
gloves relevant to the risk
head protection relevant to the risk
insulated gloves and sleeves:
must be worn when performing glove and barrier HV live work
are not mandatory when performing insulated stick HV live work.


Items such as neck chains, earrings and other body adornments must not be worn
while carrying out HV live work. For more on this, see work practice 1.0
(Introduction to HV live work) in this manual.

HV insulated gloves and sleeves

All HV insulated gloves and sleeves must have a working voltage rating that is
equal to or greater than the voltage that is being worked on. HV insulated gloves
and sleeves have a label that clearly indicates the voltage class and are also
colour coded. Working voltage is the maximum phase-to-phase voltage for which
the equipment can be used and is generally less than the rated voltage as safety
factor is applied.
The relationship between class, rated voltage and maximum working voltage is
outlined in Table 2, below. Rated voltage is the voltage stated by the
manufacturer. As a safety factor, Western Power requires that the maximum
working voltage be 5kV less than the rated voltage. Western Power only uses
Class 3 and 4 HV insulated gloves and sleeves:
Class 3 (green label):
has a working voltage (phase-to-phase) of 25kV
must not be used for glove and barrier work on voltages in excess of
Class 4 (orange label):
has a working voltage (phase-to-phase) of 35kV
must not be used for glove and barrier work on voltages in excess of

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Table 1: Working voltages for Class 3 and 4 gloves and sleeves

Class Rated voltage (kV) Working voltage (kV)
3 30 25
4 40 35


Wear a minimum of Class 0 (1000V) rated gloves along with protective outers at
all times when working on the single wire earth return of a (SWER) system.

HV insulated rubber gloves and sleeves are made of two layers of different
colours so that defects are easier to detect. The outer layer represents less
than 20% of the overall thickness.
HV insulated gloves and sleeves must never be worn inside out.
Inner gloves may be worn beneath the HV insulated gloves to give comfort
and assist in the absorption of perspiration.
Outer protective gloves designed for use with HV insulated gloves must be
worn over the HV insulated gloves at all times during HV live work. Contact
with energised conductors or apparatus must be restricted to the working area
of the outer glove.
All parts of the outer protective gloves must be treated as conductive.
For example, when working with polymer disc insulators, the glove should
never be placed over the insulating sheds when in contact with a live
conductor as this could bridge the insulation and cause a flashover.

Overlap of HV insulated gloves and sleeves

A minimum overlap must be maintained between:

the HV insulated glove cuff and the outer protective gloves cuff
the HV insulated glove cuff and the start of the sleeve.
The overlap must be measured at full arm extension.
The purpose of maintaining the overlap is to ensure that no uninsulated part of
the workers arm is exposed (resulting in it being uninsulated).
The minimum overlap distances for Class 3 and 4 gloves is in accordance
with AS 5804.2-2010 High-voltage live working Glove and barrier work
and is shown in Table 2, below. An example is also shown in Figure 1, below.

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Table 2: Overlap requirements for Class 3 and 4 gloves and sleeves

Class Overlap (mm)
3 100
4 150

Figure 1: Overlap between insulated glove, outer glove and sleeve


It is essential that the HV insulated gloves and sleeves be sized to suit the
individual and the overlap sizing requirements.


Prior to commencement of work and at any time when their condition may be in
doubt, HV insulated gloves and sleeves must be inspected using all of the following
Wipe clean to remove any contaminates.
Carry out visual inspection, inside and out.
Confirm within electrical test date.
Roll test.
Air test (gloves only). For more on this, see the Air testing gloves section,

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HV insulated gloves and sleeves that become soiled with any oil, grease or other
damaging substances must be wiped clean as soon as it is practical.

HV insulated gloves and sleeves must be withdrawn from service if:

they do not properly inflate (gloves only this indicates that there is a leak
the outside colour has been damaged and the inner colour can be seen
a hole is evident when roll testing
cracks are present during roll testing between the fingers
there is any evidence of physical or chemical damage.

The following must be checked during a visual inspection.


Cracking may occur when the rubber has been stressed due to folding or
compressing after exposure to sunlight or ozone. Cracking is often found along the
sleeve after being stored incorrectly for a long period.

Cracking is generally found on the palm area of the glove where the rubber has
been subject to a combination of mechanical (compression) and electrical stresses.
This usually takes the form of a series of cracks that can quickly worsen. For
examples, see Figures 2 and 3, below.

Figure 2: Roll testing to identify cracking

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Cracking at elbow

Figure 3: Typical cracking at elbow of sleeve

Abrasion, scratches and cuts

Such damage is usually caused by inadvertent contact with sharp or abrasive

objects and can result in a complete failure of the insulation. Cuts can increase in
size very quickly when the glove or sleeve is placed under strain. For an example,
see Figure 4, below.

Figure 4: Signs of abrasions

Chemical damage and heat

Exposure to chemicals, fumes, or heat may cause soft spots on the rubber where
the elasticity has been reduced. These areas may feel tacky to touch. For an
example, see Figure 5, below.

Energised conductors and electrical apparatus under load and/or with poor joints
can exhibit high temperatures that may damage the insulating properties of gloves
and sleeves. Insulated products such as gloves and sleeves will possibly soften
and suffer insulation degradation at or above 70C. For more on this, see work
practice 2.15 (Temperature of conductors and electrical apparatus) in this manual.

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Figure 5: Signs of chemical damage


Tracking is caused by excessive current leakage and usually leaves a carbonised

path on the surface of the rubber. It generally occurs during routine electrical
testing and is normally found on the cuff area of the glove or sleeve. For examples,
see Figure 6, below.

Figure 6: Evidence of tracking (left) and cuts (right)

Air testing HV insulated gloves

All HV insulated gloves must be air tested prior to commencing work. The HV
insulated gloves must be tested both outside and inside out.
Simple air testing can be achieved by stretching the end of the gauntlet,
pressing it together and rolling as shown in Figure 7, below. This can also be
achieved be using a special peg for sealing the end of the gauntlet. Once the
glove is inflated, listen closely for leaks. This procedure must be repeated with
the glove inside out.
Mechanical inflators may also be used as shown in Figure 8, below.
HV insulated gloves that fail the air test due to leaks must be removed from
service and discarded immediately.

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Figure 7: Air testing of gloves to check for leaks

Figure 8: Glove inflator


HV insulated gloves and sleeves must be electrically tested at least every six
months to ensure that the insulating qualities of the equipment have not
deteriorated. Tests must be carried out by an approved HV testing provider to the
standard ASTM F496-14a Standard Specification for In-Service Care of Insulating
Gloves and Sleeves. Reference should also be made to:
ASTM D120-14a Standard Specification for Rubber Insulating Gloves
ASTM D1051-14a Standard Specification for Rubber Insulating Sleeves
ASTM F696-06(2011) Standard Specification for Leather Protectors for
Rubber Insulating Gloves and Mittens.

The six month testing requirement is based on light use. Heavy use will require
more frequent testing.

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Care and maintenance

HV insulated gloves and sleeves must be cleaned at least once a week, or more
frequently when in heavy use, as follows:
1. Only use products approved by the manufacturer.
2. Dispense a small amount of cleaning product onto a rag then use the rag to
wipe HV live work equipment.
Do not dilute cleaning products in water or allow cleaning products to be
directly poured into wash trough.
Dirty rags and HV cleaning wipes must be disposed of in designated
waste bins.
3. Rinse with clean water to remove the cleaning product residue. This can be
done in a wash trough.
4. Position to allow drying away from direct sunlight and heat. High temperature
environments (i.e. over 65C) must be avoided.
5. Apply pure talcum powder or an approved glove manufacturers glove dusting
powder to the inside surface of the insulating gloves and sleeves.


Cleaning product must only be applied to a rag or wipe and never used
directly in a wash trough. The wash trough must only be used to rinse.
Cleaning products for HV rubber goods are not quick break which means
our oil/water separators may not be able to separate the oil/grease and water
before it discharges.

HV insulated gloves and sleeves that become soiled with any oil, grease or other
damaging substances must be wiped clean as soon as possible to avoid chemical
damage to the glove.

HV insulated gloves and sleeves must be recorded in the equipment management

system. For more on this, see work practice 5.1 (Equipment maintenance) in this


HV insulated gloves and sleeves must not be repaired. Gloves and sleeves that
have failed must be disposed of and recorded in the equipment management

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HV insulated gloves and sleeves must be stored in an approved bag and/or a dry
location that allows the glove or sleeve to maintain its natural shape. Care should
be taken not to fold, compress or distort the glove or sleeve in any way that might
cause stretching during storage as this may result in stress within the rubber.

If storage is required for long periods, dust the inside and outside surfaces with
pure talcum powder or an approved glove manufacturers glove dusting powder.
Storage must be away from the effects of UV rays, chemicals, oils, solvents, heat
sources and even artificial light (which can produce ozone).

HV insulated gloves and sleeves that are beyond their six monthly electrical test
date must be quarantined and recorded in the equipment management system.
Quarantined insulated gloves and sleeves must pass an electrical test before being
returned to service.

Outer gloves

Outer gloves must be inspected prior to use and withdrawn from service when
damaged or when excessive dirt or holes are present (see Figure 9, below).

Figure 9: Unacceptable outer leather glove with hole

Head protection

Head protection is required to reduce the risk of injury from falling objects, arc flash
burns and the effects of exposure to UV radiation.
Safety helmets

Western Power approved safety helmets must be worn during HV live work. For
more on this, see work practice 3.3 (Head protection) in the Work Practice Manual.

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Eye protection

HV live workers must wear approved, non-conductive, framed, non-metallic,

medium impact eye protection when carrying out HV live work. Approved safety
glasses are the minimum eye protection required for HV live workers. Tinted lenses
must not be used in low light conditions. A risk assessment may determine that
additional measures are required. For more on this, see work practice 3.1 (Clothing
and personal protective equipment requirements) in the Work Practice Manual.

Other PPE

Information on other PPE such as goggles, arc flash face shields, hearing and
respiratory protection can be found in work practice 3.4 (Other personal protective
equipment) in the Work Practice Manual.


AS/NZS 1337.1:2010 Personal eye protection Eye and face protectors for
occupational applications.
AS 5804.2-2010 High voltage live working - Glove and barrier work.
ASTM D120-14a Standard Specification for Rubber Insulating Gloves.
ASTM D1051-14a Standard Specification for Rubber Insulating Sleeves.
ASTM F496-14a Standard specification for In-Service Care of Insulating
Gloves and Sleeves.
ASTM F69606(2011) Standard Specification for Leather Protectors for
Rubber Insulating Gloves and Mittens.
High Voltage Live Work Manual, work practices:
1.0 (Introduction to HV live work)
2.15 (Temperature of conductors and electrical apparatus)
5.1 (Equipment maintenance).
Work Practice Manual, section 3 (Personal protective equipment).

Further reading

Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 (WA).

Occupational Safety and Health Regulations 1996 (WA).
Western Australian Code of Practice Personal Protective Clothing and
Equipment 2002.

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2.11 Electromagnetic fields (EMFs)


The purpose of this work practice is to ensure that high voltage (HV) live workers
and ground support personnel have an awareness and understanding of:
electric fields and magnetic fields
how EMF strengths vary with voltage and current
current scientific assessment of health effects
the national standards for occupational exposure
typical exposure levels for HV live workers


We are all exposed to EMFs in many aspects of everyday life. EMFs are found in
the non-ionising part of the electromagnetic spectrum (between 0 Hz and 3 kHz).
They exist around electrical apparatus and appliances wherever theres a voltage
present (electric field) and a current (magnetic field). HV live workers are exposed
to EMFs in the course of their work, as are ground support crew such as EWP,
crane and borer operators working underneath, or in close proximity to, energised
overhead powerlines.

Electric fields

Distribution voltages create a significantly weaker field than transmission voltages.

When working on live conductors or apparatus, HV live workers are exposed to

electric fields. The strength of the field depends on:
the voltage of the conductor or apparatus
the workers proximity to the conductor or apparatus
Field strength

Electric field strength diminishes between the energised conductor and the live
worker in relation to the distance. For example, if you are:
o 10 m from a 22 kV conductor, the field strength will be 2.2 kV/m
o 1 m from a 22 kV conductor, the field strength will be 22 kV/m
This means that exposure when doing glove and barrier work is higher than
when doing stick work.
Nearby conductors in multiple phase or dual circuits can affect electric field

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

Magnetic fields

Magnetic fields exist around all energised conductors and apparatus through which
a current flows and the field strength varies according to the size of the current. A
lightly loaded line during a non-peak period will have a significantly weaker
magnetic field than the same line during peak loading.

When working on live conductors or apparatus, live workers are exposed to

magnetic fields. The strength of the field depends on:
the current of the conductor or apparatus
the workers proximity to the conductor or apparatus
Field strength

Magnetic field strength diminishes rapidly as you move away from the source.
For example:
o at the conductor, field strength may be 30,000 milliGauss (mG)
o 5 cm away, field strength will decrease to 15,000 mG
This means that exposure to more vulnerable parts of the body, such as the
head and torso, is significantly lower than the extremities, such as the hands.
This is an important factor with glove and barrier HV live workers.
Additional factors that can affect magnetic field strength are:
o adjacent magnetic fields from other nearby circuits, e.g. dual circuits or
nearby transmission lines
o the configuration of the line, e.g. horizontal, vertical or crucifix
The relationship between magnetic fields can significantly increase or reduce
their strengths.

Effects of exposure

The Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) and
the World Health Organisation (WHO) have concluded that current evidence does
not confirm the existence of any health consequences from exposure to low level

Occupational exposure standards

Although there is insufficient evidence to indicate any health consequences from

EMFs, the scientific community recommends taking precautionary measures.

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The ARPANSA interim guidelines on limits of exposure to 50/60 Hz electric and

magnetic fields suggest occupational exposure limits as shown below.
Electric fields 10 kV/m per working day (continuous). Short term exposure
to root mean square (RMS) electric field strengths (measured in kV/m)
between 10 kV/m and 30 kV/m are permitted, provided the RMS field strength
(kV/m) times the duration of exposure (hours) does not exceed 80 for the
whole day.

Maximum exposure is based on constant, direct contact. The actual exposure
is significantly less because direct contact will never be constant.

Magnetic fields 0.5 milliTesla (mT) or 5,000 mG per working day

(continuous). Short term exposure (body and head) for up to two hours per
working day should not exceed 5 mT or 50,000 mG. When restricted to the
limbs, exposures up to 25 mT or 250,000 mG can be permitted. The magnetic
field will decrease rapidly between the hand closest to the source and the
upper arm.

Typical occupational exposures

Data from ARPANSA and the electricity network industry indicates the exposure of
HV live workers is within the current limits. Some examples are provided in the
Glove and barrier work section, below.

The following examples are indicative only, and actual values will vary greatly
depending on the line voltages, configuration, current and clearances.

Glove and barrier work

The magnetic field exposure typical range is approximately 0.030.35 mT

(3003,500 mG) measured around 300 mm from the centre conductor. Closer
proximity to the conductor may increase exposure levels on the arms up to 2 mT
(20,000 mG) for short periods, although this is based on a maximum load scenario.
These typical exposures are well within the occupational exposure standard.

Electric field exposure on a typical 22 kV line will be (at maximum), phase-to-earth

value at the conductor (12.7 kV/m). Direct glove contact with the conductor will be
limited in terms of exposure times over a continuous working day. Shielding and
distance from the conductor will further reduce the exposure level and ensure it is
within the occupational exposure standard.

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Stick work

Magnetic field exposure for stick work will be significantly less than glove and
barrier due to the greater distance of the body and hands from the source of the

Electric field exposure while working to the minimum approach distances (MADs)
should also be within occupational exposure limits.


Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency - Interim guidelines

on limits of exposure to 50/60 Hz electric and magnetic fields (1989) Radiation
Health Series No.30, http://www.arpansa.gov.au/pubs/rhs/rhs30.pdf
Australian Standard AS 5804.1 2010 High-voltage live working General
World Health Organisation, www.who.int/topics/electromagnetic_fields/en/

Further Reading

Energy Networks Association, www.ena.asn.au, Electric & Magnetic Fields

What we know
National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia, www.nhmrc.gov.au

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2.12 Ferroresonance


The purpose of this work practice is to provide a basic knowledge of:

what ferroresonance is and how it is caused
how the effects of ferroresonance can be prevented


This work practice applies to all high voltage (HV) live workers involved in work
where ferroresonance may occur.


Ferroresonance is a condition that may occur on a three-phase system when:

o an unloaded delta/star distribution transformer becomes energised or
de-energised by single-phase HV switching
o the length of underground cable exceeds the critical cable length for the
transformer (creating a high enough capacitance to equal the inductance
reactance of the transformer) with no load on the low voltage (LV) side of
the transformer. For the critical cable length, see Tables 1 and 2.
Ferroresonance on a three-phase system most often occurs when using:
o HV disconnectors
o drop out fuses
o encapsulated single-phase switchgear
o live techniques to make or break loads
Ferroresonance results in overvoltages that may significantly exceed the rated
voltage of items such as cables, transformers, insulation. This may cause:
o injury to personnel
o damage to electrical apparatus
o third party assets
Tests have shown that excessive phase-to-earth voltages, up to 3.3 times the
normal voltage, may be developed in distribution circuits conducive to
ferroresonance. Once developed, they have a steady value that persists for the
duration of the switching operation. This sustained overvoltage will shorten the
insulation life of distribution equipment, by accelerating its deterioration.

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There are two methods to eliminate ferroresonance while switching.

Energising and de-energising via three-phase switching simultaneously (e.g.
pole top switch).
Connecting a load to the LV side of the transformer by means of a load box
(see Figure 1). When de-energising or making live a combination of
transformer and HV cable when operating un-ganged switching devices (e.g.
drop out fuses).

The LV side of the transformer must be offloaded before switching the HV.

Connecting the load box

Prior to connecting to the transformer, ensure that the load box is operating:
o Turn the circuit breaker ON.
o Use an ohmmeter to check that there is a resistance on each resistor from
o Turn the circuit breaker OFF.
Position the load box in a safe position that does not restrict movement, cause
a trip hazard, etc. If necessary, assign a safety observer to keep people away
from the load box when the switching is to occur and while the load box is
Ensure that there is no other load connected to the transformer.
Ensure that the load box circuit breaker switches are in the OFF position.
Connect the load box to the transformers LV terminals (or associated
equipment where the LV is accessible), ensuring that the earth and neutral
connections are made first.
Switch the load box circuit breaker switches to the ON position.
Energise or de-energise the transformer and HV cable combination according
to the switching/commissioning requirements.

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Disconnecting the load box

When disconnecting the load box, ensure that the circuit breaker switches are
in the OFF position.
Remove the load box from the transformers LV terminals ensuring that the
earth and the neutral are removed last.

Figure 1: Load box

Table 1: PILC cable Critical cable lengths (in metres) for ferroresonance
Cable size
(kVA) 25 mm 70 mm 95 mm 185 mm
160 18 m 11 m 10 m 8m
315 36 m 23 m 20 m 15 m
500 57 m 36 m 33 m 24 m
630 72 m 45 m 41 m 30 m
1000 114 m 72 m 65 m 47 m
Adapted from: Ferroresonance - calculations for cable critical cable lengths (DM# 3270851)

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Table 2: XLPE cable Critical cable lengths (in metres) for ferroresonance

System voltage 11 kV
Transformer Cable size
(kVA) 35 mm 95 mm 185 mm 240 mm 400 mm
63 17 m 12 m 9m 8m 7m
160 43 m 30 m 24 m 21 m 17 m
315 84 m 59 m 46 m 41 m 33 m
500 133 m 93 m 74 m 64 m 52 m
630 168 m 117 m 93 m 81 m 65 m
1000 267 m 186 m 146 m 129 m 104 m
System voltage 22 kV
Transformer Cable size
(kVA) 35 mm 95 mm 185 mm 240 mm 400 mm
63 4m 3m 2m 2m 2m
160 11 m 7m 6m 5m 4m
315 21 m 15 m 12 m 10 m 8m
500 33 m 23 m 18 m 16 m 13 m
630 42 m 29 m 23 m 20 m 16 m
1000 67 m 46 m 37 m 32 m 26 m
System voltage 33 kV
Transformer Cable size
(kVA) 50 mm 185 mm
63 2m 1m
160 4m 3m
315 8m 7m
500 13 m 11 m
630 16 m 13 m
1000 26 m 21 m
Adapted from: Ferroresonance - calculations for cable critical cable lengths (DM# 3270851)

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High Voltage Live Work Manual, work practices:

o 2.0 (Safe working principles)
o 2.9 (Job briefing process)
o 2.10 (Personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements)
Ferroresonance - calculations for cable critical cable lengths (DM# 3270851)

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2.13 Rescue and emergencies


The purpose of this work practice is to provide guidelines specifically for high (HV)
voltage live workers to use in the case of an emergency involving electric shock,
personal injury, flashover, unplanned operation of a circuit breaker or other network
protective device, fire or network damage.

The instructions are intended to be additional to the relevant work practices in the
Work Practice Manual, section 2 (Safety).


Basic rescue principles

Assess and manage the hazards and risk particularly to the rescuer.
Call for assistance.
Isolate or remove the injured person/s and the rescuer from the hazards.
Rescue any unconscious or injured persons and return them to a safe position
on the ground if possible.
Administer first aid including resuscitation where required.


The most important considerations are the hazards and risks to the rescuers.

Electrical safety

Conductors or electrical apparatus must always be treated as energised unless

isolated, proven de-energised, earthed and released under a permit.

Where the injured person is still contacting live conductors or apparatus, the
connection needs to be broken as quickly as possible to prevent further injury.
Contact or electrical flashover

In the event of electrical contact or flashover:

1. Contact Network Operations Control (NOC) advising of incident and request
de-energising of feeder if required.
2. Call emergency services, if required.
3. If possible, isolate and de-energise the apparatus.

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4. Break contact using an approved HV insulating stick or by approved HV live

work gloves if glove and barrier work is being carried out from a mobile
elevated work platform (EWP).
5. Lower the injured person to the ground using the method relevant to the
platform they are on:
o pole top rescue
o manoeuver worker/s to an EWP
o base controls
o bleeding down of the boom
o emergency descent device (EDD)
6. Remove the injured person from the EWP and try and minimise any further
injury or trauma. Use the EWP bucket tilt features if necessary.
7. Administer first aid, including resuscitation where required.


The rescuer must maintain HV minimum approach distances (MADs) from any
conductive plant and equipment.

If the injured person is in an EWP and the rescuer needs to approach or

operate the EWP to carry out the rescue, they need to consider the following:
o Is the EWP correctly earthed?
o Is the EWP in contact with any potentially energised electrical conductors
or apparatus?
o Could operation of the EWP cause further exposure to risks?
o Is the EWP still safe to operate?
o Is the rescuer competent to operate the EWP from the ground?
The rescuer must also consider the risk of step and touch potential when
accessing vehicles, poles or structures. For more on this, see work practice
2.14 (Step and touch potential) in this manual.
Personnel on a vehicle suspected of being or becoming energised should
remain on the vehicle until the electrical supply has been isolated and proven

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If the person needs to evacuate from the vehicle before the electrical supply
has been isolated and proven de-energised, they must jump clear of the
vehicle and land with both feet together. Once free of the vehicle, move away
by making small hops with the feet together. For more on this, see work
practice 2.18 (Pyrolysis in vehicle tyres) in the Work Practice Manual.

EWPs must be operated in accordance with work practice 4.1 (Mobile elevated
work platforms (EWP)) in the Work Practice Manual.


When a fire occurs, personnel must stop work and act according to the evacuation
plan. For more on this, see work practices 2.1 (Worksite evacuation plan) and 2.16
(Fire precautions for field work) in the Work Practice Manual.
Reporting incidents

See work practice 2.8 (Incident reporting) in this manual.

Emergency contact numbers

Emergency (Fire, Police, Ambulance): 000

Emergency switching (to stop injury or damage during the emergency)

Network Operations Control (NOC): 9427 0626
To report an incident (after the emergency has passed)
Incident Hotline: 1300 CALL WP (1300 2255 97)
For assistance coping with natural or man-made emergencies
SES 132 500


For more emergency contact information, see Work Practice Manual, Appendix 4
(Emergency contact information).


High Voltage Live Work Manual, work practice 2.14 (Step and touch potential)
Work Practice Manual:
o section 2 (Safety)
o Appendix 4 (Emergency contact information)

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2.14 Step and touch potential


The purpose of this work practice is to provide a basic understanding of step and
touch potential and how to control these hazards.


This work practice applies to all high voltage (HV) live workers, including ground
support personnel such as operators of elevated work platforms (EWPs), cranes
and other mobile plant.


Step potential

Step potential is a shock hazard that occurs when a person is close to or steps
towards an energised contact site. The step potential that passes through the body
is calculated by the difference in voltage of the energised soil between their feet.

This figure is taken from Electrical System Safety Rules (ESSR)

Figure 1: Step potential (22 kV system)

In Figure 1, the fault current is travelling down a conductor to the ground. This
conductor is energising the surrounding ground, the voltage diminishing in a radial
pattern from the contact site. Standing with one foot in the 8 kV voltage zone and a

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second foot in the 6 kV voltage zone, this person could experience a hazardous
shock of up to 2 kV.

The example shown in Figure 1 is indicative only and the extent to which voltages
diminishes as they move away from the source will vary greatly with soil resistivity.

Touch potential

Touch potential is experienced when contact is made with an energised object. The
touch potential that passes through the body is equal to the difference between the
voltage of the energised object and the voltage of the zone where the feet are
placed, remembering that voltage diminishes in a radial pattern from the contact

This figure is taken from Electrical System Safety Rules (ESSR)

Figure 2: Touch potential (22 kV system)

In Figure 2, the fault current is travelling down a conductor to the ground. This
conductor is energising the surrounding ground, the voltage diminishing as it moves
away from the contact site. Touching the 12.7 kV conductor while standing within
the 10 kV voltage zone could yield a hazardous shock of up to 2.7 kV.

The example shown in Figure 2 is indicative only and the extent to which voltage
diminishes as they move away from the source will vary greatly with soil resistivity.

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Step and touch potential hazards must be included in all:

o pre-job planning
o job briefings and risk assessments. For more on this, see work practice
2.9 (Job briefing process) in this manual.
Common sources of step and touch potential include the following:
o energisation of mobile plant. For more on this, see the Earthing of mobile
plant section in work practice 4.0 (Mobile plant and related equipment for
HV live work) in this manual.
o permanent and temporary earths
Measures must be taken to prevent personnel and vehicles that are not
involved in the task from entering the work area, to prevent injury from hazards
such as step and touch potential. To prevent access and define the work area,
use measures such as:
o warning signs
o flashing lights
o barriers
o traffic controls


High Voltage Live Work Manual work practices:

o 2.9 (Job briefing process)
o 4.0 (Mobile plant and related equipment for HV live work)
Electrical System Safety Rules (ESSR)

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2.15 Temperature of conductors and electrical apparatus


The purpose of this work practice is to provide a basic understanding of the

potential risks associated with elevated temperatures on conductors and electrical


Risk management of potentially elevated temperature conditions is essential to

ensure the safety of high voltage (HV) live workers.

The risks from elevated temperatures are:

burn injuries from direct contact
burn injuries from joint and/or conductor failure
glove insulation failure due to temperature degradation of the natural rubber
insulation failure due to thickness reduction and degradation of dielectric
insulated stick and/or attachment failure due to epoxy softening

The above risks can be increased by the application of insulated items (e.g.
insulated blankets and barriers) to the conductor as these items also provide
thermal insulation of the conductor and reduction in energy radiation and wind

HV live workers must be aware of:

the maximum temperature limits relating to working on conductors and joints,
the limitations of glove, barrier and stick insulation and their susceptibility to
higher temperatures
the requirement to visually inspect all joints before working on or adjacent to
them to ensure they are not at risk. Temperatures within the joint can range
from ambient to close to melting point. Aluminium is particularly vulnerable to
this condition


HV live work is carried out on live electrical apparatus that may be exposed to a
wide range of load conditions, such as:
almost negligible loads on lightly loaded rural spur lines
maximum design rating loads
short term overloads under emergency conditions

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High currents can cause elevated temperatures in conductors and electrical

apparatus. Temperatures will depend on:
conductor types
ambient temperature
solar radiation
wind speed
other environmental factors

Elevated temperatures can be a potential risk to HV live work as the higher

temperatures may compromise the integrity of conductors, joints and insulated
equipment, i.e. gloves, sleeves, barriers and insulated sticks. This risk has
particular significance for the glove and barrier work methods where HV live
workers are in close proximity to, or in contact with, the conductor.


Risk management can be achieved by:

being aware of the maximum conductor and joint temperatures at which HV
live work is allowable
visually inspecting all joints before working on the conductors
including the risk of elevated conductor and joint temperatures in the risk
considering doing work de-energised where risks of elevated temperatures
cannot be adequately managed

The maximum allowable conductor/joint temperatures for HV live work are provided
in Table 1, below. If the conductor/joint temperature is above 70C, consideration
must be given to the following:
contacting Network Operations Control (NOC) to isolate the line to replace
suspect joints or for completion of the task under fault conditions
contacting NOC to switch the load to reduce conductor/joint temperature. The
identified conductor/joint temperature will need to be reassessed prior to
commencing work.
personnel in the field who identify conductors/joints above 70C must email the
details to the OAM Works clarification mailbox:

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This information will be used as condition information (local knowledge) to

help risk assess and prioritise conductor replacements on the distribution
network that could impact safety or reliability
For more on the OAM Works clarification mailbox, see TWC Internal
Update OAM Clarification Mailbox (DM# 8893077)

Table 1: Maximum temperature limits for HV live work equipment use

Effect on item when conductor exceeds Temperature

maximum allowable temperature (C)

Plastic products Plastic begins to soften

(e.g. hard covers) Possible reduction in thickness

Rubber products Rubber begins to soften

(e.g. gloves, 70
Possible reduction in thickness
sleeves, mats)

Epoxy resins (glue) bonding the

Insulated sticks metallic fittings to the stick begin to 80
break down

Conductors and joints must be inspected for signs of elevated temperature prior to
carrying out HV live work where reliance will be placed on the integrity of gloves,
sleeves and barriers. Conductor and joint temperatures must be included as an
item in all HV live work risk assessment.

As a general guide, the average daytime temperature of most aluminium

conductors running at their manufacturers maximum rated current carrying
capacity is around 7075C. Conductors operating well below their maximum
rated current carrying capacity should be well below this temperature. However,
conductor temperature is affected by wind, ambient temperature, solar radiation
and other factors.

Bad joints may occur even under low load situations and the HV live worker must
always inspect joints and look for signs of heat stress. These may include signs of:
discolouration of the joint and adjacent conductors
electrical arcing, blackening and damage
partial melting, elongation or distortion of fittings and/or adjacent conductors
loose or poorly made joints, e.g. incorrect crimp lugs used

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TWC Internal Update OAM Clarification Mailbox (DM# 8893077)

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3.0 Training, competency and auditing requirements


The purpose of this section is to provide information and guidance on:

selecting applicants for high voltage (HV) live work training
training applicants
determining levels of authorisation and supervision
auditing and compliance

This work practice has been developed to be in line with AS 5804.1-2010 High-
voltage live working General.


This section applies to:

HV live workers
applicants for HV live work
the formal leaders of:
o HV live workers
o applicants for HV live work
Field Assessors
Power Training Services WA (PTSWA)
Safety, Health and Environment
other personnel that may carry out HV live work audits

It does not apply to personnel performing:

live washing and application of silicone grease
HV vegetation work


All personnel who perform HV live work on the Western Power Network must
undergo selection and ongoing assessment of competencies. This is done to
maintain a safe system of work in accordance with:
industry best practice
AS 5804.1-2010 High-voltage live working General

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All documentation associated with the following must be recorded in the individual
HV workers personal file:
ongoing assessment


AS 5804.1-2010 High-voltage live working General

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

3.1 Selection for HV live work training


The purpose of this work practice is to outline the process used to select applicants
for high voltage (HV) live work training.


A formal selection process is used to choose personnel who wish to be nominated

for training in any HV live work method.

Formal leaders are responsible for nominating applicants, either internal (Western
Power) or external, for HV live work training and must ensure that the formal
selection process is followed. All information must be kept in the applicants
personnel file.

The formal selection process is composed of:

criteria to be met by the applicant
actions to be taken by the formal leader

Criteria to be met by the applicant

The applicant must:

have a good safety record
hold a current High Risk Work Licence (WP) that is required to operate boom-
type elevating work platforms (boom length 11 metres or greater)


To be selected for an HV live work training program or familiarisation course,

an applicant must have all of the necessary qualifications and experience. The
requirements vary depending upon the type of program or course and are
described below.
All prerequisites for the must be fully met and evidence provided prior to

HV live work training program

The applicant must:

hold a Certificate III in either Electrical Supply Industry (ESI) Distribution or ESI
Transmission, awarded under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF),
for the relevant type of HV live work to be entered (i.e. distribution or

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have a minimum of 12 months of relevant and unsupervised HV overhead line

work on the Western Power Network within the last three years

HV live work gap training program

The applicant must:

hold an HV live work qualification
have a minimum of 12 months relevant and unsupervised HV overhead line
work on any transmission or distribution network within the last three years
have HV live work experience
undergo a recognition of prior learning (RPL) assessment

HV live work familiarisation course

The applicant must:

have a minimum of 12 months relevant and unsupervised HV overhead line
work on any transmission or distribution network within the last three years
hold an ESI Distribution or Transmission HV live work qualification, awarded
under the AQF, for the relevant stream of live work to be entered
have a minimum of 12 months relevant and unsupervised HV overhead line
work on any transmission or distribution network within the last three years
have been granted an equivalency (by Power Training Services WA (PTSWA))
of the ESI Distribution or Transmission HV live work qualification, for the
relative stream of live work to be entered

Actions to be taken by the formal leader

The formal leader must conduct or arrange the following before nominating an
applicant for a HV live work training program or familiarisation course:
Formal interview
Medical examination
Safety attribute evaluation

Formal interview

The formal leader must conduct an interview to assess the applicants ability to:
demonstrate personal attributes of responsibility, concentration and teamwork
prepare for the job
assess and control risks

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For the questions to be asked during the interview, see Appendix 2 (HV live work
training Interview questions) in this manual.

Medical examination

The medical examination is used to:

assess applicants for HV live work training
reassess HV live workers every three years

The medical examination is comprised of two parts:

Commercial Drivers Medical Assessment this covers:
o all of the requirements for driving a commercial vehicle
o part of the requirements for HV live work
musculoskeletal screen this covers the remaining part of the requirements for
HV live work

The Commercial Drivers Medical Assessment must be undertaken every three

years in order to renew the licence. Western Power has aligned the timing of the
HV live work medical examination to a three-yearly timeframe to be the same as
the commercial driving licensing medical assessment. This means that HV live
workers only need to undergo one medical examination every three years, instead
of two separate examinations.


High Voltage Live Work Manual, Appendix 2 (HV live work training interview

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3.2 Training


The purpose of this work practice is to provide information regarding training

courses for high voltage (HV) live workers. Training is conducted by Power
Training Services WA (PTSWA).

Training courses

All prerequisites for the following training must be fully met and evidence
provided prior to training.
Qualifications and/or authorisations will depend upon successful completion of
the course or program.

HV live work training

This is for lineworkers who hold a Certificate III in either Electricity Supply Industry
(ESI) Distribution or ESI Transmission, awarded under the Australian Qualifications
Framework (AQF), for the relevant stream to be entered, and who have completed
12 months practical experience on the Western Power network.


HV live workers must complete HV live work training again if:

their authorisation has lapsed more than 24 months
they failed to successfully complete either of the following courses:
o HV live work refresher
o HV live work familiarisation

HV live work gap training

This is for HV live workers who have HV live work qualifications and current HV live
work experience and as a result of a recognition of prior learning (RPL) assessment
are required to undergo gap training to meet the requirements of ESI Certificate III
and Certificate IV. Gap training for these certificates can be taken simultaneously.

HV live work familiarisation

This is for applicants being employed for HV live work on the Western Power
network who have already attained Certificate III in ESI and the relevant Certificate
IV units of competency for HV live work.

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HV live work refresher

This is for HV live workers who have failed to renew their HV live work authorisation
through the annual assessment before the anniversary date. This course can only
be taken for authorisation that had lapsed not more than 24 months from the
anniversary date. Workers who have failed to successfully complete the HV live
work familiarisation course must undergo retraining.

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3.3 Authorisation and supervision


The purpose of this work practice is to outline the levels of authorisation and
supervision required for high voltage (HV) live work.


Authorisation to perform HV live work:

may only be granted in accordance with the requirements outlined in this
section of the manual
is granted by the Network Authorisations team and recorded on the HV live
workers Network Authority Card (NAC)
is valid for one year and must be renewed annually


Authorisation may be withdrawn if there is a serious non-compliance involving a

safety breach.

Levels of authorisation

There are two levels of authorisation:

Under Supervision
Under Supervision

Personnel seeking Under Supervision authorisation must provide proof of

successful completion of:
a current medical examination. For more on this, see work practice 3.1
(Selection for HV live work training) in this manual.
one of the following:
o statement of attainment for HV live work, awarded under the Australian
Qualifications Framework (AQF) for the relevant stream of live work to be
o academic transcript showing successful completion of off-job components
as part of training to achive full units of competence for HV live work,
awarded under the AQF for the relevant stream of live work to be entered

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Personnel who provide statements of attainment or academic transcripts not

issued by Power Training Services WA (PTSWA) must show evidence that they
have successfully completed the HV Live Work Familiarisation course delivered by

The requirements and responsibilities of supervising personnel are outlined in the

Supervision section in this work practice.

Personnel seeking Unsupervised authorisation must provide proof of successful

completion of the following:
a current medical examination. For more on this, see work practice 3.1
(Selection for HV live work training) in this manual.
one of the following:
o the prescribed workbook as part of the HV Live Work Familiarisation
course provided by PTSWA
o statement of attainment for HV live work, awarded under the AQF for the
relevant stream of live work to be entered


Personnel who provide statements of attainment or academic transcripts not

issued by PTSWA must show evidence that they have successfully completed the
HV Live Work Familiarisation course delivered by PTSWA.

Renewal of authorisation

The renewal of authorisations is conducted annually by PTSWA (see the

Annual assessment section, below).
Personnel seeking renewal of authorisation must provide proof of successful
completion of the following:
o a current medical examination. For more on this, see work practice 3.1
(Selection for HV live work training) in this manual.
o knowledge and skills assessment conducted by PTSWA, and/or
successful completion of any prescribed refresher training conducted by
PTSWA or approved registered training organisation (RTO)

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

Annual assessment

To ensure ongoing safety, competence and adherence to work practices, HV live

workers undergo annual formal competency assessments, conducted by PTSWA.
The following conditions apply to the annual assessment:
Documentary evidence of assessments must be retained for audit and
compliance purposes. For more on auditing and compliance requirements, see
work practice 3.4 (Auditing, compliance and field assessment) in this manual.
Competency is only valid for 12 months.
The due date for reassessment is 12 calendar months from completion of the
last training or assessment.
Personnel who fail to complete the reassessment successfully by the
anniversary date of their last training or assessment:
o are not permitted to perform or be the safety observer for HV live work
o must successfully complete the relevant training course, as outlined in
work practice 3.2 (Training) in this manual


Personnel who have an Under Supervision authorisation must work under

supervision of a person holding an Unsupervised authorisation. This applies until
the Network Authorisations team has upgraded the supervised workers
authorisation from Under Supervision to Unsupervised.

The two levels of supervision that apply to HV live work are described below.

No-one can provide Immediate Supervision and Direct Supervision


Immediate Supervision

This is a supervision method where the supervisor is:

only supervising one trainee while the trainee is working, i.e. one-to-one
physically close enough to the trainee so that the supervisor can immediately
take physical control of the trainees activities regardless of the work location,
e.g. at the pole top or working on equipment or apparatus
Immediate Supervision is required for personnel who are working on a task that has
not yet been signed off in their High Voltage Distribution Live Line Glove and
Barrier On-the-Job Training Workbook.

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Direct Supervision

This is a supervision method where the supervisor:

supervises a maximum of two trainees, i.e. two-to-one
must remain at the worksiteand close to the trainee, within sight of the trainee
and be able to communicate directly with the trainee. However, the supervising
worker does not necessarily have to be standing alongside the trainee.

Direct Supervision is required for personnel who are working on a task that has
been signed off in their High Voltage Live Line Glove and Barrier Familiarisation
On-the-Job Workbook but a statement of attainment for live work has not yet been


High Voltage Live Work Manual, work practices:

o 3.1 (Selection for HV live work training)
o 3.2 (Training)
o 3.4 (Auditing, compliance and field assessment)

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

3.4 Auditing, compliance and field assessment


The purpose of this work practice is to provide an outline of the key audit,
compliance and field assessment requirements associated with HV live work,
types of audits
frequency of audits
audit and non-compliance processes


An annual audit of HV live work crews is required to:

ensure compliance with the relevant Australian standards
provide an overview of how well Western Power is complying with these

These audits may be combined with field assessments of the competency of

individual HV live worker.



A full audit of HV live work must be carried out at least every 12 months in
accordance with AS 5804.1-2010 - High-voltage live working General,
Section 12 Auditing. The audit must involve all personnel actively involved in
HV live work and be formally recorded.
All HV live workers must also undergo one partial or brief audit once a year,
ideally at the midpoint between the full audits. For more on this, see the Partial
and brief audits section, below.
External auditors may be used on a predetermined basis to ensure that any
internal auditors and processes are checked. External audits are the
responsibility of Safety, Health and Environment.
The frequency of all audits is dependent on the results of previous audits and
the type, complexity, experience or competency of the team or individuals
involved. Previous incidents, near misses or breaches of critical HV live work
principles or procedures may also necessitate more regular audits.

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Partial and brief audits

Partial and brief audits may be carried out more frequently than every 12 months.
Partial audits Must cover all aspects of the full audit but some items may be
covered in less depth.
Brief audits Must focus on core safety issues such as adherence to work
practices and recognition of safe work practices.
Depot audits

Depot audits are carried out to check on HV live work equipment storage facilities,
use of the equipment management system and other items not covered by
competency auditing or field assessments. Depot audits are the responsibility of
Safety, Health and Environment.
Audit process

HV live work auditors must be authorised by Western Power to assess HV live

work. Auditors must do the following:
Carry out audits in accordance with AS 5804.1-2010 - High-voltage live
working General, Section 12 Auditing.
Organise pre-audit meetings with the formal leaders of the areas being audited
no less than four weeks prior to the audit. The audit meeting must cover the
audit requirements and expectations of the audit.
Make audit checklists available to the work party in advance and ensure they
comply with the minimum requirements of AS 5804.1-2010 - High-voltage live
working General, Appendix D Audit Check Sheets: Minimum Content.
Strive to establish a cooperative environment and promote the audit as a
positive opportunity for continuous improvement for HV live worker safety.
Submit a written report that covers the results of all audits with descriptions,
explanations and recommendations on areas of non-compliance, where
Hold an audit close-out meeting with the formal leaders of the areas being
audited to summarise the audit findings and facilitate discussion about the
audit, particularly in regard to any recommendations.

All non-compliances must be recorded in accordance with the requirements of

Western Power and must include recommendations for non-compliance
Serious non-compliances involving safety breaches may involve disciplinary
action in accordance with Western Power policies.

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Field assessments

During a field assessment, HV live workers are assessed on their compliance with
a range of requirements, including:
authorisations and availability of HV Live Work Manual
Vicinity Authority permits, auto reclose settings and onsite communications
pre-job and/or onsite risk assessment
safety observers
inspection of equipment, testing and storage
mobile plant
personal protective equipment (PPE)
minimum approach distances (MADs), drop zone, use of barriers and control of
rigging and supporting, making or breaking of taps


AS 5804.1-2010 - High-voltage live working General

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4.0 Mobile plant and related equipment for HV live work


The purpose of this work practice is to outline the minimum requirements for using
mobile plant and related equipment when performing high voltage (HV) live work.


Mobile plant such as insulated elevated work platforms (EWPs) and cranes are
used with HV live work techniques to support energised conductors and lift loads
that are on or near energised conductors and apparatus.

When using mobile plant on or near energised conductors and apparatus for live
work techniques, the following requirements must be considered prior to starting
Safe working loads (SWL) or working load limits (WLL) of the mobile plant and
Insulation of the mobile plant.
Minimum approach distances (MADs) for the uninsulated part of the plant
Earthing of mobile plant.
Inspection of existing pole-top structures or assemblies using an EWP.
Locating people, cranes, EWPs and vehicles outside of any possible pole
assembly or aerial failure pathway.

Drop zone

The drop zone is an exclusion zone that must be established below any
elevated work or suspended load.
Establish the drop zone before commencing work. The area of the drop zone
will depend on the following:
Type of work.
Size and weight of equipment and materials being used in the elevated
work area.
Height of the work.
The boundary of the drop zone must be agreed on by all members of the team
during the job briefing process and must be noted on the risk assessment. For
more on this, see the following work practices in this manual:
2.1 (Onsite risk assessment)
2.9 (Job briefing process).
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Access to the drop zone must be controlled and the method of control must be
decided during the risk assessment.
The drop zone will affect the positioning and movement of the following.
where if applicable:
All personnel onsite.
Safety observers.
Vehicles and moving EWPs.
Ladders and work platforms.
Barriers and/or signs to mark the perimeter of the drop zone.
Traffic management.
Effective communication must be maintained between team members working
aloft and those on the ground.

If site conditions change, the drop zone must be reviewed and altered if
required. Changes must be recorded on the risk assessment.

Mobile EWPs

Fall arrest systems must be worn and attached to the designated anchor point
before ascending in an EWP.
An EWP bucket must not cross beneath or above another unless the
occupants of the higher bucket stop work while this movement is in progress.
For more on EWPs, see work practice 4.1 (Mobile elevated work platforms
(EWPs)) in this manual.

When working above a drop zone, where possible:

hand tools must be attached to the EWP bucket to prevent them
large tools, power tools and equipment must be attached by means of
a suitable lanyard.

Equipment and materials

The following controls must be used to reduce the risk of an object falling:
Lifting large or heavy loads consider the safest method of lifting these into
the elevated work area. Do not exceed the SWL/WLL of the lifting device.

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Secure loads if using the EWP to lift large items, use slings or ropes that are
suitably rated to hold the load.
Organise the EWP limit the amount of equipment and tools that are taken
into the EWP to only those items that are necessary to complete the task.
Tools tool-bags and other equipment must be hung on the inside of the
EWP. Where possible, attach hand tools to prevent them from dropping.

Cranes and EWPs

Prior to commencing work, crane operators and doggers must be instructed

on the procedure and MADs that are to be used. Crane operators and
doggers must be under the constant supervision of a nominated member of
the HV live work team who is qualified and authorised in the live work method
that is being performed.
When using an insulated EWP with a telescopic boom, the boom must be fully
extended. This will ensure that the insulated requirement (as specified on the
HV certification of the equipment) relevant for the voltage that is being worked
on is obtained.
Parts of the crane or EWP that are uninsulated must stay outside the MAD.
See Table 1, below.
Conductor support attachments and lifting beams for use with cranes and
EWPs must be constructed and tested to Australian standards. For more on
this, see work practice 4.2 (EWP and crane-mounted support equipment) in
this manual.
Cranes and EWPs must be earthed. This is to reduce step and touch
potentials and to decrease fault clearance times that may be associated with
electrical faults generated at the site. For more on this, see the Earthing of
mobile plant section, below.
When supporting energised components, appropriate insulation which is rated
to meet the electrical and mechanical loads must be fitted between energised
components and the crane or EWP. For more on this, see the Insulation of
plant, load and conductors section, below.
Consideration must be given to movement of the conductor due to wind and
changes in temperature.

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When moving vehicles on the worksite, ensure that:

the vehicle boom is stowed before moving the vehicle
there is adequate clearance if the vehicle is to pass under any conductors
vehicle extensions and protrusions (e.g. gin pole assemblies on EWPs and
crane-mounted masts) do not collide with overhead lines and vegetation.

SWL/WLL considerations and limitations

When lifting loads with an EWP or crane, the total load to be lifted must be:
within the SWL/WLL of the EWP or crane (this information is specified in the
boom chart of the equipment)

Ensure that you include all items carried in the EWP bucket, e.g. hand tools,
when calculating the total load to be lifted.

within the SWL/WLL of any attachments used to lift the load, including boom
attachments such as lifting jibs and insulators
determined or calculated and noted on the risk assessment .

Lifting jibs

Cranes and EWPs may be used with a lifting jib in HV live maintenance or work to
lift cross-arms, switchgear, conductors and any load that is within the SWL/WLL of
the jib and the crane/EWP. Lifting jibs that are used in conjunction with a crane or
EWP must:
be engineered and tested to meet their rated SWL/WLL
have the SWL/WLL clearly marked
be used within the manufacturers SWL/WLL. For more on this, see work
practice 4.2 (EWP and crane-mounted conductor support equipment) in this

EWP lanyard attachment anchor points must not be used for any other
purpose other than the attachment of lanyards for the EWP basket

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MADs for the uninsulated part of the plant and loads

When mobile plant is used to lift loads near energised HV conductors or other HV
electrical apparatus, ensure that the MAD (outlined in Table 1, below) is maintained
between the uninsulated portion of the mobile plant and the energised HV
conductor or HV electrical apparatus. If the MAD of a bare conductor cannot be
maintained, insulated barriers can be applied to reduce the MAD. Insulated barriers
may not be used on HV conductors above 66kV.
Table 1: Uninsulated mobile plant and loads MADs

System voltage MADs from live HV

Live HV conductor status
(kV) conductor (mm)

6.6 33 bare 1,200

6.6 33 one level of insulation 450
6.6 33 two levels of insulation Accidental contact

66 bare 1400

132 bare 1800

1. One level of insulation one level of insulated barrier (rubber mat or rigid barrier) applied
either on the energised conductor, plant, load or machinery.
2. Two levels of insulation two levels of insulated barrier (rubber mats or rigid barriers)
applied on the energised conductor plant or electrical apparatus, or one level of insulated
barrier applied on the energised conductor plus another level of barrier (insulation) applied
on the plant or electrical apparatus.

Insulation requirements for uninsulated plant - when lifting energised loads

or conductors

A MAD of 1,200mm must be maintained between any uninsulated energised

conductor and uninsulated plant such as a crane. The MAD between the crane
hook and conductor can be reduced to 450mm when a rigid insulated and tested
load bearing device (i.e, link stick or polymeric insulator) is used. See Figure 1

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Figure 1. Insulated link stick lifting a bare energised conductor

Figure 2. Insulated link stick lifting a energised conductor with one

level of insulation

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Where one level of insulation is applied to the energised conductor the MAD
between the insulated conductor and crane can be reduced to 450mm as shown in
Figure 2 above.

When lifting energised loads or conductors, ensure that:

MADs are always maintained between energised conductors and/or electrical
apparatus and any uninsulated parts of the plant as shown in Table 1
a rigid insulated (minimum insulation of 450mm) and tested device (i.e
insulated link stick or polymeric insulator) that is rated to the conductor voltage
is installed between the lifting attachment point and the energised load or
where insulated barriers are installed to reduce MADs they must extend the
necessary distance to maintain MADs to any unisulated part of the plant.
loads are always applied in a vertical direction.


Insulators, such as polymers, are used to insulate mobile plant and electrical
apparatus from energised conductors, apparatus and second points of contact.
These insulators must be electrically and mechanically tested prior to use and rated
every six months.

Earthing of mobile plant

Mobile plant must be earthed to ground or a known earth when working on or

near any above ground HV electricity conductors (whether energised or de-
Before use, inspect the earth lead and confirm:
that the test date is not expired
the tightness of bolted connections
the general condition of earthing leads.
Earth leads must be:
a minimum of 150mm aluminium when working on 66kV and 132kV
a minimum of 95mm aluminium when working on 1kV to 33kV lines
bolted to the vehicle or plant chassis or connected with a screw-on
clamp (spring-loaded clamps are not permitted). For examples, see
Figures 2 and 3, below.
connected to a temporary earth electrode or earthing point.

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Where a permanently installed earth point is not available, pole reinforcing

steel columns are the next preferred earth point. The last preference for the
earthing point is the temporary earth electrode.
Temporary earth electrodes:
should be placed close to vehicles to reduce touch potentials
must be barriered to a minimum radius of two metres to guard against
step and touch potentials
must be inserted into the ground to a minimum depth of 300mm and up
to a maximum depth of 600mm. Although calling Dial Before You Dig is
not mandatory, care must be taken to avoid driving earth electrodes into
an underground service.
Where more than one mobile plant is involved:
if they are within a distance of two metres of any part of each other
they must be connected (bonded) to a common earthing point
if they are separated by more than two metres each mobile plant must
have its own direct earth connection applied and there must be a
minimum of five metres between the earth points.
A G-clamp must be used to securely connect the earth lead to the
permanently installed earth point or temporary earth electrode.


Spring loaded clamps must not be used to secure the earth lead to either the
vehicle, temporary earth electrode or permanently installed earth point.
Personnel must stand on an equipotential mat while operating base controls
on a stationary vehicle or plant which is on or near live HV overhead electrical
apparatus. Attach the earthing lead of the equipotential mat (either bolted or
clamped) to the approved bonding point or a clean metal surface on the
Do not connect the vehicle earth lead to any of the following LV neutral,
SWER wire or down earth. A separate temporary earth electrode must be


EWPs with insulated booms do not have to be earthed when working on or

near conductors that are earthed or shorted. However, the vehicle must be
earthed when being used for the application of portable earths.

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Figures 1 and 2: Examples of EWP earth connections

Ground approach distance (GAD)

Everyone involved in EWP operations must maintain a GAD around the base of the
EWP (stabilisers/outriggers included) when used near live apparatus (see Table 2
and Figure 3, below).
Table 2: Mobile plant ground approach distance (GAD)
Voltage of conductor Ground approach distances (mm)

Low voltage 1,000

High voltage 1kV up to 33kV 1,200

66kV 1,500

132kV 1,800

Over 132kV 3,000

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Figure 3: Ground approach distance example


When temporary earth electrodes are used, these must be barriered off to a
radius of at least two metres (see AS 5804.1-2010 High-voltage live working


AS 5804.1-2010 High-voltage live working General.

High Voltage Live Work Manual, work practices:
2.1 (Onsite risk assessment)
2.9 (Job briefing process)
4.1 (Mobile elevated work platforms (EWPs))
4.2 (EWP and crane-mounted support equipment).

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4.1 Mobile elevated work platforms (EWPs)


The purpose of this work practice is to provide the high voltage (HV) live worker with
information and guidance on:
types of EWPs and their limitations in relation to HV live work
the importance of boom insulation
compliance with standards
safety requirements


Mobile EWPs are a critical part of the equipment necessary to carry out HV live work
safely. The insulated sections of the EWP form part of the insulating system for HV
live workers using the glove and barrier method.

It is essential that HV live workers understand the type of EWP being used, the
requirements for that EWP and the applicable standards.

There are three categories of EWP suitable for HV live work in Western Power. These
are defined by AS 5804.1 High-voltage live working General:
Category A Designed for work in which the boom is considered primary
insulation and where all conductive components at the platform end are
equipotentially bonded together. They are equipped with a lower test electrode
system for monitoring all leakage current.
Category B Designed for work in which the boom is considered secondary
insulation and does not have conductive components at the platform or any
equipotential bonding. They are equipped with a lower test electrode system for
monitoring all leakage current.
Category C Designed for work in which the boom is considered secondary
insulation and does not have conductive components at the platform or any
equipotential bonding. They are not required to be equipped with a lower test
electrode system for monitoring all leakage current.

All categories can be used for insulated stick work.

Only categories B and C have been approved for glove and barrier work in
Western Power.

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High Voltage Live Work Manual


EWPs must:
o comply with the requirements of AS 1418.10 Cranes, hoists and winches
Mobile elevating work platforms
o have an insulated upper boom or fly boom rated and tested for the voltage to
be worked on
o be designed and manufactured for work in which the boom is considered
o have an emergency descent device (EDD) installed to the basket of the EWP
that must be positioned for easy access
o have a release mechanism operable while wearing glove and barrier live
work gloves
o be uncluttered and free of tools and equipment that are not essential for the
work to be carried out
o have all tool holders kept inside the basket
o have anchor points for the fall arresters easily accessible to release the
lanyard from the basket quickly in case of an emergency
o have clean lanyards of the non-conductive web type. The lanyard restrains
the high voltage live worker to the boom or basket of the EWP providing
protection against falls. This creates a potential electrical path between the
high voltage live worker and the EWP boom bypassing the insulating basket
liner. Dirty or damp lanyards reduce the insulation levels of the EWP basket
The insulated section of the EWP boom must never be bypassed by any
uninsulated medium. Remove any washing hose that bypasses the booms
insulated section.

For more on this, see:

work practice 5.2 (Maintenance of EWPs and fitted hydraulic tools) in this manual
work practice 2.6 (Mobile elevated work platform (EWP) safety) in the Work
Practice Manual

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

Glove and barrier work

EWPs used for glove and barrier work must:

be fitted with an approved, insulated basket liner rated and tested at 50 kV. When
not in use, the basket liner must be covered to keep the inside clean and moisture
have all insulated sections visually inspected and wiped clean with an approved
product immediately prior to use


High Voltage Live Work Manual, work practice 5.2 (Maintenance of EWPs and
fitted hydraulic tools)
Work Practice Manual, work practice 2.6 (Mobile elevated work platform (EWP)
AS 1418.10 Cranes, hoists and winches Mobile elevating work platforms

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4.2 EWP and crane-mounted conductor support equipment


This work practice outlines how to use elevated work platforms (EWPs) and cranes
with rated and tested support attachments and lifting beams to lift loads or support
energised conductors using Western Power methods.


This work practice only applies to high voltage (HV) apparatus on the Western
Power distribution network (i.e. 1kV to 33kV).


The following points apply when using EWP, crane-mounted conductor support
attachments and all attachment types.

Positioning the EWP/crane

The following issues must be considered when positioning the EWP/crane:

Pole height.
Vehicle access.
Low voltage (LV) circuits.
The EWP/crane capacity (must be within the working task range).
Once the best site for positioning the EWP/crane has been identified, the base
of the EWP/crane must be levelled using stabilisers.

Preliminary checks

The requirements that must be checked before starting work are outlined in the
following work practices in this manual:
4.0 (Mobile plant and related equipment for HV live work)
5.2 (Maintenance of EWPs and fitted hydraulic tools).

All EWP and crane-mounted conductor support equipment must be used in

accordance with HV live work procedures and manufacturers guidelines.

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Lifting conductors general rules

Fit the wire holders up to support the conductors. If misaligned, adjust the wire
holders along the lifting or supporting device.
Ensure that the conductors are secured or trapped in the wire holders before
releasing the conductor (e.g. ties, suspension insulator lock pin). Conductors
must be controlled at all times to avoid inadvertent movement.
Raise the boom of the EWP/crane to lift the conductors clear of the working
area while ensuring that mid-span clearances, personal clearances, mobile
plant clearances and secondary points of contact are not compromised.
Apply additional insulated barriers and other controls were necessary.
When rotating or moving conductors, ensure that support equipment does not
come into contact with plant or equipment.
Once work has been completed, reverse this process to replace the
conductors onto the insulators.


EWPs, cranes and support equipment must be operated within the

manufacturers safe working load (SWL) or working load limit (WLL).
All loads (e.g. personnel, tools, equipment) must be combined when
determining the total load applied to the EWP.

Attachment safety

EWP and crane-mounted conductor support equipment must be removed

immediately after use.
If moving an EWP with conductor support equipment attached, the movement
of the EWP must be observed and guided by a safety observer.
Consider the following factors:
Distance to be travelled.
Clearance height along the route.
The EWP must not exceed 6km/h or the safety observers walking
speed, whichever is slower.

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Types of conductor support attachments and lifting beams

The Western Power approved EWP and crane-mounted conductor support

attachments and lifting beams are outlined in Table 1, below, and are described in
the following sections in this work practice:
Conductor support attachments EWP-mounted only
Conductor support attachments EWP and crane-mounted
Conductor support attachments and lifting beams crane-mounted only.

The support attachments and lifting beams must be certified and marked to the
relevant Australian Standard and be tested every six months to the standard
Table 1: Approved attachments

Approved for
Attachment or lifting beam* use with

EWP Crane

Gin pole
Aichi sub-boom and winch assembly with auxiliary arm
and mast

Angle bridle
Bull wheel
Hasting boom-mounted auxiliary arm and mast
Chance boom-mounted auxiliary arm and mast
Lifting beam
Custom made lifting beams with SWL/WLL indicated
Sling with insulator/link stick
* Conductor support attachments can be used for HV live work provided that the load of the
conductor that is to be lifted is within the SWL/WLL of the plant and support equipment. The
angle, extension and height must be taken into consideration when calculating the

Conductor support attachments EWP-mounted only

Of the nine attachments described in this work practice, four are applicable to
EWPs only. These are outlined below.

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Gin poles

An EWP-mounted gin pole, sometimes referred to as an EWP lift mast, is a

versatile and effective tool used for repositioning conductors vertically or
horizontally clear of the work area.

This allows for a clear work area so that the following can be replaced:
Insulators and cross-arms.
Poles (this could be a higher pole or a same-sized pole).

The gin pole can be used on multi and single conductor lifts (see Figures 1 and 2,

Figure 1: Three conductors Figure 2: Single conductor

supported by a gin pole supported by a gin pole

The EWP-mounted gin pole assembly consists of a mast complete with an auxiliary
arm containing wire holders, arm braces and a boom mounting bracket. The gin
pole components and their load ratings for EWPs must be operated within the
manufacturers SWL/WLL.

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Gin pole assembly (horizontal)

Assembly used to displace conductors horizontally. Figure 3 displays an example

of a horizontal gin pole assembly, and Table 2 lists its components.

Figure 3: Gin pole assembly (horizontal) on dual-bucket EWP

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Table 2: Gin pole components (horizontal)

11 11 11
A3 A9 8 8
2 10 13 10

4 4 A3

Gin Pole 2
A5 10 1

7 10 11
A6 10
11 12

No. Description Material Qty

1 Stick, 0/Dia. 38 x 3050 LG. Fibreglass 2

2 Cap, Protective, 1/Dia 38. Rubber 4

A3 Conductor Retainer, Large, Outer, (Rotating) Assembly Steel 2

4 Bracket, Clamping, Brace Steel 1

A5 Brace, Support, C/W Swivel End Fibreglass 1

A6 Adaptor Plate, Brace Securing Steel 1

7 End Cap, Adaptor Steel 1

8 Adaptor Plate Steel 1

A9 Conductor Retainer, Large, Centre, (Rotating) Assembly Steel 1

10 Nut, Hex, Ordinary, M12 Steel 8

11 Washer, Spring Steel 10

12 Bolt, Hex, HD. M12 x 45 LG Steel 3

13 Screw, Hex, HD. M12 x 25 LG. Steel 2

14 Bolt, Hex, HD. M12 x 120 LG Steel 1

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Gin pole assembly (vertical)

A gin pole and auxiliary conductor support arm can be used to displace conductors
vertically. The gin pole assembly and auxiliary conductor support arm can be used
with the EWP at 180 (A) or 90 (B) to the conductors as shown in Figure 4. Gin
pole components (vertical) are listed in Table 3.

Figure 4: Gin pole assembly (vertical) on dual bucket EWP

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Table 3: Gin pole components (vertical)

A3 11
A9 A3 11
2 10

7 1
i 11
P 5 12
6 o
e 10
10 11
14 12

No. Description Material Qty

1 Stick, 0/Dia. 38 x 3050 LG. Fibreglass 2

2 Cap, Protective, 1/Dia 38. Rubber 4

A3 Conductor Retainer, Large, Outer, (Rotating) Assembly Steel 2

4 Bracket, Clamping, Brace Steel 2

5 Support Brace Fibreglass 2

6 Bracket, Securing, Brace Steel 2

7 End Cap, Adaptor Steel 1

8 Adaptor Plate Steel 1

A9 Conductor Retainer, Large, Centre, (Rotating) Assembly Steel 1

10 Nut, Hex, Ordinary, M12 Steel 13

11 Washer, Spring ( 1/Dia. 13) Steel 14

12 Bolt, Hex, HD. M12 x 45 LG Steel 4

13 Screw, Hex, HD. M12 x 25 LG. Steel 2

14 Bolt, Hex, HD. M12 x 120 LG. Steel 3

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Gin pole setup

Carry out all preliminary safety and equipment checks.

When using a gin pole, there are two options for positioning the EWP
Positioned vertically under the centre line of the powerline.
Positioned square (perpendicular) to the pole and swivel the cross-arm
of the lift mast 90.
Fit the gin pole
1. To adjust the length of the gin pole:
a. loosen the friction drive
b. extend or retract the gin pole to the desired length
c. tighten the friction drive and engage the locking pin.
2. Assemble the cross-arm section, braces and wire holders on the gin pole
(see Tables 2 and 3 for a diagram and components).

The configuration, either horizontal or vertical, will depend on the job

briefing and the structure that is being worked on.

3. Position the wire holders in the approximate positions of the conductors

they will be supporting and ensure that the clearances between the
phases comply with the phase-to-phase clearances. For more on this,
see the following work practices in this manual:
9.0 (Distribution insulated stick method)
10.0 (Transmission insulated stick method).
The SWL/WLL of a gin pole depends on three factors:
The angle of the gin pole from the horizontal plane.
The extension of the gin pole.
The height of the applied loading above ground.
See Tables 48 for the loadings for Abbey and BHB gin poles. For other
makes of EWP gin pole, refer to the manufacturers specifications.
Table 4: Gin pole loadings all angles for BHB AEP 115 and 116
This table shows the loads relative to extension alpha settings and mast angle.

Gin pole extension position

Gin pole angle Gin pole angle
from horizontal from horizontal

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for vertical lift for horizontal

Gin pole loadings all angles (kg)

0 745 617 543 490 460 417 398 363 340 90

10 745 630 554 499 463 426 408 376 350 80

20 745 699 585 528 485 454 417 398 367 70

30 745 745 649 571 522 485 454 422 399 60

40 745 745 745 699 617 545 508 481 454 50

50 754 754 754 754 726 635 585 544 745 40

60 745 745 745 745 745 745 745 745 745 30

70 745 745 745 745 745 745 745 745 745 20

80 745 745 745 745 745 745 745 745 745 10

90 745 745 745 745 745 745 745 745 745 0

Table 5: Applied loadings above ground for BHB AEP 115 and 116
This table shows arm extension distances (alpha settings) and SWLs/WLLs.

Arm extension A A-B B B-C C C-D D D-E E

(alpha setting)

757 909 1062 1214 1367 1519 1672 1824 1977

Arm extension (mm)

Maximum SWL/WLL (kg) 745 617 543 490 460 417 398 363 340

Table 6: Gin pole loadings all angles for ABBEY SK 2240/57 and ABBEY SW
This table shows the load relative to extension alpha settings and mast angle.

Gin pole extension position

Gin pole

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from Vertically applied loads

horizontal All unit position (in kN & kg)

7.30kN 5.87kN 5.33kN 4.89kN 4.51kN 4.19kN 3.91kN 3.66kN 3.44kN


744kg 599kg 544kg 499kg 460kg 427kg 399kg 373kg 351kg

7.30kN 5.95kN 5.41kN 4.96kN 4.58kN 4.25kN 3.96kN 3.71kN 3.50kN

744kg 607kg 552kg 506kg 467kg 433kg 404kg 378kg 357kg

7.30kN 6.22kN 5.65kN 5.18kN 4.78kN 4.44kN 4.15kN 3.89kN 3.66kN

744kg 634kg 576kg 528kg 487kg 453kg 423kg 397kg 373kg

7.30kN 6.71kN 6.10kN 5.60kN 5.17kN 4.80kN 4.48kN 4.20kN 3.96kN

744kg 684kg 622kg 571kg 527kg 489kg 457kg 428kg 404kg

7.30kN 7.30kN 6.84kN 6.28kN 5.80kN 5.39kN 5.04kN 4.72kN 4.45kN

744kg 744kg 697kg 640kg 591kg 550kg 514kg 481kg 454kg

7.30kN 7.30kN 7.30kN 7.30kN 6.83kN 6.36kN 5.94kN 5.58kN 5.25kN

744kg 744kg 744kg 744kg 696kg 649kg 606kg 569kg 535kg

7.30kN 7.30kN 7.30kN 7.30kN 7.30kN 7.30kN 7.30kN 7.05kN 6.65kN

744kg 744kg 744kg 744kg 744kg 744kg 744kg 719kg 678kg

7.30kN 7.30kN 7.30kN 7.30kN 7.30kN 7.30kN 7.30kN 7.30kN 7.30kN

744kg 744kg 744kg 744kg 744kg 744kg 744kg 744kg 744kg

7.30kN 7.30kN 7.30kN 7.30kN 7.30kN 7.30kN 7.30kN 7.30kN 7.30kN

744kg 744kg 744kg 744kg 744kg 744kg 744kg 744kg 744kg

7.30kN 7.30kN 7.30kN 7.30kN 7.30kN 7.30kN 7.30kN 7.30kN 7.30kN

744kg 744kg 744kg 744kg 744kg 744kg 744kg 744kg 744kg

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Gin pole extension position

Gin pole
angle A A-B B B-C C C-D D D-E E
horizontal Vertically applied loads
All unit position (in kN & kg)

Horizontally applied push/pull loads (kN/kg)

Load application height: 8m to 12 m only
0 to 90 Top jib angles from horizontal: -10 to +10 only
4.42kN 4.42kN 4.42kN 4.42kN 4.42kN 4.42kN 4.42kN 4.42kN 4.42kN

451kg 451kg 451kg 451kg 451kg 451kg 451kg 451kg 451kg

Table 7: Applied loadings above ground for Abbey SK 2240/57 and Abbey SW

Gin pole Maximum SWL/WLL at index min (A) to max (E) distances shown

kg mm Indicator position

745 1270 A

545 1575 B

455 1880 C

400 2185 D

340 2490 E


The Nifty Lift NL185K MH gin pole has a rated capacity of 750kg at any angle
and length.

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Table 8: Applied loadings above ground for ABBEY SW 600/19

Gin pole Maximum SWL/WLL at index min (A) to max (E) distances shown

kg mm Indicator position

350 1270 A

295 1575 B

205 1880 C

150 2185 D

90 2490 E

Aichi sub-boom and winch assembly

An EWP-mounted Aichi sub-boom and winch assembly can be used to hold an

auxiliary arm and mast so that multiple conductors can be repositioned vertically.
This allows for a clear work area so that the following can be replaced:
Insulators and cross-arms.
Poles (this could be a higher pole or a same-sized pole).

The auxiliary arm and the conductor traps are assembled on the top of the sub-
boom and are used to trap the conductors. The winch then lifts the sub-boom up to
displace the conductors to height required. See Figure 5 for an example and Table
9 for a list of components.

Figure 5: Aichi sub-boom and winch assembly supporting multiple

conductors via an auxiliary arm and mast

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Table 9: Aichi SN 15 auxiliary arm and mast assembly components

No. Description Material Qty

1 Eye-nut Steel 1

2 Shackle Steel 1

3 Winch rope 1

4 Winch bracket set pin Steel 1

5 Sub-boom set pin Steel 1

6 Sub-boom Epoxiglass 1

7 Sub-boom cross-arm head Steel 1

8 Temporary cross-arm Epoxiglass 1

9 Guide roller Steel and Epoxiglass 3

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The following safety rules must be followed when using the Aichi sub-boom and
winch assembly.
The maximum conductor weight that can be lifted with this assembly is 175kg.
This must only be used on intermediate structures (alignment) or in-between
horizontally configured structures.
The main boom must not be used to lift the conductors. The sub-boom is used
to lift conductors. The winch operates the sub-boom.
The main boom must be extended to the required length, indicated on the
boom extension, to attain and maintain the full insulation value of the EWP.
Aichi setup

1. Carry out all preliminary safety and equipment checks.

2. Set up the EWP on a firm and level surface and then lower the basket to the
3. Pull out the winch bracket set pin, raise the winch bracket fully and then insert
the winch bracket set pin again to lock the winch bracket.
4. Insert the sub-boom into the winch bracket and then lock the sub-boom to the
winch bracket with the sub-boom set pin.
5. Replace the sub-boom winch head with the sub-boom cross-arm head and
secure with a bolt.
6. Install the temporary cross-arm onto the sub-boom cross-arm head and then
install the guide rollers.
7. Unwind the winch rope, remove the hook from the winch rope, install the eye-
nut on the tail end of the sub-boom and then connect the winch rope to the
eye-nut using the shackle.
8. Remove the winch bracket set pin, raise the sub-boom fully to set it vertically
and then lock the winch bracket with the winch bracket set pin again.
9. Reverse the above setup process to stow the temporary cross-arm and the

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Angle bridle (SWL/WLL 300kg)

This support fitting is fitted to a gin pole for single conductor support at angle points
in the powerline. An example is shown in Figure 6, below. The fitting has traps for
the conductor.

Figure 6: Angle bridle

Angle bridle setup

Carry out all preliminary safety and equipment checks.

Set up the EWP on a firm and level surface and then lower the basket to the
Insulator replacement method

1. Position EWP in line with bi-section of angle.

2. Fit bridle and guard to gin pole.
3. Push conductor each side of angle clamp.
4. Release conductor from insulator and move away to allow insulator to be
5. Reattach conductor to new insulator.
Pole replacement method
1. Position new pole close to old pole.
2. Push conductor each side of angle clamp then loosen bolts and clamps.
3. Release conductor from insulator and slew to new pole, moving clamp along.
4. Reattach conductor to new insulator then tighten bolts and clamps.

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Bull wheel (SWL/WLL 2000kg)

This support fitting is fitted to a gin pole for single conductor support at angle points
in the powerline. An example is shown in Figure 7, below. The fitting has traps for
the conductor and can be used in the horizontal or vertical plane.

Figure 7: Bull wheel

Bull wheel setup

Carry out all preliminary safety and equipment checks.

Set up the EWP on a firm and level surface and then lower the basket to the
Insulator change method
1. Position EWP in line with bi-section of angle.
2. Fit bull wheel to gin pole.
3. Push conductor on one side of angle clamp.
4. Release conductor from insulator and move away to allow insulator to be
changed out.
5. Reattach conductor to insulator.
Pole replacement method
1. Position new pole close to old pole.
2. Push conductor to release tension, loosen bolts and clamps.
3. Release conductor from insulator and slew to new pole then move clamp
4. Reattach conductor to new insulator then tighten bolts and clamps.

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Conductor support attachments EWP and crane-mounted

Of the nine attachments described in this work practice, one is applicable to both
EWPs and cranes.This is outlined below.

Hastings boom-mounted auxiliary arm and mast assembly

The Hastings boom-mounted auxiliary arm and mast assembly can be used to lift
single-phase or three-phase live conductors. See Figures 8 and 9 for examples and
Table 10 for a list of components. This attachment is for common use with either
EWPs or cranes. It is designed for vertical lift only.

The Hastings attachment can be used for poles, cross-arms and insulator change
out, including lifting conductors at mid span. The lift arm can be mounted to the
boom. The boom mounting assembly features a ratchet which allows the auxiliary
arm to be positioned under load from a 0 to 45 angle.

The mast must be positioned perpendicular to the conductors being lifted. The
ratchet is used to position the mast. The mast can be rotated to position the
conductor traps by removing the locking pin at the bottom of the mast.

Figure 8: Single conductor Figure 9: Three conductors supported by a

supported by a Hastings Hastings boom-mounted auxiliary arm and
boom-mounted auxiliary mast assembly (EWP-mounted)
arm and mast assembly

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The following safety rules must be followed when using the Hastings boom-
mounted auxiliary arm and mast assembly.
Conductors must be lifted vertically only. Slewing is not permitted.
The attachment mast must be fixed to the centre of the lifting arm at all times.
The SWL/WLL for this assembly, when EWP-mounted is:
for a single-conductor lift:
attachment at 130kg, basket at 125kg
attachment at 95kg, basket at 150kg.
for a three-conductor lift:
attachment at 153kg, basket at 100kg
attachment at 105kg, basket at 125kg.
When mounted on an EWP, the general practice is to have only one HV live
worker in the basket. If another HV live worker is required (e.g. three-phase
lift), that person must be positioned on a ladder (insulated stick method only)
or in another EWP. This is to maintain the allowable load combinations.

The allowable load combinations above are based on the following EWP models:
Abbey SW 500/40.
GMJ T16-3505.
Nifty Lift 160 RKT.

For other models, consult the EWP manufacturer.


While the boom bracket is attached to the EWP:

the EWP must be treated as uninsulated
glove and barrier work must not be performed from the EWP
stick work may be performed from the EWP bucket.

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Table 10: Hastings boom-mounted auxiliary arm and mast assembly



7 4

9 2

No. Description Material Qty

1 Boom bracket Steel 1
2 Pivot stud and locking pin Steel 1
3 Mast Epoxiglass 1
4 Swivel support Steel 1
5 Arm assembly Epoxiglass 1
6 Wire holder Steel 3
7 Brace clamp Steel 1
8 Brace Epoxiglass 1
9 Ratchet Steel 1

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Hastings setup
1. Carry out all preliminary safety and equipment checks.
2. Set up the EWP/crane on a firm and level surface then lower the boom to the
3. Install the boom bracket assembly as close as possible to the basket with the
ratchet facing the basket.
4. Adjust the screws until the boom bracket fits snugly under the boom. Tighten
all four tail nuts uniformly until the base assembly is clamped firmly onto the
5. Attach the mast by sliding it onto the pivot stud. Place the locking pin through
this to stabilise the mast.
6. Place the swivel support assembly on the adaptor casting at the top of the
7. Install the lifting arm assembly on the swivel support.
8. Install the brace and the brace clamp, ensuring the brace clamp snugly fits
onto the arm.
9. Tighten the swivel support assembly, ensuring that the clamp snugly fits the
10. Place the wire holders on the cross-arm in the desired locations. If using the
stick method, mount the clamp so that the eye nut is toward the HV live
workers position for possible later adjustment with an insulating stick.
11. Rotate the lifting arm to be at a right angle to the conductors.
12. The Hastings boom mounted auxiliary arm and bracket must be removed
immediately after use and not left on the EWP

Conductor support attachments and lifting beams crane-mounted only

Of the nine attachments described in this work practice, four are applicable to
cranes only.These are outlined below.

Chance boom-mounted auxiliary arm and mast assembly

The Chance boom-mounted auxiliary arm and mast assembly may only be
mounted on cranes. The maximum mechanical rating of the beam is 450kg
however this needs to be de-rated in accordance with the wire holders and epoxy
insulators being used. The maximum vertical loading of the roller wire holders is
only 90kg so this will reduce the maximum balanced loading to 270kg. If epoxy
insulators are used they only have a vertical loading of 68kg so the maximum

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balanced loading will be reduced to only 200kg. See Figure 10 for an example and
Table 11 for a list of components.

Figure 10: Chance boom assembly supporting multiple flat configuration

conductors via an auxiliary arm on a crane


The following safety rules must be followed when using the Chance boom-mounted
auxiliary arm and mast assembly.
Do not attempt to use this mast and arm assembly on EWPs.
Must only be used on derrick-strength boom arms designed to handle 900kg
or more. If boom units with lesser ratings are used, the lifting and
maneuvering application of this unit must be reduced.
The brace pole assembly may be installed either parallel or perpendicular to
the crane boom, but must be kept as near parallel to the auxiliary arm as
The single wire holder is used for heavier conductors and is installed in place
of the cross-arm clamp assembly. This fitting is preferred when handling only
one conductor.
Conductors must only be lifted vertically. The lifting beam must be kept in a
vertical position.
Must only be used on intermediate structures.
Keep the mast as near as possible to vertical while holding up the conductors.
Avoid slewing the conductors to the side to create, for example, line angles
that may tip the boom unit.
The lifting arm must be at a right angle to the conductors.

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Chance boom-mounted auxiliary arm and mast assembly setup

1. Carry out all preliminary safety and equipment checks.

2. Set up crane on a firm and level surface then lower the boom to the ground.
3. Remove the two bottom tail nuts to allow back up channels to be swung aside
and place the entire base assembly over the boom section.
4. Reinsert the assembly by securing through bolts into the proper holes in the
back up channels, depending on boom depth, then install washers and tail
5. Adjust the eye screws until the clamping angle fits snugly under the boom.
Tighten all four tail nuts uniformly until the base assembly is clamped firmly
onto the boom.
6. Attach the mast by sliding it onto the pivot stud, then the following parts in
a. Plain washer.
b. Lock washer.
c. Second plain washer.
d. Special wing nut.
7. Tilt the mast to the desired working position and tighten the special wing nut,
with the tooth pattern in mesh, until the lock washer is fully compressed.
8. Place the arm clamp assembly on the adaptor casting at the top of the mast.
9. Install the cross-arm in the clamp and secure with the eyebolt. Strength
ratings are based on the cross-arm being gripped at the centre.
10. Place the wire holders on the cross-arm in the desired locations. If using the
stick method, mount the clamp so that the eye nut is toward the HV live
workers position for possible later adjustment with an insulating stick.
11. After use, remove the bracket.

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Table 11: Chance boom-mounted auxiliary arm and mast assembly


No. Description Material Qty

1 Bottom tail nuts Steel 4

2 Back up channels Steel 1

3 Bottom thru bolts Steel 4

4 Eye screw Steel 1

5 Clamping angle Steel 2

6 Epoxiglass mast Epoxiglass 1

7 Pivot stud Steel 1

8 Wing nut Steel 1

9 Arm clamp assembly Steel 1

10 Cross-arm Epoxiglass 1

11 Wire holders Epoxiglass and steel 3

12 Brace pole assembly Epoxiglass 2

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Lifting beams


The following additional insulation equipment, rated and tested to 33kV, is required
to support the conductors when using a lifting beam (see Figure 11, below).
Mobile plant and equipment.
Attachments above the beam:
2 x 1 tonne (minimum) web sling (the preferred angle is normally 60,
although this must be checked on the manufacturers name plate as in
Figure 12)
2 insulators rated and tested to the voltage being worked on (tested and
tagged at six month maximum intervals)
2 strain link sticks suitably rated for the load (tested and tagged at six
month maximum intervals).
Attachments below the beam:
5 sets brackets and bolts 70kN.
3 D-shackles 70kN.
3 sets gates 70kN.
Suitable rollers.
One of the following:
3 polymeric insulators rated and tested to the voltage being worked
on (tested and tagged at six month maximum intervals)
3 strain link sticks (tested and tagged at six month maximum
a suitable combination of insulator and strain link sticks.

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Figure 11: Typical lifting beam

Figure 12: Manufacturer plate on lifting beam

Lifting beam setup

1. Carry out all preliminary safety and equipment checks.

2. Attach the lifting beam (set up as in Figure 11 and the Components section,
above) to the crane hook and extend the crane boom out and above the HV
conductors. Maintain MADs from the crane boom.
3. Lower the boom to place all three conductors into the polymeric insulators or
strain link sticks approximately half a hard cover distance along the
conductors from the pin.
4. Raise the lifting beam vertically to take the conductor weight.
5. Unlash all phases and double cover any phase that may drop alongside the
pin and cross-arm. The angle of the cross-arm or pole may determine which
phase will be unlashed first.
6. With all phases secured in the polymeric insulators or strain link sticks so that
they cannot dislodge, raise the boom to provide personnel with the MAD that
is suitable for the voltage present.

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Custom made lifting beams with SWL/WLL indicated

Lifting beams may be custom made for use with HV live work, but must be:
engineered and tested for the purpose of meeting the rated SWL/WLL
have the SWL/WLL stamped/labelled on the beam
used with insulators rated to both the voltage and the SWL/WLL being worked
when lifting live conductors. For an example, see Figures 13 and 14, below.

Figures 13 and 14: Conductor support using custom made lifting beam made
for Western Power

Sling with insulators/link sticks

The following support assembly, rated and tested from 6.6kV to 33kV, may be used
for lifting and supporting a conductor. For an example, see Figure 15, below.

Figure 15: Single conductor support assembly

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The following equipment is required when lifting a single conductor:

2 suitable web slings.
1 string with two sets of:
33kV rated and tested polymeric insulator (tested at six month intervals)
strain link sticks.
Suitable shackle.
Suitable gates.

Sling with insulators/link sticks setup

1. Carry out all preliminary safety and equipment checks.

2. Set up crane on a firm and level surface then lower the boom to the ground.
3. Locate the crane in a position so that the uninsulated portion of the crane
maintains a minimum of 1.2m clearance from the conductor that it supports at
all times, as shown in Figure 16, below.

Figure 16: Position of the crane to the line

4. Attach the insulator to the crane using the web sling as shown in Figure 17,
below. Loop the web sling through the insulator and attach it to the crane. Lift
the insulator using the crane. At the bottom of the insulator, attach the gate
using suitable shackles, as shown in Figure 18, below.

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Figures 17 and 18: Conductor support assembly

5. The gate is positioned around the conductor and securely fastened with a pin
before the conductor is removed from the structure.


AS 5804.1-2010 High-voltage live working General.

AS 5804.2-2010 High-voltage live working Glove and barrier work.
AS 5804.3-2010 High-voltage live working Stick work.
High Voltage Live Work Manual, work practices:
4.0 (Mobile plant and related equipment for HV live work)
5.2 (Maintenance of EWPs and fitted hydraulic tools)
9.0 (Distribution insulated stick method)
10.0 (Transmission insulated stick method)

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5.0 Care and maintenance of equipment


To provide the high voltage (HV) live worker with information and guidance on the
minimum requirements for the care of HV live work equipment. Detailed information
on specific equipment can be found in the following work practices in this section.


The care and maintenance of HV live work tools and equipment is essential to
performing safe HV live work.

HV live work equipment must:

be designed, tested and approved specifically for work on live HV apparatus
have an electrical and mechanical rating suitable for the intended use. This
rating will be supplied by the manufacturer and must meet or exceed the
relevant standards.
be in a serviceable condition that is suitable for use. For more on this, see work
practice 5.1 (Equipment maintenance) in this manual.
must have a unique identification number and be recorded in a documented
equipment management system. For more on this, see work practice 5.1
(Equipment maintenance) in this manual.

Composite insulators used for lifting are not supplied with a safe working load
(SWL) or working load limit (WLL) rating by the manufacturer, so the SWL/WLL
must be calculated. For more on this, see work practice 10.3 (Displacing
conductors using crane and lifting beam transmission stick method) in this


To ensure that the insulating and mechanical quality of HV live work equipment is
not compromised, all HV live work equipment must be:
maintained in a clean and dry condition
laid on a tarpaulin, container or a rack at the worksite not directly onto the
kept clear of deteriorating contaminants, e.g. creams, sunscreens, paint
solvents, hydraulic oils

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stowed and transported in a manner which ensures that the equipment is not
exposed to excess moisture, dust, abrasion or any other deteriorating effects
be visually inspected for mechanical and insulating properties prior to use and
removed from service if it is defective or if the condition is in doubt
periodically inspected
cleaned regularly to remove any contamination
tested as required by Western Power or a preferred supplier

Items subjected to loading

All load bearing equipment must be:

visually inspected prior to use for mechanical damage
periodically inspected
rated for an SWL/WLL and, wherever possible, have the SWL/WLL clearly
identified on the device. The SWL/WLL of every load bearing device must be
recorded in the equipment management system.

Inspections must ensure that the item will be capable of meeting its load limits. If
any damage is present that will compromise the items capacity to carry the load, it
must be removed from service. Before the item can be returned to service, it must
pass a proof test by a tester accredited by the National Association of Testing
Authorities, Australia (NATA). The formula for a proof test and the SWL/WLL must
be provided to the test lab.

Proof test = (SWL or WLL) x (2 x 9.81)

Grouping of equipment of similar material

In this section of the manual, tools and equipment of similar material have been
categorised, as shown in Table 1, below. This table is not extensive but is designed
to provide an understanding of the types of equipment that make up each category.
Table 1: Categories of equipment*

Category Equipment

Insulating sticks Wire tongs

Ratchet cutters, gripalls, wire holding stocks
Universal hand sticks
Pole platforms

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Category Equipment

Mechanical Wire tong saddles

Snubbing brackets
Wheel tightener assemblies
Accessories for universal hand sticks
Pole platforms
Lifting equipment

Flexible insulating barriers Mats, hoses and connectors

Gloves and sleeves

Rigid insulating barriers Conductor covers, cross-arm covers, pole covers

Insulated bridging/jumper Temporary bypass equipment


Rope Live work rope

Insulated rope
* Some equipment is included in multiple categories, e.g. pole platforms, as this has an
insulating component and a mechanical component.


High Voltage Live Work Manual, work practices:

o 5.1 (Equipment maintenance)
o 10.3 (Displacing conductors using crane and lifting beam transmission
stick method)

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5.1 Equipment maintenance


This work practice outlines how the high voltage (HV) live worker must ensure that
HV live work tools and equipment are maintained in a serviceable condition and are
suitable for use. The equipment maintenance process is based on AS 5804 High-
voltage live working and involves:
visual and periodic inspection
care and maintenance
storage and transportation of equipment and tools
documentation and recording of information regarding equipment testing,
inspection, cleaning, repair, service life and disposal.


Gloves and sleeves are classified as personal protective equipment and are
covered in work practice 2.10 (Personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements)
in this manual.


The electrical and structural integrity of HV equipment and tools is critical to the
safety of the HV live worker. Inspection, care, maintenance, testing and storage
requirements must be strictly followed. Personnel must maintain HV live work
equipment and ensure that it is in a serviceable condition.

Insulated equipment must be kept free from contamination so that it does not lose
its dielectric insulating properties. Surfaces must be smooth, glossy or semi-glossy
and water should bead on the surface when wet (hydrophobic) as shown in
Figure 1, below.

Figure 1: Good hydrophobic surface (left) and poor surface (right)

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Hydrophobic a surface that is water-repellent and results in water beading on the

surface. Streams allow tracking or electrical leakage to occur. As the leakage
increases, so does the risk.

Equipment management system

Each item of HV live work equipment must have a unique identification

number and be recorded in an equipment management system. The
equipment management system must, as a minimum, record the following:
Owner and location (e.g. glove and barrier team A, Metro North).
Purchase date and manufacturer.
Type of equipment, identification number.
Specifications, size, working voltage, safe working load (SWL) or
working load limit (WLL), safety factor. The SWL/WLL must be marked
on load-bearing equipment.


The SWL/WLL must also identify what configuration it applies to, e.g.
tension, compression, bending.

Electrical testing the standard tested to, due date and test date, tester
and results.
Mechanical testing the standard tested to, due date and test date,
tester and results.
Date and details of maintenance or repairs, including who performed it.
Date, details and results of periodic inspections, including who
performed it and whether it resulted in a pass or fail.
In service date, quarantine dates, disposal date.
Other comments.
The equipment management system must be used to ensure compliance with
Western Powers specific requirements for the selection and purchasing of HV
live equipment to be used on the network.
The equipment management system is audited as part of the audit process.
For more on this, see work practice 3.4 (Auditing and compliance) in this

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The equipment management system and all equipment records must be made
available to all members of the HV live work team.


These instructions are presented according to equipment type. However, the basic
requirements that must be met for all equipment is summarised below.
Visual inspection All HV live work equipment must be visually inspected
and cleaned prior to use each day.
Periodic inspection All HV live work equipment must undergo a periodic
inspection every six months. A periodic inspection is a more detailed version
of the visual inspection and must be recorded in the equipment management
Cleaning Maintaining the mechanical integrity, dielectric and hydrophobic
properties of HV live work equipment is dependent on the care and
maintenance that the equipment receives.
All HV live work insulating equipment must be subjected to a full
electrical test at specified intervals to ensure that the insulating qualities
of the equipment have not been reduced. The equipment must be tested
by an approved HV testing provider to the relevant standard. The
periodic testing intervals shown in Table 1, below, are the minimum
requirement and are based on average usage. Heavy usage, or usage in
adverse conditions, may require more frequent testing.
All testing and test results must be recorded in the equipment
management system and be available for HV live workers.
The formal leader is responsible for ensuring that equipment tests are
carried out to schedule by an external service provider, accredited to test
to the referenced standards.
Equipment that has failed its periodic test must be repaired and retested
(where permitted) or destroyed. All destroyed items must be recorded in
the equipment register. The destruction must be carried out in a manner
that does not allow the equipment to be reused.
Although mechanical testing is not a mandatory requirement, equipment
can be sent to a National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia
(NATA) accredited tester, if the structural integrity is in doubt.

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Table 1: Periodic testing intervals for HV live work tools

Equipment Testing interval Reference standard

dry 12-monthly AS 5804.3-2010

All insulated sticks
wet 24-monthly AS 5804.3-2010

Flexible insulated blankets 6-monthly AS 5804.2-2010

barriers mats 6-monthly AS 5804.2-2010

Insulated gloves and sleeves 6-monthly AS 5804.2-2010

AS 5804.2-2010
Conductor support equipment 12-monthly
AS 5804.3-2010

AS 5804.2 -2010
Rigid insulated barriers 12-monthly
AS 5804.3-2010

AS 5804.2-2010
Insulated EWP 6-monthly
AS 5804.3-2010

Insulated EWPs basket liner 6-monthly AS 5804.2-2010

Insulated hydraulic hose 6-monthly AS 5804.2-2010

Insulated bridging/jumper equipment 6-monthly AS 5804.3-2010

Insulated rope 6-monthly AS 5804.3-2010

Storage and transportation of equipment and tools All HV live work

equipment must be stowed and transported in a manner that ensures that the
electrical insulating qualities and mechanical strength are not reduced or
compromised. It may be necessary to dismantle HV live work tools to ensure
that they can be transported in a secure manner. Storage compartments and
containers must be well ventilated to protect against moisture, dust, excess
humidity and condensation.

Insulated sticks and support equipment

Insulated sticks are manufactured by winding glass fibre onto unicellular

polyurethane foam core and are designed to withstand 100kV per 300mm for five
The insulating ability of the stick relies heavily on the dielectric and hydrophobic
properties of the surface. During use, the surface of the insulated stick is subject to
scratches, knocks, dirt and other contaminants that may cause a significant

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reduction in the dielectric and hydrophobic properties of the stick. This is why it is
important to conduct visual inspections prior to use.

During use, it is also possible for insulated sticks to be mechanically over stressed
to the point that cracks appear in the wall of the fibreglass and fill with


Insulated sticks must be wiped with a clean cloth and silicone applied prior to use
and at any time they are exposed to moisture.

Visual inspection

Insulated sticks must be visually inspected prior to use.

Look for signs of overstressing, which are evidenced by distorted or cracked
Check metal parts for excessive wear and other visible damage.
Inspect the sticks surface along the entire length for deep cuts, scratches,
nicks, gouges, dents, delamination, water damage, loss of gloss, tracking and
flashover damage.
Check the hydrophobic qualities of the insulated stick.
Check that the insulated stick is within its electrical test date.
Check the hand guard that is used to determine the minimum approach
distance (MAD). This must be suitable for the voltage to be worked on.

Periodic inspection

All insulated sticks must undergo a periodic inspection every six months. A periodic
inspection is a more detailed version of the visual inspection and must be recorded
in the equipment management system. The additional details to check for during a
periodic inspection are listed below.
Hydrophobic surface

To check the hydrophobic properties of an insulated stick:

wipe down with a clean cloth
apply silicone
spray with clean water
observe the appearance of the stick. If it does not have a glossy
appearance and the water does not bead on the surface (as shown in
Figure 1) then the stick must be further cleaned and/or treated with wax
until a good hydrophobic surface has been achieved.

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If an insulated stick cannot be cleaned or treated to a point where the surface

is glossy with good hydrophobic characteristics, it must pass both wet and dry
electrical testing before being returned to service. For examples, see Figures
2 and 3, below.

Figure 2: Structurally damaged stick with hole (top left) must be destroyed.
Scratched stick with very poor surface (top centre) must be
removed from service and repaired or destroyed. Example of good
hydrophobic surface (top right). Stick surface (bottom) must be
glossy and clean.

Figure 3: Flashover damaged (left) and badly scratched (right) sticks must be
removed from service and repaired or destroyed.

MAD clearance marker and hand guard

The MAD clearance marker and hand guard must be positioned a minimum of
450mm from the live end of the insulated stick. For an example of a hand
guard, see Figure 4, below.
If both ends of the insulated stick are to be used, two markers and hand
guards must be used.


Prior to starting work, check the clearance marker and hand guard to ensure
that the correct MAD is indicated for the voltage to be worked on.

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Figure 4: MAD clearance marker and hand guard


To ensure that insulated sticks maintain their insulating quality they must be
cleaned regularly with an approved cleaning product to remove any contamination.
For examples, see Figure 5, below.

Figure 5: (Clockwise from left) insulated stick wipes, general purpose

cleaner, epoxy refinish kit, silicone cloth and non-metallic pads


Only cleaning agents and surface treatments approved by the manufacturer or

Western Power may be used.

Light contamination

For light contamination, a silicone treated wiping cloth can be used to wipe
down the insulated sticks prior to the daily visual inspection. Disposable wipes
and a silicone spray can also be used. The silicone impregnated cloth will
remove light dirt and dust and will also leave a fine silicone film on the surface
of the insulated stick. This helps maintain the hydrophobic and dielectric
properties of the insulated stick.

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Medium contamination

If contamination or marks on the insulated stick cannot be removed by with a

silicone cloth, a special insulated stick cleaner wipe must be used. The
insulated stick cleaner wipes also leave a fine silicone film on the surface of
the insulated stick.
Heavy contamination

When contamination cannot be removed by a silicone cloth or by insulated

stick cleaner wipes, an all-purpose cleaner from the insulated stick
manufacturer must be used.
This cleaner must be applied with a clean, soft cloth or sponge. If the
contaminants cannot be removed with the cloth or sponge, a non-metallic
cleaning pad can be used.
Heavier cleaning with general purpose cleaning fluid and/or non-metallic pads
will need to be followed by a surface treatment with fibreglass wax. This must
be high grade Carnuba wax (see Figure 6, below). Waxing must only be
applied to insulated sticks that have been satisfactorily cleaned. Hydrophobic
testing must be carried out after waxing.

Figure 6: Insulated stick wax

If an insulated stick cannot be cleaned or treated to a point where the surface

is glossy with good hydrophobic characteristics, it must be tagged out,
removed from service and either destroyed or sent for restoration by a
competent service provider. The insulated stick must also pass both wet and
dry electrical testing before being returned to service.
Refinishing surfaces

After extended periods of use, insulated sticks may show signs of wear such
as nicks, scratches, scrapes, and general exposure that wiping with a silicone
cloth or cleaning agent cannot remove. Rather than discard these insulated
sticks, they may be restored by a competent service provider specialising in
insulated stick testing and repair.
After being refinished, the insulating stick must pass both wet and dry
electrical testing before being returned to service. This can usually be done by
the same company that does the refinishing.

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All details of refinishing and testing must be recorded in the equipment

management system.


Before sending an insulated stick for testing, perform the following steps. This
must be done to avoid electrical flashover and stick damage during testing.
Clean thoroughly.
Wax to ensure that the surface has good dielectric and hydrophobic
Insulated sticks are tested as follows, in accordance with AS 5804.3-2010
High-voltage live working Stick work:
Dry 75kV AC per 300mm of stick.
Wet 75kV AC per 300mm of stick.
See Table 1 for frequency of testing.
Insulated sticks must satisfy the test criterion of ASTM F711 Standard
Specification for Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Rod and Tube Used in
Live Line Tools and there must be no excessive leakage current over the
entire length of the stick. Test failures and flashovers normally occur when
leakage current is at 200A or more.
Interim testing between electrical tests may be undertaken with handheld
devices such as the one shown in Figure 7, below. Several insulated stick
manufacturers have suitable insulated stick testers available. The
manufacturers instructions for testing must be followed.
Insulated stick testers can be used to carry out interim dry and wet testing but
use a lower voltage than the 75kV AC required for the electrical testing. The
leakage current is amplified to give the same results as when using full
voltage. In terms of acceptable leakage current there is a safety factor of
approximately 4:1 as the maximum allowable leakage current is 75A.

Figure 7: Insulated stick tester

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If any physical damage to the surface is reported, the stick must undergo a full wet
electrical leakage test. The interim testing must never be used as a substitute for
electrical testing by a professional test facility.


To prevent damage caused by surface abrasion, sticks must be stowed and

transported on racks or in holders which secure the sticks to avoid movement
between the fibreglass surface of the stick and other surfaces. All sticks must be:
stowed and transported in a manner that ensures that the equipment is not
exposed to excess moisture, dust, abrasion or any other deteriorating effects
(see Figure 8, below)
kept clean of deteriorating contaminants, e.g. creams, sunscreens, paint
solvents and hydraulic oils
laid on a rack (see Figure 9, below) or tarpaulin when onsite.

Figure 8: Depot and vehicle storage for insulated sticks

Figure 9: Portable insulated stick stands

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Mechanical and metallic equipment

Visual inspection

All mechanical and metallic equipment such as saddles, clamps, cutters and
trunnions must be visually inspected prior to use and checked for mechanical
damage and signs of:
cracking, fatigue, loose parts and excessive wear
corrosion, distortion and heat stress
physical stress, bending and other visible damage.
Ensure that all moving parts are free running.
All load bearing equipment must be rated for an SWL/WLL and, wherever
possible, have the SWL/WLL clearly identified on the device. The SWL/WLL
of every load bearing device must be recorded in the equipment management

Periodic inspection

All equipment must undergo a periodic inspection every six months. A periodic
inspection looks at the same things as a visual inspection but is done in a very
meticulous manner and must be recorded in the equipment management system.


All periodical inspections of load bearing equipment must be carried out by a



All metallic HV live work tools and equipment must have their moving parts
and threads checked to ensure that they are free of contaminants.
Wipe off any contaminants or water using a clean cloth.
Ensure that cutter heads are free of metallic fragments and residue.


There are no testing requirements for mechanical and metallic equipment as

the visual and periodic inspections are deemed sufficient.
If the structural integrity of equipment is found to be suspect through
inspection, the equipment must be:
send to a NATA-accredited testing service to undergo structural
examination and testing or
removed from service, destroyed and replaced with a new item.

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All metallic equipment must be stowed and transported in compartments or

containers that are moisture proof and designed to ensure that they cannot
contact and damage any adjacent equipment. For an example, see Figure 10,
All metallic equipment with moving parts must be stowed in such a way as to
minimise dust or other contaminants that could affect the moving parts.

Figure 10: Example of good storage of mechanical and metallic equipment

Insulated barriers

Visual inspection flexible and rigid

Insulated barriers must be inspected prior to use (see Figure 11, below, for an
example). All barriers must be cleaned and inspected over the entire surface and
checked for:
chemical damage discolouration
electrical damage arcing and tracking
mechanical damage cracking, abrasions, cuts, tears (including corona
contamination dirt, grease, silicon and other pollutants.

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Figure 11: Visually inspecting the inside of a flexible barrier

Periodic inspection flexible and rigid

All flexible and rigid barriers must undergo a periodic inspection every six months.
A periodic inspection is a more detailed version of the visual inspection and must
be recorded in the equipment management system. The additional details to check
for during a periodic inspection are listed below.
Flexible barriers

The surface of all flexible barriers and blankets must be smooth and free of
damage in order to maintain their rated level of insulation. For examples of
damage, see Figure 12, below.

Cuts and mechanical Abrasions and Cracking

damage scratches

Rope damage Chemical damage Electrical tracking

Figure 12: Visual inspection of flexible barriers

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Flexible barriers must be roll tested by rolling the surface gently between the
fingers or hands to expose defects and embedded materials.
Mechanical damage such as abrasions, scratches and cuts can only be
identified by close inspection of the entire surface.
Rope burns can be identified by an indentation in the barrier and signs that
the surface of the barrier material has been worn away.
Chemical damage can be identified by bulging or blistering of the surface. The
area around the chemical damage may also feel soft, sticky or rough in
Electrical damage will usually result in electrical tracking but may also result in
small holes or arc flashes across a large surface area.
Rigid barriers

The surface of all rigid barriers must be free of holes and cracks in order to
maintain their rated level of insulation.
Rigid barriers are particularly prone to damage where:
they interface with insulators and tie wires
locking and clamping pins are used to secure the barrier
barriers have pre-formed joints for connection with other barriers.

Flexible insulated barriers
All flexible insulated barriers must be wiped clean and inspected prior to use.
Flexible insulating barriers must be kept clear of grease, oils or any personal
oil-based creams or substances. For examples, see Figure 13, below.
1. Only use products approved by the manufacturer.
2. Dispense a small amount of cleaning product onto a rag and then use
the rag to wipe HV live work equipment.
Do not dilute cleaning products in water or allow cleaning products
to be directly poured into wash trough.
Dirty rags and HV cleaning wipes must be disposed of in
designated waste bins.
3. Rinse with clean water to remove the cleaning product residue. This can
be done in a wash trough.
4. Position to allow drying away from direct sunlight and heat. High
temperature environments (i.e. over 65C) must be avoided.

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5. Once cleaned and dry, the flexible insulated barriers and blankets should
have a smooth, glossy to semi-glossy appearance.
6. Apply a manufacturer-approved powder to all surfaces after cleaning.


Cleaning product must only be applied to a rag or wipe and never used
directly in a wash trough. The wash trough must only be used to rinse.
Cleaning products for HV rubber goods are not quick break which means our
oil/water separators may not be able to separate the oil/grease and water
before it is discharged.

Figure 13: Inspecting and cleaning flexible line hose and blankets
Rigid insulated barriers

All rigid insulated barriers must be wiped clean and inspected prior to use.
Rigid insulating barriers must be kept clear of grease, oils and any oil-based
creams or substances.
The surface of all rigid insulating barriers must be smooth and free of damage
in order to maintain the correct rated level of insulation.
Wash with a specifically designed cleaning agent (as recommended by the
manufacturer), thoroughly rinse with clean water and position to allow drying
in the air away from direct UV light. High temperature environments (i.e. over
65C) must be avoided.
Once cleaned and dry, the rigid insulated barriers and blankets should have a
smooth, glossy to semi-glossy appearance.


All insulated barriers must be washed at least once a week when in use or more
often if required.

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Flexible insulated barriers
Flexible insulated barriers are tested:
to their rated voltage
in accordance with AS 5804.2-2010 (see Table 1, above).
The relationship between class, rated voltage and maximum working voltage
is outlined in Table 2, below.
Rated voltage is the voltage stated by the manufacturer.
Working voltage is the maximum phase-to-phase voltage for which the
equipment can be used and is generally less than the rated voltage as
safety factor is applied.
As a safety factor, Western Power requires that the maximum working
voltage be 5kV less than the rated voltage.
Table 2: Rated and maximum working voltages for Class 3 and 4 flexible
insulated equipment
Class Rated voltage (kV) Working voltage (kV)

3 30 25

4 40 35

All flexible insulated equipment has its class clearly marked on it. Western
Power only permits Class 3 and Class 4 to be used on the network for HV live
Rigid insulated equipment

Rigid insulated barriers must be visually inspected and cleaned thoroughly

before being sent for testing.
Rigid insulated barriers must be tested to their rated voltage and in
accordance with the relevant testing standards.


Flexible and rigid barriers must not be repaired and barriers deemed to be
unserviceable must be destroyed and the equipment management system updated

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All insulated barriers must be stored where they are not exposed to UV light. See
Figure 14 for an example of a storage method.
Flexible insulated equipment

Blankets insulated blankets must be stowed and transported either flat or

rolled up in blanket rolls or canisters. Do not stow in a folded, creased or
compressed manner or with any overhang from a shelf. Talcum powder must
be applied to all flexible barriers and blankets if stowed for long periods.
Other flexible barriers insulated line hoses, connectors and flexible covers
must be stowed in a manner that will ensure that they are not distorted or
subjected to mechanical stress. Items such as line hose can be stowed in
horizontal racks or upright in storage bins. All storage containment must be
free of sharp edges and bare metal that could scratch or damage the surface.
Rigid insulated barriers

Rigid barriers must be stowed and transported in a manner that ensures that
they are not distorted or subjected to mechanical stress. Barriers can be
stowed in horizontal racks or upright in storage bins. All storage areas must
be free of sharp edges and bare metal that could scratch or damage the

Figure 14: Example of a flexible and rigid barrier storage method


Visual inspection insulating rope and live work rope

The visual inspection must check for:

contaminants and moisture
excessive wear

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abrasions and broken fibres

powdered fibres inside the strands
other chemical, electrical and physical damage.
Rope must be cleaned of contaminants and moisture prior to use. For more
on this, see the Cleaning section, below.
Rope must not be laid out on the ground. It must be kept in clean dry
containers or placed on tarps to protect against contaminants.
Damaged and unserviceable ropes must be immediately removed from
service and destroyed. The equipment management system must be updated


Ropes used for HV live work must not be used for any other purpose.

Periodic inspection insulating rope and live work rope

All rope must undergo a periodic inspection every six months. A periodic inspection
looks at the same things as a visual inspection but is done in a very meticulous
manner and must be recorded in the equipment management system.

Insulated ropes most used ends must be removed to minimise possible

contamination and deterioration.

Live work rope

Contaminants and moisture must be wiped clean with an absorbent cloth.

Insulating rope

Contaminants and moisture must be wiped clean with an absorbent cloth

before wiping with a silicone-impregnated cloth over the entire length.

Insulating rope
Insulated rope must be tested in accordance with ASTM F1701 - 12 Standard
Specification for Unused Rope with Special Electrical Properties before being
placed in service. Insulating rope must be tested a minimum of every six
months after being placed in service (see Table 1, above). Heavy usage may
require testing at more frequent intervals.

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All electrical testing of insulating rope must be recorded in the equipment

management system.
Interim electrical tests with an approved field rope tester must be carried out:
at six-monthly intervals (alternating with periodical electrical testing)
over at least three sections (a minimum of 5m in length)
if insulated rope is suspected of contamination or damage.
Live work rope

Must be electrically tested prior to being placed in service in accordance with

ASTM F1701 - 12 Standard Specification for Unused Rope with Special
Electrical Properties. There are no requirements for ongoing periodic electrical

Storage insulating rope and live work rope

All live work rope and insulating rope must be stowed and transported in a
manner which prevents damage from sharp objects, batteries, chemical and
acid fumes.
Rope must be stowed and transported in a sealed container with a moisture-
depleting medium.
Rope must be stored and transported in a dry environment where the rope is
not exposed to contamination or direct sunlight.
During field work, ropes should be taken and returned directly from their
container. If this cannot be achieved, the rope must be kept clean and free
from contaminants by storing and using them on clean, dry tarpaulins.

For more on this, see work practice 6.8 (Live work rope and insulated rope) in this

Insulated bridging/jumper equipment

Visual inspection

All insulated bridging/jumper equipment must be wiped clean and inspected

prior to use.
Insulators must be visually inspected and checked for good hydrophobic
surfaces and signs of damage, cracks and/or electrical tracking.
Inspections must look for cuts, gouges and signs of deterioration in the
insulation and also signs of mechanical stress and damage. For more on this,
see the Mechanical and metallic equipment section, above.

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The rating of the insulated cable must be stamped on the cable every 1.2m
and must be visible.
All points of electrical contact must be checked for their electrical security and
to ensure that the threads on the clamps run freely.

Periodic inspection

Insulated bridging/jumper equipment must undergo a periodic inspection every six

months. A periodic inspection looks at the same things as a visual inspection but is
done in a very meticulous manner and must be recorded in the equipment
management system.


All insulated bridging/jumper equipment must be wiped clean and inspected

prior to use and kept free of dirt, grease, oils and any personal oil-based
creams or substances.
All points of electrical contact must be clean.
Wash with an approved cleaning agent, thoroughly rinse with clean water and
position to allow air drying out of direct sunlight.


Insulated bridging/jumper equipment must be tested every six months in

accordance with AS 5804.3-2010 High-voltage live working Stick work.


Insulated bridging/jumper equipment must be stowed in a manner that ensures that

are not distorted or subjected to mechanical stress
cannot be damaged by exposure to oil-based substances or chemicals.

Fall arrest systems and lanyards

For more on the inspection, care and maintenance of fall arrest systems and
lanyards, see work practice 2.7 (Fall arrest systems and pole tope rescue kits) in
the Work Practice Manual.

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AS 5804.1-2010 High-voltage live working - General.

AS 5804.2-2010 High-voltage live working - Glove and barrier work.
AS 5804.3-2010 High-voltage live working - Stick work.
ASTM F170 -12 Standard Specification for Unused Rope with Special
Electrical Properties.
ASTM F711-02 (2013) Standard Specification for Fiberglass-Reinforced
Plastic (FRP) Rod and Tube Used in Live Line Tools.
High Voltage Live Work Manual, work practices:
2.10 (Personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements)
3.4 (Auditing, compliance and field assessment)
6.8 (Live work rope and insulated rope).
Work Practice Manual, work practice:
2.7 (Fall arrest systems and pole tope rescue kits)

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5.2 Maintenance of EWPs and fitted hydraulic tools


The purpose of this work practice is to provide the high voltage (HV) live worker
with information and guidance on elevated work platform (EWP) and fitted hydraulic
care and maintenance
inspection requirements
testing requirements


EWPs are a critical part of the equipment necessary to safely carry out HV live
work. The insulated sections of the EWP form part of the two levels of insulation for
HV live workers using the glove and barrier method.

During normal operating conditions and periods of non-use, dust and condensation
can cause a pasty film on the inner and outer surfaces of the boom. Some dust has
a metallic base and can become conductive and corrosive. This can seriously
degrade the insulation properties of the EWP and may make it unsafe for HV live

When the boom surface areas are contaminated, water tends to pool or sheet off
rather than beading up (for an example, see Figure 1, below). This pooling or
sheeting of water on contaminated booms can prevent the booms from meeting the
required electrical standards and pose a potential hazard in the field.

Figure 1: Good hydrophobic surface (left) and poor hydrophobic surface with
water pooling/sheeting (right)

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High Voltage Live Work Manual


Elevated Work Platforms

Visual inspection
Prior to use

All insulating components must be washed, cleaned and inspected for signs of
cracking or deterioration. For more on washing and cleaning, see the Fleet
Services presentation, Boom washing procedure prior to electrical testing,
(DM# 12646707).
Damage must be identified and repaired before moisture penetration can
o If the resin coating is damaged by dragging conductors, falling tools or
tree branches, it may allow water to penetrate through the cracked or
crazed resin causing the fibreglass to lose its structural strength and
electrical resistance.
o Damaged fibreglass must be repaired to prevent water getting into the
glass fibres. Water ingress can weaken the structure mechanically and
impair the electrical insulation.
Insulating sections must be inspected for signs of:
o bulges in the fibreglass
o cuts, chips or flakes, cracks or crazing in the resin coating
o grooves, grazes, bruises, holes
o burn marks, aluminium marks
The tray of the vehicle must be kept clear of debris and line hardware.
The turret controls must be accessible from the boom in all positions.

Ensure that non-insulated hoses are disconnected to create a minimum 800 mm

gap across the insulated section of the boom.


The following must be checked at least once a week for damage:

Fibreglass covers that protect greasing points.
Covers that protect the basket swivelling mechanisms.
Mounting points for any lifting devices that may be attached to the basket.
When the lifting jib is not installed, a nylon plug must be placed in the housing

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for the lifting jib to prevent any energised conductors or loops entering the
housing. The base of the mounting for the jib must also have a permanent
nylon plug installed.
Any covers which protect hydraulic hose connections must be intact.
All hydraulic connections must be checked for oil leaks.


The insulation properties of fibreglass booms deteriorate with the accumulation of

dirt, grease, tree sap and other contaminants. These contaminants must be
removed by cleaning.
Only use approved cleaning products. For more on this, see the Approved
cleaning products section, below.
Do not use abrasive materials or products such as steel wool, wire bushes
and Ajax as they will scratch the gel coat surface and destroy the surface gloss
and its hydrophobic properties.
Booms and baskets must be washed at least every six weeks to retain their
hydrophobic properties.
High pressure water cleaning units must not be used on the insulated sections
of EWPs. Water and/or detergent may enter the fibreglass through small
fissures in the gel coat, possibly degrading the structural integrity and
insulating characteristics of the boom. Only use mains pressure hoses to wash
EWP booms.

For more on EWP washing and cleaning, see the Fleet Services presentation,
Boom washing procedure prior to electrical testing.
Approved cleaning products

EWPs may only be cleaned using products that are approved by Western Power or
the EWP manufacturer. The following cleaning products are examples of those that
are approved for cleaning EWPs (for examples, see Figure 2, below):
Multi-Purpose D-10 Degreaser (Industrial Chemical Technologies)
Boom Wash Concentrate (American Polywater Corporation)
Fibreglass Buffing Compound (Boatcare)
Live Line Tool Clean and Wax Wipe and Buffing Wipe (American Polywater
Hot Stick Cleaner and Water Repellant (American Polywater Corporation)

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Figure 2: Approved cleaning products


All insulated EWPs used in HV live work must be electrically tested:

o before being placed into service
o before being returned to service (e.g. after modification or repair)
o if they are suspected of being damaged
o periodically at least every six months


The six-monthly frequency for periodic testing is a minimum based on

normal use. Heavy use and/or visual inspections may determine that
more frequent testing is warranted.
A grace period of 21 days is permitted as stated in AS 1418.10:2011 -
Cranes, hoists and winches - Mobile elevating work platforms.

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EWPs must be submitted for testing in a clean condition.

All testing, including periodic testing, must:
o meet the requirements of AS 1418.10:2011 - Cranes, hoists and winches -
Mobile elevating work platforms
o prove the insulating qualities of the booms, basket liner, hydraulic circuits
and detachable hydraulic tool hoses. Failure to do so may expose HV live
workers, ground crew and the general public to increased risks from
insulation failure step and touch potential and also network outages
caused by flashovers.
A current test compliance label and test certificate must be affixed in a
prominent position in the vehicle to indicate that the EWP has passed the
required tests. The label must also indicate the due date for the next test.


All HV live work equipment must be stowed and transported in a manner that
ensures that the electrical insulating qualities and mechanical strength are not
reduced or compromised. It may be necessary to dismantle HV live work tools to
ensure that they can be transported in a secure manner.

Storage compartments and containers must be well ventilated to protect against

moisture, dust, excess humidity and condensation. For more on this, see work
practice 5.1 (Equipment maintenance) in this manual.

Hydraulic tools

Hydraulic tools are subject to the requirements of:

AS 1418.10:2011 Cranes, hoists and winches - Mobile elevating work
ANSI/SIA A92.2 - 2009 Vehicle-Mounted Elevating and Rotating Aerial Devices
These standards include the following requirements:
Hoses connected to hydraulic tools must be made of an insulating material. For
more on this, see the Hydraulic hoses section, below.
Do not mix hydraulic fluid types. To reduce the risk of contamination, hydraulic
equipment and tools must be assigned to a specific vehicle and must not be
interchanged between vehicles.
The system hydraulic fluid pressure and flow rates from the EWP must match
the system requirements of the hydraulic tools being used, according to the
manufacturers specifications.

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The hydraulic hoses connecting the hydraulic tool to the EWP outlet must be
made of an approved electrically insulating type and must be at least one
metre long, but no more than three metres long.

Hydraulic hoses

Hydraulic hoses must meet the following category requirements provided in AS

3791-1991 Hydraulic hose:
o electrical performance (category 100R6)
o rupture performance (category 100R7)
All hydraulic hoses must meet the anticipated working pressure requirements.
All permanently fixed hoses must be installed by an approved hydraulic fitter.
Do not mix hydraulic fluid types. To reduce the risk of contamination, hydraulic
equipment and tools must be assigned to a specific vehicle and must not be
interchanged between vehicles.
Vacuum exclusion valves must be fitted to the hydraulic circuit of all EWPs with
a reach greater than 11 m.
Do not use fire-resistant hydraulic fluids, as most are water-based
(i.e. conductive).
Inspect hydraulic hoses prior to use and clean them with an appropriate
solvent that does not leave a residue on the hose.
Hydraulic hoses must be inspected for defects at least every six months.
If any hydraulic fluid is spilled while using hydraulic tools, use an oil spill kit to
clean up the spill before the tool is used again. For more on this, see work
practice 11.7 (Oil and chemical spills) in the Work Practice Manual.


High Voltage Live Work Manual, work practice 5.1 (Equipment maintenance)
Fleet Services presentation, Boom washing procedure prior to electrical testing
(DM# 12646707)
Work Practice Manual, work practice 11.7 (Oil and chemical spills)
ANSI/SIA A92.2 - 2009 Vehicle-Mounted Elevating and Rotating Aerial Devices
AS 1418.10:2011 Cranes, hoists and winches - Mobile elevating work
AS 3791:1991 Hydraulic hose

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6.0 Tools and equipment


The purpose of this work practice is to provide the high voltage (HV) live worker
with information and guidance on the selection and use of tools and equipment.
This section covers:
insulated barriers
insulated hand sticks
conductor support and strain equipment
live work rope and insulated rope.


Only approved tools and equipment are permitted for HV live work on the Western
Power Network. New tools must only be implemented after:
testing the procedure and the tool in a de-energised situation
submitting the procedure and the tool or approval to an HV Live Line Work
including the tool in this manual as a standard work technique
appropriate training in the use of the tool and associated procedure.


Experimenting with new tools and/or improvising is not permitted during HV live work.

All tools and equipment must:

have a unique identification number and be recorded in a documented
equipment management system. For more on this, see work practice 5.1
(Equipment maintenance) in this manual.
be inspected, cleaned, tested, stored and transported in accordance with work
practice 5.1 (Equipment maintenance) in this manual
only used within the limits set by the manufacturer and for the purpose for
which the manufacturer intended, such as:
safe working load (SWL) or working load limit (WLL)
voltage rating.

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All load-bearing equipment must be clearly marked with its SWL/WLL. If this is not
already marked on the equipment by the manufacturer:
1. obtain the equipments SWL/WLL from the manufacturers data sheet or

2. clearly mark the SWL/WLL on the equipment using one of the following:
stickers or tags where the insulating integrity of the equipment will not
be compromised
engraving metal components only.

When using equipment with multiple load-bearing components, the SWL/WLL of all
components must be taken into account.

Conductor support equipment may have multiple SWL/WLL values depending on

whether the support arm is:
braced or unbraced
balanced or unbalanced.


All load-bearing equipment must have the SWL/WLL clearly marked.

Custom tools and equipment

In the case of in-house developed tools and equipment, they must only be used
within their electrical and mechanical test limits and approved by the HV Live Line
Work Group. For more on the following types of tools and equipment, refer to the
relevant work practice in this section.


High Voltage Live Work Manual, work practice 5.1 (Equipment maintenance)

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

6.1 Flexible insulating barriers


The purpose of this work practice is to provide the high voltage (HV) live worker
with information and guidance on flexible insulating barriers.


Insulated barriers must be:

used to cover all secondary points of contact
rated for the voltage being worked on
used within their electrical insulation rating
maintained in a serviceable condition and be suitable for use. For more on
cleaning, inspection, testing, storage and transportation, see work practice 5.1
(Equipment maintenance) in this manual.
overlapped when joining barriers and secured with blanket pegs. For more on
this, see the Overlapping flexible insulating barriers section, below.
removed from service and destroyed if damaged and unserviceable.

Table 1: Working voltages for Class 3 and 4 insulating barriers

Class Rated voltage (kV) Working voltage (kV)

3 30 25

4 40 35

Overlapping flexible insulating barriers

Where multiple insulating barriers are used, they must be overlapped to ensure that
there are no gaps between the barriers. Some barriers, such as flexible line hose,
can be securely connected together using grooved interlocks or special couplers
like the flexible line hose couplers. Other barriers without any means of interlocking
must have a minimum overlap of 150mm.

Locking pins, cable ties or blanket pegs must be used to secure the barrier where
there is no other means of restraint.

Types of flexible insulating barriers

The following are the flexible insulating barriers that are approved for use on the
Western Power Network.

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Insulated flat slotted blanket

Insulated flat slotted blankets are manufactured in a

flat configuration, in a range of sizes and have a slot
running from one side to the centre of the blanket.
This slot allows for specific applications around odd
shaped electrical apparatus. Insulated slotted blankets
must be the appropriate rating for the voltage being worked on. Used with other
flexible or ridged covers, insulated slotted blankets can provide excellent coverage
of the line hardware.
Insulated flat blanket

Insulated flat blankets are manufactured in a range of

sizes and have eyelets around the edges used to
secure the blanket in place. The blanket is effective in
insulating bulky line hardware items such as isolators
and disc insulator assemblies. Insulated flat blankets
can be combined with other flexible or rigid covers to
provide an excellent system of insulation.
Flexible line hose

Flexible line hoses are manufactured in a variety of

lengths and are mainly used to insulate conductors.
These covers completely enclose the conductor, and
can be joined together using a flexible line hose
coupler to extend the length of insulation coverage.
They are available with or without a fixed coupler end.
Flexible line hose coupler

A flexible line hose coupler is used to join line hoses

together when the hoses do not have a fixed
connector end.
Blanket peg

Blanket pegs must be used to secure insulating

blankets in position. They can be wood or plastic and
are available in a variety of sizes.


High Voltage Live Work Manual, work practice 5.1 (Equipment maintenance).

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6.2 Rigid insulating barriers


The purpose of this work practice is to provide the high voltage (HV) live worker
with information and guidance on rigid insulating barriers.


Insulated barriers must be:

used to cover all secondary points of contact
rated for the voltage being worked on
used within their electrical insulation rating
maintained in a serviceable condition and be suitable for use. For more on
cleaning, inspection, testing, storage and transportation, see work practice 5.1
(Equipment maintenance) in this manual.
overlapped when joining barriers. For more on this, see the Overlapping
insulating barriers section, below.
removed from service and destroyed if damaged and unserviceable.

Table 1: Working voltages for Class 3 and 4 insulating barriers

Class Rated voltage (kV) Working voltage (kV)

3 30 25

4 40 35

Overlapping rigid insulating barriers

Where multiple rigid insulating barriers are used, they must be overlapped to
ensure that there are no gaps between barriers.
Most rigid insulating barriers are designed to interlock together using special
grooves or couplers.
Where rigid insulating barriers are not equipped with couplers it may be
necessary to use a combination of rigid and flexible barriers. Ensure that the
flexible barriers overlap the rigid barriers by a minimum of 150mm.

Types of rigid insulating barriers

The following are the rigid insulating barriers that are approved for use on the
Western Power Network.

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

Conductor covers

Conductor covers are manufactured in

1.5m lengths and are designed to
insulate the conductors. They are
available with or without a grip-all adaptor
for installation using a grip-all stick. They
are designed to interlock with other
conductor covers of similar type and insulated covers to provide a system of
insulation. These covers are suitable for use on 25kV and 36.6kV phase-to-phase

Insulator covers

Insulator covers are designed to insulate pin and

post insulators, and can be interlocked with
conductor covers. This cover is available in two

Insulator covers can be fitted with a grip-all

adaptor for installation using a grip-all stick. These covers are suitable for use on
25kV phase-to-phase systems.

Dead end covers

Dead end covers are designed to insulate up to two

disc insulators and conductor termination fittings.
Locking pins and clamping pins can be used to
secure this cover in position. Dead end covers must
be rated for the voltage being worked on. This cover
is suitable for use on 25kV phase-to-phase systems.

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Cross-arm covers

Cross-arm covers are designed to fit over a cross-

arm and are slotted so that they can slide around the
insulator pin just below the insulator. This provides
protection against the tie wire contacting the cross-
arm when tying or untying conductors, particularly
when the tie is being applied or removed using
insulating sticks. Cross-arm covers must be rated for
the voltage being worked on. This cover is suitable for use on 25kV phase-to-phase

Pole covers

Pole covers are designed to insulate a section of pole

and range from 0.31.8m in length. A number of pole
covers can be interlocked to provide a larger area of
insulation. This is particularly common during pole
erection procedures. They are available in the
following diameters:


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6.3 Insulated hand sticks


The purpose of this work practice is to provide the high voltage (HV) live worker
with information and guidance on insulated hand sticks.


Insulated sticks have a unicellular polyurethane foam core encased in fibreglass.

They are designed to withstand 100 kV per 300 mm for five minutes.

The fibreglass surface has dielectric and hydrophobic properties which contribute to
the insulating attributes of the device. During use these attributes can be reduced
by scratches, knocks, dirt and other contaminants. This is why it is important to
conduct visual inspections prior to use.

During use, insulated sticks can become mechanically overstressed which can
cause cracks to appear in the fibreglass and fill with contaminants.


All insulated sticks must be:

electrically tested in accordance with work practice 5.1 (Equipment
maintenance) in this manual
registered in the equipment management system
cleaned and inspected for sound hydrophobic surface, dielectric insulation and
mechanical wear or damage prior to use
periodically inspected
labelled with a safe working load (SWL) or working load limit (WLL)
stored and transported in accordance with work practice 5.1 (Equipment
maintenance) in this manual
used within the minimum approach distances (MADs) appropriate to the
voltage being worked on
fitted with a clearance marker or hand guard that indicates the MAD or tool
insulation distance
be removed from service and tagged with an Out of service warning tag if not
in a suitable condition for use. In addition, the insulated stick:
must be quarantined from all other operation HV live work equipment and
not returned to service unless it has been cleaned, inspected,

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repaired/refurbished and tested. For more on this, see work practice 5.1
(Equipment maintenance) in this manual.
must be removed from service and destroyed if it is deemed unserviceable

Types of insulated hand sticks

The following are the insulated hand sticks that are approved for use on the
Western Power Network. The universal hand stick is outlined first, followed by the
other types in alphabetical order.

Universal hand stick and spline anchorage

Universal hand sticks are available in a variety of

lengths and are usually 32 mm or 40 mm in diameter.
They are fitted with a spline fitting on either one or
both ends for the attachment of a variety of tools and

Angle cog wrench

Angle cog wrenches are manufactured in three lengths,

and are used to tighten or loosen nuts. The sticks have a
" square drive to which sockets can be attached. One
feature of the sticks is that the head is adjustable within
a range of 140 degrees. A typical application is operating
the nuts on suspension clamps, and the bolts of the
trunnion clamps, on stand-off post insulators.

Grip-all clampstick (shotgun)

Grip-all clampsticks are manufactured in a range

of lengths and configurations. They can be used
where a sure grip is required, such as the
installation and removal of insulating covers,
jumpers and live line clamps. The two-action slide mechanism prevents the
inadvertent release of the clamp or grip-all adaptor.

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Insulated handles

Insulated handles are designed for the easy attachment of

pliers or wire cutters.

Safety hand guard

A safety hand guard is fitted to an insulating stick to

indicate the minimum length of insulation to be
maintained between the operators hand and the metal
end of the stick. For more on this, see work practice
5.1 (Equipment maintenance) in this manual.

Tool hanger

Tool hangers are designed to provide a safe temporary

parking location for insulating sticks at or near the working
position. Tool hangers can be adjusted to suit cross-arms
that are 90 mm to 115 mm in width.

Wire holding stick

Wire holding sticks are manufactured in two lengths

and are used to control conductor tails when forming,
bending and positioning bridges. It can also be used
for holding conductors during splicing operations. One
feature of this stick is that the head fitting can be
locked into three different positions to allow the conductor to be controlled from any

Wire ratchet cable cutters

Wire ratchet cable cutters are manufactured in two

lengths and are available with interchangeable cutter
heads to cater for aluminium, copper or aluminium

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core steel reinforced (ACSR) conductor. To avoid bi-metal contamination, use the
appropriate cutter head for the conductor. Cutter heads must be regularly cleaned.

The ratchet action provides a mechanical advantage of 18:1.


High Voltage Live Work Manual, work practice 5.1 (Equipment maintenance)

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

6.4 Conductor support equipment


The purpose of this work practice is to provide the high voltage (HV) live worker
with information and guidance on conductor support equipment.


Conductor support equipment must:

be used to control the conductor at all times to avoid inadvertent contact with
secondary points of contact
be recorded in the equipment management system
only be used within the safe working load (SWL) or working load limit (WLL) of
the manufacturer and for the purpose that the manufacturer intended
only be used within their electrical insulation rating (where applicable)
maintained in a serviceable condition and be suitable for use. For more on
cleaning, inspection, testing, storage and transportation, see work practice 5.1
(Equipment maintenance) in this manual.
be removed from service and destroyed if damaged and unserviceable
all insulated equipment must be electrically tested in accordance with work
practice 5.1 (Equipment maintenance) in this manual.

Conductor support equipment must be selected to ensure that the:

insulation length of the device is suitable to the voltage being worked on
SWL/WLL is appropriate to the work being done and the loads applied
usage is in accordance with manufacturers recommendations.

The SWLs/WLLs listed in Tables 1 and 2 are based on the manufacturers

specifications for Chance equipment and are only for use with the glove and
barrier method and the distribution insulated stick method. For equipment other

than Chance , refer to the manufacturers handbook.
Other than chains and slings used with cranes or other load bearing devices, there
are no mechanical testing requirements for metal HV live work equipment (e.g.
roller wire holder) as the visual and periodic inspections are deemed sufficient.
However, if an inspection reveals that the structural integrity of equipment is
suspect, the equipment must be sent to a testing service or removed from service.
The testing service, accredited by the National Association of Testing Authorities
(NATA), will structurally examine and test the equipment.

For more on this, see work practice 5.1 (Equipment maintenance) in this manual.

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Table 1: SWLs/WLLs for wire tong applications

Assembly Components load per

Saddles Wire tongs with Lift stick 50mm x 3.66m

lever lift saddles and wire tong Holding stick 38mm x 3m
block clamp on
holding stick Lift stick 63mm x 3.66m
(see Figure 1) Holding stick 38mm x 3m

Saddles Wire tong with Lift stick 50mm x 3.66m

lever lift saddles and swivel 125
Holding stick 38mm x 3m
wire tong band on lift
sticks (see Figure 2) Lift stick 63mm x 3.66m
Holding stick 38mm x 3m

Lever lift Wire tongs, lever lift, Lift stick 50mm x 3.66m
link stick, and rope 159
Holding stick 38mm x 3m
blocks used on heavy
conductors Lift stick 63mm x 3.66m
(see Figure 3) Holding stick 38mm x 3m

Figure 1: Wire tongs with saddles and wire tong block clamp on holding stick

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

Figure 2: Wire tong with saddles and swivel wire tong band on lift sticks

Figure 3: Wire tongs, lever lift, link stick, and rope blocks used on heavy

Table 2: SWLs/WLLs for conductor support equipment

Vertical load Side load

per wire per wire
Support type Description total load
holder holder
(kg) (kg)

Cross-arm support*
conductor support 68 68 45
1 wire holder arm mounted

Cross-arm support* Temporary

conductor support 68 136 45
2 wire holder
arm mounted

Temporary Temporary
cross-arm conductor support 68 68 45
1 wire holder pole mounted

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Vertical load Side load

per wire per wire
Support type Description total load
holder holder
(kg) (kg)

Temporary Temporary
cross-arm conductor support 68 136 45
2 wire holder pole mounted
* This item must not be attached to wooden cross-arms. It may only be attached to steel

Types of conductor support equipment

The following are the items of conductor support equipment that are approved for
use on the Western Power Network.

C-type wire holder

C-type wire holders are fitted in the suspended
position to support the conductor. It can be used
in conjunction with the range of temporary
conductor support equipment, auxiliary arms or
extension arms.

Cross-arm mounted extension arm

This extension arm is manufactured in a range of
diameters and lengths. It is designed to attach to
the end of a cross-arm to provide a temporary
support for up to two conductors. It is ideal for
providing a separation of the conductors (e.g. pole
erection and recovery).

The SWLs/WLLs are:

25kg unbraced
68kg braced.


This item must not be attached to wooden cross-arms. It may only be attached to
steel cross-arms.

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

Epoxy insulator
Epoxy insulators are added to a wire holder when using
temporary conductor support equipment on 22kV or 33kV
systems to increase the insulation of the equipment.
Refer to the manufacturers specification for epoxy
insulator requirements on 22kV or 33kV systems.

The SWLs/WLLs are:

68kg vertical load (either compression or tension)
45kg side load.

Fork type wire holder

Fork type wire holders are fitted in the upright position
to support the conductor. They can be used in
conjunction with the range of temporary conductor
support equipment, auxiliary arms or extension arms.

Auxiliary arm
Auxiliary arms are used to support the conductors to
allow for the replacement of pole-top hardware. Two
63mm wire tong saddles are used to mount the mast
of the auxiliary arm to the pole. Two braces can be
fitted to increase the SWL/WLL of the rig. The rubber
glove arm can be mounted either above or below the
conductors. Line deviation is not permitted when
using this rig.

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Insulator cradle
Insulator cradles are used to support the string of
insulators during insulator replacement. They are
designed to:
attach the string to the pole and the cradle to
allow for individual insulators to be replaced
pivot at the pole to lower the insulator string to a
vertical position for a complete string
The cradle is typically used at strain or flying angle constructions.

Lever lift
Lever lifts are fitted to the pole using a chain tightener.
The lever lift is attached to the butt ring of the wire
tong by inserting a cotter pin. A tensioning device is
then attached between the lever lift clevis and an
anchor point higher up the structure. By operating the
tensioning device, the lever lift raises or lowers the
wire tong stick to move the conductor.

The SWLs/WLLs are:

360kg with extensions
450kg without extensions.

Roller wire holder

Roller wire holders are fitted in the upright position on
the cross-arm of the auxiliary arm and facilitate
conductor movement. They are more commonly used
in conjunction with the elevated work platform (EWP)
boom-mounted auxiliary arm where it is necessary for
the conductors to run freely.

Rope snubbing bracket

Rope snubbing brackets are fitted to the pole using a
chain tightener and are used as anchor points for
ropes or tensioning devices.

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

Temporary conductor support, pole-mounted

Temporary conductor supports, pole-mounted, are
manufactured in two lengths (750mm and 1200mm)
and are fitted to poles using a chain tightener or a
ratchet strap. They are used to temporarily support
conductors out of the immediate work area.

The SWLs/WLLs are 68 kg per wire holder, and:

the 750mm arm is limited to 1 wire holder
the 1200mm arm is limited to 2 wire holders.

Wire tongs
Wire tongs are manufactured in a range of
diameters and lengths. The most commonly
used wire tongs used for working on
distribution voltages are 38mm and 63mm.
Wire tongs are used in conjunction with lever lifts and/or wire tong saddles to support
and move conductors. Each wire tong is fitted with adjustable jaws on one end and a
butt swivel ring on the other.

Wire tong band

Wire tong bands are attached to a wire tong down
from the jaw. A tensioning device is attached between
the band and an anchor point on the structure. This
anchor point must be at a position that is horizontally
higher than the band.

The distance must be adequate to provide the

required insulation between the tensioning device and the conductor.

Wire tong block clamp

Wire tong block clamps attach to a wire tong between
the jaw and the wire tong saddle. A tensioning device
is fitted between the band and the shackle of the wire
tong saddle to assist in the control of the wire tong in
heavy conductor applications.

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Wire tong saddle

Wire tong saddles are fitted to the pole using a chain
tightener. A pole clamp is usually attached to the
wire tong saddle to encase the wire tong. The pole
clamp can be adjusted to allow the wire tong to slide
through the clamp or to be held firm. Pole clamps are
available to suit all diameter sizes of wire tongs.

Additional clearance from the pole or crossarm can

be achieved by fitting a wire tong saddle extension
between the saddle and the pole clamp. For more information on the use of this
equipment, see the following work practices in this manual:
8.2 (Rigging conductor support equipment glove and barrier method)
9.2 (Rigging conductor support equipment distribution insulated stick method).

Wire tong stirrup

Wire tong stirrups can be attached to any 63mm
conductor support stick used on the horizontal to
enable a 38mm wire tong to be attached for bracing


High Voltage Live Work Manual, work practices:

5.1 (Equipment maintenance)
8.2 (Rigging conductor support equipment glove and barrier method)
9.2 (Rigging conductor support equipment distribution insulated stick

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

6.5 Conductor strain equipment


The purpose of this work practice is to provide the high voltage (HV) live worker
with information and guidance on conductor strain equipment.


Conductor strain equipment must:

be used to control the conductor at all times and avoid inadvertent contact
with secondary points of contact
be recorded in the equipment management system
only be used within the safe working load (SWL) or working load limit (WLL) of
the manufacturer and for the purpose that the manufacturer intended
only be used within their electrical insulation rating (where applicable)
maintained in a serviceable condition and be suitable for use. For more on
cleaning, inspection, testing, storage and transportation, see work practice 5.1
(Equipment maintenance) in this manual.
be removed from service and tagged with an out of service warning tag if in an
unsuitable condition for use. The equipment must be quarantined from all
other operation HV live work equipment and not returned to service unless it
has been cleaned, inspected, repaired/refurbished and tested. Unserviceable
equipment must be removed from service and destroyed.
all insulated equipment must be electrically tested in accordance with work
practice 5.1 (Equipment maintenance) in this manual.

Conduction strain equipment must be selected to ensure that the:

insulation length of the device is suitable to the voltage being worked on
SWL/WLL is appropriate to the work being done and loads applied

Specific conductor strain equipment, such as spiral link sticks, is available from
several manufacturers in various models, lengths, diameters and with significantly
different SWLs/ WLLs.


The SWL/WLL must be clearly marked on all load bearing equipment used for HV
live work.

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

Types of conductor strain equipment

The following are the items of conductor strain equipment that are approved for use
on the Western Power Network.

Insulated link sticks


When using insulated link sticks, the tools insulation distance is equal to the
minimum approach distance (MAD). If it is anticipated that the insulated section of
the stick will be breached while carrying out a task (e.g. tying and untying
conductors) then the MAD marker will need to be moved to compensate for this
breach. For example, if the tie wire breaches the insulation of the stick by 100mm
while untying a conductor then the MAD from the end of the stick will need to be
increased by 100mm to compensate for this distance. For more on this, see the
following work practices in this manual:
8.0 (Glove and barrier method)
9.0 (Distribution insulated stick method)
10.0 (Transmission insulated stick method).

Roller link stick

Roller link sticks are designed

to spread and hold conductors
apart, and slide along the
conductor to the desired position.

Spiral link stick

Spiral link sticks have a spiral fitting on one end

and a ring fitting on the other. They are
designed to insulate tensioning devices from
anchor points or as an insulating medium. A grip-all ring is also fitted to the spiral
end to facilitate easy application using a grip-all stick.

Strain link stick

Strain link sticks are available in multiple lengths

and are manufactured with a safety latch hook on
one end and a ring on the other. They have similar
applications to the spiral link sticks described

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

Pulley block rope tackle

Pulley block rope tackles are used to provide

mechanical assistance in situations where a
tensioning device is required. The pulley block is
manufactured from material that provides high
dielectric qualities and so can be tested and rated.
The block assemblies must be fitted with safety hooks. The tackle must be reeved
with polypropylene rope suitable for the sleeve diameter of the block.

Strap hoist

Strap hoists are used to provide mechanical assistance

in situations where a tensioning device is required. All
components of the strap hoist, including the strap,
must be treated as a conductor. Strap hoists are
available with rings on all latches and control levers for
stick method applications.

Only webbing models may be used for HV live work.


High Voltage Live Work Manual, work practices:

5.1 (Equipment maintenance)
8.0 (Glove and barrier method)
9.0 (Distribution insulated stick method)
10.0 (Transmission insulated stick method)

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6.6 Accessories


The purpose of this work practice is to provide the high voltage (HV) live worker
with information on HV live work accessories.


Accessories must:
only be used within the safe working load (SWL) or working load limit (WLL) of
the manufacturer and for the purpose for which the manufacturer intended
maintained in a serviceable condition and be suitable for use. For more on
cleaning, inspection, testing, storage and transportation, see work practice 5.1
(Equipment maintenance) in this manual
be removed from service and sent for proof testing if visual inspection identifies
mechanical damage, then destroyed if testing determines unserviceable
recorded in the equipment management system

Types of accessories

The following are the items of accessories that are approved for use on the
Western Power Network.


The accessories detailed below have a universal fitting to facilitate fitting to a

universal insulated hand stick.

Aerosol can holder

Aerosol can holders secure an aerosol can to a
universal stick and facilitates the application of
lubricants. Non-conductive rope is attached to
the holder to operate the aerosol can.

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

Adjustable insulator fork

Adjustable insulator forks are designed to hold disc
insulators when removing or replacing discs. It can
be adjusted to suit the various size insulators by
rotating the insulating stick. The tool is designed to
clamp the insulator at the junction of the
porcelain/glass shell and the socket cap.

All-angle pliers
All-angle pliers are designed to grasp from any angle
and are opened and closed by rotating the spline
screw. The pliers are generally used as a holding
device for loose hardware.

Ball socket adjuster

Ball socket adjusters are used to control the
tongue and clevis to facilitate the coupling of
insulators to suspension clamps.

Butt ring extension

Butt ring extensions are attached to the swivel end of
a wire tong stick to allow for tensioning devices to be
attached without damaging the stick.

Chuck blank
Chuck blanks are used to attach nonstandard tools to the
spline fitting end of an insulated stick.

Clevis pin holder

Clevis pin holders are used for installing clevis pins and

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Conductor cleaning brushes

Conductor cleaning brushes are used
to clean the conductors in readiness
for completion of an electrical

Cotter key pusher

Cotter key pushers are used to remove W pins from
ball socket insulators. The straight end is used to
push the pin out and the curved end is used to push
the pin back into position.

Cotter key holder (split pin holder)

Split pin holders are used to install split pins.
This tool will hold the split pin in position for
easy insertion into a clevis pin or bolt.

Extension chains
Extension chains are used to lengthen the chain on
chain tighteners to fit large diameter poles.

Grip-all adaptor
Grip-all adaptors are designed to fit into the
grip-all clamp stick to provide for the
attachment of universal tools.

Hack saw
Hack saws are used for cutting metal at various
angles near live conductors.

Hot rodder tool

Hot rodder tools are used for applying pre-formed attachments
to conductors, e.g. armour rods, line splices.

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Locating pin
Locating pins are used as a drift for aligning bolt holes
to assist in the insertion of bolts and clevis pins.

Serviette ring

Serviette rings are used to apply preformed

attachments to conductors in a similar manner
to the hot rodder tool.

Skinning knife
Skinning knives are used for cutting or scraping
insulation from live conductors.

Split pin puller

Split pin pullers are the principal tool used to remove
split pins.

Rotary blade
Rotary blades are used for removing tie wire from
conductors that are secured to pin insulators.

W-key replacement tool

W-key replacement tools are used for replacing the
W-shaped key used in ball and socket insulators.


High Voltage Live Work Manual, work practice 5.1 (Equipment maintenance)

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

6.7 Bridging equipment


The purpose of this work practice is to provide high voltage (HV) live workers with
information and guidance on bridging equipment.


Bridging equipment must:

only be used within their electrical insulation and continuous current rating
maintained in a serviceable condition and be suitable for use. For more on
cleaning, inspection, testing, storage and transportation, see work practice 5.1
(Equipment maintenance) in this manual.
be recorded in the equipment management system
be removed from service and tagged with an Out of Service warning tag if in
an unsuitable condition for use. The equipment must be quarantined from all
other operational HV live work equipment and not returned to service unless it
has been cleaned, inspected, repaired/refurbished and tested. Unserviceable
equipment must be removed from service and destroyed.

Types of bridging equipment

The items of bridging equipment that are approved for use on the Western Power
Network are described below.

For more on the application of bridging equipment, see the following work practices
in this manual:
8.4 (Energising/de-energising and bypassing conductors and apparatus glove
and barrier method)
9.3 (Energising/de-energising and bypassing conductors and apparatus
distribution insulated stick method).

Insulated hanger

The insulated hanger has a clamp on one end and a double stud
fitting on the other. The tool is designed to attach to the
conductor using either the insulated stick method or the glove
and barrier method for the temporary parking of bypass jumper
cables during energising/de-energising procedures.

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Insulated temporary bypass jumper cables

There are two types of insulted temporary bypass jumper cables, outlined below:
insulated glove and barrier jumper cables
insulated jumper cable with duckbill clamps.

The current ratings that apply to both types of jumper cable are shown in Table 1,

Table 1: Temporary bypass jumper cables current ratings*

15kV 25kV 35kV

Cable size
Continuous current rating (Amps)
AWG# mm

#2 6.544 200

1/0 8.251 260 260 260

2/0 9.266 300 300

4/0 11.684 400

* This data is based on temporary bypass jumpers manufactured by Chance. Other
manufacturers will have different current ratings.
# American Wire Gauge.

Insulated glove and barrier jumper cables

Insulated glove and barrier jumper cables can be used to

temporarily bypass permanent bridging. They can only
be installed using the glove and barrier method. These
insulated cables are available in 15kV, 25kV or 35kV and
in four cable sizes (see Table 1, above).

Insulated jumper cable with duckbill clamps

Insulated jumper cables with duckbill clamps can be

used to temporarily bypass permanent bridging. They
can be installed and removed with a grip-all clamp stick
or by hand using the glove and barrier method. These
insulated cables are available in 15kV, 25kV or 35kV
insulation and in four cable sizes (see Table 1, above).

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

Temporary cut-out tool

Temporary cut-out tools provide fused protection

during maintenance of HV live lines. The tools are
designed to be attached using a grip-all stick but can
also be attached using the glove and barrier method.
They are primarily used during energising/de-
energising techniques and for the replacement of permanent fuse units. These
tools are available in various kV ratings and must be selected to match the system
voltage being worked on.

Tie back clamp

The tie back clamp is used to secure the tail of a bridge

that has been disconnected onto the conductor under
tension. It can be used with both the insulated stick
method and the glove and barrier method.


High Voltage Live Work Manual, work practices:

5.1 (Equipment maintenance)
8.4 (Energising/de-energising and bypassing conductors and apparatus
glove and barrier method)
9.3 (Energising/de-energising and bypassing conductors and apparatus
distribution insulated stick method)

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6.8 Live work rope and insulated rope


The purpose of this work practice is to provide the high voltage (HV) live worker
with information and guidance on rope used for HV live work.


There are two types of rope used in HV live work:

Live work rope is not designed for contact with energised apparatus
and must never be placed within the minimum approach distance (MAD).
Live work rope has good insulating properties but is not manufactured to
the same standards as insulated rope and is not subjected to the same
rigorous testing and maintenance.
Insulated rope is specifically designed, manufactured, tested and
maintained to ensure appropriate insulation to allow use within the MAD.
Insulated rope must be routinely tested.
Both live work rope and insulated rope must be visually inspected prior to use
and stored in a clean and dry environment. For more on this, see work
practice 5.1 (Equipment maintenance) in this manual.
Western Power only uses polypropylene rope for live work rope and insulating
rope as it has good dielectric properties and is well suited to use in the
electrical industry. The drawbacks of polypropylene are that it can be affected
by environmental factors. For more on this, see work practice 5.1 (Equipment
maintenance) in this manual.
Both live work rope and insulated rope must have a safety factor of at least 6.


Live work rope and insulating rope are important tools and the HV live worker
must be aware of:
types of rope suitable for live work
limitations and uses of different types of rope
minimum standards required for live work and insulating rope
minimum sizes
safe working loads (SWLs) or working load limits (WLLs)
care, maintenance and storage requirements
testing requirements
inspection requirements

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effects of temperature and other environmental effects on rope.

All rope used for HV live work must either be live work rope or insulated rope.
Environmental conditions, such as rain, fog and humidity must be considered
when using both live work rope and insulated rope as these factors can
seriously reduce the ropes insulating properties. Damp or wet rope must
never be used for HV live work.
If rope is to be used on a capstan or pulley block, the size of the rope must be
suitable for the sleeve diameter of the block. The capstan must be kept clean
to avoid damaging or contaminating the rope.
The SWL/WLL of the rope must be suitable for the load or force applied.


Ropes used for HV live work must not be used for any other purpose.


Both live work rope and insulating rope must be maintained, inspected, tested and
stored in accordance with work practice 5.1 (Equipment maintenance) in this

Live work rope

Live work rope must comply with one of the following:

AS 4142.2-1993 Fibre ropes Three-strand hawser-laid and eight-strand
ASTM F1701-12 Standard Specification for Unused Rope with Special
Electrical Properties.
CI-1301:2007 Polypropylene Fiber Rope 3-Strand And 8-Strand

Live work rope:

is not designed for direct use with energised conductors
must be used in series with other insulated tools or devices when attaching to
live conductors or electrical apparatus
must not be used within the MAD. If a risk assessment indicates a chance of
the rope coming into contact with live conductors or electrical apparatus,
additional insulated barriers or insulated rope must be used.
is typically used as tackles, hauling lines and tag ropes

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

must be kept clean and free of contaminants. Wherever possible, the rope
should be taken from and returned directly to a container. If sealed, the
container must have a moisture depleting agent. If this cannot be achieved,
the rope should be laid out on clean and dry tarpaulins.

Insulated rope

Insulated rope:
must comply with ASTM F1701-12 Standard Specification for Unused Rope
with Special Electrical Properties
must be electrically tested and comply to the above standard prior to being
placed in service
must be periodically tested a minimum of every six months (or more if
frequently or heavily used)
must be field tested between periodic testing
must not be used for any other purpose and must be clearly identified and
labelled as insulating rope. There must be no opportunity for conventional live
work rope to be inadvertently mistaken for insulated rope.
must be used wherever the work method indicates that the rope is likely to
come into contact with energised conductors or electrical apparatus
must be kept clean and free of contaminants to maintain its insulating
qualities. Rope should be taken from, and returned directly to, a sealed
container with a moisture depleting agent. If this cannot be achieved, the rope
should be laid out on clean and dry tarpaulins.

Cleaning, inspection, testing and storage all rope

For instruction and information on the cleaning, inspection, testing and storage of
all rope, see work practice 5.1 (Equipment maintenance) in this manual.

SWL/WLL of rope

The HV live worker must give consideration to how the SWL or WLL of rope is
reduced with increases in temperature. Table 1, below, shows how a 16mm rope is
affected by temperature.

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Table 1: Temperature effect on 16 mm rope

Air temperature Rope strength* Rope SWL/WLL (kg)

23C 100% 410

38C 81% 332

52C 70% 287

* The percentage loss of strength may vary slightly according to manufacturer and size of
rope but the above is a good indication of typical loss of strength with temperature increase.

Calculating SWL/WLL of polypropylene rope

The SWL/WLL is the maximum working load or force that can be applied as defined
by the rope manufacturer. To calculate the SWL/WLL we need to multiply the
diameter by a factor of 1.8.
The SWL/WLL = 16mm x 1.8
= 256 x 1.8
= 460kg

The SWL/WLL of polypropylene rope is approximately six times less than the
breaking strain.

If there is a knot on any working section of the rope, the SWL/WLL must be de-
rated by a factor of 0.5.

Using a block and tackle

If the load to be lifted is greater than the SWL/WLL of the rope, it may still be
possible to safely lift the load using a block and tackle. This is because a block and
tackle can provide a safer, more efficient way of lifting an object as the mechanical
advantage between the pulleys reduces the load on the rope (also known as pull
on the fall line).

There will be some efficiency loss as block and tackles are not 100% efficient due
to friction. Well-maintained tackles have an efficiency loss of approximately 10%.
Efficiency loss due to friction is also known as friction loss.

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

The following calculation is used to determine the pull on the fall line.
Friction Loss + Wt
Pull on the fall line =
No. of wheels
Wt = Weight of object

Friction Loss = No. of wheels (Efficiency Loss + Wt)


A 16mm polypropylene rope (with a SWL/WLL of 460kg, as determined in the

earlier example, is being used to lift a 400kg transformer with a six wheel pulley
block and tackle (as shown in Figure 1) that has an efficiency loss of 10%.

The pull on the fall line is determined using the following calculation:

The mechanical advantage of using the block and tackle means that the pull on the
fall line (i.e. the load on the rope) is 107kg, which is well within the ropes SWL/WLL
of 460kg.

Figure 1: Example of load on block and tackle


AS 4142.1 1993 Fibre Ropes - Care and usage.

AS 4142.2-1993 Fibre Ropes - Three-strand hawser-laid and eight strand
ASTM F1701-12 Standard Specification for Unused Rope with Special
Electrical Properties

Rev 1, Dec 15 6.8 Live work rope and insulated rope Page 5 of 6
DM# 12044083
High Voltage Live Work Manual

CI 1301:2007 Polypropylene Fiber Rope 3-strand And 8-strand Constructions.

High Voltage Live Work Manual, work practice 5.1 (Equipment maintenance).

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

7.0 Conductors and insulators


The purpose of this work practice is to provide the high voltage (HV) live worker
with information and guidance on:
o conductors and conductor types
o deterioration of conductors and conductor assessment
o conductor weight and tension loadings for commonly maintained
constructions, conductor sizes, and span lengths
o mechanical load limitations
o conductor preparation prior to the installation of connectors or taps

Risk management

In order to properly manage the risks associated with working with conductors and
insulators, HV live workers require an understanding of:
the types of conductor used in Western Powers Network
the characteristics, risks load, and other limitations associated with each type
of conductor
the types of insulators used in Western Powers Network
the characteristics, limitations, inspection, and test requirements associated
with each type of insulator

Risks associated with mechanical loads

Small movements can significantly alter the weights and forces applied to
conductors and HV live equipment. Calculations must be completed to ensure that
equipment is only used within the rated safe working load (SWL) or working load
limit (WLL) and that the movement of conductors is always controlled.

Information on assessing conductor loading can found throughout many of the work
practices in this section. The calculated loadings are stated in kilograms to allow
simple application of the SWL/WLL for HV live work rigs All tables that provide pre-
calculated conductor loadings have been rounded up to the next kilogram.

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

For more information on the following, see the relevant chapter in the Distribution
Overhead Line Design Manual:
tensions for conductors Conductor Tensioning for New and Existing
Distribution Lines
insulators Insulators


Distribution Overhead Line Design Manual, chapters:

o Conductor Tensioning for New and Existing Distribution Lines
o Insulators

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DM# 8235922
High Voltage Live Work Manual

7.1 Intermediate structures


The purpose of this work practice is to provide the high voltage (HV) live worker
with information and guidance when changing mechanical loads on intermediate


When changing mechanical loads on intermediate structures, calculations must be

used to ensure that:
the safe working load (SWL) or working load limit (WLL) of the equipment is
not exceeded
increases in conductor tension (when moving/relocating conductors with the
selected HV live equipment) do not place excessive strain on adjacent ties,
terminations or structures

Level and sloped terrain

Outlined below is the calculation that must be used to determine the loads exerted
on HV live line equipment and structures when performing tasks on level or sloped
terrain (see Figures 1 and 2 below, respectively).

Span 1

Span 1 Span 2 Span 2

Figure 1: Level terrain Figure 2: Sloped terrain

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

The following calculation may be used for Figures 1 and 2 to determine the total
conductor load (kg) to be lifted. The tension of the conductor is irrelevant to this

Wt = W (Span 1 + Span 2)

Wt = total conductor load to be lifted

W = mass per metre of conductor (kilograms per metre (kg/m))

Span = span length in metres

Therefore, the terrains depicted in Figure 1 and Figure 2 can be calculated as



Given a situation where Span 1 is 80 m, Span 2 is 70 m and the conductor size is

7/4.75 AAC with a weight of 0.34 kg/m (see tables in work practice 7.5 (Conductor
mechanical data) in this manual), the load calculation for the terrain is as follows:

Wt = W (Span 1 + Span 2)
= 0.34 (80 + 70)
= 0.34 (150)

= 0.34 x 75

= 25.5 kg

Given this result, you would select for the task an HV live line rig with an SWL/WLL
greater than or equal to 26 kg.

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Raised and lowered terrain

These load calculations are not able to be used for raised (hilltop) or lowered
terrain (see Figures 3 and 4), due to variables such as:
stringing tension

Refer to the tables in the following work practices in this manual, to determine the
total conductor load for raised (hilltop) or lowered terrain:
7.4 (Vertical loads on raised (hilltop) terrain)
7.7 (Vertical loads on lowered terrain)

HV live work in these situations must be scoped during the pre-job planning,
including appropriate surveying or engineering calculations.

Figure 3: Lowered terrain Figure 4: Raised (hilltop) terrain


High Voltage Live Work Manual, work practices:

7.4 (Vertical loads on raised (hilltop) terrain)
7.5 (Conductor mechanical data)
7.7 (Vertical loads on lowered terrain)

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7.2 Angle structures


The purpose of this work practice is to provide the high voltage (HV) live worker
with information and guidance when changing mechanical loads on angle


Determining conductor loadings for angle structures requires a calculation and a

reference to the design data of the particular line. The tables in work practice 7.6
(Conductor angle loads) in this manual, detail pre-calculated conductor loads for
common conductor sizes, span lengths and stringing tensions. These calculations
are in accordance with Western Power stringing charts and are based on the lines
angle of deviation.

The methods of calculating angles of deviation, shown below, will enable HV live
workers to make an accurate assessment of conductor angle loads and select
appropriate HV live work equipment, provided that stringing tensions are available.

Angle of deviation

The angle of deviation is the angle that the line deviates away from the imaginary
extension of the reference line if the reference line continued in a straight line (see
Figure 1, below).

angle of deviation

Figure 1: Angle of deviation

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

Methods of calculating angles of deviation

Method 1: Digital angle finder

Figure 2: Digital angle finder

A digital angle finder, as shown in Figure 2, gives a digital reading of the inside
angle between the overhead lines. This tool is aligned as close as possible to the
angle of the overhead line. The position is shown as B in Figure 1.

The inside angle reading is then used to calculate the angle of deviation, using the
formula below:
Angle of deviation = straight angle inside angle
Straight angle = 180

Example 1

The inside angle between the overhead lines is 70.

Angle of deviation = 180 70

= 110

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Method 2: Outside triangle distances

Figure 3: Using outside triangle distances

The following steps can be used, as shown in Figure 3, to calculate the angle of
1. Extend the line AB, along the ground, by 18 m to point C.
2. Measure 18 m, along the ground parallel to the line, from point B to point D.
3. Measure the distance between point C and point D.
4. Multiply the measurement of point C to point D by 3.2. This result will be the
angle of deviation in degrees. Round up to whole degree.

From here, use the tables in work practice 7.6 (Conductor angle loads) in this
manual to determine the conductor angle loads and appropriate safe working loads
(SWL) or working load limits (WLL) for HV live work equipment.
Example 2

In this example, C to D is 14 m, the conductor size is 6/1/3.00 aluminium core steel

reinforced (ACSR) and the line tension is 25%. This gives us:
Angle of deviation = 14 x 3.2 = 44.8
Round up = 45

Using the Conductor angle loads table in work practice 7.6 (Conductor angle loads)
in this manual, we can determine that with a conductor size of 6/1/3.00 ACSR, a
line tension of 25%, and a 45 angle of deviation, the conductor angle load is
291 kg.

As a result, you would select for the task HV live work equipment with an SWL/WLL
greater than or equal to 291 kg.

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

Method 3: Bisecting line

Figure 4: Bisecting line AD

The following steps can be used, with Figure 4, to calculate the angle of deviation
of a line when no angles are given.
1. From Point A (the structure), measure 18 m along the line. Do this either side
of the structure to make two points, B and C. Make these measurements along
the line, however, points B and C will be directly under the line on the ground.
2. Sight a line from point B to point C along the ground.
3. Halve the distance from point B to point C to create point D.
4. Determine the distance along the ground from point A to point D ensuring that
point D intersects the line BC at right angles.
5. The conductor angle load can then be calculated using the following formula.

Wt = D1 x 2(MCT)
Wt = Conductor angle load
D1 = Determined distance from Point A to Point D
MCT = Maximum conductor tension (minimum breakload x percent

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Example 3

In this example, D1 = 6.89 m, the conductor size is 6/1/3.00 ACSR and the line
tension is 25%.

Using the Conductor mechanical data table in work practice 7.5 (Conductor
mechanical data) in this manual, we can determine that the minimum breakload is
1519 kg.
MCT = 1519 x 0.25 = 380 kg

Wt = D1 x 2 (MCT)

= 6.89 x 2 (380)

= 291 kg

As a result, you would select for the task HV live work equipment with a SWL/WLL
greater than or equal to 291 kg.


High Voltage Live Work Manual, work practices:

o 7.5 (Conductor mechanical data)
o 7.6 (Conductor angle loads)

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7.3 Tension


The purpose of this work practice is to provide the high voltage (HV) live worker
with information and guidance on conductor tensioning.


The percentage tension of the calculated breaking load (CBL) for conductors varies
according to the conductor type and the situation in which the conductor is being
used. Tensions on Western Power distribution conductors will vary from 7% of CBL
for all aluminium alloy conductor (AAAC) in short bay urban situations to 25% of
CBL for steel conductors in longer bay rural situations. For more on tensions for
conductors, see the Conductor Tensioning for New and Existing Distribution Lines
chapter in the Distribution Overhead Line Design Manual.

Tension may be increased to allow for the replacement of insulators, cross-arms, or

poles. However, tensions must be within allowable maximums as referenced in
work practice 7.6 (Conductor angle loads) in this manual. HV live work equipment
can be used to support conductors and increase conductor tension.

Increasing the tension is only possible when the safe working load (SWL) or
working load limit (WLL) of the HV live work equipment is greater than or equal to
the total (initial and additional) conductor loads (kg) that need to be applied to the

SWL or WLL > (initial conductor load + additional conductor load)

The conductor angle loads tables in work practice 7.6 (Conductor angle loads) in
this manual detail the maximum conductor loads that can be applied to tensioned
conductors. These have been designed in accordance with conductor tensioning
tables in the Conductor Tensioning for New and Existing Distribution Lines chapter
in the Distribution Overhead Line Design Manual.


High Voltage Live Work Manual, work practice 7.6 (Conductor angle loads)
Distribution Overhead Line Design Manual, chapter Conductor Tensioning for
New and Existing Distribution Lines

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7.4 Vertical loads on raised (hilltop) terrain


The purpose of this work practice is to provide the high voltage (HV) live worker
with basic information about conductor vertical loads on raised (hilltop) terrain.


Hilltop terrain exists when one pole is geographically higher than the two adjacent
poles that it is connected to (see Figure 1, below).

Conductors attached to poles on hilltop terrain are likely to have significant

downward forces. These forces are the result of:
the weight of the line that connects the pole to the others
the vertical downward force created by the line being tensioned to the two
poles located lower than the pole on the hilltop

HV live workers must be aware of these forces in order to remain in control of

conductors and avoid overloading HV live work equipment and plant. Table 1,
below, gives the maximum vertical loads for raised (hilltop) terrain.

The information in this work practice is not intended as a comprehensive guide for
conductors in all situations. For more on this, see the Distribution Overhead Line
Design Manual, chapters:
Conductor Tensioning for New and Existing Distribution Lines
Conductors and Fittings

Figure 1: Example of hilltop terrain configuration

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

Table 1: Vertical force of conductor raised (hilltop) terrain (kg)

Height of centre pole above
15 30 45
adjacent structures (metres)
Sum of spans each side of
200 200 350 200 350 550
the pole (metres)
Stranding and Vertical force (kg)
wire diameter
7/2.50 AAC 53 97 67 141 92 74
7/3.00 AAC 74 135 93 195 127 103
7/3.75 AAC 112 203 141 294 193 158
7/4.50 AAC 159 287 200 416 274 224
7/4.75 AAC 178 322 224 465 306 250
19/3.25 AAC 232 421 292 610 400 325
7/2.50 AAAC 72 135 88 197 124 94
7/3.00 AAAC 104 194 127 284 178 136
7/4.75 AAAC 241 448 296 656 415 319
19/3.25 AAAC 329 615 403 901 566 431
7/0.064 HDBC 60 106 76 153 103 87
7/0.080 HDBC 93 165 118 237 159 135
7/0.104 HDBC 155 275 198 396 267 226
19/0.064 HDBC 160 283 204 407 275 233
7/0.136 HDBC 259 459 332 659 446 380
19/0.083 HDBC 266 472 340 678 458 389
19/0.101 HDBC 391 693 501 996 673 574
6/1/2.50 ACSR/GZ 92 173 113 253 159 120
6/1/3.00 ACSR/GZ 131 245 160 359 225 171
6/1/3.75 ACSR/GZ 201 376 246 550 346 264
6/4.75+7/1.60 ACSR/GZ 294 548 361 802 506 388
30/7/2.50 ACSR/GZ 555 1,042 675 1,529 953 717

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

Height of centre pole above

15 30 45
adjacent structures (metres)
Sum of spans each side of
200 200 350 200 350 550
the pole (metres)
Stranding and Vertical force (kg)
wire diameter
30/7/3.00 ACSR/GZ 786 1,476 958 2,165 1,352 1,019
30/7/3.50 ACSR/GZ 1,057 1,983 1,289 2,908 1,817 1,373
6/186+7/062 ACSR 294 548 361 802 506 388
3/2.75 SC/AC 185 359 219 533 318 222
3/3.00 SC/AC 221 427 261 634 379 264
3/3.25 SC/AC 258 500 305 741 443 309
3/3.75 SC/AC 328 634 388 940 563 394
3/2.75 SC/GZ 184 354 218 523 315 223
7/1.60 SC/GZ 93 174 113 255 159 120
7/2.00 SC/GZ 227 437 270 646 390 277
7/2.75 SC/GZ 429 825 510 1,221 736 522
7/3.75 SC/GZ 797 1,532 947 2,268 1,368 970


Distribution Overhead Line Design Manual, chapters:

o Conductor tensioning for new and existing distribution lines
o Conductors and fittings

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

7.5 Conductor mechanical data


The purpose of this work practice is to provide the high voltage (HV) live worker
with basic information on conductor mechanical data.


The information in this work practice is not intended as a comprehensive guide for
conductors in all situations. For more on this, see the Distribution Overhead Line
Design Manual, chapters:
Conductor Tensioning for New and Existing Distribution Lines
Conductors and Fittings
Table 1: Calculated breaking load (CBL) for conductors
CBL Approximate mass
Size Type*
(kg) (kg/m)
7/2.50 AAC 586 0.0943
7/3.00 AAC 807 0.135
7/3.75 AAC 1,213 0.212
7/4.50 AAC 1,713 0.305
7/4.75 AAC 1,917 0.34
19/3.25 AAC 2,519 0.433
7/2.50 AAAC 834 0.0943
7/3.00 AAAC 1,203 0.135
7/4.75 AAAC 2,763 0.339
19/3.25 AAAC 3,813 0.433
7/0.064 HDBC 622 0.13
7/0.080 HDBC 964 0.203
7/0.104 HDBC 1,606 0.343
19/0.064 HDBC 1,652 0.356
7/0.136 HDBC 2,664 0.591
19/0.083 HDBC 2,745 0.599
19/0.101 HDBC 4,032 0.886

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CBL Approximate mass

Size Type*
(kg) (kg/m)
6/1/2.50 ACSR/GZ 1,070 0.119
6/1/3.00 ACSR/GZ 1,519 0.171
6/1/3.75 ACSR/GZ 2,324 0.268
6/4.75+7/1.60 ACSR/GZ 3,385 0.404
30/7/2.50 ACSR/GZ 6,495 0.675
30/7/3.00 ACSR/GZ 9,187 0.973
30/7/3.50 ACSR/GZ 12,338 1.32
6/186+7/062 ACSR 3,385 0.404
3/2.75 SC/AC 2315 0.118
3/3.00 SC/AC 2753 0.141
3/3.25 SC/AC 3222 0.165
3/3.75 SC/AC 4079 0.22
3/2.75 SC/GZ 2,264 0.139
7/1.60 SC/GZ 1,084 0.115
7/2.00 SC/GZ 2,794 0.177
7/2.75 SC/GZ 5,282 0.326
7/3.75 SC/GZ 9,809 0.609
* For the full name and a description of each type of conductor, see work practice 7.8
(Conductor characteristics) in this manual.


High Voltage Live Work Manual, work practice 7.8 (Conductor characteristics)
Distribution Overhead Line Design Manual, chapters:
o Conductor Tensioning for New and Existing Distribution Lines
o Conductors and Fittings

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

7.6 Conductor angle loads


The purpose of this work practice is to provide the high voltage (HV) live worker
with information and guidance on conductor angle loads.


The information in this work practice is not intended as a comprehensive guide for
conductor angle loads in all situations. For more on this, see the Distribution
Overhead Line Design Manual, chapters:
Conductor Tensioning for New and Existing Distribution Lines
Conductors and Fittings

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Table 1: Conductor angle loads All aluminium conductor (AAC)

Conductor 7/2.50 7/3.00 7/3.75 7/4.50 7/4.75 19/3.25
Calc. min
breaking 586 807 1,213 1,713 1,917 2,519
Tension at
147 202 303 428 479 630
Tension at
195 269 404 571 639 840
Tension Tension Tension Tension Tension Tension
Angle of (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg)
25% 33% 25% 33% 25% 33% 25% 33% 25% 33% 25% 33%
5 13 17 18 23 26 35 37 50 42 56 55 73
10 26 34 35 47 53 71 75 100 84 111 110 146
15 38 51 53 70 79 106 112 149 125 167 164 219
20 51 68 70 93 105 140 149 198 166 222 219 292
25 63 85 87 116 131 175 185 247 208 277 273 364
30 76 101 104 139 157 209 222 296 248 331 326 435
35 88 118 121 162 182 243 257 343 288 384 379 505
40 100 134 138 184 207 277 293 390 328 437 431 574
45 112 150 154 206 232 310 328 437 367 489 482 642
50 124 165 170 227 257 342 362 483 405 540 532 710
55 135 180 186 248 280 374 396 527 443 590 582 775
60 147 195 202 269 303 404 428 571 479 639 630 840

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Table 2: Conductor angle loads All aluminium alloy conductor (AAAC)

Conductor 7/2.50 7/3.00 7/3.75 7/4.50 7/4.75 19/3.25
983 1,417 2,213 3,182 3,549 4,507
246 354 553 795 887 1,127
at 25%
328 472 738 1,061 1,183 1,502
at 33%
Tension Tension Tension Tension Tension Tension
Angle of (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg)
25% 33% 25% 33% 25% 33% 25% 33% 25% 33% 25% 33%
5 21 29 31 41 48 64 69 93 77 103 98 131
10 43 57 62 82 96 129 139 185 155 206 196 262
15 64 86 93 123 144 193 208 277 232 309 294 392
20 85 114 123 164 192 256 276 368 308 411 391 522
25 106 142 153 205 240 319 344 459 384 512 488 651
30 127 170 183 245 286 382 412 549 459 612 583 778
35 148 197 213 284 333 443 478 638 533 711 677 903
40 168 224 242 323 378 504 544 725 607 809 771 1,027
45 188 251 271 362 423 564 609 812 679 905 862 1,150
50 208 277 300 399 468 624 673 897 750 1,000 953 1,270
55 227 303 327 436 511 681 735 979 819 1,092 1,041 1,387
60 246 328 354 472 553 738 795 1,061 887 1,183 1,127 1,502

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Table 3: Conductor angle loads Hard drawn bare copper (HDBC), part 1

Conductor size 7/0.064 HDBC 7/0.80 HDBC 7/0.104 HDBC 7/0.136 HDBC

minimum 622 964 1,606 2,663
breaking force
Tension at 25% 156 241 402 666
Tension at 33% 207 321 535 888

Angle of Tension (kg) Tension (kg) Tension (kg) Tension (kg)

deviation 25% 33% 25% 33% 25% 33% 25% 33%
5 14 18 21 28 35 47 58 77
10 27 36 42 56 70 93 116 155
15 41 54 63 84 105 140 174 232
20 54 72 84 112 139 186 231 308
25 67 90 104 139 174 232 288 384
30 80 107 125 166 208 277 345 460
35 93 125 145 193 241 322 400 534
40 106 142 165 220 275 366 455 607
45 119 159 184 246 307 410 510 679
50 131 175 204 272 339 453 563 751
55 144 191 222 297 371 494 615 820

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Table 4: Conductor angle loads Hard drawn bare copper (HDBC), part 2
Conductor size 19/0.064 HDBC 19/0.083 HDBC 19/0.101 HDBC
Calculated minimum
1,652 2,745 4,033
breaking force
Tension at 25% 413 686 1,008
Tension at 33% 551 915 1,344
Tension (kg) Tension (kg) Tension (kg)
Angle of deviation
25% 33% 25% 33% 25% 33%
5 36 48 60 80 88 117
10 72 96 120 160 176 234
15 108 144 179 239 263 351
20 143 191 238 318 350 467
25 179 238 297 396 437 582
30 214 285 355 474 522 696
35 248 331 413 550 606 808
40 282 377 469 626 689 919
45 316 421 525 700 772 1,029
50 349 466 580 774 852 1,137
55 381 509 634 845 931 1,241
60 413 551 686 915 1,008 1,344

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Table 5: Conductor angle loads Aluminium conductor, steel reinforced

(ACSR), part 1
6/1/2.50 6/1/3.00 6/13.75 6/4.75+7/1.61
Conductor size
minimum 1,071 1,519 2,325 3,385
breaking force
Tension at 25% 268 380 581 846
Tension at 33% 357 506 775 1,128

Angle of Tension (kg) Tension (kg) Tension (kg) Tension (kg)

deviation 25% 33% 25% 33% 25% 33% 25% 33%
5 23 31 33 44 51 68 74 98
10 47 62 66 88 101 135 148 197
15 70 93 99 132 152 202 221 295
20 93 124 132 176 202 269 294 392
25 116 155 164 219 252 336 366 489
30 139 185 197 262 301 401 438 584
35 161 215 228 304 349 466 509 678
40 183 244 260 346 397 530 579 772
45 205 273 291 388 445 593 648 864
50 226 302 321 428 491 655 716 954
55 247 330 351 468 537 716 782 1,042
60 268 357 380 506 581 775 846 1,129

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Table 6: Conductor angle loads Aluminium conductor, steel reinforced

(ACSR), part 2
Conductor 30/7/2.50 30/7/3.00 30/7/3.50 6/1.86+7/0.62
minimum 6,496 9,188 12,339 3,385
breaking force
Tension at
1,624 2,297 3,085 846
Tension at
2,165 3,063 4,113 1,128

Angle of Tension (kg) Tension (kg) Tension (kg) Tension (kg)

deviation 25% 33% 25% 33% 25% 33% 25% 33%
5 142 189 200 267 269 359 74 98
10 283 377 400 534 538 717 148 197
15 424 565 600 800 806 1,074 221 295
20 564 752 798 1,063 1,071 1,428 294 392
25 703 938 995 1,326 1,336 1,781 366 489
30 841 1,121 1,189 1,585 1,597 2,129 438 584
35 976 1,302 1,381 1,841 1,855 2,473 509 678
40 1,110 1,481 1,571 2,094 2,109 2,812 579 772
45 1,243 1,657 1,758 2,344 2,361 3,147 648 864
50 1,373 1,831 1,942 2,589 2,608 3,478 716 954
55 1,500 2,000 2,121 2,828 2,849 3,798 782 1,042
60 1,624 2,165 2,297 3,063 3,085 4,113 846 1,129

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Table 7: Conductor angle loads Steel core, aluminium clad conductor

3/2.75 3/3.00 3/3.25 3/3.75
Conductor size
minimum 2,315 2,753 3,222 4,079
breaking force
Tension at 25% 579 688 806 1,020
Tension at 33% 772 918 1,074 1,360

Angle of Tension (kg) Tension (kg) Tension (kg) Tension (kg)

deviation 25% 33% 25% 33% 25% 33% 25% 33%
5 50 67 60 80 70 94 89 119
10 101 135 120 160 140 187 178 237
15 151 202 180 240 210 281 266 355
20 201 268 239 319 280 373 354 472
25 251 334 298 397 349 465 442 589
30 300 399 356 475 417 556 528 704
35 348 464 414 552 484 646 613 817
40 396 528 471 628 551 734 697 930
45 443 590 527 702 616 822 780 1,040
50 489 652 582 776 681 908 862 1,150
55 534 713 636 848 744 992 942 1,256
60 579 772 688 918 806 1,074 1,020 1,360

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Table 8: Conductor angle loads Steel conductor galvanised (SCGZ)

3/2.75 7/1.60 7/2.00 7/2.75 7/3.75
Conductor size
minimum 2,264 1,084 2,794 5,282 9,810
breaking force
Tension at 25% 566 271 699 1,321 2,452
Tension at 33% 755 361 931 1,761 3,270
Tension Tension Tension Tension Tension
Angle of (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg)
25% 33% 25% 33% 25% 33% 25% 33% 25% 33%
5 49 66 24 32 61 81 115 154 214 285
10 99 132 47 63 122 162 230 307 428 570
15 148 197 71 94 182 243 345 460 640 854
20 197 262 94 125 243 323 459 611 852 1,135
25 245 327 117 156 302 403 572 762 1,062 1,416
30 293 391 140 187 362 482 684 911 1,269 1,692
35 340 454 163 217 420 560 794 1,059 1,474 1,966
40 387 516 185 247 478 637 903 1,204 1,677 2,236
45 433 577 207 277 535 713 1,011 1,347 1,877 2,502
50 479 638 229 306 591 787 1,117 1,489 2,074 2,765
55 523 697 250 334 645 860 1,220 1,626 2,265 3,020
60 566 755 271 361 699 931 1,321 1,761 2,452 3,270


Distribution Overhead Line Design Manual, chapters:

Conductor Tensioning for New and Existing Distribution Lines
Conductors and Fittings

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7.7 Vertical loads on lowered terrain


The purpose of this work practice is to provide the high voltage (HV) live worker
with basic information on conductor vertical loads in lowered terrain.


A lowered terrain exists when one pole is geographically lower than the two
adjacent poles that it is connected to. Typically this occurs when a pole is placed at
the bottom of a gully or valley.

Conductors attached to poles in lowered terrain are likely to have significant vertical
uplift forces and HV live workers must be aware of these forces in order to remain
in control of conductors and electrical apparatus at all times. Table 1, below gives
the maximum vertical load for lowered terrain.

The information in this work practice is not intended as a comprehensive guide for
conductors in all situations. For more on this, see the Distribution Overhead Line
Design Manual, chapters:
Conductor Tensioning for New and Existing Distribution Lines
Conductors and Fittings

Table 1: Vertical force of conductor lowered terrain (kg)

Sum of the spans each side of the pole (metres)
Size Type*
100 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
7/2.50 AAC 5 9 12 14 17 19 21 24 26 28
7/3.00 AAC 7 14 17 20 24 27 30 34 37 41
7/3.75 AAC 11 21 27 32 37 42 48 53 58 64
7/4.50 AAC 15 31 38 46 53 61 69 76 84 92
7/4.75 AAC 17 34 43 51 60 68 77 85 94 102
19/3.25 AAC 22 43 54 65 76 87 97 108 119 130
7/2.50 AAAC 5 9 12 14 17 19 21 24 26 28
7/3.00 AAAC 7 14 17 20 24 27 30 34 37 41
7/4.75 AAAC 17 34 42 51 59 68 76 85 93 102
19/3.25 AAAC 22 43 54 65 76 87 97 108 119 130
7/0.064 HDBC 7 13 16 20 23 26 29 33 36 39

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

Sum of the spans each side of the pole (metres)

Size Type*
100 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
7/0.080 HDBC 10 20 25 30 36 41 46 51 56 61
7/0.104 HDBC 17 34 43 51 60 69 77 86 94 103
19/0.064 HDBC 18 36 45 53 62 71 80 89 98 107
7/0.136 HDBC 30 59 74 89 103 118 133 148 163 177
19/0.083 HDBC 30 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180
19/0.101 HDBC 44 89 111 133 155 177 199 222 244 266
6/1/2.50 ACSR/GZ 6 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36
6/1/3.00 ACSR/GZ 9 17 21 26 30 34 38 43 47 51
6/1/3.75 ACSR/GZ 13 27 34 40 47 54 60 67 74 80
ACSR/GZ 20 40 51 61 71 81 91 101 111 121
30/7/2.50 ACSR/GZ 34 68 84 101 118 135 152 169 186 203
30/7/3.00 ACSR/GZ 49 97 122 146 170 195 219 243 268 292
30/7/3.50 ACSR/GZ 66 132 165 198 231 264 297 330 363 396
ACSR 20 40 51 61 71 81 91 101 111 121
3/2.75 SCAC 6 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 32 35
3/3.00 SCAC 7 14 18 21 25 28 32 35 39 42
3/3.25 SCAC 8 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 50
3/3.75 SCAC 11 22 28 33 39 44 50 55 61 66

3/2.75 SCGZ 7 14 17 21 24 28 31 35 38 42

7/1.60 SCGZ 6 12 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35

7/2.00 SCGZ 9 18 22 27 31 35 40 44 49 53

7/2.75 SCGZ 16 33 41 49 57 65 73 82 90 98

7/3.75 SCGZ 30 61 76 91 107 122 137 152 167 183

* For the full name and a description of each type of conductor, see work practice 7.8
(Conductor characteristics) in this manual.

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High Voltage Live Work Manual, work practice 7.8 (Conductor characteristics)
Distribution Overhead Line Design Manual, chapters:
o Conductor Tensioning for New and Existing Distribution Lines
o Conductors and Fittings

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7.8 Conductor characteristics


The purpose of this work practice is to provide the high voltage (HV) live worker
with guidance on conductor:
types and characteristics
deterioration caused by corrosion and wind effects
assessment and limitations

HV live workers must have an understanding of the material characteristics of each

type of conductor in order to understand the potential risks associated with them.
This is especially important when moving conductors.


Conductor types that can be found on the HV parts of Western Powers HV network
are listed in Table 1, below.
Table 1: Conductor types found on Western Powers HV network*
Conductor Abbreviation

All aluminium conductor AAC

All aluminium alloy conductor AAAC

Aluminium conductor, steel reinforced (aluminised) ACSR/AZ

Aluminium conductor, steel reinforced (galvanised) ACSR/GZ

Hard drawn bare copper HDBC

Steel core, aluminium clad conductor SCAC

Steel conductor galvanised SCGZ

* Table 1 is restricted to those conductors on which HV live work is carried out.


For detailed information on conductors, see the Distribution Overhead Line Design


Reduction of sound metal within a conductor is generally caused by corrosion

and/or vibration and can lead to significant reductions in the conductor diameter

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and mechanical strength. Assessment of conductor condition prior to changing

mechanical loads is essential.

Most conductor damage occurs at support points as this is where the forces due
to movement of the conductors are transferred into the supporting structure.


Copper conductors smaller than 7/0.080 (7/14) must not be worked on using HV
live work methods. This does not apply to removing or replacing bridges that are
connected to the non-tensioned conductor tails.


AAC is almost pure aluminium and is generally not prone to corrosion unless
situated close to the ocean, salt lakes or high pollution industrial sites. The main
source of damage to AAC is from vibration which usually occurs between the tie
wires and insulator sheds as shown in Figure 1, below. AAC conductors are being
phased out in favour of AAAC.

Figure 1: Examples of vibration damage to AAC

AAAC (see Figure 2, below) is slightly less conductive than AAC but has greater
mechanical strength and hardness. This allows for longer spans or less sag in
comparison to AAC. AAAC is one of Western Powers most common conductors
and has similar characteristics to AAC in terms of corrosion resistance but its
greater mechanical strength and hardness mean it is not so prone to vibration
problems (although it must still be checked for signs of vibration).

Figure 2: New AAAC

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The steel reinforcing in ACSR conductors provides around eight times the
mechanical strength compared to AAC or AAAC conductors. ACSR conductors are
generally used for rural lines where the current-carrying requirements are low but
mechanical strength is required for long spans.

ACSR conductors are prone to corrosion, particularly when situated close to the
ocean, salt lakes and high pollution industrial areas (see Figure 3, below).
Problems can also occur at the ends of aluminium alloy armour rods. ACSR is also
prone to vibration problems as the conductor has little self-damping capability.

Figure 3: Examples of corroded ACSR


HDBC conductors generally do not suffer the same corrosion issues as SCAC,
SCGZ, ACSR/AZ and ACSR/GZ. However, they do suffer from a type of corrosion
which leaves a green scale over time (see Figure 4, below). This scale can etch
into the surface of the copper and decrease the overall diameter of the conductor,
weakening the mechanical strength.

Figure 4: Example of scale damage on HDBC

HDBC conductors tend to be found in older parts of the network and are more likely
to be damaged from temporary overload and clashing during storms (see Figure 5,

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Figure 5: Example of physical damage on HDBC


Steel conductors have a high mechanical strength and are generally used for long

SCGZ rusts extensively and fails prematurely, particularly in coastal areas, around
salt lakes or high pollution industrial areas. These conductors also have a tendency
to suffer from broken strands that often protrude from the conductor and can cause
a potential flash over hazard when moving conductors.

SCAC has been used in preference to SCGZ as it has superior corrosion


Steel tie wires have a tendency to deteriorate quicker than the conductor and also
suffer from vibration.

Deterioration caused by wind effects

Aeolian vibration

Aeolian vibration is wind-induced vibration that occurs when a stream of air passes
across the conductor and eddies are formed on the leeward side. These eddies
alternate from the top to the bottom and create alternating pressures that tend to
produce movement at right angles to the wind direction. Aeolian vibration tends to
occur during winter when conductor tensions increase due to lower temperatures.

Aeolian vibration is more likely to be found in:

long spans in open country
ACSR and SCAC conductors
spans with a high tension
taller-than-standard poles or structures

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The most common types of Aeolian vibration damage are excessive wear of
conductor strands at:
support points where the conductor movement is restricted
rigid splices and dead ends

Sway oscillation

Sway oscillation occurs during wind gusts and causes the conductors to sway back
and forth in a horizontal plane. This can cause damage to conductor strands at the
tie wires as shown in Figure 6, below. The movement at the insulator can also
result in broken tie wires and conductor damage from rubbing against the insulator.

Figure 6: Example of damage from sway oscillation


Conductors and fittings on both sides of the structure to be worked on must be

inspected and checked for signs of:
damage by lightning
strand damage
any other signs of visual damage

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Armour rods

Armour rods are used to reduce wear and damage on the conductor. . For an
example, see Figure 7, below.


Amour rods must not be removed under tension.

Figure 7: Example of armour rod


HV live workers must be aware of the conductor and joint temperatures at which
HV live work is allowable. For more on this, see work practice 2.15 (Temperature of
conductors and electrical apparatus) in this manual.


Bare overhead conductor clearances must meet the requirements outlined in work
practice 6.8 (Conductor clearances) in the Work Practice Manual. Conductor
movement must be controlled at all times.
Table 2: Conductor assessment and limitations

Type Assessment and limitations

Check tie wires for breaks or signs of corrosion and broken

conductor strands around the insulator.
Check conductor for signs of clashing and broken strands
along the bay length.
Check for corrosion.
Check any full tension joints for corrosion or signs or
Broken tie wires or conductor strands must be repaired prior
to moving conductors.

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Type Assessment and limitations

Check tie wires for breaks or signs of corrosion, damage

around armour rods and broken conductor strands around
the insulator.
Check conductor for signs of clashing and broken strands
ACSR/AZ & along the bay length.
Check for corrosion.
Check joints for signs or breakdown.
Broken tie wires or conductor strands must be repaired prior
to moving conductors.

Check tie wires on adjacent poles for breaks or signs of

corrosion and broken conductor strands around the insulator.
Check conductor for signs of clashing and broken strands
along the bay length.
Check for corrosion.
Check joints for signs of breakdown.
Check for reddish colouring, which indicates annealing. This
HDBC significantly reduces the mechanical strength of the
Broken tie wires or conductor strands must be repaired prior
to moving conductors.
Copper conductors smaller than 7/0.080 (7/14) must not be
worked on using HV live work methods. This does not apply
to removing or replacing bridges that are connected to the
non-tensioned conductor tails.

Check tie wires for breaks or signs of corrosion, damage

around armour rods and broken conductor strands around
the insulator.
Check conductor for signs of clashing and broken strands
along the bay length.
Check for corrosion.
Check joints for signs or breakdown.
Broken tie wires or conductor strands must be repaired prior
to moving conductors.

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High Voltage Live Work Manual


High Voltage Live Work Manual, work practice 2.15 (Temperature of

conductors and electrical apparatus)
Distribution Overhead Line Design Manual
Work Practice Manual, work practices:
o 6.8 (Conductor clearances)
o 6.9 (Stringing and tensioning bare overhead conductors)
o 6.14 (Aerial conductor repair)

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

7.9 HV insulators


The purpose of this work practice is to provide the high voltage (HV) live worker
with guidance on HV insulators, including:
types and characteristics
conditions where HV live work cannot be undertaken
the minimum number of sound insulators required for HV live work

This work practice is specific to HV live work and is not intended to be a

comprehensive guide to all aspects of insulators. For more on insulators, see the
Insulators chapter in the Distribution Overhead Line Design Manual.


The condition of insulators is particularly important to HV live workers as reduced

insulation properties can result in an increased risk of step and touch potential and
flashover when carrying out HV live work.

Types and characteristics


The HV insulator types that can be found on Western Powers HV network are:
ceramic (i.e. porcelain)



Insulator material generally has a very high dielectric strength (> 10 kV/mm) but the
surface dielectric strength can be significantly reduced by moisture and
contamination. The design of the insulator sheds is critical to how moisture and
contamination affect the dielectric strength. Problems with insulators usually occur
at the interface between the body of the insulator and the end caps.

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Glass disc insulators are common on the Western Power Network. These insulators
consist of an annealed and toughened glass insulator, a cast cap and a pin or
connector that is cemented into the unit. See Figure 1, below, for an example.

Figure 1: String of glass disc insulators

Glass insulators have the following characteristics:

high dielectric and tensile strength (compared to porcelain)
long service life relatively unaffected by ageing
transparent impurities, flaws and damage can easily be detected
moisture can easily condense on the surface, trapping dust and pollutants
which can create a leakage path
may be susceptible to radio and television interference


Ceramic post and disc insulators are common on the Western Power Network.
These insulators generally consist of aluminium silicate mixed with plastic kaolin,
feldspar and quartz to obtain the hard glazed appearance. See Figure 2, below, for

Figure 2: Ceramic post insulator (left) and disc insulator (right)

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Ceramic insulators have the following characteristics:

good service life
opaque impurities, flaws and damage are not always visible
they are prone to small internal punctures that are difficult to identify by visual
or audible inspection


Polymeric/composite insulators are constructed with at least two insulating parts:

a fibreglass reinforced plastic (FRP) core
an external polymer envelope moulded to the core

Metal end fittings are attached to the core as shown in Figure 3 and 4 below. Any
damage to the sheath that allows water to get to the fibreglass core will lead to
either electrical or mechanical failure of the insulator.

Western Power uses polymeric and composite insulators that use enhanced silicon
polymers (ESP) and ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA).

Some polymeric/composite insulatorsmay suffer from UV exposure over time and

become dull and powdery. This can severely affect the hydrophobic and insulating
properties of the insulator.

Figure 3: Polymeric strain insulator (long rod)

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Figure 4: Cut-away view of polymeric strain insulator


Before commencing HV live work on or near insulators, all insulators on the

structures being worked on and adjacent structures must be visually inspected and,
where necessary, tested to ensure that there is adequate insulation. See Table 1,
below, for a summary of the requirements.
If the HV live work team is not satisfied with the results or the minimum insulation
requirements are not met, HV live work must be suspended and the work
performed under de-energised conditions.

Table 1: Minimum requirements when working near insulators


Insulator type Minimum

Inspection Test number of
sound discs
Dependent on
Glass disc inspection
Ceramic disc

Ceramic disc

Ceramic post
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Polymeric insulators used as part of a tool for HV live work, e.g. lifting rigs, must
be tested.


Both an audible and a visual inspection must be carried out.

Audible inspection

Insulators should be free of any unusually loud corona discharge or other noises.

Visual inspection

Check for:
physical damage:
o glass and ceramic insulators:
no more than a third of the outer radius or more than 25% of the
surface may be damaged
cracks completely through the depth of the insulator
excessive pollution
o polymeric/composite insulators:
rust-coloured stains on the metal end near the seal
damage to the sheath that has exposed the fibreglass reinforced
plastic core. See Figure 5, below, for an example.
dull powdery sheds with little or no gloss or semi-gloss on the surface
and potentially significantly reduced hydrophobic and insulating
excessive pollution

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Figure 5: Damaged polymeric insulator on surge diverter

flashover obvious signs of electrical arc damage to the surface

electrical stress signs such as tracking and surface discharging. See Figures
6 and 7, below, for examples.


Visual inspections must look for potential electrical pathways on insulators.

Damage and/or pollution may appear minimal but if it provides a linear
pathway across the insulator the risk of flashover must be mitigated.

Figure 6: Signs of electrical tracking on polymeric insulator

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Figure 7: Signs of electrical tracking near end fitting on polymeric insulator

If the inspection identifies any damage to the insulators, continue as follows:

glass and ceramic see the Minimum number of sound discs section, below
polymeric/composite consult Table 2, below
Table 2: Guide for working with damaged polymeric/composite insulators

Conditions Action

Insulator in sound condition HV live work can commence

Minor damage to the sheds of the insulator

(such as bird damage) where the critical
areas such as sheath and core have not HV live work can commence
been affected. No signs of tracking. Less
than 25% of the surface damaged

Moderate to severe damage to the insulator

e.g. more than a third of the outer radius of
the sheds or 25% of the surface damaged, No HV live work to be considered
deep cracks or signs or tracking on metal
end cap, noise and signs of corona.

Minimum number of sound discs Glass and ceramic

To provide adequate insulation to ensure the safety of the HV live workers, there
must be a minimum number of electrically sound and functioning glass or ceramic
disc insulators. To determine this, consult Table 3, below. If the minimum number
of sound insulators is:
not present no HV live work to be considered

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o glass HV live work can commence
o ceramic see the Testing section below

Post or pin type insulators Ceramic

Post or pin type ceramic insulators are one piece and can vary greatly in shed
design. As a general guide, no more than a third of the outer radius of the sheds or
25% of the insulators surface should be damaged.
Table 3: Minimum number of electrically sound standard profile glass or
ceramic discs

Nominal line voltage (kV) Minimum number of sound insulators

6.6 1

11 1

22 1

33 2

66 3

132 4

* The recommendations in the above table are general and are based on electrical air
flashover of the string, with the disc insulators having a pitch or spacing of 146 mm. For the
minimum requirements for disc insulators with different pitch or spacing, see AS 5804.1-
2010 High-voltage live working General.


Any insulator or string of insulators exhibiting physical damage or signs of electrical

stress, such as elevated noise levels or surface discharging, must be treated with
caution. The following risk control measures must be considered:
perform work de-energised under an electrical access permit (EAP)
provide protection against elevated risk of step and touch potential


Testing for glass insulators is dependent on the visual and audible inspection.
Visual inspections will generally identify any problems with glass insulators.
However, the effectiveness of visual inspections can be hampered by heavy

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pollution. Testing should still be carried out if there is any doubt about the
insulation integrity of the insulator.

Ceramic disc insulators are not required to be tested at distribution voltages up to

33 kV as it is often not possible. However, all ceramic disc insulators at
transmission voltages must be tested even if they pass the audible and visual

Testing process:
1. Ensure probes are firmly connected then connect the tester to the hand stick.
2. Check the read out display to ensure that it is functioning. If there is no read
out or the read out is not normal, change the battery. If it fails, return the
instrument for repair.
3. Ensure that another person (recorder) is in readiness for recording insulator
information on the risk assessment form.
4. Place the probes across the disc dielectric closest to the conductor (disc 1).
The red probe must be positioned on the line side of the insulator, as shown in
Figure 8, below.
5. Ensure good contact between the probes and the metal fittings of the
6. Wait for the reading to steady.
7. Convey the disc number and its voltage to the recorder to be recorded in the
risk assessment.
8. Repeat steps 4-7 for all discs in the string.
9. Use the information provided below to determine if any discs fail or are in poor
10. Consult Table 3, above. If the minimum number of sound insulators is:
not present no HV live work to be considered
present HV live work can commence

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Figure 8: Test each porcelain insulator on a string

A significant lower voltage across a disc indicates that it has failed or is in poor
condition. This is generally accompanied by a higher voltage across the adjacent
discs as they are forced to compensate for the faulty disc. Examples of this testing
are shown in Figures 9 and 10, below.

Figure 9: Testing porcelain insulators

The brown performance curve in Figure 10, below, indicates a healthy string of
insulators. The black curve identifies that disc 2 is performing poorly and shows
discs 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are more heavily loaded than normal.

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Figure 10: Disc performance


There are no in-field testing requirements for polymeric/composite insulators as

faults are generally highly visible and can be identified during the visual inspection.


AS 5804.1-2010 High-voltage live working General

Distribution Overhead Line Design Manual, chapter Insulators

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8.0 Glove and barrier method


The purpose of this work practice is to outline the general requirements when using
the glove and barrier work method on high voltage (HV) apparatus on the Western
Power distribution network (i.e. 1kV to 33kV).


The HV live work team must only work on one potential at any given time. Take
care to ensure that the work of one person does not compromise the safety of the


The glove and barrier method must not be used on the transmission network (i.e.
voltages over 33kV). Work on apparatus at transmission voltages must be done
using the method described in section 10 (Transmission insulated stick method) in
this manual.

Key requirements

The glove and barrier method is based on two principles: insulation and
Insulation the HV live worker is double insulated.
One level of insulation is provided by working on an electrically
rated and tested work platform.
The second level of insulation is provided by wearing rated and
tested insulated gloves and sleeves.
Even when double insulated as described above, HV live workers must
also apply insulated barriers to all secondary points of contact within
normal reach of the work area.
Separation the conductor is moved away from any second points of
contact which may be at different potential.
HV live workers using the glove and barrier method must always work under a
Vicinity Authority (VA).

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No HV live work must be undertaken without an applicable and approved HV live

work procedure.
If no applicable HV live work procedure is available, a draft procedure must be
produced by the work team intending to do the work. The draft procedure must be
submitted to, and approved by, Work Practice Development before it can be used.


There are no minimum approach distances (MADs) that apply to glove and barrier
work as the gloved hands are in contact with the energised apparatus that is being
worked on.

It is important that HV live workers maintain an air insulation gap of 150mm

between the uninsulated part of their body and the energised electrical apparatus
that is being worked on. This air insulation gap must never be compromised, as
compromising the air insulation gap eliminates one of the two independent levels of

When this air gap cannot be maintained, double insulation must be applied. For
more on this, see work practice 8.1 (Double insulation) in this manual.

Auto-reclose OFF

The auto-reclose equipment controlling the circuit on which HV live work is to

be performed must be disabled for the duration of the work. The reasons for
disabling the auto-reclose equipment are as follows:
On distribution systems, the surge from the reclose may create
additional voltage on the temporary insulation in use, creating a hazard
for HV live workers, insulation equipment and electrical apparatus.
To limit the damaging mechanical forces resulting from fault currents.
If there is an incident at the worksite, the HV live worker has the
assurance of knowing that the line will not be re-energised (which could
pose a further risk to HV live workers).
Operation of an auto-recloser on an HV live work site is a reportable incident
and all HV work must cease. For more on this, see work practice 2.8 (Incident
reporting) in this manual.

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Safe working principles specific to glove and barrier method

The following safe working principles are specific to glove and barrier work. These
supplement those outlined in section 2 (Safe working principles) in this manual.

Gloves and sleeves

Insulated gloves and sleeves must:

only be used within their test approval dates
have a voltage rating greater than or equal to the voltage that is to be
worked on
be visually inspected inside and out and gloves air tested prior to the
commencement of work, or at any time when their condition is in doubt.
For more on this, see work practice 5.1 (Equipment maintenance) in this
thoroughly washed and rinsed with clean water at least once a week, or
more when in heavy use
never be worn inside-out or without approved protective outer gloves
be worn at all times while inside the contact area and must not be
removed until outside of the contact area.
The contact area is considered as being one meter or closer to
energised HV conductors. Any part or extension of the body (i.e. tools in
outstretched hand) which encroaches into this area is considered to be
within the contact area.
Protective outer gloves that are used with HV insulated gloves must be kept
free of contamination and must not be used for any other purpose.
Both personnel in the EWP basket must wear insulated gloves and sleeves.

Gloves and sleeves may be removed by the HV live workers to refresh themselves,
but only when the following requirements are met:
Following discussion and agreement with the safety observer.
When outside of the contact area.
Prior to recommencing work, the HV live workers must inform the safety
observer and put their gloves and sleeves back on before re-entering the
contact area.

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Insulated EWP

Glove and barrier work may only be performed from an insulated EWP with an
insulated liner. For more on this, see the following work practices in this
4.1 (Mobile elevated work platforms (EWPs))
5.2 (Maintenance of EWPs and fitted hydraulic tools).
Insulated EWPs and insulated liners may only be used within their test
approval dates.
A minimum of 250mm clearance must be maintained between the EWP
basket and any second point of contact, unless covered with insulated barriers
rated for the highest voltage. When the insulating barriers have been applied
to the second point of contact then the EWP basket minimum clearance can
be reduced to accidental contact.

HV live work using two EWPs

The following requirements apply whenever using two EWPs:

A minimum distance of at least 2m is maintained between the HV live workers
in each EWP while any HV live worker is in contact with electrical apparatus.
All second points of contact must be covered.
There is a separate safety observer for each EWP.
The HV live worker must ensure that their work or the movement of the EWP
does not compromise the safety of others.
Tools or equipment are never passed between HV live workers in separate
EWPs while any HV live worker is in contact with electrical apparatus.
Each EWP is earthed in accordance with 4.0 (Mobile plant and related
equipment for HV live work) in this manual.
Tools or equipment such as HV jumpers may only be passed from one EWP to the
other if:
HV live workers in each EWP are not in contact with electrical apparatus
all second points of contact are covered
there is no risk of equipment inadvertently contacting different potentials
the HV live workers in the EWPs and their respective safety observers are
aware of what is about to occur
Or when both EWPs are outside of the contact area.

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Insulated equipment

Most glove and barrier insulated equipment starts to soften at 70C. If the
conductor temperature is suspected to be in excess of 70C, its temperature
must be measured using a thermal measuring device or thermometer. If the
conductor temperature exceeds 70C, glove and barrier work must not be
performed. For more on this, see work practice 2.15 (Temperature of
conductors and electrical apparatus) in this manual.
Insulated barriers:
are used to provide personal protection against inadvertent brush
contact with energised electrical apparatus or apparatus that may be at a
different potential and temporarily insulate electrical conductors and
must be applied to all secondary points of contact within reach which
are, or could be, at a different potential to the apparatus being worked on
must not be intentionally contacted except with a rated insulated glove
or insulated live work stick. Where contact is anticipated, two levels of
barrier insulation must be provided. The extent of coverage must provide
effective insulation to electrical apparatus and inadvertent contact by the
HV live worker

Secondary points of contact

A secondary point of contact is any conductor, equipment, apparatus, tool,

hardware or earth that is, or could be, at a different potential to the potential being
worked on, and within normal reach of the working position. Normal arm reach or
tool reach may be extended when moving conductor tails. This must be taken into
account when determining possible secondary points of contact.

Every second point of contact, including any conductors below the basket, must
have insulated barriers applied to it.

While insulated barriers are designed for brush contact only, HV live workers using
the glove and barrier method can work in close proximity to the insulated barriers
provided that they can maintain an air gap of 150mm between any uninsulated part
of the line workers body and the insulated barrier at all times. This air gap of
150mm acts as a level of insulation. When this air gap cannot be maintained,
double insulation must be applied. For more on this, see work practice 8.1 (Double
insulation) in this manual.

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Working on a return wire

The return wire has the potential to become energised to the phase voltage under
fault conditions. The HV live worker using the glove and barrier method must use
the following procedures and principles when working on the return wire:
GB-Support-01 (Displace and replace return wire) in High Voltage Live Work
Procedures Glove and Barrier.
6.30 (SWER return wire maintenance when the phase conductor is energised)
in the Work Practice Manual.


The HV live work team has the final say as to when they can or cannot do a task, or
whether they need to rest or rotate personnel. For more on this, see work practice
2.1 (Onsite risk assessment) in this manual.

All HV live workers must be authorised in the method that they are using. For more
on this, see work practice 3.3 (Authorisation and supervision) in this manual.

Minimum number of personnel

A minimum of three HV live workers are required for performing glove and barrier
work, except when performing the tasks listed in the Single person aloft permitted
tasks section below.

Live HV pole changes

When performing pole changes, a minimum of four HV live workers are required
when using the glove and barrier method. This is because tasks must be rotated
between team members for the purpose of reducing fatigue.

Single person aloft permitted tasks

After a risk assessment by the HV live work team, it may be decided that only one
HV live worker needs to go aloft to perform a task (one team member must still act
as the safety observer). The following tasks are the only ones that may be
performed by a single person aloft using the glove and barrier method:
Structure, conductor and insulator inspection.
Installation or removal of fault detection equipment.
Connecting and disconnecting of live line clamps.
Installation or removal of insulated barriers or covers.
Installation or removal of spreader ropes.

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Tightening hardware (e.g. cross-arms and insulators).

Installing line splice.
Installing vibration dampers.
Installing bird diverters.
Tying and untying of conductors only when the conductors are secured in the
conductor traps of a gin pole fitted to a separate lifting EWP.


Single person aloft tasks only apply to personnel who are authorised as
unsupervised in the glove and barrier method. For more on this, see work practice
3.3 (Authorisation and supervision) in this manual.


This section of the High Voltage Live Work Manual provides guidance on how to
perform HV live work using the glove and barrier method. For detailed procedures
using this method, see High Voltage Live Work Procedures Glove and Barrier.


AS 5804.1-2010 High-voltage live working General.

AS 5804.2-2010 High-voltage live working Glove and barrier work.
High Voltage Live Work Manual:
section 2 (Safe working principles)
work practice 3.3 (Authorisation)
work practice 4.1 (Mobile elevated work platforms (EWPs))
work practice 5.1 (Equipment maintenance)
work practice 5.2 (Maintenance of EWPs and fitted hydraulic tools)
work practice 8.1 (Double insulation)
work practice 10 (Transmission insulated stick method).
High Voltage Live Work Procedures Glove and Barrier, GB-Support-01
(Displace and replace return wire)
Work Practice Manual, work practice 6.30 (SWER return wire maintenance
when the phase conductor is energised).

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8.1 Double insulation


The purpose of this work practice is to provide information and guidance about
double insulation and the requirements when using the glove and barrier work
method on high voltage (HV) apparatus on the Western Power distribution network.


Double insulation refers to two levels of insulation through the application of two
separate layers of insulating barriers (for an example, see Figure 1, below) and can
be achieved by doing one of the following:
applying one insulating barrier to an energised part and one insulating barrier
to an earthed part
applying two individual barriers to an energised part
applying two individual barriers to an earthed part

Figure 1: Example of double insulation (hard covers and flexible barriers)

Double insulation is required when:

contact is required between an energised part and an earthed part
there is any possibility of an uninsulated part of the HV live workers body
making accidental contact with an insulating barrier. HV live workers must not
make intentional contact with an insulating barrier with any uninsulated part of
their body.
the mobile plant or attachments might encroach within the minimum approach
distance (MAD) of the insulating barriers

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8.2 Rigging conductor support equipment glove and barrier



The purpose of this work practice is to provide the high voltage (HV) live worker
with information and guidance on how to use the glove and barrier method to rig
conductor support equipment to conductors under tension.

The figures shown in this work practice focus on conductor support equipment
rather than barriers. However, insulated barriers must be used when installing and
removing all rigging and conductor support equipment.


Supporting and/or moving a conductor must be done in a manner that ensures total
control of the conductor at all times.

An evaluation and risk assessment of the conductor must be done during the pre-
job planning stage and/or onsite risk assessment. For more on this, see work
practice 7.8 (Conductor characteristics) in this manual.


When moving a conductor, ensure that:

a minimum of 450mm is maintained between phase-to-earth
a minimum of 550mm is maintained between phase-to-phase.


A conductor must never be left unsupported or unrestrained at any time.

HV live work methods must not be used to displace or tension copper
conductors that are 7/16 or smaller.


The calculated conductor load:

determines the HV live equipment that is to be used for supporting or
moving conductors
must be matched against the safe working load (SWL) or working load
limit (WLL) of the HV live equipment.

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The SWL/WLL must be greater than or equal to the conductor load for the HV
live equipment (i.e. rigs) that is to be used.
The SWL/WLL and the conductor load must be established during the pre-job
planning stage.

For more information on:

conductor characteristics, loading and calculations, see section 7.0
(Conductors and insulators) in this manual
the SWL/WLL of conductor support equipment, see work practice 6.4
(Conductor support equipment) in this manual.

Support methods

Choosing which support method to use

An HV live work teams training, experience and collective planning ability will all
contribute to the decision on which support methods are appropriate to use to
achieve the desired outcome. More than one support method can be used on the
same structure at the same time.

Physically moving conductors using the glove and barrier method

A conductor can be repositioned using the glove and barrier method provided that:
the HV live worker has assessed and determined that the weight of the
conductor to be lifted does not exceed their physical ability
only one conductor is moved at a time. The HV live worker controlling the
conductor must not have any other task to perform at the same time (e.g.
operating the elevated work platform (EWP) controls or repositioning
insulating barriers).
full control of the conductor can be maintained at all times
the conductor is repositioned either onto an insulator or onto a temporary
conductor support. The conductor may be repositioned onto the cross-arm if
double insulation is maintained.
the two HV live workers in the basket of the EWP do not contact different
potentials at the same time.

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Wire tong system

The wire tong system of supporting and moving conductors is versatile because it
can be used on all types of structures. The system uses tensioning devices and
levers to support and move conductors.

The principle components of the system are wire tongs, lever lifts, wire tong
saddles, snubbing brackets and tensioning devices.
Wire tongs:
Lifting tong this is a 63mm wire tong, and its main function is to lift and
support the majority of the conductor weight.
Holding tong this is a 38mm wire tong, and its main function is to hold
and control the lateral movement of the conductor.
Lever lift main function is to raise and lower the lifting tong.
Wire tong saddle a device that is secured to the pole using a chain tightener
and has a pole clamp that entraps the wire tong, allowing the wire tong to
pivot and slide in and out of the pole clamp. The 63mm wire tong saddle can
be used as an anchor point for ropes or tensioning devices.
Snubbing brackets these are fitted to the pole using a chain tightener and
are used as an anchor point for ropes or tensioning devices.
Tensioning devices includes a variety of equipment such as ropes, strap
hoists and pulleys that provide a method of moving the conductor in a fully
controlled manner.
Rigging a wire tong when attaching holding tong saddles to the pole, they
must be rigged on the opposite quarter to the conductor (see Figure 1, below,
for an example).
When rigging to move:
conductor A, the holding tong saddle would be rigged to the pole in
quarter 4
conductor C, the holding tong saddle would be rigged to the pole in
quarter 3.

Figure 1: Where to rig a holding tong saddle to a pole

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To avoid the wire tongs being damaged, the wheel tighteners of all the
equipment must be positioned on the opposite side from the working
Wire tongs and associated equipment are usually rigged on the opposite
side of the pole to the cross-arm to facilitate replacement of the cross-

Rigging equipment

Extension arms

Supporting the conductor using a cross-arm mounted temporary conductor support

bracket SWL/WLL 68kg per wire holder

An extension arm is fitted to a cross-arm and, as its name suggests, provides an

extension to the existing cross-arm (see Figure 2, below). The arm is manufactured
with a threaded screw clamp bracket at one end and a saddle bracket in the middle
which can be easily positioned to suit a variety of cross-arm lengths.


Cross-arm mounted extension arms must not be attached to wooden cross-arms.

They may only be attached to steel cross-arms.

Wire holders are attached to the extension arm at a pre-determined position to

facilitate relocation of the conductors into the wire holders to increase the distance
between the phases. This increased spacing is particularly beneficial when erecting
poles, building switches at the pole top, or increasing the clearance to allow for
access to an upper circuit.

It is available in two lengths:

1.5m for single wire holders.
1.8m for two wire holders.

Wire holders can be either the fork type or the under slung C type. The SWL/WLL
of the support brackets is 68kg (vertical load) and 45kg (side load) per wire holder.

An insulator can be fitted between the support bracket and the conductor trap to
provide additional insulation. This additional insulation must be fitted when
supporting conductors energised at 22kV and 33kV.

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Inspect the cross-arm and ensure it is stable prior to using this support method.

Supporting brace

In situations where the existing cross-arm is inadequately braced to support the

cross-arm mounted extension arm, a supporting brace must be attached to support
the cross-arm. The supporting brace can be a holding tong rigged between a stirrup
on the extension arm and a wire tong saddle attached to the pole.

Applying a supporting brace

When the extension arm is attached to a cross-arm, the distance between the
threaded screw clamp bracket and the supporting loop must be no less than
When supporting two conductors, the minimum conductor separation that
must be maintained is:
phase-to-phase 550mm
phase-to-earth 450mm.
Supporting the conductor using a pole-mounted temporary conductor support
bracket SWL/WLL 68kg per wire holder

The pole-mounted temporary conductor support bracket (see Figure 2, below)

attaches to the pole for the temporary support of conductors, bridges, bypass
jumpers, etc. It is attached to the pole by either a chain tightener or a strap hoist,
with the larger section of the pole-securing bracket facing the ground to provide

Figure 2: Extension arms pole mounted

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The temporary conductor support bracket is available in two lengths:

750mm for single wire holder (single-phase).
1200mm for two wire holders (two-phase).

Wire holders can either be a fork type or an underslung C type. The SWLs/WLLs
of the support brackets per wire holder are:
fork type 68kg (vertical load)
C type 45kg (side load).

Wire holder insulators (see Figure 3, below) must be fitted between the support arm
and the conductor trap if the voltage exceeds the rated voltage of the support arm.

Figure 3: Wire holder insulator

Auxiliary arm assembly

Supporting conductors using an auxiliary arm assembly

The auxiliary arm assembly consists of a mast, cross-arm, arm braces and wire
holders. This assembly is attached to the pole using two lifting wire tong saddles.
The cross-arm can be fitted with fork or C type wire holders, depending on
whether the arm assembly is rigged above or below the existing cross-arm.

This assembly must always be used with at least one arm brace. A wire holder
insulator must be fitted between the support bracket and the conductor trap if the
rating of the equipment is below the phase voltage of the line.

The SWL/WLL of the rig is:

68kg with one arm brace attached
210kg with two arm braces attached.

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Figure 4: Auxiliary arm above conductors

The most common rigging position for the auxiliary arm is above the
conductors, to facilitate the conductors being raised into the wire holders (see
Figure 4, above). This position increases separation, providing better access
for the basket of the EWP.
The wire holders should be positioned on the auxiliary arm to align with the
conductor position on the existing cross-arm. The minimum conductor
separation that must be maintained is:
phase-to-phase 550mm
phase-to-earth 450mm.
The upper wire tong saddle should be fitted to the pole on the opposite side to
the existing cross-arm and as high as possible while maintaining clearances.
The lower wire tong saddle should be fitted 11.2m vertically below the upper
A safety sling or tensioning device must be fitted between the butt ring of the
mast and one of the wire tong saddles. The height of the auxiliary arm
assembly can be adjusted by loosening off the wire tong pole clamps and
operating the tensioning device.

Upper saddle

Lower saddle

Figure 5: Auxiliary arm below conductors

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The main reason that the auxiliary arm is rigged below the conductors (see Figure
5, above) is to enable all conductors to be lifted at the same time by the operation
of a tensioning device.

V-arm support

The V-arm support rig (see Figure 6, below) must only be used for intermediate

The conductor load must be assessed and the SWL/WLL of the V-arm confirmed to
ensure that the load rating is not exceeded.

Figure 6: V-arm

Wire tong rig

The wire tong rig can be applied in four different ways:

Wire tong rig Lever lift method intermediate constructions SWL/WLL
110kg for the outer two phases, 225kg for the centre phase.
Wire tong rig lever lift method alternate or deviation construction
SWL/WLL 110kg for the outer and centre phases.
Wire tong rig standard pole saddle method SWL/WLL 110kg.
Wire tong rig supported pole saddle method SWL/WLL 450kg.

Wire tong rig lever lift method intermediate constructions SWL/WLL 110kg for
the outer two phases, 225kg for the centre phase

This rig (see Figure 7, below) has an SWL/WLL of 110kg and is suitable for
straight-line intermediate constructions and minor deviation constructions under six

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Figure 7: Wire tong rig

This method is presented in three parts:

Outer conductors outlines the rigging of wire tongs suitable for the outer
conductors such as on cross-arm constructions and stand-off insulators
Centre conductors outlines the rigging of wire tongs suitable for
constructions which have the centre phase conductor
Repositioning of the centre conductor outlines the rigging required to
reposition the centre conductor, e.g. when converting a flat construction to a
Delta construction
Outer conductor maximum conductor loading 110kg
All equipment is normally rigged to the pole on the opposite side to the
Attach the 63mm lifting tong to the conductor with the jaws facing
towards the pole and positioned as close as possible to the insulator.
Attach the lever lift to the lifting tongs butt from one end and is secured
to the pole by a chain tightener on the other end.
Attach the 38mm holding tong to the conductor with the jaws facing
down. It should be positioned on the outside of the 63mm lifting tong.
Attach the 38mm holding tong saddle to the pole with the tong clamp
positioned in the opposite quarter to the conductor.
Vertically reposition the conductor by operating the tensioning device
which is attached to the lever lift. To move the conductor horizontally,
slide the 38mm wire tong through the clamp.

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Centre conductor maximum conductor loading 225kg

This rig is suitable for constructions which have the centre conductor either
attached to the cross-arm within 300mm of the pole or attached to the pole top
Attach the upper 63mm lifting tong saddle to the pole on the opposite
side to the cross-arm approximately 600mm below the conductor height.
Attach the 63mm wire tong to the conductor as close as possible to the
Attach the lower 63mm wire tong saddle approximately 1.2m directly
underneath the upper saddle.
Rig a tensioning device between the lower 63mm wire tong saddle and
the butt ring of the wire tong.
Reposition the centre conductor by operating the tensioning device.
Repositioning of the centre conductor
This rig is used when the new construction requires the centre conductor to be
relocated from the cross-arm to a pole-top bracket.
The rig is similar to the centre conductor rig (explained above) with the
addition of 2 x 16mm ropes and the removal of the lower 63mm lifting
tong saddle.
The 2 x 16mm ropes are fitted with link sticks and are attached onto the
Movement is controlled horizontally by the 2 x 16mm side ropes and
vertically by the operation of the tensioning device.

An alternative is to attach 1 x 16mm rope fitted with link stick to the conductor
and another 16mm rope without link stick to the butt ring of the 63mm lifting
tong. Both ropes would be operated from the same side of the pole.

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Wire tong rig lever lift method alternate or deviation constructions SWL/WLL
110kg for the outer and centre phases
This rig (see Figure 8, below) has an SWL/WLL of 110kg and is suitable for
alternate constructions and deviation constructions of six degrees and over.

Figure 8: Alternate or deviation wire tong rig

This method is similar to that used for intermediate constructions, with the following
Outer conductor
The rigging for the outer conductor on alternate or deviation constructions is
similar to intermediate constructions. However, instead of a holding tong, there
is a 16mm side rope connected to a link stick. The link stick is attached to the
centre conductor and tensioned using a tensioning device. This device is
anchored to a suitable anchor point near the ground and is used to control the
horizontal load. The link stick is positioned on the conductor between the jaws
of the lifting and holding tongs. Vertical movement remains the same as
intermediate constructions.
Centre conductor
The rigging for the centre conductor on deviation constructions is similar to
intermediate constructions, however the bottom saddle is not required.
Instead, there is a 16mm side rope connected to a link stick attached to the
conductor, and is used to control horizontal movement.

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Wire tong rig standard pole saddle method SWL/WLL 110kg

Figure 9: Wire tong saddle method

A variation to the lever lift method is the standard pole saddle method (see
Figure 9, above). This method is used when only one conductor needs to be
moved. The only difference between this method and the lever lift method for
intermediate constructions is that the lifting wire tongs are secured into pole clamps
of lifting wire tong saddles instead of being attached to lever lifts. The tensioning
device is coupled between the wire tong saddle and the butt ring of the wire tong.

The vertical repositioning of the conductor is achieved by operating the tensioning

device. Horizontal repositioning of the conductor is achieved by sliding the holding
wire tong through the clamp.

Wire tong rig supported pole saddle method SWL/WLL 450kg

Figure 10: Supported wire tong saddle method

The supported pole saddle method (see Figure 10, above) is similar to the standard
pole saddle method except that the holding tong is replaced by a link stick that is
attached as high as possible to the pole.

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If a 16mm rope is used (instead of an 18mm rope), it must be square-rigged

through a pulley block at the head of the pole with the fall of the rope connected to
a rope tackle or hoist. The rope tackle or hoist is then operated by the ground
worker. The conductor can be moved by loosening the wire tong saddles clamp
and operating the tensioning devices.

The tensioning device must never be rigged at or below the conductor height.
An insulating medium must be fitted between the conductor and the
tensioning device, e.g. a link stick or a synthetic insulator. The tensioning
device can be a rope tackle or a hoist.
The conductor must never be lowered to a position which is horizontally
below the height of the wire tong saddle of the lifting wire tong. In multi-phase
constructions, the lowest conductor is usually moved first to increase the
working clearance.

Crane support using insulation equipment

When using a crane to support conductors, all lifting equipment must be rated with

Insulated equipment must be:

visually inspected and wiped cleaned prior to use
rated to the voltage being worked on.

Lifting beams must have insulation between conductor and the lifting beam and
between the lifting beam and the crane (see Figure 11, below).

Figure 11: Lifting beam with insulation between conductor and the lifting
beam and between the lifting beam and the crane

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Lifting devices that are positioned at an angle must have an extra de-rating applied.
Supports that are positioned at a 60 angle must be de-rated. The formula for de-
rating is:

SWL/WLL @ 60 = WLL (of one leg) x 1.73


The lowest SWL/WLL rating of any individual part of the lifting rig is the maximum
lifting capacity of the entire rig.

Use of polymeric insulators

Polymeric insulators must be:

visually inspected and wiped cleaned prior to use
rated to the voltage being worked on
tested and tagged at six-monthly intervals.

The SWL/WLL of the polymeric insulators must be calculated as this may limit the
lifting capacity of the rig. This is done by using the routine test load (RTL) supplied
by the manufacturer and applying a de-rating. The formula for the de-rating is:
(2 x 9.81)

Additional control methods

As the loading of the conductor nears the SWL/WLL of the equipment, it can be
difficult to maintain control of the conductor. This control problem can be
experienced as the lifting stick moves upward.

If this problem is experienced or is identified as a potential hazard during the risk

assessment process, additional control of the conductor can be achieved by
implementing one of the following measures.
Additional assistance from another HV live worker, i.e. use two people to
control the tension devices. Rig a link stick with a 16mm rope tensioning
assembly and attach to the conductor (see Figure 12, below).

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Figure 12: Single brace and tensioning device

Add a swivel wire tong band on the holding tong and tension it using 16mm
rope attached to the pole and control the rope from the ground (see Figures
13 and 14, below).

Figures 13 and 14: Use of tensioning rope

Connect a tensioning device between the butt ring of the holding tong and the
pole (see Figure 15, below).

Figure 15: Tensioning device between butt ring and pole

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The 16mm ropes in the rigs illustrated above can be replaced by either a strap
hoist or a rope tackle.


High Voltage Live Work Manual:

work practice 6.4 (Conductor support)
section 7 (Conductors).

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8.3 Rigging conductor strain equipment


The purpose of this work practice is to provide the high voltage (HV) live worker
with information and guidance on conductor strain equipment and how it is used to
support and/or move conductors under tension.


Conductor strain equipment is primarily used for:

replacing most types of strain insulators
tensioning conductors and removing tension from conductors
cutting in inline isolation devices.
It can also be used for replacing straight line and angle suspension insulators
and cross-arms.
Tensioning devices used in glove and barrier live line activities include:
rope tackles
turnbuckles specifically used as a tensioning device when cutting in an
inline isolator.


Rigging a strap-hoist


A wire and chain ratchet hoist must not be used to strain or support energised HV

Strap-hoists and spiral link sticks must have a suitable safe working load
(SWL) or working load limit (WLL) for the tension being applied:
The SWL/WLL must be clearly marked on the strap-hoist.
The link sticks SWL/WLL can be found in the relevant manufacturers
When a strap-hoist is to be used between two different potentials, such as on
a cross-arm (see Figures 1 and 2, below), it must be used in conjunction with
a link stick.

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Figure 1: Strap-hoist and link stick

Figure 2: Strap-hoist and link stick used on termination


Come-along clamps must be used when tensioning conductors using a strap hoist.
Pre-formed dead-end wraps must not be used for this purpose.

Webbing strap ratchet hoists can be used on both sides of a cross-arm or pole
while replacing suspension and angle insulators. For an example of a situation
where an insulator is being replaced on a running disc angle (RDA)
construction, see Figure 3, below.

Figure 3: Strap-hoist being used on RDA to change insulator

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Rigging a rope


Live work rope can be used to release tension on a conductor, provided that:
the live work rope is always used with an insulated strain device such as a link
stick and the MAD is maintained
the live work rope is used in conjunction with a tensioning device (e.g. strap-
hoist, rope tackle).

The live work rope must have an adequate SWL/WLL for the conductor tension
and a minimum diameter of 16mm. For more on this, see work practice 6.8 (Live
work rope and insulated rope) in this manual.

Inline isolator

Inline isolators are used to provide a temporary isolation point to allow effective
management of outages on the network. Once installed, they are used in a
switching schedule as an isolation point.


The safety observer must ensure that inline isolators are installed in accordance
with this work practice prior to the making or breaking of any electrical connection.

When using temporary inline isolators, you must ensure that the isolator is:
visually inspected and wiped cleaned prior to installation
within its electrical test date and that the test period will not expire during
the time of the temporary isolators installation
Inline isolators must be tested every six months.
The next test date must always be marked on the device.
If the test date has expired, the inline isolator must not be used until
it has passed another electrical test.
installed for as short a period as practically possible and not more than
two weeks prior to use.
Inline isolators installed on the network must be:
visually inspected within 30 days
physically inspected within 60 days (under a Vicinity Authority (VA))
removed within 90 days.

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Installation and removal timelines exist to prevent electrical and

mechanical wear to the equipment that may then lead to high resistance
connections (hotspots) and excessive tension on the overhead

Inline isolators must be installed:

as close as practically possible to the cross-arm to prevent excess
conductor movement (see Figure 4, below)
in a staggered configuration to prevent the blades from breaching the
phase-to-phase clearance, as this would create a flashover at an open
position (see Figure 4, below).

Figure 4: Staggering inline isolators


Never re-use pre-form terminations when installing inline isolators.

Inline isolator taps must be rated to the conductor they are being connected
All electrical connections must be clean, greased and tightened. The
manufacturers clamps must be fitted to the non-tensioned side of the
conductor (tail end). This is to prevent development of high resistance
connections (hotspots) that could result in the conductor breaking and
dropping to the ground (see Figure 5, below).

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Figure 5: Inline isolator (with a ratchet)

Ensure that the isolator blades are positioned so that they open towards the
conductor being de-energised or isolated (i.e. load side, as shown in Figure 5,
Do not place a shock load on the inline insulators.
Due to the difference in manufacturer designs, inline isolators must be used in
accordance with the manufacturers instructions and must not be repaired
using alternative components or parts that will alter their design or affect their
electrical or mechanical ratings. Only the manufacturers parts or components
may be used for repair.
After installation, perform a visual inspection to ensure that the inline isolator
is in the correct open or closed position.

Operation of an inline isolator

Inline isolators must:

only be operated under the instructions of a switching program
only be operated with an insulated stick from within an EWP. The use of
a second insulated stick may be required to support the inline isolator.
After operation, perform a visual inspection to ensure the inline isolator is in
the correct open or closed position.

HV live work must not be performed in any bay where temporary inline isolators
are installed (other than their installation or removal).

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High Voltage Live Work Manual, work practice 6.8 (Live work rope and
insulated rope)

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

8.4 Energising/de-energising and bypassing conductors and

apparatus glove and barrier method


The purpose of this work practice is to provide high voltage (HV) live workers with
principles for:
energising and de-energising conductors and apparatus
bypassing conductors and apparatus (including replacing conductor bridges,
electrical connectors and apparatus).

Energising/de-energising principles

Energising and de-energising conductors, cables and apparatus must only be

undertaken as an item on a switching program issued by Network Operations
Control (NOC). All switching operations must be undertaken under the direct
supervision of an authorised switching operator.
Energising/de-energising can be done with:
o rated load breaking devices (e.g. temporary drop out fuse (TDO) or inline


If the HV live worker is working on an overhead conductor and cannot

physically see the whole length of the line that will be energised, rated
load breaking devices must be used.

o non-load breaking devices (e.g. taps and bridges). Before energising/de-

energising, confirm that all electrical load has been removed. If in any
doubt, do not proceed.


Non-load breaking devices must never be used to make or break

load current.
If using non-load breaking devices, before disconnection, use an
ammeter to confirm that there is no electrical load greater than two
If the HV live worker is working on an overhead conductor and
cannot physically see the whole length of the line that will be
energised, use a rated load breaking device instead.

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Below are the key issues to be aware of when energising/de-energising conductors

and apparatus using the glove and barrier method:
Making or breaking load current The process of connecting or
disconnecting the load current drawn from the source by the load. Only use
equipment and/or tools rated to make or break the load.


Equipment and tools rated to make or break loads must only be operated using
an insulated stick.

Ferranti effect When over-voltage (twice the system voltage) arises at the
open circuit end of an unloaded underground cable or overhead line due to the
inductive and capacitive nature of the line.


HV live work must not be performed at the open end of an energised

underground cable.

Ferroresonance The occurrence of an unstable over-voltage when a three-

phase underground HV line (capacitive component), connected to an unloaded
three-phase transformer (inductive component), is disconnected by single-
phase means (one phase at a time). To avoid ferroresonance, use one of the
o Three-phase switching, e.g. a gang-operated switch.
o Single-phase switching, i.e. connect a load box at the low voltage (LV)
side of the transformer prior to operating the drop-out fuse (DOF).
For more on this, see work practice 2.12 (Ferroresonance) in this manual.

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Bypassing principles

Bypassing tools and/or equipment are used to temporarily bypass the flow of
electrical current through an electrical conductor or apparatus for the purpose of
replacing or removing the electrical conductor or apparatus.

Bypass jumpers must never be used to energise/de-energise or make and break

load current.

The following safety checks must be carried out when using bypassing tools or
Ensure that the bypass tools or equipment have a voltage and current rating
adequate for the conductor voltage and load. Conductor loads and peak loads
can be confirmed on NOC systems. This will involve establishing the feeder
load and peak load current from NOC and checking the current rating and
voltage rating of the available bypass tool or equipment.
The bypass equipment must be in test date, wiped clean and inspected prior to
An ammeter must be used to confirm the presence or absence of load on a
All bypass equipment must be checked with an ammeter to ensure current is
present in the device prior to disconnecting the original connection.
All electrical connections must be cleaned, greased and checked for tightness.
The conductor must be fully controlled at all times.
Ensure that double insulation is applied in locations where the bypass jumper
contacts, or could make contact with, the pole, cross-arm or any second point
of contact.
When using temporary bypasses with reclosers in the closed position, ensure
that any supervisory and sensitive earth fault (SEF) equipment is disabled and
tagged with an Information caution tag, as required by the switching
instructions. For more on this, see work practice 8.5 (Installation and
maintenance of pole-mounted switches) in this manual.

Load in the bypass equipment may be minimal due to differences in resistance

between the bypass equipment and conductor. However, the bypass equipment
and connections must be checked if a zero reading occurs.

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Overhead systems
Energising/de-energising lines under no load conditions

Permanent taps and bridges can be used for energising or de-energising open
aerial conductors on system voltages up to and including 33kV, provided there is
no load attached.
This must be performed in accordance with a switching program.
An ammeter must be used to prove the absence of load. A zero reading may
not be possible as electrical apparatus with all load isolated may still carry a
charging current. A reading of up to two amps is acceptable.
The energising/de-energising principles above must be complied with.
For the maximum length of line to be energised or de-energised under no load
conditions, see Table 1 below.
Table 1: Maximum length of unloaded open aerial lines that can be energised
or de-energised by operating open wire taps and bridges

Maximum conductor length (km)

Voltage (kV)
De-energising Energising

11 15 Line of sight

22 4 Line of sight

33 1.5 Line of sight

Applying a temporary bypass jumper

Bypass jumpers (see Figure1, below) are typically used to bypass devices such as
disconnect isolators, air break switches and electrical connections to maintain
continuity of supply. Ensure that the bypassing principles are complied with.

Figure 1: Temporary bypass jumper

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Applying a TDO device

A common energising/de-energising application is a TDO device (see Figure 2.

TDOs must be used for the following:
to replace an expulsion DOF unit directly supplying transformers
to energise a circuit to prove that no fault conditions exist, i.e. on a length of

Figure 2: Bypassing via a TDO

Below are the key points to follow when using a TDO:

The energising/de-energising principles above must be followed.
The voltage rating of the TDO must be appropriate for the voltage being worked
A TDO fitted with a fuse element equal to or slightly exceeding the existing
fuse element, but no greater than 25A, can be used for energising and de-
energising the line.
When replacing the fuse unit, the existing fuse carrier must be secured prior to
replacement with a cable tie or large peg. This will ensure that it is not dislodged
during the procedure.
Consider fire risks when operating within high and extreme fire risk areas. For
more on this, see work practice 2.16 (Fire precautions for field work) in the
Work Practice Manual.


Never operate a fuse carrier by the gloved hand. An insulated operating stick
must be used.

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Hendrix cable

Hendrix cable systems can be energised or de-energised under these

o Only when performed under the instruction of a switching program.
o Only after the absence of load has been proven, including removal of all
transformer windings.
o On voltages up to 33kV.
o On cable sizes up to 185mm
o On cables no longer than 1000m.
During the risk assessment, the HV live work team must ensure that:
o the phases of the cables to be worked on are clearly identified
o the remote ends of the cables are in a safe and secure condition
o new, replaced or repaired cables have been tested according to the
commissioning sheet within the past 24 hours (or re-tested, if more than
24 hours has passed since the first test)
o an insulation resistance test has been performed prior to connecting
o the Construction Authority has issued a clearance to commission the
cable for new and repaired cables
Bridging tails must be controlled at all times to maintain minimum approach
distances (MADs) to secondary points of contact.

Replacing surge diverters

Insulated sticks must be used to energise/de-energise surge arresters. Ensure

that MADs are not breached when approaching the surge arresters.
Using insulated sticks as a tool provides an additional control measure for any
Key issues to consider when removing surge diverters

If the existing surge diverters are ceramic, all surge diverters must be replaced.
Disconnect and discharge the surge diverters before removing the earth
connection by:
cutting away the active lead
discharging the active lead to earth.
This must be performed with insulated sticks and tools.

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Key issues to consider when installing surge diverters

Only correctly rated and tested composite-type diverters may be installed.

Prior to installation, prove the integrity of the new composite diverters by
completing an insulation test using a 5000V insulation resistance tester (which
must display a minimum resistance of 1000M).
When installing new diverters:
1. Permanently connect the earth from each diverter so that all the diverter
earth leads are bonded and connected to earth.
2. Connect the new bridge to the phase end of the diverter.
3. Use a wire holding stick to touch-test the bridge to the live conductor.
4. Permanently connect the bridge to the live conductor.

Underground systems


HV live work must not be performed at the open end of an energised underground

Three-phase underground cables may only be energised/de-energised:

o when performed under the instruction of a switching program
o using a permanent or temporary switching device, i.e. pole top switch,
o using a specifically designed and tested load make/break tool.
If using a single-phase switching device to energise/de-energise three-phase
underground cable, the cable length must not exceed the critical cable length
at which ferroresonance may occur. For more on ferroresonance and critical
cable lengths, see work practice 2.12 (Ferroresonance) in this manual.
If cable lengths are at or near the critical length at which ferroresonance may
occur, use one of the following:
o Three-phase switching, e.g. a gang-operated switch.
o Single-phase switching connect a load box at the LV side of the
transformer prior to operating the DOFs/TDOs.
Underground cables can be energised/de-energised at the source of supply
end using G&B or DIS procedures.

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Installing recording equipment on an energised conductor

Recording equipment may be temporarily installed to energised conductors

and cables using the glove and barrier method or the insulated stick method.
The equipment must be rated for the voltage and current being applied.
If the recording equipment is to be left unattended, a mechanical securing
mechanism must be installed from the equipment to the conductor or cable.
The electrical connection of the equipment must not be solely relied upon to
secure the device.


High Voltage Live Work Manual, work practice:

o 2.12 (Ferroresonance)
o 8.5 (Installation and maintenance of pole-mounted switches)
Work Practice Manual, work practice 2.16 (Fire precautions for field work)

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8.5 Installation and maintenance of pole-mounted switches


The purpose of this work practice is to provide high voltage (HV) live workers with
the key principles for installing and maintaining pole-mounted switches.


This work practice applies to HV live workers installing or maintaining the following
pole-mounted switches performing HV live work using the glove and barrier
pole-top switches
load break switches


Key principles

When carrying out work on a load break switch or recloser, the following key
principles must be followed.
Energising/de-energising can only be performed under the instruction of a
switching program.
All switching apparatus must be visually inspected prior to removal and
Disable the remote control in the control box (if applicable).
Ensure that supervisory and sensitive earth fault (SEF) equipment is disabled
and tagged with an Information caution tag (if applicable).
If closed switches must be opened to perform maintenance, use appropriate
temporary bypass bridging tools. For more on this, see work practice 8.4
(Energising/de-energising and bypassing of conductors and apparatus glove
and barrier method) in this manual.
Ensure that new installation leads of the recloser/switch are connected and the
ends are tied back and the recloser/switch is in the open position.
Ensure that all earth connections are made prior to energising conductors.
On completion of work, check that the switch is in the correct position in
accordance with the switching program.
Remove the Information caution tag and enable supervisory and SEF
equipment (if applicable).
Enable the remote control in the control box (if applicable).

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

If switching apparatus has the capacity to be operated remotely, the status of the
apparatus must be verified with the switching operator. The remote control function
must be disabled prior to issuing the Vicinity Authority (VA).

Always perform a commissioning test using the relevant Distribution

Commissioning Work Instruction (DCWI) prior to connecting any insulated switch to
the live apparatus.


If closed switches must be opened to perform maintenance, use appropriate

temporary bypass bridging equipment.
High voltage (HV) live work must not be carried out on reclosers with internal
potential transformers (IVTs). For more on this, see work practice 1.0
(Introduction to HV live work) in this manual.

High Voltage Live Work Manual, work practices:
o 1.0 (Introduction to HV live work)
o 8.4 (Energising/de-energising and bypassing of conductors and apparatus
glove and barrier method)

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

8.6 Pole erection and recovery glove and barrier method


The purpose of this work practice is to outline how to erect and recover poles and
structures that are in close proximity to energised high voltage (HV) conductors.


The pole erection/recovery must be carried out under the control and direction
of a safety observer and a dogger. For more on these roles, see the following
work practices in the Work Practice Manual:
o 2.2 (Safety observer role)
o 2.20 (Dogger construction site).
Insulated gloves must be worn by any HV live worker who is controlling any
part of a pole (directly or with cant hooks) that is being raised or lowered near
live conductors. The insulating gloves must be electrically rated to the highest
voltage on the pole.
Ensure that the requirements in work practice 2.5 (Use of plant and equipment)
and section 4.0 (Mobile plant and related equipment for HV live work) are
complied with. These include:
o safe working load (SWL) and working load limit (WLL) considerations and
o insulation of the mobile plant, load and machinery
o earthing of mobile plant and machinery
o briefing and supervision and of crane operators and doggers

MADs and insulating barriers

Insulating barriers may need to be applied when erecting or recovering poles. This
depends on whether the mobile plant used infringes upon the minimum approach
distances (MADs) as outlined in work practice 4.0 (Mobile plant and related
equipment for HV live work), Table 1: Uninsulated mobile plant and loads
minimum clearances, in this manual. If the:
MADs can be maintained insulating barriers are not required.
MADs cannot be maintained one of the following must be done:
o apply insulating barriers to the pole or conductors
o move the conductors to a position so that the MADs can be maintained.

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It is advisable to position insulating barriers on the conductor even when MADs
can be maintained, as the barriers provide a good sight reference.

Insulating conductors and poles

When the MAD of 1200mm between the conductor and any uninsulated items (e.g.
crane, pole) cannot be achieved, insulating barriers must be applied to the
pole/cross-arm or to the conductors. The amount of insulation applied will depend
upon whether the phase-to-earth MAD of 450mm can be maintained between the
pole/cross-arm and conductors.
Single insulation fit one layer of insulation if the MAD can be maintained. This
is a precautionary measure.
Double insulation fit two layers of insulation if the MAD cannot be maintained
and inadvertent contact is possible. For more on this, see work practice 8.1
(Double insulation) in this manual.

Repositioning conductors

Replacing a pole in the same location requires the conductors to be displaced from
the existing pole to facilitate its removal.

The methods and equipment used to reposition conductors include:

a tag rope fitted with link sticks this releases and spreads the conductors
an elevated work platform (EWP) fitted with a gin pole to lift the conductors up
and away. For more on this, see work practice 4.2 (EWP and crane-mounted
conductor support equipment) in this manual.
other mobile plant and machinery (e.g. crane and lifting beam).

Releasing and spreading the conductors is dependent upon many factors such as
conductor condition, conductor weight, conductor span length, conductor ground
clearance, adjacent hazards and the presence of subcircuits. Due to the number of
factors, the preferred way to release and/or support conductors is to use mobile
plant and machinery as this allows for the best method of conductor control.


When erecting or recovering poles, live work rope and insulated rope is used for
two main purposes, listed below. When used for these purposes, the rope must
have a rated and tested insulating medium (i.e. link stick) fitted between the rope
and the conductor cover.

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

Tag ropes these are used to move the conductors to increase clearance to
facilitate pole erection or recovery.
Conductor cover positioning ropes these are used to slide the insulating
conductor covers along the conductor, to provide insulation either side of the
pole during pole erection and recovery.
For more on live work rope and insulated rope, see work practice 6.8 (Live work
rope and insulated rope) in this manual.

Replacing the pole

Ensure that the MADs are maintained between the conductors and the pole to
be erected. All attachments (e.g. cross-arms) must be taken into consideration
when calculating sufficient clearance between conductors and the pole.
If the MADs for mobile plant cannot be maintained, insulating pole covers must
be applied:
o to the upper parts of the pole, which will be at or near the conductor height
o around the earth leads.
If it is not possible to install insulating pole covers, double insulation must be
applied to the conductors.
The butt of the new pole must be controlled until it is positioned in the pole
Insulated gloves rated to the highest voltage on the structure must be worn by
the G&B worker on the ground when:
o handling and guiding the pole butt into the pole hole
o handling the pole when passing the pole between live conductors
o using cant hooks to rotate the pole.

Erecting poles
Positioning of crane borer

Position the crane borer in a location that will minimise the need for slewing of the
boom when the pole is being erected. The most desirable crane borer and pole
setup is shown in Figure 1, below. In this position, the majority of the lift is achieved
by lifting up and down, jibbing in and out and using the winch rope.

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Pole Hole

Figure 1: Crane borer and pole setup

Erecting a pole mid-span

Poles are commonly erected mid-span to increase ground clearance or to create a

new transformer position to meet new customer needs (see Figure 2, below).

Figure 2: Insulating barriers applied for a pole being erected mid-span

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Erecting a pole adjacent to an existing pole

Poles are commonly erected adjacent to an existing pole for convenience (i.e.
change over the conductors to the new pole then remove the older pole) and to
minimise changes to bay lengths (see Figure 3, below).

Figure 3: Insulating barriers applied for a pole being erected adjacent to an

existing pole

Adequate clearance is not usually possible when erecting poles adjacent to existing
poles, so it is usually necessary for conductors to be repositioned and/or have
insulating barriers applied.

The methods and equipment used to reposition conductors include:

a tag rope fitted with link sticks this releases and spreads the conductors
an elevated work platform (EWP) fitted with a gin pole to lift the conductors up
and away. For more on this, see work practice 4.2 (EWP and crane-mounted
conductor support equipment) in this manual.
an extension arm the HV worker repositions the conductors onto an
extension arm while using appropriate insulation. For more on this, see work
practice 8.2 (Rigging conductor support equipment glove and barrier method)
in this manual.
other mobile plant and machinery (e.g. crane and lifting beam).

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High Voltage Live Work Manual


High Voltage Live Work Manual:

o work practice 2.5 (Use of plant and equipment)
o section 4 (Use of plant and machinery)
o work practice 6.8 (Live work rope and insulated rope)
o work practice 8.1 (Double insulation)
o work practice 8.2 (Rigging conductor support equipment glove and
barrier method)
Work Practice Manual:
o work practice 2.2 (Safety observer role)
o work practice 2.20 (Dogger construction site)

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

8.7 This work practice has intentionally been left blank

Details on glove and barrier live work techniques using plant and machinery have
been moved and can now be found in section 4 (Use of plant and machinery) in this

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9.0 Distribution insulated stick method


The purpose of this work practice is to outline the general requirements when using
the distribution insulated stick method on high voltage (HV) apparatus on the
Western Power distribution network (i.e. 1kV to 33kV).


The HV live work team must only work on one potential at any given time. Take
care to ensure that the work of one person does not compromise the safety of the


The distribution insulated stick method must not be used on the transmission
network. Work on apparatus at transmission voltages must be done using the
method described in section 10 (Transmission insulated stick method) in this

Key requirements

HV live workers using the distribution insulated stick method must always:
maintain the minimum approach distance (MAD) between energised
conductors or electrical apparatus and their body
use insulated sticks that:
o can maintain rated insulation between the voltage being worked on, the
HV live workers body and other sources of electrical potential
o have the structural capacity to adequately manipulate or support the
electrical apparatus they are attached to and in contact with
o are suitable for safe work on energised conductors or electrical apparatus
in the specific work environment (i.e. environmental factors must be
o are within their electrical test date.
work under a Vicinity Authority (VA).

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High Voltage Live Work Manual


No HV live work must be undertaken without an applicable and approved HV live

work procedure.
If no applicable HV live work procedure is available, a draft procedure must be
produced by the work team intending to do the work. The draft procedure must be
submitted to, and approved by, Work Practice Development before it can be used.

Types of insulated sticks

Insulated fibreglass sticks (also known as hot sticks) are manufactured by winding
glass fibre onto a unicellular polyurethane foam core. There are two basic types of
insulated fibreglass sticks:
Hand sticks used to manipulate or operate electrical apparatus.
Supporting insulated sticks and supporting rigs used to support and
manipulate conductors or electrical apparatus during HV live work.

Hand guards

Hand guards indicating the MAD or tool insulation distance must be installed on all
hand sticks in a colour that is clearly visible on the stick. Guards must be secured
so they do not move during work.

The tool insulation distance is the distance between the part of the stick that is in
direct contact with energised apparatus and the hand guard. If there is any
likelihood energised apparatus may make contact beyond the metal working end of
the stick, such as during tying and untying, the tool insulation distance must be

The tool insulation distance must always be equal to or greater than the MAD.

The HV live worker must not encroach on either the MAD or the tool insulation

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The MADs are shown in Table 1, below.

Table 1: MADs* to be maintained by HV live workers for the distribution
insulated stick method

Minimum clearances between conductors

System (mm)
Conductor MAD
status (mm) Phase-to-earth Phase-to- Phase-to-
secured# earth phase

6.6 33 Bare 450 150 450 550

* The clearances in Table 1 are with the auto-reclose in the OFF position.
# Secured tied-in at the insulator and/or locked into a conductor trap with no possible risk of
the clearance being reduced.


If personnel cannot maintain the MADs from live apparatus, the task must not be

Auto-reclose OFF

The auto-reclose equipment controlling the circuit on which HV live work is to

be performed must be disabled for the duration of the work. The reasons for
disabling the auto-reclose equipment are as follows:
o On distribution systems, the surge from the reclose may create additional
voltage on the temporary insulation in use, creating a hazard for HV live
workers, insulation equipment and electrical apparatus.
o To limit the damaging mechanical forces resulting from fault currents.
o If there is an incident at the worksite, the HV live worker has the
assurance of knowing that the line will not be re-energised (which could
pose a further risk to HV live workers).
Operation of an auto-recloser on an HV live work site is a reportable incident
and all HV work must cease. For more on this, see work practice 2.8 (Incident
reporting) in this manual.

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

Safe working principles specific to distribution insulated stick work method

The following safe working principles are specific to distribution insulated stick
work. These supplement section 2 (Safe working principles) in this manual.
MADs must always be maintained.
Insulated sticks must be wiped clean and inspected prior to use. For more on
this, see work practice 5.1 (Equipment maintenance) in this manual.
Insulated sticks must only be used within their test approval dates.
All secondary points of contact, including energised conductors below, must
have rated insulated barriers applied. Secondary points of contact include
those that are within reach of items being manipulated by an insulated stick
(e.g. conductor tails).

Insulated EWP

Insulated EWPs may only be used within their test approval dates.
A minimum of 250mm clearance must be maintained between the EWP basket
and any second point of contact, unless covered with insulated barriers rated
for the highest voltage. When the insulating barriers have been applied to the
second point of contact then the EWP basket minimum clearance can be
reduced to accidental contact.

Working on a return wire

The return wire has the potential to become energised to the phase voltage under
fault conditions. The HV live worker using the insulated stick method must use the
following procedures and principles when working on the return wire:
DIS-Support-01 (Displace and replace return wire) in the High Voltage Live
Work Procedures Distribution Insulated Stick
6.30 (SWER return wire maintenance when the phase conductor is energised)
in the Work Practice Manual.


The HV live work team has the final say as to when they can or cannot do a task, or
whether they need to rest or rotate personnel. For more on this, see work practice
2.1 (Onsite risk assessment) in this manual.

All HV live workers must be authorised in the method that they are using. For more
on this, see work practice 3.3 (Authorisation and supervision) in this manual.

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

Minimum number of personnel

A minimum of three HV live workers are required for performing distribution

insulated stick method, except when performing the tasks listed in the Single
person aloft permitted tasks section, below.

Single person aloft permitted tasks

After a risk assessment by the HV live work team, it may be decided that only one
HV live worker needs to go aloft to perform a task (one team member must still act
as the safety observer). The following tasks are the only ones that may be
performed by a single person aloft using the distribution insulated stick method:
Structure, conductor and insulator inspection.
Installation or removal of fault detection equipment.
Installation or removal of insulating barriers or covers.
Tying and untying when the conductor is securely trapped and fully controlled.
Connecting and disconnecting of live line clamps.
Installation or removal of spreader ropes.
Tightening hardware (e.g. cross-arms and insulators).
Installing vibration dampers.
Installing bird diverters.


Single person aloft tasks only apply to personnel who are authorised as
unsupervised in the insulated stick method. For more on this, see work practice
3.3 (Authorisation and supervision) in this manual.


This section of the High Voltage Live Work Manual provides guidance on how to
perform HV live work using the distribution insulated stick method. For detailed
procedures using this method, see High Voltage Live Work Procedures
Distribution Insulated Stick.


AS 5804.1-2010 High-voltage live working General.

AS 5804.3-2010 High-voltage live working Stick work.
High Voltage Live Work Manual:
o section 2 (Safe working principles)

Rev 5, Jul 16 9.0 Distribution insulated stick method Page 5 of 6

High Voltage Live Work Manual

o work practice 3.3 (Authorisation and supervision)

o work practice 5.1 (Equipment maintenance)
o Work practice 10.0 (Transmission insulated stick method).
High Voltage Live Work Procedures Distribution Insulated Stick, DIS-
Support-01 (Displace and replace return wire).
Work Practice Manual, work practice 6.30 (SWER return wire maintenance
when the phase conductor is energised).

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

9.1 Applying fittings distribution insulated stick method


The purpose of this work practice is to outline how to use insulating sticks to apply
a range of fittings to a conductor. These fittings are usually applied as part of a
more involved task.


When applying these fittings, the high voltage (HV) live worker must always:
maintain the necessary minimum approach distances (MADs)
apply insulated covers to all secondary points of contact where there are
voltage potentials or a difference in potential from the item that is being
worked on


Conductor ties

When tying or untying conductors from an insulator, ensure that:

the insulation of the insulator is not breached
Phase-to-phase and phase-to-earth MADs are not breached
the high voltage (HV) live workers personal MADs are not breached

These points can be achieved by:

covering the cross arm and insulator support pin with insulated covers (for
preferred types, see Figures 1 and 2, below) or with insulated blankets and

Figures 1 and 2: Cross-arm hard cover

removing small pieces of tie wire to avoid bridging out the insulator

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maintaining the phase-to-earth and phase-to-earth secured MAD between the

structure and any energised part. For example:
o structure cross-arm and insulator pin for the two outer phases, pole and
insulator pin for the middle phase
o energised part conductor, conductor tie wire or wrap and metal part of
the insulated stick
For more information on MADs see section 9.0 Distribution insulated stick method
in this manual.



The conductor must be controlled at all times when applying a conductor tie.

1. Prepare the coil for application by halving the coil (see Figure 3, below).


On angle constructions, prepare the tie with the coils facing inwards as they
will end up facing out once the tie is crossed over along the conductor.

Figure 3: Separated tie coil

2. Wrap the tie around the insulator for one complete rotation. Ensure that the
coils are facing down and outwards (see Figure 4, below).

Figure 4: Tie attached to insulator*

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* The cross-arm cover has been removed in order to give a clear view of the coils.


If the MADs cannot be maintained between the unwound tie and any other
conductor or part of the structure, insulated covers must be applied before
removing the tie.

Repair splices and armour rods


During the application of repair splices and armour rods, unravelling can occur
which can cause the splice or rod to flick back towards the HV live worker and
adjacent conductors. To prevent flashover, apply rigid barriers on adjacent

1. Use a wire holding stick to clamp the three preformed splices or armour rod
and splices onto the conductor (see Figure 5, below).
2. Use a hot rodder tool, serviette ring or podger to wrap the three preformed
splices onto the conductor.
3. Wrap one splice length at a time over the conductor, starting from the middle of
the splice at the repair location. Repeat this using the second splice in the
space alongside the first length. Finally, apply the last splice to the remaining

Figure 5: Splice applied to conductor

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Termination helical fittings

1. Use a wire holding stick to secure the termination by clamping on one leg close
to the bend.
2. Use a hot rodder tool, a serviette ring or podger to wrap the secured leg onto
the conductor.
3. Transfer the wire holder onto the free leg of the termination and wrap onto the
conductor using the tool selected to do the wrapping. Once the free leg has
been partially wrapped, transfer the wire holder onto the conductor
(see Figure 6, below).
4. Finish wrapping onto the termination.

Figure 6: Helical termination being applied to a conductor

Bolted fittings

There are many items of hardware that may need to be bolted to a conductor.
These can include electrical connectors, suspension clamps, recorders and
markers. A range of tools are used to support these various fittings, including
straight pliers, all-angle pliers and podgers.

One of the items commonly bolted to a conductor is the disc insulator. An example
describing how to apply and remove this item is provided below.
Disc insulator application

To connect a conductor to a disc insulator with a suspension clamp, use either:

a clevis bolt and split pin
a clevis pin and a split pin that is then shaped to the W cotter pin configuration

The following photos and notes illustrate how to connect the conductor to the disc
insulator using a suspension clamp.

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1. Support the suspension clamp with a podger while

inserting the clevis bolt using pliers that have been
fitted to extension handles.

2. Use an all-angle cog wrench to thread the nut onto

the clevis bolt.

3. Insert the split pin using a split pin inserter.

4. Use pliers to place the tongue of the suspension

clamp onto the conductor.

a. Position U clamp over the tongue and then
apply and tighten the nut.

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b. An alternative to the clevis bolt is a clevis pin. It

can be inserted using the clevis pin holder.

Disc insulator removal

Figures 7 and 8, below, show the insertion/removal of clevis pins/bolts and split pins.

Figure 7: Clevis bolt and split pin Figure 8: Clevis pin and split pin
The W cotter pin configuration can be dislodged using a cotter pin pusher. In both
configurations, the disc insulator can be supported using an adjustable insulator
fork, while the conductor can be held secure by conductor support/strain equipment
or a wire holding stick.

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9.2 Rigging conductor support equipment distribution insulated

stick method


The purpose of this work practice is to provide the high voltage (HV) live worker
with information and guidance on how to use the distribution insulated stick method
to rig conductor support equipment to conductors under tension.

The figures shown in this work practice focus on conductor support equipment
rather than barriers. However, barriers must be used when installing and removing
all rigging and conductor support equipment.


Supporting and/or moving a conductor must be done in a manner that ensures total
control of the conductor at all times.

An evaluation and risk assessment of the conductor must be done during the pre-
job planning stage and the conductor must be inspected prior to work. For more on
this, see work practice 7.8 (Conductor characteristics) in this manual.


When moving and displacing conductors ensure that the MADs are maintained as
described in section 9.0 Distributed insulated stick method in this manual.

When using the phase-to-earth secured clearance of 150mm and the conductor tie
wire is to be removed then:
Prior to un-tying the conductor it must be secured and locked into the
conductor trap with a small amount of upward pressure applied.
You must ensure that there is absolutely no possible risk that the conductor,
conductor tie wire or conductor trap will breach the 150mm MAD to any second
point of contact while the conductor is being un-tied, moved and displaced.
If the MAD cannot be maintained then insulated barriers must be applied to all
second points of contact.


A conductor must never be left unsupported or unrestrained at any time.

HV live work methods must not be used to displace or tension copper
conductors that are 7/16 or smaller.

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Safe Working Load/Working Load Limit

The calculated conductor load:

o determines the HV live equipment that is to be used for supporting or
moving conductors
o must be matched against the safe working load (SWL) or working load
limit (WLL) of the HV live equipment
The SWL/WLL must be greater than, or equal to, the conductor load for the HV
live equipment (i.e. rigs) that is to be used.
The SWL/WLL and the conductor load must be established during the pre-job
planning stage.

For more information on:

conductor characteristics, loading and calculations, see section 7 (Conductors
and insulators) in this manual
the SWL/WLL of conductor support equipment, see work practice 6.4
(Conductor support equipment) in this manual

Support methods

Choosing which support method to use

An HV live work teams training, experience and collective planning ability will all
contribute to the decision on which support methods are appropriate to use to
achieve the desired outcome. More than one support method can be used on the
same structure at the same time.

Physically moving conductors using the distribution insulated stick method

A conductor can be repositioned using the distribution insulated stick method

provided that:
the HV live worker has assessed and determined that the weight of the
conductor to be lifted does not exceed their physical ability
only one conductor is moved at a time. The HV live worker controlling the
conductor must not have any other task to perform at the same time (e.g.
operating the elevated work platform (EWP) controls or repositioning insulating
full control of the conductor can be maintained at all times

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the conductor is repositioned either onto an insulator or onto a temporary

conductor support. The conductor may be repositioned onto the cross-arm if
double insulation is maintained.
the two HV live workers in the basket of the EWP do not contact different
potentials at the same time

Wire tong system

The wire tong system of supporting and moving conductors is versatile because it
can be used on all types of structures. The system uses tensioning devices and
levers to support and move conductors.

The principle components of the system are wire tongs, lever lifts, wire tong
saddles, snubbing brackets and tensioning devices.
Wire tongs:
o lifting tong this is a 63mm wire tong, and its main function is to lift and
support the majority of the conductor weight
o holding tong this is a 38mm wire tong, and its main function is to hold
and control the lateral movement of the conductor
Lever lift main function is to raise and lower the lifting tong.
Wire tong saddle a device that is secured to the pole using a chain tightener
and has a pole clamp that entraps the wire tong, allowing the wire tong to pivot
and slide in and out of the pole clamp. The 63mm wire tong saddle can be
used as an anchor point for ropes or tensioning devices.
Snubbing brackets these are fitted to the pole using a chain tightener and are
used as an anchor point for ropes or tensioning devices.
Tensioning devices includes a variety of equipment such as ropes, strap
hoists and pulleys that provide a method of moving the conductor in a fully
controlled manner.
Rigging a wire tong When attaching holding tong saddles to the pole, they
must be rigged on the opposite quarter to the conductor (see Figure 1, below,
for an example).
When rigging to move:
o conductor A, the holding tong saddle would be rigged to the pole in
quarter 4
o conductor C, the holding tong saddle would be rigged to the pole in
quarter 3

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Figure 1: Where to rig a holding tong saddle to a pole


To avoid the wire tongs being damaged, the wheel tighteners of all the
equipment must be positioned on the opposite side from the working side.
Wire tongs and associated equipment are usually rigged on the opposite
side of the pole to the cross-arm to facilitate replacement of the cross-

Rigging equipment

Extension arm

Supporting the conductor using a pole-mounted temporary conductor support

bracket SWL/WLL 68kg per wire holder

The pole-mounted temporary conductor support bracket (see Figure 2, below)

attaches to the pole for the temporary support of conductors, bridges, bypass
jumpers, etc. It is attached to the pole by either a chain tightener or a strap hoist,
with the larger section of the pole-securing bracket facing the ground to provide

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Figure 2: Extension arm pole mounted (without wire holder insulator)

The temporary conductor support bracket is available in two lengths:

750mm for single wire holder (single-phase)
1200mm for two wire holders (two-phase)

Wire holders can either be a fork type or an underslung C type. The SWLs/WLLs
of the support brackets per wire holder are:
fork type 68kg (vertical load)
C type 45kg (side load)

Wire holder insulators (see Figure 3, below) must be fitted between the support
arm and the conductor trap if the voltage exceeds the rated voltage of the support

Figure 3: Wire holder insulator

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Auxiliary arm assembly

Supporting conductors using an auxiliary arm assembly

The auxiliary arm assembly consists of a mast, cross-arm, arm braces and wire
holders. This assembly is attached to the pole using two lifting wire tong saddles.
The cross-arm can be fitted with fork or C type wire holders, depending on
whether the arm assembly is rigged above or below the existing cross-arm.

This assembly must always be used with at least one arm brace. A wire holder
insulator must be fitted between the support bracket and the conductor trap if the
rating of the equipment is below the phase voltage of the line.

The SWL/WLL of the rig is:

68kg with one arm brace attached
210kg with two arm braces attached

Figure 4: Auxiliary arm above conductors

The most common rigging position for the auxiliary arm is above the
conductors, to facilitate the conductors being raised into the wire holders (see
Figure 4, above). This position increases separation, providing better access
for the basket of the EWP.
The wire holders should be positioned on the auxiliary arm to align with the
conductor position on the existing cross-arm. The minimum conductor
separation that must be maintained is:
o phase-to-phase 550mm
o phase-to-earth 450mm
The upper wire tong saddle should be fitted to the pole on the opposite side to
the existing cross-arm and as high as possible while maintaining clearances.
The lower wire tong saddle should be fitted 1.0 to 1.2m vertically below the
upper saddle.

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A safety sling or tensioning device must be fitted between the butt ring of the
mast and one of the wire tong saddles. The height of the auxiliary arm
assembly can be adjusted by loosening off the wire tong pole clamps and
operating the tensioning device.

Upper saddle

Lower saddle

Figure 5: Auxiliary arm below conductors

The main reason that the auxiliary arm is rigged below the conductors (see Figure 5)
is to enable all conductors to be lifted at the same time by the operation of a
tensioning device.

V-arm support

The V-arm support rig (see Figure 6, below) must only be used for intermediate

The conductor load must be assessed and the SWL/WLL of the V-arm confirmed to
ensure that the load rating is not exceeded.

Figure 6: V-arm

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Wire tong rig

The wire tong rig can be applied in four different ways:

Wire tong rig Lever lift method intermediate constructions SWL/WLL
110kg for the outer two phases, 225 kg for the centre phase
Wire tong rig lever lift method alternate or deviation construction
SWL/WLL 110kg for the outer and centre phases
Wire tong rig standard pole saddle method SWL/WLL 110kg
Wire tong rig supported pole saddle method SWL/WLL 450kg

Wire tong rig lever lift method intermediate constructions SWL/WLL 110 kg for
the outer two phases, 225 kg for the centre phase

This rig (see Figure 7, below) has an SWL/WLL of 110kg and is suitable for
straight-line intermediate constructions and minor deviation constructions under six

Figure 7: Wire tong rig

This method is presented in three parts:

outer conductors outlines the rigging of wire tongs suitable for the outer
conductors such as on cross-arm constructions and stand-off insulators
centre conductors outlines the rigging of wire tongs suitable for constructions
which have the centre phase conductor
centre conductors that require repositioning outlines the rigging required to
reposition the centre conductors, e.g. when converting a flat construction to a
Delta construction

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Outer conductor maximum conductor loading 110kg

o All equipment is normally rigged to the pole on the opposite side to the
o Attach the 63mm lifting tong to the conductor with the jaws facing towards
the pole and positioned as close as possible to the insulator.
o Attach the lever lift to the lifting tongs butt from one end and is secured to
the pole by a chain tightener on the other end.
o Attach the 38mm holding tong to the conductor with the jaws facing down.
It should be positioned on the outside of the 63mm lifting tong.
o Attach the 38mm holding tong saddle to the pole with the tong clamp
positioned in the opposite quarter to the conductor.
o Vertically reposition the conductor by operating the tensioning device
which is attached to the lever lift. To move the conductor horizontally, slide
the 38mm wire tong through the clamp.
Centre conductor maximum conductor loading 225kg
This rig is suitable for constructions which have the centre conductor either
attached to the cross-arm within 300mm of the pole or attached to the pole top
o Attach the upper 63mm lifting tong saddle to the pole on the opposite side
to the cross-arm approximately 600mm below the conductor height.
o Attach the 63mm wire tong to the conductor as close as possible to the
o Attach the lower 63mm wire tong saddle approximately 1.2m directly
underneath the upper saddle.
o Rig a tensioning device between the lower 63mm wire tong saddle and the
butt ring of the wire tong.
o Reposition the centre conductor by operating the tensioning device.
Repositioning of the centre conductor
This rig is used when the new construction requires the centre conductor to be
relocated from the cross-arm to a pole-top bracket.
o The rig is similar to the centre conductor rig (explained above) with the
addition of 2 x 16mm ropes and the removal of the lower 63 mm lifting
tong saddle.
o The 2 x 16mm ropes are fitted with link sticks and are attached onto the
o Movement is controlled horizontally by the 2 x 16mm side ropes and
vertically by the operation of the tensioning device.

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An alternative is to attach 1 x 16mm rope fitted with link stick to the conductor
and another 16mm rope without link stick to the butt ring of the 63mm lifting
tong. Both ropes would be operated from the same side of the pole.

Wire tong rig lever lift method alternate or deviation constructions SWL/WLL
110kg for the outer and centre phases

This rig (see Figure 8, below) has an SWL/WLL of 110kg and is suitable for
alternate constructions and deviation constructions of six degrees and over.

Figure 8: Alternate or deviation wire tong rig

This method is similar to that used for intermediate constructions, with the following
Outer conductor
The rigging for the outer conductor on alternate or deviation constructions is
similar to intermediate constructions. However, instead of a holding tong, there
is a 16mm side rope connected to a link stick. The link stick is attached to the
centre conductor and tensioned using a tensioning device. This device is
anchored to a suitable anchor point near the ground and is used to control the
horizontal load. The link stick is positioned on the conductor between the jaws
of the lifting and holding tongs. Vertical movement remains the same as
intermediate constructions.
Centre conductor
The rigging for the centre conductor on deviation constructions is similar to
intermediate constructions, however the bottom saddle is not required. Instead,

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there is a 16mm side rope connected to a link stick attached to the conductor,
and is used to control horizontal movement.

Wire tong rig standard pole saddle method SWL/WLL 110kg

Figure 9: Wire tong saddle method

A variation to the lever lift method is the standard pole saddle method (see Figure 9,
above). This method is used when only one conductor needs to be moved. The
only difference between this method and the lever lift method for intermediate
constructions is that the lifting wire tongs are secured into pole clamps of lifting wire
tong saddles instead of being attached to lever lifts. The tensioning device is
coupled between the wire tong saddle and the butt ring of the wire tong.

The vertical repositioning of the conductor is achieved by operating the tensioning

device. Horizontal repositioning of the conductor is achieved by sliding the holding
wire tong through the clamp.

Wire tong rig supported pole saddle method SWL/WLL 450 kg

Figure 10: Supported wire tong saddle method

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The supported pole saddle method (see Figure 10, above) is similar to the standard
pole saddle method except that the holding tong is replaced by a link stick that is
attached as high as possible to the pole.

If a 16 mm rope is used (instead of an 18mm rope), it must be square-rigged

through a pulley block at the head of the pole with the fall of the rope connected to
a rope tackle or hoist. The rope tackle or hoist is then operated by the ground
worker. The conductor can be moved by loosening the wire tong saddles clamp
and operating the tensioning devices.

The tensioning device must never be rigged at or below the conductor height.
An insulating medium must be fitted between the conductor and the
tensioning device, e.g. a link stick or a synthetic insulator. The tensioning
device can be a rope tackle or a hoist.
The conductor must never be lowered to a position which is horizontally below
the height of the wire tong saddle of the lifting wire tong. In multi-phase
constructions, the lowest conductor is usually moved first to increase the
working clearance.

Crane support using insulation equipment

When using a crane to support conductors, all lifting equipment must be rated with

Insulated equipment must be:

visually inspected and wiped cleaned prior to use
rated to the voltage being worked on

Lifting beams must have insulation between conductor and the lifting beam and
between the lifting beam and the crane (see Figure 11, below).

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Figure 11: Lifting beam with insulation between conductor and the lifting
beam and between the lifting beam and the crane

Lifting devices that are positioned at an angle must have an extra de-rating applied.
Supports that are positioned at a 60 degree angle must be de-rated. The formula
for de-rating is:

SWL/WLL @ 60 = WLL (of one leg) x 1.73


The lowest SWL/WLL rating of any individual part of the lifting rig is the
maximum lifting capacity of the entire rig.

Use of polymeric insulators

Polymeric insulators must be:

visually inspected and wiped cleaned prior to use
rated to the voltage being worked on
tested and tagged at six monthly intervals

The SWL/WLL of the polymeric insulators must be calculated as this may limit the
lifting capacity of the rig. This is done by using the routine test load (RTL) supplied
by the manufacturer and applying a de-rating. The formula for the de-rating is:
(2 x 9.81)

Additional control methods

As the loading of the conductor nears the SWL/WLL of the equipment, it can be
difficult to maintain control of the conductor. This control problem can be
experienced as the lifting stick moves upward.

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If this problem is experienced or is identified as a potential hazard during the risk

assessment process, additional control of the conductor can be achieved by
implementing one of the following measures.
Additional assistance from another HV live worker, i.e. use two people to
control the tension devices. Rig a link stick with a 16mm rope tensioning
assembly and attach to the conductor (see Figure 12, below).

Figure 12: Single brace and tensioning device

Add a swivel wire tong band on the holding tong and tension it using 16mm
rope attached to the pole and control the rope from the ground (see Figures 13
and 14, below).

Figures 13 and 14: Use of tensioning rope

Connect a tensioning device between the butt ring of the holding tong and the
pole (see Figure 15, below).

Figure 15: Tensioning device between butt ring and pole

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The 16mm ropes in the rigs illustrated above can be replaced by either a strap
hoist or rope tackle.


High Voltage Live Work Manual:

o work practice 6.4 (Conductor support equipment)
o section 7 (Conductors and insulators)

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9.3 Energising/de-energising and bypassing conductors and

apparatus distribution insulated stick method


The purpose of this work practice is to provide high voltage (HV) live workers with
principles for:
energising and de-energising conductors and apparatus
bypassing conductors and apparatus (including replacing conductor bridges,
electrical connectors and apparatus).


Energising/de-energising principles

Energising and de-energising conductors, cables and apparatus must only be

undertaken as an item on a switching program issued by Network Operations
Control (NOC). All switching operations must be undertaken under the direct
supervision of an authorised switching operator.
Energising/ de-energising can be done with:
o rated load breaking devices (e.g. temporary drop out fuse (TDO) or inline


If the HV live worker is working on an overhead conductor and cannot

physically see the whole length of the line that will be energised, rated
load breaking devices must be used.

o non-load breaking devices (e.g. taps and bridges). Before energising/de-

energising, confirm that all electrical load has been removed. If in any
doubt, do not proceed.


Non-load breaking devices must never be used to make or break

load current.
If using non-load breaking devices, before disconnection, use an
ammeter to confirm that there is no electrical load greater than two
If the HV live worker is working on an overhead conductor and
cannot physically see the whole length of the line that will be
energised, use a rated load breaking device instead.

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Below are the key issues to be aware of when energising/de-energising conductors

and apparatus using the distribution insulated stick method:
Making or breaking load current The process of connecting or
disconnecting the load current drawn from the source by the load. Only use
equipment and/or tools rated to make or break the load.


Equipment and tools rated to make or break loads must only be operated using
an insulated stick.

Ferranti effect When over voltage (twice the system voltage) arises at the
open circuit end of an unloaded underground cable or overhead line due to the
inductive and capacitive nature of the line.


HV live work must not be performed at the open end of an energised

underground cable.

Ferroresonance The occurrence of an unstable over voltage when a three-

phase underground HV line (capacitive component), connected to an unloaded
three-phase transformer (inductive component), is disconnected by single-
phase means (one phase at a time). To avoid ferroresonance, use one of the
o Three-phase switching, e.g. a gang-operated switch.
o Single-phase switching, i.e. connect a load box at the low voltage (LV)
side of the transformer prior to operating the drop-out fuse (DOF).
For more on this, see work practice 2.12 (Ferroresonance) in this manual.

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Bypassing principles

Bypassing tools and/or equipment are used to temporarily bypass the flow of
electrical current through an electrical conductor or apparatus for the purpose of
replacing or removing the electrical conductor or apparatus.

Bypass jumpers must never be used to energise/de-energise or make and break

load current.

The following safety checks must be carried out when using bypassing tools or
Ensure that the bypass tools or equipment have a voltage and current rating
adequate for the conductor voltage and load. Conductor loads and peak loads
can be confirmed on NOC systems. This will involve establishing the feeder
load and peak load current from NOC and checking the current rating and
voltage rating of the available bypass tool or equipment.
The bypass equipment must be in test date, wiped clean and inspected prior to
An ammeter must be used to confirm the presence or absence of load on a
All bypass equipment must be checked with an ammeter to ensure current is
present in the device prior to disconnecting the original connection.
All electrical connections must be cleaned, greased and checked for tightness.
The conductor must be fully controlled at all times.
Ensure that double insulation is applied in locations where the bypass jumper
contacts, or could make contact with, the pole, cross-arm or any second point
of contact.
When using temporary bypasses with reclosers in the closed position, ensure
that any supervisory and sensitive earth fault (SEF) equipment is disabled and
tagged with an Information caution tag, as required by the switching

Load in the bypass equipment may be minimal due to differences in resistance

between the bypass equipment and conductor. However, the bypass equipment
and connections must be checked if a zero reading occurs.

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Overhead systems

Energising/de-energising lines under no load conditions

Permanent taps and bridges can be used for energising or de-energising open
aerial conductors on system voltages up to and including 33kV, provided there is
no load attached.
This must be performed in accordance with a switching program.
An ammeter must be used to prove the absence of load. A zero reading may
not be possible as an electrical apparatus with all load isolated may still be
carrying a charging current. A reading of up to two amps is acceptable.
The energising/de-energising principles above must be complied with.
For the maximum length of line to be energised or de-energised under no load
conditions, see Table 1 below.
Table 1: Maximum length of unloaded open aerial lines that can be energised
or de-energised by operating open wire taps and bridges

Maximum conductor length (km)

Voltage (kV)
De-energising Energising

11 15 Line of sight

22 4 Line of sight

33 1.5 Line of sight

Applying a temporary bypass jumper

Bypass jumpers (see Figure 1, below) are typically used to bypass devices such as
disconnect isolators, air break switches and electrical connections to maintain
continuity of supply. Ensure that the bypassing principles are complied with.

Figure 1: Temporary bypass jumper

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Applying a TDO device

A common energising/de-energising application is a TDO device (see Figure 2).

TDOs must be used for the following:

to replace an expulsion DOF unit directly supplying transformers
to energise a circuit to prove that no fault conditions exist i.e. on a length of

Figure 2: Bypassing via a TDO

Below are the key points to follow when using a TDO:

The energising/de-energising principles above must be followed.
The voltage rating of the TDO must be appropriate to the voltage being worked
The TDO can be attached to the overhead conductor by a grip-all (shotgun)
A TDO fitted with a fuse element equal to or slightly exceeding the existing
fuse element , but no greater than 25A, can be used for energising and de-
energising the line.
When replacing the fuse unit, the existing fuse carrier must be secured prior to
replacement with a cable tie or large peg. This will ensure that it is not
dislodged during the procedure.
Consider fire risks when operating within high and extreme fire risk areas. For
more on this, see work practice 2.16 (Fire precautions for field work) in the
Work Practice Manual.

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Hendrix cable

Hendrix cable systems and HV aerial bundled conductor (ABC) systems can
be energised or de-energised under these conditions:
o Only when performed under the instruction of a switching program.
o Only after the absence of load has been proven, including removal of all
transformer windings.
o On voltages up to 33kV.
o On cable sizes up to 185mm .
o On cables no longer than 1000m.
During the risk assessment, the HV live work team must ensure that:
o the phases of the cables to be worked on are clearly identified
o the remote ends of the cables are in a safe and secure condition
o new, replaced or repaired cables have been tested according to the
commissioning sheet within the past 24 hours (or re-tested, if more than
24 hours has passed since the first test)
o an insulation resistance test has been performed prior to connecting
o the Construction Authority has issued a clearance to commission the cable
for new and repaired cables
Bridging tails must be controlled at all times to maintain minimum approach
distances (MADs) to secondary points of contact.

Use a wire holding stick and cutters to remove existing bridges.

Replacing surge diverters

Insulated sticks must be used to energise/de-energise surge arresters. Ensure

that the MADs are not breached when approaching the surge arresters.
Using insulated sticks as a tool provides an additional control measure for any
Key issues to consider when removing surge diverters

If the existing surge diverters are ceramic, all surge diverters must be replaced.
Disconnect and discharge the surge diverter before removing the earth
connection by:
cutting away the active lead
discharging the active lead to earth.

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

This must be performed with insulated sticks and tools.

Key issues to consider when installing surge diverters
Only correctly rated and tested composite-type diverters may be installed.
Prior to installation, prove the integrity of the new composite diverters by
completing an insulation test using a 5000V insulation resistance tester (which
must display a minimum resistance of 1000M).
When installing new diverters:
1. Permanently connect the earth from each diverter so that all the diverter
earth leads are bonded and connected to earth.
2. Connect the new bridge to the phase end of the diverter.
3. Use a wire holding stick to touch-test the bridge to the live conductor.
4. Permanently connect the bridge to the live conductor.

Underground systems


HV live work must not be performed at the open end of an energised underground

Three-phase underground cables may only be energised/de-energised:

o when performed under the instruction of a switching program
o using a permanent or temporary switching device, i.e. pole top switch,
o using a specifically designed and tested load make/break tool.
If using a single-phase switching device to energise/de-energise three-phase
underground cable, the cable length must not exceed the critical cable length
at which ferroresonance may occur. For more on ferroresonance and critical
cable lengths, see work practice 2.12 (Ferroresonance) in this manual.
If cable lengths are at or near the critical length at which ferroresonance may
occur, use one of the following:
o Three-phase switching, e.g. a gang-operated switch.
o Single-phase switching connect a load box at the LV side of the
transformer prior to operating the DOFs/TDOs.
Underground cables can be energised/de-energised at the source of supply
end using DIS or G&B procedures.

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Installing recording equipment on an energised conductor

Recording equipment may be temporarily installed to energised conductors

and cables using the insulated stick method.
The equipment must be rated for the voltage and current being applied.
If the recording equipment is to be left unattended, a mechanical securing
mechanism must be installed from the equipment to the conductor or cable.
The electrical connection of the equipment must not be solely relied upon to
secure the device.


High Voltage Live Work Manual, work practice 2.12 (Ferroresonance)

Work Practice Manual, work practice 2.16 (Fire precautions for field work)

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

9.4 Pole erection and recovery distribution insulated stick



The purpose of this work practice is to outline how to erect and recover poles and
structures that are in close proximity to energised high voltage (HV) conductors.


The pole erection/recovery must be carried out under the control and direction
of a safety observer and a dogger. For more on these roles, see the following
work practices in the Work Practice Manual:
o 2.2 (Safety observer role)
o 2.20 (Dogger construction site).
Insulated gloves must be worn by any HV live worker who is controlling any
part of a pole (directly or with cant hooks) that is being raised or lowered near
live conductors. The insulating gloves must be electrically rated to the highest
voltage on the pole.
Ensure that the requirements in work practice 2.5 (Use of plant and equipment)
and section 4.0 (Mobile plant and related equipment for HV live work) are
complied with. These include:
o safe working load (SWL) and working load limit (WLL) considerations and
o insulation of the mobile plant, load and machinery
o earthing of mobile plant and machinery
o briefing and supervision and of crane operators and doggers

MADs and insulating barriers

Insulating barriers may need to be applied when erecting or recovering poles. This
depends on whether the mobile plant used infringes upon the minimum approach
distances (MADs) as outlined in work practice 4.0 (Mobile plant and related
equipment for HV live work), Table 1: Uninsulated mobile plant and loads
minimum clearances, in this manual. If the:
MADs can be maintained insulating barriers are not required.
MADs cannot be maintained one of the following must be done:
o apply insulating barriers to the pole or conductors
o move the conductors to a position so that the MADs can be maintained.

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It is advisable to position insulating barriers on the conductor even when MADs
can be maintained, as the barriers provide a good sight reference.

Insulating conductors and poles

When the MAD of 1200mm between the conductor and any uninsulated items (e.g.
crane, pole) cannot be achieved, insulating barriers must be applied to the
pole/cross-arm or to the conductors. The amount of insulation applied will depend
upon whether the phase-to-earth MAD of 450mm can be maintained between the
pole/cross-arm and conductors.
Single insulation fit one layer of insulation if the MAD can be maintained. This
is a precautionary measure.
Double insulation fit two layers of insulation if the MAD cannot be maintained
and inadvertent contact is possible. For more on this, see work practice 8.1
(Double insulation) in this manual.

Repositioning conductors

Replacing a pole in the same location requires the conductors to be displaced from
the existing pole to facilitate its removal.

The methods and equipment used to reposition conductors include:

a tag rope fitted with link sticks this releases and spreads the conductors
an elevated work platform (EWP) fitted with a gin pole to lift the conductors up
and away. For more on this, see work practice 4.2 (EWP and crane-mounted
conductor support equipment) in this manual.
other mobile plant and machinery (e.g. crane and lifting beam).

Releasing and spreading the conductors is dependent upon many factors such as
conductor condition, conductor weight, conductor span length, conductor ground
clearance, adjacent hazards and the presence of sub-circuits. Due to the number of
factors, the preferred way to release and/or support conductors is to use mobile
plant and machinery as this allows for the best method of conductor control.

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When erecting or recovering poles, live work rope and insulated rope is used for
two main purposes, listed below. When used for these purposes, the rope must
have a rated and tested insulating medium (i.e. link stick) fitted between the rope
and the conductor cover.
Tag ropes these are used to move the conductors to increase clearance to
facilitate pole erection or recovery.
Conductor cover positioning ropes these are used to slide the insulating
conductor covers along the conductor, to provide insulation either side of the
pole during pole erection and recovery.

For more on live work rope and insulated rope, see work practice 6.8 (Live work
rope and insulated rope) in this manual.

Replacing the pole

Ensure that the MADs are maintained between the conductors and the pole to
be erected. All attachments (e.g. cross-arms) must be taken into consideration
when calculating sufficient clearance between conductors and the pole.
If the MADs for mobile plant cannot be maintained, insulating pole covers must
be applied:
o to the upper parts of the pole which will be at or near the conductor height
o around the earth leads.
If it is not possible to install insulating pole covers, double insulation must be
applied to the conductors.
The butt of the new pole must be controlled until it is positioned in the pole
Insulated gloves rated to the highest voltage on the structure must be worn by
the DIS worker on the ground when:
o handling and guiding the pole butt into the pole hole.
o handling the pole when passing the pole between live conductors
o using cant hooks to rotate the pole.

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Erecting poles
Positioning of crane borer

Position the crane borer in a location that will minimise the need for slewing of the
boom when the pole is being erected. The most desirable crane borer and pole
setup is shown in Figure 1, below. In this position, the majority of the lift is achieved
by lifting up and down, jibbing in and out and using the winch rope.

Pole Hole

Figure 1: Crane borer and pole setup

Erecting a pole mid-span

Poles are commonly erected mid-span to increase ground clearance or to create a

new transformer position to meet new customer needs (see Figure 2, below).

Figure 2: Insulating barriers applied for a pole being erected mid-span

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Erecting a pole adjacent to an existing pole

Poles are commonly erected adjacent to an existing pole for convenience (i.e.
change over the conductors to the new pole then remove the older pole) and to
minimise changes to bay lengths (see Figure 3, below).

Figure 3: Insulating barriers applied for a pole being erected adjacent to an

existing pole

Adequate clearance is not usually possible when erecting poles adjacent to existing
poles, so it is usually necessary for conductors to be repositioned and/or have
insulating barriers applied.

The methods and equipment used to reposition conductors include:

a tag rope fitted with link sticks this releases and spreads the conductors
an elevated work platform (EWP) fitted with a gin pole to lift the conductors up
and away. For more on this, see work practice 4.2 (EWP and crane-mounted
conductor support equipment) in this manual.
an extension arm the HV live worker repositions the conductors onto an
extension arm by using insulated sticks, tensioning devices, levers and/or
pulleys and appropriate insulation. For more on this, see work practice 9.2
(Rigging conductor support equipment distribution stick method) in this
other mobile plant and machinery (e.g. crane and lifting beam).

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High Voltage Live Work Manual:

o work practice 2.5 (Use of plant and equipment)
o section 4 (Use of plant and machinery)
o work practice 6.8 (Live work rope and insulated rope)
o work practice 9.2 (Rigging conductor support equipment distribution stick
Work Practice Manual:
o work practice 2.2 (Safety observer role)
o work practice 2.20 (Dogger construction site)

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method DM# 8246903
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9.5 This work practice has intentionally been left blank

Details on distribution stick live work techniques using plant and machinery have
been moved and can now be found in section 4 (Use of plant and machinery) in this

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10.0 Transmission insulated stick method


The purpose of this work practice is to outline the general requirements when using
the transmission insulated stick method on high voltage (HV) apparatus on the
Western Power transmission network (i.e. 66kV up to and including 132kV).


The HV live work team must only work on one potential at any given time. Take
care to ensure that the work of one person does not compromise the safety of the

Key requirements

HV live workers using the transmission insulated stick method must always:
maintain the minimum approach distance (MAD) between energised
conductors or electrical apparatus and their body
use insulated sticks that:
o can maintain rated insulation between the voltage being worked on and
the HV live workers body and other sources of electrical potential
o have the structural capacity to adequately manipulate or support the
electrical apparatus they are attached to and in contact with
o are suitable for safe work on energised conductors or electrical apparatus
in the specific work environment (i.e. environmental factors must be
work under a Vicinity Authority (VA).


No HV live work must be undertaken without an applicable and approved HV live

work procedure.
If no applicable HV live work procedure is available, a draft procedure must be
produced by the work team intending to do the work. The draft procedure must be
submitted to, and approved by, Work Practice Development before it can be used.

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

Types of insulated sticks

Insulated fibreglass sticks (also known as hot sticks) are manufactured by winding
glass fibre onto a unicellular polyurethane foam core. There are two basic types of
insulated fibreglass sticks:
Hand sticks used to manipulate or operate electrical apparatus.
Supporting insulated sticks and supporting rigs used to support and
manipulate conductors or electrical apparatus during HV live work.

Hand guards

Hand guards indicating the MAD or tool insulation distance must be installed on all
hand sticks in a colour that is clearly visible on the stick. Guards must be secured
so they do not move during work.

The tool insulation distance is the distance between the part of the stick that is in
direct contact with energised apparatus and the hand guard. If there is any
likelihood energised apparatus may make contact beyond the metal working end of
the stick, the tool insulation distance must be adjusted.

The tool insulation distance must always be equal to or greater than the MAD.

The HV live worker must not encroach on either the MAD or the tool insulation


The MADs are shown in Table 1, below.

Table 1: MADs for the transmission insulated stick method*

System Minimum clearances between

Conductor MAD conductors (mm)
status (mm)
(kV) Phase-to-earth Phase-to-phase

66 Bare 820 1000 1000

132 Bare 1200 1200 1300

* The clearances in Table 1 are with the auto-reclose function in the OFF position.


If personnel cannot maintain the MADs from live apparatus, the task must not be

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

Auto-reclose OFF

The auto-reclose equipment controlling the circuit on which HV live work is to

be performed must be disabled for the duration of the work. The reason for
disabling the auto-reclose equipment is because if there is an incident at the
worksite, the HV live worker has the assurance of knowing the line will not be
re-energised (which could pose a further risk to HV live workers).
Operation of an auto-recloser at an HV live work site is a reportable incident
and all HV work must cease. For more on this, see work practice 2.8 (Incident
reporting) in this manual.

Safe working principles specific to transmission insulated stick method

The following safe working principles apply to transmission insulated stick work.
These supplement those outlined in section 2 (Safe working principles) in this
MADs must always be maintained.
Insulated sticks must be wiped clean and inspected prior to use. For more on
this, see work practice 5.1 (Equipment maintenance) in this manual.
Insulating sticks must only be used within their test approval dates.
When installing or removing down earths from an overhead earth wire, HV live
workers must wear Class 4 (36kV) insulated gloves. For more on this, see
work practice 6.15 (Down earth assemblies maintenance) in the Work
Practice Manual.


This section of the High Voltage Live Work Manual provides guidance on the
principles of HV live work using the transmission insulated stick method. For
detailed procedures using this method, see High Voltage Live Work Procedures
Transmission Insulated Stick.


AS 5804.1-2010 High-voltage live working General.

AS 5804.3-2010 High-voltage live working Stick work.
High Voltage Live Work Manual:
o section 2 (Safe working principles)
o work practice 5.1 (Equipment maintenance).
High Voltage Live Work Procedures Transmission Insulated Stick.

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

Work Practice Manual, work practice 6.15 (Down earth assemblies


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10.1 This section has been left blank intentionally

Work practice 10.1 (Applying a bolted fitting - transmission insulated stick method)
has been replaced by TIS-02 Insulator and conductor disconnection/reconnection
in the High Voltage Live Work Procedures Transmission Insulated Stick.

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10.2 This section has been left blank intentionally

Work practice 10.2 (Rigging conductor support equipment transmission insulated

stick method) has been replaced by TIS-05 Wire tong support pole saddle method
in the High Voltage Live Work Procedures Transmission Insulated Stick.

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10.3 This section has been left blank intentionally

Work practice 10.3 (Displacing conductors using crane and lifting beam
transmission insulated stick method) has been replaced by TIS-04 Displacing
conductors using crane and lifting beam in the High Voltage Live Work Procedures
Transmission Insulated Stick.

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High Voltage Live Work Manual

10.4 This section has been left blank intentionally

Work practice 10.4 (Crane-mounted conductor support equipment transmission

insulated stick method) has been replaced by TIS-03 3-pole construction (cricket
wicket) pole change in the High Voltage Live Work Procedures Transmission
Insulated Stick.

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Appendix 1 Apparent temperature index

Use the table on the following page to help determine the risks associated with
performing high voltage (HV) live work in warm weather.

The apparent temperature heat and humidity index is a guide to how hot it really
feels when relative humidity is factored in with the ambient temperature. The index
is based on shade temperatures and light wind. The apparent temperature may
increase in full sunlight by up to 8 C when the sun is at its highest point.


Steadman Apparent Temperature table. Obtained 23 February 2015 from


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Appendix 2 HV live work training interview questions

This appendix contains the questions to be used during the selection process for
high voltage (HV) live work. These questions assist in determining an applicants
aptitude and suitability for HV live work.

About the interview


Results of interviews must be formally recorded and placed in the applicants

personnel file along with all documentation involving the application.

Interview panel

The interview panel must include at least:

one person authorised for HV live work on the Western Power Network
one independent person


Applicants must be given the opportunity to read the following from the High
Voltage Live Work Manual:
section 1 (Introduction to HV live work)
work practice 2.1 (Onsite risk assessment)
work practice 2.3 (Permits, network protective devices and communication)
work practice 4.0 (Mobile plant and related equipment for HV live work)
work practice 5.1 (Equipment maintenance)
work practice 7.0 (Conductors and insulators)
work practice 9.0 (Distribution insulated stick method)

Questions and scoring

The questions are divided into two sections:

o Aptitude These questions are about determining the applicants aptitude
and suitability for HV live work and looks at the applicants existing
experience, safety record and attitude.
o Knowledge These questions cover core HV live work, safety principles
and work practices that are covered in the pre-reading.

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The required response is listed below each question.

Each question must be scored on a scale from one to six, where four is
required as a pass and six is excellent.

Interview questions


1. Current experience

Please tell us about your existing experience with overhead line work.

The applicant must be able to demonstrate a sound knowledge and depth of

experience in overhead line work. Experience should include
exposure to transmission, HV, low voltage (LV), faults, etc.
exposure to LV live work
supervising others
length and currency of experience

2. Safety attitude

Please provide an example of where you have demonstrated safety leadership

or initiative by making sound decisions regarding safety. It may have involved
risk assessment, control measures or a situation where you refused to accept
unsafe behaviour.

The applicant must be able to provide examples where they have proactively
demonstrated leadership by making decisions to:
include additional risk control measures for specific risks
used initiative to find safer alternatives
tackled unsafe behaviours

3. Motivation

Please tell us why you want to be trained as a high voltage live worker.

The applicant must be able to provide positive motivational reasons based on

challenges and continuous improvement.

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4. Working independently and staying focused

Please give an example of where you have worked independently, stayed

focused and safely completed the job.

The applicant must be able to provide examples of:

being able to work independently without constant supervision
staying focused on the job and not being distracted
consistently being able to safely complete tasks within defined timeframes

5. Working relationships and team

Please describe a time where, working as a team, you have been actively
involved in resolving a problem, conflict or difference of opinion.

The applicant must be able to provide clear examples of where they have
a key role in bringing the team together in resolving a problem
resolved a conflict or difference of opinion within the team

Examples may include accepting constructive advice from others.


1. Understanding of HV live work

Please tell us what your understanding of high voltage live work with glove and
barrier or insulated sticks is.

From the pre-reading, the applicant must be able to describe the key concepts
of HV live work including a basic understanding of glove and barrier and
insulated stick work.

The applicant must be able to provide some examples where HV live work is
typically used, e.g. changing in-line pole, insulator.

2. Risk assessment

Can you name some of the issues you would need to consider during onsite
risk assessment for high voltage live work?

The applicant must be able to name a minimum of four of the considerations

outlined in the work practice 2.1 (Onsite risk assessment) in this manual.

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3. Permit system

High voltage live work in Western Power is performed under what permit?

The applicant must be able to name the Vicinity Authority (VA) permit.

4. Notification

Who must be notified prior to any high voltage live work being undertaken?

The applicant must be able to identify Network Operations Control (NOC).

5. Levels of insulation

What do you think is meant by two levels of insulation with high voltage live

The applicant must be able to adequately explain the basic concept as outlined
in section 1 (Introduction to HV live work) in this manual.

6. Secondary point of contact

What is meant by a secondary point of contact?

The applicant must be able to adequately explain the basic concept as outlined
in section 1 (Introduction to HV live work) in this manual (see below).

All electrical apparatus or earth structures operating at different potentials to

the primary point of contact under live work.

7. Minimum approach distances (MADs)

What is your understanding of minimum approach distances? Are you familiar

with any MADs?

The applicant must demonstrate awareness of the 450 mm MAD for insulated
stick work up to 33 kV as outlined in work practice 9.0 (Distribution insulated
stick method) in this manual.

8. Circuit protection

What do you need to ensure with circuit protection prior to high voltage live

The applicant must be able to show awareness that network protective devices
must be operational in the circuit being worked on. These devices must be
capable of detecting and clearing faults at the worksite.

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9. Mobile plant

What must be considered prior to starting work when using mobile plant such
as cranes and EWPs?

The applicant must be able to provide some of the following answers:

safe working loads (SWL) or working load limits (WLL) of the mobile plant
and equipment
insulation of the mobile plant
MADs for the uninsulated part of the plant load
earthing of mobile plant
inspection of existing pole top structures or assemblies using an elevated
work platform (EWP)
locating people, cranes, EWPs and vehicles outside of any possible pole
assembly or aerial failure pathway

10. Care and maintenance

Why is the inspection, cleaning and testing of insulated sticks, gloves, sleeves
and other equipment so important?

The applicant must be able to demonstrate awareness that:

The electrical and structural integrity of HV equipment and tools is critical to the
safety of the HV live worker. Inspection, care, maintenance, testing and
storage requirements must be strictly followed. Personnel must maintain HV
live work equipment and ensure that it is in a serviceable condition.

11. Supporting conductors

What must be considered in order to properly manage the risks associated with
working on conductors?

The applicant must have an awareness that the HV live worker needs to
the risks associated with moving conductors and mechanical loads
the different types of conductors in Western Power and the risks
associated with each

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High Voltage Live Work Manual:

section 1 (Introduction to HV live work)
work practice 2.1 (Onsite risk assessment)
work practice 2.3 (Permits, network protective devices and communication)
work practice 4.0 (Mobile plant and related equipment for HV live work)
work practice 5.1 (Equipment maintenance)
work practice 7.0 (Conductors and insulators)
work practice 9.0 (Distribution insulated stick method)

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Appendix 3 This appendix has intentionally been left blank

HV live work training Peer review has been removed from this manual as it is no
longer in use. Relevant details on the high voltage (HV) live work selection process
can be found in section 3 (Training, competency and auditing requirements) in this

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Appendix 4 International Beauforts Scale

Wind velocity
Grade Denomination Indicator

0 Calm Smoke rises vertically 0 to 1

Smoke rises almost vertically,
1 Light air 2 to 6
motion of air barely detectable
Tree and shrub foliage hums,
2 Light breeze surface of standing water rippled, a 7 to 12
light flag in motion
Tree and shrub foliage hums,
3 Gentle breeze surface of standing water rippled, a 13 to 18
light flag in motion

4 Moderate breeze Tree twigs in motion, flags flutter 19 to 25

Tree branches in motion, surface of
standing water covered with small,
5 Fresh breeze 26 to 35
rolling waves, wind feels
Wind howls in forests and
buildings, lighter trees in motion,
6 Strong breeze surface of standing water covered 36 to 45
with rolling waves and with an
occasional choppy wave
Wind bends trees, surface of
7 Moderate gale standing water covered with 46 to 54
chopping, rolling waves
Wind bends trees, breaks off twigs,
howling of wind in forests audible at
8 Fresh gale 55 to 65
a distance, walking against the
wind is difficult
Wind overturns lighter objects
knocks down roofing tiles, breaks
9 Strong gale 66 to 77
off branches and small trees,
walking in the wind is very difficult
Wind breaks and uproots grown
10 Whole gale 78 to 90
Causes extensive damage to
11 Storm forests and buildings, knocks down 91 to 104
Causes extensive destruction,
12 Cyclone knocks down roofs and chimneys, Greater than 104
moves heavy objects

Rev 3, Mar 15 Appendix 4 International Beauforts Scale Page 1 of 2

High Voltage Live Work Manual

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Page 2 of 2 Appendix 4 International Beauforts Scale Rev 3, Mar 15


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